Burning protected discs windows 7. Guide to the Internet - all the most interesting on the net

Welcome! This blog is dedicated to the Internet and computers, or rather was dedicated to them.

Probably, it is immediately clear that for many years no new articles have appeared on the site. Yes, that is the fate of most blogs. Once this project was an ambitious undertaking, and the author, like many others writing at that time, had ambitious plans to become one of the best Russian bloggers. Well, if you look now, then of those blogs that were created simultaneously with mine, most have already disappeared into eternity. And I simply didn’t have enough time to blog. So yeah, it's not updated anymore. Although once we won the contest "Runet Blog 2011" with this site.

I even thought about deleting all this, but then I reviewed the old materials, and realized that they could still be useful to readers. Yes, some articles are outdated (if I have enough strength, they will receive appropriate marks), but the site, for example, may be useful for beginners - here you can read about basic concepts the Internet, learn how to set up the Internet, Windows, or even decide to switch to Linux. So look at the categories and choose the one that suits you.

And yet, I hope that this is more than just a blog, but a real guide to the Internet. The site can be viewed in directory mode, where all available articles are structured by category. And, who knows, maybe one day new quality articles will start to appear here.


Picodi.ru is a discount portal from International Coupons, a Polish expert in the field of savings and cheap shopping. The Poles are considered one of the most economical nations in the world, so it is not surprising that this type of project grew out of the Polish startup kodyrabatowe.pl. How can this portal be useful to an ordinary Internet user in Russia?

Modern android phones are more than phones. You get used to the set installed programs, to your call history and text messages, photo collections and more. But time goes by, and the device that suits you completely starts to slow down, fail, or simply loses its presentable appearance due to chips on the case or scratches on the screen. There is a question of choosing a new phone and changing android phone. And if we now bypass the issue of choice, then "moving" to new phone remains a serious problem - you absolutely do not want to start all the data from scratch. That's what we'll talk about today.

Most of the readers of this blog, most likely, have never encountered version control systems and will not encounter them in the near future. It's a pity. This extremely convenient invention is widely used by programmers, but, in my opinion, it could be very useful for those who actively work with texts. But, probably, now there is not a single version control system that would be easy to start using for "office" ( Microsoft office) work. Nevertheless, I think that the material presented in the article may be of interest to all readers.

If you have been thinking about how to watch movies on the network and access the Internet from your TV, this article is for you. No, I know that some TVs already have Smart functionality TV, however I have never seen it work properly. This is probably why Google recently demonstrated an absolutely amazing device that immediately became a sensation. We are talking about the Chromecast media streamer (Chromkast), a more advanced and affordable version of last year's failed Nexus Q player.

The Chromecast Dongle, which measures no more than 2 inches, connects to the port HDMI TV and allows you to enjoy streaming web content. To control the streamer, you can use any device (tablet, PC, smartphone) based on the operating platform iOS, Windows, Android or Mac OS.

This article is about the device system android memory, problems that may arise due to its lack and ways to solve them. I myself recently encountered the fact that my android phone began to regularly issue messages about the lack of memory when trying to install this or that application. Which was very strange for me, given that, according to the description on the market, there should have been about 16GB, and even I increased this amount with an additional memory card. However, there was a problem, and I had to tinker a lot before I found the right solution that did not require root access or a complete reset of the phone to the factory state.

When you try to write files to a USB flash drive, you may encounter the error "The disk is write-protected." This can happen due to many reasons, up to drive failure, but most often the reason is in the security settings.

In some cases, write protection is done by viruses. All described methods must be performed with administrator rights, and they will not work on your desktop. office computers, where write protection is set by the system administrator.

Some types of flash drives (USB and SD) have physical write protection. Look closely at the USB flash drive, it may have a switch labeled Lock, and if you find it, then switch it.

This type of protection is the most reliable for protecting files on a flash drive from viruses. With it, you not only protect files from viruses, but also prevent viruses from spreading.

On some computers, you may find write protection done using the Windows Registry. The fix is ​​very simple:

The StorageDevicePolicies section may be missing and then you will have to create it:

After working with the registry, you must restart the computer for the changes to take effect.

Removing write protection using group policies

As in the case with Windows Registry, this method of write protection, most often, has viral roots. I don’t know why the virus should not write to the disk, most likely just out of harm.

In order for the changes to take effect, you must restart your computer.

Removing write protection using the registry

If the registry method did not help, then it's time to try to remove protection from the disk using the Diskpart console command:

Done, now the bans for recording the disc have been lifted.

Removing write protection from Transcend flash drives

Transcend has created a free software, which solves many problems with their flash drives, including the ability to fix the "Disk is write-protected" problem.

If nothing helps

If nothing helps and you still see the error "The disk is write-protected", then try to find a specialized recovery program on the flash drive manufacturer's website.

Sometimes flash drives just die with such an error, put up with it and buy a new one, since they cost a penny.

Often a problem with disks - the inability of the user to write anything to it - is most often associated with updating the system, reinstalling any programs. You can fix the situation yourself. Troubleshooting Options hard drive and flash drive are different.

Removing write protection from the hard disk of a computer and laptop

In the Start menu or on the desktop of the monitor, find the shortcut "My Computer" and go to the folder. In the list of disks installed on your computer, find the one that interests you: C, D, H and others possible options. After placing the mouse cursor on the disk icon, activate it with the right mouse button. A context menu will appear in which you are interested in the "Properties" item. Execute the transition by working with the left button.

You will see a window with subfolders. Open the "Security" tab. On the panel of this tab there is an "Advanced" button, open the following window by clicking on this button.

Now you are interested in the "Permission" tab.
In the window that appears, a list of all users (accounts) that use this computer is available. Opposite each of the accounts, access rights are indicated. Find your account among the "accounts", select and click the "Change decision" command.

