Reliable VPS server. Top VPS Servers

Cloud Hosting - Load distribution into multiple servers if the server with your site is overloaded or does not work. This is a guarantee that users in any case will be able to see your site. But this is an expensive, more complex option that all providers provide.

Virtual hosting - Suitable for most projects initial level With attendance up to 1000 people per day. In such hosting, the server power is divided between several hosting accounts. The service is easy to set up even for beginners.

VPS. - Suitable for more complex projects with sufficiently large load and attendance to 10,000 people per day. Here the server power is fixed for each virtual server, while the complexity of the setting increases.

Dedicated server - Need for very complex and resource-intensive projects. For you, a separate server is distinguished, the power of which will only be used. Expensive and hard to configure.

Accommodation And your service own Server The data-center hosting is not a very popular service and is required in exceptional cases.

We strongly recommended Do not buy too cheap hosting! As a rule, there are a lot of problems with it: the server sometimes does not work, the equipment is old, the support is responsible for a long time or cannot solve the problem, the hoster site is buggy, errors in registration, payment, etc.

We also collected tariffs from thousands of hosters so that you can choose hosting at a specific price.

CMS. - This is the system content management system. The hosters are trying for each of them to make a separate rate or simplify installation. But in general, these are more marketing moves, because Most popular CMS have no special hosting requirements, and those that are are supported on most servers.

Test period - Hoster is provided free of charge for 7-30 days so that you can make sure of its quality.

MoneyBack - The period throughout which the hoster undertakes to return money if you do not like hosting.

Abuzowstable hosting - Companies that are allowed to post almost any content, even forbidden (spam, varez, road, pornographic materials). Such companies do not remove the content of your website at the first complaint ("Abuze").

Unlimited hosting - hosting who has no limits on the number of sites, database and mailboxes, traffic, disk space, etc. It is usually more marketing trick, but you can find something interesting for yourself.

Safe hosting - The one where the administration is constantly updating the software installed on the servers, sets the basic protection against DDoS attacks, antivirus and firewalls, blocks hacked sites and helps them "treat".

DDOS protection - Companies that provide hosting with protection against DDoS attacks. Such packages are more expensive than usual, but they cost their money, as your site will be protected from all types of network attacks.

Microsoft has prepared an update to eliminate detected vulnerabilities of the remote desktops.

This update is designed to eliminate problems associated with two malicious RCE vulnerability (CVE-2019-1181 / 1182). They were found in the process of increasing the level of reliability of the service of remote desktops.

This vulnerability affects the following versions operating system: Windows 7 SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2012, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, as well as windows version 10.

Update for your version of the operating system can be downloaded by reference.

Planned works on the equipment of the MSK-IX operator

Dear subscribers, we inform that 07/30/2019 from 8:00 to 10:00 per MSC, work will be carried out on the planned upgrade of the MSK-IX network equipment, which are initiated by the MSK-IX operator. In this regard, during these activities, there may be 1-3 interruptions in the network, duration up to 1-2 seconds.

PROFTPD vulnerability

Recently, the PROFTPD software for Linux and Unix-like systems was detected a vulnerability that allows you to copy any file to the FTP server without the right to record. This vulnerability (CVE-2019-12815) affects all versions of proftpd up to 1.3.6. It was found in the mod_copy module that comes in the default ProftPD assembly.

Despite the fact that the desired module is not included in our templates and is not used, we have prepared a way for you, with which you can check your server for the presence of this vulnerability.

Changes in tariffs on dedicated servers

As promised earlier, we made adjustments to tariffs for dedicated servers. Now, if you make a new order to servers of the E-5 26xx and E-5 16xx family, the use of our services will become even more profitable.

You can get acquainted with tariffs on dedicated servers.

To assemble and order a productive and reliable dedicated server, go to and use our convenient and informative calculator. With it, you can choose the appropriate server with the desired configuration.

Changes to licensing rules for Windows Server

Dear subscribers, we inform that from 01.08.2019 a change in licensing rules come into force. Software Microsoft for Windows Server. The calculation of the license cost is determined by the licensing method on the nuclei.

With new tariffs, you can familiarize yourself with.

Reducing the price of the Server of the E-5 26xx and E-5 16xx

We want to report the pleasant news that is related to the prices of dedicated servers. We try to make our customers to receive high-quality services on favorable conditions. Therefore, soon the E-5 26xx family and E-5 family servers will be available to order at a new reduced price.

Read all the available configurations and collect a server, ideally suitable for your goals and projects, can be software.

Work on the Rostelecom

Dear subscribers, we inform that 07.07.2019 from 00:00 to 1:30 Moscow time, there is a deterioration in the network connectivity in the Rostelecom section. This is due to the planned works that will be conducted from this provider.

Prerequisites and Switch Replacement Results on 7 Cluster

In May, we successfully made work on replacing the switch on the 7 cluster. Many of you have shown interest in published photos and descriptions of the work, so we decided to tell more about the prerequisites, as well as the results that were achieved due to their implementation.

EXIM Mail Server Vulnerability

Revealed critical vulnerability in mail server Exim, which allows you to execute the code on the server with rOOT rights.

This vulnerability (CVE-2019-10149) can lead to the execution of the code on the ROOT server, which is carried out during the processing of a special request. Operation of this threat is possible in versions with 4.87 to 4.91 inclusive or when assembling with the Experimental_Event option.

New promotions to order VDS!

