Installing 1C Linux on 2 physical servers. Prepare the server iron

What to choose, 1c for Linux or 1C on the terminal server?

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Due to the Announcement of the client part of the 1C 8.3 platform 8.3 for the free Linux operating system, we increasingly began to ask questions about the feasibility of further use of the terminal regime for the 1C platform.

In short, our answer is as follows: Terminal Mode for the 1C platform solves a number of questions that are simply impossible to solve local installation, be it free Linux, a paid Windows or any other operating system.

The difference only in the starting price of the carrier operating system, the 1C platform on the Linux operating system will not work better or worse than the local installation on Windows.

Most companies choose the Terminal Mode of operation of the 1C platform completely not because of the price (in the implementation of the Microsoft terminal server, for example, the price is much superior to the price of the local installation).

In addition, terminal solutions are a platform for the operation of the entire infrastructure, which includes all programs, periphery and jobs. 1C platform is just one of the infrastructure components.

As can be seen from the table below, the shortcomings and questions are much more than their solutions.

Advantages and opportunity Disadvantages and restrictions
  • Linux operating system is free
  • The content of the free Linux operating system is always more expensive than paid Windows.
  • Free Linux operating system, unlike terminal stations (thin clients) requires disk, memory and modern personal computer at each workstation
  • Everyone workplace personal computer requires personal service
  • IN currently No drivers of fiscal registrars and commercial equipment
  • Users sooner or later may need to use other Windows programs.
  • No need for terminal server
  • The terminal server solves the issues of reliability, responsiveness and speed of the 1C platform, especially in file mode
  • Terminal server is more stable and reliable
  • The terminal server makes it possible to use thin customers
  • The terminal server makes it possible to use the 1C platform distributed, remotely and via the Internet
  • You can use terminal servers for the Linux operating system
  • Free editors of terminal services for the Linux operating system are very complex in the setup, even for specialists
  • They do not know how to work with the periphery, especially with printers and ports, which is critical for the 1C platform
  • Terminal Services Protocols for Linux operating system are not optimized for operation via the Internet
  • You can use commercial terminal servers for Linux operating system
  • Commercial editions of terminal services for the Linux operating system are comparable to terminal solutions for Windows
  • Commercial editions of terminal services for the Linux operating system as well as free selectively work with the periphery
  • Can be integrated into operating systems of thin customers
  • Increased boot time - Package of the client part of the 1C 8.3 platform is 400 MB
  • Requirements for RAM of the subtle client - at least 2 GB
  • Requirement for the processor of a thin client - no less atom 1.6 GHz
  • No ability to print documents

However, the 1C 8.3 platform client will be available in the form of a loaded module for the unless Syselegance ThinStation Enterprise operating system (starting from version 4). The scope of its application will be extremely limited at the same time:

  • backup access to 1C platform when the terminal server is not available
  • access to the 1C platform from places that do not require working with other applications (for example, warehouses)
  • access to the 1C platform from places that do not require printing documents
  • in the future - cash terminals (with support for configurations and fiscal peripherals)

Conclusions: The presence of the client part 1C 8.3 for the free Linux operating system is a huge step forward in terms of the development of technology and 1C platform. But only large companies using 1c servers clusters on one side and exclusively Linux will be able to fully use it in the near future.

As practice shows, such companies are currently united. The overwhelming majority of companies, the terminal mode will still be more simple, beneficial and flexible to use.

Warning: No detailed instructions will not be! Only a sequence of actions necessary steps and tip. This is the guide only for experienced Linux administrators!

Examples of some of my configsattached ...

Note: This article is written on the basis of experiments with 32-bit CentOS 6.3(It is necessary to use a 64-bit OS for the server. But it happened that the 64-bit CentOS was not installed on the iron experiments available for me.)However, there is no difference for the installation methodology (32 VS 64bit) - it is only in the suffixes of distribution files: either i686 (or i386) or x86_64 ...


  • 2) Customize the network
  • 5) Customize the Samba server
  • Literature (used and additionally recommended)

0) Prepare the server hardware

Specific recommendations for the choice of server iron (what power of the iron is required) I will not give - there is no personal experience. See official"Recommendations for the choice of equipment for working with 1C: Enterprise 8" from and unofficial"Computer requirements for working with 1C: Enterprise 8" from 1C.XXI.KIEV.UA ...
And I recommend to take iron with a power reserve than recommended (because "on the growing" needs of the enterprise; and because the 1c platform is also constantly "growing and optimized" - it means more and more resources from release release).

In addition, in a nutshell, the following strategy is most profitable:

  • Disseminate two servers (1C server and POSTGRES server) for two different machines - power increases twice, and it is not necessary to buy unnecessary licenses. This is a cheap solution: Linux is free, and the cost of iron does not count (iron is always cheaper than licenses).
  • Note: Note that the "1C server cluster" is still very gluned. Moreover, each additional separate machine under the "Server 1C in the Cluster" - requires the purchase of a separate "server license"! Therefore, from all sides, under the "Server 1C" it is more profitable to just just one machine - buy only one machine for the server, with a fairly powerful hardware, which can pull the entire load ...
  • Install the hardware RAID10 to the DBMS server (database files are reserved, and the volume of disk space is as needed).
    Moreover: in budget solutions, it is enough to use a chipset RAID controller built into many modern motherboards than buying a separate and expensive hardware RAID controller (the price of which is from $ 250). Built-in chipset RAID controllers already have a wide functionality; Supported RAID (0, 1, 5, 10) modes and automated migration between them, with data saving.
    There is only one but essential spoon hitting: poor support for hardware RAID controllers in Linux OS. And besides, embedded in motherboard Chipset SATA-RAID is not fully hardware: data management does not occur at the level of the "iron", but at the BIOS microcode level through the operator driver - from here and such concepts as "driver on SATA-RAID" (Intel Matrix Storage Driver), without which RAID is seen as separate discs - from here and support problems ... Under Linux, software RAID arrays are traditionally used, the support of which has long been implemented and debugged!
  • Both servers are of course lift on Windows / Linux 64bit (since it supports a lot of RAM and greater power). A "Server 1C" to buy and install 32bit (because "Server 1C 64bit" costs 2 times more, and the performance increases, with other things being equal, gives only +5% !!! unofficial craftsmen tested...)

1) Install the operating system (OS)

Install Linux CentOS 6.x (Last Release), Better 64bit.
Causes of the selection of the CENTOS distribution: this is a Linux server distribution. This is free (free, "Community Edition") distribution. This is a distribution based on the redhat kernel, which 1C declares as "supported".

CENTOS Distribution Images swingfrom here (from any of the mirrors).
It is more convenient to pump out ISO, burn on the bolk (DVDRW) and put it with it.
For installation, as a rule, only the first disk from the two components is sufficient (on the second disk - any secondary software).
And then the mounting distices are no longer needed - all the same, the whole software needs to be updated and delivered through the Internet ...

