Cloud-based workflow data protection at the government level. Cloud technologies and their capabilities in the field of workflow automation

IN AND. Berestova, Assoc. RSUH

    The relevance of the use of cloud technologies in electronic document management

    What cloud technologies, services and computing

    Types of clouds

    Types of services provided by cloud computing

    Pros and cons of cloud technology

    Features and possibilities of using cloud technologies in electronic document management

Today one of the promising directions IT technologies are cloud computing and the modern services creation, storage, processing and retrieval of data. Prospects for the use of these technologies in electronic document management were considered at the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Documentation in information society: "Cloud" technologies and electronic document management ".

The conference considered theoretical and practical problems of the application of "cloud" technologies in electronic document management. The advantages and disadvantages of using "cloud" technologies in electronic document flow were highlighted. The advantages include - mobility, ease of use, cost-effectiveness, no need for your own infrastructure and support specialists, lower investment requirements, low cost of ownership, efficient use budget funds for informatization. The disadvantages are the lack of legal regulation of this problem in order to information security, i.e. the use of such technologies must be technically elaborated and have normative consolidation.

The possibility of using cloud technologies in electronic document management, as can be seen from the analysis of the speeches of leading experts, is ambiguous. Therefore, we will consider in more detail cloud technologies and the prospects for their practical application using archives as an example.

What are cloud technologies, services and computing

Cloud technologies are modern Information Technology, the principle of which is to provide remote access to data centers, equipment and applications installed on it via the Internet.

Cloud technologies or cloud services usually have a graphical representation in systems, in the form of a cloud. Figure 1 shows the components that cloud computing technology includes.

Rice. 1. Components of cloud technologies

Infrastructure means a set physical devices or hardware. These can be servers, hard drives, etc. A platform means a set of services for a user. Software is software that is available to the user.

Consider a set of services that can be presented to the user using cloud computing (cloud computing or CC), usually called the word aaS (as a Service), that is, as a service. Today's cloud computing provides typical services that are summarized in Table 1.

Table # 1 Types of Services

Storage-as-a-Service ( storage service)

The Storage -as -a -Service service makes it possible to store user data in external storage, in the "cloud". To the user, it will look like an additional logical drive or folder.


(database as a service)

The Database -as -a -Service service provides the ability to work with databases as if the DBMS were installed on a local resource.

Information-as-a-Service (infoservice)

The Information -as -a -Service service makes it possible to remotely use any kind of information that can change dynamically.

Process - as - a - Service(process management as a service)

A Process -as -a -Service is a remote resource that can tie together multiple resources (such as services or data contained within the same cloud or other clouds) to create a single business process.

Application-as-a-Service (application for service)

The Application -as -a -Service can have a different name, Software -as -a -Service, which means software as a service or software at the request of the user. In this case, the software is located on remote servers and the user can access it via the Internet. The provider of this service is responsible for updates and licenses for this software.


The user is provided with an operating system and some software.

Integration-as-a-Service (integrationkakservice)

The user can receive from the "cloud" a complete integration package, including software interfaces between applications and management of their algorithms. This includes the well-known services and features of the centralization, optimization, and enterprise application integration packages.

Security-as-a-Service(security as a service)

This type of service allows users to quickly deploy products that provide safe use web technologies, e-mails, local network allowing users this service save on deploying and maintaining your own security systems .

Management / Governace - as - a - Service(administration and management as a service)

Allows you to manage and set the parameters of one or many "cloud" services. These are mainly parameters such as topology, resource utilization, virtualization.

Infrastructure-as-a-Service ( infrastructure service)

The computer infrastructure is provided to the user, usually virtual platforms(computers connected to a network, which he independently configures for his own purposes).

Testing-as-a-Service(testing as a service)

Provides the ability to test on-premises or "cloud" systems using test software from the "cloud".

Let's take a closer look at a cloud service as "Cloud data storage." cloud storage? Cloud data storage is a user posting data in the cloud, on a remote server owned by a cloud provider. The user has the ability to access information using various devices with the ability to access the Internet. This can be a computer, tablet, or, for example, a smartphone. The remote data storage can be used for educational purposes for the exchange of information, as well as for the company when processing data by several employees, providing a collective access to the file. Cloud data storage advantages:

 cloud storage is absolutely free, as a rule, with the provision of a virtual space up to 5-7 GB;

 access to information in the cloud is possible from any device that supports an Internet connection, from any country in the world;

 collective access to reading and editing files is possible;

 protection against viruses in this cloud technology;

 no possibility of data loss.

Disadvantages of cloud storage:

    you need a stable internet connection;

    getting used to the web user interface of a company that provides cloud storage services.

