What to do if it shows an unidentified network. Internet Network Cable from Routher

A terrible moment when your computer connects to Wi-Fi, but the Internet does not work. Unfortunately, there is no single solution to this problem, since the error can be associated with the settings of the operating system or router.

We have made a step-by-step guide that will help you correct the problem.

Where to looking for?

If you encountered the problem "no access to the Internet", then you need to look at:

  • Router
  • The device on which the problem arose

If the Internet does not work on all devices connected to Wi-Fi, then, most likely, the problem with your router / modem. You can also look at the Ethernet cable to make sure it is not broken or twisted.

If the Internet does not work only on the computer, while other devices are perfectly connected to the Wi-Fi Wi-Fi network, then the problem with the Wi-Fi adapter computer or again with a router that cannot connect to the computer.

To correct the problem "No Internet access", you can perform the following nine steps. So, let's begin.

1. Restart the computer and router

Yes, I know that it sounds stupid, but most of the problems are solved using the usual reboot.

A good reboot is a solution to many software problems and network connections. Turn off the router (router) and wait 30 seconds before turning it on again. In addition, you must restart the computer to make sure it also works properly. When all devices will be rebooted, try connecting again.

2. Check the signals indicators on the router

It is possible that the problem with connecting to the Internet, and not with your computer. To confirm you need to check the indicator on the router, and make sure it glows.

Ideally, the indicators on the router should burn green, and the Wi-Fi indicator should flash. If you are not sure about this, contact your Internet service provider support.

3. Use the built-in troubleshooting tool.

If the Internet Provider claims that the Internet is working properly, then most likely the problem with the WiFi adapter on your device. This can be easily corrected using a built-in troubleshooting program that is available by default on Windows.

A built-in network troubleshooting tool on Windows allows you to solve or at least report on most network problems. Right-click the network icon on the taskbar and select " Diagnostics troubled" Windows will start finding the problem and ways to correct them. If the system cannot fix them, it will give you to understand what is the problem. After that you can find a solution on the Internet, or ask in the comments below, we will try to help you.

4. Clean DNS.

Sometimes an error in the DNS cache can lead to problems with access to websites, and you might think that the Internet does not work. In this case, you need to clean the DNS.

Click on the menu " Start"And enter" cmd." Further open the command prompt on the administrator.

A command prompt window will open where you must enter " ipconfig / Flushdns."And press the input key ( ENTER). This command will clean the cache DNS.

5. Change wireless mode on the router

If your computer has access to the Internet, when you connect an Ethernet cable directly, while via Wi-Fi does not work, then the problem can be in wireless mode.

Routers support multiple wireless modes. For example, you could meet such symbols like 802.11 B. or 802.11 b / g or 802.11 b / g / n etc. So, B, G, N and AC are different wireless standards. B is the oldest WiFi standard that covers a smaller area and provides a smaller data transfer rate, while AC is the latest Wi-Fi standard with a wider coverage and speed of Network 1 Gb.

As a rule, most people use wireless mode 802.11 b / g / n /. But sometimes old devices (especially old smartphones) do not work with this mode, so they are connected to Wi-Fi, but there is no Internet.

One way to fix this problem is to enter the router control panel through the computer, then find the section Wireless mode. It is usually in the settings Wireless network (Wireless.), where you install the name and password from the Wi-Fi network. Next to the wireless mode, you will see the drop-down menu, click on it, select 802.11 B. And save the changes. Now restart Wi-Fi on devices that could not connect to the Internet, and check whether the problem was solved. If the Internet still does not work, try 802.11 g wireless mode. If you are still not lucky, then look for a solution to your problem further.

6. Automatic Obtaining IP and DNS

If your smartphone or computer connects to another Wi-Fi network, but does not work with your wireless network, there is a possibility of a DNS conflict or an IP address. You can check it out by performing the Ping of your router via the CMD command line. If you get the answer Time Out, then, most likely, the conflict of IP addresses.

Ideally, you must configure network settings to automatically get an IP address and DNS provided by your provider. This ensures the smallest number of conflicts. However, sometimes assigning a static IP address or a change in the DNS server helps to eliminate the problems with Internet access. And vice versa - if you use a static IP address, then it will be reasonable to receive an IP address automatically. In short, try changing the settings, and see if you can fix the problem with internet access.