Comment: ROOT user in the centos system is illogin (it should be)!
All work in the CentOS system is always carried out from a regular user session, incl. and installing / setting up the system. And only for some action every time the privileges of the "superuser" are requested (something similar appeared in Windows7).
Therefore, to perform configure edits, installing packages and other "admin" actions - opening the console in a regular user session, immediately execute the "SU" command, which will switch the current console to the "Super User" mode (CENTOS feature):

Bash # SU Password:<вводим пароль root>

Next, this BASH Console is used for different revelaced action. For example, you can run "MC" and edit the configs in / etc / ...

2) Customize the network

Tune network adapters, Host name, Gateway and DNS ...
Connect to the Internet and update all the basic packages to the last versions ...
We will only do all further actions if there is an internet connection, we believe that it is constantly!

Setting up the network is carried out standard ... but there iscommon rakes that need to be bypass:


The first is the name of our server must easily be resolved into the IP address.

In the / etc / sysconfig / network file, check the value of the HostName parameter ("computer name" of the north), if necessary, change that new parameters entered into force you need to restart the system.

Bash # cat / etc / sysconfig / network networking \u003d yes networking_ipv6 \u003d no hostname \u003d delldev gateway \u003d

(The last line is the default gateway, it is not necessary to specify. If not specified - it will take from IFCFG or DHCP ...)

In the / etc / hosts file, there should be no LocalHost.localdomian format entries or related to IPv6, in the absence of a DNS server, it must be spelled out a clear match of the server IP address - FQDN name - short name. An example of the correct HOSTS file:

Bash # Cat / etc / hosts Localhost DELLDEV

Check: Does the server ping itself? Enter in the console:

Bash # Ping DellDev


The second - on firewall should not be rules forbidding the interaction between the components of 1C enterprise.
In most cases, the server 1c is within the local network, so we may well disable the firewall (at least at the time of commissioning):

Bash # Chkconfig IpTables Off Bash # Service IpTables Stop


Third - you also need to disable Selinux Policy!

The reasons:
1) Previously, Selinux was the cause of the Segmentation Fault error.
2) SAMBA balls do not work with the SELINUX included (remote users enter the balls, but the files do not see ... or the files are seen, but not read ... etc. glitches)
3) In addition, the advantages from using Selinux on a high-loaded server located within the local network, it looks extremely foggy.

How to disable:

Edit Config / etc / Selinux / config string Selinux \u003d enforcing change on Selinux \u003d Disabled overload the car ...


Internet provider "Ukrtelecom / Ukraine" have more rakes: buggy DNS Server - Therefore, you need to use auxiliary (better from Google) ... And maybe my DSL router is still poorly compatible with OS Linux ...

Symptom: When working with the Internet, the resolving of each DNS name occurs for a very long time (several [tens] seconds of timeout), work very badly ...
Decision: Therefore, I did not receive the DNS server automatically via DHCP, but statically prescribed in the adapter settings (in config / etc / sysconfig / network-scripts / ofcfg-eth0) following addresses:,,, two - new Ukrtelecom, followed two - from Google).

3) Configure Package Manager (YUM)

Note: Detailed manual on the use of Yum - Look in the article"Package management in Rhel6. Yum "...


Customize software sources (repository):

include standard repositories (in the config on the repository, Propysh ENABLED \u003d 1, or set the tick through the graphical interface ...):
CentOS-6 - Plus

AND (Without them are very sad, because standard repositories contain mainly server software, and obsolete although superparted versions).

Note: In most cases, to facilitate the connection of new repositories, the owners of the repositories prepared RPM packets for automatic configuration - These packages you just need to download and install. Moreover, choose the packages of the correct version: for the relevant version of the repository and intended for the corresponding Linux to your release. When installing this pseudo-package, the necessary configs are automatically generated, YUM is configured, etc.

Use "CAT / ETC / RedHat-Release" to Find Which Release of El You are A using(I say: "CentOS Release 6.3" - i.e. "EL6")
Use "Uname -a" to Find Your Processor Architecture(I say: "I686 i386")
Use "RPM -IVH Package-Filename" to install the rpmforge-relide package(Also Works with URLs)

Installation Instructions:rEPOFORGE.ORG I. "

Working example installation: SU -C "RPM "

Installation Instructions:aTRPMS.NET.
Working example installation: SU -C "RPM "


Concept: the main thing is not to disrupt the functionality of the basic core system.
Standard CENTOS repository (especially "CentOS-6 - Base") make up specially trained people who provide for each point in the repository of a cut-off package and libraries.(CentOS is a server system that is installed on the most expensive production servers that work in autoappite mode. The glitch in the repository will break a lot of servers, well, that is, the admins will have a lot of hemorrod and credibility to the CentOS will fit ... this is not allowed.)
But if you play with third left distributions, they always have new (and unstable) versions of libraries appear earlier - they can be automatically installed in the system during autoappite, breeding incompatibility for kernel services. Bad!

In order for the server, it is the most charged software that is installed on the server, and only the soft software was installed from the additional repositaries (packets are unleashed by "dependencies") - you need to configure / use the priority system:

To manage priorities - you needinstall additional plugins for yum (It is useful to install all three):

  • yum-Protect-Packages (allows you to protect the specified packages from deletion; By default, Yum itself is protected and its dependency chain)
  • yum-plugin-protectbase (allows you to protect packages from the specified repository from updating from unprotected repositaries) - it is easier to configure it.
  • yum-plugin-Priorities (allows you to assign priorities to different repositories; Packages from a reorrite with a lower priority value cannot be updated from a repository with a high priority value - this is another type of protection, more advanced and flexible) - it is better!

(Note: For YUM there are still many interesting plugins, but these are the most necessary ...)

Settings by repositaries yum. Stores in: /etc/yum.repos.d/
conversions that can be edited, called: * .repo
other service files - do not touch them.

You need to add to text configs (at least for all repositaries with Enabled \u003d 1): rows with the parameters Protect \u003d ... and Priority \u003d ...(Note: the less priority value - the topics of the repository is more important)


I also recommend installing the use of a graphical shell to the package manager: Yum Extender (Binar is called Yumex) - it is much advanced standard GUI!

4) Install an additional software that does not refer to the 1C system

Now you can simulate (through the management of Yum package manager, of course):
NTFS support
Wine (emulator to run simple Windows applications)
and other useful local applications ...

5) Customize the Samba server

You need to install (via Yum) and configure the Samba server (SMB and NMB service) - this is support for Microsoft Netbios under Linux, so-called "Network"…

And I recommend raising Samba, even if you do not provide file balls on this server for other local network clients, so that this server appears in the "network environment" in all Windows clients and other network servers, scanned the standard API, resolves its "network name of the machine "- so that it could be referred to as something \\\\ Mylinuxserver¨. For convenience, configure Samba so that the 1C server is visible in your workgroup ...

Note Regarding: Does the Samba server need for 1C: Enterprises or not?

