1000 gh s how much does it produce. Cloud mining: it has many advantages

Details Published: 21.01.2016 05:58

We decided to compile a small table that will let you understand how much Bitcoin you could mine with the available hashrate of 1 Thesh / sec, starting from November 2015 and ending with a forecast for February 1 of this year.

Over the period of time from 3 months, which is consecrated in our table, the number of coins that you could mine per month with 1THS has decreased by almost 2 times. This fact is due to a 2-fold increase in the complexity of the bitcoin blockchain network, which happened over the past 3 months. The table shows the number of BTC coins that you could mine without taking into account the cost of electricity, maintenance and equipment depreciation. Keep in mind that for older hardware (past generation ASIC miners, which are much less energy efficient than latest models) the profitability of mining, taking into account the cost of electricity, fell even more.

Some of you may remember that before November 2015, the price of bitcoin hovered around $200-$230 and around November 1, the rate rose to $300, and then briefly peaked at $500 per 1 BTC. Over the past 3 months, Bitcoin prices have almost doubled, and given that the complexity of the network has also increased by about 2 times, we can expect that the profitability of mining in dollars is now approximately at the same level as before November 2015. Although if we take into account the BTC mined in the cryptocurrency, then the number of mined coins will be 2 times less.

A little later this year, a very important event for the Bitcoin community and the cryptocurrency itself will happen, namely, in about 6 months, the reward for the mined block will decrease from the current 25 BTC to 12.5 BTC. In fact, this means that the number of mined coins will drop another 2 times, provided that the complexity of the network remains unchanged. And given the fact that the complexity is growing, the fall will be even sharper. However, many expect that the decrease in the block reward will be offset by an increase in the Bitcoin exchange rate by about 2 times and the profitability of mining will remain at the same level. If this happens, then we will certainly be able to see the price of bitcoin in the region of $ 1,000 or 80,000 rubles per 1 BTC by the beginning of summer.

1 THS hashrateIncome per day BTCIncome per week BTCIncome per month BTC
01.11.2015 0.008077 0.05654 0.2423
15.11.2015 0.007635 0.05345 0.2291
01.12.2015 0.006914 0.04840 0.2074
15.12.2015 0.006356 0.04449 0.1907
01.01.2016 0.004841 0.03389 0.1452
15.01.2016 0.004437 0.03106 0.1331
01.02.2016* 0.004237 0.02966 0.1271

* - predicted profitability.

If you are planning to mine several units of popular cryptocurrencies in the near future and are ready to build your own farm, stop. There are mining methods without farms, and therefore without serious investments. So, this method is suitable for everyone - from beginners to professionals. Meet — cloud mining of cryptocurrencies. Quickly. Just. From $1.5 per year.

For our youngest readers, we remind you that mining is the “extraction” of cryptocurrencies using computer equipment. And cryptocurrency is one of the variations of the implementation of a unique calculation algorithm, which can be very expensive. For example, one of the most popular, Bitcoin cryptocurrency per unit costs about $5500…6000. Ideally, by investing $550 in mining, and getting 1 bitcoin, we have a maximum return of 1000%. Other cryptocurrencies are cheaper, but their yield can be higher than 100%. And the best part is that anyone can start mining.

It would seem that here great way to make money online, due to its high profitability, except for one "but". Mining cryptocurrencies, due to their popularity, is very costly.

Theory: why independent mining is simple and difficult at the same time

On the technical side of the issue: cryptocurrency is obtained by complex mathematical calculations of a unique sequence of algorithms - blockchain. Depending on which algorithm is used to calculate, the unit of the received block is considered to be a certain cryptocurrency: Bitcoin, Monero, Ethereum, Zcoin and others. Calculations are carried out on computer equipment. This is the weakest point of this scheme.

If you read or heard somewhere that bitcoin can be calculated on regular computer, then this is slightly outdated information. The algorithm for calculating each new block is based on the sequence of the previous ones with the addition of a unique number that has passed through hashing. Hashing is the transformation of an array of data into a string with a fixed length. The end result of computing for mining is to get a unique hash that satisfies the entire computing system. The hash calculation speed is called hashrate. And mining equipment is characterized by power (hash speed) - the number of hash calculations per second.

H/s, kH/s, MH/s, GH/s, TH/s- it symbol speed of hashing calculations (hash rate), the generally accepted designation of the power of mining equipment (hash rate). 1H/s is 1 hash per second, 1kH/s is 1000 hashes per second, 1MH/s is 1,000,000 hashes per second, and so on.

