What communication is better to connect. What operator is more profitable

In the Russian market cellular communication There is a close competition between the main players. This "Beeline", MegaFon and MTS, whose services are more than 60% of Russia's population. With the development of wireless communication channels, operators were forced to abandon frankly robbed tariffs for mobile Internet and develop broadband network 3G. Later inclusion this standard There was a "biline", since the equipment on the honeycomb left much to be desired.

The pioneer in this area was the MegaFon, which suggested and offers a wide range of unlimited Internet tariffs to this day. This is actively promoted by the fact that this operator applies high-quality equipment of American and European production.

Race tariffs

Internet access is performed completely on all tariffs offered by cellular operators. There are both separate Internet tariffs and tariff options that provide unlimited Internet access. Their price directly depends on the proposed speed and the threshold of its restrictions. A wide range of tariff options can boast MegaFon and MTS. Their quality can float from the region to the region.

For example, the positions of "MegaFon" are the most strong in the Volga region, where the quality of the mobile Internet is traditionally at the height, and MTS and Beeline can boast of the Internet only in Moscow and Moscow region. The price of mobile Internet of these operators may vary from a few rubles a day to 1000 rubles per month in the absence of any speed thresholds.

Russian cellular telecom operators offer customers a line of smartphones and tablets working on the Internet in 3G networks. However, the quality of them so far leaves much to be desired.

3G / 4G modems

Everything russian operators Cellular Communications offer special USB modems with which it is possible to enter the Internet at a decent speed. Choose them is very careful. The worst in quality, according to consumer reviews, are modems from MTS. MegaFon and Beeline are considered the best in this regard. At the same time, the price of them is favorably different from the "MTS" sold. Recently, MegaFon introduced a 4G modem line, whose speed is beneficial from 3G analogs. They will be well suited to those who simply need to have a permanent Internet access anywhere in the network coverage area.
Beeline and MegaFon, in addition to accessing the Internet, offer their users access to various entertainment content, which is not charged. These are game servers, file sharing networks, etc.

Recently, a serious competitor in the face of Rostelecom appeared on the mobile Internet market. He offers unlimited Internet Tariffs based on 3G networks at very competitive prices, however phone calls It's very expensive. Therefore, it is not necessary to consider it as a full-fledged cellular operator.

What mobile internet is the most profitable? Understand this issue is not as simple as it seems. After all, cellular operators in each city are a lot. And everywhere are offered their own internet connection conditions. Consider accounts for many factors. For example, how actively you are planning to use for the "Soldering" on the Internet. Sometimes it turns out that the most advantageous offer is with the smallest Internet traffic. What about O. this issue Subscribers? How do they connect their mobile internet? What operator is best in this area showed itself?

Eternal competition

In all this is hard to find the answer. After all, everyone has their own requests for mobile virtual web. Therefore, it is from the sets of requirements that the subscriber's choice will depend on.

Did you think that mobile Internet is the most profitable? Then pay attention to the most popular companies offering services mobile communications. They constantly compete with each other. It:

  • "Megfon";
  • "Beeline";
  • "MTS";
  • "Tele 2".

It is among these companies to choose a leader. Be sure to answer for yourself a few questions:

  1. How often will you use the Internet?
  2. What do you do on the network most often?
  3. How active user do you think?
  4. What amount and traffic are counting on?

All this will help you decide on the choice. As practice shows, the ratio of prices and the proposed Internet traffic plays a major role. But the quality of the work of this or that operator also affects the choice of subscribers.


What mobile internet is the most profitable? Perhaps some notice for themselves that "MegaFon" offers very good conditions. Only here is the stability of the work this company is not too famous. Most often, people point out that during operation with the network, they have a variety of malfunctions and malfunctions.

In addition, MegaFon does not allow easy to use the Internet throughout Russia. In order to have such an opportunity, you will have to additionally connect the "Internet in Russia" service. Connection will cost 30 rubles, and the subscription fee will be from 2 to 10.

In principle, not the worst option. MegaFon fits not too active people (most of the operator's offers). You can connect yourself one of the available packages of the mobile Internet (from XS to XL). Each sentence has its own characteristics. Fully free internet (mobile unlimited) is provided in the "Internet XL" package, which costs about 1290 rubles per month. Traffic is not limited here, but the cost is quite high. Suitable only to very active users.