To receive an IP address automatically in Windows, press keys. Windows + R. and enter " nCPA.cpl"In the" Run "dialog that opens. When you click " OK."All your network connections will open. Right-click on your network and select " Properties»In the context menu.

Now select " IPversion 4.", and press " Properties"Under it. In the next dialog box, select Option: " Get an IP address automatically"And" Get the DNS server address automatically" Restart the computer and check the Internet access.

7. Network Driver Problems

Sometimes a problem with Internet access is an old network driver. To update the network driver on your computer, press keys. Window + R. and enter " devmgmt.msc." You will open the window " Device Manager».

In the Left menu, expand the section " Network adapters"And right-click on your network. Now select the option " Refresh Drivers"And you will receive two options for updating the driver: manually and automatically (online).

Try connecting your computer to the router using an Ethernet cable to access the Internet. If the connection is installed, click " Automatic search for updated drivers"And Windows will automatically find and install the desired driver.

In case you cannot connect to the Internet via the Ethernet cable, you will have to manually download the last driver from the manufacturer's website from another device, after which you transfer it to the computer without access to the Internet. Next to select the " Run the driver search on the computer"To manually install the latest drivers.

8. Reset the router to factory settings

This is a pretty hard version, but in most cases it solves all the problems associated with the router. You can reset the router to the factory settings. This allows you to correct the problem with Internet access. It also means that you will have to re-install the basic settings, password and other network parameters.

You can reset the router to the factory settings by pressing the reset button on the case of the router itself. Usually, the reset button is hidden inside the tiny opening, so you will need a ballpoint pen or toothpick. Press the button and hold it within 5-15 seconds until all indicators flash flashing.

9. Call your Internet provider

If none of the ways helped solve your problem with access to the Internet, then you should allow the Internet provider. They will consult on the phone, and if there is such a need - send wizards to the house.


As I said, there is no single way to solve the problem with internet access. The above-mentioned tips should help you correct most of the problems related to software. However, if the problem with Internet access is associated with a computer hardware - for example, a network card or router broke down, then you will have to turn to experienced specialists.

  • 1. Causes of error
  • 2. First steps to correct error
  • 3. Network without Internet access
  • 4. Unidentified Network

In everyday life, many users familiar with such a mistake as the "unidentified network without access to the Internet", or simply the "unidentified network". It is accompanied by an appropriate icon on the bottom panel and does not allow you to use the Internet: there is simply no signal. It is difficult to avoid this error. Let's find out how to fix this bug, and what will be needed to be done to prevent it.

Causes of error

Such an unusual bug appears in all new systems, starting with Windows 7. All users of Windows 8, Windows 10 at least once come across it. In some cases, the banal reset of the router or re-connection helps. But it happens that there is a serious failure. Use the Internet, of course, it becomes impossible. To correct the error, you will need to find out what prompted it.

The most common cause is the problem from the provider. For example, during repair work or breakdown of equipment from the provider. Also, if there are problems with the Internet cable, a similar error icon appears. To verify that it causes troubleshooting, it will be necessary:

  • Make a call to the hot line of your Internet provider. Here you can find out if the error occurred on the service and whether any works are being done. Also asked how to correct the problem if the reason is not in the Internet provider.
  • Refluous cable to another device. The system and brand of the laptop (PC) values \u200b\u200bdo not have. When a similar alert appears, it is clearly on the side of the cable. Most likely, it will have to change it.

No less popular reason is the wrong settings. For example, with unauthorized access to your PC (malware entry) entries in the IPv4 protocol parameters may change. Also, you could change them yourself (which is not recommended strictly recommended). Make sure it is not the reason for the problems that need:

  • Open the control panel, then "network management center and shared access". Find the "Changes of Adapter Parameters". It will be needed to check and correct information about connecting to the Internet (if necessary).
  • When you click the right key, a small window will appear on the icon, find the item "Properties". This clause lists all possible information used to connect to the Internet.
  • Check whether all the parameters are set in "Automatically". Check the correctness of other entered data. If not, change to the right. Check the system of antivirus. When viruses occur, delete malicious files and applications. Perhaps it was they who influenced the wrong change in data.

First steps to correct error

The problem may occur both with cable and wireless connections. When it occurs, a yellow error icon appears on the network connection indicator. It looks like a triangle with an exclamation mark. If notified is notified of the incorrect operation of the Internet connection, it becomes impossible to use the connection. The browser displays no connection.

