The best way to replace the cover in Facebook. Himself designer

Change covers for Facebook, Twitter or other social network Already no one surprises. However, it is noteworthy that it was the Facebook developers first introduced this function. No wonder social network number 1 in the world is so popular! Despite the fact that the covers are the case familiar to many users, some are confused in the settings. Partly the reason for this may be unusual for the domestic user interface of a foreign social network. Legends go about its illogicality. You have to search on the Internet instructions on ! But for some reason not becoming less popular from this network.

So why maybe you need to change the cover for Facebook? Yes, for the same, for what you need to change the avatar or desktop wallpaper! In addition, it is a great way to exercise in wit. Practice shows that a little fantasy allows you to have fun with changing the cover and entertain your friends. The public loves humor, so the creative cover on Facebook can serve a good service while increasing the audience loyalty. Sure, It will give much more effect, but it is not worth disclingoning the design.

What should be a profile background for the FB? Strict content restrictions Social network does not present. But it is logical to assume that shock content, candid photos and offensive materials for a long time published will not stay. If other users complain about the background picture of your account, moderators can delete it. Do not resort to dubious ways to attract attention. Fast For these purposes is suitable much better.

How to change the cover in Facebook

Despite the seed interface of the site, to change the cover in Facebook, there should be no time to leave. Before you go to the settings and change (or first to install for the first time), the background image in your account should first lead it to the proper look. The size of the cover should be 815 pixels in width and 315 in height. It is worth noting that if you load the image of a smaller width, it will automatically increase the width above, the height of the picture will also increase proportionally.

If you own graphic editors, you can crop your favorite image or photo exactly as you like. In the event that Photoshop or at least Paint for you - not the most best friends, You can pour the photo entirely. So, to change the background image at the top of your profile on Facebook, you need to do the following:

  1. Enter login and password on main page social network to get full access to the account settings.
  2. Find in the upper left corner below the Facebook logo, a small translucent camera icon. When you hover over her cursor, the phrase "update the photo of the cover" will appear. You need to click on it.
  3. In the drop-down menu from several points choose the option that you fits more. You can upload a photo from a computer or from you previously downloaded photos.
  4. After the image appeared, you will be prompted to move it with the mouse in such a position so that we visible the fragment you need (provided that the photo is in the height is greater than 315 pixels).
  5. When your new cover is fully arranged, click "Save Changes". It is under the right lower angle of the image.

The cover will be shown to each visitor of your page. Now it's time to do . In the news feed of your friends a message will appear that you changed the cover of the profile to the attached image.

Beautiful Facebook Covers

Feature difficulties with the choice, because beautiful Facebook Covers find not easy? We offer you a few examples of interesting covers from creative people who think non-standard. Draw inspiration from those who have already cheated, surprised or caused admiration for their covers for profile on Facebook.

Today, on my personal page on Facebook, five offers of friendship awaiting confirmation. For several days I see them, but I do not undertake any action. What do you think, why? Why doesn't you have a desire to even go to the profiles of these people to get information about them? I think you guessed - the profiles of these people do not have pictures! Tell me, how can you be friends with a faceless creature? Social networks are designed primarily for communication.

Photos profile

It should be your picture personally. Desirable good quality. No need to be in full growth; People want to see the features of your face, the eyes, so your image on the chest will be quite enough. Let your photo transmits your mood - joy, positive, goodwill. Prepare such a photo in advance, it must be square shape. Press the photo shape (or cut the desired fragment of the photo) you can by opening the photo you need using the Microsoft Office Picture Manager application. Remember the location of the photo on your computer.

Download photo profile

Go to your personal profile. Move the cursor to the site of the profile, in the lower left corner of which the camera is depicted, immediately appears the message of the photo update, click. Output window with a proposal to upload photos. Moreover, if you already have a photo loaded on your page, you can make the choice of suitable. If not, press "Upload a photo", go to the place where you saved the prepared photo, choose it, click "Open". A new window will be released with the downloaded photo and information about the size and quality of the photo, the possibility of its movement for selecting the necessary angle. Follow the instructions and do not forget to save the image.

