Manual to eliminate Internet connection problems. Ban on disconnecting a network adapter for energy saving

Before proceeding with the Internet connection diagnostics, check for your local network. Many worldwide web connection errors are actually problems local network (LAN).

If you ask system administrator a large company, with which major network problem, it came across, as it is neither paradoxically, the most popular answer will be disconnected network cable. Indeed, if the external cable connected to the router or DSL modem is not connected to the port, it will not work out. Very often, malfunctions arise after cleaning the room with a vacuum cleaner. In this case, you know what to do.

In addition, if above wireless connection Does not work, check that your computer connects to the correct access point. If the device is trying to connect to the old wi-Fi networkThe connection cannot be installed.

Remember that if you changed the authentication password on the router, then you need to change it on all connected devices. Very often, users face this problem when the device has not been used for a long time, and at this time they had time to change the password from wireless network.

If in home network You use only wireless connections, make sure your access points work. An excellent tool for this will be the Network Analyzer Pro application for Android or iOS. Although it is intended for specialists, the application is very easy to use and allows you to view active wireless networks. In Windows 10, you can use wiFi application Analyzer available in the Windows Store.

If you all checked, but wireless connection It does not allow you to enter the Internet, then try using direct connection via Ethernet cable.

If you can access the administration of administrator administration, then the time to check the connection to the Internet.

Check the Internet connection

First of all, you need to fulfill the standard actions that specialists are usually asked about technical support Your provider. Disconnect the coming network cable from the router or DSL modem, wait one minute and connect it again to the port. Wait another minute, and then check if the Internet did not appear.

If nothing happened, try turning off the router for a minute. Are there anything?

In this case, it is time to call your provider. Technical support specialist can provide useful information - Perhaps the problems arose not only with you, but also in the whole area, and they are connected with planned work.

Otherwise, you can create a request for a call to the employee of the provider. The reason for the "disconct" can be a break of the cable in the entrance or on the main line. Physical problems are often the cause network problems.

Just be prepared to wait. Very rare providers react quickly.

Now suppose that access to the Internet is restored, but it works slowly and unstable. First, let's check the bandwidth of the network for which you pay money. The best site for checking the current current speed is Speedtest. This site is managed network company Ookla. The test shows the speed of downloading, download speed and ping to the nearest test server.

Test Google Internet Speed \u200b\u200bbecame the result of a partnership between Google and the measuring laboratory (M-Lab) and is available in English-speaking google search (Enter the query "Check Internet Speed" on english version search engine). In addition to speed, this test measures the network delays. Delay is an indication of how quickly you get the answer from the server. Low response time is important for real-time applications, such as video calls and online games. The delay is measured in MS (milliseconds) and is similar to Ping, but is an indicator of constant delays between your system and servers.

Some types of connections, in particular Dial-Up and satellite connections, always cause the display of large ping values \u200b\u200band delays. You can't do anything about it - these technologies are simply not capable of it. From a practical point of view, this means, for example, online games and video conferencing can work unstable with these types of Internet connections.

The Internet provider also has its own performance tests. Generally speaking, these tests will show you the maximum speed. Nothing amazing! In the real world, providers usually overestimate their capabilities and do not provide the stated bandwidth.

However, at different times, bandwidth indicators may differ significantly. This is due to the fact that bandwidth cable Internet It is distributed between users in the same cable segment. Thus, if in the morning it is fixed high speed Internet, then in the evening she can fall, because other users begin to watch YouTube, play online games, etc. Even with low ping and fast bandwidth, your connection can still be as high quality. This is because ping, latency and bandwidth do not give a complete picture. You can lose packages or suffer from phase trembling digital data signal.

Jitter or packet delay is the time interval that is required in order for Internet packages to go to your system. For example, if you ping a site once, 1 millisecond was required to send an answer, and the ping of the next package was 10 milliseconds, then you have a terrible case of jitter. Sometimes jitter is so bad that packets are lost.

The reason for the jitter can be interference, overloaded network equipment or poor connection. The greater the uneven packet transmission, the less stable your connection will be. In browsers I. postal customersYou will not notice this, but during voice calls or videoconferences, jitter can deliver a lot of problems.