After the symbol appears, click on the image in the menu that opens, locate the Network and Shared Access Center tab. A list of available connections will appear there. Among them will be your inoperative network "without connecting to the Internet". Consider several options for information displayed on the screen. After all, it is from her that the reason and method of troubleshooting depends.

Network without Internet access

An easier error option that occurs when wirelessly connected. At the same time, there are some application messengers. The problem occurs in the event that when connected to a wireless network, it is not possible to recognize the DNS server, or it does not work at all. You can get rid of the error if you can register by manually all the addresses. To do this, click on the connection icon and find the "Properties" item in the menu that appears.

Then open the tab "Internet version 4" tab and click on it twice. After the appearance of the window with the properties, we find the item to "correct the following addresses ..." and celebrate it with a check mark. In those fields where an alternative and preferred server is specified, you will need to enter the address of the Yandex public servers, Google. (You can easily find them on the Internet). You can also specify a numeric combination written on the router (IP devices).

Unidentified Network

What to do when the message "Unidentified Network without Internet access" appears? This error is frequent after the complete reinstall OC Windows. The problem is that there is no connection on the network level, and on the channel and physical levels it works correctly. Simply put, problems arise specifically with the IP address. When the "unidentified network appears", the system cannot get IP dynamically.

If the user has manually prescribed the address, it could change or specified with an error. To correct the problem occurring, open the network connection tab that we use. When you click on the window right-click, select the "Status" string and click on it.

A small panel will open. The main information about the wireless (or wired) connection is listed here. Press the "Details" panel. It is from there that we learn the IP address of the network, if it is specified in format 169.254 ... So, the system cannot independently recognize the network. The cause of the error is incorrect setting or a router failure.

Solutions are several. One of them serves an independent indication of IP. The numerical combination is indicated on the router or in the documentation issued when purchasing it. Click on the network connection with the right key and go to the "Properties" menu.

In the window we prescribe all of the specified IP. After entering the "OK" button and check Internet access. If the error remains the same, the problem is precisely in the router settings or even in the provider. To make sure that this is true, you can call the hotline and clarify may have failed in the company itself or technical works are underway.

In this article, we will deal with a fairly often arising problem when connecting to Wi-Fi - "Unidentified Network without Internet access" or " network without access to the Internet" Starting from the seventh generation of Windows, the operating system itself checks the network connections and in case of problems with access to the Internet signals an error. Connection error message appears instantly as soon as the operating system detects the problem.

When a message appears - Error: " unidentified Network without Internet access" or " network without access to the Internet»Users make a decision to seek help from specialists, do not rush, try to spend your own work on corrections of compound.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the IPv6 protocol is actively popular, but compared with other protocols networks, the number of users whose equipment works with its use, so far extremely small. Therefore, in the article submitted, we will consider the features of restoring Internet access, where the IPv4 protocol is applied.

Important: Determine the cause of the fault, then solve the problem

What reasons an error appears?

The main reasons why problems may arise with Internet access. The most common are the following:

  • problems on the part of the Internet provider;
  • user equipment (router) is configured incorrectly;
  • reinstalling OS
  • network protocols work incorrectly.

Problems on the side of the provider

IMPORTANT: Make sure the Internet service provider is paid, because Due to late payment, access to the network may be limited.

It happens that a few days ago a laptop or computer worked properly, but during the next inclusion this error has appeared. If the system functioned properly, and there were no complaints about it, most likely, the error wiFi without access to the Internet Appeared because of the provider. Before you try to do anything yourself, we strongly recommend contacting representatives of the support service. Practice shows that most often the mistake pops up during technical work, in the absence of a sufficient amount on a personal account, or the data line was damaged.

It is possible that the support service will answer that they all work without any problems. In this case, it will have to check the network, and when detecting errors, try to independently configure the network. Internet provider in this case will offer the assistance of the staffing specialist.

Physical connection and problems with it

Important: Check the provider's cable connection to the router, whether it is connected correctly. The cable must be tightly connected to the WAN connector until it clicks.

One of the common reasons, why does not it work connection The Internet is a bad connection of contacts in the connectors, or a damaged network cable. If children or pets live in the house, the probability of encountering such a problem is increased at times. Even if you use a router, do not forget that the cable is connected to it. Make sure the integrity of the wiring. Strong inflection is capable of provoking the absence of a connection. Look at the density of the plugs in the nest, and are they really inserted where it is necessary.

