Google analytics training. Google Analytics: From Beginner to Expert

Who is this training for and what does it give:

  • It will help to master a new highly paid profession, open the doors to large advertising agencies and companies.
  • Marketer

    The course will provide an opportunity to analyze data on cost-effectiveness across all promotion channels, analyze the audience and allow you to correctly optimize the budget.
  • Analyst

    Beginner or practitioner. The course will provide professional growth, salary increase and up-to-date, applied knowledge in web analytics.
  • Business owner

    It will help increase revenues, assess risks and business opportunities, and provide growth points for further development.

About the course

Web analytics is the foundation of your business. The ability to understand, evaluate and effectively develop your business on the Internet. The Unibrains educational program will allow you to put into practice the most powerful web analytics tools to increase the effectiveness of commercial KPIs.

You will not do everything and a little bit, but you will get the opportunity to plunge headlong into the fascinating world of web analytics and set up analytical systems with your own hands from basic settings to the most complex and truly unique.

  • You will get to know personally the experts who stood at the origins of the formation of the Russian school of web analytics.
  • With your own hands, set up analytical systems for current needs and business tasks. Get Google Certification and REU Certification. G.V. Plekhanov.
  • Learn to analyze the information presented in analytics systems, draw the right conclusions and make decisions supported by numbers.
  • Introduction to web analytics

    • What is web analytics and how it can help a business.
    • Principles of operation of web analytics systems.
    • Building a web analytical model.
    • Cookies in web analytics.
    • Ways to collect information about visitors.
    • Data accuracy and statistical errors.
    • What is a web server, client-server. Technologies: HTML, CSS, PHP, JS, IP, DNS.
    • Hosting, Server, Client, GET, POST, HTTP, FTP, CMS, DB.
  • Goals, tasks, KPI

    • Definition of KPI in web analytics.
    • What is DRR, ROI, CPC, CPM, CPO, CPA, conversion, CTR.
    • Calculation of the main financial indicators.
    • Macro and micro conversions.
    • Campaign optimization levels.
    • Tracking actions on the site page.
    • Campaign labeling.
    • Sales funnel. Analysis: impressions, clicks, conversions, sales.
  • Monitoring business processes on the site and administering Google Analytics

    • Set up an account, resource, and GA views.
    • Setting goals and their values ​​in GA.
    • Filters, customization and application in GA.
    • Events and virtual pages in Google Analytics.
    • Expression match types.
    • Regular expressions.
    • Electronic commerce.
    • Setting tracking codes.
    • Call tracking: what it is, how it works.
  • Google Analytics interface and administration

    • Getting to know the Google Analytics interface.
    • Differences, advantages and disadvantages of GA.
    • Restrictions available in GA.
    • Reports for the Audience, Behavior, Conversions, Traffic Source group.
    • Reports in real time.
    • Personalized reports.
    • Data segmentation. extended segments.
    • Summaries and alerts in GA.
  • Data analysis

    • Methods for analyzing traffic sources.
    • Setting up advanced segments in GA.
    • Various approaches to data analysis.
    • Analysis of data in dynamics.
    • Ways to compare data.
    • Search for patterns and dependencies, determination of seasonality.
    • Formation of conclusions.
    • Attribution data analysis, cohort analysis to evaluate advertising campaigns.
    • ABC analysis, XYZ analysis, RFM analysis and FMR analysis.
  • Electronic commerce

    • Expanded e-commerce: challenges, benefits.
    • Setting up e-commerce.
    • Setting up advanced e-commerce in Google Analytics and Yandex.Metrica.
    • Terms of reference for developers to install e-commerce.
    • Differences and advantages of advanced e-commerce from conventional.
    • Problems and errors when installing regular and advanced trading.
  • Advanced settings for analytical systems

    • Loading expenses, income. Data analysis.
    • Import data.
    • User parameters and indicators.
    • Offline conversion tracking.
    • Data integration online and offline.
    • End-to-end analytics, complex integration of various systems.
    • Multi-channel funnels and conversion attribution.
    • Passing ClientID to custom dimension.
    • Call tracking: how to integrate with analytics systems.
  • Google Tag Manager