You can check if you have a jitter using the test. This test measures the level of jitter by pinging sites from around the world from your system. If you are a jitter level, your Internet connection is most likely suffering from the overload of the network somewhere above the line.

Ideally, you need a zero loss of packages, but the usual Internet user can easily live with 1 or 2 percent of loss. If you constantly observe jitter, change your Internet provider.

You can also try to reduce the level of digital signal shake: Update the router firmware, try to disable additional equipment on the network to find a source source. Incorrectly working network equipment can seriously slow down any local network.

Still not solved the problem? Call a specialist or in the presence of special knowledge, try to troubleshoot yourself with the help of powerful tools, such as Wireshark, Logic Monitor or SpiceWorks Network Monitor. Remember that any network problem can be fixed in the presence of a certain experience.

Found a typo? Highlight and press Ctrl + Enter

The local network is a mechanism, the functioning of which depends on external factors: power stability, quantity and quality installed programs, hardware Computers, security from external threats, etc. Each of them can cause unstable work or a local network failure.

To diagnose and eliminate such failures in Windows 7, a fairly effective standard mechanism is provided. To run it, run the Start\u003e Control Panel. Network and Internet \u003e\u003e Network Management Center and common access \u003e\u003e Troubleshooting - the corresponding window will open.

In this window, select one of the following diagnostic and troubleshoot modes.

  • Connections to the Internet - If you have any problems with connecting to the Internet, then click on this point. At the next stage, the system will ask to indicate what kind of problems occurred: with Internet access in general or connecting to a specific web page. In the first case, a test connection to the site will be performed and the problems on the screen will appear on the screen and recommendations for eliminating. In the second, you need to specify the address of the problem resource, and the system will find out the reason why it cannot be discovered.
  • Shared folders I. Home Group - These modes are used to diagnose and eliminate network errors that occur when working with connecting to common folders On other people's computers: first - if access is performed from the working computer, the second - if your PC is connected to the home network. To detect the problem and view possible methods Eliminate it, specify the network location of the problem folder.
  • Network adapter - Select this item and follow the instructions that appear on the screen if the failures are due to problems with the network adapter. All actions are performed in step-by-step mode, and, as a rule, the process of diagnosing and troubleshooting does not cause difficulties.
  • Incoming connections - If there are difficulties with incoming connections (when the computer is not available for other network participants), click on this item. Among other things, the Master of Diagnostics and troubleshoot will check whether the protective settings of the firewall do not affect the emergence of problems.

Windows 10 network diagnostics

In Windows 10, you have a new tool called "Network Remedy". You can find it by clicking on the search icon in the lower left corner and enter the word network. In the search results, click on the "Network Status Check" \u003e\u003e "Network Remedy Tool".

Another way to get to the network diagnostics is to open the parameters \u003e\u003e Network and Internet \u003e\u003e Tools to eliminate network problems.

When you start diagnosing problems with the network, the process of identifying your connection problems begins. After some time, this tool will show whether to find any problems or not. When the problem is found, Windows Network Diagnostics will show a description and suggest a solution if possible.

To eliminate network problems, it is important to have a general idea of \u200b\u200bsetting up the network. There are three categories of network problems: physical, problem with configuration and software problems. The first step that should be taken when you are going to eliminate the problems with the network, is the definition of what type of problem you have. This solution is the first of many to help you solve the problem. There are two simple ruleswho are crucial if you want to successfully eliminate network problems. The first rule is to simultaneously change only one, and then test it. Logical, methodical approach - the only effective method Elimination of technology problems.
Often there are several reasons for network problems. If you can not determine the action and the associated result, you have no idea if you are on the right track or not. A number of changes can also lead to unexpected results. One step after another is best wayTo continue searching for problems with the network.

Search for a downlink problem is the second rule for troubleshooting. Make clear notes about the form that the steps you have taken and the result obtained. These notes are invaluable and help you create a knowledge base on which you can rely on when you are trying to troubleshoot problems.

