What is a videlphone on windows 7. For what you need a virtual machine

The rapid development of virtualization technologies has had a significant impact not only on the development of the IT infrastructure of large enterprises. Table power personal computers Reached this level when one physical machine can support several simultaneously running operating systems in virtual machines. A few years ago, virtual machines were something exotic for end users who set them, mostly, for informational purposes. Now multi-core processors and large volumes random access memory On the home or office computer is not uncommon, and this allows you to invent new options for their use in the context of virtualization technologies.

Many users find a variety of use of virtualization desktop platforms, both at home and at work. After all, the virtual machine, compared with the physical, has significantly greater flexibility regarding tolerance to another physical platform. In addition, over the past couple of years, the quality of desktop platforms of virtualization in relation to functionality, ease of use and speed has increased significantly. Relatively recently supported hardware virtualization in desktop systems, says that leading processor manufacturers, such as Intel and AMD, believe in the future of virtualization technologies on personal computers.

Of course, such bulky and demanding hardware resources operating systems, like Windows Vista, are able to absorb the power of custom desktops, whatever they were, but progress does not stand still, and the further development of desktop hardware platforms will soon provide the opportunity to support several such systems at the same time , satisfying speed requirements. Nevertheless, many users believe that the use of home virtualization technologies is not necessary and consider the virtualization of another specific technology that will not have much influence on them. Mostly, this is due to the fact that they do not see decent ways to apply virtual machines.

In business, virtualization technology is implemented mainly to maintain the virtual infrastructure of the company servers and on end users have a very small effect. In this article, we will show that almost any user of a personal computer can apply virtualization technologies to improve the efficiency of their work at a personal computer at home, as well as for everyday tasks in the workplace.

How to use virtual cars at home

Most of the users of personal computers often face the problem of using potentially dangerous or unstable applications that can either damage the operating system, or have an impact on the operation of other programs. Often home computerwhere the working documents are also located, are used by several people, among which not everyone understands how to contact him with it not to damage important data or the operating system. Creating User Type Accounts does not solve this problem, since administrative rights are needed to install many applications, and work at a computer in this mode significantly limits its use. Of course, many are also encountered with the problem of transferring the operating system and installed applications On another computer when purchasing it. The category of users actively using laptops faces the problem of data synchronization between it and a stationary computer. After all, not only file synchronization is needed, but it is also necessary to use alone applications at work and at home. For many people, it is also important that the ability to work with various operating systems, which in this case does not require high speed. At the same time, for example, working in Linux, the user needs to access Windows applications, and for this you have to restart the computer. And the main problem in training is the impossibility of modeling a real network between multiple computers if one has available. All these and many other problems can solve the use of virtual machines in desktop virtualization systems.

The main options home use Virtual machines are as follows:

  • Creating a personal virtual environment, isolated from the host system, which allows you to use several copies of work environments on one computer, completely isolated from each other. Unfortunately, such a model eliminates the use of virtual media for 3D games, since the manufacturers of virtualization platforms have not learned to fully maintain the emulation of all the functions of the video adapter. Ahead of all at the moment in this respect, VMware, which, in the latest versions of its VMware Workstation, included functions on experimental support for Direct-3D and shaders. However, not so long ago, PCI-SIG company developing the standard PCI EXPRESS.published new PCI Express 2.0 Standard Specifications in which support for I / O virtualization functions that greatly simplify guest systems access to physical hardware. Undoubtedly, not far from the mountain is the time when we will play games on virtual machines.
  • Creating portable virtual machines, ready to use on any other platform-compatible architecture. If you need to demonstrate the work of any program, while it or the surroundings of the operating system must be determined in a certain way - virtual machines are the best option in this case. Make in the virtual machine all the necessary actions, write it down on the DVD and where you need to show how everything works, install the virtualization platform and start the virtual machine.
  • Receiving secure user environment for the Internet. When working on the Internet, which, as everyone knows, is pretty filled with viruses and "Troyan horses", launching an Internet browser in User-mode mode for many is not an acceptable solution, in terms of safety. Indeed, in software, including in operating systems, there are many vulnerabilities, through which malware can damage important data. The virtual machine in this case is a more advantageous option, since a malicious program after receiving control over the operating system in a virtual machine, it can cause damage only inside it without affecting the host OS. By the way, recent times began to appear viruses that detect their presence in the virtual machine and not outstanding themselves in this case, but so far such malicious programs Units, and in any case, harm to important data will not be applied, until infected objects be transferred to the host OS. Therefore, the use of virtual machines in this case does not exclude the use of antivirus software.
  • Creating an environment for experiments with potentially dangerous software. On the virtual machine you can painlessly test the new registry cleaner or disk utility. You can also install an applied software without any risk, which can damage the system or your data under certain conditions. In this case, the virtual machine acts as the "sandbox" in which your programs are played. You can quietly watch their work and study them without worrying at the same time for the safety of data.
  • Convenient and simple backup custom media. Ultimately, the virtual machine is just a folder with files on your computer, which can be copied to the backup media, and then easily restored. In this case, you do not need to create hard disk images to make backup Your system.
  • The ability to teach working with operating systems other than your host. Of course, you can install the second OS parallel to your main system, but in this case, if you need any application from the main system, you will have to reboot. In this case, the virtual machine is the ideal option: you run the required OS parallel to the host and swivered between them if necessary. In many systems, the exchange of files between the guest and the host system is simply organized by dragging the files and folders to the mouse pointer.