Consider the pros and cons of Software -as -a -Service or SaaS, which stands for software as a service . The client of this cloud technology only needs a web browser to work properly. All hardware is located at the cloud provider, the provider is also responsible for installing and operating software and updating applications. The provider provides the necessary round-the-clock technical support.

What is the customer payment system for SaaS services? The client pays only for the rental of the software, not for its purchase, which allows the client to work with the licensed software and reduce its costs.

The advantages of the cloud SaaS model include:

    reducing the cost of purchasing licensed software;

    no software installation is required on users' work computers;

    no need to hire an additional technical support specialist;

    usability, communication with which is carried out using access to the Internet with a configured browser.

The main disadvantage is the possibility of leakage confidential information user. One of possible options is a competently drafted lawyer agreement that fully stipulates the actions of the parties in the event of the disappearance or leakage of confidential information and responsibility for what happened. However, the security of servers, when trying to hack from the outside, on the side of the cloud provider, as a rule, will be significantly higher than that of the client.

Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of the Infrastructure as a Service or IaaS service. The IaaS model only leases servers, not software, so the tenant, not the IaaS provider, is responsible for installing the operating system and running applications.

The advantage of the IaaS service is the easy and fast scalability of the computing power of the servers, which makes it possible to move to a more powerful infrastructure and save the tenant money. For example, when increasing the number of employees working with a certain application, by entering the control panel remote server you can increase its power.

The advantages of the IaaS service include:

    the renter of the service does not need to purchase expensive server equipment;

    modernization of hardware infrastructure and repair of server equipment is not required;

    no need to pay for the electricity consumed by the server.

The disadvantages of IaaS technology include:

    the need for a monthly payment for the use of IaaS;

    higher rent for any scaling.

Integration as a service (Integration -as -a -Service) means the integration of cloud services into one whole. Today, cloud technologies include a large number of isolated cloud IT services that customers need to connect to separately. On the other hand, modern IT technologies simply permeate the enterprise, so the idea of ​​interconnected services running on a flexible, scalable infrastructure should ultimately make each enterprise one of the nodes in a large cloud.

Consider the types of clouds that exist today and the models implemented in them. According to the form of ownership, there are public, private and hybrid clouds.

Public cloud is an IT infrastructure used simultaneously by many companies and services. Users do not have the ability to manage and maintain this "cloud", and all responsibility for these issues rests with the owner of the resource. Any company and individual user can become a subscriber of the offered services. Examples include online services: Amazon EC2, Google Apps / Docs, Microsoft Office Web./3/ There are many public cloud providers today.

Private cloud (private cloud) is a secure IT infrastructure controlled and operated in the interests of a single organization. The organization can manage the private cloud on its own or outsource the task. The infrastructure can be located either at the customer's premises, or at an external operator (or partially at the customer and partially at the operator). Private cloud is the most secure of all types of clouds. The main task for a user of a private cloud built using cloud IaaS technology is a series of requests in the form of a number random access memory, the number of processors and the required storage space, various network devices and interfaces, and the choice of the underlying operating system that will manage the cloud service. To the strong and positive sides a private cloud can be //:

    high speed scaling of hardware resources;

    reduced costs for the operation of IT services, due to full automation;

    efficient redistribution computer resources so that a user who requires more computing power than another user receives it in full, this allows you to efficiently distribute the load between physical data centers;

    detailed monitoring of the use of hardware resources within the organization;

    the ability to accurately predict the budget for support and the scaling of basic resources between users.

A private cloud can be the basis for a hybrid. To do this, you can transfer part of the load to the public cloud, and this will allow you to even more accurately allocate the budget for IT services. A private cloud is a fairly convenient and efficient infrastructure that is more flexible than a regular back-end server. Also, a private cloud allows you to reduce the budget and make its forecast for the future. The use of such cloud technology serves as the basis for creating a hybrid cloud that is flexible and secure.

Hybrid cloud is an IT infrastructure that uses best qualities public and private clouds when solving the task. Often this type is used when an organization has seasonal periods of activity, in other words, as soon as the internal IT infrastructure cannot cope with the current tasks, part of the capacity is transferred to the public "cloud" (for example, large amounts of statistical information), as well as to provide access to users to the resources of the enterprise through the public "cloud".

Today there are the following cloud services:

      mail cloud services;

      cloud office applications;

    cloud storage services for files and content;

    environments for corporate cloud deployment;

    hosting cloud services;

    music cloud services.

Currently, there are a considerable number of free cloud services that have become popular today, for example, iCloud, Microsoft Skydrive, Google Drive, Dropbox, Amazon Cloud Drive, Yandex.Disk.

Let's consider some of them, for example:

    Cloudy iCloud service from Apple, completely automatic and free It allows you to save your content such as mail, calendar, contacts, documents, music, videos and pictures, etc. on servers and then delivers it to everything iPhone devices, iPad, iPod touch, Mac and PC using wireless technology Push.

