How do I create a local server? We deploy a local server on Windows. Installing a local server on a computer How to make a virtual server

You have probably noticed that recently it has become popular to transfer the company's servers to a virtual environment and in this video I propose to consider such a virtualization option as a VPS and VDS virtual server.

In fact, VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server) and VPS (Virtual Private Server) are one and the same concept and denote a virtual dedicated server.

The principle of creating a virtual server is as follows.

On the physical server runs operating system, which helps to create these same virtual servers, which is called a hypervisor. It allows you to completely isolate virtual servers from each other. Thus, the operation of one VPS cannot affect the operation of other servers, they cannot access files or network packets and content. random access memory each other. As a result, on one physical machine, you can create as many virtual servers as the hardware allows. Each such server will have its own operating system and settings. Thus, it will appear that you are working on a physical server, but connect to it remotely.

You can implement this virtualization system either on your physical server or using a cloud service.

Benefits of moving to the cloud:

Optimization of costs. There is no need to spend money on the purchase and placement of expensive equipment. Since renting a VPS allows you to avoid large one-time costs.

Savings on resources. According to statistics, the resources of our own equipment are rarely used by more than 50%. At the same time, a virtual server can be created with exactly the parameters that are needed today. You can tune the number of cores, disk capacity, and RAM so that you don't have to pay for redundant configurations.

Operational organization of work. You will spend from a week to a month to buy and install your server. The choice of equipment, payment, delivery, connection, setup - it all takes a lot of time. When creating a virtual server, 5 minutes is enough for you and the VPS, with the required configuration, is already ready to work.

Simple resource scaling - you can increase or decrease the VPS parameters in just a couple of minutes. You pay only for those resources that are needed here and now.

Reliable storage of information. Since the data is stored in a mirrored Raid array, then the information is duplicated on two independent media and if one of them fails, your data will not be lost.

ROOT access. You are provided with full admins to manage your VPS. You can install any software, operating systems and change any settings.


The need for a constant stable Internet connection, since if the Internet is disconnected, all work will be paralyzed.

Subscription fee - you will have to pay every month subscription fee for the rental of equipment. But, here it is up to you to decide whether this is more an advantage or a disadvantage, since the configurations can be different, and therefore the cost of subscription services.

As part of this video, we will just create a virtual server through a cloud service.

As you can see, on home page service is immediately given the opportunity to specify the server characteristics you need through the configurator. Thanks to this, you can immediately see how much it will cost to rent this server per month or per day.

You can also test the operation of a virtual server for free, for this you just need to leave a request to connect a test virtual server. As you can see, the test period is rather short, for individuals 1 day, for legal 3 days. However, the developers went to my meeting and are ready to provide my subscribers with 5 days of free testing. To do this, you just need to inform the manager who will call you back after sending the application that you are a subscriber of the "IT Training Center"

Well, now let's see how it all works.

We enter the site under our registration data. At the top of the site, you can see how much money you have in your account. If you are working in test mode, then you will be provided with a server with certain settings, but I will not consider the test, but the operation of the service in full-fledged mode.

Virtual Dedicated Server ConfigurationVPS (VDS).

In your personal account, go to the Virtual Servers \ Create New \ Server Name \ FTP Server section.

Templates - I'm interested Windows Server 2016 R2. Next, we select the desired hardware configuration, it is worth noting that for different configurations the rental price will vary, so choose for yourself the best option taking into account performance and rental costs.

The number of cores, the amount of RAM, the space on the HDD and the hardware, everything is clear with this.

Total (not guaranteed) 100 Mb / s - here the maximum speed of the Internet channel is 100 Mb / s, but it will be distributed among several servers, therefore, if the Internet channel is loaded, it is not guaranteed that you will get a speed of 100 Mb / s.

Dedicated 10, 50, 100 Mb / s guarantees that you will receive this speed of the Internet connection, since a dedicated Internet channel will be created for you.

Backup- daily backup server data

Additional IP - if you want to connect an additional network card with an external IP address.

Private the local network – allows you to organize a network between servers without Internet access, using internal IP addresses. At the same time, traffic is completely isolated from other users.

Extended SLA - Extended Warranty. NeoServer not only promises a virtual server availability of 99.99%, but also pays for downtime in 10 times the amount.

In any case, in the process of work, we will be able to change these settings, if the need arises.