We only listed the basic use of virtual machines at home, of course, there are other, more specific areas of their application. But these prospects when using desktop virtualization systems are opened in the business, where it is important, first of all, the availability and saving time, and the cost of purchasing additional equipment.

Desktop business virtualization platforms

For most companies, when we are talking about virtualization, it is, first of all, means the virtualization of the server infrastructure of the enterprise. However, there are many solutions based on virtual machines for end users, significantly improving the efficiency of employees of the company. Consider the main areas of application of virtual machines in business on desktop users virtualization platforms:

  • Creating storage facilities of user work environment templates. Depending on the specifics of the organization's work, its employees need to use a specific set. software. When arriving in the organization of a new employee, it needs to install an operating system, to configure it in a certain way, in accordance with the requirements of the organization and security policies, as well as to establish all the necessary applied software. When using virtual machine templates, this problem is solved very simply: the employee is set to the desktop virtualization platform, and it starts a virtual machine from the organization's template set in which all the necessary software you need and are made by the corresponding operating system settings. Such a model will significantly reduce the time costs for deployment, as well as provide high flexibility when transferring a virtual desktop of an employee to another physical machine. Of course, this option may require increased hardware equipment for equipment, but this will pay off if the employee has to operate in large volumes of heterogeneous data, which will require a considerable time. For example, employees of the marketing service that establish many programs you need, every day try something and work with various documents. In this case, they can copy the folder with the files of their working virtual machine at the end of the working day, without fear of this, that tomorrow when installing the next program, everything will "break".
  • Creating a virtual desktop infrastructure that allows you to centrally store custom environments on the protected servers of the company. End users themselves use tools for remote access to the desktop of their environments (for example, Terminal Services) stored in the corporate data center. This option of using virtual machines requires significant costs to implement, since in this case the support of server platforms of the company's data center is required. However, in this case, the best level of security and availability is ensured. Since all working media are stored and serviced centrally in protected by the data of the data center, the probability of leakage confidential information significantly decreases. At the same time, the degree of accessibility of such environments increases significantly, because access to them can be provided from any point with a high-speed compound. Strictly speaking, this solution does not apply to desktop virtualization platforms, but affects end users. An example of such a solution can serve as VMware Virtual Desktop Infrastructure, based on the virtual infrastructure of the organization servers in the corporate data center. The structure of such a model is shown in Figure:
  • Applying virtual machines protected by security policies. IT professionals who need to ensure the confidentiality of their personal data, as well as a frequent demonstration of various software to customers, are perfectly suitable for creating secure virtual machines that provide access to access to different functions for working with a virtual machine. You can also set the validity of the virtual machine and thus disseminate the software so that a certain circle of persons could not use the virtual machine over the permanent time. An example of such a solution is the VMware Ace Manager product.
  • Simplify user training by creating training classes with virtual machineswhere various operating systems and application software are installed. If a group of employees of an organization must be trained to use any product or program, you can create one virtual machine template and install the virtualization platform on each of the classroom computers. Next, the virtual machine can be copied to all computers and running with all the necessary number of programs. If you need to train another product, you can create a new virtual machine template and also deploy it on all computer-class computers.
  • Development and testing software in the company. The virtual machine, being an isolated medium, is ideal for software development. Developers and testers can create the configurations of the operating systems and user environment to simulate the behavior of the program on various platforms. Within the framework of this option, it is also possible to model the working ligaments of virtual machines on a single physical platform interconnected network interaction. In addition, some platforms, such as VMWare Workstation, allow you to create virtual machine status trees, in each of which a certain user configuration is saved. Each of these states can roll back with one mouse click. An example of such a tree:

Comparative Virtualization Desk Platform Overview

Leading companies in the production of desktop platforms of virtualization over the past two years have made a lot to simplify their use and make accessible to even the most inexperienced user. The leaders in the production of virtualization systems for end users are currently being: VMware with VMware Workstation products, VMware Ace and VMware Fusion, Microsoft with Virtual PC product, Parallels, promoting your Virtualization platform for Mac OS with Parallels Desktop for Mac, and company Innotek with a free VirtualBox open source platform. Briefly consider the possibilities of some of these products.

VMware Workstation.

