How to recognize fake accounts. Removing Fake Accounts on Social Networks Treadmill

Brief theory

In the practice of accounting operations sometimes apply a complex discount rate. In these cases, the discount process occurs with a slowdown, since each time the accounting rate is not applied to the original amount (as with a simple discount rate), but to the amount already discounted in the previous time step. Discounting for a complex discount rate is carried out by the formula:

where is a complex account

It should be noted that discounting for a complex discount rate is more profitable for the debtor than discounting on a simple discount rate, which is mainly used by banks when accounting for bills. The said becomes understandable when comparing the formulas for discount factors: and; Here is simple, - a complex accounting rate. According to the first formula, the value of the discount factor is evenly reduced as it grows and reaches zero at. According to the second factor, exponentially decreases and reaches zero only in the limit, with.

By analogy with a nominal and effective interest rate, we introduce the concept of "nominal accounting rate" and "Effective Accounting Rate". Denote the nominal discount rate as. Let discounting be made not one, and once a year, i.e. Each time at the rate. In this case

where is the nominal annual accounting rate.

An efficient accounting rate characterizes the result of discounting for the year. That is, it is in relation to the nominal. It is from equality:

For the same conditions of operation, an efficient accounting rate is less than the nominal.

Impact based on a complex interest rate is not the only possible method. Sometimes the increment is achieved using a complex account:

The factor of increments when using a complex rate is obviously equal.

Task with decision

The task

Identify an effective discount rate and the amount of discount, if it is known that the financial instrument in the amount of 5 million rubles is known, the period of payment on which occurs in five years, sold with a discount with quarterly discount discount at the nominal accounting rate of 15%.

join the VK group.

The solution of the problem

The amount of discount is determined by the formula:

where is the nominal accounting rate

The number of discounting per year

Term in years

An efficient accounting rate characterizes the result of discounting for the year. It is located by the formula:


If you do not need help now, it may be necessary in the future, then not to lose contact,

What do you need fake accounts

It is not necessary to think that from the "dead souls" no benefit, nor harm: they can bring a lot of benefits to their creators and a lot of problems with their virtual "friends." The reasons for which the unreal "accounts" create a lot. Among them you can allocate three:

Network fraud

Formation of public opinion

With spam, everything is clear: Any Pupkin appears in your friends and begins to bomb the links to a miracle belt for weight loss or unique patented wolf berries Goji. Basically, such spammers are harmless, although they are very distracting. Network fraud - the case is a tricky, so the attackers of the creek as they can (last time we wrote about such tricks).

Anyone from your friends can look like an ordinary person, post pictures from kebabs and corporates, time from time to time to replace the statuses to more awesome and then lick your records. And then one day will take and skincise the link with the words "Look at what Rzhaka", which can infect your computer or even leave you with a nose, but without your own account. And if this is a fake celebrity account, the number of incumbent may be incomparably more.

By the way, on the Internet it is very easy to find tips and master classes on the topic "How to create a fake account". So it's a very popular thing.

How to reveal« dead souls»

As we have noted, sometimes there are very strongly pumped accounts that look like the pages of living people. But very often fake accounts are created on a simplified scenario (in order to quickly create as many accounts as possible), and they can be successfully filled.

Time of creation

Fake accounts very often have a very fresh creation date. If direct information about the account of the account is not available, you can roughly calculate the year by profile ID number. If this number is close to a number of 100 million, then the account is created in about 2010, if the number is close to 180 million and this is rather 2012, and so on.

personal information

Very often, such information is hidden, missing or filled with ridiculous data, which immediately issue a fake. Let's say if "Vasya Pupkin" write more and more often, then the most simple combinations like "Katia Ivanova" or "Peter Sidorov" are pretty common. Also often you can meet a combination of a rare ancient name with an ordinary surname, somehow: "Mitrofan Petrov" or "Pafnuti Kuznetsov".


