How to record music on the disk - four ways and video. How to record your voice on a computer running Windows Write an ordinary

Hello dear friends, I have long wanted to replenish my site this topic and tell you how better and more correctly burn the disk.

How to write to disk files from a computer

So, recording a disc It can be done standard by Windows and using a special program. And now we will consider everything.

1 way: how to burn a disk in windows

1. Run autorun.

When you insert the disk you need to jump out the window that will offer to perform the following steps:

- If there is no such window, then go to my computer and press twice the left mouse button on this disk.

2. You need to select the recording method, this moment is very important :

Now you have to open this menu:

Now attention!

Recording format Recommended discs
BUT). Like USB flash drivethis format is designed for rewritable discs (CD-DVD-RW), for conventional discs do not use this format, since your disk after recording may not be read on other devices, especially if you want to record for audio or video players. And if you select this format back will not return! The advantage is just what you can use the disk as a flash drive, i.e. you can delete at least one file and you can also write at least one file to the disk. But attention is just for RW disks (rewritable discs). CD-DVD-RW (R)
B). With CD-DVD player This format is intended for all drives and if you are not going to use a disk as a flash drive and you want your disk everywhere to choose this item. CD-DVD-R

If you still chose the first option, the window will appear in which you will be asked for confirmation of the disk formatting for this type of recording. You can't return the changes back!

If you still agree, confirm, click Yes.

3. Now choose what to write.

The first way:

You can simply copy the file you want to record and paste on the disk.

The second way:

Press the right mouse button on the selected file or folder and select Send and select the disk.

4. And finally recording!

We go to our disk and click the record on the CD (burn disc).

A window appears in which you need to choose:

1. Disc name

2. Speed \u200b\u200b(the lower - the better)

3. Putting the registration wizard automatically closes.

All disc is recorded!

2 way: how to burn a disc using the Nero Micro program

How do you probably know standard Methods not always there is a good record wizard windows disks Although it copes well with its function, but still, his benefits have little. Now let's expand recording capabilities with free program For recording Nero Micro discs.

You can download Nero Micro for free, and most importantly, what is the micro version of Nero, with free distribution.

1. Recording any data.

2. Record music in various formats

3. Record video in various formats.

4. Useful feature - Record the disk image on the USB flash drive.

Here I will show an example how to record normal Disk CD. For this:

Select CD with data. Window opens.

And add files here.

You can add using the Add button or drag the desired file to the window with the mouse.

Here we choose:

1. Disc name

2. Record speed (the lower the better).

3. Allow the addition of files (you can add a disk if free space remains), but the disc can not be read on some devices.

Press the record.

After recording, a window will appear with a successful record of the disk.

And in the end I will say that the opinion is how to write a disk, each of yours. But these methods have never been summed up and discs all the time successfully recorded.

On this I advise you to you!

Greetings all my regular readers and those who came to my blog for the first time. I hope you enjoy it and you will become regular readers of this computer resource.

I recently had the need to record certain files on the disk, literally after half an hour everything was done. After that, without thinking, I decided to write an article how to record music on the disk. Last time, we talked about that.

You can write not only music, but also other video files, photos, documents, images, and so on. Today I will tell you and show you four ways how to record music on a disk and other information, just talk about three popular audio recording format and which there are discs. More, especially for you, recorded 4 video lessons for each program that we will analyze today.

Music on round media


  • Audio formats
  • Disc formats
  • Write music into the car
  • We write music - Nero program

Audio formats

Music is usually recorded in three Audio CD, MP3 and FLAC formats. Of course there are other formats, but in this release we will consider only these three. So, what differ these musical formats among themselves.

Audio CD - His story began in the past century, distant in 1969. The first Audio CD (CD) was released in 1980 by Philips and Sony. And two years later, the first CD player appeared.

It is located on 15 to 20 songs in good quality (stereo), recording duration up to 80 minutes. Most often, such disks listens in cars, music centers and other players. They were also used on discos and recording studios.

MP3 - The format itself appeared in 1994, he was developed at the Fraunhofer Institute. Literally a year later, the first MP3 player appeared. In this format, you can burn up to 10 times more songs than in Audio CD, depending on the quality of the sound and the compressible codec.