So, the current bitcoin mining hash rate for today is 1 exahesh- 1 quintillion hashes (10 18). Even the most powerful household computer produces no more than 1GH / s. With that much power, computing 1 bitcoin could take 1 billion seconds, or ~30 years. That is why today no one mines on computers, and professional miners buy special equipment, assembling their “mining farms”.

Equipment entry level for bitcoin mining costs ~ 150…250 thousand rubles. But, even it does not guarantee fast calculation. It should be understood that all computing bitcoin farms of the planet compete with each other for the mining of new bitcoins. And then who cares. Although, in mathematics there is no luck. Usually those who count the fastest win.

In fact, having invested 150 thousand rubles, we get a device on which it is possible to earn $5,500, and perhaps not. Therefore, the farm may or may not pay off. And this is if everything is organized correctly: maintenance, uninterrupted computing, constant access to the Internet. And if it is wrong to organize, forget about some trifle, then expensive equipment will not help you, burn out and waste a very tangible amount.

In this regard, more advanced users prefer to use cloud mining (Cloud Mining), where all equipment is rented from a major provider, settings and performance are the responsibility of technical support service, and management is carried out through a web panel or application. The main advantage of this approach is the low cost of starting and no additional headaches.

Cloud mining: it has many disadvantages

Oh cloud mining! our little reader will exclaim. - This is exactly what you need for quick money on cryptocurrency!

This is true, of course, but not true. And that's why.

Cloud mining has several disadvantages that are not visible at first glance. We will try to heartlessly tell you the whole truth about Internet mining and its shortcomings. We have nothing to hide. And, perhaps, we will help you understand this hype, which, in turn, will allow you to earn some “crypt” for caviar, butter and fresh wheat loaf for you, your children and grandchildren. If you, of course, understand what we mean.

Often, ordinary scammers who have nothing are hiding under cloud mining. And above all conscience. But in fact, their beautiful website is just a cover or a candy wrapper from a pacifier. They can promise you a bunch of bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies, even draw your fabulous earnings in the panel, for example, a schedule for earning 30 bitcoins per day (~150 thousand dollars). But, it's all virtual. After all, they use what is hidden. That is, they didn’t have any real capacities or equipment, and they don’t have any, and all the numbers are taken from the ceiling. Until a certain time.

So, for example, you ask them to withdraw their earnings in order to finally become a dollar billionaire, but nothing will happen. The organizers will disappear. The site will stop working. Because their real goal is to lure you, and hundreds of your kind, as much money as possible, enticing with beautiful numbers, promising high earnings. And having collected the required amount, just disappear with the money. A kind of typical financial pyramid on the hype of the audience of the crypto market.

This, we repeat, is with fraudulent cloud mining services. However, there are others, honest Cloud Mining, which we write about in this article.

Attention! Blockchain, cryptocurrencies and technologies for obtaining them are high-risk investments. The high market value of some coins is due only to interest and demand, without any collateral. The situation can change at any moment. Cryptocurrency should not be viewed as a single store of value.

Cloud mining: it has many advantages. Or how to choose a real operator for mining

The main plus, when working with real cloud mining, is the possibility of earning on the crypto market almost from scratch. Because such mining will always be cheaper than your own farm: there are no costs for the purchase and configuration of equipment, its operation and maintenance.

Of course, you object, the provider has it all. Yes, but they have professional grade farms connected to industrial networks. Placed in large data centers that guarantee uninterrupted operation even in extreme conditions. And professionals are responsible for the service. Which, in terms of the amount of equipment, are much cheaper than maintaining a single home farm.

Also, do not forget that cloud mining operators earn not on mining itself, but on renting equipment, therefore, honest providers are interested in their equipment working and mining, because the more crypto it brings, the more customers the operator will have , and this is their direct income.

And here there is another plus, small and inconspicuous, but very, very important. All cryptocurrency mined on cloud farms is distributed among all the provider's clients, according to the leased capacities. That is, cloud mining guarantees earnings. And for you, this means only one thing: even renting the minimum amount will bring you cryptocurrency, of course, a miser, but you have to start somewhere. After all, any earnings start from scratch, and on the crypto market, we repeat, only cloud mining guarantees profit from minimal investment.

