Earn initial capital. How to make starting capital

Practice shows that ingenious ideas, most often live in the heads of people who have no money for their implementation. It was for this category that prepared an article that will tell how to make starting capital, having: Internet, computer (laptop), ideas, the desire to succeed.

What is the starting capital (in his own words)?

Start-up capital - This is a certain amount of money that its owner can invest in the development of a personal case (both online and offline ways). In fact, without this component, it will be impossible to take a more profitable niche for earnings.

For this reason, to stop at the stage of earnings of initial capital - it is not worth it. And in life, you must always go ahead.

On the living example it looked, so: Mushrooms went to collect with dad. He recommended to go more complex way (Of course, I had other ideas). But, nevertheless, they did the way my father wanted. About an hour we walked without a result, but then, when I was already ready and surrendered at all, it happened that:

By the way, mushrooms were called ok. I hope I realized that earn start-up capital on the Internet It's not easy how difficult how to find mushrooms in the old forest. The inner voice will make suggestions to surrender, throw everything, but if you are a purposeful man - everything will turn out.

Full acquaintance with the material, will give answers to the following questions:

how to earn initial capital;

where to get initial capital newcomer;

- Earn start-up capital on the Internet.

In addition to useful informationThe article will feature proven sites, thanks to which their freelancers, webmasters, businessmen (not only on Internet spaces) will be presented. In order for these sites earn initial capital, do not need to invest.

How to earn start-up capital newcomer?

We are ready to recommend 4 proven sites, which at one time helped me get the first $ 10, $ 50, $ 100 and even $ 1000 (I immediately say - it will not be easy). By the way, it is this stage that it will help to cut off losers (after earning the initial capital - it will be easier). I hope forces, and faith in success is enough to achieve the goal.

Now about the main thing, 4 sites:

1) - gives an answer to the question: where to take the initial capital of the newcomer, who does not know the specifics of work on the Internet and is ready only to fulfill simple tasks.

Job: Passing tests, performing simple tasks (social networks), writing short comments (you can with errors).

Earnings: 0-1000 rubles per day. Method of time consuming and difficult. I note that even on such sites, people manage to earn normal money, not to mention the starting capital.

Achievement: For the start it was necessary to 5000 rubles? For about 5-8 months, you can accumulate, working on the Internet for several hours per day. Difficult, little? You no longer need initial capital? Then stay a loser. So easier.

2) responds to an equally important question: how to earn a starting capital in dollars.

Work: All tasks are very similar to those that are presented on the first site. The only difference is to pay in dollars here.

Earnings: from 0 to 300 $ -500 $ per month. Newbies earn a few dollars a day.

Achievement: accumulate money working on the Internet On this site is easy. If you earn $ 2-5 per day, you will be able to accumulate $ 200-500 for a third. Pretty diquses are quite conditional. There are people who and 1000 $ -3000 $ will have time to raise during this time.

3) tells us: earn the initial capital by writing feedback, translations, articles. Do you think it is so difficult? Think, do not cope? Think.

How did I think? Of course, there were fears that somewhere would not work. True, there was no special choice. I had a goal, and I already knew how to make starting capital? That is why it did not stop and for the second month earned about $ 280. The third month brought $ 560. Yes, it was so much for me to earn, being a newcomer. Not bad starting capital, right?

Guys, the entire article is made with an emphasis on what you need to go ahead. Registration on the site and execution of 1-3 tasks will not result in the result - you need to plow. Exactly. I do not know, you can read articles, how to earn a million in one day or something in this spirit, but I used to write the truth - it will be difficult, but it is worth it.

Earnings: 0-1000 $ per month or more. Yes, there are people steeper me. They did earn more than $ 1,000.

Achievement: It is clear that on this site you can earn an initial capital even faster. Plus, nothing prevents continuing to work there, combining work on the first two sites.

4) Earn initial capital from your video. Thus, "shouted" YouTube's affiliate program. Now I will tell you what it is.

You need to have: channel on YouTube, rollers, 10,000 views and 500 subscribers. Only then, you can (without connecting to make money and bring money will be difficult).

Earnings: 0-10 000 $ and more. The most famous channels get tremendous money from their channels. And they are no longer asked: how to earn an initial capital on the Internet (Having $ 3,000 -5,000) per month is irrelevant.