An ordinary person will probably not distinguish the sound of MP3 and Audio CD. MP3 format is distributed almost everywhere, most of the players are supported. It is divided into three versions: MPEG-1, MPEG2 and MPEG-2.5. MP3 patent belongs to Alcatel-Lucent and ends in 2017.

FLAC - appeared quite recently, not many people heard and know about him. Personally, I came across it by chance about a year ago. For true connoisseurs of music, I can recommend listening to the audio records in FLAC format, also call Lossless. There is almost no loss and sound quality is much higher than in Audio CD and MP3. The average size of one such file is several times more than MP3.

The sound quality on average ranges from 700 to 1500 kbps. In the same mp3 maximum 320 kbps, most often 192 kbps. Listen to the song in the first two ordinary formats, then in FLAC format. I am sure - the difference will be obvious. If you like calm music, then go to my second music blog Chillout.

Something I was a little interested in these audio formats. If you want to learn about the formats more than more details, you can always seek help to the Internet or Wikipedia. Let's start directly to the music record process on the disk.

To do this, you must be prepared by several CD or DVD discs depends on the number of information you want to write to the disk. And somewhat so that if one disk is spoiled (burning to complete failure), you can use the second - reserve.

Disc formats

I completely forgot to tell what there are discs. IN currently Most often use such disk formats:

  • CD-R, CD-RW - the amount of complied with 700 MB
  • DVD-R / + R, DVD-RW / + RW, DVD-R DL / DVD + R DL - information 4.7 - 8.5 GB
  • DVD-RAM - can be overwritten up to 100,000 times, unlike its fellow DVD-RW / + RW, the resource of which up to 1000 overwriting. In most cases, has a protective cover and accommodates 2.6 - 9.4 GB
  • BD-R / -RE / -RE DL - Blue Ray discs, information of information 25 - 500 GB
  • Also, all of the above disks have smaller months of mini-CD, mini-dvd and mini-bd, which can accommodate a little less information than their older fellow

Abbreviation -R- means disposable use, -rw- reusable use, and -dl-multi-layered disk.

Write music to the disk in the car

In order to record music on a disk into the car, you need to decide on the supported formats of your radio. They are usually written on the car radio. If there is no, then look in the instruction of the radio itself, if it remains.

If not, write down the brand, the name of the radio and look at the information on the Internet on supported media and audio formats.

Older radio tape recorders support CD - Audio and WMA. It is necessary to record music in these formats, others will not play.

Old Magnitols with support for CD - MP3, Audio and WMA. Here you can already write ringtones on the disks in Emptry format.

Magnetites supported by CD and DVD - there is the ability to record songs both on sit and on diva media, see supported formats.

Recent radio tape recorders support CD, DVD, USB-Flesh (flash drives), bluetooth, phone support and directly from the Internet.

There are car radio on Android and with FLAC support (Lossless) - the quality of the sound is much better than MP3, but it must be installed for its assessment. good audiothe system is preferably with sound amplifier.

Music recording using Windows

In the first way, we learn how to record music on the disc. windows tools.

Turn on our computer, insert a clean drive into the drive, it should be free for all 100% and go to my computer.

We go to this clean drive.

A window appears as planning to record this disk.

We come up with the name of our disk (for example, my music).

Choose how to plan to use this disk.

Personally, I rarely use this method and always choose with a CD / DVD player.

You can also click on the blue text what format should be used?

If you have any questions and difficulties, you can use this tip and click Next.

Insert or drag on it files Music, photo, video and so on.

We added files will be transparent - means that they are ready for recording, but not yet recorded.

Go to the mouse to a free not occupied space and click on it right mouse button, select the record to the disk in the menu that appears.

Here you can call our disc, if before that you did not give him any name, and you can leave unchanged.

There is an opportunity to close the wizard upon completion of file recording.

This feature can be used if you want to close the recording wizard after the disk is recorded.

After burning is completed, click Finish button.

At the end I got like that, I don't know, everyone will have different files.

After the post is completed, you can enjoy new music. If the record ended not by luck - then you need to fulfill the same themes, only with a new disk.

How to record music to disk using Windows 7 | website

Music recording using Windows Media

The second way to write music to the disk I will demonstrate on the player Windows Media.. It is present (embedded) in the standard, stored package of programs operating systems Microsoft.