Most often, fakes are distracted landscapes or other people's portraits. Moreover, in the case of portraits, it is often very high-quality portraits, with covered lighting and post-processing, and even erotic pictures at all. To find out whose photo is used in fact, you need to search on the picture and find duplicates. This is called "Reversible search in the picture" - this opportunity is given search engines, and This is where it turns out that Asya Tyutyushkin from Syktyvkar is actually Sasha Gray from Sacramento, California.


Repographs and tests - this is what distinguishes fake accounts. Create real records for a long time and troublesome, and something from someone to drag - easily. So the pages of non-existent people are trying to "choose who you are in the game of Thrones" and reposts of other people's records.

Frequency update

Living people lead their pages gradually, filling from time to time, somewhere more often, somewhere less often. For fake pages, the following are almost always true: most records are made if not within one day, then in a very short period of time (dozens and hundreds of posts in a few days).


When you try to expose the "dead soul" of his creator (he is a real man) leads excuses like "blocked the page, I had to create a new one" (they say, so it is so fresh and unfilled) or "I specifically made a second page" (for some There goals).

It is useful to know that the real owner of the page can return to himself hacked / stolen account, if he proves its authorship (there will help paper documents and various control questions), so the first argument is not an argument. In the second case, you can ask you to send a message from the main page to make sure everything is clean.

Often, Fake "goes to failure" and says "you do not want - do not believe, I'm not going to prove anything," usually this is a reaction to the question of person's personality or his hometown (which, of course, native only in the questionnaire).

Friends and Follovier

Do not be surprised if you see the fake of the same fakes and robots in friends, the number of which is calculated by many thousands. And every post or a picture of lady and reprint a couple of hundreds of bots immediately.

We are looking for fake machine gun

You can check all your network friends on the subject of the account manually, and you can experience one of the services that can identify active, silent or blocked users in different social networks. So, for twitter is suitable

Methods for blocking fake pages

Fakes (eng. - Fake) - Fake Pages in social networkscreated in order to mislead, issuing themselves for another person.

This phenomenon is well familiar to public people. In any social network, there are thousands of fake celebrity accounts that outstand themselves for the original.

Such accounts are used for various purposes: spam, provocations, slanders, conflict creation, etc. Sometimes they become even more popular with the original. There are cases when fake accounts were quoted in the media as real statements of famous people.

Euronews referred to the fake account of Sergei Lavrov on Twitter - Lenta.Ru

A separate type of fake is the so-called parody accounts. They are drawn up similar to the real pages of the human ridicule, but with a distorted name or avatar. Because of which formally does not violate the rules of the social network, since they are not fake.

For example, parody twitter account perperient Roisci It has about 2 million subscribers and once overtook the authentic account of the President of Russia.

How to protect yourself?

You can independently try to block fake accounts by contacting the support service. We work so complex tasksWhen supporting support service is not effective.

So that our applications are processed faster, we cooperate directly with the administration of popular resources: VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Mail.Ru, Twitter.

What we can

  • Mass blocking
  • In well-known persons, the number of fakes can be huge - dozens or hundreds at the same time in different social networks. Block each separately through the appeal to the support service is inconvenient.
    In this case, we can block all the fake accounts at once, submitting lists in the administration of the social network.

  • Permanent monitoring
  • Tracking new fake accounts and automatic blocking. This allows you to detect and block new fakes earlier than they have time to gain popularity.

  • If the support service refuses
  • Sometimes the support service refuses to block the fake page, referring to the lack of violations of the site rules. In this case, we help to collect evidence and solve the issue in your favor.

Confirmed accounts

To distinguish real celebrity profiles from fake, social networks exist special confirmed accounts.

Such accounts are marked by a badge that guarantees that the site administration conducted an inspection and the page really belongs to this person.

The rules for obtaining confirmed status in most social networks are not clearly described. Each case is considered individually. We assist in

To date, the social network of VKontakte enjoys a great success among citizens of different ages, gender, nationality. When communicating with an unfamiliar person, it is worth paying great attention to the study of his personality. Fake is a very common phenomenon. How to refer to this fact will tell the article. You will learn how to create a fake page.