    • Introduction to the GTM container.
    • Parsing the GTM interface.
    • Setting tags of the main systems.
    • Setting up site interaction tracking.
    • TOR for setting up various systems and actions.
    • ToR for setting up advanced e-commerce through GTM.
    • Advanced GTM settings.
    • DataLayer and errors while working with it.
    • Sending events and variables to the dataLayer.
    • Tracking JS errors.
    • Tracking 404 errors
    • Installation of pixels for advertising systems and affiliate programs through GTM.
    • Best practice for using GTM.
    • Remarketing and dynamic remarketing in different systems. Pixel settings.
  • Yandex.Metrica

    • Weak and strengths systems.
    • Scenario analysis and target setting for different tasks.
    • Reports and work with widgets.
    • Call tracking in Yandex.Metrica.
    • Traffic analysis (fine settings).
    • Click map.
    • Webvisor (form analytics, scroll map).
    • Cohort analysis.
  • Usability and conversion optimization

    • What is website usability?
    • Usability of service sites, online stores, portals.
    • Effect of color on conversion.
    • Psychology of user behavior.
    • conversion optimization.
    • Tools that increase website conversion.
    • Looking for ways to increase conversions.
    • A/A-, A/B- and MVT testing.
    • Reliability and statistical significance of the tests performed.
  • Data visualization

    • What is the Google Analytics API.
    • How and with what to connect to the API.
    • How to quickly and for free create reports on data from the API.
    • Data visualization techniques.
    • Basic approaches to data visualization through Google Analytics add-on sheets.
    • Fundamentals of work in Google Data Studio and building basic reports.
    • Practical tasks and solving business cases.
  • Exam

    • Google Analytics certification.
    • Exam at Unibrains (PREU named after G.V. Plekhanov).
  • What will you get

    • Practical knowledge and skills The course is aimed at training experts in the field of web analytics. Work on your own project or educational. System setup, data analysis, integration, data visualization, A/B testing and more.
    • Diploma of the state sample of the Russian University of Economics. G.V. Plekhanov After successfully passing the exams, you will be provided with a certificate of advanced training from the PRUE. G.V. Plekhanov.
    • Career growth and income growth The knowledge gained will help you become a more valuable and paid employee. We also provide employment opportunities and internships in companies -
      industry leaders.
    • Useful contacts Face-to-face teaching will make it easy to make acquaintances with teachers and fellow students. Get answers to personal questions. Solve your business problems and expand connections.
    • Additional material Checklists, algorithms, templates, presentations, video materials, electronic literature on digital analytics.

    Success stories

    • Ivan Krasyuk Client Network Development Director.

      “Web analytics is the only area of ​​Internet marketing that is not responsible for attracting traffic, but for its conversion, increasing profit per visitor and reducing the cost of attracting one client,” Ivan Krasyuk.

      Ivan has been engaged in Internet marketing for more than 11 years, he has extensive experience in conversion optimization,
      A/B testing and web analytics, as well as bringing new products to market (for example, website promotion with pay per click), hundreds of public speaking at conferences and seminars, planning digital strategies for large businesses and coordinating their implementation.

      Ivan Krasyuk holds all possible Google Analytics certifications. He is one of the few certified Google Analytics trainers in our country. Thanks to Ivan, Kokoc Group employs the most a large number of certified Google Analytics professionals in the world. It is a pleasure to study with Ivan, because he really shares his knowledge with others with great dedication.

      “An analyst is the only specialist who, as a result of analysis, is able to find such a point of growth that will provide additional tens and hundreds of millions of rubles of income every subsequent month. And, damn it, how nice it is to find these points of growth, ”- Ivan Krasyuk.

      Oleg Rudakov Analytics Development Director. AGIMA

      "Web analytics is not google setting Analytics, Yandex.Metrics and any other system. Web analytics is making decisions based on data collected by systems to optimize business performance,” Oleg Rudakov.

      Oleg is an expert in the field of Internet marketing. He is constantly engaged in business development, researches and adopts the experience of Western agencies. Actively studies new technologies and platform tools, participates in industry events.

      Oleg is a highly qualified teacher, he taught employees of VKontakte, S 7, Nezavisimost, WWF, Auchan, etc. Regular speaker at major conferences (RIF+KIB, RIW, eTarget, iMetrics, etc.) . Oleg is also responsible for training employees within the ADLABS company, and is the author of educational programs on analytics and Internet marketing.

      “In order to draw correct conclusions based on data from web analytics systems, it is necessary to understand how this data is collected and included in reports,” Oleg Rudakov.

      Dmitry Zaporozhets Optimization Expert
      large projects.