VMWare is to date the unconditional leader in the field of desktop virtualization systems. Its products are easy to use, have widespread features and differ in high speed. Almost all manufacturers of desktop virtualization platforms are focused on the product. The process of creating a virtual machine and installing a guest operating system does not cause special difficulties: when creating, you must specify the amount of RAM secrelated by the guest system, type and size virtual diskThe folder where the virtual machine files and the type of the installed guest OS will be located. A bootable CD or DVD or ISO image can be used as the Guest Distribution Distribution or ISO image. After installing the operating system in the virtual machine, it is necessary to install VMWare Tools and disable all unnecessary emulated devices in the settings to optimize speed. You can also create an instant image (snapshot) "clean" state of the guest system, while all the virtual disk data will be saved at this point, and at any time it will be possible to return to their saved state. TO key features VMware Workstation can be attributed:

  • Support different types Virtual disks (controllers are emulated both for IDE and for SCSI disks):
    • fixed size (preallocated) or growing as filling (grown), while the first is optimized by speed, and the second are convenient because they do not occupy a lot of space before being filled
    • independent (Independent) discs that does not affect the creation of snapshots of the state of the operating system. Such discs are convenient for organizing file repositories, the change of which is not required when working with the status of the guest system
    • disk support, the state of which is not saved when the virtual machine is turned off
    • the ability to directly write to the physical disk
  • Support for various types of network interaction between virtual machines, including combining virtual machines in "Teams", which allows you to create virtual subnets consisting of virtual machines with a different number of virtual network adapters (up to three). Virtual network interface It can work in three different modes:
    • Bridged Networking. - Virtual machine shares resources network card With the host operating system and works with an external network with a network as an independent machine.
    • Host-Only Networking - The virtual machine receives an IP address in the host host subnet from the VMware DHCP server. Accordingly, it is possible to work on the network only with other virtual machines on this host and with the hosts itself.
    • NAT. - The virtual machine also works in the host of the host subnet (but the other), however, through the NAT VMWare server, can initiate connections to the external network. From the external network, it is impossible to initiate a connection with such a virtual machine. Within the host, network interaction is ensured.
    • Discs can also be mounted to the host system using the utility vMware-Mount and expand with utility vmware-vdiskmanager (This utility also serves to perform a number of actions over virtual disks).
  • The possibility of simple file sharing using the Drag & Drop interface, as well as by creating shared folders between the host and the guest OS.
  • Support for a large list of guest and host operating systems.

In the last version VMware. Workstation 6 also includes the following useful functions:

  • full USB 2.0 Interface Support
  • ability to record virtual machine activity
  • integrated VMware Converter product (for Windows hosts) to import virtual machines from other manufacturers
  • run a virtual machine as a service

It is also worth noting that the VMWare Workstation product is currently the only virtualization platform experimentally supporting Direct-3D in guest operating systems. The main and, perhaps, the only drawback of this platform is the fact that it is not free.

Microsoft Virtual PC.

Appearing as a competitor VMware Workstation, the product of the company Connectix, bought by Microsoft's subsequently, with the company, did not receive decent development in her hands. As a result, at the moment, almost all parameters it loses the VMware Workstation platform and can only be run in the Windows host operating system. However, a sufficient number of users apply it as a desktop platform of virtualization, since Virtual PC is free and satisfies the basic needs for the use of virtual machines. The installation process of the guest system is also very simple and intuitive. After the operating system is installed, you need to install Virtual Machine Additions (Analog VMware Tools in VMware Workstation), significantly increasing the speed of the guest OS, by improving the virtualization technique. VM Additions can also be installed in Linux guest operating systems.

The main advantages of the Microsoft Virtual PC product include the following features:

  • Full support Windows Vista both as a host and as a guest operating system. With regard to speed in Virtual PC 2007, a significant step is made award compared to the last version, and now the speed of Windows Vista in the virtual machine is quite acceptable.
  • Support for 64-bit host Windows systems.
  • Increased speed through the use of improvements entered in Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 R2.
  • Availability of various types of virtual disks:
    • Dynamically Expanding (Analog Growing in VMware Workstation)
    • Fixed Size (Analogue Preallocated in VMware Workstation)
    • Differencing - disk storing changes from the current virtual disk state
    • Linked to a Hard Disk (Analog Direct Record on Disc in VMware Workstation)
  • The presence of various types of network interaction between virtual machines and host:
    • analog Bridged Networking in VMware Workstation
    • Local Only (Analog Host-Only in VMware Workstation)
    • Shared Networking (Analog Nat in VMware Workstation)

It should be noted that the Virtual PC product is directed, rather to use by domestic users than IT professionals and software developers, while VMware Workstation, having much greater functionality, is able to cover the needs of the latter. At the same time, Virtual PC is free and is intended mainly to simplify migration to new operating microsoft systems and support their outdated versions. And, of course, the popularity of the Virtual PC platform provides its free, creating a certain niche for the use of this product.

Parallels Workstation and Parallels Desktop for Mac

The product is intended for use on Windows and Linux platforms as a desktop virtualization system. Due to the fact that Parallels (actually owned by the Russian SWSoft company) focused now mainly on the product, the development of this product is currently somewhat suspended and functional features It is inferior to two leading desktop platforms from VMware and Microsoft. Therefore, we will tell about the Parallels Desktop for Mac platform, which is now the main for computers from Apple. In addition, the development of this platform is very dynamically dynamically, which is due, first of all, the fact that the VMware digging seriously intends to invade the virtualization market for poppies with its virtually ready-to-final release of the VMware Fusion product. Key features of the Parallels Desktop for Mac platform:

  • Simple creation of virtual machines in three steps using Parallels Installation Assistant. To create a virtual machine and install a guest operating system in it, no extra effort will be required.
  • The presence of the Parallels Transporter utility that allows you to migrate from a physical machine to virtual.
  • Complete support for the guest OS Windows Vista. This provides a simple sharing of files between guest and host operating systems.
  • USB 2.0 Interface Support
  • Support Mac OS X "Leopard"

Like most products for the Mac OS X platform, Parallels Desktop provides the user with simple and convenient interface. It is no secret that many Mac platform users often have the need to use products for Windows, and Parallels Desktop provides them with this opportunity, allowing you to feel "in two worlds."