Thought what mobile Internet is the most profitable? Many offer Beeline. The company has long been famous for its reliability and quality of service. It is noted that communication services are provided without constant failures. But the cost of some tariff plans is overestimated. It can push.

Huge attention should be paid to the speed of access to the World Wide Web. In major cities, it will be very small. It is enough to work on the phone, but it is worth inserting a SIM card in a USB modem, as you will feel that the network will not work comfortably. But in small cities with a small load on the network, you can really only rejoice the speed of the Internet.

Huge popularity uses the "All!" from "biline". Free Internet (Mobile) is provided in fairly large volumes. For example, "All for 300" offers 3 GB of the Internet. And additionally another free minute conversation with Beeline subscribers, as well as 100 SMS messages. Not too active users are suitable tariff plan "All". 100 rubles per month - and 100 MB of Internet traffic. After spending the limit, you give for each 1 MB of information on the ruble. Biline has advantageous offers, but most often they are used exclusively for mobile devices. USB modem does not work too well with this operator.


Mobile Internet "MTS" is enjoying much popularity. This operator Offers pretty profitable terms And not bad network work. With its shortcomings - often the company has overload. And in the forest areas with a USB modem comfortable on the Internet do not work. After all, the connection will be at low speed.

At the prices of MTS offers the most humane proposals. If we talk about a mobile phone, then here you can use the tariff "Super Bit" for 150-250 rubles (depends on the region of your stay) and work with the comfort of all over Russia with the Internet. Per day is given a quota of 100 MB. As soon as you download information more restrictions, the speed of the network is reduced to 64 kb / s. It is also possible to connect the "bit" for 150 rubles to work inside the home region.

But for USB modems there is absolutely different packages from MTS. Such a mobile Internet pleases with its cost and speed. But, as already mentioned, or communication due to overload is often interrupted, or the network work is very slow. Here, many are stopped on this sentence.

"Tele 2"

But in Moscow, the best operator is recognized by "tele2". This company It appeared not so long ago, like everyone else, but she already won the hearts of many. Favorable rates, as well as a stable network operation - this is what the operator is famous.

For mobile phone Suitable offer "Internet for mobile". He has a subscription fee that is about 5.5 rubles per day. At the same time the number of data you download is not limited.

But for a USB modem, completely different offers take place. "Tele2" offers a variety of tariffs. For example, "Internet suitcase." With him you get for 400-500 rubles (the cost depends on your area of \u200b\u200bresidence) 45 GB of Internet traffic. Once the limit is exhausted, access to the network stops.

Real leader

So what operator is the most profitable for connecting the Internet? Decide difficult. It is noted that "MTS" and "Tele2" best suited this moment Those who do not want to overpay.

And how to set up a mobile internet? All operators now allow not to think about this issue. It is enough just to save the settings that come to the mobile device. Or insert a SIM card in a USB modem. Everything is very easy and easy!

Find the cheapest unlimited Internet for the smartphone will help our comparative material. In it, we took into account current offers in the market of unlimited. Officially, they are present in the following operators

  • Beeline;
  • Danycom;
  • Tinkoff Mobile.

We will study the rates and options, after which we find the cheapest offer.

Unlimited from MTS

The first operator running the Internet for a mobile phone in 2018. It is submitted by the tariff plan "Tariff". The minimum subscription fee is 650 rubles / month (for Moscow and MO). It includes 500 minutes, 500 SMS and an unlimited number of traffic. The tariff is working throughout Russia, but on trips there is a limit - 500 MB / day, after which the speed drops to 128 kbps. But the moments can be spent on any directions. Few minutes and SMS - take another package - 1500 minutes and posts for 1550 rubles / month.

After the tariff "Tariff" MTS launched the "Many Internet" option for expensive tariff plans With a subscription fee. They included "Smart Zabugoriste", "Our Smart" and all active and archived versions of the tariffs "Smart +", "Ultra", "VIP" and "SMART TOP". Celebrate - only 200 rubles / month. Use the * 111 * 837 * 1 # command to connect this option.

Distribution of Internet traffic is impossible, there are also restrictions on the use of file sharing resources. Use in modems is not allowed.

