Earnings and promotion with the powerful Xrumer program - details. What interesting and good things can be done with Xrumer to promote and earn money The best way to attract xrumer traffic

It will be a question of receiving direct traffic using the XRumer program in the Mass-PM mode.

More precisely, not so much about the production of traffic, but about its monetization.

In the form in which the mass-PM mode is presented in the program, it has many shortcomings. Mainly due to the fact that forum admins do not like spam, and private spam is even more so! Therefore, almost all forums with live traffic begin to change the structure of the forum and XRumer simply cannot find a list of users or a form to submit.

And the second moment users are already accustomed to spam. They get it everywhere social networks, by email, on forums, in comments to articles and videos. And if many can get around the first problem quite easily, then not many can cope with the second, since it is not in our power to retrain users to be more loyal to spam. But there is still a way out.

Therefore, we will start from the second moment, we will turn to not so old history. Many remember the fabulous envelope that was in affiliate programs Profitweb, Afro, mvcash, etc. They had “Anonymizers” payers or simply “lockers”. What was the reason for such a good envelope? Indeed, often the texts for users there were simply absurd: “send an SMS to prove that you are not a bot.” And people sent, adult smart people. And they sent because they were in their comfort zone, that is, they thought they were in it. This was achieved through the design of a pop-up window (locker) in the style of the site on which the person was, and the same site was visible on background. People didn't think they were being lied to. That's what we need for a good envelope! And that's why we will not send out 100k forums, but each time we will take only 1 forum.

To begin with, such a forum must be found. We will work with English-language forums. Since quality is important to us, not quantity, we select forums by hand. It is possible from the collected bases, it is possible directly from Google.

We go to the forum, look so that in most categories last message was no later than a week ago. We look at a couple of topics on the forum to see if our colleagues left them), and look at an adequate ratio of the number of users to the total number of messages. That is, if there are 500 registered people, and two lyama messages, this is clearly not right.

If the forum looks alive, we register, also with our hands to begin with and see how complicated registration is, and whether manual confirmation by admins is required. Such confirmation can be expected for several days. Well, often some additional conditions like “at least 5 posts”, “create a topic in the getting to know section”, etc.

We found several suitable forums - we proceed to the preparation of a link for monetization.

First we need an account in the PP. After registration, we select the content locker tool and create it for a specific forum. From me the designer is so-so, so I take ready-made templates and write the name of the forum in them.

An example of what it looks like:

Here it is written about the VIP status, since the forum actually has paid VIP statuses.

You can write everything that your fantasy is capable of “Prove that you are a man”, “The forum distributes Fallout4”, etc. And in the background is the main page of the forum in a frame.

In order for the address to be similar, we create a subdomain for each forum with the forum url.

And fill it with a page with the code

Locker code from PP

This stage is completed

Xrumer setup

As I said, Xrumer in the original version does not break through most of the forums that suit us. Therefore, we will use the best practices that were presented at the last article competition. I will not rewrite it, here is a link to the original

But there are some adjustments for our method. We will not send to all users!

We go on the forum in the list of users and sort by the number of messages. And we parse links with any parser, until the page when users go without messages.

Remove admins and moderators. In the received links, we delete the entire constant part and leave only the numbers. And then we do, as in the article mentioned above

In a project in Xrumer, we write something like this:

This method brings much more money than untargeted mailing to a bunch of dead accounts on half-dead forums.

Well, to justify the title of the topic, statistics for 2 incomplete days

Post PD: Xrumer 18 was released in January 2019.

Now the cost of the program is even lower, and the most powerful software for promotion has become even more affordable! Now the developer's own internal course - only 40 rubles per dollar! The cost of the program after my discounts is $310 at this rate, that is, 12,400 rubles. Plus, I myself pay for your training with an experienced specialist, give out fresh databases, which I also buy, and a lot of training and other bonuses! All this is a gift.

From now on, the Xrumer program includes 2 new and unique tools on the SEO market (and they are actively developing):

XEvil is a fundamentally new tool for recognizing graphic captchas.
The program does not require any additional payment for use.