Guys, if somewhere, brought you to the idea that everything will be easy, then do not believe me - it will not be easy. Absolutely everything depends on you. The only thing I did is recommended proven and the best sites to earn the initial capital.

You can earn in the village on the Internet!

You are able to succeed, being on maternity leave!

You can accumulate start-up capital!

Earnings on the Internet today, more than ever, relevant, in demand and with confidence passes to the forefront of the way to earn fast and "live" money. The main rule is not to forget that this is a source of income, and not a contribution to someone's pocket in the form of an initial contribution.

Not to get into a mousetrap

First you need to understand the simple truth:

cheating is also one of the ways to make money online.

And it is a pity that people who know how to think sophisticated, spend their abilities not to creative work, but on the inventing of various fraudulent schemes.

These schemes begin with the simplest: transfer of small amounts within 100 rubles for registration or forwarding of any documents. Then the promise follows (again, for some kind of money transfer) more advanced and in-depth access to sites.

In order not to get into such a mousetrap - you should not make any prepayment!

The employer has the right to set the requirements according to which the work will be considered performed, but it should be paid, and not you!

More sophisticated deception

There is also a more sophisticated deception: a fraudster allegedly contributes to a prepayment, thus creating start-up capital. Following his recommendations wishing to have earnings on the Internet on the links send to Skype or email potential "employer". A correspondence with ordinary refinements of personal data and a proposal, for example, to play roulette in one of the casino are tied up.

The offer sounds somewhat strange, but do not forget that you initially pay not you. You are only playing, and you will be offered a win-win action option and one of the ways of monetization:

you create an account with an electronic wallet and pressure with the "Employer" share the win.

If you are a reasonable and gambling person, then sooner or later you will realize that the deductions can be removed only on that wallet, from where they did. So, it will become the need to replenish the balance from your account to take revenge in the situation.

In this situation, the fraudster uses exclusively the psychological features of a person: the desire for rapid enrichment and excitement.

And his money in the Internet system is not more than a script, followed by emptiness. But you are at the same time, very quickly move in his pocket.

How to earn honest money

In order for a salary, the initial capital is not required, otherwise donations will not be the end, ranging from the first installment until the time when the amount of payments exceed its size. It is enough to create a skillful information processing system, and it will pleasantly surprise you earnings.

On the Internet there are probably not once come across your eyes. They offer to earn, performing various qualities of tasks. The easiest way to start with simple tasks, but they will not bring big earnings.

How does the simplest scheme work?

Despite the fact that her name is quite specific -, the work is to watch one after another advertising sites. One view - 5 kopecks. Everyone is spent a few seconds. Earn a lot so, of course, it will not work, but earnings appear with the complete absence of the first monetary fee.

Each site, as a rule, is updated the infinite number of times, the texts do not need to break the head, so easy and easy earnings are available to any user of the computer, which has the simplest skills of working with it.

To increase the amount, it is worth moving to performing more responsible. For example, read a small text and answer the questioned question.

You can pass a test task of several questions, payment for it will be five times more expensive.

If you are not new

More confident users are waiting for more interesting and creative. They are enough in the Internet system, and notice, without the initial contribution.

Lovers of the Russian language and literature can try their strength in writing texts of a given subject. The employer's website will propose to write small "writings" at the beginning, but it will require one hundred percent uniqueness. Do not wait for a big income from the first text.

To make this craft brought a fair and stable income to work hard, guided by the basic principles - literacy and uniqueness.

Writing texts in English and other languages, like the work of the translator, are more expensive.

If you have a video photography technique, then the rollers removed can also bring. Their views on YouTube will bring good earnings to the author, and for this it is enough to choose the plot.

Earnish Earnings

The desire to have stable earnings is a good reason for becoming a blogger and make your own website.

A confident Internet user is capable of this without the help of a programmer. An interesting and readable site will also not immediately bring income. You will need time and a lot of interesting material that includes text documents, video and photographic materials.

The principle of writing texts is the same for any site - literacy and uniqueness, plus the ability to find a thought, otherwise the reader next time does not want to "wrap to visit you." Over time, advertising texts and links to the links can be placed. And also provide other paid services.

Also nice to learn the lesson on glock

and your site can become a "implementer", for example, video lessons of playing musical instruments, language lessons and courses of a successful person, of course, for a certain percentage of implementation.