      “Unlike other areas of online marketing, SEO is impossible to guarantee and difficult to predict. However, a deep understanding of how the search works, on the basis of what factors the ranking is based, makes it possible to significantly increase the likelihood of success,” Dmitry Zaporozhets.

      Dmitry has been in SEO since 2010. Promoted more than 200 sites, including both Russian and Ukrainian projects. Successfully worked in the most competitive topics - furniture, car sales, Appliances and electronics, air conditioners, real estate and other topics. Among the clients are such large projects as REG.RU, Mitsubishi Motors, Credit Europe Bank.
      Dmitry is a certified Yandex training partner for Metrica and Webmaster. He is also responsible for certifying SEO and Web Analytics students and is an instructor at the Unibrains Learning Center.

      “Organic has been and will remain one of the cheapest and most conversion channels for a long time, but every year a good SEO specialist must have more and more knowledge from related areas. Today, SEO is not only about BM25, it is also about analyzing visitor behavior, understanding how other channels work, and modern technologies website building, constant monitoring of changes and innovations in the industry”, - Dmitry Zaporozhets.

      Ilya Chukhlyaev Head of Analytics Department.

      “Web analytics tools are useless if you don't know how to ask questions about data. This is probably the most correct answer to the eternal question: What is better - Google Analytics or Yandex Metrica? ”, - Ilya Chukhlyaev.

      Ilya Chukhlyaev is the organizer of the Go Analytics conference and the founder of the analytics department at Adventum, an outstanding professional and leader. His department works with the largest projects of such companies as Megafon,, Bank of Moscow. Ilya helps businesses build commercial analytics and make business decisions based on data.

      Ilya did not come to Internet marketing right away. His first profession was a website designer. Quickly fascinated by user analytics and increasing conversion, Ilya entered courses with Avinash Kaushik (the world's web analytics guru) and successfully passed the certification. Now Ilya is one of the leading experts in the industry.

      “No project collects all the data you need to find a solution. An important skill is to draw more correct conclusions based on less data,” Ilya Chukhlyaev.

      Alexandra Kulachikova Head of Yandex. Metric promotion. Yandex

      Alexandra is a truly outstanding analytics professional. More than 9 years in the industry, worked with companies such as Ralf Ringer, RTA, Grape Media, Alexandra is a certified specialist in Yandex.Direct, Yandex.Metrika, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, a member of the Digital Analytics Association. And a permanent participant in the largest conferences in the country (RIF and CIB, eTarget, RIW, iMetrics, etc.). Alexandra conducts seminars and webinars from Google throughout the country, teaching at the School of New Media, the Higher School of Economics, CyberMarketing, Seopult, etc.

      Artyom Nikolenko Head of Analytics.

      “A web analyst must understand everything related to the web: web development, web design, online advertising, SEO, as well as understand the specifics of the business behind the site,” Artem Nikolenko.

      Artyom Nikolenko is an engineer and programmer by education with two red diplomas, has been working in the field of web analytics for more than 5 years. Artem perfectly understands the technical principles of web analytics systems. In Kokoc Group, he is responsible for increasing the conversion of the company's clients' websites, using all known analytical services and tools for this, as well as developing their own.

      Certified specialist in Google Analytics (6 different GA certificates) and Yandex.Metrika; Google Certified Trainer in Google Analytics. Repeatedly acted as a speaker on Google Analytics and GTM at Google Partners seminars in Nizhny Novgorod and Moscow. In Kokoc Group, Artyom worked on more than 170 projects, including all of the company's largest clients. Artyom Nikolenko is an expert in his field with extensive practical experience in building non-standard web analytics models; his portfolio includes many successful cases of A / B tests.

      “Web analytics is not important. Actions taken thanks to analytics are important. Actions are right, wrong and random. Without web analytics, all conversion optimization actions are either wrong or accidental,” Artem Nikolenko.

      Tatyana Tyupina Head of Web Analytics.

      “Performance marketing without analytics is like a submarine without a periscope. It seems we are moving, but it is not clear where, ”- Tatyana Tyupina.

      I started my digital journey more than eight years ago as a web developer in distant Ireland. Now Tatyana is engaged in the implementation of complex solutions in the field of web analytics, reporting automation and increasing the conversion capabilities of websites. A regular speaker at major industry conferences and seminars, where he willingly shares his knowledge.

