Detailing the write-off of money megaphone. How to find out the expenses on Megafon: basic methods

Often, Megafon customers are faced with the loss of money from the balance, while they themselves did not conduct paid transactions. To understand where the money is going, it is enough to find out the expenses on Megafon using convenient services, and we will tell you how to do this in the article.

Live balance

In order not to miss incomprehensible write-offs and not be surprised where the money went, the company offers to control expenses and account balance in real time. The service is called Live Balance. Its peculiarity is that when the option is connected, the information on the balance of funds is updated immediately after the completion of each paid operation and is available for viewing without using additional applications.

The disadvantage of the service is the subscription fee of 2 rubles per day.

Any Megafon SIM card holder can activate the service using the Personal Account or USSD request from phone * 134 #.

My last expenses

If the write-off occurred within the last 24 hours, you can check the expenses on Megafon using the "My last expenses" function. The service is provided to subscribers on free of charge and allows you to get up-to-date information about the last 5 paid transactions by the user's phone number.

To use the function, dial * 512 # from the device keyboard and the call button. Immediately after sending a USSD request, an SMS message will be sent to the phone with the following content: date and time, direction of the call or SMS, traffic usage, cost in rubles, call duration or volume for other services.

Account detail

Each subscriber has the opportunity to order detailed operations from the operator in order to find out the costs. The report received from the company will display complete information about spending money on the use of all paid Megafon services: the time and date of the operation, its cost, direction and duration. Information about the costs when in roaming is available.

Important! For international transactions, data update may be delayed up to 30 days.

You can use the service through Personal Area if the term of the required code is up to 6 months. For earlier requests, you need to apply for an extract directly to the salon cellular with a passport. However, even with a personal visit to the company, there is a limitation on the storage time of data - no more than 3 years. In total, clients have access to 3 types of reports, depending on the period for which they are generated.


The information provided in this report is provided one or more days in advance. You can use the opportunity either through the user's account, or during a personal visit to the communication salon, combinations for speed dial not provided.

The first order in LC is provided to customers free of charge. The second and subsequent ones in the current day, as well as a request when visiting the Megafon office - 4 rubles for each statement.


This type of reporting allows you to get information about the waste of funds and the number of transactions performed, with complete information on them for a calendar month. The report is generated regularly and sent to email address subscriber simultaneously with the account until the 10th day of the next month. The client receives the first statement after a month of service activation.

For the provision of information, you will have to pay 35 rubles a month if you receive data only in electronic format. When requesting to the actual address, an additional fee of 55 rubles will be charged.

Using this form of statement, you can not only control spending in your own way phone number, but also see what services he uses the most.


Just like Periodic detailing, it provides an opportunity to view data on a SIM card for the current month. At the same time, such a report contains brief data on replenishment and write-offs of funds from the balance. Just like other reports, it is ordered in the Personal Account or when visiting the salon.

Check account expenses mobile phone recommended regularly, since the operator often connects subscribers paid services without informing them in advance.

Probably, every mobile user at least once faced an unpleasant situation when money disappeared from the phone balance without a trace. This may be due to:

  • you are subscribed to paid services and subscriptions;
  • your phone is infected with a virus that sends messages;
  • you really talk a lot or spend time online, and you shouldn't be offended by your operator.

To dispel doubts, it is necessary to periodically monitor the balance changes.

Service "My last expenses"

The operator "Megafon" offers its subscribers the service "My last expenses" - a simple and free way find out for what actions the money was debited from the mobile account recently.

This function will be especially useful and convenient if you:

  • use the usual cell phone rather than a smartphone;
  • do not have the opportunity to access the Internet;
  • you are not an advanced user.

As part of the service, the operator offers three options for which the user can make a request:

  1. "Recent expenses". You will have access to information on the last 5 paid operations (calls, messages, Internet sessions).
  2. "Last 5 Calls". You will receive detailed information on the last five calls in the home network.
  3. "Last 5 SMS-messages". You will have data about the last five SMS in the home network.