Profile Cover

This is the top place of your personal profile on your account, i.e. This is the very beginning of your chronicles. It is on the cover that your photo is located. From this place people begin to meet you. Therefore, the image presented on your cover can express your passion, mood, emotions. It is not necessary to advertise your company on the cover - your page should represent, first of all, you, as a person. This is with you people will meet and communicate. Look for an example of the cover of familiar profiles and authoritative people for you; Think what the first impression you want to make people.

You can choose a photo for the cover from your personal archive if there are interesting and high-quality stories that you like - nature, plants, images ... By the way, you can also attend. The form of the photo should be rectangular, size is about 851 * 315 pixels (by the way, the photo size requirements may change) - in this you will help again microsoft app Office Picture Manager. Remember the location where you retained the photo.

Loading photo cover

Move the cursor to the upper corner of the cover of the cover (there is also an image of the camera). A message appears to download-update the cover photo, click. In the dropping menu, select "Select from my photos" - if you have already suitable downloaded photos. But, most likely, you need to select "Upload a photo", click, go to the location of the photos prepared by you, choose it (click on it, then by the "Open" button). The photo is loaded and a proposal appears to drag a photo, move it to get the desired fragment of the photo. Do not forget to the right at the bottom of the cover to click "Save Changes". Ready!

See how your photo and cover are combined. You like? If something is wrong, you can also change the image that did not make you an image without the same algorithm. By the way, the cover can be selected from the existing archive of pictures in any of the browsers. Or you can use specialized sites to create covers. Use the search bar in the browser you use to write a query "How to download the cover on Facebook"; From the proposed options you can choose more optimal for you.

Where can I find the picture?

Use Google Search Engine. In the search string, enter the words and characteristics of the desired image (H-R, nature of winter). There will be a lot of pictures on this topic. A row of tools falls under the search bar, select "Search Tools". Explore the appears, with their help you can find the image of the desired size and adjust the color. Especially pay attention to "rights to use", use "with any license".

If you are determined with the picture, click on it with the right button and select "Save the picture as", give it a name and select a place on your computer where you want to save it. Now you can use it to download it into your album in the social network or for the cover of your profile (do not forget to correct, if necessary, form).

Change the cover of the cover as you change your globility and mood - let people see changes in you. After all, initially your profile photos and covers will create the image of your future brand. What will he have it? Remember that "Create the first impression twice"?

Avatar, she's a photograph of the profile, is an important part Pages of any Facebook user. Signally speaking, this is an analogue of the photo in the passport, only in the Internet space. Naturally, over time, you are changing outwardly, so at a certain point there is a desire to change the photo on a more fresher and relevant. Fortunately, on the social network Facebook, the avatar change procedure is not complicated, and it is possible to implement it within a literal minute.

Avatar change instructions

So, in order to change the outdated or simply brave avatar, you need to perform the following steps:
1. Go to your Facebook page;

2. Move the mouse over your photo, located in the header, and click on the "Update Profile Photo" pop-up menu;

3. Select the source of the New Ava: Download from the computer, take pictures on the webcam or select from photo albums on the social network;

4. Cut the photo, change the scale, and then click "Save the profile photo".

All is ready! Now at any time you can replace the avatar.

Registration of the cover of the page

In addition to the main photo of the profile, you can set a picture for the header of your page. It will not play a functional role, but it will noticeably refresh the page and make it more attractive. To change the cover, you need to do the following:
1. Go to your Facebook page;
2. Click on the camera icon located in the upper left part of the header;

3. In the drop-down menu, select "Upload a photo" if you want to set a photo from a computer, or "Choose from my photos" if the desired picture has already been added to the Facebook album;

4. Using the mouse cursor, adjust the position position, and then click "Save Changes".

Requirements for photos

Fantasy Facebook users are limitless, so the management of the social networking is very clearly stipulates the rules for publishing photo files, incl. Avatar and Page Cover Images. The photographs posted on the social network should not contain scenes of violence, obscene vocabulary, as well as materials that may insult other users.