You can also mention the products of Parallels such as Parallels Compressor Workstation and Parallels Compressor Server, allowing you to compress the discs not only Parallels virtual machines, but also VMWare, which is a solution to one of the problems that often arise from users.


Innotek has recently appeared on the market for virtualization desktop systems with an unexpected free open source solution. At a time, when it would seem, a new virtualization platform is difficult to bring to a decent level, Innotek has achieved unexpectedly fast success and folk recognition.

Many bloggers loyally tuned to VMware, however, stated that on their desktops, virtual machines on the platform work markedly faster than virtual machines in VMware Workstation. In addition, until recently, the VirtualBox platform was available only for Linux and Windows hosts, and at the end of April, the first assembly for Mac OS X is planned, where the platform is competition with such "monsters" of virtualization systems, like Parallels and VMware. And, of course, she has every chance of victory. Given the full openness of the platform and its free, many enthusiasts are ready to take over the finalization of the platform and extension of the functional, hopefully, without prejudice to its performance. At the moment, VirtualBox has not such a wide functionality as leading platforms, does not support 64-bit systems and network interaction with Windows Vista, but on the site you can get operational information on what functions of the system work is underway. At the moment, the platform has the following main possibilities:

  • A sufficiently large list of supported host and guest operating systems.
  • Support for multiple shots of the current state of the guest system (Snapshots).
  • Dynamically expanding and fixed disks.
  • The ability to install Guest Additions to increase the degree of integration with host

Of course, regarding functionality, VirtualBox is a very immature product, but its performance indicators say that the platform has a future, and the Open Source community will make every effort to improve and develop.

What to choose as a desktop virtualization system?

Summing up, it can be said that each of the platforms described above takes at the moment its niche in the field of application of virtualization technologies on desktop computers. Each of the virtualization systems has advantages and disadvantages. Over time, of course, many of them will acquire the necessary functionality that satisfies the majority of users' needs. I also want to hope that the means to convert virtual machine formats between platforms will be provided.

Undoubtedly, when it comes to the use of the desktop virtualization system at home on Windows Hostakhshould choose between microsoft platforms Virtual PC or VirtualBox, as they are free and have the necessary functionality to support virtual machines at home. However, when it comes to the application of virtual machines in business, in a corporate environment of the enterprise, where the deployment of desktop virtualization systems makes high requirements for functionality and reliability, do not do without VMware Workstation, significantly superior to other described platforms. Here you can also find your place and product VirtualBox as the most optimized speed.

Virtual PC should be used when providing support for old versions of Windows and running Windows Vista as a guest OS. And without the product Parallels desktop users of the Mac Platform, do not do: this indicates the fact that the result in more than 100,000 copies sold was recorded back in 2006. Mach users should also pay attention to the VMware Fusion platform, which in the future claims leadership in the field of virtualization desktop platforms.

Virtualization technology for personal computers are becoming closer to the end user and now they can be used both the daily work of employees of organizations and home computers to create protected or isolated personal media. In addition, the use of virtual machines on desktops is not limited to the options described. For example, in the VMware virtual machine, in the window mode of the console of the guest operating system, it is possible to set a longer resolution supported by the monitor, while the Scroll strip will appear at the guest system window. This will test the website or application on high permissions In the absence of an appropriate monitor. This example shows that options for using virtual machines on desktop computers depend on your imagination. And the rapidly developing user virtualization platforms will help you with your needs.

Under the concept of a virtual machine (from English. Virtual Machine) understand the software or hardware system, which emulates the hardware of a certain platform (guest platform), executing programs for the guest platform by the host platform.

Also, a virtual machine can virtualize a kind of platform by creating independent, isolated environments for the operation of operating systems and programs.

Virtual Machine for Windows 7 - We offer you an overview of popular programs.

If simply, the virtual machine provides an opportunity on one real, physical computer, create several virtual computers, set various operating systems on them, programs, etc.

In broad masses, this technology came from the world of server infrastructure, where virtual machines are used to create maximum server boot and reduce equipment downtime.

Virtual machines are used to solve the circle of tasks such as:

  1. Optimizing server resources.
  2. Information protection, as well as limiting the possibilities of some programs, the so-called sandbox idea.
  3. Studies of new computer architecture or software.
  4. Emulation of various computer architectures (for example, for emulation game console PlayStation from Sony).
  5. Creating a malicious code.
    For example, the Rucker SUBVIRT created in 2006 by Microsoft Research (MSR) created a virtual working environment in which the user operating system was placed together with antivirus, firewall and other software, (software) designed to provide PC protection.
    The rootkit itself remained from the outside and therefore did not fall into the field of antiviruses, providing remote control over the virtual machine to the attacker.
  6. Modeling computer networks.
  7. Testing and debugging software.