      Tatiana is responsible for all digital marketing at Printio. Masterfully works with GTM and is a certified consultant for Google Analytics and Google Tag Manager, has certificates of Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Yandex.Metrika, Yandex.Direct. Believes that analytics is the leading tool for improving business performance and successfully demonstrates this to clients.

      “You cannot conduct an analysis without making sure that the data being collected is accurate. Most likely, you will only harm your business, rather than optimize it, ”- Tatyana Tyupina.

      Wil Gabdullin Head of Analysis Department. PHILIPS Flagship Store

      “If you want to learn how to interpret data correctly, then forget about your own opinion forever. You must be impartial and rely in your judgments only on numbers and cold calculation, ”Vil Gabdulin.

      After graduating from financial management (MIPP), Wil is able to masterfully work with data and numbers. For more than five years he has been working in Internet marketing, starting with Svyaznoy and Lukoil. The teacher has deep practical knowledge in the field of e-commerce, obtained in such companies as White Wind, AMF, Muztorg. Wil's main focus in his work is on end-to-end analysis of all brand touch points, data visualization using various tools, including Tableau Power BI, Google Data Studio. Wil easily prepares data in Google Big Query, with a pinch of SQL, a bit of Python and a small amount OWOX with notes of Enhanced Ecommerce and Google Tag Manager.

      “When preparing a report for management, do not try to cram the maximum amount of data into it. If you can’t do without it, write analytical notes to the report, this will save your nerves and time, ”Vil Gabdulin.

Web analytics allows you to evaluate the effectiveness of the site and collect information about visiting Internet resources. Based collected information decisions are made on the development and promotion of the site. Our Google Analytics training course lays out detailed information about the Internet statistics system, which is recognized as one of the best in the world.

What is Google Analytics?

The project began its work in 2005, becoming a continuation of the Urchin Software Corpopration system. This service allows you to track the flow of visitors. Information is collected on the server using a counter.

This system has a number of features and many tools that will help collect information about the site. Learning Google Analytics with video tutorials will allow you to work with the best tool for analyzing website traffic.

Service Benefits

  • Popularity. It is used by experienced webmasters to determine the flow of resource visitors. It is popular with both small businesses and large corporations.
  • Convenient and multilingual interface. GA supports many languages ​​and all documentation can be translated into the one you need.
  • Change toolbar settings. You can adjust the settings in the system by setting the priority of importance in reports. This greatly simplifies the work in the system.

Benefits of Google Analytics video courses on our website

For familiarization, we suggest watching video tutorials on Google system Analytics. They explain in detail each step of working with the service. After watching you will not have any questions.

Video tutorials are the easiest and fast way master this useful program. On the site site, you can not only find lessons for working in the system and quickly master it, but also complete a full Google Analytics training course.

Google Analytics. Site and Ads analytics

When promoting a site on the Internet, a webmaster, an SEO specialist, an advertising specialist must have reliable information about the use of the site. For these purposes, tracking tools (trackers), sometimes incorrectly called counters, are often used. Today, there are quite a few "counters", both paid and free, however, they are far from equal in terms of their capabilities and efficiency of use.

IN this course a wide range of issues related to setting up and using the most popular analytical system on the Internet is considered. The course goes into detail about tracking websites with Google Analytics, which are one of the most powerful and incredibly flexible systems website performance analysis, which is why most of the large and well-known web resources use Google Analytics.

This course is not just about Google features Analytics, but above all, gives students the skills to use these tools and correctly interpret the extensive reports of Google Analytics.

Today it is not enough to have a beautiful website on the Internet. A site, no matter how good and expensive it may be, is absolutely useless to anyone if visitors do not come to it. Properly building promotional activities is possible only with the help of analytics systems.

The course covers, among other things, the most complex tools and functionality of Google Analytics:

  • Segmentation with View Filters and Advanced Segments
  • Analyst work cases
  • Google Tag manager
  • Setting up event tracking with GTM
  • Benchmarking reports
  • Some Questions from the Google Analytics Professional Certification Exam

The course is designed for students who are just starting to use Google Analytics to analyze your site.

The course is intended for employees of companies responsible for the effectiveness of traffic from marketing channels, agency employees, leading client sites, owners of their online business, freelancers, start-up initiators.

The course program meets the professional standard "Internet Marketing Specialist".