To configure Samba I advise:
create and configure ball folders like this:

MKDIR / HOME / Samba Mkdir / Home / Samba / Homa / Samba CHGRP -R Samba / HOME / SAMBA CHMOD -R A + RW / HOME / SAMBA

create an illogical user / Group: Samba / Samba
assign this user a home folder: / home / samba

SAMBA service configuration:
Configs lie in / etc / samba /
See man smb.conf
For easy setup - see an article"Simple installation and configuration of the Samba server in CentOS" ...

Important: In addition to the "SMB" service (main), you should also "enable" and "Run" the NMB service (which is responsible for publishing the NetBIOS computer name on the local network - the server will be visible in the "network environment"):

CHKCONFIG --Level 2345 SMB on Chkconfig --level 2345 NMB on Service SMB Start Service NMB Start

Tip: The operation mode of the services is best customized through the GNOME / System / Administration / System / System ...

6) Get out and prepare distributions 1C: Enterprise ... where to get everything?

Pirate distributions 1C (and quacks) can be downloaded from exchanger (I do not bring links to find In the "Varzynik" section) ...

So, got / downloaded distributions"1C: Platform 8.2 Release of 05.10.12" -\u003e From it, we take the "Singer 1C: Enterprises (32bit) for RPM-Based Linux-systems", file"8_2_16_368_rpm.tar.gz" (169.07 MB) -\u003e After unpacking the archive, we obtain 8 RPM files of the distribution ...

Finished builds "PostgreSQL from 1C Release 9.0.3-3.1C of January 17, 12" We will not suit us, do not install on dependencies (there are packages are collected for CentOS 5.x, and not for 6.x.).
Us need original PostgreSQL codes, patching 1C for self-assembly! From Distribution"PostgreSQL from 1C Release 9.0.3-3.1C dated January 17, 12" -\u003e We only take the file "PG90331_PATCH903.RAR" -\u003e From the archive only the file"PostgreSQL-9.0.3-3.1C.Src.rpm"(This is an RPM package with source code PostgreSQL version 9.0.3, already including all the necessary patches to ensure compatibility with the server 1C: enterprises 8.1 and 1C: Enterprise 8.2)
Note: In addition, the source codes for self-assembly of the POSTGRESQL DBMS, supported by 1C: Enterprise 8, the easiest waydownload from office directly ...

Remarks: What platform to choose?

  1. server 1C happens: and x64, and x86
  2. 1C client programs are: only x86, at the moment (I repeat: x64 only server 1C)
  3. it is known that the X86 programs can be installed on the X64 OS (this applies not only to 1C)
  4. 1C client programs (thick and thin clients) only work under Windows!

    Additional Information...

7) Assembly and installation "POSTGRESQL DBMS from 1C (Release 9.0.3-3.1C dated January 17, 12)" on Linux CentOS (6.3)

First of all, so that there are no conflicts in the system, you need to uninstall all other / previous versions of the PostgreSQL server, if soak (check).

Harmful advice: so that there is no confusion due to software incompatibility, I also uninstalled the customer "Postgresql-8.4.13" (established initially, from the standard Repository CentOS 6.3) ... Some packages (for example, "Postgresql-LIBS-8.4.13" and Dr.) Now I had to leave, because Many other packets in the system depend on them - however, they can be uninstaling later, after installing PostgreSQL 9.0.3 (closing ahead, I managed it) ...
However, it makes sense to leave these standard packets in the system (especially "postgresql-libs-8.4.13") - in case you have to uninstalize PostgreSQL 9.0.3 in the future. Because now I have had such a situation that all system packages are now dependable only from the POSTGRESQL-LIBS-9.0.3-3.1C package and the package manager does not allow uninstaling the latter without having at the same time half the system (collapse).

Unfortunately, in basic repositories CentOS 6.3, i.e. In the current system, there are not all the necessary libraries (dependencies) to use the PostgreSQL from 1C. In addition, it should be borne in mind that for the server 1c: enterprises 8.2a version of PostgreSQL is required not lower than 8.3.8.

I tried different distributions ...

So, the version of "PostgreSQL from 1C release 9.0.3-3.1C" is best suited, but the collected RPM packets from the distribution "PG90331_SETUPLN903.RAR" will not be suitable for us: do not install on dependencies (there are packages collected for centos 5.x, and Not for 6.x.) ...

Incorrect approach: Upgrading manually existing old libraries is hemorrhoids and dangerous (a lot of software from the base and stable kernel of CentOS depends on them)! It would still be possible to insert crutches-khaki in the form of symbolic links (with the names of the required libraries that refer to existing versions), but it's very bad on the product-server ...

Therefore, in order not to disturb the integrity of the CENTOS kernel,you need to rebel PostgreSQL from the source code, happily with his patch 1C (so it will be based on our existing libraries). Patched sources PostgreSQL Take from the distribution "PostgreSQL from 1C Release 9.0.3-3.1C" -\u003e We will only need the file "PG90331_patch903.rar" -\u003e And from the archive we only take the file "PostgreSQL-9.0.3-3.1C.Src.rpm "... or download this file directly from the office ...


Note: I am not trained in the assembly from the source, therefore, there is a slightly modified recipe from the blog "Admin-Maniac" on (Respect author).

Before PostgreSQL, you need to install (or make sure that already installed) - It is necessary for the postgreSQL version from 1C. You can set manually from the RPM package (but not needed) ... or with YUM, from the standard repository (what is better):

Yum Install ICU LibiCu LibiCu-Devel

We also set packages necessary for compilation and assembly:

Yum Install RPM-Build Wget Glibc-Devel Bison Flex Readline-Devel Zlib-Devel Openssl-Devel Pam-Devel GetText GCC Make


We download from the site 1C source POSTGRESQL 9.0.3:


and install the package with the source (will be created different folders In the system and source files are scattered):

RPM -ihv PostgreSQL-9.0.3-3.1C.Src.rpm

Open to edit the / usr / lib / rpm / macros file and change the level of the celement level in it _default_patch_fuzz by 2:

% _Default_patch_fuzz 2.

Note: Previously, similar actions had to be done only on Fedora 12 and higher, when assembling software that does not support the processing of tops with new scripts, and starting with the 6th version, new scripts came to CentOS.

Create symbolic links to LibiCu libraries:

Ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ 46 ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ LN -S / usr / /usr/local/lib/

Go to the postgreSQL assembly:

RPMBuild -BB --Define "RunSelfTest 0" ~ / rpmbuild / specs / postgreSQL-9.0-1C.Spec

Note: By installing the "RunSelfTest 0" parameter, we refuse to initialize the test base and checking the performance of PosgreSQL during the assembly, in order to test it successfully needs to be performed from under a limited user, otherwise the assembly process will be stopped.

The assembly process will take some time ...