Checked wiring, plugs and nests, but the problem did not disappear? In this case, go further.

We are looking for a connection problem in Equipment: Router, computer, laptop

Routher Address: Start ˃˃ Utilities-Windows ˃˃ Command Line ˃˃ Enter ipconfig.exe

Restart the router along with the computer

Important: Routers, PCs and laptops, from time to time they can "hang".

Knowing about the problem of "hanging" and when an error occurs - " unidentified Network without Internet access»It is necessary to restart the equipment and try connect rebel. I do this: I turn off the computer, the laptop is in the usual way, then restarting the router (you can simply pull the plug from the network and wait a minute to stick the plug into the socket), then turn on the PC, and then how the system booted again, reboot the PC again.

If the error does not disappear, connect directly to the computer by installing the Internet cable plug into the corresponding socket. If the result is absent, and the system is again writes without Internet accesslet's try to check the computer itself.

Checking Computer Settings

Error - " unidentified Network»It may appear because of the non-correct configuration configuration of the network connection, or if changes are made to network settings, after reinstalling OS: the problem with the correctness of the IP address

Algorithm verification:

IPv4 click double left mouse button

We try both options:

  1. Get IP address and DNS automatically
  2. Set static (manually mounted) IP and DNS parameters
    1. IP address -
    2. Main Gateway -
    3. Subnet mask -
    4. Preferred DNS -
    5. Alternative DNS -

If the item responsible for the independent receipt of the system settings is noted by a check mark, put it and save the changes. Often, after this error, an unidentified network without access to the Internet disappears, and the connection is restored. If not, continue the check.

How to find out the network address of the computer - IPv4

Right-click on the connection, followed by the "Status" string, select the Menu "Details". The new window will contain several lines - in our case you need the IPv4 address. Numeric value starting with digits 192.168 and then is the address of your network.

network address of the IPv4 computer

More method:

Start ˃˃ Utility-Windows ˃˃ Command Line ˃˃ Enter ipconfig.exe.

Windows Command Line, command ipconfig.exe

Question from the user

Good day.

Tell me how to fix this error. In the tray, a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark is burning next to the clock. If you bring the mouse to it - then the message "Unidentified Network. Without Internet access" appears. Of course, the network does not work, sites do not open.

I tried to configure the network, rebooted the PC, created a new connection, took it out-inserted network cords - did not help.

I spoke with the provider, they say that if there is a problem, then she is the side of the client ...

Offered a paid diagnostics and PC configuration (I decided to still try to configure yourself). Help me figure out what could be the case?


Well, in general, not one reason can lead to the appearance of a similar error, and it is not always possible to easily and quickly set the essence.

Nevertheless, in this article I will give the most basic ones (+ Options for solving them)which occur in 98% of cases (as calculated - do not ask ✌).

Causes and solutions

👉 Cause # 1: Network failure, Windows error

In general, periodically due to various network errors and Windows itself (For example, the OS cannot get IP, does not respond - server, etc.) - This error may pop up with most Internet providers and on any PC.

therefore, the very first and, as a rule, an effective way is reboot Computer and Wi-Fi router (if the connection to the network is carried out through it).

In some cases, after rebooting, the error disappears ...

👉 Note!

by the way, pay attention to the condition of the wires and contact connectors (there are no beggars, breaks, etc. defects). Many are accidentally interrupted by a twisted pair, when, for example, moving furniture.

👉 Cause # 2: Change settings from your provider

If you do not engage in your computer / laptop, you did not reinstall Windows, did not buy a new network card, the router - and the Internet suddenly disappeared and this error appeared, and this error appeared, could be provider.

Pretty typical case: The user has configured the Internet when connected, it all works and all OK. After some time, the provider changes the network settings, and they need to be corrected on the user's PC.

The user is sometimes due to the fault of the provider (for example, he could not report, or give little time to setup)Sometimes intensifying - the network access parameters did not change. As a result, we get an error with an unidentified network. ☝

The promotion is simple: If the reboot of the router and the PC did not help, call the help of your Internet provider's reference service, and refine: Do they have problems with the network at your address, and whether they did not change any settings on the eve ...

👉 Cause # 3: Invalid LAN Settings

If the provider with the provider is all in order - in this case, often wines the incorrect settings in the IPv4 protocol parameters. It is possible that you yourself and have not changed - you could try for malware for you (Viruses, advertising software, Trojans, etc.).