We bring to your attention short review The most popular virtualization programs.

Virtual machine for Windows 7: Virtual Box

Program for virtualization from Oracle, for Linux operating systems, Mac OS X, MS Windows, etc.

The program is quite popular and below we will consider not all, but only its key advantages:



Support for 64-bit guest systems on 32-bit host platforms. To do this, the host platform must support the virtualization technology at the processor level.

Support for audio devices and various types of network interaction.

The ability to create a chain of backup states (backups) to which you can return in case of problems with the guest system.

Russian-speaking interface.

Important! The shortcomings of the program are not significant, but for the sake of objectivity of the assessment should also be mentioned about them - VirtualBox is poorly compatible with Win 95/98 (noted slow work Systems) and Mac OS X (problems with sound).

As we see, the shortcomings of the program are not significant and rather nominal.

Virtual Machine for Windows 7: Xen

Monitor of virtual machines (hypervisor), designed in the University of Cambridge and open source distributed (GPL license).

Using Paraircultualization Technology (PV mode), Xen allows you to achieve very high performance due to the emulation of real hardware platforms.

A feature of the PV mode is the lack of the starting torque of the computer (imitation of the BIOS code, loader) and the core of the guest OS starts immediately in the right mode, like ordinary programs.

It is worth noting that Xen can be compared with the software of the corporate level due to its rich functionality.




High performance of running virtual machines, which is very close to the performance of real systems.

The ability to migrate working virtual machines between physical hosts.

High degree of support for emulated equipment.

The lack of a program is perhaps one - its relative complexity, compared with the similar software of other companies.

Virtual machine for Windows 7: Virtual PC

Initially, this program was developed by Connetix for Mac OS, in the distant 1997. 4 years later, a version for Windows was published.

Later, in 2003 the rights to the program were acquired by Microsoft Corporation, and in 2006 the program was free.

In the future, Virtual PC did not receive development and today contains the 2007 functionality.



Simple, convenient interface.


The program only works in a Windows OS environment, but incompatible with Windows 8 and above.

The program, in contrast to the Virtual Box, is not compatible with AMD processors.

Virtual Machine for Windows 7: VMware Player

Product from the largest American VMware virtualization developer.

VMware's products are primarily aimed at corporate market segment Therefore, the full version of the program is VMware Workstation - Plan.

The license price is about 250 dollars. For non-commercial use, the manufacturer offers a program with limited VMware Player functionality.

It is worth noting that the restrictions in general concern developers of software and IT specialists, to perform the tasks of the ordinary user, the program is quite functional.




Simple, convenient interface.

ThinPrint technology allows you to print any document, open in the guest OS, without installing additional drivers.

Work with several monitors in the guest OS.

File sharing between guest systems using Drag & Drop (dragging) technology.


Limited feature of the free version.

Installing Windows 7 x64 on VirtualBox (Virtual Machine)

Virtual machine for Windows 7: Multiple OS on one machine

One operating system is a virtual - inside another operating system, but this is the perfect find for those who like to test third-party software as well as different versions and assemblies of operating systems.

It is safe, it is interesting, moreover, it is even useful for development. The VirtualBox program is perhaps the only well-known representative of the software, which provides mentioned opportunities.

It is free, simple and understandable in work even for novice users. How to use VirtualBox to install Windows virtual operating system? This question and consider below.

Step 1. Create a virtual computer

With download and installing VirtualBox, there are hardly any problems, it can be free download from the official site developerand it is installed standard.

The running program will open with the welcome window where you must click the command - "Create".

The window that appears will provide you with the selection of the operating system supported by the program. Select the necessary, its version, we specify the name of the virtual computer. Click "Forward".

We specify which system create:

The correct operation of Windows XP will be provided with a volume of 512 MB of RAM, but it is better to highlight 800-900 MB for Windows 7.

To enter the Red Section of the scale, thereby giving a virtual computer more than half of the hardware potential of the physical computer, it is impossible. Click "Forward".

In the next hard disk selection window, select the option of creating a new hard disk.

In the next newcomer window, it is better to choose a storage format - a fixed disc, because it works a little faster than dynamic. Click "Forward".

This figure will also be selected at the memory of the physical hard disk, therefore it is necessary to choose the optimal volume, which is enough for the work purposes virtual computerAnd it will not be to the detriment of physical memory.

For Windows XP, it is possible to highlight 5 GB, and for Windows 7 - about 15 GB. Here, using the view button, visible at the end of the first line, select the directory of the physical computer where it will be placed hDD virtual.

To choose better place on a non-system disk. The "Create" command will launch the process of creating a virtual disk of a virtual computer, after which you can admire the parameters of the newly agreed virtual computer.

Step 2. Install the operating system on a virtual computer

The virtual computer is created, and you can install the operating system. Click the "Run" command.

Select either the boot disk of the operating system, which is in physical drive, or the disk image. You can set the path to the disk image using the view button at the end of the line. We click "continue."