Finally, I will review the list of collected RPM packets (because I have a 32-bit Linux OS, then the postgreSQL packages were also collected by a 32-bit version):

Bash # ls -1 ~ / rpmbuild / rpms / i686 postgresql-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-CONTRIB-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-DEBUGINFO-9.0.3-3.1c.i686 .rpm PostgreSQL-DOCS-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm Postgresql-Docs-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm Postgresql-libs-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-Server-9.0. 3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-Test-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm


Installing the Patched DBMS server PostgreSQL from 1C:

It is not necessary to install all packages ... For the normal operation of PostgreSQL is quite enough four: PostgreSQL-libs, PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL-Server, PostgreSQL-CONTRIB. Go to the / Root / RPMBuild / RPMS / I686 directory (on the 64-bit OS - in / root / rpmbuild / rpms / x86_64) and set the packages ...

package installation procedures Next:

PostgreSQL-LIBS-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm Postgresql-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-Server-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-CONTRIB-9.0.3-3.1C .i686.rpm.

Optionally, but useful (for developers), then set the following packages:

PostgreSQL-DOCS-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-DEVEL-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-DEBUGINFO-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-Test-9.0.3- 3.1c.i686.rpm.

But in order not to bother with the order of the installation - it is better to install all packages with a scope (Yum himself will figure it out with dependencies):
RPM -ihv PostgreSQL-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-CONTRIB-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-DEBUGINFO-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-DEVEL-9.0.3 -3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-DOCS-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-LIBS-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL-Server-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm PostgreSQL -Test-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm.

Rake: When installing the POSTGRESQL-CONTRIB-9.0.3-3.1C.I686.RPM package, an error occurs?

error: Unpacking the archive failed on the /usr/pgsql/lib/; 4E9327CC: CPIO: Digest Mismatch

error: PostgreSQL-CONTRIB-9.0.3-3.1c.i686: Install Failed

Decision: Run RPM without checking Digest and MD5

RPM --NODIGEST --Nomd5 -ihv PostgreSQL-CONTRIB-9.0.3-3.1c.i686.rpm

After that, the user "Postgres" user will appear in the operating system, which will own all the DBMS files and in the session of which the server will be launched (do not confuse it with the SUPER system of the DBMS itself).
A script will be created /etc/init.d/postgreSQL for starting and stopping the DBMS.
Binary client files and PostGreSQL 9.0.3 Server are in / usr / pgsql / bin / ...


Initializing the PostgreSQL database cluster (so called the directory, usually / var / lib / pgsql / data, in which the data of all databases of this installation of the POSTGRESQL DBMS) are stored:

Note: B. previous versions Postgres passed the trick when we just started the DBMS server, and during the first launch it did not find the directory with the database files - initiated the initdb itself ... But now it does not work -
you need to run initdb explicitly and with the correct parameters. At the same time, it is necessary to explicitly specify the system user in the session of which the DBMS server starts (the "SU Postgres" command). Also, explicitly specify the locale in which the server works (Locale \u003d RU_RU.UTF-8).

Bash # SU Postgres -C "USR / PGSQL / BIN / INITDB -D / VAR / LIB / PGSQL / DATA --LOCALE \u003d RU_RU.UTF-8"

When executing this command, its console conclusion will confirm set parameters (Text will appear in the console):

The files associated with this database system will belong to the user "Postgres". This user must also be the owner of the server process.
The database cluster will be initialized with the RU_RU.U.UTF-8 locale. The default coding is set to UTF8. The default full-text search configuration is set to "Russian".

As a result, a database located in the / var / lib / pgsql / data directory will be created (Note: the postgreSQL server configs immediately).

Rake: If an error falls during initialization of the database cluster?

Hint: This Error Usually Means That PostgreSQL "S Request for a Shared Memory Segment Exceeded Your Kernel" S Shmmax Parameter. You can Either Reconfigure The Kernel with Larger Shmmax. To Reduce The Request Size (Currently 35233792 Bytes), Reduce PostgreSQL "S Shared_Buffers Parameter (Currently 3584) and / or Its Max_Connections Parameter (Currently 104).

Decision: It is necessary to increase the value of the Kernel.shmmax parameter, for this add to the /etc/sysctl.conf file:

Kernel.shmmax \u003d 40000000.

Then update the SYSTL parameters next command:

Bash # sysctl -p

Note: Usually this problem is characteristic of 32-bit versions ... But I have no such problem on CentOS 6.3 32BIT - the Kernel.shmmax \u003d 4294967295 parameter is already installed here.


Setting up the postgreSQL service:

Add to autoload and run the postgreSQL service:

Bash # Chkconfig PostgreSQL On Bash # Service Postgresql Start

Binary client client files and the PostgreSQL 9.0.3 server are in / usr / pgsql / bin / ... Create symbolic links to the necessary binari so that they start without specifying the path (especially for PostgreSQL console client):

LN -S / USR / PGSQL / BIN / PSQL / PSQL et al.

When you first start PostgreSQL, to control the privileges of access to the entities of the DB, in the DBMS, the POSTGRES Super User account is created with the POSTGRES password (do not confuse it with the account of Linux). The first thing to be done is to change the standard password ... We specify a password for the Super Underwear of the POSTGRES DBMS by the command:

Bash # PSQL -U Postgres -c "Alter User Postgres Password" NewPassword ""

Note: Now this password will be used when connecting customers to DBMS: Login \u003d "Postgres" password \u003d "NewPassword".


Configure the PostgreSQL server to work with the server 1C: Enterprise (rules of configs):
See the description of config parameters in Russian ...

In the /var/lib/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf - server settings. You need to specify the parameters (to reduce the strings or if there are no these parameters, then enter them manually):

Default_with_oid \u003d ON.

By default, AvtoVakum in PostgreSQL 9.0.3 is disabled ... If you want to include "Automatic garbage collection (Automatic Vacuuming)" in the database (which is useful for low-loaded servers, so that the administrator does not need to do the procedure "Packing database" periodically and manually, but simply install And forget) - then set these parameters:

Track_counts \u003d ON Autovacuum \u003d ON

Note: In previous versions, the DBMS was the "STATS_ROW_LEVEL" parameter ... But in PostgreSQL 9.0.3 this parameter is outdated and entered into a new parameter "Track_counts".

In the /var/lib/pgSQL/Data/pg_hba.conf file, the access policy and user identification is configured (i.e., permissible connection to the postgreSQL server) ... Make sure that at the end of this file, an uncommitted such line is indicated (which means "allowing" Connections to the server from any hosts, passwords are in login, MD5):


Note: If you replace "MD5" in the policy line to "trust", then the password will not be checked! (useful for recovery / change forgot password Superter) Also note that the default policy for client connections with localhost: passwords are not checked ...

Note: These parameters you can configure and later. And when you make sure that everything including 1C client works - it makes sense, for security purposes, limit connections only by the local host website (or more precisely by the hosts of the 1C server cluster, if they are separated) ...

Finally, restart the postgreSQL server:

/etc/init.d/postgreSQL Restart.