To check IPv4 settings - you must first open all network connectionsthat is on this PC.

This is done like this:

  1. first you need to click the combination of the Win + R buttons;
  2. then in the window in the "Open" line to enter the NCPA.cpl command;
  3. press (The method is relevant for Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10).

As a rule, on modern computers / laptops there are 2: wireless (Wireless) and a local network connection (Ethernet). Working connection - Color!

Then select the string "IP version 4 (TCP / IPv4)" and go to her properties. In the properties in the General tab (opens automatically) - Check to IP address and DNS server issued automatically *. Save the settings and restart the computer.

* Note!

In most cases, you need to automatically receive IP and DNS.

True, it is worth noting that in rare cases (some providers) it is necessary to set specific values \u200b\u200bof the IP address and DNS. If the values \u200b\u200bspecify incorrectly - the network does not work for you.

These parameters can be found from the Treaty to provide you with access to the Internet, as well as in your provider's help desk.

👉 Cause # 4: Problem with drivers on a network card

Most often, the driver's problem pops up after Windows reinstalling, when updating it, when updating the drivers themselves, when installing new equipment (with which drivers can conflict on the network card.

For example, not so long ago, it was dealt with a similar error on the ASUS laptop after installing Windows 10. The system itself when installing OS found and set the "universal" drivers to the network board ...

As a result, the card did not work normally, although there were no marks with exclamation marks.

Unknown device for which no drivers // Device Manager

thereforeI recommend checking and reinstalling the drivers to your network card by downloading them from the official site of your laptop manufacturer (network card). Moreover, if the drivers have found automatically when Windows is installed.

Bully below I will give a few articles to help you update the drivers.

Cause No. 5: Problems with TCP / IP

Also, the reason for the emergence of an unidentified network error is often due to the internal problems of the Internet protocol in Windows. In this case, the TCP / IP settings helps.

How to reset them:

Cause # 6: Mass-address of the network card, router

Part of the Internet providers, with the purpose of protection, tie 👉 that network card that you had at the time of connection (Note: Every network card has its own, a kind of mini passport).

The MAC address, by the way, is a combination of numbers and letters of the Latin alphabet.

Of courseif you changed the network card (or installed a router, etc. etc.) - the MAC address will change and access to the Internet will be blocked (As long as you do not report this provider, and it will not bring your new MAC address to the White List).

👉 By the wayAs an option - you can emulate (cloning) your old MAC address on a new device!

thereforeIf you bought new equipment: First, find out the old MAC address on your old adapter, then change and install a new card / router, and then cloning the old MAC address in a new device. The case is 5-10 minutes!

How to find out the MAC address:

How to change the MAC address

Second way:

  1. Open 👉 (You can use in the Windows Control Panel, if you do not know how to open it);
  2. next, go to the tab "Network adapters" and open the properties of the desired device;
  3. then in the tab "Additionally" We are looking for subsection "Network Address" (Note: "Network Address", if you have rus. version);
  4. in the Count Value enter the address you need (without dots, dash, colon, etc.);
  5. save the settings and reboot PC.

That's all today. In the comments - are welcome!

Everyone comes with this problem, and unfortunately, this rock comes sooner or later. It is not necessary to scare, since in particular the problem still decides, however, it can have a lot of reasons. And so, it is impossible to go to any site, and in the lower right corner it writes - "without access to the Internet" or "without access to the network", and you see the yellow triangle. We will not walk around, yes, about, and we will analyze all possible solutions - we'll start with the most popular.

HELP! Dear readers, you can always write your question or describe your problem below in the comments. And I will try to help you than I can.

How to fix - quick solution

What to do in the first place? If the Internet packets are distributed over the Wi-Fi wireless network and it disappeared sharply, then it is possible to block the router. It happens on old, already worn routers that work more than one year. Our task is to just restart the device. This can be done in two ways:

  1. We find on the rear panel button on / off or ON / OFF. We press once, we are waiting for seconds 5 turn on.
  2. We pull the power cord from the outlet and insert it again again.

Sometimes the router is only needed for distribution of Weifai network, and access to the worldwide web is through the modem. So just in case reboot it.

My old router was buggy so periodically every 2-3 days. Just he was already old and his time came to an end. Soon I bought a new one. So, if such a problem is repeated often, then buy a new device.