The self-learning file is almost not needed anymore, because. the developers taught a LOT of new things Chrumer himself.

FROM new technology The IntelliForm program now determines the forms with fields and posts them there - these are tens and hundreds of thousands of forms.

Thanks to XEvil, the coverage of targeted advertising resources (both posting and registration) has grown from thousands to millions; in addition, the speed of work has been significantly increased, the functionality has been expanded, and the return on receiving direct traffic has been greatly increased. This is a walkthrough of more than 8000 graphical captchas.

Also very well updated Hrefer for collecting bases. Every month there is a constant update of the Social plugin for promotion in the popular social networks Odnoklassniki, Vkontakte, Facebook, Mamba. There is a unique answering machine that talks on social networks OK, VK, FB. There are many more interesting and useful things.

Many people know that I have been offering almost all discounted SEO programs (as well as several SMM programs) for a very long time. I have official agreements with the best developers software, as well as the best organizers of SEO training.

Except perhaps Key Collector and SEO Powersuite (these do not have normal affiliate programs), you can buy any official software licenses from me cheaper. To facilitate, automate your work and significantly increase your opportunities and promotion results.

Skype: topbase.ru
Mail: [email protected]

It so happened over time that for 2 programs I am Allsubmitter and Xrumer I am also their main official dealer and I give big discounts, plus constantly increasing additional bonuses, as well as free training.

That is, in the case of Allsubmitter and Xrumer, in addition to significant savings on the official license, you will also be chewed on everything, and a bunch of extras. instructions and manuals will be given, and fresh databases, and practitioners will answer all the questions that have arisen.

A little more about bonuses:

Screenshot of a folder with 60 manuals for making money on the Internet (a small but very valuable part of the Xrumer bonus):

And now I want to expand on the topic of the Xrumer program about what you can do with it.

- a very versatile and powerful program, the most powerful on the Internet for automated smart promotion. However, many users use only 5 to 20% of its capacity.

And also many consider Hrumer to be just a “stupid spam”, the program has such a negative trail. But few people think that if you put your head in the right way, you can do a lot of good things with it for white sites, affiliate products, promotion in the most popular social networks and on Youtube. Here, for example, .

Just like many people gave up on the Allsubmitter program just because the majority associates it with auto-runs, which have now become harmful in mass form on spammed databases. But few people know that the Allsubmitter program is the only one in Runet that somehow facilitates and speeds up high-quality manual registration in ALL existing types of sites (i.e. turns it into a semi-automatic). It also has a number of other useful modules that have been developed for many years - it allows you to shoot and analyze external links on the site, site positions in search engines, analyze competitors, your site, texts and much more. .

Feedback from one of Xrumer's experienced professionals

Review from a person who uses not only to run through the forums, but also to build a quality link mass and promote white projects

increase targeted traffic to your site(usually sales increase as well)

post ads on thematic and any other bulletin boards, forums (an additional mod is needed for bulletin boards)

promote on the forums different ways — registering and increasing the reputation of accounts, sending private messages, registering profiles, posting questions and answers from different accounts

earn on all kinds of affiliate programs, dating sites, file hosting, and so on, attracting traffic to other people's sites, landing pages, products in affiliate programs, etc.

- promote groups or accounts in the popular social networks Odnoklassniki and VKontakte, Facebook and Mamba, perform other tasks in social networks (see here for details,. In particular)

increase the number of quality social signals to your site(which leads to better positions in search engines)

parse (collect) all kinds of content on the Internet according to your given parameters

- recognize for free and automatically the most complex captchas not only in Xrumer itself, but also in any third-party SEO SMM software.

On a full machine, without your participation is carried out:

- registration on the forum
- account activation
— filling out a profile
— posting in topics by keywords
- creating topics in sections "by keywords"
- mass personal messages to forum users
- collecting a database of answers by scanning forums
- posting phrases from this database then “into the topic” to the forum (for recruiting posts and humanizing the profile, creating the illusion of communication on the forum).
And miscellaneous other

BUT about how to promote white projects safely and automatically — .