And the most significant plus, looking ahead a bit, let's say - only cloud farms allow you to simultaneously and balancedly invest in the mining of various cryptocurrencies. Of course, the most significant and desirable so far is bitcoin. But, if it collapses, those farms sharpened on its prey will remain out of reach. This means that an alternative is needed. In the "cloud" this is done with a couple of mouse clicks. Bitcoin will fall, ether will remain. Losses are compensated. Both "crypts" will grow - double income. And there are more than two cryptocurrencies. And in the clouds they can all be mined without problems, just know for yourself invest and transfer earnings between them.

So, having analyzed the pros, it is worth considering how to choose an honest cloud mining operator.

Signs of honest cryptocurrency cloud mining services:

  • Operator website. Should be nice, complete and understandable (not a one-pager). All information must be publicly available. Technical support contacts must be present, which must be more than just an address Email. The presence of photos and videos with the provider's equipment is highly desirable on the site. Project managers should be presented with photos and links to their profiles in in social networks. Moreover, they must respond there to all requests from other users.
  • The duration of the project. The longer the operator works on the crypto market, the greater the credibility of him. HYIP projects that plan to collect money from users and hide have a minimal lifespan. But, do not trust only what is written, look on the Internet. Normal projects have an “Internet” history: reviews on various independent sites (even if there are negative reviews), discussions on forums dedicated to making money. Don't forget - reviews must be from different dates.
  • Capacity and number of users. Normal operators do not hide these figures. And everything is simple with them. The more, the more reliable the provider. Moreover, some figures are often confirmed by various independent sources.
  • Opportunity to invest in mining various cryptocurrencies. There are cloud solo mining that work with one cryptocurrency, so they definitely should not be trusted. A good operator will always try to offer customers as many mining opportunities as possible (don’t forget, the operator’s income is renting out capacities, the more rented, the more earned), constantly introducing new ones.
  • Promotions, discounts, coupons and seasonal offers. It follows from the previous point. earnings good operator is made up of the total number of active clients. The more of them, the more earnings. Therefore, the provider will always try to stimulate regular customers using various marketing moves.

Of course, the list is not complete and cannot guarantee 100% reliability of the operator, however, working with cryptocurrencies is no different from operations with traditional currencies. There is always a risk of losing your investment. But, and here cloud mining is better than your own farms. Conscientious providers try to minimize the loss of their customers, since a dissatisfied customer is tantamount to loss of profit.

For general development and further understanding, we will analyze the main algorithms for mining various cryptocurrencies.

What to Mine: An Overview of Popular Cryptocurrency Mining Algorithms

In theory, you realized that the crypt is based on a blockchain, which is calculated according to a certain algorithm. The crypto market distinguishes 5 currency algorithms that are most profitable for mining:

  • SHA-256– used for mining Bitcoin and its alternatives.
  • Scrypt- a more complex hash function that allows you to mine Litecoin, with subsequent transfers to Bitcoin. Differs in other equipment, more reliable and faster. But, more expensive.
  • Ethash (ETH)- an algorithm designed for mining cryptocurrency type Ethereum. Less demanding than the previous ones, can be calculated even on video cards. Great for solo mining and building your own farm. But, since we are hyping for cloud technologies, then renting this algorithm can bring faster income than Bitcoin.
  • X11 (DASH)- an algorithm that uses 11 hashing rounds. Well optimized and suitable for low-power farms (on the same video cards). Suitable for cryptocurrency mining DASH. Approximately 30% more effective than the previous one, although they are very similar.
  • EQUIHASH (ZEC)- quantity based mining random access memory at the farm (in currently you can mine even on smartphones). Produces currency like Zcash. Gaining popularity due to the fact that this currency began to be recognized in the global Internet community, for example, WikiLeaks (an international non-profit organization) announced the acceptance of donations in this cryptocurrency. Low cost is the best time for investing on the rise of the crypto.

So, according to the algorithms, you can present a list of cryptocurrencies in the mining of which you can invest in order to good earnings(after the colon, the exchange rate is indicated at the time of writing the article, in Russian rubles):

  • bitcoin, cue ball bitcoin): 1BTC = 329,307 rubles,
  • Ethereum, Ether ( Ethereum): 1ETH = 17,366 rubles,
  • Dash ( Dash): 1DASH = 16,616 rubles,
  • Zicoin, zetcoin ( zcoin): 1ZEC = 234 rubles.