Check physical connection

The computer does not matter or a laptop if the wire goes straight, then look blinks or light bulb on the network card. Also make sure the light is on on the LAN port indicator. I will explain much - practically on each router, there is an indicator.

When you insert the wire into one of the LAN ports and goes data exchange, the indicator is lit or flashes. Indicators are located on the front of the device. Take a look at the photo below - 1 LAN port is connected to the PC and works steadily.

If, when physically connected, the bulb is not lit, most likely the cable was broken. In the box from under the router, the factory wire must go, you can safely use it.

Another problem when the wire from the Internet is not in there. Take back and see that the cable from the provider was in the Internet connector. A friend once a daughter played with a router and stole the wires not in the connectors and therefore there was no Internet. If the router does not burn at all, then the problem is in nutrition, try to enable it.

The surest way is to join the wires and see them clearly stood in the port. Once, I turned off the Internet, because I was falling off from the plastic tip of the wire, which is why the wire just departed. In this case, old good matches will help. But still the end is better to renew or change the cable.

Settings Network

If you connect via Wi-Fi, the problem may be in a different. In 20% of cases, network settings on the PC are not allowed to enter the Internet. The principle of changing the configuration is the same as on Windows 7, XP, 8, 10 and Vista.

  1. Need to click on the yellow triangle in the bottom corner, and then choose "Network Management Center and Common Access".
  1. Next, choose from the left block - "Change adapter settings".
  2. Usually there is one network card on a stationary PC, and on the laptops connect two: wireless technology and LAN. Look to the connection that you use was turned on. When the configuration is disconnected, it will be highlighted with gray. To turn on, click right-click and "Enable".
  3. Right-click on the desired connection and then in the "Property".

  1. Press on "Internet Protocol version 2 (TCP /IPv4). " And then on properties.

  1. Pay attention to the picture from above. The settings have a permanent IP address. Also directly spelled out - the subnet mask and the main gateway (must be our router). Therefore, there are two options for non-working on the network:
    1. If someone else uses the Internet, then most likely this IP address is already used by another computer, telephone or network printer.
    2. The second option is that the router is on another subnet.
  2. The decision is one thing, just put a tick opposite "Get an IP address automatically" and "Receive the address of the DNS server automatically".
  3. Confirm the configuration, we look at the result.
  4. In cases of further lack of network, go back settings again, check the tick "Use the following DNS server addresses"And we prescribe:
    1. Preferred DNS server:
    2. Alternative DNS server:
  5. Next, the Internet must connect. If it did not immediately help, then after changing the configuration, restart the computer or laptop.

Installing FIPS

  1. If you have a laptop, and the connection is occurring on a WiFi network - click on it in the right corner of the desktop.
  2. Then click "Properties".
  3. Click on the second left tab title "Safety".

  1. Click on the button at the bottom - "Extra options".
  2. Put mark "Enable for this network compatibility mode with a federal information processing standard (FIPS) "and confirm the change . After that, reboot your computer or laptop.

Reset DNS connection settings

  1. Run the command line. To do this, in the Start menu in the search bar, enter CMD.
  2. Press right-click and "run on behalf of the administrator". If you just run the console, then the changes will not be made.
  3. Next, alternately enter the commands:
    1. ipconfig / Flushdns.
    2. netsh Winsock Reset.
    3. netsh int ip reset c: \\ resetlog.txt.
  4. Now reboot the car.

Software and breakdown of network card drivers

Drivers can break from viruses or third-party programs that work with network protocols. Weares are very popular to use WPN programs that can set additional network connections.

  1. We press Win + R, enter NCPA.cpl and click OK.
  2. Look, there are no suspicious connections that were not before.
  3. If they are, then we turn them off by pressing the right button - "Property" and click "Turn off".
  4. After that, even if the Internet and network earned, it is necessary to remove the conflict program.
  5. Go to the start.
  6. Next, choose "Control Panel" And go to the program.

  1. Set the sort by the installation date and check the latest installed programs. Sometimes the installation can go through the background when loading ordinary programs.
  2. Remove suspicious software by pressing the right button and "Delete".
  3. Reboot your computer.
  4. It's not a fact that everything will start working, as the program could break the driver for a network card. The fastest way will be the restoration system. For this go to "Start" - "All Programs" - "Standard" - "Service". Choose " System Restore".
  5. Choose the earliest point, which is possible and run the service. After rebooting, the system must display the successful recovery window. If you see the inscription that the system is not restored, you will have to search for the driver on the Internet, download it, and then install it on PC. If you have a drive with drivers from the motherboard, you can install from there.