If network problems arise, always start working with the physical network. Check devices, connections and power. Do not make any assumptions and carefully check each connector. These problems are easiest to correct and they are most common. Follow the cable to make sure everything is connected correctly.

If the problem is not a hardware, look at the configuration. The first step is to create a system recovery point in software configuration. This will allow you to start from the same moment if it becomes necessary. Look at your notes from the installation and do not forget to make new notes.

To start troubleshooting, you must check the configuration of each computer on the network. Access to this information can be obtained by typing "IPCONFIG" in command line For each computer. To get a full level of detail, enter "IPCONFIG / ALL". Check the information and compare them with the original setup. Errors or inconsistencies will cause most problems.

The most common software problems are associated with the installation of firewall. Check antivirus softwareSince it is often associated with firewall. Installing several firewalls will create a cascading series of network problems. Find any settings that can be changed.

Friday, March 29, 2019

If you cannot connect or lose all the time connecting to our servers, these tips will help you improve the quality of the connection.

This information It will be useful for players on PC, Mac, PlayStation and Xbox.

If you need help with connecting to mobile deviceCheck out this article:

Do you constantly lose connection during the game? Losing or get a fine for incomplete game?

We understand how it may be unpleasant, especially if you do not even know where to seek help. Is this a problem with EA servers? Or with your connection to the network? And maybe everything is right?

We hope that the following information will help you find out the reason.

You can check the status of servers most of our games directly on the EA Help website.

If the shooter near all servers is directed up, then the matter is something else.

If the arrow is directed down, then maybe preventive work or we have problems.

Try another domain name system (DNS)

Internet providers translate ordinary Internet addresses (like to computer (consisting of numbers) using a domain name system.

If something used with the DNS you want, then you may have problems with connecting.

In this case, the transition to alternative DNS can help.

Here are several free optionswhich you can use:

EA does not own and does not control Google DNS and Open DNS and cannot make changes to their pages or systems. You use these websites or DNS servers at your own risk.

Use wired connection

Wired connections are much more reliable than wireless. If you play via Wi-Fi, try to connect your device to the router via the network cable.

Change the location of the router

Are you too far from the router and can not stretch the network wire? Try transferring the device as close as possible to the router. The range of the router can be quite small. What do you leave the router, the most likely a connection problem.

Depending on the location of the router, your device may be more difficult to maintain communication with it. Walls and large objects become a hindrance. Other electronic objects (for example, microwave oven) can also interfere, since they also transmit signals. If something blocks the router signal, for example, it is under the bed or in the box, it is more difficult for it to establish a connection with your device. Put it in an open place, direct the antenna (if any) in the direction of your device and check whether the signal has become stronger.

Use wireless connection? Change your Wi-Fi channel.

If you live in a densely populated area, for example, in the house with large quantity Apartments, other networks can be interfered. Channel change will help limit the number of networks and thereby stabilize the wireless connection.

Imagine that neighbors in all apartments and all houses nearby are loudly listening to music or watch TV. It will be harder for you to hear what you are listening to you.

Changed the wireless channel, you seem to wear noise insulating headphones on your connection and clean the signal from extraneous noise.

Contact the Internet provider to get help on changing the wireless channel in less busy.


Check all the steps of your connection

If your router is working, you can connect to the network and view websites, but the connection is broken during the network game, you should check the entire data transfer path from your device to our servers.

For this we have special program For PC. It is called UOTRACE.

Even if you do not play a PC, the test will demonstrate the overall state of your network connection.

So you can find out how good connection You have on other devices.


When you stop the request, UOTRACE displays information about packet loss and response time.

Explanation of the test results

During these tests, pay attention to the following details.

  • High response time. If the response time is often above 150 ms, you will notice delays and during the game. If the response value is above 200 ms, most likely, you have connections breaking.
  • Loss of packages. If you observe the values \u200b\u200bother than 0% or 100% in the% loss column, it means that data loss is loss in this area. If the packet loss is observed in several places or if the percentage of loss is high, most likely, the problem is connected. Write down the nodes where the packet loss occurs and report it to your Internet provider.
  • The big difference between the best and worst response time. This is a clear sign unstable compound. The difference between the best and worst response time should not exceed 100 ms. Otherwise, this means that your connection is very unstable, with large amplitudes. This leads to delays during the game, which is very distracting. If you see this problem In UOTRACE, inform the Internet provider.