Today, earnings on the Internet are reality, and make money on simple or complex actions - to solve you, the main thing about how to make a profit, and not send your money in the form of a contribution to someone else's uncle in your pocket.

Many small firms open with the initial investments of financial resources disappear from the market for various reasons in the next 1-2 years after the start of their activities. According to statistics of such enterprises 90%. The money invested in them, and sometimes considerable, simply lose. Without starting initial capital, it is still possible and you need to earn money. Entering your business with a complete zero, you are not risking anything. Here you can do everything that your soul, without losing money. Instead, they will have to invest their time and nerves. At all without investments, get rich, unfortunately, it will not work. From our article today you will learn about the ways of such an earnance.

The most worthy of his option is to occupy a favorite thing. They may have professional skills, various hobbies, creating useful values \u200b\u200band so on. It will be very good if your favorite thing brings a sufficient amount of money. But such options are united. In this case, you need to create several monetary systems that do not require the management of your constant presence, while at the same time developing the main thing to the desired level. If you like Freilance, you can make creating, design and promotion sites. This will require only a computer or laptop with special programs. All contacts with customers for receiving and transferring orders are carried out through the network. Payment is made after receiving performed work.

By the same principle, copywriters work. If you know how to competently state your or other people's thoughts, write texts under the order or for sale for numerous network sites. Such work is always in demand, and it is possible to find it on special exchanges like "Akvevedi", where VEBMASTER and authors are found.

Also good idea to create your site. It will be your advertising platform and network representation. On your site you can promote services, affiliate programs, sell information products and advertising places. You can create a site for 4 hours, but for its promotion and filling with a useful material, you will need a long time or cash "injections". To start earning, there will be a fairly simple single-page with a commercial offer and a small payment for providing him with the address in the network - domain and hosting.

Money to any entrepreneur gives his client base. It can also be earned on it. On the network, for example, this is done with the help of automatic mailing e-mail About the goods offered throughout the database of addresses. Loyal clients usually do not refuse prepayment, which can significantly increase trade.

And finally, the general advice: in the process of organizing their case, pay more attention to the search for its idea, which does not require starting investments. It is better than "waging" money to the nearby project.
Good luck to you in business!

The Internet provides ample opportunities for earnings. Many successfully operate in the network, providing a decent standard of living. There are many ways to make money on the Internet without investments. Most often, such methods involve the implementation of monotonous uninteresting work. The amounts received for such work can not always be viewed as the main source of income. There are exceptions, but they only confirm the rule.

Today we will tell about the methods of earnings that will require the availability of starting capital. Despite the fact that there are many fraudulent schemes on the Internet, the purpose of which is to take possession of gullible people, there are also honest ways of earnings that require initial investments. Moreover, it can be very significant amounts calculated in thousands and tens of thousands of dollars. To begin with - about explicit fraudulent schemes.

Casino and Magic Wallets

Surely Internet users often met on the network advertising "earnings" methods in casino or different options promising quick enrichment if a person translates a certain amount on online wallet payment system. The aim of owners of such sites, posts and pages on social networks is the establishment of other people's money. Casino will never make money on himself. Any "winning" scheme, especially, common on the Internet, will lead a gambling player to lose 100% of cases. Without options. People who distribute such "workers" of the winning schemes in the casino, earn on attracted referrals.

"Magic" wallets - another myth, aimed at the money of gullible people. Schemes can be anyone - from the simplest, consisting of a certain amount on the wallet, and you promise to return the amount twice as much. On a penny scheme, the scheme can work, but on a significant amount of the wallet "break" and nothing will be switched. A more complex scheme is the transfer of money to the wallets on the list, with the addition of its and the further distribution of the message. This is a banal pyramid, in which no one will work in addition to its organizers.


Playing poker for a specific category of people has become a work and a way of good earnings. In fact, if this takes seriously, you can earn in poker. But at the same time it will be necessary to study a lot and stubbornly. If you are ready to take the game as work, spending poker almost all your time, it can become a source of income. At the same time, most people consider it as a way to spend time.


The game on the currency exchange is becoming increasingly popular. Many attract the opportunity to earn on fluctuations in currency rate quotes. But here is not so simple. To become a successful trader, you have to learn a lot. And the riskiness of such a type of earnings remains one of the highest. Even experienced currency speculators are not protected from the conclusion of unfavorable transactions, if the market suddenly receives the driver and head in another direction.