Google Play is designed for users to place movies, music, applications and books on servers specially designed for storing digital information. Access to the service is provided directly from the browser, regardless of the OS, and therefore can be carried out both from a PC and from mobile devices based on Android. Each user has the opportunity to place and store up to 20 thousand music records free of charge.

Cloud computing is actively used in Russia, for example, by 1C: Enterprise. Cloud technologies 1C: Enterprise can be used within a separate organization, within a holding or by an individual client. Within a single organization, cloud technologies can be used to enable employees to connect to information base from different places, even from those where 1C: Enterprise is not installed on computers. This is useful for executives moving between offices who need operative information by their divisions. This is convenient for managers, because they can receive the necessary reports from almost anywhere, in point of sale or from the supplier. The use of cloud technologies within the organization allows employees to easily move within the organization and between offices.

Within a holding that unites several companies, cloud technologies can reduce the cost of administering the same applied solutions, as well as to carry out quick and simultaneous updates for all companies.

In conclusion, based on the above, let's summarize the capabilities of cloud computing. Cloud computing technology and the services or services provided allow:

    access personal information from any computer connected to the Internet;

    work with information from different devices, for example, computer, tablet, phone, etc .;

    work in browsers of any operating systems;

    view and edit information and data simultaneously from different devices;

    not to lose important information since it is stored on a remote server;

    use the most recent version of programs and do not need to monitor the release of updates;

    combine your information with other users.

The disadvantages include:

    To access cloud services, you need a permanent Internet connection;

      The user has limitations in the software used and sometimes does not have the ability to customize it for his own purposes;

Electronic archives created on the basis of a set of documents used in the organization can be placed on hard drives or the organization's own servers, either in public, private, or hybrid clouds. With the classic method of creating and maintaining an electronic archive, its cost consists of the costs of building their own data centers (data processing centers), the cost of Hardware(server capacities, data storage systems), the purchase of network equipment, software, an electronic archive system and additional modules, the cost of technical support and the maintenance of the staff of IT specialists. The cost of such projects, as a rule, is estimated at several million rubles. When using cloud technologies and the services they provide, the costs of maintaining the system are excluded. The organization pays a monthly rent for service and additional services. The difference in the rental price of third-party cloud service providers depends on the set of their functionality, the responsibility for data safety that the service provider assumes, technical parameters the service itself: the speed of work, the amount of stored data, the number of simultaneous connections, etc.

According to many experts, the first step for moving to a public cloud is a hybrid model, where several private clouds are connected to the public one to optimize infrastructure costs. The hybrid model makes it possible to efficiently use the available internal resources while at the same time addressing more accessible external resources - for less critical and confidential information. That is, if the information contained in the documents is open enough, then it can be stored in a public cloud, if the information is confidential, then it is better to store it either in a private cloud or on the media of the organization.

Materials of the XIX International Scientific and Practical Conference "Documentation in the Information Society: Cloud Technologies and Electronic Document Management", October 24-25, 2012 Moscow, VNIIDAD.

E.V. Zlobin Cloud storage technologies - opportunities for historians. // Newsletter of the Association "History and Computer". No. 37. Proceedings of the XIII conference of the Association "History and Computer" (Moscow, September 21 - 23, 2012). - M., Moscow State University, 2012 .-- pp. 110 - 111.

The Russian developer of software for business 1C has in its arsenal a huge number of solutions: both universal for large enterprises and industry-specific for smaller firms. In addition, products are offered to work with specific business processes. In particular, the 1C: Document management configuration, built on the basis of the powerful 1C: Enterprise system.

The system automates the entire cycle of work with documents, allows you to establish interaction between employees, accelerate the timing of approval and decision-making, and controls the use of working time. It will help to reduce to a minimum the time it takes to find the data you need, improve the quality of documentation by streamlining user work, and make it impossible to lose documents. The application was created taking into account the requirements of modern regulatory documents (GOST) and supports the traditional approach to office work.

Main features of the system

1. Accounting, storage of documents

  • Assigning incoming and outgoing numbers
  • Accounting for internal documents (instructions, memos, instructions and instructions)
  • Directory structure for storing documents
  • Support for loading from Email, from the scanner
  • Paperwork support (case nomenclature, movement control)
  • Accounting for requests and storage of personal data of customers and employees

1C: Document flow supports documents of any type: texts, images, video and audio, MS Office format, archives, executable files.

2. Working with documents

  • Viewing and editing
  • Accounting at all stages of change (from draft to approval or deletion)
  • Resolution support
  • Full text search
  • The option of linking documents with each other, indicating the main and dependent
  • Support working together over the same document
  • Movement between responsible employees for review, review, amendment, approval or implementation
  • Monitoring the execution of tasks in a given time frame
  • Accounting and planning of employees' time in the context of the work performed
  • Differentiation of access rights
  • Electronic digital signature and barcode support

The head of the company regularly receives reports on the costs of working time of individual employees, the effectiveness of departments and projects.