8) Installing the "Server 1C: Enterprise 32BIT for RPM-Based Linux Systems (" on Linux CentOS (6.3)

Distribution of server part 1C: Enterprises 8 for Linux is represented as multiple RPM packets:

  • 1C_ENTERPRISE-COMMON - General components 1C: enterprises 8;
  • 1C_ENTERPRISE-Server - server components 1C: enterprises 8;
  • 1C_ENTERPRISE-WS - adapter for publishing Web services 1C: Enterprises 8 on a web server based on Apache HTTP Server 2.0 or Apache HTTP Server 2.2;
  • 1C-Enterprise-CRS - Components of the 1C Configuration Storage Server: Enterprises 8.
  • Packages containing in the title of suffix "-NLS" are additional national resources for the relevant package.

1c_enterprise-server and 1c_enterprise-WS packets do not depend on each other. Accordingly, they can be installed on one computer both together and separately (i.e., "Server 1C" and "Web server" can be disselected by different machines, as well as separating the DBMS server to unload the "Server 1C") ...

Note from 2014.01.15: It is noted that the 1C_ENTERPRISE-WS package code is still depends on the 1C_enterprise-Server package, but it is not fundamentally ...

Installation must be executed on behalf of the Root ...

When installing, the following relationships should be taken into account between the packages (in order to successfully install the package, you must first install all packages from which it depends) - therefore the installation order is as follows:

RPM -ihv 1c_enterprise82-Common-8.2.16-368.ihv 1c_enterprise82-Common-NLS-8.2.16-368.i386.rpm RPM -IHV 1C_ENTERPRISE82-Server-8.2.16-368.i386.rpm RPM -ihv 1C_ENTERPRISE82-Server-NLS-8.2.16-368.i386.rpm RPM -ihv 1c_enterprise82-WS-8.2.16-368.i386.rpm RPM -ihv 1c_enterprise82-WS-NLS-8.2.16-368.i386 .rpm rpm -ihv 1c_enterprise82-CRS-8.2.16-368.i386.rpm RPM -IHV 1C_ENTERPRISE82-CRS-NLS-8.2.16-368.i386.rpm

The server then run in the Demon mode:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/srv1cv82 stop /opt/1c/v8.2/i386/ragent -daemon /etc/rc.d/init.d/srv1cv82 Restart

All of the above actions must be performed on behalf of the ROOT user.

In the process of installing the server component 1C: Enterprises 8 Creates a user of the operating system named USR1CV82, under which server processes 1C will be executed: enterprises 8.


After installing all the required packages, you need to start the scripting utility of the diagnostic and initialization of the graphics subsystem in 1C V8.2 and fulfill its recommendations, if any. (The utility checks the system for the presence in it required for the graphics subsystem in 1C V8.2 components and settings, and issues recommendations if 1C is still required.)


Additional information about the "Config_Server" utility: and ...

The procedure for setting up the system using the "Config_Server" utility will be approximately the following(Some of these stages you may be missing - skip):

Installation must be executed on behalf of the Root ...

1) After the first launch of the utility "Config_Server" - the error must fly: "CAN NOT Detect Font Directory, Please Specify it!"
Decision: We put missing TTF fonts on the FAQ and.
Note: The folder system ~ / RPMBuild / you must exist (they were previously created when assembling the PostgreSQL distribution).
As a result, to install fonts, sufficiently following the following:

Yum Install RPM-Build Cabextract Wget RPMBuild -BB MsttCorefonts-2.5-1.Spec RPM -IVH ~ / RPMBUILD / RPMS / NOARCH / MSTTCorefonts-2.5-1 .noarch.rpm.

2) Re-launch the "Config_Server" utility - the error must fly: "No TrueType Conversion Utility Found! Please Install TTF2AFM or TTF2PT1! "
Decision: We put the TTF2PT1 utility (available in the EPEL repository):

Yum Install TTF2PT1.

3) the third time we run the "Config_Server" utility - the system will think longer and everything will be fine: more errors in the console will not be issued ...

Finally, you need to overload "Server 1C" (or entirely the machine):

/etc/init.d/srv1cv82 Restart

All of the above actions must be performed on behalf of the ROOT user.


All, installing "Server 1C" on OS Linux completed!
It remains to connect to this "Server 1C" via the MMC-Console "Administration of Server 1C: Enterprise 8.2" and create "information bases" of configurations. About this below ...

Note: The MMC console is installed as part of the "Technological platform 1C: enterprises 8.2" - on another host, and only running Windows. (Although in version "1C: Enterprise 8.3" promise that already implemented by administration and under Linux ...)


We configure 1C Web client support via Apache Werser:

Preparation: We will use the APACHE local web server installed on the same Linux machine as "Server 1C". If you have not yet installed Apache Webserver - then follow the steps from the "Task: Install Apache / Httpd under Fedora Core / CENT OS Linux" section Articles"How to install and Start The Apache or Httpd Service Under Linux":

Yum Install httpd chkconfig httpd on /etc/init.d/httpd start

Next, we act as stated in the "2. Publication of Web Client »Articles"We put 1C Web client on Apache" ...

Suppose you have an informational base with the name "Test1c"(In fact, it will be created later after initializing the cluster and creating a database in PostgreSQL ... But the publication can be made speculatively and now, because we will not contact the IB, but we will simply apply the Apache configs and create a cap on the web server, some folders / Files). The publication procedure is very simple and automated (each step is described in detail in the above article, so I do not repeat it) - you need to execute the following commands:

Cd /opt/1c/v8.2/i386 ./webinst -pache22 -wsdir test1c -dir "/ Var / WWW / HTML / TEST1C /" -CONNSTR "SRVR \u003d" DELLDEV "; REF \u003d" test1c "" -confpath / etc / httpd / conf / httpd.conf chown apache: apache /var/www/html/test1c/default.vrd chkconfig httpd on service httpd start

Everything, the information base "TEST1C" published! When you fully configure the 1C server cluster and the information base, you can connect to it through the browser by entering the address http: // dellDev / Test1c(Where DELLDEV is the host name under the control of the CentOS, with the 1C server and the Apache Werser, which we are currently configured) ...

Remember: To ensure that the web client earned - it is also necessary: \u200b\u200bto the host on which the "Server 1C" or "Apache WEB-server" (in this case It is one), connect the "network client license" package (protection key can be connected locally or adjust access to the "License Manager"); and enable in the "Properties" of the information base item "Submit licenses to the application server" (configured through the "Server Administration" snap).


Additionally: you should knowhow to enable "Technological Journal" (He "Logs", he "Log") ...

By default, the logs are disabled, because they quickly grow up and occupy a lot of disk space ("Damps" are also created together with "logs"). Enable logs only if you really need to track some problem.


Additionally: if you suddenly need ... to delete the server 1C, steps should be performed:

Before deleting, you must complete the server cluster operation:

/etc/rc.d/init.d/srv1cv82 Stop.