Here is this gentleman's set of crypts for good mining. If, by the way, we collect a farm for the simultaneous production of all these currencies, we will get a monster that can compete in productivity with some small enterprise if they spend all the energy received on the same actions. But, it is best to mine. And mine in the cloud.

Bonus for those who read to the end.

Bonus: this is probably the best cloud mining on the internet

We have been looking for a Cloud Mining that we can trust for a long time. Tried, invested, burned out. But found. Meet.

Conclusion: why are you still missing your chance?

Cloud mining gives good opportunities to start from scratch, it will help you understand the basic terms and methods, and gives you a chance to make good money. And, it is worth noting that the chance is quite high.

And how you realize your opportunities in cloud mining, how you use your chance, and whether you use it at all, depends only on you. Cryptocurrency is popular, and everyone is talking about it, now it is worth something. And what will happen next? Nobody knows. But, at least right now there is an opportunity to immediately earn on mining, and hashflare makes this opportunity available to most, because their first earnings are accrued within 24 hours.

So what are you waiting for? We are mining

Sarmen b.

What is the difference between kH/s, MH/s and GH/s values?

I started mining on a friend's computer and it shows 300kHz/s. But when I research other people's hash rates, I usually see MH/s. Are these speeds the same as in kilobytes and megabytes?

Also, when I say 300kHz/s does that mean 300,000 hashes are generated per second?


Stephan Jimenez
  • 1 kHz/s - 1000 hashes per second (sometimes misrecorded kbps).
  • 1 MH/s - 1,000,000 hashes per second.
  • 1 GH / s - 1,000,000,000 hashes per second.
  • 1 TH/s - 1,000,000,000,000 hashes per second.
  • 1 PH/s - 1,000,000,000,000,000 hashes per second.

Mining power is measured by the number of attempts to find a block that a miner can execute. Each attempt consists of generating a unique block candidate and constructing a block candidate digest using SHA-256d . cryptographic function hashing. Or, in short, hash. Since this is a constant effort, we are talking about hashes per second or .

Hash denomination rate

  • 1 kHz / s - 1000 (one thousand) hashes per second
  • 1 MH/s - 1,000,000 (one million) hashes per second.
  • 1 GH/s - 1,000,000,000 (one billion) hashes per second.
  • 1 TH/s - 1,000,000,000,000 (one trillion) hashes per second.
  • 1 PH/s is 1,000,000,000,000,000 (one quadrillion) hashes per second.
  • 1 EH/s - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one quintillion) hashes per second.
  • 1 ZH/s - 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (one sextillion) hashes per second.


  • 1 MHz/s = 1000 kg/s
  • 1 GH / s = 1000 MH / s = 1 000 000 kH / s
  • 1 TG/s = 1,000 GG/s = 1,000,000 MG/s = 1,000,000,000 KG/s
  • etc

SI unit prefixes

The name of the hash rate corresponds to the International System of Units (SI). So the prefixes kilo" , « mega" , « giga" , « tera" , « peta" , « exa" and " zetta" translated with a magnification of a thousand times.

Note that the symbol for the kilogram is a lowercase "k". Since "K" is a symbol Kelvin, the unit of thermodynamic temperature.

The hashing algorithm turns an arbitrarily large amount of data into a fixed length hash. The same hash will always result in the same data, but changing the data by even one bit will completely change the hash. Like all computer data, hashes are large numbers and are usually written in hexadecimal. BitCoin uses the SHA-256 hashing algorithm to generate verifiable "random" numbers in a way that requires a predictable amount of CPU effort. Generating a SHA-256 hash with a value less than the current target solves the block and earns you some coins.

The discussion about the cryptographic strength of the multiple use of a hash over a password (which, by the way, slipped in other forums, too) prompted me to this slightly mathematical topic. The essence of the problem arises from the idea of ​​multiple (1,000 or more times) processing of a password before storing it by some cryptographic algorithm (most often a hash function) in order to obtain slow verification algorithm, thereby effectively resisting brute force in case of interception or theft of this value by an attacker. As the habrausers quite rightly noted (the author of the first article), and, the idea is not new and Cisco equipment developers use it, RAR archiver and many others. But, since hashing is an operation that compresses a set of values, a completely logical question arises - will we harm the stability of the system? An attempt to answer this question -

Resilience reduction will be considered in two threat models:

  1. enumeration by an attacker of random input sets of bytes in the hope of finding a collision due to the narrowing of the value space (“brute force”);
  2. dictionary search.
Let's start with the first, more theoretical question: "can such a huge range of values ​​of the modern hash function 2 128 (MD5), 2 160 (SHA-1), 2 256 (GOST R 34.11, SHA-256) narrow as a result of repeated application to such an extent that a collision with it can be picked up by a simple random search? .