Using the 1C: Document Management system significantly increases the security of working with documents, because everything is stored in electronic form, every edit is taken into account (if necessary, you can restore it), there is protection against unauthorized access to data and from simultaneous editing of a document by several employees.

Why is it worth using the cloud version of 1C: Document Management?

"Classic" 1C is not cheap, but buying it alone is not enough. You will also need to purchase and configure a server, connect employees' computers to it. You will have to hire personnel to deploy and maintain such a system.

Access to the cloud version of 1C costs from 1000 rubles per month. There is no need to configure anything - in the cloud you and your employees will connect to a remote PC with installed operating system and the most recent version of 1C. If you have any questions or problems, our technical support is at your service.

In addition to the low cost of such a powerful service, there are other important advantages of using 1C in the cloud:

  • Access to your system via the Internet at any time and from anywhere in the world. Any employee who has the authority to do so can open the database. The connection will be reliably secured.
  • Complete security. It has already been said above that electronic document management is many times more reliable than usual. Well, the use of the cloud system makes it even more reliable! Our data centers have a high level of protection against power outages and malicious attacks. User data is backed up regularly. In addition, the data can be encrypted so that even our own employees cannot gain unauthorized access to confidential customer information. We have a minimal system failure rate (we guarantee 99.9% of working time), but in case of problems we are ready to return the money.

Qualified specialists will help you with a quick "transfer" of your documents to the 1C-cloud. We offer a two-week trial period for free - it's time to get familiar with the benefits of cloud services!

For many companies, the mountains of paper documents on their desks are in the distant past. They were replaced by electronic versions in hundreds of copies and in different formats.

However, if it has become a necessity and has a number of advantages, why is the transfer of documents to the "cloud" so concerned? Let's try to figure it out.

Let's start with the fact that cloud technologies are very popular and are widely used in various areas of business. If we talk directly about transferring the workflow system to the "clouds", then we can highlight the following advantages:

  • You don't need your own infrastructure
    The company does not need to purchase new server hardware, install software and invest in the acquisition of a number of IT infrastructure components.
  • Scalability
    With an increase in the amount of processed information, you simply rent additional capacity in the "cloud".
  • Availability
    You and your colleagues have 24/7 access to documentation thanks to the absolute flexibility of cloud solutions. And the systems Reserve copy and round-the-clock technical support make it possible to restore or update a document at any time.

And yet, one should not present cloudy workflow only in a rosy light. :-) Although the level of security in cloud data centers is not lower than in local ones, and, often, even higher, the transition to the clouds is fraught with some risks.

  • Information leakage risk
    If you use a B2B service, that is, give your documentation for storage and transfer to the "clouds", make sure that the possibility of information loss or leakage is minimized. Otherwise, you completely pass information through the wrong hands. Plus, the cost of such services will be higher than just rent cloud service.
    Better to take the "translation" of documents into your own hands. Training doesn't take long for your IT department.
  • Loss of data due to disconnected server connection
    Do not forget that in the middle of the working day, you may lose your connection to the cloud server. In the case of your server, you can call the administrator who will quickly restore everything. In the case of the "cloud", you can only contact the support service and wait patiently. Yes, and the likelihood of an unavailability of the communication line with the cloud server is higher than with local server... In such a situation, you can only hope that latest version your document will be saved.

Thus, cloud workflow as a B2B service may not be very effective, but if you are engaged in the "translation" of documents yourself, then it definitely has advantages. Such as the absence of the need to purchase new expensive server equipment, reducing the cost of implementing the system or updating it, automating document management, as well as round-the-clock access.

As you can see, cloud-based workflow has its drawbacks, but the advantages are also significant. Therefore, before sending documents to the cloud, evaluate all the pros and cons. Perhaps your on-premises IT infrastructure can handle it completely.

And if you do decide, then do not forget that many issues of ensuring the security of your corporate information will help to solve the SLA (Service Level Agreement).

Sergey Pupkevich
Head of Java Solutions Department

Read also:
  1. A) Technologies focused on the received processing, transmission of information using technical means
  2. CASE technologies as new means for IC design. CASE is a PLATINUM package, its composition and purpose. Criteria for the assessment and selection of CASE - funds.
  3. GNU is about people first, and then software and technology.
  4. I. Ensuring national security in the economic sphere.
  5. PR in government agencies and departments. Financial PR. PR in commercial organizations of the social sphere (culture, sports, education, health care)
  6. A) constantly and independently representing on behalf of entrepreneurs when they conclude contracts in the field of entrepreneurial activity

Cloud technology is a way to increase bandwidth networks or the provision of IT resources in the form of a service that you can get without investing in the creation of new infrastructure, while you do not need to train new staff or buy licensed new software. Services included in cloud technologies are provided on the basis of a subscription or a fee for using the service, in real time via the Internet, this of course expands your existing capabilities.