If you appealed to the EA certificate, and the EA game consultant asks you to provide the results of the UOTRACE check:

  1. Click on the button "Edit (edit)" and select "Copy (Copy)".
  2. Open Notebook in directories All Programs\u003e Standard In the "Start" menu.
    • You can also find a notebook in the Start menu itself.
  3. Insert the results in the notebook and save the file in a convenient place for you.

Swipe the test twice and save both files for us. So we can compare the results and it is better to understand what is happening.

Play Mac? Spend tests in Traceroute and Pathping

Since the UOTRACE program is available only for PCs, on Mac You can test tests in Traceroute and Pathping. Traceroute and Pathping programs will help determine the quality of your compound, just like UOTRACE.


  1. Open the folder "Programs".
  2. Open the folder "Utilities".
  3. Double click on the button "Terminal".
  4. Enter the terminal in the window traceroute\u003e ~ / Desktop / Trace.txt.
  5. Click "Back".
    • A new desk will appear on your desktop. text file trace.txt.


  1. Open the folder "Programs".
  2. Open the folder "Utilities".
  3. Double click on the button "Terminal".
  4. Enter the terminal in the window traceroute -S -q 30\u003e ~ / Desktop / Pathping.txt.
  5. Click "Back".
    • A new text file Pathping.txt will appear on your desktop.

Check both files for delays (designated by three stars ***). Delays may indicate problems with connecting your network to our servers, as well as pay attention to the high response time values \u200b\u200bthat may indicate the overload of your network.

Diagnosis is carried out for all networks without exception. The process of Internet connection is complicated, as it depends on the reliable operation of many internal devices PC, home network equipment and external elements network provider. Therefore, the cause of failures can be not one, but several sources.

User assistants in this case are utilities built into Win. For example, Ping helps to identify problems with a home network and provider. Ping tool use to constantly call an IP address and check connection problems.

Diagnostics windows networks Need to solve general network problems, such as troubleshooting DNS or proxy. And if the user independently finds ways to solve the problem, you can use third-party tools. Tracert is useful in that it will scan the route and measure transit packet delays.


  1. To start the diagnostics, click the Start button and enter the fix network in the search field. The user will find possible options.
  2. Next click the "Find" button and eliminate the problems with the network and connecting.
  3. After the troubleshooting window appears, click the "Advanced" button and start the program on behalf of the administrator.
  4. The user can automatically perform repairs if you want to solve the problem without interrupting.
  5. Select the connection type to which you need to diagnose the Internet for subsequent troubleshooting, and click on.
  6. Win will find and eliminate the problem with a network connection.

If the tool has not established the cause of the failure, the user can contact the Microsoft online service or consult a provider.

People set up home networks to automatically receive DNS server addresses at the Internet provider. When the servers or the provider's network suffer from failures or drove through traffic, their DNS services can suddenly stop working. Customers are forced to wait until the provider eliminates the problem.

On the Internet there is an alternative to private DNS servers - free public services, such as Google and OpenDns. This allows the router administrators to switch the DNS home network setting from a private configuration to a publicly accessible DNS by manual input Public DNS IP addresses in the router configuration settings.

Administrators create such a connection temporarily only in emergency situations. Wherein dNS settings Also can be applied on a Win device via Network and Sharing Center. It will also not work on an ongoing basis, since devices receive and determine local settings Using the router parameters through DHCP.

Connections to the Internet may not be for several reasons. The most common failure is associated with the domain name system (DNS) - the distributed names used by the providers. PCs operating on Win 7, 8.1 and 10 are reported in the error window and discovered problems. Like what DNS server. It does not function, the PC works correctly, but the server does not respond.

How to fix the problem, consider below.