Then we press the button "Purchase". Despite the fact that I have less money in my account than the cost of the server I assembled, I can still buy it, since this cost is per month. In the process of working with a virtual server, the cost of renting it will be charged not once a month, but every day, that is, the total cost of the server divided by 30, this will be the rental price for each day of use. And since I have enough funds to pay for one day of renting a server, I can buy it J

The process of creating a virtual dedicated server has gone.

After creating a VPS, we have the parameters for connecting to the server, via the web console or via RDP remote Desktop.

It should be noted that the presence of a web console is very important factor when choosing a VPS. It will allow you to connect to the server via Personal Area, even if the OS is frozen or if due to incorrect network settings VPS became unavailable.

There is also a snapshot function. It is recommended that you create a snapshot before making any significant changes to the server. So that in case of negative consequences, you can return to the moment the snapshot was taken.

We connect to the virtual server and see that it is no different from a real physical machine, with the same characteristics that we indicated at the stage of creating a virtual server.

I am not very happy with the server slowdown, so I will add one more gigabyte of RAM in order to more comfortably demonstrate the practical part of setting up the server (Turn off VPS server\ RAM 2 GB \ Save \ Enable VPS).

Now let's set up our server as an FTP server to see how a virtual server can be used in a real-life situation.

I will not go into the details of the FTP technology itself, since I plan to make a separate video on this topic, so I will configure everything as quickly as possible (Server Manager \ Management \ Add roles and components \ Next \ Install roles and components \ Choose our server \ Next \ Web server IIS \ Next \ Next \FTP Server \ Next \ Install \ Close).

Create a user to access the FTP server ( Tools \ Computer Management \ Local users\ Users \ PKM \ New user \User12345)

Let's create a folder for FTP access(C: \ inetpub \ ftproot \ TestFTP)

Configuring FTP access ( Server Manager \ Tools \ Service ManagerIIS \ Websites \ AddFTP site \ Name \ Path \ WithoutSSL \ Next \ Authentication \ Basic \ Specified Users \User12345 \ Read \ Done)

Connect ( Conductor \ftp: // address server \ Enter username and password)

The Servers section, and click the "Create Server" button.

In the window that opens, the server is created:

Kernel Name and Type Tab

Server name

An arbitrary name for the server being created

Be careful when choosing the core type NOVA or STANDART. To change them after creating a virtual server, you will need to contact technical support and stop the server.

Source Tab

In this tab, select the base for the server and set the disk size for the future server.

The drop-down list "Select a base object to create a server" offers options:


Ready operating system image


Available disk (from remote server, for example)

Disk snapshot

An existing snapshot of the server.

The easiest option is to create a server based on a ready-made image.


Specify the desired size for the disk.
Select an image from the "Available" table and click the button with the arrow next to the selected image.

The image has been moved to the "Selected" table and will be used to create the server.

You can use not only ready-made images, but also upload your own. To do this, use the instructions on how to download the image. The images you downloaded will become available when you create a virtual server.

If you are making a server from an image, it will use an SSD disk by default. In the “Volume Size (GB)” column, you can adjust its size.


By default, the list of available drives will be empty:

If you created a disk beforehand, you can deploy a server from it. This is most commonly used:

  • To restore a previously deleted virtual server, if the disk has been saved from. In this case, the disk can be selected in the table "available"
  • To create a server with an HDD disk. By default, servers are created on an SSD drive.
    Follow the instructions to create an HDD for virtual machine.
  • The disk is also used in some specific cases, such as restoring root access to Linux servers.

Select a disk from the Available table and click the arrow button next to the selected disk.

The disk has been moved to the "selected" table and will be used to create the server.

Disk snapshot

If you have previously created disk snapshots, they will be in the Available list.

Select a snapshot from the Available table and click the arrow button next to the selected snapshot.

The snapshot has been moved to the "selected" table and will be used to create the server.

How you can use disk snapshots:

For example, you took a snapshot and then made changes to the server. Then you need another server in a pre-change state. Based on the existing snapshot, you can create a virtual machine.

Instance Type Tab

In the Instance Type tab, you need to select the amount of RAM and processor cores for the server.

For example, the "Node 1.11" template in the "Available" table includes 1 virtual core and 1 GB of RAM:

Select the required configuration from the "Available" table and click the button with the arrow next to the selected configuration.

The configuration is selected, and the server will be created on its basis.

If you have not found a suitable template in the list, please contact us - we will add a custom configuration.