First of all, you need to enable our Windows Media player.

After it opens, you need to go to the entry tab, which is located in the right upper corner Between playback and synchronization.

Should appear Sound CD. I have written left 702 MB of 702 MB.

In order to add the necessary items to be transferred to the record list.

After that, you can enter the recording parameters.

Additional recording options ... Set all necessary settingsUnless of course consider it necessary to do it.

I almost do not go there, although no, you need to choose the recording speed - the smaller the better. You can put the middle or low.

After all the settings settings, click start recording and wait for the final result, while you are waiting to expand your knowledge and read the article.

It is also possible to copy music from a CD. Enough comfortable toolIf you need to copy music from Audio CD. Most programs will not be able to do this. This option I saw and used only in two programs is Windows Media and Winamp (my favorite music player).

How to record music to disk - Windows Media Player | website

We write music - Nero program

In most cases, when I need to record any disk, I most often use the program to record NERO disks. Surely most of you are familiar with this program, if not, I recommend to get acquainted with it. She has extensive opportunities how to record music on a disk and a lot of additional chips (settings and additives).

With it, you can copy discs, create images, record your own clips and movies, make presentations, own slideshows and much more. Download this program you can on the Internet, on the official website of the program different versions Stand in different ways, but not for free, so look in the Internet.

We will proceed to record music to disk by the third way using the Nero program.

We launch the Nero program, I use 7 versions, it is checked and the most reliable, in every case for me. Perhaps someone else is another version, the interface will be slightly different, but the essence of the program does not change - recording discs and all that is connected with it.

We go to Nero Startsmart, you may be called a little different. At the top in the center you can immediately select the type of CD, DVD, Blu-ray recording medium or two in one CD / DVD.

Go to the note - the Sound tab.

Choose the project you need and click on it to make audio CDs, create a Jukebox CD (MP3, MP4, WMA) and so on.

You can also go to the Data tab and write a regular disk with data. If you need an Audio CD - then choose to make audio CDs. We need MP3 - select Create Jukebox CD, or create a CD with data.

If you have a lot of information - you can record discs on DVD, all the same.

After selecting the project, a window appears Nero which we need to add our files.

You can click on the "Green Plus" button to add, or drag the data into an empty window. You can also use the exchange buffer and the hot buttons Ctrl + x, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V.

A window appears add file (s) with two green stripes.

After the information is added to the disk, you can double and click on.

Coming a warning of compatibility (may not appear). We are asked to disable multi-session? If you don't write anything more on it, then click yes. If you want to add data to it in the future - then click No, the final settings of the entry goes before us.

Here you can write the name of the disk.

Select the current record recorder (if you have several drives).

Stop the number of copies that will be recorded.

It is possible to check the checkbox check the data after recording to the disk - this feature is useful if you write down important information And you want to make sure that she was discovered without any mistakes. It is also sometimes called verification of data, that is, a comparison of copies with the original.

You can also set to allow the addition of files (multisession).

After that, press the entry (a burning match near the disk) and wait. You can go to smoke, drink tea or coffee, or do another case for 20 minutes sometimes and more, for example

  • subscribe to obtaining new articles of my blog,
  • read Article.

Upon completion of the recording process, such a burning window has been completed successfully completed, click OK. After that, the Project Conservation window will appear. We will ask - Want to keep the project? I always click there, if you want to save the project - then click Yes.

You can also set a tick no longer show this message if you do not want it to constantly come out after each disk recording. If the burden ended in failure - it also happens, you need to insert a new disk and try again.

You can enjoy music or other your recorded data.

How to record music on disk - Nero 7 | website

Write music - ashampoo program

Ashampoo is a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation, which was created in Germany specifically for development software With a closed source code in 1999.

Ashampoo I rarely use the program, quite enough Nero. Here is a calm dark blue with white waves interface, everything is in Russian, a convenient menu. Download aShampoo program You can on the official website.

You can only download it from the official site for free to use 10 days without registration and 30 days if you ask the activation code for a month.

If it does not suit you, then at any time you can enter the Internet and download your full-fledged version. I found one link of the program, I post for someone who does not know how to search.

Download Ashampoo Burning Studio

In order to download it, you must have 176 MB of free disk space.

So we quietly approached the fourth and last way How to record music on the disk in this article.