The essence of the need to use cloud EDMS (system electronic document management). Aspects to simplify the work of small companies.

Functional features cloud EDMS:

· Storage and systematization of any documents by type or direction. Data from any medium is transferred to the system and you can start working. An important detail- the ability to work with programs not installed on the computer or other involved device. This makes it much easier for employees to work with mobile devices.

· Regulation of access rights. The manager can easily restrict or expand the access rights of this or that employee.

· Creation of templates is provided. Reduces the time to complete the task, makes it easier to work with documents.

· Function of coordination and approval of documents. The manager has the right to determine the circle of employees who will receive the document for approval or agreement. Information on traffic and amendments to documents is always available

· Full-text and parametric searches. The first one allows you to find the necessary documents by attached files, the second one - selection by parameters

There are also benefits for small businesses and large companies. Earlier, we looked at the benefits of using a cloud EDMS for small business executives. It should be noted that cloud technologies are indispensable for the work of large companies.

It is not difficult to imagine the following situation: a department of a large company needed a simple and affordable system for document approval. The way out is a cloud-based EDMS. It will allow you to implement your tasks without deploying additional systems in the offices of the enterprise and without spending a lot of money from the department budget.

Another situation: the design team, which consists of employees various firms, sets itself the task of coordinating documents among themselves. It should be noted that the project is not long-term. Cloud EDMS will come to the rescue, allowing you to choose the optimal tariff plan for the duration of the project.

Based on the foregoing, the conclusion follows - cloud EDMS are indispensable in the work of companies of any level.

Electronic document management system IS "Aviscloud"

Let's give the concept of the information system "Aviscloud" and highlight its distinctive features.

Information system "Aviscloud" is the first information system for document flow automation (EDMS), built on the basis of the integration of the most advanced cloud technologies and the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 platform.

Thanks to this solution, your organization, regardless of its size and maturity, in a short time receives a powerful tool for organizing electronic document management. Along with the growth of your company, its information space will grow organically.

Here are some of the possibilities for this solution:

· The workflow of your organization is unified. Documents are stored electronically in one place - in the cloud.

· All documents are available from anywhere and are maximally protected from unauthorized access.

· All document management applications work on any device. Access is performed by one account.

· Coordination and approval of the document in the system is carried out simultaneously by all responsible in electronic form. The status of the document is always known.

· Processes of internal workflow (coordination of orders, registration of business trips) are fully automated.

· Any device can receive notification of document changes.

· Tasks for processing electronic documents using the system can be assigned to employees with control over their execution by the system.

· Using the corporate portal, you can exchange information with colleagues, partners and customers.

The development of an optimal business model of document flow, automation of business processes and the introduction of electronic document flow in your enterprise, wherever it is located, will be carried out by specialists of the company "AVIS", whose representative offices are located in cities such as Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Tyumen, Perm, Izhevsk , Tchaikovsky.

The question arises, how does it work this system... The information system "Aviscloud" is based on cloud technologies - when all information is stored and processed in the "cloud" located in the data processing center (DC).

To implement the EDMS Electronic Document Management in the cloud of the AVIS Information Center, the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 platform has been deployed.

Using the most advanced principle of "Applications as a service" (Softwareas a service - SaaS), all user data is located in the data center, system programs, platforms and even applications that are "rented" for use on their device.

There is an opportunity to start the implementation of EDMS - Information system "Aviscloud" in the public cloud, sharing resources with other users. You can use your own private cloud, or even organize your own data center using aviscloud technology.

If desired, you can divide the services and priorities of the EDMS program between the aviscloud IS and Microsoft Office 365. You can also connect this decision different cloud options.

But no matter what decision on the implementation of an electronic document management system is made, the only concern of the user will only be the operability of his computer, tablet or smartphone. The rest is behind the AVIS Information Center.

Now let's analyze the structure of the "Aviscloud" EDMS.

Information system (IS) of electronic document management "Aviscloud" includes the following sections displayed on home page:

· The main sections of work with documents and data: Documents and the Search Center;

In particular, the Documents section is the main section of the company's electronic document management. With the help of it, the system registers incoming and outgoing documents; preparation, coordination and approval of contracts and internal documents (orders, sets of documents for business trips, etc.).

The Search Center section of the EDMS program contains tools for searching by context and attributes and provides high relevance (compliance with queries) of the search across the entire electronic database with the ability to refine queries.

· Current tasks - tasks created by the system user or assigned to him;

Informers - for quick access to the current user data;

· Calendar - information about the user's events;

· Employees - information about current employees and types of communication with them.

