Homemade antiradar diagram. How it works? Standard Radar Settings

Antiradara scheme

Probably each driver at least once happened to the thought of acquiringantiradar, especially after the next Racket of the traffic police on the road. So for business! But let's immediately clarify:antiradar is a device that overwhelmingmilitia radar, and the assembly of his very difficult occupation. Here we will look at more simple schema Antiradar - the so-calledthe radar is a detector that signals the scan of your car by the inspector.

To measure the velocity of the car, the Radar of the traffic police takes radiation reflected from the car, and the radar detector is direct, so the radar detector is always able to detect radar earlier in time than the vehicle speed! So, if the traffic cop scans from his radar for 500 m. From the car, this is a distance of the device Vizier, then before the car approaches the visible distance of 100 m. You have the opportunity to throw the speed.

This antiradara scheme It is quite common in the network, and at least I personally did not collect it, but I had to repair such a self-made device. There, the microwave diode - the detector stood in a small funnel from a fuskey and the whole design was accompanied into the housing, diard from a foil textolite, the size of a bundle of cigarettes. With microwave irradiation - milles and pickup. Here is another option of the antiradar scheme from the magazineRadio:

All radar presented in service the traffic police work with frequencies of 10525 MHz, 24150 MHz and 34700 MHz. These radar - detectors are capable of throwing them all.

Setting antiradara schemes You can perform standing near a person with a radar;

Or to not glow, near the stationary radar - cameras:

Sometimes they put them a couple of km before the traffic police:

Recently, the organs of the organs are taken: a radar video recording velocity meter Vizier consists of two independent blocks - a speed meter and a digital photo camera. The chamber turns on both automatically when the riding the machine is exceeded in advance of the speed limit and manually - the auto inspector. Outdoor surveillance cameras with built-in radar. The device works constantly, and when the speed is exceeded, the sensor activates the camera is turned on.

How to make a big radar in the COP go to see the whole card?

If you play with the standard radar settings, you will not be able to see the entire card. Experienced players constantly hold the radar in sight (of course, not literally, but you understood the idea). This is necessary in order to understand where they are both members of the player's team and opponents (or at least where opponents have recently been).

Opponents are indicated on a radar with red dots. For a few seconds after the opponent's disappearance of the opponent, a red question mark is displayed on the radar.

This is how to enable radar in the COP go - Drawradar
Here's how to turn off the radar in the COP go - Hideradar
CL_RADAR_ICON_SCALE_MIN 0.6 - Size icons on the radar (range: from 0 to 1)
CL_RADAR_SCALE 0.4 - Map Scale (Range: from 0.2 - 1)
CL_RADAR_ALWAYS_CENERED 0 - shift of the center of the radar aside the visibility of the card, 1 - you are the center of the radar
CL_RADAR_ROTATE 1 - Enable Card Rotation, 0 - Disconnection
Cl_HUD_RADAR_SCALE 1 - Radar size (Range: 0.8 to 1.3)
HUD_SCALING 0.95 - interface size (0.95 to 0.5)

drawradar - includes radar

If you again want to disable the radar in the COP, then you will write this command in the console:

hideradar - disables radar

How to set up a radar in the COP, using console commands?

I often used the ability to review the map using the radar.

For example, if I am at the point a, and the members of my team rushed to the point B, and I don't have time to find out this in the chat, it will be clearly visible on the radar. In addition, if someone from your team notes a terrorist with a bomb, then it will be displayed on the radar.

This screenshot shows what we want to achieve:

  • Radar, on which the player is always in the center.
  • The radar on which the entire map is visible.
  • Radar increased size (increased scale).
  • Larger icons. So it will be easier for you to notice the members of your team / enemies (optional).
  • Minikard (generally).

Now let's go to the settings. You will need to make them in your file called Config (may also be called Autoexec). We will consider each order setting in order. So you will know what he answers, and you can configure the radar according to your preferences.

If you just need settings, you can scroll through the page. They are presented at the very end of the article.

First of all, we do not need a radar that will always be centered, because in this case a lot of screen space is lost when the map boundaries near the boundary.

To do this, you need to change the parameter in the corresponding string to "0":


See? Almost half of the space occupies a black area. If the radar does not always be centered, then we will be able to see the large square of the card.

The next thing we need to do is to reduce the scale of the card. So we can see even more.

Set the following parameter value:


Before that, we could not see the entire map. After changing the settings, all the areas of the card are constantly displayed on the radar. It is very convenient when the respauna, when you do not know where the members of your team are located - you can always see them.

Script to increase the size of the radar (zoom script)

We came up with a small script that allows you to increase / reduce the size of the radar, this can be made by simply pressing "+" or "-".