In addition, the system makes requirements for the size of the avatar installed. The photograph should not be too small - its size should exceed 180 pixels wide. In the event that this rule is not respected, the system will warn about the need to choose another photo. The requirement for the size also applies to the snapshots for the cover - it must be at least 720 pixels in width.

Thus, to change the photo on its page, the user needs to spend just a few minutes. But the search for inspirational pictures can take significantly more time. To change the situation a bit and help Facebook users, we offer a small selection of photographic materials for the header of the page. You can add them to your profile or just save for the future - suddenly come out!

According to Faisbook statistics, posts with pictures are twisted 2 times more often than texts without images. Approximately the same picture is observed in other social networks. So, to promote the company, it is necessary not only to write interesting posts, but also to prepare visual content. And here the novice smart driver lies a lot of pitfalls. Facebook, VKontakte, Instagram has its own concepts about the right pictures. Well if all this is engaged special man. And if there is no such possibility?

For those who do not want to bother and make individual images, the method of trial and error is found optimal dimensions pictures that will be correctly displayed on any social network: horizontal photos of 1024x512 pixels, vertical - 800x1200 pixels. But that visual content is perfectly fit in the tape, it is still worth considering the features of each of the sites.


The size of the photo depends on where exactly you want to place it. Image parameters for the cover and for the post are significantly different. If you take too little photo, the Facebook will "stretch" it and the image will become blurry. Too big photos of the FB will simply doit, and the result may not look very good.

Also as a cover on Facebook, you can use the images of 820x315.

Cover image

You can put a picture or video on the cover of the Facebook page. First we will deal with pictures.

If the image exceeds 851x315 pixels, then the FB will prompt you to choose the area you want to display. If you can donate some part of the photo, then everything is fine. This is what the full photo of 4000x3000 pixels looks like:

But how this photo cut a facebook for the cover:

To add or change the cover photo, you need to go to the page, click "Change Cover" in the upper left corner, download a photo or select from already downloaded, save.

This is what happens if the cover photo does not match the desired:

Instead of the picture on the cover you can put a video. The location algorithm is the same as with the usual image. Perfect video resolution 820x456 pixels. In any case, the video cover must be a resolution of not lower than 820x312 and durable from 20 seconds to 1.5 minutes.

Photo Profile Page

For photo profile, you need a square image of 180x180 pixels. Its FB when placing a slightly climbing - on the company page to the size of 170x170 pixels, on the personal page - 160x160.

Picture for fasting

Images to Facebook posts reduces automatically, while the proportions of the pictures are saved. The width of the horizontal picture in the FB 470 pixels. The initial size of this photo is 960x678 pixels, in the tape it is displayed in the size of the 470x332 pixel.

Vertical pictures and photos Commercial pages try not to use. But if you wish, they can also be placed. Facebook This photo is up to 394 pixels in height, retaining the proportion. Source size photo 585x700 pixels.

Picture for external link

If the picture is smaller, it will appear in the form of a square with the text on the right.

Despite the fact that Facebook squeezes the picture, it is recommended for articles that are planned to be accepted in social networks, put pictures with a size of 1200x630 pixels so that they are well displayed on screens with a large resolution.

In contact with

For VC, the size of the image is also important. Too little pictures "stretched" and they will be blurred, and too big will be sorry with loss of quality or will dry out in an unsuccessful place. Now the decoration of pages in VKontakte is increasingly reminded by Facebook, but there are small nuances in the size of the photo. In addition, in order to save the quality of photos, they need to drag them from the folder in the computer, and not upload through the opening of the file.

Cover image

In VKontakte, as in Facebook, you need a horizontal wide and low picture. If you download the standard, then VK will offer it to trim that it does not always look well. To add a cover you need to enter the group or community page to "Actions" - Community Management and upload a photo.

Photo Profile Page

In principle, you can ship and large images of up to 7 thousand pixels, the main thing is that the aspect ratio of the photographs laid in proportion 2 to 5. But if you have a cover, then all this is not important, the miniature will still be shown in the form of a circle with a diameter of 200 pixels And you can edit it.