All sections of the electronic document management program are interconnected with each other. From the records of one section, you can go to the records of another by key fields. For example, from the records of tasks related to electronic contracts, you can go to the contract cards with one click.

A convenient service has been developed in the Aviscloud Information System for the formation, coordination and approval of the company's internal documents. For example, after the approval of the order for a business trip, according to the data already entered, printed forms a business trip certificate and assignments for a business trip. Tasks of coordinating expenses, booking a hotel and tickets are also automatically assigned.

In the IS "Aviscloud" there is a convenient cloud storage for personal documents OneDrivePro, which is practically not found in such systems. An electronic document placed in OneDrive becomes available to you from anywhere and from any device. Personal documents are easily transferred to the category available to a limited (or unlimited) circle of persons. Notifications about changes in documents can be sent by the system to any device, for example, in the News Channel.

Electronic document management of the company is unthinkable without taking into account the mobile use of such tools. Therefore, all the capabilities of the electronic document management program are available on mobile devices smartphones and tablets - wherever you are.

Regarding the price, we can say the following, the variety of Avis products is amazing. Let's select specifically the "Aviscloud" EDMS and its cost for a different number (10, 25 and 50) of users of different infrastructures. We are interested in the integrated solutions "IS document management aviscloud S" and "IS document management aviscloud E".

For individuals and organizations:

For students and teachers:

As for the means of protecting information in this EDMS, it is possible to highlight the protection of a document using the Watermark technology. The simultaneous independent use of several technical security measures (digital watermark, digital signature and time stamp) increases the level of security of an electronic document in the system. You need to spend a lot of money (months and even years, thousands and millions of dollars) to find a digital signature for an electronic document. EDMS "Aviscloud" based on Microsoft SharePointServer also has high level protection against unauthorized access, which allows you to safely access resources both from the local network and via the Internet.

It is worth dividing security in this EDMS into 3 points, each of which includes the main features:

1. Confidentiality

1.1. Flexible setting of levels of access to information of employees and contractors.

1.2. The ability to delete your data at any time, from anywhere and on any device.

1.3. Providing instant data migration from a single center management.

2. Protection of information

2.1. Multilevel hardware, software and organizational security of access and data processing.

2.2. Comprehensive protection of information flows.

2.3. Reliable anti-virus protection of data and services.

2.4. Flexible spam protection.

3. Reliability

3.1. Full licensing support for all services.

3.2. Tier3 reliability data center.

3.3. Reservation of trunk data transmission channels.

3.4. Technical support in the mode - 24x7x365.

Generally speaking, this EDMS guarantees not only the protection of documents at all levels and ensuring the confidentiality of document flow.

Let's highlight the advantages of using the "Aviscloud" EDMS:

ü Efficiency of using working time - due to electronic document management, standardization of work processes and forms.

ü Mobility due to the ability to access all information and document management functionality from anywhere and any device.

ü Efficiency of document circulation - by reducing internal production costs (materials and printing devices, scanners, etc.).

ü Accessibility - due to the ease of development, connection and use of the electronic document management system.

Conclusion: "Aviscloud" EDMS is a full-fledged product that will allow you to organize a convenient, reliable and high-quality document flow, because it is one of the few EDMS that allow you to access services from anywhere from any device thanks to its cloud technologies developed on the basis of Microsoft products. which inspires confidence. Also, this EDMS provides full automation of document flow at the enterprise and large-scale protection of documents and user data both during document creation and after - during storage or processing.

On October 24-25, 2012 in Moscow (Russian Federation) the XIX International scientific and practical conference"Documentation in the information society:" cloud "technologies and electronic document flow", dedicated to the theoretical and practical problems of the use of "cloud" technologies in electronic document flow, legislative and regulatory and methodological support for the management of electronic documents, especially in connection with electronic interdepartmental interaction and the provision of electronic government services.

Traditionally, the organizers of the conference were the Federal Archival Agency (Rosarkhiv), the All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs (VNIIDAD) and the Russian State University for the Humanities (RGGU), the Russian Society of Historians and Archivists (ROIA).

The conference was attended by over 200 participants - representatives of the Presidential Administration Russian Federation, The Office of the Government of the Russian Federation, federal executive bodies, governing bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, archival institutions of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as representatives of commercial organizations, higher educational institutions and scientific institutions - from the Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine, Lithuania and Vietnam. The Republic of Belarus was represented at the conference by D.A. Sinyak, Junior Researcher of the Documentation Department of BelNIIDAD, and T.V. Morzhalo, Researcher, BelNITsED.

The conference was opened by the director of VNIIDAD MV Larin. In his speech, he greeted the conference participants and guests from abroad, and also noted the relevance of holding such events due to the existence of the problem of using cloud technologies in electronic document management.