Microsoft is diagnosed on the Microsoft OS. To do this, you need to perform the following actions:

  1. Open the control panel.
  2. Select "Network and Common Access Center".
  3. Click "Troubleshooting" in the "Change Network Settings" section.
  4. Press "Internet connection". A new connection window opens.
  5. Press "Next".
  6. Click "Run a troubleshooting tool."
  7. Click "Troubleshooting Connections".
  8. Wait for troubleshooting tests and view the Windows Network Diagnostics section "Problems found in the window" to familiarize yourself with error messages.

Most wireless broadband routers available today are equipped with disabled wireless protection features. This makes it easier to set up a wireless network for novice users in homes or offices, but it also makes a network vulnerable to unauthorized guests.

Although the exact security procedure for different models Routers may differ, in general, the access process to the appropriate parameters will be similar.

For example, if the IP address of the router, then the following steps:

  1. You must open a web browser in the system connected to the network, and enter in the address field.
  2. The user will be prompted to enter the necessary credentials to access the router configuration menu. If such data is unknown, they seek help to the provider.
  3. You need to enable the necessary Wi-Fi protection to prevent unwanted access to the network. After entering the router, the user will see tabs or links on the control panel.
  4. Go to the tab " Wireless connection"Or" Wireless Safety ".
  5. The area will appear on the screen in which the security mode is installed, with the necessary parameters, such as WEP, WPA, WPA2 and others.
  6. If there are relatively modern wireless devices that support the standard are recommended to include WPA2 Personal in a home network that offers more complex encryption compared to other methods.
  7. If the devices do not support WPA2, try WPA or WEP. Then set the TKIP or AES encryption type, and then determine the wireless password or key and then perform the diagnostics of the local network.
  8. Create a password / key, letters, numbers and special characters are introduced.
  9. Save the settings and reboot the router at least a basic security level.
  10. Wi-Fi is now functions.

Some applications require that the working network ports be open and redirected to a PC to perform features on the Internet, for example, for game servers. If the desired ports do not open, and the requests for these ports are not redirected, incoming traffic through the firewall will not pass.

Quick Guide to Diagnosing Network Troubleshooting and Port Forwarding:

  1. In this example, the incoming UDP and TCP traffic on ports 8888 - 8889 will be redirected to a computer with an IP address
  2. Connect the computer to the network, open the web browser and introduce the IP address of the router in the address field.
  3. Enter the system with name and password, then the NAT (Network Address Translation), Firewall or Port Forwarding menu are found.
  4. Create a set of rules that tells the router, which protocol to use UDP, TCP, or both, determine the range of ports for shipment.
  5. Specify the IP address will be sent traffic on these ports. For example, if an IP address is detected on the computer on which the application is running, it is placed in the IP address field.
  6. Save the settings to enable the rule, and then restart the router to complete the task.

Sometimes port forwarding is not enough, you have to provide the system access to the Internet. In these cases, the machine is placed in the DMZ network or in a demilitarized zone. Entering into DMZ means that all ports will be available, such a situation is dangerous, so this operation is performed at extreme need.

The system room in DMZ opens access to all ports. Suppose that the IP address of the router and that the user is connected to the network. In this case, the sequence of operations is as follows:

  1. Open web browser and introduced in the Address field.
  2. The router is included in the router and open the NAT (Network Address Translation), Firewall or DMZ, the parameters will be under the menu.
  3. When the user is in the DMZ configuration menu, you need to enable DMZ and specify the IP address to be placed in the DMZ.
  4. Enter the IP address, save the settings and restart the router.

how peripheral device On a PC with Windows Windows network controller requires drivers. These drivers report the operating system how to use the device. Sometimes it is necessary to update to solve problems or add new features.

Update network drivers Performed in one of three ways:

  1. Through software Windows Update..
  2. By downloading and running the executable installer.
  3. By manually selecting the driver through the Device Manager.

When possible, the first driver update method is used through the center. windows updatesThe method is simple and automatic. Manual method Through the dispatcher are harder. If the user loaded the driver for a network interface card from the manufacturer's website and the file contains only some.inf or other unused files, then it is better to manually install using the Win Device Manager.

To do this, press the "Start" button and introduce the Device Manager in the search. Next, "input" to open the "device manifest", they find "network adapters" in the list of devices, click on the network controller and update the software driver.

