How to design a channel on YouTube. How to make a beautiful YouTube channel graphic? Preparation of a competent description of the channel and information about it

How to make a YouTube channel? No more difficult than a personal page in any other social network. However, if you are planning to become a professional in this business, it will not hurt you to know a few important design nuances. site shares useful information regarding the rules for the design of YouTube channels this year.

YouTube contains not only millions of videos, but a huge variety of channel accounts. If you decide to use this video hosting for personal or professional promotion, you will not only need to create such a channel, but also learn how to make it attractive.

After all, the competition on this service is fantastic. And some ordinary youtubers have more followers than celebrities.
How do you register your account to make it popular?

First, you should know that YouTube channels consist of several pages or sections. And work should be done on each of them. And, of course, you need to start with the design of the main page, because it is the face of your account.

Size: 2560x1440 pixels
Work with home page th most interesting, tk. it has more design possibilities than other sections. The first step is to create a channel header. To do this, take a picture with high resolution.

On the header, you can put text and other pictures, as well as various logos. These elements will be displayed to users not only on computers, but also on mobile devices.

The rest of the background in most cases may not be visible, except when watching a channel from a TV that has an Internet connection.

Having created the header, you can start working with the content of the main page. It consists of blocks that can be constructed according to different layouts. These blocks can be placed in any order you like.

The feed content will be grouped as follows:

  • Most popular videos of the account
  • Latest posted videos
  • Liked videos
  • Playlists.

There are two types of layouts: horizontal and vertical lists.

How to correctly arrange the "Information" section

On this page, you place text about your channel. This should be a competent and, if possible, concise description of the account (no more than 1000 sim.). You can insert keywords into the text, thanks to which your channel can be promoted on the Internet.

In the same section, you can register your email address... All questions regarding business cooperation, including proposals for advertising on the channel, please send to the specified address.

More than four links to social networks, of those that will be visible in the background of the channel, cannot be placed. This applies to all pages of the account. Details displays the number of subscribers and views of your channel, as well as the date it was created. If you wish, you can hide this data in your account settings.

How to make a video beautifully

Much depends on how the videos themselves are designed. They should look so that people want to open and see them.

  • First, you need to come up with a suitable title for each video. It should be short, but capacious, accurately reflecting the essence of the video, and, most importantly, beautiful and catchy.
  • Secondly, choose an attractive picture - a video icon. All this you do while the video is being uploaded to your account. Choose high-resolution icons or, as they are also called, personalized images for videos. In addition to the image itself, there may be text and personal symbols of your account.

Keep in mind that it is YouTube policy that it is prohibited to post images of certain topics (for example, pornographic photos). Read more about this in the site rules.

Some unscrupulous users try to mislead people by making the video titles and their images do not correspond to the real content of the videos. Doing this is highly discouraged - it will only repel you from your channel. In the event that you post videos related to prohibited topics, even if you choose misleading names and images, you may receive complaints and sooner or later your account will be blocked.

Working with playlists

YouTube promoters put a lot of emphasis on organizing playlists. This section grows over time with new useful features that allow users to navigate more easily through their accounts. Don't be lazy to do some thorough work with your playlists. The content of the channel needs to be organized - this is what playlists serve.

Each playlist should have its own clear name, by which people will immediately understand what videos are contained there. Be sure to write correct playlist descriptions. Embed keywords in your descriptions as needed. Below the video clips, you can specify links to certain playlists to make it easier for users to navigate in the space of your channel.

If you have a personal video blog on YouTube, at the end of the video you can tell people yourself that they can find other videos on this topic in such and such a playlist, and they will see a link to it in the description of this video.

A nice and well-designed YouTube channel is the key to your success. In this episode, you will learn how to properly design your YouTube channel.

The very first thing that catches your eye when entering the channel is the logo (avatar) and background design. Let's start with them.

By the way, you can download ready-made psd layouts from us:

So let's get started. Let's start with the avatar, and then the background.