How to make a request

To order the required report, do the following:

"Recent expenses"

"Last 5 calls"

  • send an SMS to 000 105 612;
  • or dial the combination * 105 * 612 #

"Last 5 SMS-messages"

  • send an SMS to 000 105 613;
  • or dial the combination * 105 * 613 #

Universal way

  • dial * 512 #;
  • on the screen you will see a menu consisting of several items, select the one you need.

Information in the report

A few seconds after sending the request, a report will be sent to your phone in the form of an SMS, which indicates:

  • date and time of the performed action;
  • the direction of the call or message (incoming or outgoing);
  • phone numbers to which (or from which) calls were made and messages were sent;
  • duration of calls;
  • Internet traffic volume;
  • direction and volume of MMS;
  • the cost of each service.

Study the information in the report carefully.

Pay special attention to the messages about the write-off. subscription fee for subscriptions and the presence of the line "SMS entertainment". Typically, these services are the main reason for the sudden disappearance of your funds.

Do not forget that the time period for which you can track changes in the balance within the “My last expenses” service is the current and the previous months. If you have doubts about the fairness of earlier expenses, you need to order detailing for another period through your personal account on the Megafon website (you need to log in and get a password) or at the offices upon presentation of your passport. Several types of cost details are offered, including paid ones.

  • Do not enter your number on suspicious sites. This way you can automatically sign up for an unnecessary subscription.
  • Check the Service, Options & Subscriptions section. Perhaps you have connected paid services and subscriptions that you forgot about. You can also do this by dialing the combination * 583 #. You can disable unnecessary functions in your personal account, office or through an operator.
  • Protect yourself from unwanted subscriptions using the Stop Content service - dial * 526 # from the phone keypad (if the service is connected, you will not be able to send SMS to short numbers).
  • Use the function "My recent expenses". It is free and available for all tariff plans of the Megafon operator. At any time you can make a request and control the costs of mobile communication and the internet.

In order to constantly have information about the state of your own account, you need to control the balances of funds and opportunities.

The directions within which the money was spent from a mobile phone can be obtained through one Megafon option - detail. It will display calls, messages, additional services.

Detailing is a kind of report on the state of your balance, which reflects the state of your personal subscriber account at the time when the detail request is made. This “document” is issued from the moment the last monthly invoice was issued until the time the application is placed. The report contains detailed material on the expenditure of money for the services provided by the operator.

  • Periodic (they are carried out on a regular basis and include a subscription fee);
  • one-time services (these include actions to add or remove certain services, change tariff plans);
  • telephone (calls, SMS messages are located here).

Detailing the account in Megafon at no cost

The order of the service according to the receipt of the personal account is paid and involves laying out a certain amount of money, depending on the type of request. You can order one of 4 types of service.

  1. One-time detailing includes transactions for one-time services.
  2. The monthly procedure involves decrypting calls for a calendar month.
  3. The monthly invoice displays a short summary of all expenses, reporting on payment transactions, charges, options within the tariff.
  4. Last debits: after dialing the command * 512 # you will receive messages with information about the last 5 debits.

At the same time, the second two options are offered completely free of charge, so it is better to pay attention to them. In this case, the detailing per month is at a price of 90 rubles, and per day - 3 rubles.

How to make detailed calls and SMS

Consider the features of the implementation of detailing on a free basis, thanks to which you can know your costs and be aware of them always.

  1. Enter a phone number that includes only numbers and press "enter".
  2. Click on the link to get a password and start getting it directly if you decide to order the service for the first time.
  3. After that, the number value of your phone is entered, and subsequently the text from the picture. After the completion of these activities, it remains only to click the "Get password" button.
  4. After that you will receive a message on personal number that you have received a new password. The phone number will be used as a login.
  5. It is necessary to fill in some fields. In particular, you will need to enter a username, phone number, password, and the text in the picture. Next, you need to click on the "Login" button.
  6. The last command allows the user to be in the guide to the service of the operator Megafon. Next, it remains only to find the call detailing process and click on it.
  7. A little below, the page scrolls and a search for a form is carried out, suggesting the indication of parameters for your order. It will not be difficult for you to select the required period (type of detail) and mark the e-mail address to which your report will be sent.
  8. When the order is ready, you will be notified about this within the framework of the corresponding message. This is where the need to use such a service ends, you just have to go to the mail for the results of the process.