The first report on the legal problems of the application of "cloud" technologies in electronic document management was made by the head of the department of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation for state awards, Doctor of Law, Professor NN Kunyaev. In his speech, he highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of using "cloud" technologies in electronic document management, where he attributed mobility, ease of use, economic efficiency to the former, and the lack of legal regulation of this problem for information security purposes, to the latter. the use of such technologies must be technically elaborated and have normative consolidation.

Deputy Head of the Federal Archival Agency, Ph.D. OV Naumov in his report dwelled on three main problems of using electronic document management in the activities of organizations. First, on the need to introduce uniform requirements for the electronic document management system. Due to the fact that it is used in the current activities of the organization, at the stage of office work, it does not have an archival component. Second, the 2004 public administration reform did not endow any body with the authority to formulate state policy in the field of office work. And, thirdly, electronic documents will not reach archivists soon. Permanent documents are still written on paper. And as a consequence, according to OV Naumov, the time has come to answer the questions: "What is an electronic document?", "What are the formats of documents transferred to state storage?", "What are the terms of their transfer?" Summarizing what has been said, O.V. Naumov expressed the danger of ousting archivists from archives by IT specialists.

Most of the plenary session was occupied by speeches by representatives of companies specializing in the use of "cloud" technologies and the introduction of electronic document management in organizations.

The chairman of the board of LLC “Firm“ AS ”A. N. Avdeev in his report made the main emphasis on the revision of the existing office-work and archival concepts. In particular, he paid special attention to the introduction of a new concept of "document-oriented circulation".

D. Marchenko, Head of the Partner Relations Department of the Strategic Technologies Department of Microsoft, highlighted the company's international experience in the application of cloud technologies in the activities of organizations. In his speech, he drew attention to cases when it is most effective to use "cloud" technologies, the advantages and disadvantages of these technologies, noting that the recently released new Windows version 8 is heavily cloud-integrated.

In the speech of TP Gribuli, Sales Director of OSG Records Management Center LLC, the experience and practice of managing archives “in the clouds” were highlighted. In this context, three products offered by the company were presented, with an indication of their main parameters: i-Archive, IT-Archive and e-Archive.

Comparison of the disadvantages and advantages of electronic archives in comparison with archives of paper documents was reflected in the report of the director of LLC "1C-Efficiency" EV Pitolin.

An interesting approach to the problem of electronic document management in his speech was outlined by the representative of CJSC "Company InterTrust" V. Ipatov. In particular, he defined the electronic document management system (EDMS) as a system for documenting activities in the interests of management, and Enterprise Content Management (ECM) as a system for managing unstructured information. In addition, V. Ipatov voiced the key requirements for document management, including the reduction of manual operations, lower operating costs, compliance with the changing requirements of external regulation, and most importantly - focus on business requirements. Summing up, V. Ipatov noted that the role of the "document manager" is currently changing: from registration and accounting to direct participation in the creation of business values, the opening of new areas of responsibility, the organic inclusion of the EDMS into the general infrastructure of the organization's business activities.

In the report of IV Skorodumov, Head of the Electronic Government Department of Electronic Office Systems LLC, the main parameters of the O7.DOC cloud service were announced, through which cloud electronic document management services are provided to government bodies, local governments and other organizations. The report also highlighted the advantages of the cloud service model, including the absence of the need for its own infrastructure and support specialists, a lower need for investments, low cost of ownership, efficient use of budget funds for informatization, etc.

Director of VNIIDAD, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor M.V. Larin made a report on the US government policy on the management of official documents. He reviewed a number of US regulations on document management issues, including in electronic form. The most detailed he was presented with the Presidential Memorandum on the management of government documents, signed on November 28, 2011. It reflects the goals and objectives of federal agencies on document management:

  • introduction of electronic record keeping in order to ensure safety, transparency and efficiency;
  • by 2019, management of all electronic documents with a permanent retention period;
  • introduction of a responsible officials mechanism;
  • conducting training in the field of document management;
  • compilation of lists of documents and their submission to the US National Archives.

In his speech, M.V. Larin emphasized the need to formulate a criterion of the necessary and sufficient between paper and electronic documents.

The report of the rector of the Hanoi University of Internal Affairs (Vietnam), Ph.D. Chieu Van Kyong, dedicated to the use of ED in the management activities of organizations. According to Chieu Van Kyong, the problem of the legal significance of ED in Vietnam has not yet been resolved, therefore, in most cases, documents are kept on paper. At the same time, since 2005, in order to reduce the number of administrative procedures, social services are rendered online, and other types of services are provided in the “one electronic window” mode.