The system can break not only from third-party software, but also from viruses. So be sure to install the latest version of the antivirus and check the entire computer for hazardous and suspicious software.


In 80% of cases, this problem lies on the shoulders of the provider. Be sure to call and find out what the problem is.

ProviderTelephone technical support
Rostelecom8 800 1000800
Transtelecom8 800 7750775
Beeline home88007008000
HOME RU8 800 3337000
Tattelelecom8 843 2222222
Ufanet.8 347 2900405
Golden Telecom.88007009966
Interproject (Freshtel)8 800 1003100
Telecom amount88124030000
Demos (provider)8 495 7370404
Infotex Taganrog Telecom.88005005901
Weine Telecom88712290500
Prometheus (telecom operator)88123138818
Er Telecom88003337000
Gars Telecom84952300055
Oyster Telecom.8 812 6010610

After dialing, they usually say that technical works or breakdowns in the channel are underway. But sometimes, they can say that they are all right. Ask the employee of those. Services Check connection from server to you.

If it does not help, ask what DNS is better to use. How to change them you already know from the chapters above. If nothing helps, then the cable may be cut off on your line in the entrance, then you have to call an employee to the house, whatever he checked the line.

Different subnet

Sometimes the problem in connecting the Internet is due to the fact that the computer and the network adapter are in different subnets. This often happens in offices when a new machine is connected to the subnet.

  1. To begin with, we need to find the IP address of the router. According to the standard they are or I personally have

NOTE! The standard router address can be viewed on the label under the device.

  1. It is necessary to go to the network settings and see what is standing there. In any Windows, press the two Win + R keys simultaneously. We prescribe the ncpa.cpl command and click OK.

  1. Next, you need to view the IPv4 connection properties.

  1. Please note that the IP address of the company And the address of my router They are located in different subnets and do not see each other. My PC is located in the 5th subnet, and the router in the 1st.
  2. Next, it is best to put automatic IP and DNS detection, as in the bottom of the bottom.

Setting up router

Somehow there was such a case when children, playing with an interesting box, discarded the settings of the router to factory, and then no one could understand what the problem is. Sometimes it happens that the settings themselves have come down and need to be configured or correcting. Most importantly, take and keep the contract with the provider, which indicates the connection settings.

  1. It is best to connect a router directly if it is not. Take the usual wire and stick to one of the LAN ports one end, and the second to the network card.
  2. Now you need to go to the admin page of the router. To do this, open any browser and prescribe the IP address of the router. According to the standard - this is usually or, or
  1. Enter login and password. According to factory standards, this is admin, admin, if you did not change them. The instructions will then differ slightly from the router's operating system.


I will tell you on the example of the TP-Link Wireless N Router WR841n model, which is the most popular in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.

  1. In the left menu, choose "Net"and then click « WAN. "

  1. Click on the connection type and select exactly the one that uses your provider: static IP address, PPPoE, L2TP / L2TP, PPTP / PPTP, Bigpont cable.
  2. Further, depending on the choice, you need to enter data from the provider from the contract or by calling the hotline number in those. Support.
  3. If you find it difficult to settings, then click "Fast setting" In the left menu and simply proceed according to the instructions.


  1. In the lower right menu, choose "The Internet".
  2. Select the type of connection in
    1. Enter the settings. You can also click "Fast Internet Settings."

    Other models

    The scheme is equally the same:

    1. In the main menu, we find the section "Internet" or "WAN" and click on it.
    2. Select the connection type that your provider uses:
      1. Automatic IP Definition - This connection is usually in the machine. Here you just install this option and the Internet should appear.
      2. PPPoe - You need a login and password to access. You may need to specify the attached MAC address. If this is your PC, then click to clone this parameter.
      3. Static IP. - Here you need to specify an external IP, subnet mask, master gateway and DNS server.
      4. L2.TP or PPTP. - Indicate static connection data, login, password and DNS.
    3. Enter the settings from the contract.
    4. Do not forget to configure Wi-Fi.
    5. We use them and reboot the router - shutting down and on.

    Tip! To know how to configure the Internet and Wi-Fi for your model, simply use the search on our website. To do this, enter the full name of your router and proceed according to the instructions in the article. There is nothing complicated there and it is written everything extremely clear.