Then, delete packages in order to install so that the dependent packet is removed before the package from which it depends:

RPM -E 1C_ENTERPRISE82-CRS-NLS-8.2.16-368.i386.rpm RPM-CRS-8.2.16-368.i386.rpm RPM-WS-NLS-8.2.16-368.i386 .rpm RPM-1C_ENTERPRISE82-WS-8.2.16-368.i386.rpm RPM-Server-NLS-8.2.16-368.i386.rpm RPM-Server-8.2.16-368.i386 .rpm RPM-1C_ENTERPRISE82-COMMON-NLS-8.2.16-368.I386.RPM RPM-COMMON-8.2.16-368.I386.RPM RPM-1C_ENTERPRISE82-COMMON-8.2.16-368.I386.RPM

Or you can also delete all RPM packets with one universal command that will delete all installed packages that start with the prefix "1C_", and dependencies will be tracked automatically:

Rpm -e`rpm -qa | Grep 1c_`

9) Installation of protective keys (licensing 1C)

Connect the keys to the "1C Server" - just. You need to download the driver from the site manufacturer website, unpack it and install a double click ...

Tips for selecting driver -


Next, you need to insert two hardware keys to the USB port of this server: "Key to Server 1C: Enterprise" and "Key to X Network Custom Licenses" (all keys in one physical "flash drive"). And everything should earn: customers will receive client licenses through the server ...

Note: The keys are only needed for the "Application Server 1C: Enterprise" and for "Protected Client Applications 1C". There are no problems with the POSTGRESQL DBMS - this is OpenSource and does not require licenses or keys (unlike DBMS "MS SQL Server", but we do not use it).

Note: Some versions of 1C worked and without keys (beta) ...

Attention: Unlicensed "Server 1C" (i.e., even without a "server key"), it works normally with a small number of client connections (up to ~ 12 connections). This is probably done to facilitate administrative tasks: initial configuration and monitoring in case of problems ... But when this administrative limit is exceeded, the server starts to reject new connections and require the key.

According to the results of the experiment ...

Note: However, "client keys" (local or network) are required for "Protected Customer Applications 1C", in any case - that for the first connection to the server, which for the hundredth!installation instructions for Windows Platform for Windows (in pictures and with video) ...

Run the installer "Technological platform for Windows version "(in version 8.2 only 32-bit) - there all programs in one bottle. When installing, select the following components:

  • "1C: Enterprise" (main components "1C: enterprises", including components for administration, configuration, fat and thin client)
  • "1C: Enterprise is a thin client" (Thin client components only to work in the client-server version, without the possibility of working with the file option)
  • "Administering Server 1C: Enterprises" (MMC Console for Server Cluster Administration)
  • "Interfaces in various languages: English, Russian ..." (default)

I emphasize, we do not put the following components (they are not needed in this client / server version of Use 1C):

  • "1C: Enterprise is a thin client, file option" (Thin Customer Components, including components for working with file options of the information base)
  • "Server 1C: Enterprise" ( on this machine he does not needbecause It is already installed on another host under the Linux OS ... although if you have a heterogeneous "1C server cluster" in the future: in which there will be no cars running not only Linux, but widows - only then this item will need ...)
  • "Web Server Extensions" modules (work only under Windows: "Server 1C" under Windows + IIS Web server under Windows, you can on different machines ... These modules can simply implement the site on which the 1C client interface is embedded directly in the Web -Rextricter. A heavy cloud site, because the connection from the web server modules to the "1C Server" - via DCOM ... But the benefits are doubtful: this crap requires each connection of a remote web client for a separate full-fledged "client key"! Therefore, such a site can not be massive ...)
  • "1C configuration server: enterprises" (used if the configuration is stored not in the relational DBMS, and the file optimizes the operation with the multiplayers, the server 1c or the Apache web server. According to reviews: Buggy garbage, and 1C hike scored on its development ...)
  • "IB 1C converter: enterprises 7.7" (only need developers)

"Install Hasp Driver" We produce if 1C on this computer We will use the licensed: either the USB port will join the security key key, or the license will be taken from the network from the "License Manager" ...(I remind you: if you use a crack / emulator, then when installing do not put a "HASP protection driver"!)

Tip: So that nothing buggy,make sure B correct settings DCOM. On each machine running Windows, which you use to work with 1C.
DCOM is configured through DCOMCNFG snap,as shown in the instructions ... (Note: The instructions say not only about DCOM, but about the installation of 1SV8 + MSSQL ... But it also visual description in pictures, where to click to configure DCOM.)


Now go directly to operation package installed Programs:

Run MMC Console: Start -\u003e Programs -\u003e 1C: Enterprise 8.2 -\u003e Advanced -\u003e Administration of 1C Servers: Enterprise.

Through the console, we consistently create objects: "Central Server", "Cluster", "Working Server", "Workflow", "Information base" - as described and shown inarticle "Administration of 1C Enterprises" ...

The following articles are slightly outdated and incomplete (changed view of the MMC console, the order of creation and parameters of the component), but can also be useful for illustration what you need to do at this stage:further the work is impossible!Other key options and questions with them do not see here - they already go beyond this article ... you can still activate soft licenses via email / phone (if Linux driver supports them?), Or adjust emulators / cracks (but note that under Linux emulators have not yet been implemented, and hardly do, because Not particularly needed) ...

After, through the MMC-Console of the Server Administration, [already] created "Information base" (so far empty) - you can connect to it with a "thick client" in the "Configurator" mode and start creating / configuring the application configuration ... Do it now:

  1. Connect to the IB configurator (when you first start the client, you need to add an IB to the list: "Add" button / "Add to the list of an existing information base" / "On Server 1C: Enterprises" / "server cluster" \u003d dellDev (server host name); "IB name in a cluster" \u003d test1c);
  2. Download the configuration ("Configuration / Download configuration from a file (.cf)" ... Then the long-term configuration configuration process and database restructuring, with confirmation requests);
  3. Import real credentials (Administration / Download Information Database menu item - this is when the data was previously unloaded into the "File Variant of IB", used for service needs);
    Note: Do not confuse this item with "POSTGRESQL database recovery from a regular backup" - this process is made on the POSTGRESQL DBMS server, for the entire database cluster, i.e. for all information bases DBMS stored on the current server ... This is a rough and grand operation, is done in case of server failures or when migrating an existing server to a new iron ...
  4. Configure system users and their roles (Administrative / Users menu item ... Be sure to create an Administrator user and enable all possible roles).

And when the application configuration will be downloaded and configured - it will be possible to connect to it by different customers (thick, thin, web) to use and solve applied tasks ...

That's all! Thanks for attention!

"1C: Enterprise on Ubuntu 10.04 / Installing PostgreSQL 9.0", here, ...

It is assumed that the operating system with the support of Russian localization is already installed and we already have a 1c server distribution for RPM-based Linux systems.

Used versions of distributions, currently actual at the time of writing:

  • Operating system: Centos Linux Release 7.2.1511
  • DBMS: PostgreSQL Pro 9.4.9
  • Server 1C: Enterprises:

POSTGRESQL Pro DBMS distributions are installed from installation packets collected by Postgres Professional. These installation packages include changes provided by 1C.

Setting HostName and DNS

HostName in CentOS is changing the following command:

hostNamectl Set-Hostname PGSQL_1C

For normal operation of the server 1c, a correctly configured DNS server is required, but its configuration goes beyond the scope of this article. Therefore, to save the functionality of the server, we will use files hosts.on systems used.