Networks tab

In the "Networks" tab, select network interface to connect. This will assign an IP address to the server.
This is a mandatory item, but the network can be reconfigured after creating a virtual server.

Connection options are available in any combination:

    Connecting networks (assign an IP from the network range) - a simple way, we recommend using the default. The IP address will be assigned to the server via DHCP.

    Port Connections (assign IP address via port) - to assign a selected IP address.

Connecting networks

Network available by default external_network with white IP addresses. Use it for quick creation virtual server with Internet access.

In the screenshot, external_network is selected for the virtual server.

A server with external_network will have a dedicated white IP address and is available for inbound and outbound connections over the Internet.

To view the list of ports and select the one you need, click the "Assign IP address via port" button:

Select the required port from the "Available" table and click the button with the arrow next to the selected IP address.

The port will now be assigned to the server.

Firewalls Tab

In the tab, the default is firewall"Default". The "default" firewall allows you to quickly configure network connections when you log into the virtual machine for the first time - we recommend that you do not delete it when creating a server.

This document will help you create your first virtual server on the site of the cloud hosting provider

Creating a virtual server

Creation of a virtual server (Virtual Server) on the cloud hosting site will take a few minutes of your time from you. The procedure is simple and requires almost no description. Nevertheless, we have created this guide to ensure that the process of creating a VPS does not cause questions for you.

If you already have a virtual server, then in order to create a virtual server, you need to click on the "Create virtual server" button on the main page of the control panel. If you do not have a single virtual server, then when you go to the “My resources” section, you will be automatically redirected to the page for selecting a data center for server installation.

After clicking on the "Create a virtual server" button, you will be offered a choice of a list of data centers in which you can create a virtual server. After selecting the required DC, click on the "Go to the next step" button.

On the page with the choice of the type of virtual server to be created, you will see two options. As part of this article, we are considering installing a classic virtual server, so we must make the appropriate choice - Virtual Server.

The next step in creating a virtual server is to select the operating system that will be installed on the created VPS. Cloud hosting provides its customers big choice operating systems based on Linux. Each of our clients will find exactly the one with which it is most convenient for him to work. At the time of this writing, cloud hosting provides the ability to install the following operating systems:

  • Debian
  • Ubuntu
  • CentOS
  • OpenSuse
  • Fedora
  • Arch Linux
  • Gentoo

Also, you can choose to install a system with a set of software installed, called a Preset.

At step 4, you need to select the server parameters, such as the amount of RAM and disk storage, as well as enter the name of the server, which will be displayed in the list of servers in the future. With the help of the constructor presented in this step, you can create a solution that suits you. Do not be afraid to specify the parameters incorrectly, in the future you can change them already on the running virtual server.

If you want to configure the server more precisely, then click on the "Advanced settings" button. Advanced settings will not be covered in this article.

In the next step, you are asked to choose Additional services such as: installing the ISP manager server control panel, additional IP addresses and plan technical support server. Please note that when you change the technical support plan, its description also changes. Carefully study the presented service levels and choose the one that suits you best.

The next step is final. Check the parameters of the virtual server you are creating again.

After clicking on the "Create a virtual server" button, you will be redirected to a page with a list of virtual servers.

Virtual server installation takes no more than 5 minutes.

Congratulations! You have become the owner of a virtual server on Clodo!

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Some time ago there was an idea to test the prospects of developing a site on ASP.Net focused on working in a Linux environment. However, the fact that the site will work in an environment on a host with Linux, it was decided right away, it only remained to decide on the programming language: ASP.NET 2 in conjunction with the power of Mono, or PHP. Options for testing various VPS, even if provided for free for a short time by hosting providers, disappeared right away, because if the experiment was successful, sooner or later, in any case, a local VPS server would be required.

The VirtualBox program became a virtual machine for creating a home virtual server - from the considerations that a virtual machine may be needed only for one time, commercial options were not considered immediately, but among free software- only this one is simple enough to configure and can fully support Linux guest operating systems. Also, as a result of the analysis of VPS offers on the Internet, several of the most common and Mono-compatible operating systems were identified from those pre-installed by hosting providers.

So, the tools used:

Install VirtualBox, launch and create a virtual machine of the desired configuration. When creating the virtual machine, I left all the recommended settings except for the available memory size - it was reduced to 128 MB, and the size of the virtual hard disk- increased to 4 GB. We start the virtual machine and mount the image with the Debian 5 operating system.