In the Config or Autoexec file, specify the following:

// Radar scaling
bind "kp_plus" "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 0.05";
bind "KP_MINUS" "IncrementVar Cl_Radar_scale 0.25 1.0 -0.05";

With a decrease in the size of the radar, some details can not be noticed. To compensate for this inconvenience, we can increase the scale of the radar.

To do this, use the command:


As you can notice, the scale has increased. I calculated that 1,15 - optimal ratiowhich allows you to distinguish the details without any problems, but the image of the radar, it does not take up much space on the screen. You can experiment with other values.

This step is optional, but I used it. It increases the size of the icons displayed on the radar, which can also be useful.


The final settings of the radar in the COP

Now we can evaluate the changed settings of the radar on which the entire map is constantly visible. Compare them with standard parameters:

It turned out very cool.

The only disadvantage of new settings is the low detail of the card, but with an increase in the size of the radar, the part becomes easier to distinguish. However, if you know a card well, it will not greatly complicate your life.

Optimized radar settings (initial installations)

CL_RADAR_SCALE "0.3" ("0.7")
CL_HUD_RADAR_SCALE "1.15" ("1")

Two parameters remained unchanged:


Possessing the skills of working with microcontrollers, the radar can be made independently with the help of chips, a set of wires, an infrared sensor and other devices. It is also necessary to have a diagram for further assembly.

You will need

  • - Skills of working with radio engineering and microcontrollers.


  • You can purchase all these devices at special points of sale of radio engineering. You also need skills to work with microcontrollers. In the absence of yours, you simply will not be able to read the scheme.
  • Create a radar chip using the drawing on the link above. After that, follow the device assembly. Pick up the appropriate case drill 36 holes in it for indicators. After the radar scheme is ready, skip each wire through the hole in the housing wall. Connect the infrared sensor and power supply to this device, place the antenna and go to the program part.
  • Perform the servo system in the form of interrupts and timers. Generate a 50 hertz signal, followed by the LED display device. These indicators are adjustable using triggers. Configure the update of this data system and subsequent output using an infrared sensor.
  • Use also a converter to determine the voltage. More detailed scheme of action of such devices is illuminated in special literature. Test your device, in case of faults, try to replace the components of the board.
  • I did not know how to configure or optimize the radar in CS GO? In this thread, we are just looking at the consideration of the radar settings in CS Global Offensive.What is needed to configure the radar? Everything is done very simply, no additional software download will need, everything you need is:

    Enable console

    If you have any problems with opening the console, then follow the following instructions:

    1. Run CS: GO;
    2. Settings → Game settings;
    3. Enable Developer Console → Yes;
    4. Settings → Keyboard / mouse;
    5. Scroll to the bottom and see "Open Console" turns on on " ` "- You can set any of your key.

    Now you can proceed to setup!

    Radar setup

    The first thing I would advise you is to create a game with bots so that they could not kill you and already directly in the game to practice the radar setting. Let's start:

    Enable / Disable Radar

    To enable Radar must register the Drawradar command in the console;

    In order to hide The radar uses the Hideradar Console command;


    This command is responsible for the radar size on your screen.

    Minimum: "0.8" // Maximum: "1.3"


    The player is always in the center of Radar. At first glance, it may seem that there is no particular difference, but plus is obvious - when you are in the corner of the map - you are available large review The locality on the radar than if you were in the center of the Radar.

    Two variables or 0 or 1 are available for selection.


    This command changes the size of various icons on your radar.

    Minimum: "0.4" // Maximum: "1.0"


    The inclusion and disabling of the rotation of the radar. Those. If it is turned off, the card on the radar will always be in the same position.

    You can set either 0 or 1


    Change the scale of the map displayed on the radar.

    cL_RADAR_SCALE "0.25" cL_RADAR_SCALE "1.0"
    Minimum: "0.25" // Maximum: "1.0"


    This command includes and also disables the display of the icon of the bomb when you carry it, or when you do not have it.

    Dynamic change in the size of the radar

    There are cases in which the scale of the card on the radar needs to be increased or vice versa, reduce. This can be done with Binda below:

    Bind "kp_plus" "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 0.05"; // Increase the size of the Radar BIND "KP_MINUS" "INCREMENTVAR CL_RADAR_SCALE 0.25 1.0 -0.05"; // Reducing the size of the radar

    This binder allows you to + or - Dynamically change the size of the radar when you press. Buttons can be any at your discretion.

    Standard Radar Settings


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    The transport motion on modern roads is controlled by electronic radar device of the road police - video phixation cameras, which from the entire transport stream detect traffic violators. In Europe countries have long been accustomed to the fact that permanent observation is carried out behind the car traffic.