This is the detailing of the number, carried out in stages. It will not be difficult for you to order this service via the Internet and to cope with this task as quickly as possible.

How to disable

Often there is a need not only to obtain information about calls and other options, but also to delete data. Many people mistakenly believe that calls and SMS are stored exclusively on the phone, but this is not the case. After all, they are stored in a special database. Often, the service to disable detailing is even more popular than the process of obtaining it. Several factors can be distinguished as the reasons for such actions:

  • prevent access of unauthorized persons;
  • hide call data from competitors;
  • hide frank correspondence.

It is impossible to delete the details of incoming calls and messages on your own. Unfortunately, none of the well-known operators on the market provide such a service. All you can do is get the printout, not delete it. But you can clean up such operations, because the data is stored within the servers of the operator whose services you use. It turns out that the process of deleting your personal history will look like a malfunction in the system, accompanied by the loss of data from the archive.

It seems that yesterday the money was in the account, but today it disappeared somewhere. Where to? Or you ordered a purchase in an online store or paid for services in social network, but more was written off than expected. Unfortunately, this phenomenon haunts many Megafon clients. Let's try to figure out how to find out where the money was debited from the account.

We find out the latest write-offs on Megafon through the "Personal Account"

The easiest way to find out where your money was debited is to go to your personal account

  • First, you need to log in to the system, having received the password using the command on the phone * 105 * 00 #
  • After registering in the system, go to the section “Expenses, replenishment, detailing”.
  • To find out how much money you spent for making calls, using the Internet and SMS, click on the button “Order call detail”.
  • Select the period for which you want to receive details, enter your Email. Within 10 minutes for the specified email details will come, indicating the cost of calls and sms.
  • If you want to find out detailed details with a description of absolutely all expenses, including roaming and incoming calls, then click the “Order an invoice” button, enter your Email, and confirm the sending of the request. In a few minutes, the information will come to your email address. All information is provided free of charge.

How to find out the latest write-offs on Megafon - paid SMS messages

Having opened the details, many find that paid SMS was sent from their number - entertainment for which you paid a lot of money. The reason may be:

  • Infecting your phone with a virus that sends paid messages without your permission.
  • You accidentally replied to an unfamiliar SMS, the payment for which can be tens, or even hundreds of rubles.

How to block re-sending of SMS - entertainment:

  • On the site to refuse this service.
  • Call 0500914 - the call is free.
  • Send number 2 or “STOP” to 0500914.

How to find out the latest charges on Megafon by sending a request from the phone

If for some reason you do not have access to the Internet, and you need information urgently, you can find out:

  • About the last 5 paid actions on your account. To do this, dial the USSD command * 512 # and press the call key. Within a minute you will receive an SMS with a description of the costs.
  • Payment for services for the past week. To do this, dial the USSD command * 113 # and press the call key. The service will cost 21 rubles. You can also send any SMS to number 5039, the report will come in the form of mms.

Contact the Megafon salon to find out the latest write-offs

If you cannot solve the problem yourself, contact the nearest Megafon communication salon. The number for which you will order detailing must belong to you, take documents confirming your identity.

Everyone is familiar with the expression "Money flows like water through your fingers." Often this is the feeling that mobile subscribers, including MegaFon customers, have. It seems that just recently I transferred money to the account, and now I received an SMS again about the need to replenish the balance.


Sometimes extra costs arise due to the connection of unnecessary services, which you don't even know about. In other cases, your tariff plan provides for daily debiting of the amount of money, even if you did not use the phone at all, which means it is worth changing the tariff to a more profitable one.

In a word, there are different situations when it seems to you that you are paying MegaFon more than you should, and it becomes necessary to deal with your account in more detail. The MegaFon Account Detailing service will help you with this.

How can you control debits from your MegaFon account?

In order to receive information about last expenses on your phone, dial the USSD code * 512 # call... The information will be sent to your phone in the form of an SMS message indicating the last 5-10 debits from the MegaFon account for all paid services that you have recently used.