YouTube channel logo (avatar)
Everything is quite simple here, after you have created your channel on Youtube, go to google account+ and there we update (upload) our logo. After a small update, the changes will take effect and your picture will be displayed on the channel.

YouTube channel background
This stage is a little more difficult, as for the correct display of your background, it must be large and adaptable for all types of devices. But, this task can be solved in 3 ways:

  1. Do it yourself;
  2. Download a ready-made layout;
  3. Order freelance.

In this article, we will look at the 1st point and learn how to do the design ourselves, which is always useful when working with YouTube. On the this moment There are 2 sizes that fit the background picture.

The minimum size is 2048 X 1152 pixels.
The maximum size is 2560 x 1440 pixels.

We have prepared a template for you, with marked borders of the so-called "safe zone" - within which your background will be displayed on all devices. And what is abroad will adapt to different devices.

This is a psd template, with fields inside which you can safely place your image or add a text description. Open it up in Photoshop and start editing. After making the edits you want, save in jpg format(jpeg) or png so that the size does not exceed 4 MB.

Examples of cool YouTube channel designs

A selection of beautiful, cool, and most importantly correctly designed channels on YouTube.

Masha and the Bear


Lady gaga

If you are serious about working on your Youtube channel and plan to monetize it, then you should pay close attention to the design of the channel on Youtube and organize the content in such a way that subscribers can stay longer on your videos and wish to receive even more content!

How to design a channel on Youtube, organize content into playlists, post a video and fill out the Channel Information page - in our article!

How to create a youtube channel and design it beautifully

1. How to create a header for a youtube channel. To make your channel visually appealing, you need to style your channel header.

To do this, you need a 2560 X 1440 pixel image. Moreover, the most active part of the header, which will be visible on various devices (computers, smartphones, tablets), is the area 1546 X 423. It is in this part that you can place the main picture and inscriptions for the channel. This is the part that will not be hidden across devices.

The full header image (2560 X 1440 pixels) is displayed only on modern high-definition TVs connected to Youtube.

The size of the header file should be no more than 2 MB, the jpg format is preferable.

2. Video design.
Agree, the video, on the splash screen of which we see a man with an open mouth, is not very attractive. To create a channel design on youtube, you should pay attention not only to appearance the channel itself, but also the video content located on it.

Make attractive previews of all your videos. You can configure this in the "Creative Studio" section. You need to upload your favorite picture to the splash screen by clicking on the buttons "Set as default" and "Save".

This way you can create thumbnails from images with catchy titles for your video and thus attract even more views!

3. Information about the channel.
Now you need to fill in your channel information in the About Channel section.

Fill out your channel description using keywords that you are moving along.

4. Content organization. You can organize the content on the main page of the channel as you like, select different blocks and select content and layout for each block.

5. Playlists. Divide all your videos into thematic playlists. Create playlists for every topic you cover on your channel. Organizing content will have a good impact on the channel's reputation not only in the eyes of users, but also in the eyes of Youtube, since the video hosting management pays special attention to playlists. And soon there will be new features in playlists.

Now you understand how to design a channel on youtube. Work with the above five elements and organize all of your content.

I will tell you how to design a Youtube channel. Channel design includes the following features:

  • home page - header, social icons, content organization (, videos, playlist groups),
  • Details page (text, social icons, display of the number of subscribers and views)
  • the design of the videos themselves - personalized icons, selection of titles
  • organization of content by playlists.

And now about everything in order.

1. Design of the main page of the channel on Youtube.

The main page is the face of the channel, so it has the widest possible design options.

A) Hat for the channel (2560x1440 px).

The hat has safe areas within which you can place text, logos, key pictures - they will be visible on all types of devices. The rest of the background will be hidden on most devices (computers, tablets, Cell phones) and is visible only on TVs connected to YouTube.

Remember that the bottom right corner of your channel header will display social media icons that you can edit on the Details page.

B) Organization of content on the main page of the channel.

You can place content blocks on the main page at your discretion. For each block, you choose content and layout.

You can choose from the following content options: your channel's most popular videos, the most recent published videos, one or more playlists, channels, and videos you like.