Virtualization allows you to encapsulate the internal device of operating systems or their parts within virtual hardware and software. In other words, create a virtual space that will be real, from the point of view of the operating system running in this space. This is exactly what virtual machines for Windows 7, Linux and Mac OS X are engaged. Virtualization also allows you to simulate devices that are not at all on your computer.

Note: In a sense, virtual machines allow you to create a computer inside a computer.

There are two important aspects of machine virtualization:

  • interaction between physical host (computer) and virtual host
  • interaction between the operating system running in the virtual space and the equipment used

Virtualization software, namely virtual machines for Windows 7 (Linux, Mac OS X), as a rule, is a conventional application or operating system service that allows you to create hosts. The host is called any physical machine (computer). Inside virtualization software, the operating system is performed in a similar or identical real host called a virtual machine. For convenience, the operating system running in the virtual machine is called the guest.

In addition, exist various methods Virtualization depends not only to implement applications for creating virtual machines, but also provided opportunities for guest systems. There is a regular emulation, within which hardware and program calls pass through the intermediate layer. There is also a virtualization para-virtualization, where part of actions inside the virtual machine occurs on real equipment, while the other part passes through the intermediate layer. And also there is virtualization at the system level, when each guest system is loaded in a special core, which allows you to run only similar versions of the operating system.

Some of these methods can be performed on the fly, without significant changes in the real host and its operating system. Others require the host to restart in a special instance of the operating system, which supports virtualization. Others use special hosts that support and are intended for virtualization at the hardware level. The latter are also known as virtualization methods on pure gland (although it is not quite true, since some software core is still used).

Software for virtualization, which manages the creation and operation of virtual machines, as well as the distribution and restriction of the resources provided, is often called a hypervisor. Some virtualization applications can also use special processor extensions for hanging virtual machine performance. The presence of such extensions is called virtualization hardware support. Examples of this support are VT-X technologies (Intel) and AMD-V (AMD).

What is not a virtualization and virtual machine?

Some people love to call virtualization programs (virtual machines) all that creates the level of abstraction between the operating system and some of running processes. For example, there is Sandboxie, which allows you to isolate browsers from the system (see utilities to protect the browser). Some programs allow you to freeze the state of the system so that it cannot be changed. Others also allow you to use the so-called shadow mode in which all programs are performed normally, but any changes are canceled when the computer is rebooted.

Of course, all these programs provide various advantages, but they are not considered virtualization technologies and do not represent virtual machines, because they do not simulate system calls, and they do not allow to run guest operating systems on top of the current system. Such programs only create additional separation layers, mainly to increase security. If you continue the security topic, then ...

Why should I use virtualization and virtual machines?

If security for you is in the first place and this is the first thing you think in any situations, then virtualization (using virtual machines) will certainly help you with this. But, you should not assume that virtualization is mainly used to ensure security. Its initial goals are: Testing, cutting costs, flexibility, support for old products and education. Improving the security level is only a pleasant bonus that has a lot of its pitfalls.

Note: Virtualization Although it allows you to isolate one operating system from another, yet there are ways to get from the guest system to the main one.

What do you need to start virtualization technology and virtual machines?

The first thing you need to consider is a physical host. Depending on the type of software for virtualization (virtual machines), completely different equipment and various operating systems may be required. Virtualization does not imply any one solution that will be performed everywhere where it will be necessary. Virtual machines need to be selected for the system (Windows, Linux, Mac) and under iron (hardware). In addition, the host must have the necessary.

So if you are going to start guest operating systems on top of your system, you will need additional resources for running them, such as processor and RAM. For example, if your computer has only 2 GB of RAM and you want to run a guest system on Windows 7, you will have to strongly limit the use of resources on the real system so that the virtual machine can function normally. Of course, if you are not trying to run Windows XP from 256 MB of memory. However, if you have 16 GB of RAM, you can run far from one guest system, while not feeling any shortage of resources.

Pros: Easy in installation and use.

Cons: limited functionality. Does not support snapshots and general access to catalogs.

Virtual Machine for Windows 7, Linux and Mac OS X - VirtualBox

VirtualBox is another cross-platform program for creating virtual machines for Windows 7 and above, as well as Linux and Mac systems, currently belonging to Oracle. VirtualBox is like VMware Player, but has more functions, including a more advanced network stack, an unlimited number of pictures (snapshots), some OpenGL and DirectX support, as well as much more. The application is simply installed, and it is just as easy to use. You can also use the command line for automatic deployment. VirtualBox also supports USB and general directories. In addition, there is portable version VirtualBox. Nevertheless, there are disadvantages. You can not make screenshots of guest systems. Disk management is somewhat confusing.

Audience: Beginners and experienced users.

Pros: easy to install and use, many features.

Cons: No screenshot support, import existing machines is complicated, not intuitive disks management.

Hypervisor VMware ESXI to create virtual machines

ESXI is a hypervisor on pure gland with trimmed functionality, compared to ESX. The application requires a host and you can manage from the console (by default the console is blocked, but you can turn it on manually). You will not be able to make screams or shoot video from the screen of your virtual machines. Transferring and cloning guest systems is carried out only manually. But, you can share memory to improve efficiency to use RAM, powerful control and control, and access to the command line via SSH (when unlocked). You can also install VMware Tools to enhance the performance of virtual machines. Para-virtualization is also supported by ESXI.