Picture for fasting

After changing the design, the width of the news feed in the VC became fixed, so the picture gets beautifully beautiful, it should be 510 pixels wide. The height can be any, but it is better to use square (510x510) or horizontal photos (height less than 510 pixels).

Pictures for external links

As in Facebook, the picture with decaying automatically loads to the post from metadata and is adjusted for size 537x240. If the image is vertical or square, then it will cherish it.

Photos of products

Since VK is actively used as a platform for promoting various kinds of online stores, it is worth carefully treating photos of the goods placed. The minimum size of the photo is 400x400 pixels, the maximum 7 thousand pixels in width or height. But VK specialists recommend adhere to the size of 1000x1000 pixels. You can download 4 photos to one product to do this, you need to go to the "Goods" menu (1), then "My Goods" (2) and click the Add Item button.

This is how it looks like on the group page:

And other social networks

We have collected for you in one table optimal image sizes for the most popular social networks in Russia.

Tools for working with pictures

It is not necessary to hire a designer to make photos for all social networks in which the company is moving. To fit a photo or a picture for the desired size can any person who does not have special knowledge.

Initially, the English-speaking site now allows you to work with the Russian interface. To get started, you need to register, you can via Facebook or Google +. The menu has graphics for social networks.

When loading, the service offers to see a small roller about how you can start working with images. You can work with free ready templates and pictures, as well as download your own, add background and text. To download your own pictures and photos, you need to go to the "My" tab. After editing is completed, you need to save the layout by clicking the "Download" button.

Service to optimize images. The photo is loaded directly on the main page.

  • Uniqueness. Even if you take Stock Image, add something to it - make a collage, add text. Experts argue that people are tired of stock patterns in the ribbon. Well, to promote some product, you just have to make a photo session.
  • Legality. If there are no of its photos, then use free (or paid) drains. The images should not be stealing, no one has canceled the copyright law.
  • Size and quality. Must match the site.
  • Originality. It is possible that a great illustration of the post will become meme, a frame from the film or staged picture.
  • Style. For the company's page, you can create your own rules for image design. For example, make a frame of branded colors, add a logo or come up with something else so that all pictures look unlikely.
  • And what pictures do you place on the pages of your company in social networks? Share in the comments.

    The change external view Pages in Facebook are usually done at the very beginning of its creation. This is the first thing that attracts the attention of the visitor. Because when public has already become popular, the cover changes can negatively affect attendance. So on how to change the cover in Facebook you need to think in advance; The more subscribers you have, the more unperturbed the change of the appearance of the page.

    Change and decoration of the cover in Facebook

    You can talk a lot about fine configuration of the pages' appearance in terms of attracting visitors. In this article we will simply tell about how to technically do this operation.

    • You can set any photo as a cover from those who have already downloaded to the page earlier. To do this, click on the "Select a photo" menu item and find the desired album.
    • You can not install your photo, but any picture that Facebook offers you myself. To see these offers, click the mouse cursor on the option "Select Design".
    • The "Create Collage" item serves to lay a group of several photos in one composite picture.
    • Finally, the "Upload photo" item opens a dialog box where you need to select a picture on your computer to download it on the cover.
    • If the selected image of a large size, then after download you can move it with the mouse in order to choose the best fragment.
    • The last step - when everything is ready, click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the window with the photo.

    You can upload in advance to your page as many pictures and change the cover thus every day.

    Requirements for photos in Facebook

    For the cover, it is better to take images with the size of a width of 720 pixels or more. If less, the site will propose to choose another picture. File format is best JPG or PNG.

    In addition, it is necessary to remember that images containing violence scenes, inciting any solutions or containing obscene phrases.

    Where to download beautiful pictures for the cover

    Registration of corporate pages of companies - legal entities Must contain only legal images. To avoid copyright problems, it is better to buy a photo in the photo bank or download on the resource where it is proposed free images (according to the free license Creative Common).

    For personal resources, this requirement is usually not relevant, the moderators look through the fingers.

    Photos for registration should be memorable and bright. Choose those of them where large details are small can merge into a unreadable background. Of course, the image must match the subject of your page.

    Otherwise, the image selection is only your personal creativity.