This software in your hands will help in the shortest possible time to increase site traffic by dozens, hundreds of times (depending on what kind of subject, how and what you will use, how competently and with imagination you will work with the program).

The Xrumer software package has been developed for about 10 years, the experience of professional SEOs for search engines and SMM specialists has always been used in the creation. The developers have huge plans for its future. It is constantly evolving, new versions, new features come out. Updates are free for an unlimited time.

Both professionals and beginners will be able to appreciate and use the truly unique and powerful features of the XRumer program (especially given the free training that you can receive and even taking into account the large training bonus).

When used, not only the direct influx of visitors increases dramatically - in addition, the position of the site in search engines increases significantly. I made neat link pyramids using Xrumer - it helped me a lot with raising the site by key queries in Yandex and Google.

In general, in the set of manuals, which now also come in a set of bonuses upon purchase, there are a large number of proven interesting step by step diagrams, how to make money on the Internet and promote, it remains only to impose Xrumer on this matter. With the purchase you get 60 online earning guides!

Below we will talk more about what it was created for in the first place - about posting messages on forums and bulletin boards, cheating on social networks, posting links to affiliate programs or other types of earnings.

More from the reviews:


As they write about posting on forums with Khrumer,

Outcome = Base 50% Project 40% Approach 5% Goal 2% Other circumstances 3%

Some popular schemes:

1. Q&A

It's called "Talk to Yourself".

Many people love this scheme the most, because. it really gives a tangible result in the form of targeted transitions, calls, sales.

Here, of course, a lot depends on how the texts will be composed - how natural, how trustworthy and the desire to appeal will be.

I was told about several cases, when 1-2 hours of time gave from 1-2 to several real orders.

The essence of the placement:

Create two projects for registration. This is necessary so that each forum has two accounts. With the first account, create a topic with a question, and with the second we will answer it.

Next, create a topic with one of the accounts. The topic can be “from a blonde” and preferably relevant enough and affecting people so that the topic is not deleted and, for some time, it is desirable to stay afloat on the list.

If it’s clear, then the scheme of work for Khrumer’s self-posting of answers “into the topic” is as follows (the selection and posting of answers is fully automatic):

Such topics are more often deleted, but anyway, depending on how they are composed, what kind of base, etc. - many can hold out and also attract targeted visitors.

3. Creating posts without links to the site (link in profile)
If people come up, then in some places later you can add more of your answers, put a link to the site and in the topic itself.

4. Profiles

Everything is more or less clear here. We fill in only profiles of different accounts on forums (and not only on forums, on other trust sites too).

Then we send it for indexing using tweets or other methods.

In order for the profiles to work well for low-frequency requests, then you definitely need a reference text, it is recommended from both sides.

Many write that this is an effective method to get your target audience to pay attention to your offer, in addition, bypassing the forum moderators.

From the reviews:

See the XRumer developer website for more details, there is an Articles section -. Among them are the topics:

— Antispam and Joomla forums
- Xrumer and mass mailing of drugs to "fat" resources
- Using Chrumer for different purposes
— 6 types of traffic to your projects using Xrumer 7
— Harvester for Khrumer – we manage links, create projects and create a schedule on a full automatic basis
— Fast and Effective Method Get Profiles with Hrefer and Yahoo.Backlinks


Xrumer 18.0 Elite passes protection well on a variety of standard (template) bulletin boards, there are many good reviews.

To register by boards you will need an additional mod(modification) - the easiest way to buy mods after buying Chrumer is to buy from the developers on a closed forum. You can also read in the competition articles - there people describe how and what they modify for different engines.

Although it is partially possible to place on boards with the current Khrumer configuration, which is provided by default. My consultant, who will train you for free, places on bulletin boards and can also show and tell you everything. Plus, the latest fresh database also has bulletin boards for Xrumer.

Attention! Hrumer will be able to send out to thousands and tens of thousands of message boards, but only to those that are located on typical, mass engines.


Lots of promotion options.