Unlimited from Biline

The cellular operator Beeline reacted to an innovation from MTS first. Unofficial information about the launch of the Unlimited appeared on the same day, and for the next day it became official. Subscribers have become available to the promotional option "Unlimited Internet" for the utmost tariff line. It is provided for free and without a connection board. In Moscow, it connects to all tariffs of the line, starting with "Untile 2". The subscription fee is 20 rubles / day, which is poured into 600-620 rubles / month.

Offer from DanyCom.

In our opinion, this is the best mobile Internet. Here are three reasons:

  • The low subscription fee - unlimited is available on the "Xenon" tariff with a monthly payment of 699 rubles.
  • Good coverage in Moscow and regions - DanyCom uses a tele2 infrastructure, which paid attention to an increase in the number of base stations 4G.
  • The Internet is available on any devices - modems, tablets, smartphones and routers.

There are three drawbacks:

  • "Xenon" is not available for the transition - you will have to buy a separate SIM card.
  • The tariff does not work voice communication - Call somewhere impossible.
  • Danycom works in a limited area of \u200b\u200bregions - a rapid development is scheduled for only 2019.

It is an inexpensive and fast Internet from the new virtual operator. If there is no wired provider in the house, it is best to choose services from Danycom.

Anlim from Tinkoff Mobile

From the virtual operators Tinkoff was the first to offer a really unlimited Internet. Its value is 999 rubles / month with the possibility of distribution (there is a possibility that in the near future this functionality will make a paid). At the same time, the minutes can be turned off completely, leaving only traffic. Tinkoff Mobile Tariff is the only one, but customizable - the choice of service packages is carried out through personal Area. The area of \u200b\u200baction is the whole country.

Final results and favorable tariffs

The cheapest Internet was Biline - from 600 rubles / month. In some regions, where unlimited connects to the utmost tariff, it will cost even cheaper. No less interesting offer from Danycom - 699 rubles / month with traffic for any devices. Tinkoff on his background looks more expensive, given the complete coincidence of coverage areas.

As a result, it all depends on the availability of a particular operator in those places where you use the tie most often. For example, for giving, you can choose MTS - the number of its base stations outside the large cities is higher than that of Danycom and Tinkoff (both are working on tele2).

Almost every owner of phones is used by mobile Internet. Most wish to determine which operator is better for mobile Internet. Make it becomes more and more difficult, since each cellular operator is trying to attract a large number of New customers through improving their services precisely in terms of the quality and cost of the Internet.

Criteria for the choice of mobile Internet

Before staying on any of the operators, you need to take into account several parameters that can help make right choice. These include the following criteria:

  • speed;
  • traffic volume;
  • price.

The cost has recently played the most minor role, since the price of mobile Internet has about the same, and even the cheapest tariff is completely inferior in the cost of the most expensive.

Particular attention should be paid to the speed and number of gigabytes provided. When choosing the Internet for mobile, you need to consider how the smartphone owner will use traffic. If you plan to look at the phones on the phone, the minimum connection speed should be at least 1 Mbps. For video calls on Skype, you need from 512 kbps, and for online games - 128-256 kbps. The volume of traffic also depends on what purpose the Internet for the phone will be used.

MTS is one of the most popular operators throughout Russia and in neighboring countries. The fares of the provider are distinguished by a large variety, flexibility and availability of differentiated proposals for owners of different mobile devices. In a competitive struggle, everything cellular operators They are trying to improve their services, and MTS is no exception.

The company offers its customers to choose from the following tariff plans for the smartphone:

  1. "Internet Maxi".
  2. "Internet mini.
  3. "Internet VIP".

The difference in honey in three tariffs is the cost and number of megabytes provided for a month. So, in the "Internet Mini", the client receives 3 GB of traffic on the use of 3 GB and pays 350 rubles. Thus, the cost of 1 GB is 116 rubles 67 kopecks. "Internet Mini" provides 12 GB at night and 12 GB in the afternoon for 700 rubles. This means that for 1 MB will have to pay less than 6 kopecks, and for 1 GB - 58 rubles. "Internet VIP" allows unlimited use, and day traffic is 30 GB at 1,200 rubles - 40 rubles / GB. If the subscriber has the opportunity to pay 1 200 rubles per month, the Internet-VIP package will be the most optimal solution.