We inform that all promotional modes to order VDs, played earlier in our social networkswere successfully used! We have received many requests for increasing their quantity, so we publish new promotion produced by 15% and 20%. The discount will act on activation and month of use when ordering VDS with tariffs from Cuprum to Aurum inclusive!

Promotional for 15%: 2000

Promotional for 20%: 2004

VPS server. - deciphered as Virtual Privat Server, which is also called VDS. Virtual Dedicated Server). This is a type of hosting that allows you to use the selected virtual server. The server itself consists of several virtual computers With personal operating system and they work independently of each other.

Thus, the client rents a virtual place on the server where it receives a personal IP address, root access, ports, etc. Also, the client itself determines which programs should be installed for the proper operation of the site. And now, I would like to present the best VPS servers for rent.

Rating of the best VPS servers (VDS)

HostingDiskCPUPrice / monthTestReviews
1 10 GB500 (MHz)399 rub.7 days
2 5 GB2600 (MHz)500 rubles.7 days
3 10 GB3500 (MHz)350 rub.not
4 10 GB800 (MHz)449 rub.10 days
5 5 GB2700 (MHz)565 rubles.not
6 10 GB400 (MHz)330 rub.3 days
7 5 GB2600 (MHz)249 rub.not
8 7 GB2000 (MHz)249 rub.not

How to choose a VPS server for the site

It is worth starting with the fact that the VPS server has a number of advantages over the usual hosting and large sites with a large attendance use that VPS server.

What are the advantages of VPS / VDS in front of hosting:

  • highlighted IP address;
  • unlimited traffic;
  • using necessary programs for site work;
  • the ability to place an unlimited number of sites, domains, databases.

Disk space

Choosing the VDS server you need to know how much disk space you will need, let's say to open the online store from 5-7 thousand products, you will need 10 GB. This space is occupied by programs, modules, CMS, encoding. And most of the space will be taken pictures and backups, so you want to work correctly, take more space.


The processor is very important for the speed of processing information on the site and for high loads on the site. If the site is competent and not eats all the CPU servers, then the standard 500 MHz can withstand the load up to 10,000 thousand people per day or 3,600,000 visitors per year. If you need more, you will have to increase productivity.

Rate of return and stability

Price VPS.

The most important thing is that the price of the VPS server is not significantly higher than the rental of virtual hosting. And also you get more free space, a limitless flow of visitors, installation of programs, domains and databases. Well, the average price of Runet on the cheapest VPS - 400 rubles.

You will have your personal working space that will not need to share with other customers. It is characterized high speed Data access - Internet Resource will surprise the speed of downloading "heavy" elements. Virtual hosting selected VPS / VDS servers is a profitable alternative to the familiar remote hosting and has greater flexibility in terms of settings.

How to choose a VPS server

Before buying a VDS / VPS server, the project needs should be highlighted, as well as assess the likelihood of an increase in resources that will be used as the resource development. Carefully choose operating systems - each hosting has differences in the available OS. As for the choice of the operating system, our company offers the installation of Centos, Debian or Ubuntu. Also pay attention to specific tariffs that have different sizes. random access memory. By default, Debian 7 is installed on all VPS servers.

Order VPS / VDS server- So get your own territory for a serious project. In the person of our company you will get a reliable partner who is able to provide quality service and round-the-clock support. Your site deserves to be the best, and we will provide a quality foundation for its download!

What sites will be the VPS / VDS?

For projects with attendance, an average of 10,000 users per day. Also, the VPS should be viewed to those who are very important to the stable job of the site, since the VPS eliminates the problems with the download of the site due to the neighbors on the server.

If you already need to restore data from the backup, you will find all necessary for this action.

How to contact support service?

To contact the support service, simply. Our experts will make everything at your request for the shortest time.

How to pay VPS?

To pay the VPS, select the desired tariff in the table and click the "Order" button. Next, follow the instructions in the billing panel by specifying the necessary actions with the domain, your data and select a suitable payment method. That's all! Your server will be activated immediately after payment.

  • VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server) or VPS (Virtual Private Server) - these two names, in fact, synonyms. By purchasing a service, you will receive a virtual dedicated server. Compared with standard hosting services, the UPU or DVS gives the right of full-fledged independent administration.
  • Company Site - Hosting Provider No. 1 in Russia (according to, ranks first in the number of sites placed in national I.Rf.). We provide inexpensive, reliable and high-quality VPS hosting. Our data centers are in Moscow and provide stable and trouble-free operation of the equipment.
  • If you have a high-loaded project and the capabilities of the virtual hosting (Shared Hosting), it is not enough, but it is not possible to collect your physical server, then the virtual dedicated server will become the optimal solution.
  • The VPS service on functionality is practically not inferior to the physical server. This is a popular and more accessible type of hosting. Any Virtual Private Server shares the resources and functions of the physical server (Dedicated Server), despite the fact that they are separated from each other. On the rented physical server You can place an unlimited number of databases and sites.

Why is it worth spending time search and you need to buy a virtual server to the site:

  • discounts and loyalty bonuses;
  • protection against DDoS-attacks in real time;
  • support service 24/7;
  • security storage;
  • free SSL certificate for the domain name;
  • dNS support for domains as a gift;
  • unlimited traffic;
  • different IP addresses;
  • selection of the operating system;
  • full administration I. independent installation caching and compression systems;
  • root access;
  • backup;
  • the ability to develop, design and conduct test tests;
  • placing an unlimited number of databases.

It's time to buy a server - Virtual Dedicated Server! The cost of the cheapest SSD-VPS-1 tariff will be only 179 rubles per month.