1. Promote your account or your group on the social network with messages with links
2. Ask friends to like (put a class) a message, group or site
3. Post messages with a link to the site or, for example, with a referral (affiliate) link to increase sales
4. Making money on accounts, groups (on sales, advertising) is absolutely real. .

Invitations to friends, ratings, posting messages - everything can be done. The plugin is part software package Xrumer in versions starting from "Standard".

For more details, see the website in the "Articles" section - Competition articles, in particular,

There are topics like:

— Socplugin. We earn on traffic from social networks VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook and Twitter
- Non-standard use of SocPlugin
- Bundle of Zebroid and Social Plugin
— Promotion and monetization of classmates
- Get traffic from social media networks using chrumer


Promote videos on YouTube or the entire channel.

Hrumer has many tools to promote as many videos as you want and Youtube channels:

- This includes posting on forums, in comments and guest books, on bulletin boards, on article sites, getting backlinks and leaving interesting messages that visitors follow


You can also get content for your sites, satellites

- Extraction of unique content of any theme by XRUMER
— Xrumer7 and SEO. Auto-fill blogs


And, of course, you can use Xrumer for any kind of passive or semi-passive income. Here you are limited only by your imagination.

And I give in the bonus a bunch of ideas and manuals for making money on the Internet, making money and promoting with Xrumer! - more than 60 pieces! So that it pays off as quickly as possible and starts to bring you profit and passive income on full auto. All you have to do is find "your scheme"!

My white hat strategy for website promotion with XRumer 12.0.12 autosubmitter

- "Promotion from Xrumer accounts and their further promotion in social networks (on the example of Vkontakte)"

- "Promotion with the help of Xrumer groups and publics in social networks using white methods"

- "Movie traffic - mining on a large scale with Xrumer"

- "How to get additional visitors to the site using XRumer"

- "Relevant comments for Chrumer"

- "Promotion of a site, group, server with auto-completion by the XRumer program"

- "Alternative search algorithm for trust forums"

- "Growing Twitter to suit our needs with SocPlugin"

- "Auto-filled forum doorways by competitors"

Increasing the penetration of "Anti-spam"

- "HRefer - collection of forums for anti-spam system"

Operation Perfect Fake

- « New master creating projects and promoting with XRumer in the current conditions"

- "How to recoup XRumer in 2 days"

- "How to return XRumer costs within 2 days" (Russian version)

I thought that I filled in all the fields and sent. But on many forums, I did not break through the recaptcha or additional protection, etc. From this base, you can, using the tools of the hacker, select those forums where the hacker could not break the captcha, and spam with the help of services to break the captcha. If you have better trained xas_AI.txt, then the penetration may be better than the result in the Profiles database.

Base Profiles.
This database of links, which was formed as a result of a run in the registration mode on the basis of Success, with the xas_AI.txt file that comes with it. If you spam the Profiles database for the first time days after the database goes on sale, then you will have approximately the same result. The later you bought the database, the more the result will differ in the profile database, for example, after a week, there will be 5-7k fewer profiles, etc.

This is a file, trained on new fields that Chrumer didn't understand.

2.) The result of spam.

Dory example 1

Here is the indicator of traffic from forum doors, traffic and links from forum doors go to free blog hosting, according to the method of forum doors. This method delivers traffic from posts on the forum, and increases reference mass, which results in more direct traffic from search engines. Not a lot of traffic, but if you do it thoroughly, then you can get traffic. Now I'm working with a new topic, the results will be later, then I'll write a mini report.

The main rule for white sites is not to overspam, it's impossible to say exactly how many links you need to put.

White sites example 2

For fresh domains that are a few days or weeks old.
Links should be placed carefully, no more than 50 links per day, and set at intervals of a day or two.
If you overdo it and immediately set up a lot of links, then there is a very high probability of falling under google filters
Domains aged 4-7 months, which have already settled.
I spam more severely, from 1000 links per day. I try to spam no more than 3-5 days.