Pros: Powerful, advanced virtual machine capabilities.

Cons: I need a host and a lot of resources. Do not just install and run.

Virtual Machine for UNIX / Linux - Kernel-Based Virtual Machine (KVM)

KVM supports virtualization only for UNIX-like operating systems (Linux). The application can be launched on any equipment or in emulation mode, however, without processor extensions, the performance will be terrible. KVM is intended for use by means of console. But, he has a decent control interface that allows you to run and stop virtual machines, take screenshots and much more. The interface is known as Virtual Machine Manager (VMM) and is also used to control Xen virtual machines (see below). Local and remote control support. There is a well-known conflict with VirtualBox, but it can be solved relatively easy.

Audience: Advanced users and professionals.

Pros: full control and flexibility, very high performance, under the appropriate conditions.

Cons: only unix-like systems. Virtualization hardware extensions are required for normal execution. Focus on the command line. Do not just install and run.

Virtual machine for UNIX / Linux - Xen

Xen is another application to virtualize UNIX-like operating systems (Linux). It should be loaded in its core instance. The emphasis is on the command line. But, you can also use VMM. Officially, Xen was supported by OpenSUSE for many years and recently added to the main branch of the release of the nucleus. Xen can be performed in hardware support or para-virtualization mode. However, for XEN virtualization is extremely problematic in the installation and launch. In addition, Xen has limited support for CD-ROM and network devices. Also, the program is available as a pure gland virtualization hypervisor on Live CD. There are numerous third-party extensions for XEN control.

Audience: Advanced users and professionals.

Pros: full control and flexibility, very good performance, built-in kernel support.

Cons: only unix-like systems. Para-virtualization mode is buggy. Focus on the command line. Several utilities command linewhich may be misleading. Do not just install and run. It is necessary to load your own core instance.

Other solutions for creating virtual machines

There are many other solutions that are not listed here, such as Parallels Virtuozzo, OpenVZ and VirtualBox based on Vmlite. There is also a number of converted solutions, including examples of virtualization crossing and thin customers. Linux also has a huge amount of own modifications. And do not forget about cloud technologies With your virtualization applications.

However, if you are a starting user, then you should not chase the possibilities and colorful modifications. Otherwise, an attempt to create a virtual machine to launch a pair of three programs can turn into several sleepless nights.

A few words about virtualization programs

This review will be useful not only to novice users, but also experts. Listed products cover a wide range of virtualization technologies at all levels. All described solutions are free for personal use. Select what you want or need, based on the available hardware, the requirements for ease of configuration and start, as well as the presence of the required set of functions.

As a rule, most people start learning virtualization with VMware Player or VirtualBox. Linux users may prefer KVM and, possibly, Xen. Experienced users may want to look at ESXI.

A huge number of programs that appear every day make downloading and installing unknown software on a computer are increasingly dangerous for the system and important files on the computer. In addition, many programs that have the necessary programmers, artists and other users of the PC function, are available only for a small number of operating systems. If earlier I had to risk a strongly, downloading a suspicious file from the Internet, or to reinstall the system only for one desired program, now there is such an OS as a virtual machine.

What is a virtual machine

Virtual machine - special programwhich is installed on the user's native operating system and when starting it starts to emulate, that is, to play, the functions of any other operating system specified in the settings. The main convenience of such programs is the lack of need to switch between the OS and access to all functions of the system being reproduced. In addition, all actions performed inside the virtual machine will not affect the operation of the main system, which prevents possible computer failures.

At the moment, virtual machine developers have created programs that allow you to emulate any operating systems starting from early versions of Windows and ending Ubuntu, OS X and less well-known axes, also work with already ready-made servers, for example, bitrix Virtual Machine.

There is another, narrower, understanding of the term "virtual machine", which is distributed in the musicians - virtual Drum Machinewhich reproduces the sounds of the shock installation. Such a program allows you to record the batches of shock tools without the use of a live installation, and in special recording programs or "reviving" a predetermined MIDI track, putting the recorded samples of each shock under the electronic sound.

What a virtual machine is needed

The range of action that can be performed using a virtual machine is actually very large.

The simplest thing you can do with it is to use programs that are not available for the user operating system or even for PCs in principle. For example, the Emulator of the Android operating system is essentially a virtual machine, with which people run applications or games.

In addition, virtual machines are often used by programmers for tests written programs. For example, to verify how correctly the written algorithm works in different versions of Windows. The same applies to application developers for iOS and Android, which check the performance of developments precisely inside emulators. For this, there is a virtual machine on the flash drive to always be able to check the functionality of the written code.

For such checks, the machines are used and less advanced users. The fact is that when emulating related operating systems, the machine can play all the information that is contained on the computer. Therefore, if the user has to download a file from the Internet that can contain viruses, then you should first check it on the virtual machine. If it is normally reproduced on it, you can safely open it on the native OS.

In addition, they help in corporate work, let's say, Bitrix virtual machines.