On CentOS, you must register the address of the server in the file / etc / hosts : PGSQL_1C.

You must also register on the machine on which the platform and the 1c server management console will be installed in the file hosts.(for windows it C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ DRIVERS \\ ETC \\ HOSTS) Server address 1C: Enterprise.
For example: pgsql_1c.

Installing and configuring PostgreSQL

1) To install POSTGRESQL Pro distributions, you must connect repositories.

sudo RPM -IVH sudo Yum Install PostgreSQL-PRO-1C-9.4

3) After installing the distribution unit for the convenience of administration of the PostGreSQL server, it is recommended to register the necessary environment variables for the user. postgres.. This step is optional.

Switch to the user postgres.with his surroundings:

su - Postgres.

Open the file in which you specify the necessary environment variables:

vim .bash_profile.

Add variables to this file:

eXPORT PATH \u003d / BIN: $ Path Export Manpath \u003d / USR / PGSQL-9.4 / Share / Man: $ MANPATH

4) Initialize service databases with Russian localization (under the user postgres.).

initdb --locale \u003d ru_ru.utf-8

5) Startup PostgreSQL server.

systemCTL Enable PostgreSql-9.4 SystemCTL START PostgreSQL-9.4 SystemCTL Status PostgreSQL-9.4

6) Changing the PostgreSQL Server Settings
In the /var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data/pg_hba.conf file will change the string

Host ALL Trusted on hOST ALL MD5

shared_buffers \u003d 512mb temp_buffers \u003d 16MB work_mem \u003d 128Mb Maintenance_Work_mem \u003d 192MB Effective_cache_size \u003d 8GB

Attention! Selection of data settings is performed individually and depends on both the server characteristics on which the PostgreSQL server will operate and on the characteristics of the information bases that will be processed on this server.

7) Set the password to the Postgres user in order to be able to connect to the server remotely.


(Instead of yourpassword, put the password you need)

8) POSTGRESQL Server Restart

systemCTL STOP Postgresql-9.4 SystemCTL START PostgreSql-9.4 SystemCTL Status PostgreSQL-9.4

Installing Server 1C: Enterprise

1) Installing the server 1C: Enterprise from Packets.
As stipulated at the beginning of the article, it is assumed that we already have a 1c server distribution for RPM-based Linux systems. He represents the archive named rpm64.tar.gz.. After unzipping, we will receive a list of files:

1C_ENTERPRISE83-COMMON-8.3.9-1818.x86_64.rpm 1c_enterprise83-Server-8.3.9-1818.x86_64.rpm 1c_enterprise83-WS-8.3.9-1818.x86_64.rpm 1c_enterprise83-Common-NLS-8.3.9-1818 .x86_64.rpm 1c_enterprise83-Server-NLS-8.3.9-1818.x86_64.rpm 1C_ENTERPRISE83-WS-NLS-8.3.9-1818.x86_64.rpm

While in the directory with these files, we set them as a team:

yum LocalInstall * .rpm

2) Starting 1C server.

systemCTL Enable SRV1CV83 SystemCTL Start SRV1CV83 SystemCTL Status SRV1CV83

The likelihood is high, the server will not start the first time, and when trying to start you will receive a type error:

Failed At Step Exec Spawning /etc/rc.d/init.d/srv1cv83: Exec Format Error

To eliminate this error, you must specify the interpreter in the server initialization script (for example shell.or bash) To do this, add to the beginning of the file /etc/init.d/srv1cv83. Line:

#! / BIN / BASH

Then you need to reboot search for new or modified units:

systemCTL Daemon-Reload

And again try to start the server 1C: Enterprise

systemCTL Restart SRV1CV83.Service.

3) Installing the necessary packages for correct operation of the 1C server.
In the server documentation 1C: enterprises described the utility config_Systemwhich is necessary to analyze the system's readiness to start the 1C server, in particular it helps to detect the missing necessary packages for the correct operation of the 1C server. Unfortunately, RMP Packet Analysis ( rmp -ql) showed the absence of this utility in the 1C version distribution kit version

The need for these packages was founded experimentally:

yum Install FontConfig-Devel Yum Install Imagemagick

4) 1C Server Restart.

systemCTL STOP SRV1CV83. systemCTL Start SRV1CV83. systemCTL Status SRV1CV83.

Configuring the server 1C by means of the administration console.

1) Connecting to 1C Server.
You must specify the server name (prescribed in hosts.) and port 1540 (used by default):

2) Creating a cluster.
You must specify:
- arbitrary cluster name,
- the name of the central server on which the cluster is located (prescribed in hosts.)
- port 1541 (used by default)

3) Creating a base on a 1C server cluster.
You must specify:
- the name of the base on the cluster 1c;
- the name of the database server (prescribed in Hosts);
- type of DBMS (PostGesQL);
- database name on the DBMS server;
- user of the DBMS server (in our case Postgres);
- Password of the specified user of the DBMS server.

If necessary, you can note the item "Create a base in case of its absence"

Installing 1C on Ubuntu Linux does not require special knowledge of the operating system or programming experience. It is enough to carefully read this instruction and follow all the recommendations for entering commands and work with the terminal described below. Before you start installing the client and server 1C under Ubuntu Linux, you need to download additional debacks (library and HASP protection from Etersoft). If you do not have a local network, you need to configure it.

The local network

Open the main menu, find and run the system utility "Network Connections".

For further configuration, go to the "Wired connection" - "Change" - "IPv4" parameters.

Change the setup method to "manually", write the IP address. For example, point out: The default network mask data:

To access the Internet, specify the DNS server. You can use the default data or enter the next working address DNS -

After that, you can proceed to download distributions.

Run the Internet browser and go to the 1C user support site - "". With it, we will download the customer distributions themselves and Server 1C for Ubuntu Linux.

Click "Download Updates", enter your data account (Login: Password).

After that, find the "Technological Platform 8.3" and select the most last version.

Here, select "Customer 1C Enterprise for Deb Linux Systems". In addition to the client itself, you need to download "Server 1C for Deb Linux Systems". Without it, you will not be able to install the 1C client for Ubuntu Linux itself.

Additional deb packages

For the full operation of the program, it is not enough to download and install the server and the 1C client. All files must be downloaded to one download folder. To not be confused, removes everything too much. Then, for a more comfortable installation, we will move all the downloaded distributions.

Additional files must be downloaded: ETERSOFT (1C terminal server under Linux or Hasp) and free LIBWEBKITGTK library. To set the library, click on the link below, and then find the latest version of the distribution.

For devices based on a 32-bit processor, you need to download the I386 Deb package, for 64-bit - AMD64.

Next, which will be needed - Terminal 1C Server for Ubuntu (HASP Protection). You can download it by distributive from the official website of Etersoft by reference below. In our case, this is debacks for Ubuntu 12.04. If you use another version Linux Or Ubuntu, go back to the directory and select the you need.