  • Development AARRR based? data-driven digital strategies

learn growth hacking? And ARRR? AARRR is a marketing model that takes into account such phases of the customer journey as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue. in digital

  • Education AARRR based? AARRR is a marketing model that takes into account such phases of the customer journey as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue. digital marketing for executives
  • Concept training ARRR? AARRR is a marketing model that takes into account such phases of the customer journey as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue. and processes growth hacking? Growth hacking is a relatively new area of ​​marketing focused on the growth of key company metrics. Growth hacking as a method was formed in early-stage IT startups that need fold growth in a short time with small budgets, but since then the methodology has also reached large companies. The goal of growth hacking strategies is to attract as many users or customers as possible at the lowest possible cost. The Growth Hackers team is made up of marketers, developers, engineers, and product managers who are specifically focused on building and bringing users into the business.

  • Approximately 10 years after the founding of the company, the term " growth hacking? Growth hacking is a relatively new area of ​​marketing focused on the growth of key company metrics. Growth hacking as a method was formed in early-stage IT startups that need fold growth in a short time with small budgets, but since then the methodology has also reached large companies. The goal of growth hacking strategies is to attract as many users or customers as possible at the lowest possible cost. The Growth Hackers team is made up of marketers, developers, engineers, and product managers who are specifically focused on building and bringing users into the business.» and marketing model ARRR? AARRR is a marketing model that takes into account such phases of the customer journey as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue., which began to describe the digital services that we have been doing all these years.
  • WebProfiters consultants study the client's business model, analyze all KPIs that affect the final metric of the project (for example, the number of leads, sales, EBITDA, etc.), after which they study funnels and find a "bottleneck" at each stage of working with clients.
  • Following the concept AARRR Metrics ? AARRR is a marketing model that takes into account such phases of the customer journey as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue., professional WebProfiters consultants solve problems growth hacking? Growth hacking is a relatively new area of ​​marketing focused on the growth of key company metrics. Growth hacking as a method was formed in early-stage IT startups that need fold growth in a short time with small budgets, but since then the methodology has also reached large companies. The goal of growth hacking strategies is to attract as many users or customers as possible at the lowest possible cost. The Growth Hackers team is made up of marketers, developers, engineers, and product managers who are specifically focused on building and bringing users into the business. not only for IT companies, but also for businesses from other sectors of the economy.
  • For those companies that are just starting digital promotion or are radically rethinking it, we offer strategic planning services:

In order not only to advise, but also to maintain up-to-date knowledge, we also work as integrated Internet marketing performers for those clients who share the concept ARRR? AARRR is a marketing model that takes into account such phases of the customer journey as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue. And growth hacking? Growth hacking is a relatively new area of ​​marketing focused on the growth of key company metrics. Growth hacking as a method was formed in early-stage IT startups that need fold growth in a short time with small budgets, but since then the methodology has also reached large companies. The goal of growth hacking strategies is to attract as many users or customers as possible at the lowest possible cost. The Growth Hackers team is made up of marketers, developers, engineers, and product managers who are specifically focused on building and bringing users into the business. in digital promotion.

For those of our clients who already have contractors in the field of digital services, we advise and ensure the high quality of work of their contractors in accordance with the model ARRR? AARRR is a marketing model that takes into account such phases of the customer journey as Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral and Revenue. that we create for them.

You can start learning any day at a convenient time.
You listen to the recording of the class, watch the presentation and do your homework.
Training is conducted on the GetCourse platform.
Recordings of all classes, presentations and additional materials are stored in personal account, access to which remains with you forever.
To be certified by the Convert Monster agency, you need to successfully complete the .

Emphasis on practice

Analytics requires practice first and foremost.

There is plenty of theory - articles, training videos on YouTube, blogs and Telegram channels. But all this information is given in a chaotic manner, like a vase broken into thousands of small fragments.

You are on the course consistently explore all the functionality of Google Analytics from basics to professional chips.

And you will start implementing the acquired knowledge from the first lesson in order to gain your experience in web analytics during the training.

Proven Program

For 4 years we have trained over 14,000 people and empirically found out that the best result is given by the system

lecture + homework

Homework is given after every lesson.

IMPORTANT! Training on a real project

You will learn from a real project - yours.

This means that you leave us with a completed portfolio or advance your project in the learning process under the guidance of Yakov Osipenkov, a certified Google Analytics specialist and the author of this course.

However, there is a downside here.

For learning you need a working website. We will not waste time creating it, but from the first lessons we will proceed to the main thing - web analytics.

That's why if you do not have a real project, it is too early for you to go to the course.