The service is provided free of charge for all MegaFon subscribers, regardless of tariff plan to which you are connected. The exact number of charges that you will be informed about depends on the region where you are served (for example, in Moscow and the Moscow region, MegaFon will provide data on the last five charges, in St. Petersburg you will be shown the last 10 charges).

How to find out the charges for the last week on MegaFon?

To find out information about all paid services, the cost of which was debited from your MegaFon account over the last week, you can use three methods:

  • Send USSD command * 113 # call; you will receive a detailed report in the form of MMS indicating the date, time and amount charged for each transaction
  • Send SMS without text to short number 5039 , in response you will receive a full transcript of the charges in the form of MMS
  • Send SMS to short number 5039 , in the text indicate your e-mail address, and then you will receive a transcript of the charges for the last week in the form of a letter to your e-mail
    The cost of sending a report on debits per week is 21 rubles and will be debited at the time the message is sent from your MegaFon account

How to find out the charges for the last month on MegaFon?

You can get a report on charges for the past month in two versions: a short collapsed report or a full detail of paid services.

The short version of the report is called Monthly Invoice. The service is activated directly at the MegaFon office or on the official website of the operator through the Personal Account. Go to the menu "Services", Further "Statistics and detailing"; in the dialog box you need to enter the address of your e-mail, set the parameters for receiving the report (file format) and activate the service.

From now on, you will receive monthly data on charges from your account to your email address. The cost of obtaining such a report is free for all MegaFon subscribers.

Full details of MegaFon paid services

In order to order a detailed report on all write-offs from your mobile account indicating the date, time and amount of debiting, you need to call free phone 8-800-550–05–00 (dialing is carried out in the same way from cell and landline phones) or by short number 0500 ... Do not forget that in order to communicate with the call center operator, you need to provide your passport details, so keep your passport close at hand.

The service can also be connected through a consultant in any of the mobile phone stores. To visit the office of the operator MegaFon, you must have a Russian passport with you. In some regions of the Russian Federation, the Expense Detailing service can be ordered through the Personal Account on the MegaFon website.

Full details of the write-off to MegaFon is a paid service, the cost of which depends on the region of your connection. On average, the price for providing a monthly report varies between 60-100 rubles. The amount will be debited from your account on a monthly basis after submitting the report.

You can receive the detail report in any way convenient for you (specify it when connecting the service): by post in the printed form, by courier to the delivery address you specified, by message to the email address. Please note that when delivered by courier, MegaFon may add a courier service fee to the cost.

How can MegaFon find out the charges for any period of time?

If you need detailed information about debiting from your account for a longer period, you can use the "One-time detailing" service. When ordering a one-time detailing, you have access to any period for which you want to receive a report. At the same time, you can independently generate / order a report only for the last 6 months. If you need information for an earlier date, contact the MegaFon office with a passport.

To generate a one-time detail yourself, use one of the five methods below:

  • Dial the USSD command on the phone * 105 * 803 # call and wait for messages from MegaFon. Please note that different USSD codes may be used in different regions of Russia to access the same service. This code is applicable for Moscow and the Moscow region. To clarify USSD command in your region, go to the MegaFon website in the "Services" section
  • Call the toll-free short number 0500 and follow the instructions of the answering machine
    Dial toll free number 8-800-550-05-00 and order a one-time detailing from the operator-consultant of the MegaFon call center
  • Sign in Personal Area on the MegaFon website, select the "Services" section in the menu, then "Statistics and detailing" and select the report you need for the required period. You will receive details in the form email to the e-mail you specified when requesting
  • Contact the consultant of the nearest MegaFon office (do not forget to take your passport with you)

One-time detailing - payable service, the cost of which varies depending on the region. The amount will be debited from your account at the time the report is submitted. If you order a one-time detailing through your personal account on the MegaFon website, the service is provided free of charge (provided that you place an order no more than once a day).

If after receiving any of the report options you have additional questions, or you found charges for MegaFon services that you did not order, contact your nearest office for clarification.

Video. Detailing of calls to MegaFon