After downloading, in the installation menu, select Install since graphical installation we don't need anything. We select the installation language, I recommend English (if you are not friends with English at all, then Russian), then select the location other => Europe => Russian Federation, and keyboard layout for input, here I strongly advise you to select English for the United States. During installation, it is asked to enter the name of the machine for the network, I entered MyVPS, and the name of the domain which includes this computer(you don't have to enter anything here). Further, the choice of time zone, and the method of partitioning the hard disk is proposed. I chose the default method, in general, it was not particularly important to me. We agree with the proposal to write the changes to the disk and confirm its partitioning. We are waiting for the end of the installation of the system ...

During the installation process, a password for the administrator account, username and password are requested. Next, you are asked to select the address of the nearest repository and proxy server parameters for Internet access. If you are not using a proxy server, you do not need to enter anything. The installer will now connect to the repository of your choice, ask for information about the available software, and download the packages required to proceed with the installation. After that, the kernel of the system will be configured and a menu for selecting the installed software... Uncheck the item Desktop environment(a desktop on the VPS is not needed), be sure to leave a mark on the item Standard system, the rest of the items are optional. Upon completion of the installation, the question will be asked: is it possible to put the GRUB operating system bootloader as the main one, select Yes... After that, you will be prompted to remove the disk and reboot. Unmount the disk image and click Continue to reboot the virtual machine. Congratulations! This completes the OS installation.

So, the virtual machine is rebooted. It is suggested to enter a login. Enter root, then you will be asked for a password, enter it as well. Now you need to install SSH. To do this, enter the command

Apt-get install ssh

The program will analyze the dependencies and ask for confirmation to download and install the package ssh and those packages on which it depends.

After installation, turn off the virtual machine. Since the operating system is used by a single user, for this we enter the command

Now we need to configure our virtual machine for SSH access, as well as configure access to the future web server on port 80. This can be done in two ways.

    Close all VirtualBox windows. Go to folder C: \ Users \% username% \. VirtualBox \ Machines on Windows 7 and Vista or to a folder C: \ Documents and Settings \% username% \. VirtualBox \ Machines if you have Windows XP.

    Open the folder of the virtual machine you created, find a file with the name of your virtual machine in it. In my case it is MyVPS.xml open it and add to section ExtraData following lines

    Close VirtualBox. Open console. If you have Windows go to the folder C: \ Program Files \ Sun \ VirtualBox... Enter the following commands in the console

    VBoxManage setextradata "% mashine_name%" "VBoxInternal / Devices / pcnet / 0 / LUN # 0 / Config / apache / GuestPort" 80
    VBoxManage setextradata "% mashine_name%" "VBoxInternal / Devices / pcnet / 0 / LUN # 0 / Config / apache / HostPort" 80
    VBoxManage setextradata "% mashine_name%" "VBoxInternal / Devices / pcnet / 0 / LUN # 0 / Config / apache / Protocol" TCP
    VBoxManage setextradata "% mashine_name%" "VBoxInternal / Devices / pcnet / 0 / LUN # 0 / Config / ssh / GuestPort" 22
    VBoxManage setextradata "% mashine_name%" "VBoxInternal / Devices / pcnet / 0 / LUN # 0 / Config / ssh / HostPort" 2222
    VBoxManage setextradata "% mashine_name%" "VBoxInternal / Devices / pcnet / 0 / LUN # 0 / Config / ssh / Protocol" TCP

    where% mashine_name% is the name of your virtual machine.

Launch VirtualBox and turn on the virtual machine. If now you receive an error about the impossibility of turning on, close everything and re-configure the virtual machine. You probably made a mistake when entering commands. If you changed the settings in xml file, check the added entries for errors, if in the console - enter the commands again.

After starting the virtual machine, run the Putty program, if you are in Windows, in the Host field, write localhost, in the Port field set the value 2222 ... Push Open, we agree to accept the ssl key. If you are on Linux, enter

Ssh -l% user_name% -p2222 localhost

Enter your username (in Putty) and password.

For driving file system you can use the WinSCP program. You will need to enter localhost, set the Port value to 2222 , enter your username and password.

The server is ready in a minimal configuration. Now you can install Apache, nginx, MySQL, etc. Please note that the web server must work on port 80. If you want to use any other port, change the settings of the virtual machine using the VBoxManage program.