It is possible to work successfully on the forex currency market. But again - you have to learn a lot and practically all your free time. At the same time you need to always be prepared for any surprises. It is also important to choose the right broker, to study a huge number of specialized literature, learn to analyze, feel and understand the market.

Purchase and creation of sites

Working with sites is the only honest and reliable way of earning the Internet with initial capital. In fact, you can try to make money on your website without investing in it. But it will be very difficult to do it. There are drawbacks in free hosting and domain names. They are not as well indexed by search engines, and their monetization is pretty difficult. Therefore, we will tell about such versions as the purchase or creation of the site in order to further monetize (profit).

Consider the option with buying a ready site.


  • You receive income from almost the first day;
  • Minimum effort on your part;
  • See the real picture of attendance, fullness of the site and you can predict your profits.


  • It is necessary to immediately post a significant amount (from $ 1000);
  • It is impossible to be confident in the indicators of attendance and the TIC of the site;
  • There are problems with the development of the project in the future.

Buying a ready site, you pay for the work of the webmaster, which created it. Traditionally, the cost of the site can compile its total yield over the period from one to two years. If the site earns on visitors, contextual advertising, pay attention to the quality of traffic. It should be from search engines. Transitions from other sites or social networks They can talk about the high probability of purchased traffic, which will disappear after the fee for it will cease to be entered. We can resort to such tricks to webmasters before selling the site to increase its attractiveness.

The site can earn both on traffic and on selling links. In the second case, the TIC is very important (thematic citation index). And in the case of buying a site, if you are going to monetize the method of selling links, pay special attention to it. The problem is that TICs can also be "drawn". Purchase of temporary links can increase the TIC of the resource, but such links are removed immediately after the sale of the site, and the TIC will definitely decrease.

Creating your site

The most reliable I. effective method Earning on the Internet with initial capital - creating your own website. Almost anyone today can make his website, promote it in search engines And make money on this good money.


  • Money must be investing gradually, there is no need to invest a large amount at once;
  • You can choose the theme, design and stylistics of the site;
  • You are confident in the quality of materials posted on the site obtained links and know the origin of traffic.


  • It is necessary to find experienced layout specialists, creating semantic kernel and writing texts;
  • We will have to fill the site itself, paying this work a lot of time;
  • We'll have to wait for a while to get the first money.

Creating your site is really working on the Internet. By investing the initial capital in the creation and development of your own project, you get the opportunity to earn in the future when the resource takes strong positions in search results.

For clarity, we collect the most important criteria for the listed methods of earnings in the comparative table.

Initial capitalFeaturesDignitydisadvantages
ForexYou can start with a minimum deposit of $ 1High riskAbility to make money quickly, availability.In addition to the high risk of the loss of the deposit, you need to accept the loss of time on training
PokerYou can start with any amountRisk of lossAn interesting game that can be a source of incomeAt the initial stage, the probability of winning seeks to zero, will have to study for a long time
SitesOn average from $ 1000Almost everything depends on youThis work associated with creating interesting resources. It can become a favorite occupation that brings a decent income.As in any business, we will have to pay a lot of time to study numerous factors affecting the success of sites.

Hello guys. Alexander Borisov with you. Here is the hour of the night on the clock, I won't sleep and decided for you an interesting post to roll on the topic of earnings of starting capital on the Internet, which will already help you move on in your online business to new numbers and not only on the Internet.

I will tell you about the way of earning a starting capital for newbies, which I used in 2010-2011, and in principle, thanks to him, I could invest earned money into a blog for its promotion. Design, layout, buying links, Yandex Catalog in my case, etc. Go...

We all want to earn money (in the network or in life it does not matter), I just see that many damn, immediately rush to some unreal digs. Some of me so in support and wrote, "Alexander, tell me a way to make money online, which will help me in half a year to a year, approximately, to reach at least 15-20 thousand per month." \u003d)

About how immediately. That is, no matter how the question is not worth earning 1000, 2000, 3000 rubles. Immediately give 15,000-20,000. \u003d) Yes, and see how they write - " At least". Basically, of course, such questions ask those guys who are not a boom boom in general in the topic of earnings on the Internet (and on which pink glasses are wearing), so I'll tell you what:

To begin with, try to earn 100 rubles , then 200, then 1000, 2000, 3000, etc., that is, some start-up capital, which can be about investing somewhere further and get even more.