You need to download all DEB packages HASP. Other files are not needed.

Preparation for installation

Further installation of the client and server on Ubuntu will continue using the Linux terminal. In order not to enter the long file names and directory manually, we recommend copying them and paste according to the instructions below.

If you have already had to work with Linux Ubuntu and install through DEB files, this step can be skipped and proceed to the following.

  • In the home folder, create a new one - 1C;

  • open the directory you just created, create two more: HASP, Server;

  • all DEB files HASP Move the "HASP" folder to the "Home folder" address "1C" - "HASP";
  • return to the "Downloads" folder, and unpack the client distribution;
  • as a result, you must appear a folder with a 1c client files for Ubuntu in it;
  • move all files from it to the "Damage Folder" directory - "1C";

  • open the "Download" folder, unpack the server distribution file from the archive;
  • copy all files to the "Server" folder;

  • the remaining distribution is in the folder "1C".

After that, you can start installing the client and Server 1C on Ubuntu Linux. We will do it with the help of the terminal, because In this case, the ability to trace all the errors that may occur during the process appear. For example, due to missing libraries or distributions in the system.

Attention! Before installing the 1C client under Ubuntu Linux, check that its version coincides with the version of the 1C server.

Work with terminal

Run the main menu and open the terminal. Here we will enter all the working teams.

If you did not use operating system Linux, we recommend installing DEB packages and enter commands strictly in the sequence in which they are below. So you can notice and eliminate all possible terminal errors, download missing libraries.

Enter the "CD 1C" command to go through the directory, and then press "ENTER" and enter the Sudo Dpkg -i command, copy the name of the first DEB file. From the 1C catalog and insert it into the terminal by pressing the right mouse button or the key combination "SHIFT + CTRL + V".

Press "ENTER". To execute the command, the terminal will request a password of the administrator, enter it.

After that, there must be a list of error messages in which their reason will be indicated - dependence. For example, that DEB package 1C depends on the libwebkit library (which we have already downloaded). Or no 1C server.

Attention! If there is no dependency dependence on the error list, then it is not necessary to install it.

Installation of the library

To install the library, enter the "sudo dpkg -i" command, and then copy and paste the LIBWEBKITGTK DeB package name. Press ENTER.

If some error occurs during the process, run the Ubuntu Application Center, and on any system requests - click "Yes." Enter the administrator password.

Return to the terminal, enter the Sudo Dpkg -i command to install the Deb package. To not enter a long command and not copy the name of the file, Linux remembers the commands entered. And they can be sought by pressing the "Up" key (arrows) on the keyboard.

Server Tuning

To install the 1C server on Ubuntu Linux, in the Terminal itself it is necessary to go to the 1C - "Server" directory.

Therefore, enter the following command in the terminal: "CD Server", and then download everything that is in the directory. In order not to enter all the "manually", sudate "sudo dpkg -i * .deb". After that, all debacks from the "Server" directory are downloaded.

Installing 1C client for Linux

To return to the level from the 1C - "Server" directory to the root, enter: "CD / Home / 1C / Server" and then "CD ../" and press "ENTER".

After that, using the Sudo Dpkg -i command, install the 1C client. To do this, do not forget to copy and paste the name of the DEB package and press ENTER. If there were no errors in the process, then everything was done correctly.

Set the remaining distributions from the 1C directory (for quick work, use the "Up" button on the keyboard, and then simply change the name of the distributions).


Since now we are at "/ home / 1c /" address, it is enough to enter the following command to set the HASP protection: "CD HASP" (to go to the Hasp directory from the 1C directory), and then "sudo dpkg -i * .deb "(To install all packages from the HASP directory).

After that, you can plug in the HASP protection key server and enter multiple additional commandsTo resolve dependencies. To the question of the terminal "Continue installation", enter "D" (yes) or "Y" (YES).

List of commands for installing HASP under Ubuntu Linux:

  1. "Sudo Apt-Get Install Imagemagick";
  2. "Sudo Apt-Get Install UnixODBC";
  3. "Sudo APT-Get Install Libgsf-Bin";
  4. "Sudo Apt-Get Install T1utils".

To run 1C, go to the main menu, then enter the program name. A few types of clients will appear before you. That is, everything you need to work with the program. To make you constantly search for a client to run in the menu, copy "1C: Enterprise" to the Ubuntu desktop. After that, run the application, create a database and start working with the system and configurations.

Some advantages over Windows, and with the output of the fresh platform 8.3 such an opportunity appeared - in this article, we consider in detail how to install 1C on Ubuntu Linux.

On Linux you can install 1C.

What operating environment to give preference for the accounting package in the enterprise? The question is not as simple as it seems at first glance. And Ubuntu Linux in this plan has several advantages over Windows. Free. If you come to your office to the office for the legal advantage of the software used on computers, then for the use of Ubunt you definitely threaten anything. All its distributions are free! But the Windows license will need to buy on all computers.

System Flexibility:

  • Any computer easily turns into a full-fledged server (which is important for 1C);
  • The ability to start only necessary processesrather than bending under those that are launched by the system by default.

Thanks to the openness for the developer community, Ubuntu is always ahead of Windows. Indelible speed.

Install Ubuntu.

Installation 1C on Linux is quite simple.

During installation, you will need to mark your location, select an acceptable language for you, select the computer keyboard layout, indicate your user data. To allow you during installation very boring - before giving each other, all sorts of beautiful pictures will be replaced ... At the end, an image will appear on which you will need to choose a reboot:

After rebooting, you will receive Ubunt Linux on your PC on your PC. It will be his first launch.

Now turn 1s

For the operation of the 1C complex: the company needs an Internet page with 1c distributions to pre-download the necessary files. Do not forget what exactly you need - thirty-dwinch or sixty people. Also note that the package download is available only to those users who have a valid Treaty for ITS with one of the partners of the company.

After downloading using the Nautilus file manager, unpack files:

In addition, install the HASP protection key (download to a separate directory). Total list of files after unpacking:

Installing 1C on Ubuntu easier occurs using the terminal (console) (this is, in general, the most common method of installing programs in Linux). To search and run the terminal, you need to be in Latin layout, press the Ctrl-Alt-T combination. The CD team find a directory with unpacked folders. Now you need to execute such commands (for each of the installation files that turned out as a result of unpacking) - sudo dpkg -i / name installation File/.

The next step is to install HASP

For this purpose, the same commands are performed (by analogy) - Sudo dpkg -i / the name of the installation file /. The next step is to execute commands for setting 1C:

sudo Apt-Get Install Imagemagick
sudo Apt-Get Install Unixodbc
sudo Apt-Get Install Libgsf-Bin
sudo Apt-Get Install T1utils

And another team to work with text fonts - sudo /opt/1c/v8.3/i386/utils/config_system / usr / share / fonts. By connecting the HASP key and, restarting, you can run the program - this will happen similarly to Windows.

We hope that with the help of our publication you will not have difficulties with setting 1C on Ubuntu Linux.