The company also provides an opportunity to use on smartphones and tablets. For this, it is necessary, the cost of which is 12.90 rubles per day in almost all regions, except Moscow and Moscow region, where from the second month, MTS subscribers will have to pay 19 rubles per day.

This cellular operator has four packages of services:

  1. 600 minutes + 300 sms.
  2. 1 100 minutes + 500 sms.
  3. 2,200 minutes + 1 000 sms.
  4. 3,300 minutes + 3 000 sms.

The cost of each package is 500, 800, 1,200 and 1 800 rubles per month, respectively. Each of them provides connectivity. unlimited Internet. Thus, the subscriber has a chance to use unlimited mobile Internet for 500 rubles per month. In addition, the user must have in account 500 rubles. This amount is first frozen and over time will return the owner.


Choosing a mobile Internet, to say which operator is better, it is very difficult. In any case, a megaphone is in the list of the best. The company offers its customers a fast, but relatively expensive Internet for a smartphone in its "All Inclusive" line:

  1. VIP - 2,700 rubles.
  2. L, XL - 950-1 350 rubles.
  3. M - 810 rubles.
  4. S - 570 rubles.

The cost is indicated taking into account subscription fee and payment for connecting unlimited. It cannot be said that he is the cheapest, however, in contrast to Bilain, the process of payment services on the Megaphone is much easier. The first connection is free, and every subsequent will cost 100 rubles. Based on how the subscriber uses other options, any of the above can be the most favorable tariff.

Internet from tele2.

This is another operator to mention. Tele2 offers its subscribers three tariffs:

  1. 7 GB for 299 rubles.
  2. 15 GB for 599 rubles.
  3. 30 GB for 899 rubles.

Thus, the price of 1 GB in these tariffs is 42.71 rubles., 40 rubles. and 30 rubles. This is also a good offer. Of course, the mobile Internet from the tele2 is not the most profitable, but the cost of 1 GB is cheaper than in tariffs from MTS.


The last of the providers, which provides its subscribers unlimited mobile Internet, is an operator called Yota. In addition to the Yota traffic offers unlimited messages and calls within the network, as well as 100, 300, 600, 900 or 1,200 minutes to the numbers of other operators.

Not the best point is that the phone with the Yota card can not be fully used as a modem. If you do this, then 3G will not function on complete. The speed will be limited to 128 kbps, however, for tasks that do not assume the presence of a high-speed connection, it will be enough to ensure good work.

Many believe that Yota communication quality is not the best among all others, but the services of this operator are available in all regions where there is a megaphone connection.

A large number of subscribers is asked as the Operator to select to connect the Internet through the modem. The first list is. This is one of the most favorable tariffs For modem. To connect it necessary to purchase a modem from MTS. The device will not work any other company. The data transfer rate is approximately 21 MB / s. The cost of activation is 699 rubles. After that, for each month, the subscriber must pay 600 rubles.

A good Internet for a modem is provided by Beeline and MegaFon. The cost can be up to 1,000 rubles. Depending on the region. Also, these two operators provide their customers with access to entertainment content (exchangers, games servers) without tariff traffic.

It is necessary to watch where it is better to communicate. Depending on the region of residence, the quality of communication of the same operator may differ. Also need to take into account additional featuresprovided by the tariff plan. For example, if a package of free minutes or test messages is needed, you can pay attention to the package of services from biline for 1,800 rubles. In the case when only the Internet is needed, the same Beeline offers unlimited inexpensive - only for 500 rubles. per month. Approximately for the same amount you can connect the most unlimited from the megaphone, overpaid some 70 p.

In cases where unlimited is not a keen necessity, you can connect mini from MTS for 350 p. and get the opportunity to download and upload 3 GB of data.

Based on the above material, it can be concluded that the cheapest is the package from biline for 500 rubles., By connecting which the ability to use unlimited traffic. The minus of the tariff is to postpay. For 570 p. You can activate "all inclusive" from a megaphone, but it is necessary to take into account that there may be additional costs associated with calls and text messaging.

Each of the operators offers a wide variety of tariff plans, so any user will find a suitable. When choosing, it is necessary to be guided not from which of the tariffs is the cheapest, but should take into account the entire model of using the smartphone. Someone needs only traffic, and someone - minutes and SMS.