We find our Ashampoo program.

Turn on Ashamp.

We go to the submenu creation + recording.

Go to the music tab.

In the split menu, you can select Create Audio CD and create MP3 or WMA disk.

There are many functions here, in the same submenu, you can choose to copy music files to the disk.

Click the Add button and select the necessary music or other files. You can also transfer data to a simple mouse movement to a clean area or use the Magic keys Ctrl + X, Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V.


Upon completion, you can listen to your music or see other files that were recorded on the disk. If errors occur and some files do not open - then you need to take a new disk and repeat the recording process.

How to record music on the disk - Ashampoo Burning. Studio 12 | website


In this article, how to record music on the diskI learned what are audio formats with you than they differ, we talked a little about disk formats.

Also recorded music on the discs four different ways: Windows tools using windows player Media, used the Nero program and resorted to AShampoo help. They secured all our knowledge, looking at 4 video lessons for each of the programs.

If you want to take advantage of my article and publish it anywhere, I do not mind, you can do it, but for this you have to put an active open link to my blog with the article! If you do not do this - I will punish! I hope for your understanding.

Perhaps you have left or have questions related to disc records, you can ask them below in the comments to this article, as well as take advantage of the form with me.

Thank you what you read me in

Insert a clean CD-R or CD-RW drive into the drive and open this disk when Windows 7 is a request for formatting Select "with a CD DVD player":

In the second window of the Wizard, select the type "Audio CD":

After that copy files, WAV, MP3 or WMA and insert in the disk window. After copying the files, the Windows Media Player program will open and in this window there will be a list of files for recording. In order to start recording, click the Start Record button:

Wait for the recording process to complete:

After the recording is completed, the drive tray will be opened.


Although it is possible to record an audio-CD from MP3 or WMA files you need to understand that in this case, despite the fact that the disk format will be Audio-CD, the sound quality will correspond to the quality of the sound of the source MP3 or WMA files. So if you want to record a really high-quality audio compact disc need to be recorded from uncompressed sound Files WAV format.

For better compatibility with household players, do not use the discs for the CD-RW record, but only CD-R.

The Audio-CD recording method described in this article is suitable only for those cases when an audio disk is planned to be played on a computer, a radio, a portable player or "boombox". But if you are a connoisseur of good music and you have a good audio technique, then the approach to recording audio CDs should be completely different. Recording high-quality audio-CD is a rather complicated topic that requires knowledge, specialized programs and equipment.

\u003e How to write an audio CD?


Audio CD is one of the most popular formats and types of music storage for music for 30 years. The first prototype of the format was presented in 1976 and is still supported. Most household players reproduce Audio CD, and all music albums are available in this format.

To write audio CD. (convert mp3 in CDA) You will need a CD / DVD drive drive. Such a device is almost on each modern computer. Also need empty CD-R disk To record music (CD-RW is also suitable) and special program. For audio-CD records We will use Audio CD Burner Studio. This application will allow you to quickly and high quality record audio on the disk. The program supports CD-TEXT, which will allow you to display information about the artist and a song on the screen of the player - for example, in the car.

Step One: Download and install the program.

Download Audio CD Burner Studio to the selected folder and start the installation. Follow the installation instructions to complete the process.

Step Two: Start the program. Select audio files for recording.

Launch installed program. The main Audio CD Burner Studio window opens:

On the toolbar from above, click "Add" to select audio files. The standard folder review window opens:

Select audio files you want write on audio CDand click "Open".

Please note that about 80 minutes of music is placed on the usual CD-R.

Step Three: Record Audio CD.

Selected files will be added to the queue:

Note the list of audio files: the program read their ID3 tags and automatically record this information in the field CD-TEXT.. Thus, on your player will be displayed information about the album, the name of the artist and the name of the current song.

Now let's see what can be configured. In the drop-down list, select the recording device, if there are several in your computer.

You can change the songs on the disk using green arrows on the toolbar, highlight the desired track.

Finally, making sure that the CD-R (CD-RW) is inserted into the writing drive, click "write down". After that, the program will take some time on the preparation of files and write them to the disk, depending on the total duration. At the end of the Audio CD is ready to use on any player.

The trial version of the Audio CD Burner Studio is fully operational for 30 days. If you liked the program, you can register it and continue using.