The layout is available in two flavors: in a horizontal row or in a vertical list.

2. Design of the "Details" page of your channel.

On the "Details" page, you can place text about your channel. Add to the description the keywords for which you want to promote your channel and your videos. The text on this page cannot exceed 1000 characters. If you place links here, they will be inactive (in plain text).

Below the channel description is a block of social network icons "В in social networks"(right) and links to sites" Custom Links "(left).

Also, when editing this block, you can specify an e-mail for commercial inquiries(for example, someone wants to place an advertisement on your channel), you can hide the number of subscribers (this is done in the settings, not on this page), the number of channel views and the date the channel was created.

3. Attractive video design.

How do you design a video so that people are more likely to watch and open it? The secret lies in the accurate and attractive title, as well as in the beautiful picture (personalized video thumbnail), these elements are set in the process of uploading the video to your channel.

Therefore, approach your work with video carefully, work through all the little things: create a personalized picture for the video (from 1280x720 in size), place an attractive image on it, add text or channel symbols (from 100pt, less elements will not be readable). Think about the title of the video and make it interesting, accurate, short.

But do not violate the rules of the Youtube community and do not post prohibited images of pornographic and other prohibited topics. Do not try to mislead the audience, it only irritates them.

4. Playlists, organize and organize your videos.

As YouTube Product Director Shiva Rajamaran said, the first thing you should work on on your channel is the playlist, the second thing you should work on is the playlist and the third thing that should be your main goal is the playlist again.

Here is the full performance of Shiva Rajamaran at the festival " Youtube video People 2014 ":

Obviously: Youtube management pays a lot of attention to working with playlists, new playlist functions will be launched soon, which will make it easier to work with content and find it. The playlist management system will become more convenient and more intelligent.

I recommend that you carefully and scrupulously organize your content into playlists, do not be lazy to set the exact title and description for playlists using keywords and thematic search queries... Include links to playlists in your video descriptions to make it easier for viewers to find themed videos from your channel. If you record videos with your participation, then say the phrases that "You will find other videos on this topic in the playlist on my channel. The link is in the description under this video." You can link to a playlist using

If you are seriously working on your Youtube channel and plan to monetize it, then you should pay close attention to the design of the Youtube channel and organize the content in such a way that subscribers can stay longer on your videos and wish to receive even more content!

How to design a channel on Youtube, organize content into playlists, post a video and fill out the Channel Information page - in our article!

How to create a youtube channel and design it beautifully

1. How to create a header for a youtube channel. To make your channel visually appealing, you need to style your channel header.

To do this, you need a 2560 X 1440 pixel image. Moreover, the most active part of the header, which will be visible on various devices (computers, smartphones, tablets), is the area 1546 X 423. It is in this part that you can place the main picture and inscriptions for the channel. This is the part that will not be hidden across devices.

The full header image (2560 X 1440 pixels) is displayed only on modern high-definition TVs connected to Youtube.

The size of the header file should be no more than 2 MB, the jpg format is preferable.

2. Video design.
Agree, the video, on the splash screen of which we see a man with an open mouth, is not very attractive. To create a channel design on youtube, you should pay attention not only to the appearance of the channel itself, but also to the video content located on it.

Make attractive previews of all your videos. You can configure this in the "Creative Studio" section. You need to upload your favorite picture to the splash screen by clicking on the buttons "Set as default" and "Save".

This way you can create thumbnails from images with catchy titles for your video and thus attract even more views!

3. Information about the channel.
Now you need to fill in your channel information in the About Channel section.

Fill out your channel description using the keywords you are promoting.

4. Content organization. You can organize the content on the main page of the channel as you like, select different blocks and select content and layout for each block.

5. Playlists. Divide all your videos into thematic playlists. Create playlists for every topic you cover on your channel. Organizing content will have a good impact on the channel's reputation not only in the eyes of users, but also in the eyes of Youtube, since the video hosting management pays special attention to playlists. And soon there will be new features in playlists.

Now you understand how to design a channel on youtube. Work with the above five elements and organize all of your content.