In the new window that opens, click on the "PC Overview" for the driver button, then click "Overview" and move to the folder with the new driver. Press "Next" - and the driver will be installed automatically.

Exceptions in Windows Firewall

The built-in WIN 7 firewall is constantly asking for permission or prohibition of access to the network. If diagnosis computer network It has established that the application is blocked erroneously and you need unlocking, the user will have to manually change some parameters on the control panel windows Firewall. To obtain permission to access the program through the firewall in the Allowed Applications panel, the following are followed:

  1. Press the Start button.
  2. Enter the "Allowed Applications" search field and click "Enter". In the window that appears will be indicated installed applicationsmarked by firewall.
  3. If the application connecting through the firewall must be blocked, click the "Change Options" button at the top of the screen. Then you need to scroll through the list of programs until the desired application appears, and turn it off from access to the Internet through the "Public Networks" section.
  4. If you need to unlock the program, find it in the list and select the corresponding field next to this record.

Scan connected devices

When many connected devices appear in the house, you need to scan the network to find out which devices received IP addresses and the size of resource consumption. The router has the ability to check the status of connected clients, you can also use sourid appwhich will scan the range of IP addresses to search and obtain information about connected devices. For example, Angry IP Scanner scans the network and identifies the IP addresses used in the specified range.

On the Internet are available free utilitiesTo scan the network, but most often users use Angry IP Scanner, loaded onto the PC and run the executable file. The program does not even require installation. The IP range is entered to be scanned, click the Start button - and after a few minutes the user will have a list of active IP addresses, as well as information, what ping time in the device, host name and open ports.

When you click right-click on the active device, more detailed information will be displayed in the list. The program will also determine the IP address and connect via a web browser or FTP client.

Anti-virus programs that people are installed on a PC with Windows OS are designed to keep attackers, but they also enable to block Internet access if a bad device is detected.

Most antivirus programs work using special database files (DAT), which software providers on a regular basis are automatically updated. PC users often do not understand when these updates are installed because they are started in the background and are designed to not interrupt operation.

Unfortunately, sometimes there are errors with these data updates that cause antivirus program It is understood that the computer is infected by passing a false signal. These false workers lead to the fact that Win will start blocking a DNS server that does not respond to errors.

To check whether this is the cause of the device's Internet connection failure, temporarily disable the antivirus program and run the Windows network diagnostic program. Then turn to the antivirus provider for new updates or technical support.

Broadband router or modem initiates DNS error messages on home network devices. The restart of the router and the modem will help to eliminate the problems in the operation of the router, at least temporarily.

Routers and modems must be replaced if failures continue. Poorly configured routers and modems generate errors associated with the basic network connection.

If the user connects to the router via the Ethernet wired port, you can try to move the Ethernet cable to use another port. To correctly correct the failures in the Internet connection, you first need to isolate the problem from its main reason.

General reasons for these failures:

  1. Invalid Internet provider.
  2. TCP / IP or DHCP service fault.
  3. Too aggressive antivirus software.
  4. Faulty router or modem.

If the user is not sure that problems with the Internet connection are really associated with DNS, first try using common troubleshooting methods:

  1. Network diagnostics and DHCP. Perhaps TCP / IP software inside operating system The client device is defective and incorrectly installed the DNS server addresses.
  2. Restarting a computer Win often clears these temporary failures. The right solution will be the launch of TCP / IP service programs that perform standard procedure To release and update the Win IP address settings and diagnostics of the DNS PROBE FINISHED network.
  3. Similarly, the majority of TCP / IP networks use the Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol service (DHCP) to assign IP addresses to clients. The DHCP assigns not only the private IP address of the device, but also the address of the primary and secondary DNS server. If DHCP works incorrectly, a computer is restored to restore.
  4. Previously need to make sure that the devices and network router Have DHCP. If DHCP is not used at the end of the connection, connectivity errors occur.

If you carefully diagnose the network in Windows and setting up a PC, then when connected to the network, a yellow icon will never appear on the monitor screen.