I decided to experiment here, took 11 sites with almost no traffic, decided to spam using my method.
I started spamming on May 8, and almost immediately, there was a clear increase in traffic from Google, on three sites nothing changed, on two sites traffic from Google dropped.

3.) Refspam is my method.

The standard refspam is when a hrumer clicks on the site http://site.com, simulating a transition from your site http://yoursite.com , and on the site http://site.com, the transitions from your domain are counted and displayed in the open statistics stack website that is available for indexing by search engines. As shown in

Example 1

This method still works, although many so-called gurus have long since buried it.
For example, yahoo.com, as you can see in example 2, counts backs from such a stat, so it is clearly premature to consider this method dead.

Example 2

If you collect a database specifically for refspam, then perhaps the benefit of such spam will be obvious. I have collected not a large base for refspam, but my hands did not reach for further experiments.

My method.

I took the standard refspam and modified it.
Now more specifically.

This method is not suitable in terms of building direct links, but using this method, you can build companies to promote a brand or a unique product.
1.) A lot of sites have tags that show clicks search queries from search engines., tags are located on home page, or on different pages of the site.
2.) If you change the refspam link from _ttp://yoursite.com to a link like _ttp://www.google.com/search?num=10&hl=en&q=yoursite.com, then the engines and plugins of the sites will perceive such a request as a transition from the search engine to the site on request, and this is already interesting. See example number 3 below.

Example 3

As you can see in the examples, such a request is displayed in different visible parts of the site, which means that this text can be seen by a potential client or site visitor, in short, traffic.

Another feature of this method is that it uses the greed of sites that are greedy for fresh keywords from search engines. Site engines take requests from search engines and convert them into tags that remain on the site for a long time or maybe not forever.

In example number 4, it is clear that the tag on the sites was the name of the site that was chased by refspam.

Example 4

Until the time of writing, I did not know how it could be used for direct benefit, but at the time of writing, I thought about and analyzed the result in more detail guide to hrumer and came to the conclusion that this good topic and I even felt like posting this article. Since I have enough ideas, and unfortunately not all ideas can be implemented, I did not throw this idea into the future.
Now how can this be used to your advantage.

You can use it like this, for example, not yet hrumera 8, but you can already use refspam to create tags on sites of this type.

And when you request it in google, in the description of the site it should come out “ xrumer 8.0 free download www.xrumer8.info”, but the fact is that on many sites, dots in the domain name are deleted or replaced with dashes, here you can already try to get around this with xrumer 8 dot info , or something like that.

Let's say we have a site _www.botmaster2.ru, but since the domain cannot be inserted into the tags as expected, because the dots will be replaced or removed. You can promote just the domain name, or the domain name paired with the keyword.

If you just type the domain name, it should be like in example number two.


4.) How to avoid abuse, or how to properly spam white sites.

As you know, when spamming on forums, there is a chance of getting complaints to the domain registrar or hosting, for this reason, spamming white sites is quite dangerous, especially if the sites are old and not new.
This problem can be solved in several ways, for example, by cleaning the databases by blacklists, this does not guarantee that when spamming a new database, you will not get abuse from a resource that is not yet in the database.
On live forums, as a rule, posts are demolished quickly from several minutes to several days, this is the bulk of live forums. Of course, there are still some forums where posts can be deleted after it hangs for a week.
My way is to bide your time and mask the links. .
The first factor is time.
The second factor is disguise.
How it's done
1.) A post is created, then in the R Base for about 3-5 days, post the answers to the topic.
2.) Good way to avoid abuse, this is to mask the link in the links of the topics relinking, but you need to start putting the link no earlier than from the third page.
3.) The logic is simple, few people will look through hundreds of links to topics, and a link to a white site can easily get lost and not be evident.
This is done in the same way as in the screenshot below.

Example 1

Example 2

5.) Create posts and forum doras.