One of the main properties/requirements for secure hash functions is a very good distribution uniformity of output results. This allows us to operate in the estimates required below with the usual probability theory and combinatorics.

Take the input set from N elements and each of its objects is comparable in the output set also from N objects randomly any element (see fig.). Obviously, several mappings will point to the same elements, and, therefore, there will also be elements that do not fit any arrow:

The probability that a specific element of the output set will NOT be selected by a specific mapping (arrow) is , respectively, the probability that it will NOT be selected by any of N arrow is equal to or which is the same (due to the property of a cryptographically secure hash function, all N mappings are independent events in the first approximation).

Limit is a consequence of the second remarkable limit and is equal to , i.e. about 0.3679. This is the probability that an element in the output set will "become grey". We note in passing that for large N(more than 2 32) the degree of "deterioration" does not depend on the bitness of the hash function. As a result, after the first repetition of hashing, only about 63% of the value space will remain. If everything goes on the same way, then it will be a disaster - in just 150 iterations we will “eat up” 100 bits of the output space, leaving, for example, only 2 128-100 = 2 28 options for MD5. Fortunately, this is not the case.


As soon as the input set begins to be incompletely filled (i.e. after the second iteration in the first threat model or immediately in the second threat model (with a dictionary attack)), other formulas and other regularities begin to work. This is clearly seen in the same figure for the case if there were only 3 "active" elements in the input set. The probability of “losing” an element (narrowing the output set) decreases sharply, because it is now much less common for two or more mappings to occur on the same element.

Let the input set be active only kN elements, where 0. Then the probability of NOT choosing a particular element is equal to , which, by the same consequence, is equal to , and the narrowing of the output set at this iteration will be only . Here is a table of the first 6 iterations:

Of course, the proportion of active elements continues to decrease with each iteration, but not as quickly and catastrophically as at the very beginning.

In order to assess the degree of resistance reduction for a large number of iterations, it is more convenient to study not the number itself k, and its inverse - how many times the output set was reduced, and immediately in a logarithmic scale in base 2, so that bits become units of measurement: . It is this number that will characterize the decrease in resistance to exhaustive search - it must be subtracted from the capacity of the selected hash function in order to obtain a capacity equivalent to a strong hash function. dependency graph r up to 50.000 iterations is shown in the figure:

Points where the graph crosses integer values r, summarized in the table:

Derating, r (bit) Number of iterations, i
4 30
5 61
6 125
7 253
8 509
9 1.020
10 2.044
11 4.092
12 8.188
13 16.379
14 32.763
15 65.531
16 131.067
... ...
20 2.097.146
... ...
24 33.554.425

As you can see, the decrease in resistance from a certain point increases very slowly. Moreover, the number of iterations exactly follows powers of two: . In all cases where such regularities are observed, they can be proved analytically, but I no longer set this as my goal. Thus, without reducing the strength of the algorithm by more than 16 bits (and in my firm opinion for 128-bit hash functions, this will not affect their practical strength in the next 25 years, let's say), it is possible to perform 130,000 password hashing iterations. For 256-bit hash functions (SHA-256, GOST R 34.11, RIPEMD-256, etc.), this bar is obviously many times higher.

Checking the adequacy of the model

As always, after a large number of theoretical fabrications, there is a desire to at least somehow assess how far the received theory is from practice. As an experimental hash function, I took the first 16 bits from MD5 (a cryptographically secure hash function allows you to choose any set of bits of the result to form a truncated hash function with similar properties, although, of course, less resistance - according to its new bit depth). All possible values ​​from 0 to 0xFFFF are fed to the input of the algorithm, each of the values ​​is i iterations, each iteration is to calculate the first 16 bits of the MD5 result (a 16-bit hash function is obtained). "Experimental results" are given in the table:

Of course, with such a small value N and especially kN the fact that all the calculations above are given for the limits (for N comparable and large 2,128 - everything is fine there). But even here, the general trend can be traced and satisfactorily fits into the formulas obtained above.