If we talk about virtual drum machines, then they are used to in the conditions of lack of funds, such as renting a studio, high quality record permafront. Of all the tools, the most sensitive to the record is the drums, and it is on them to spend the most time. In addition, the drummer may not have a sufficient skill for playing them smoothly, which significantly increases the amount of money for rent. In this situation, the best way out of the position will be a party entry in the program and its further reproduction.

What are the virtual machines

Virtual machine for Windows 10

Especially for advanced users familiar with the concept of "virtual machine", Microsoft made built-in emulation of other operating systems -. Initially, its functionality is blocked, but its components are easy to turn on through the control panel.

Go to the control panel and go to subsection " Programs and components" There in the window " Enable and disable components»Tick Name the name of the Hyper-V service. After that, an installation of a virtual machine on a PC will occur, and in the future it can be started through the menu " Start».

The main advantages of Hyper-V:

  • built into the system, you do not need to download anything and search;
  • has a full functionality to emulate different versions of Windows, for example, 98 and other operating systems;
  • supports version Windows is different discharges;
  • a simple and understandable interface.

In general, due to the presence on Windows 10 Hyper-V, users disappear in other similar programs. Although the utility does not require special skills in the setting, you can read more about it in an adjacent article.

Virtual machine for Windows 7

Most popular virtual machine for windows users 7 is Windows Virtual PC.. Initially, its main functionality was intended to emulate Windows XP so that the developers can comfortably transfer programs developed by this OS, to a new seven, which at that time only went out. In the future, it has been expanded, and now Virtual PC is a separate platform that is capable of playing almost all existing operating systems.

Like Hyper-V, this service is built into the system initially. In order to establish it, you need to go to " Start"And the submenu" Programs" There you have to find a line with the name of the program, click on it. A window will open in which you can freely create, delete and produce other manipulations with the operating system emulator.

Virtual machines for Mac and other OS

In addition to the virtual machines built into the seventh and tenth Windows, third-party developers have created many other independent utilities that have about the same capabilities, but differ in detail. The most popular of them - Oracle VirtualBox. which will be discussed in this part of the article.

This virtual machine can emulate all current operating systems currently, as well as available for the most popular OS - Windows, OS X, Linux and Solaris. You can download it from the developer's website, after selecting, for which system you need it.

From the rest of its analogues, this Oracle program has a wide functionality, which includes the support of USB ports and launch them from an emulated machine, the ability to save the state of the system for its instant rollback in case a critical error occurred. In fact, from a huge list of all supported features, it can be concluded that, downloading Oracle VirtualBox, you can comfortably work for any operating system without any restrictions at all.

For most users, the VirtualBox utility is very good choice Due to its practicality, reliability and functionality.

After the distribution with the application is on your computer, double-click on it. This will launch the installation program. It will need to choose which functions, in addition to the Oracle machine itself, are installed with it. The list includes: the possibility of internal programming on Python, customized support for the Internet, as well as the integration of USB ports. After that, it is enough to follow the instructions of the installation file until the installation of Oracle VirtualBox is completed.

Virtual Drum Machines

Virtual drum machines are present in the form of additional plug-ins that are installed and run through the program for recording or writing music - FL Studio, Ableton, Cubase and others. Most Popular Dram Machine Emulators - EZ Drummer and ADDICTIVE DRUMS.. Free access to them is large sample libraries for every taste recorded by famous drummers.

Creating your virtual machine

In addition, there is also a company Vmware.which also offers users of the program to create their virtual machines. The most famous of them is called Workstation. and applies to a fee basis. However, there is a lot of resources that offer free use of this virtual machine, both for Windows and for Mac, and for Ubuntu. It is worth noting that the company offers a lot of additional utilities that expand the capabilities of the base program by adding the work desks, broadcast management functions, and much more. Consider why this virtual machine is needed.

Workstation allows you to create virtual machines that will be managed from the Unified Center. By large part, this tool is of interest to large companies that need to configure the same functionality of devices on a large number of computers.

One of the most important chips that VMware virtual machine has, the so-called vsphere.which allows not only to create and configure a virtual machine, but also to implement a whole infrastructure of such devices related to each other. And if you have to choose, then such a functionality is very useful to large companies whose employees need to share data and information.

The entire functionality of the VMware programs developed is not based on a single use of a virtual machine, but on the formation of a grid of them and a single place where this network is controlled.

Virtualization 1C-Bitrix

Another program created for comfortable work with 1C-Bitrix products - virtual machine Bitrix., this time from domestic developers, which can also work with any Php applications. In fact, this program provides an emulation of the site server that contains in itself all settings for comfortable work. The finished car can be opened in VMware Player. or other applications of this developer (also exist versions for VirtualBox and Hyperv).

The program allows you to save time and immediately proceed to work after the main platform is ready for use. At the same time, the Bitrix virtual machine is installed directly into the main emulation system, integrating into its functionality and work, which allows immediately after installation and start to start interacting with the 1C projects.

What virtual machine to choose

There is no clear comparison here. It all depends on the user and its needs. For the emulation of games and checking third-party software, the usual Hyper-V services and them are similar, embedded in the operating system itself. Well proven, reliable and free option - this is VirtualBox.For organizations, the best virtual machines are definitely products of VMware or the Bitrix virtual machine, since it simplifies business and interact with employees.

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