    In Russia, the practice of controlling road traffic with chambers is only under development, but already meets resistance from the "folk craftsmen" applying the jams from the cameras. An industrial product with such properties is the active antiradar.


    The antiradar Active (Jammer) is a device that, by radiation, distorts and suppresses the scanning radar signals. The frequency in which the operation of the active antiradar occurs is prohibited for use by individuals.

    Anti-lands can be 2 types;, their device and the principle of operation are mainly dependent on the detector, which can make the signal in a radio or laser range. It should be borne in mind that laser antiradars cannot suppress radio signals.

    Principle of operation

    The active radar works on the principle of aggressive impact on the signal source. Such devices in many countries are prohibited by law. The principle of operation is that the detector catches the radar signal, instantly processes and sends back. The signal power is such that data on the velocity speed of the vehicle is lost, respectively, it becomes impossible to determine it.

    Laser spectrum diodes are used as laser radar detectors. To exclude false responses, the entire system must be adjusted to the radiation of signals of the specified frequency, power and wavelength. The quality operation of the device depends on the number of radar detector sensors, given that 1 is able to scan at the distance of the radar, subject to its beam directly into the sensor.

    Hence the output: the more sensors at the radar, the higher the probability of suppressing the signal of the road police device. The same working on radio frequencies, which are devoured signals of police radars.

    What model to choose

    Antiradars of popular manufacturers, which are in the Russian car accessories market, on functionality and cost can be divided into the following categories: budgetary, average price segment and premium.

    When choosing a radar, it is necessary to consider the parameters of the device, which will be most in demand by the driver:

    • Protection against interference and the number of false positives.
    • Reliability level.
    • Accuracy of fixed signals.
    • Speed.
    • Signal reception range.
    • Large functionality.

    When choosing a radar of a budget category, not so much on the functionality of the device, as its value, which in this case is the main factor:

    • ParkCity RD-11. The device leading in this category. Work in a narrow frequency range. Unreliable interference protection.
    • Prestige RD-101. Good fixation of signals, voice alert with low quality displays.
    • Silver Stone F1 Fuji. Good signing signal. It works both in the radar detector mode and the antiradar is active. Bad volume adjustment levels taking into account distance.

    Anti-pharmacies of the average price category are chosen taking into account the price / quality ratio and functionality:

    • SHO ME G-1000 Signature. Modern device with laser receiver. Reliable work and protection against false positives.
    • Playme QVick 2. The device is manufactured using Anti-Cas technology. Reliable, with good protection against interference.
    • Inspector RD GTS. Exact device with GPS and laser receiver. Reliable fixation of signals and protection against interference.

    Premium category antiradars are considered not only for functionalitybut also from the point of view of devices that are not entitled to an error:

    • Whistler Pro-80ST RU. The modern, multifunctional, compact radar that meets all the requirements of drivers. Reliable, with good fixation of signals and interference protection.
    • Neoline X-COP S300. Multifunctional antiradar consisting of 3 blocks located under the hood and instrument panel. Reliable fixation of all signals, excellent protection against interference.
    • Playme Silent, which is also called the "muffler from radar cameras", has a high efficiency of work. Reliable, with excellent interference protection. This antiradder is equipped with an OLED display and expensive.

    How to make it yourself

    In order to make an antiradar with your own hands, you need to know how the radar works, which consists of 3 parts. This is a transmitter emitting a directional radio signal to a vehicle that returns back after reflection from the car. The second part of the device is a receiver taking a reflected radio signal from the car. The third component of the radar produces the vehicle speed calculation in the speed of the reflected radio signal.

    The anti-radar feature is to accept the signal of the radar installation and timely warning of the driver by the signal. This function of the alarm can be performed any screwdriver with a sound indicator, designed for work with a hidden electrical wiring, which can be found in the economic department of any store, and it should be inexpensive.

    Antiradar fare is simple. To do this, you need a metal part of the screwdriver to connect with a wire with a car antenna, and the mass is to connect to the screwdriver to the contact switch.

    You can check such a device on the go: if the homemade antiradar will begin to publish a squeak, warning the driver, then there is a police station with a radar installation. Reviews of motorists who checked this device in their practice say that the device works, but sometimes there is not enough distance to change the speed of movement.

    What the Law says

    In many countries of the world, even radar detectors use during the operation of vehicles is prohibited, not to mention active radar. Jummers are not licensed as radio resources and fall under an administrative article. Penalties for individualsusing an active radar make up 500 to 1000 rubles. With the seizure of these devices.

    In practice, the cases of finding jummers in the car and the subsequent evidence of their application has not yet been, because Detect them extremely difficult. In addition, DPS workers are little familiar with them. Laser devices do not fall under the administrative article, because are not radio transmitting devices.