The traffic included in the tariff has long been more important than the number of minutes: we are increasingly communicating in social networks and messengers, and not by phone. Yes, and if you need to talk, it is always possible to do this with the help of the same messengers. It remains to find a suitable tariff, so that the Internet is as cheap. Who offers in the Moscow region?

MTS: "Unlimited" with a limit

The main tariff for online-dependent is "my unlimited." It can be customized independently: choose the number of traffic (from 5 to 30 GB), the number of minutes and SMS (from 300 to 900). If you minimize both, you will need to pay 480 rubles. per month. Those who did not have enough traffic can connect additional package: Immediately 1 GB for 150 rubles. All traffic within the framework of the tariff (including additional) can be used throughout Russia.

Beeline: How much is your?

Beeline not so long ago introduced new tariffs "Untile." The most modest rate with an index 1 is 3 GB, 300 minutes and 300 sms for 400 rubles. per month. And it is possible to change moments and SMS on traffic: for example, the same 300 sms easily converted to an extra gigabyte. The next "step" is already 15 GB (plus 500 min. And 300 sms) for 600 rubles. per month. True, the site is tactfully specified per day.

MegaFon: Antivirus and TV as a gift

As with "Bilain", MegaFon - several tariffs "Turn around!" With certain traffic packages and minutes. If you are not a very active Internet user, you can take the easiest "Turn around! Write ": 3 GB of traffic, 300 minutes and as many SMS for 400 rubles. per month. At the same time, you also receive a package of bonuses: unlimited on popular messengers and MegaFon. Vets, ESET NOD32 antivirus ... those who decide on a more expensive tariff, waiting even more pleasant. For example, in the tariff "Turn around! Listen "(15 GB, 300 minutes) Unlimited has been valid for music services.

Tele2: Unlimited social networks and messengers

With Tele2 there is one important nuance: SIM cards of this operator work only in 3G / 4G networks. Accordingly, if you do not have the most recent two-minute phone (2016 release and earlier), you can use the TELE2 card only in the first, main slot. The second is usually designed only for 2G connection.

As for tariffs, there are a number of fixed, including a certain number of minutes and gigabytes, but you can create your own. The minimum package is 200 minutes and 2 GB, it will cost 200 rubles. At the same time, unlimited on social networks and messengers are already included in the tariff - you can add more TV / video service from Tele2, as well as some Yandex services (each - 99 rubles) minutes allow you to change the gigabytes, the maximum package of mobile traffic in tariffs is 40 GB ( 680 rub.)

Yota: Take at least 30 GB

In Yota you can buy a tariff at all without inclusive minutes. For example, 2 GB of traffic will cost you 250 rubles. Separately offered to connect unlimited on messengers and social networks: 25 rubles. For each application, and YouTube - for 60 rubles. The maximum amount of possible traffic in tariffs for a smartphone is 30 GB (380 rubles). If you intend to use this traffic not in the capital (for example, in the territory of the new Moscow), it is better to refer to the coating card: there are quite large areas with a coated plated only 2G.

Tinkoff Mobile: 2 "Giga" for 99 rubles.

The tariffs of the virtual operator using Tele2 resources are quite attractive. For example, 2 GB of traffic can be bought in just 99 rubles / month (without a package minutes). There are options 4, 8, 16 GB and unlimited - the latter will cost 999 rubles. By the way, and the voice connection without restrictions will cost in the same 999 rubles. For 59 rubles. One unlimited service can be connected - for example, messengers, social networks, "music". Video service without restrictions will cost 159 rubles, and this is not only YouTube, but also twitch, iTunes video, Google Play. Films, Rutube, Vimeo ...

About the nuances of using the Tinkoff Mobile SIM cards (count, Tele2) we wrote above.

And who has the Internet better?

We did not find a unambiguous answer to this question, although they interviewed all staff of the editorial board. Someone likes MegaFon, others are delighted with MTS ... on subjective estimates faster and more stable the Internet from the "Large Troika" operators - especially this is noticeable outside the city. But those of us who are not very actively traveling in Russia are quite satisfied with Yota and Tele2 (Tinkoff Mobile). Especially considering very democratic tariffs.

By the way, if you have any problems with mobile Internet, you can try to correct them - instruction. Speed \u200b\u200bYou can always check with.

In the meantime, we would be interested to know which operators our readers prefer, so do not consider the work to participate in the survey below. At the same time, you will see statistics yourself;)