If I take our common cause, then the blogger start-up capital at the initial stage of its activity is needed. In the course blogger-mentor I spoke about it. So comrades bloggers, and not only. Do not seek you immediately to five digits, start with a small one.

Earn your first 1000-3000-5000 rubles, rejoice, then invest this money further to get more, further even more, to continue to leave a penny and further about investing, etc. it standard scheme Any business. In general, I will not pull a long time. What do you learn from this article:

1. Three best ways to earn a starting capital on the network
2. What ways to make it better not to use

So let's start from the first point. The three best ways to earn the initial capital, which can be passed on. I note that three ways, the best in my personal opinion. If someone does not agree with me or wants to offer something even better, then please in the comments. Thank you. Here are my ways:

1. Earnings on affiliate programs
2. Earnings on writing articles for money
3. Earnings at remote work (freelance)

I'll start with the third method (from the end). Freelance - distant work. Good way Earn from scratch, but! To make money you need to be able to do. For example, if you know how to draw well, or for example, edit videos professionally (specials. Effects are all things), then you are the road to free-lance.ru, register, find customers, or they find you, perform some kind of work - get money .

Here we worked and earned. I have a familiar poems writes to order, another friend makes the audio transcription into the text. That is, he listens to the audio and prints into the text for money. 1 minute - 15 rubles. Yes! Perhaps this is not enough ... You may earn very little for transcription, for drawings, for video editing, etc. etc. ... but!

It's better than anything or a bunch of ideas in the head of the opening is possible some offline or even online businesswhich you will never open the lack of starting capital.

Oh ... I have a familiar sea, which is no longer the first year they think ("Muty business", as they say), how would they make money to earn what to stir up ... \u003d))) Firstly, the brain need to pump, in -Theless money to have some one to start, well, and the most recent, at least to be able to do something. In general, this is the first way.

Do some work on the Internet for money. Work sea !!! And there are such works that you can learn to perform not long. More precisely, not to fulfill, but learn to make such work. The same transcription. The second way is to earn money on writing articles for money.

Yes, it would be possible to turn it on and on the third, but I decided to take it separately. Because here you can not search for the customer, he myself can find you, but you can also rush to stamps to stamps! I myself earned this personally. .

Content now becomes in demand more and more. They took, they went to the same Exevere exchange, regrowled and start writing articles from day to day, from week a week. The bigger, the better. And do not forget about quality.

Having written several dozen articles and placing them on the stock exchange, they will be bought. Yes, maybe not immediately, but will be. Well, I personally remember wrote an article, I got bought from me. Again, I told the secret. This is again better than anything. Yes, we earned 300-500 rubles.

I agree not yet, I want more, and I had to plow, but what, as you wanted. Is it better than anything right? But then, if you, for example, planned to make a blogging, you will have the first money that can be investigated in the blog design, pay the designer, the vestist, etc., so that you make you a beautiful and neat blog, which pleases the eye ...

And which do not need to constantly pick all day after something to improve there, correct if something has twisted ... So you will have more time writing articles in your blog. More articles on your blog, more traffic, more traffic (visitors if anyone knows) Here you have income from advertising.

Here you earn the first money, invest further, etc. All as if just! Only laziness Mother ... Everything somehow I want a fuck, sorry for the expression, not to invest in a blog, they say that he will earn money first, then we will put money. \u003d) Well, it does not happen ... it happens, but rarely ... In general, we will pass the topic about Leng. She was already delivered.

Well last method Earnings, thanks to which you can not raise bad, I will tell you, the starting capital is earnings on affiliate programs. YES! I consider it best way Of these three. Why? I'll explain now. By the way, who does not know what it is. Before reading the text further, read this article, otherwise you will not understand if someone is not in the subject.

a) learn how to earn money on affiliates
b) for this you do not need to have a website or blog
c) for this you do not need to have a database of subscribers
d) for this it is not necessary to have a name (brand)
e) enough 500-1000 rubles for start

Again start from the end. In early 2011, I began to earn in partner programs. My initial investments amounted to 350 rubles for advertising, as a result, I earned, somewhere 4800-5,000 rubles, I don't remember exactly. I remember just that I jumped from joy from Yuki. \u003d) But I will immediately say that it's like me really lucky.