Removing write protection from a flash drive: method one

Almost any "flash drive" has a built-in switch. Depending on the position in which it will be, recording will either be allowed or not.
Inspect your drive from all sides, find a small switch lever on one of its sides. It has only two extreme positions: left or right. Or up and down, depending on how you hold the flash drive. Accordingly, in one of the positions the switch blocks the possibility of recording, in the other it allows. Reposition and check the possibilities.

Removing write protection from a flash drive: method two

The first method does not always work. Perhaps the reason lies much deeper. Then you should connect the flash drive to your computer (laptop). And then the process will resemble the one described above for a computer hard drive.

Open the "My Computer" folder and find the flash card shortcut. Click on it with the mouse (right button) to open the context menu. Then select "Properties" with the left button. In the window that opens, you are interested in the "Access" tab, in particular, on this tab, the "Advanced settings" item. To enable the recording, you need to select in the window that opens, the item "Open general access". Then confirm your choice by clicking "OK".

The flash drive is open for various operations, copies, respectively, and for writing or formatting.

If, after completing all the steps, it still fails to write to the disk, then the problem most likely lies deeper and is related to the operation of programs that service the microprocessor. AT this case you should contact a professional installer. Independent attempts to correct the situation without special knowledge can harm even more.

I apologize for the title, but this is how the question is asked when, during actions with USB flash drive or SD card Windows memory reports the error "Disk is write-protected. Remove protection or use another disk "(The disk is write-protected). In this instruction I will show several ways to remove protection from a flash drive or memory card and tell you where it comes from.

I note that in different cases a message that the disk is write-protected may appear for various reasons - often due to Windows settings, but sometimes - because of a damaged flash drive. I will touch on all the options and their corresponding methods for removing protection in Windows 10, 8.1 or Windows 7. If something turned out to be not entirely clear, then at the bottom of the article there is a video that demonstrates almost all the ways to fix the error.

Another way to help clear the error USB disk, which suddenly shows an error when writing - remove protection in command line.

To do this, do the following:

  1. (In Windows 10, the easiest way to do this is through the search in the taskbar, in Windows 8.1 - using the right-click menu on the Start button, in Windows 7 - through the right-click on the command line in the Start menu).
  2. At the command line, type diskpart and press Enter. Then enter the command list disk and in the list of disks find your flash drive, you will need its number. Type the following commands in order, pressing Enter after each.
  3. select disk N(where N is the flash drive number from the previous step)
  4. attributes disk clear readonly
  5. exit

Close the command prompt, disconnect and reconnect the flash drive, then try to do something with the flash drive, such as format it or write down some information, to see if the error has disappeared.

The disk is write protected - a solution for flash drives from Transcend, Kingston, Silicon Power and others

Video instruction

Below is a video on this error, which shows all the methods described above. She may be able to help you sort out the problem.

I hope one of the approaches helped you in solving the problem. If not, I also recommend checking your flash drive on another computer or laptop: this will allow you to determine whether the write protection is a consequence of the system settings or the drive itself is to blame.


“My flash drive began to issue: “The disk is write-protected. Remove protection or use another disk." What to do?"

quite often found on various computer forums.

In this small selection of tips, I will share my own experience in solving the problem.

So, practice shows that owners of problematic USB drives, when such a message appears, usually lose the opportunity:

    Access to information on the media;

    Writing and deleting data on the media;

    Media formatting.

What can be done in such cases?

Step 1: Check the mechanical write blocking switch.

Almost all SD memory cards, which are defined by Windows as removable drives, have hardware write protection in the form of an inconspicuous switch on the side of the case.

Pull the device out of the computer and check the switch position. If it is in the write enable position, or the device does not have a write block switch at all, proceed to the next steps.

Step 2: check the system registry.

The reason for the occurrence of a write error in some cases may be a change / damage to the system registry settings.

Open regedit.exe and go to section


On the right side of the window, double-click the option start. The Start parameter defaults to 3 (recording allowed):

If the problem persists after performing this action, go to step 3.

Step 3: format the USB drive.

There are several ways to format disks, for example, in a graphical interface familiar to most users.

From context menu Windows Explorer:

From a Windows snap "Disk Management":

For various reasons, we may encounter the inability to format the disk in the ways listed above. In this case, it remains to resort to the option using the command line console.

To do this, I advise you to boot into safe mode(mode selection Windows boot carried out by pressing the key F8 at the beginning of system startup). Then open a command prompt (cmd.exe) on behalf of the administrator.

Enter the command:

FORMAT G: /q /fs:fat32

where G:- the letter assigned by the system to the USB disk (flash drive), /q- quick format option, and /fs:fat32– parameter of the specified file system.

In principle, the parameter of specifying the file system type when formatting flash drives is optional, since the FORMAT command by default formats the disk into the FS that was originally defined for the disk. As for formatting external USB drives that are supposed to be used for installation operating system, or to store a large amount of data, then in these cases the parameter must be applied /fs:ntfs, insofar as file system NTFS allows you to work with files larger than 4 GB. A complete list of parameters (switches) of the format command can be found by typing format help.

Step 4: recover data from USB drives using special programs.

Successfully formatting the flash drive allows us to proceed with the data recovery operation. Many USB flash drive manufacturers offer proprietary utilities for solving device problems (formatting, unlocking, data recovery), such as Kingston DataTraveler. But you can also use universal ones: HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool, R.saver, PhotoRec (it restores photos well). To recover information, try using these utilities as well. They successfully return data even after formatting and then overwriting the drive, but they can only help if the file system is not damaged.

In conclusion, I also recommend that you look at another useful site, the information of which is entirely devoted to the topic of troubleshooting various problems with USB data drives.

If you are using other means to solve problems with USB drives, please share your experience in the comments.

I wish you successful application!