Another aspect of the application of "cloud" technologies in the state authorities of the Russian Federation was presented in the report by the head of the Department of Documentation Support of the Volga Region Institute of Management named after V.I. P.A. Stolypin, Ph.D., Professor A.V. Ermolaeva. In his speech, particular attention was paid to the need to ensure the completeness, reliability, relevance and accessibility of official legal information in electronic form. At the same time, the concept of information contained in various regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation was analyzed, as well as the methods of using IT technologies in working with citizens' appeals.

The issues of ensuring the safety of documents of the National Archival Fund of Ukraine in the context of the introduction of electronic document management were disclosed in the report of the director of the Ukrainian Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Records Management (URIADD) A.Ya. I.N. Yu.S. Kovtanyuk. Disclosing this problem, A.Ya. Garanin pointed out that in Ukraine there is still no clear understanding of the term e-government, at the same time there is its analogue - e-government (Ukrainian "electronic regulation"). At the same time, the report outlined plans for the research and methodological work of the TsGEA of Ukraine, including the development of a procedure for the acceptance and transfer of documents of personal origin in electronic form in the TsGEA of Ukraine, the procedure for creating a unified information object, recording and describing electronic documents that are located on storage in TsGEA of Ukraine, etc. Summing up A.Ya. Garanin noted that today in Ukraine there is no proper system that would ensure the safety of everything life cycle electronic document.

Danute Kontrimavičienė, a representative of Lithuania, a doctoral student at the Faculty of Communication of Vilnius University, chief specialist of the Document Management Department of the New State Archives of Lithuania, presented the experience of Lithuania in managing electronic documents. Thus, the legal framework of Lithuania for the management of electronic documents, requirements for the logical and physical structure of the packaging of an electronic document, the content of the electronic document and the file format were presented. Separately, it should be noted that in Lithuania for the creation of electronic digital signatures it was decided to use the XAdES format. In addition, the report outlined some requirements for access to documents in information system electronic archive.

A comparative analysis of the definitions of the concept of "electronic document" in the normative acts of the Russian Federation, the CIS countries and Latvia was presented in the report of the Deputy Director of VNIIDAD, Ph.D., Associate Professor VF Yankova. In her speech, V.F. Yankovaya pointed out the absence of actual works that would describe the structure of an electronic document when transferred to archival storage. According to V.F. Yankova, until this is done, it will be difficult to propose any approaches to solving the problem of transferring an electronic document to archival storage.

The first day of the conference ended with a speech by E.V. Zlobin, a representative of the Archive Russian Academy Sciences, Ph.D., Associate Professor. He began his speech with the question: "Do historians and archivists need cloud technologies?" In his opinion, it will be more cost effective to buy several hard drives rather than purchase expensive "cloud" technologies. "Cloud" technologies are intended for the exchange of information in large volumes, which is not quite suitable for budget archives. Perhaps this is just a marketing ploy, summed up E.V. Zlobin.

The second day of the conference was opened by the head of the department of records management of VNIIDAD V. S. Iritikova with a report on the principles of organizing document flow, its substantive nature, the tasks of electronic document flow, which was supplemented by a report by an associate professor of the Department of Preschool Educational Institution of the Volga Region Institute of Management. P. A. Stolypina (Saratov), ​​Ph.D. E.A. Pleshkevich about the problem of using the concepts of electronic document management and electronic government.

The plenary session was continued by the leading expert on document management LLC "Electronic office systems", Ph.D. N.A. Khramtsovskaya with a report on the results of the work of the Congress of the International Council of Archives in Brisbane, the need to rethink the role of archiving in the electronic era and the creation of a new Concept for the development of archives.

A number of speeches on the second day of the conference contained specific practical experience of organizations in the implementation of electronic document management systems, and also reflected the problems associated with this issue. The prospects for the formation of documentary and archival funds of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the context of electronic document circulation (for example, the Saratov region) were presented by the head of the Archives Department of the Administrative Department of the Government of the Saratov Region, Ph.D. E.Yu. Kosheleva. IA Puteshova, Deputy Director of the State Treasury Institution of the Republic of Karelia "National Archives of the Republic of Karelia", shared practical experience in the implementation of electronic information exchange with the bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the National Archives of the Republic of Karelia. The introduction and development of an electronic document management system on the example of a commercial organization was disclosed in the report of VA Chebotova, head of the documentation support department of CJSC "Siberian Service Company".

The questions to the speakers and the discussion of the conference participants testified to the great relevance of theoretical, methodological and technological problems of document flow optimization, to the solution of which further efforts of the scientific and professional community should be directed.

V.F. Yankovaya made a closing speech, who noted that the existing division of approaches of archivists and IT specialists to terminology was beginning to disappear. Specialists in these areas have become better friend understand a friend and this movement is mutual. At the same time, the time has come to actively rethink and popularize the theory of records management, which implies a deeper theoretical understanding of the problems raised at the conference.

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