Consequence - resistance to dictionary attack

It's time to analyze, "Is the narrowing of the range of values ​​​​perceivable in cases where a dictionary or easy-to-construct password is chosen as a passphrase?" . Obviously, in this case, the “active” input set of values ​​is already extremely narrowed - it is, depending on the selection methods, in the range from 2 16 to 2 48 . Thus, we immediately find ourselves in a "discharged" situation - on the right side of the graph. Here, the probability of mapping two different input elements to the same output element is extremely small. Millions and millions of operations will practically not change the number of elements in the output set at all. Units / tens are eliminated - there is no question of any practical decrease in durability.


The described brute force protection scheme can be freely applied in practice with virtually no restrictions on cryptographic strength. Recommended upper limits for the number of iterations (allowable tool life degradation) r chosen subjectively in the amount of 1 / 8 bits of the hash function) are given in the table:

Hash/sec is a unit of computing power (hashrate) of computers or special equipment used for cryptocurrency mining (for example, ASIC chips).

In the process of mining, to create blocks and receive rewards, it is necessary to solve many mathematical problems. Miners pick a hash from different combinations to gain access to new transactions and private keys. Performing such tasks requires the use of powerful hardware to help in choosing the right hash. By the unit of change "hash / sec", the miner finds out the power of the equipment and calculates the profitability of mining cryptocurrencies. The higher the hashrate, the more tasks the equipment solves, and the higher the earnings of the network member. As soon as the hash is guessed, the transaction is closed and a new block is formed.

Hash Rate Units

Hash / sec - the minimum unit of hash rate. At the current stage, the following parameters apply:

  • Kilohash/second (kH/s) — 1000 (one thousand) hash/sec.
  • Megahash/second (MH/s) - 1,000,000 (million) hash/sec.
  • Gigahash/second (GH/s) - 1,000,000,000 (billion) hash/sec.
  • Terahesh / second (TH / s) - 1,000,000,000,000 (trillion) hashes / sec.
  • Petahash/second (PH/s) — 1,000,000,000,000,000 (quadrillion) hash/sec.

How to find out the hashrate of mining equipment?

Equipment manufacturers indicate the hashrate parameters in the product specifications. But this figure is indicative, because it depends on a number of factors:

  • operating conditions of the equipment.
  • Slot for connecting to the motherboard.
  • The algorithm with which the miner works. So, the speed of working with SHA or Script algorithms is different.

It is worth considering that some types of mining equipment do not work with certain cryptocurrencies, and the hashrate decreases during the mining process. Each unit for mining coins has its own figure (hash / sec), which should be guided by when calculating the potential profit and payback of production. The best way to find out how many hash/sec the equipment produces is to test the power in practice and calculate the arithmetic average. The last action is necessary, because the hash rate is unstable and changes in a certain range.

What depends on the hash/sec rate?

The difficulty of mining a cryptocurrency reflects the amount of work that goes into finding the hash. This parameter is based on the PoW (proof of work) consensus mechanism and depends on the network hashrate, namely the power of the equipment of the miners connected to the cryptocurrency mining. Difficulty is a unit of work performed, which is measured in hashes, and network power in hashes/second. The cryptocurrency network adjusts the difficulty so that the difficulty/power ratio matches the time until the next block appears.

With a small number of miners, the difficulty decreases and a smaller total hashrate is required to create a block. When the number of miners increases, the difficulty of mining cryptocurrency increases.

For example, the difficulty of mining Bitcoin has increased simultaneously with the jump in the rate of cryptocurrency. In July 2015, it was 49 GigaHash, and today this figure has reached 1.59 Terahesh. This means that the requirements for the hashrate of the equipment used for cryptocurrency mining have also increased.

How many hash/sec does popular mining hardware have

For cryptocurrency mining, farms on video cards and special ASIC chips are used. When choosing a technique, you should focus on its hashrate.

Popular ASIC models for cryptocurrency mining include Antiminet S9. Chips are manufactured by Bitmain. In this model, the hashrate parameter is from 12 to 14 Gigahash per second. The Innosilation A5 DashMaster delivers 30.2 GigaHash per second, while the Ebit E9 Plus Miner delivers 9 Terahash per second.

The main disadvantage of the considered equipment is its high price, so many miners assemble farms on video cards. Here the hashrate is less impressive:

  • GTX 1080 Ti - 35 MH/s.
  • RX 580 - 26 Meghesh per second.
  • GTX 1070 - 27 MH/s.

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