Attach 350 rubles and get 5k rubles it is cool in fact. It happens rarely. For example, the other day I put 1500 rubles in advertising, in the end I received 3920. Well, 2 times more, not super a lot, but still. In general, I here mainly show the essence that you can start earning in affiliates with minimal attachments to advertising.

Further. Learning to earn money on affiliate programs is not difficult! It is enough to know the most important base. I am now 100% sure that approximately 80% of my readers do not know this database. Of course, I can make a mistake, but I still think that way. Usually people think that the base is when you know what to make money on affiliate programs, you need:

1. Find profitable affiliate
2. Register in it and become a partner
3. Get your partner links
4. Distribute links everywhere to the right and left (blog, social network, forums, tyerier, banners, context, etc.)
5. Wait when someone will buy something on Ref.links and earn commissions

It seems that everything is correct, but unfortunately acting according to this scheme the majority of the guys do not earn anything, but only spend money for advertising. You do not think that I am the most intelligent here, I, too, in the tube at one time a lot of money launched. Because of his own stupidity and simple not knowledge of the correct work scheme.

I now just sometimes allocate a little time, on the creation of my teaching video course on the right earning of affiliate programs in which I want to tell exactly the correct scheme. Now it is already necessary to act completely in other ways. Do not miss his output. Further.

To make money on affiliate programs do not need to have a website or blog at all, you do not need to have a name (brand), the subscriber base (this is just the same for beginners), today everything is done otherwise, there are already a partnership automation scheme.

I want to tell about these schemes in my new course. Guys, I have already flipped a lot of information on the Internet on the topic of earnings on affiliates, a bunch of information applied and got the result, a bunch of information applied and fell, breaking the forehead, so I have something to say.

My task to convey to you information on how the usual person (newcomer) can start making money on affiliates from a complete zero, invested, let's say 500 rubles and receiving 1500-2000 rubles. Further, these money earned to invest and get 4000-5000 rubles, and even more and so on ...

In addition, it will earn at least some kind of a penny (the starting capital for some other purposes), the newcomer will build its subscriber base. Yes, you did not hear. The base of subscribers by promoting not its own, and affiliate goods. I am confident that many do not even know how it is done. All learn!

Also, earning on affiliate programs, you can not promoting someone else's brand on your own behalf. Because no one knows the name. \u003d) It is also not very important in the Internet business.

So, let's summarize everything written above. The most important thing is that you do not need to chase for big money. Not fast, namely big. Fast money on the Internet is there, three ways I gave you, but there is no big. I advise you to look at these three ways to earn the starting capital. So far, I do not know ways better. Maybe someone else tells something?

Oh yeah, promised to tell you what methods are better not to use to earn the starting capital:

Loans (loans)
MLM (Network Marketing) and Pyramids (Haipes)
Earnings on the blog (site)
Forex (PAMM account)
File sharing

Everything in details will not explain why. Just do not use everything. No, among these ways to earn money (not all of course) those where you can earn quickly, there are cool and profitable, but not for earning the starting capital is accurate!

P.S. In conclusion, I would like to explain that with the promotion of me at all write this post. In general, here is an article - "", and I also wrote it too. The fact is that in blogging (and not I noticed this), something happens.

Activity is no longer the one that was before. All this is connected with many factors. Here, I described one of them in this article. Many bloggers throw blogging due to the fact that they cannot at least earn something on the Internet, so stupidly leave. The promises earned a lot of money got, the eyes caught fire, it turned out not so simple and threw.

I hope maybe this article will help someone go back and try everything from the beginning. But all the same, the main reasons for the decline in blogging others. Many guys and girls do not really understand what a blog can give. In the near future I will try to record live videos on this topic. Do not miss.

By the way, probably in the next article will come out the first video with the answers to questions in the heading "You Ask - I answer." It will be interesting. Well, on this I probably have everything today. And in conclusion, I declare the beginning of the marathon on the unregardness of crosswords. I have already . Grand Prize, new tablet Google Nexus 7. Crossword number 1, drove. I wish everyone good luck!

P.S. To quickly receive notifications about the release of new blog articles and the first to solve the crossword, use the program.