Create forum posts, the most effective way to getting traffic And promotion.
I have been using posts on forums as doors for over a year now. This scheme is my favorite. Now let's look at this in more detail.
1.) We need traffic, we make dor with the help of a post on the forum.
2.) The advantages of this method is that the post is not made on a fresh domain, but often on a domain that is already six months old. The disadvantage of this method is that while such a forum lives, spam accumulates on it and such a forum turns into a garbage dump.
3.) Everything is quite simple, insert a clickable image on the topic of spam messages into the top of the post, link the image to the TDS or the resource where you want to send traffic. Below the picture we place the text, it can be articles on the topic, a set keywords etc.
4.) Examples
5.) _ttp://www.smalliphone.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=113739
6.) _ttp://www.badbeats.com/forum/showthread.php?p=124947
7.) _ttp://www.foroswishmax.com/foro//viewtopic.php?p=6373
8.) _ttp://www.nbachat.com/showthread.php?t=20463

Example 1

Next step.
9.) We pass in the "Mailing from a previously registered user" mode, get the link base, filter the base with successful ones, highlighting topic, showthread by signs. We copy the resulting links to a new database and remove duplicates from it.
10.) Now we have a database with links to the first post, we need it to link topics, an approximate view as in the screenshot below.

Next step.

11.) We take the RLinksList id base and start running it, you can simply, links to the first topic are relinking.
11.2) A similar post, like the first one, plus relinking.
11.3) Post articles
11.4) Post keywords, etc., different combinations.
11.5) What is it for, if you make only one post, and your post appears for the right requests in search engine and traffic goes, then with a probability of 90%, links with viruses, etc. will start spamming into your topic
11.6) I try to run through the R database about 50 posts so that someone else's spam is as far away from the first page as possible.
11.7) Another nuance, it happens that not the first post gets into the issue, but for example 12, 17 post, etc.

6.) Spam and profile management.

If you evaluate, according to the link priority scale, I think that the link from the profile is the least valuable, but this does not mean that links should not be placed in profiles.
1.) The profile that you can get the most out of is the profile on the SMF engine.
Based on this engine, examples will be shown, because I like this engine the most when it comes to working with profiles.
A.) The first thing that catches your eye is the possibility of assigning a link home page, keyword..
B.) Most profiles on the SMF engine are open for viewing, which makes them convenient for displaying positions in search engines to get traffic.
C.) You can insert an image with a link, a list of keywords, or a list of links into your signature.
D.) you can even not make posts at all, but with the help of links in profiles, do relinking, as shown in the screenshot Example 2.

Example 1

Example 2

Why, you should not discard profiles where the profile is not visible to an unregistered user.

Many profiles are not visible if you are not logged into the forum, but for search engines, as a rule, this is all open!

We look at the screen
We see that in the issuance of soap from the profile and home page sites


Now we go to these sites from this issue,

and click on the profiles, they are all closed for viewing by non-registered users.
But google knows what data is in these profiles
Website: _ttp://www.facebook.com/home.php?#/photos.php?id=1175528878
this suggests that links from such places are taken into account.

7.) Setting up the hrumer.

Preparing for the first pass through the new base.
It is important not to forget to enable the self-learning checkbox.

1.) Setting > speed and penetration, you need to set such settings

2.) Additional settings.

At the first run, it is important to go through the base with the settings as in the screenshot below.

A bit of theory.

A.) According to my observations, on this moment You can't leave a post if you're not registered on the forum. It follows from this that the first time you run through the database, you must first create a profile on the forum.

B.) If enable Mandatory registration plus posting, then breaking through will be much worse, so in this mode you should not drive through the base.

C.) Also, when registering on the forum, you should not turn on “Enable active link check after submission”, because most links fail to get into the semi-successful report.

Passage through the base from the previously registered one.

If you already have a database of profiles, let's say 40,000, and you want to create posts, then you need to set these settings.
1.) Already needed, Enable active link check after submit
2.) Also, do not uncheck the Edit profile checkbox after registration. (This is not necessary, but I do it.)

If you drive, according to the R database, answers to topics, then you can turn it off to slightly speed up posting.
1.) Checking the active link after sending.
2.) Edit profile after registration.

I decided to make clear xrumer guide, for those who are just starting to master this program.

Well that's it, you found out how to spam using hrumer, I wish you success!