Fast navigation:

Fake page VKontakte and Law

The fake page is the same page, but with other data. The phrase fake page in many are associated with a violation of the law, deception and other negative things, but, in fact, the fake created by VKontakte is quite harmless. Hiding a genuine name or surname does not mean any crimes. As a rule, fake pages create people who need to hide their real data and position themselves as another person. In addition, fictional name and surname are invented in order to reflect any goods or services in the social network, and then they create a name that is consonant with the "brand". For example, the girl decided to advertise VKontakte the Internet - the store selling cosmetics, then it may well be in his profile to write the name of the type: Cosmetic, beautiful and. etc. People engaged in yoga and spiritual practices often wear the second surname: Bright, happy, angel and. etc. It adds a certain charm.

Also, people create fakes in order to simply not put their name for everyone to review - why not!? In this article, we will look at various nuances concerning fake pages and how to create a fake page VKontakte.

What is a fake page VKontakte

Fakes should be considered a fake page. It can be created absolutely in any social network. Such an account is a non-personal page. The fake account can discover absolutely any person outstanding himself in a social network for a different real and fictional personality.

What is needed fake page VK

The fictional page may be needed both in personal interests and for other purposes that were voiced above. If you are craving to communicate with someone, but do not want someone to know that it is your person, the fake page Vkontakte will have to be in such a situation as it is impossible. This behavior is absolutely not contrary to the laws, unless of course, such communication does not carry threats to life.
In addition, from the fake page it is very convenient to wind people in the community. It is important to know that when the turnover is exaggerated during the cheating, the real page can freeze that it is not entirely desirable. Thus, the fake page will save you from the break of the presence of VKontakte.
The distribution of advertising information in large-scale volumes is also better to perform from such pages. In case you do not want to independently engage in the promotion of the page and the community, where you are the head with a fake, you can use the services of specialists and give them such a page with a password.

How to create a fake page

Now you can go almost to the most an important moment And get the answer to the question of how to create a fake page in one of the most popular social. Networks VKontakte. In the case when you already have a personal page, you must get out of it. Then you need with the mandatory introduction of new data. To do this, you need a new telephone number and new email. Everything else passes according to the standard plan. With the introduction of personal data, use a new fictional name and surname. In graphs where you need to make data about studying and work, as well as you can make absolutely any information. The same applies to the country of residence, the city, the phone number. It is important to know that some of these data make not necessarily.

Create fake pages VKontakte can be used by a special site. Such a resource can be easily found on the unbursted worldwide network using the query string. The most visited site for such things can be considered a "SMS Reg" portal, which is specifically used to activate pages in social networks. After you find a site, you need to register. The creation of a page in this way has its advantages. First, you do not need to acquire a new SIM card, because on the site you will receive new number In virtual mode, paying for this some amount. This number will belong to your account. BUT new page You can activate by password in SMS message. Only minus such an account registration is waiting check code. Sometimes it has to wait about 2-3 hours, but these are not constant costs. Now you know a lot of information on how to make the fake page Vkontakte.

Than dangerous fake pages vkontakte

Personally, for the owner, the danger of the fake page is only that it can be banned for abuse or in case the information coming from it will contradict the laws. For foreign users online, fake pages may carry the danger in what they can be used for fraudulent purposes. For example, in order to transfer money, or requests for personal data (number bank card, Passport data I.T.D). There are often cases when scammers download photos of friends from someone - either account and begin to write the owner on behalf of close people asking for urgent transfers of money I.T.D. Thus, people are not just saling, but earn a lot of money. In order not to get into the paws of the scammers, you need to be able to distinguish the fake page from the present. Avoid the consequences of communication with fakes you will be able to learn how to determine the fake page Vkontakte.

How to determine the fake page vkontakte

Determine the fake page is simple enough for this not necessarily be a genius or possess special programs to calculate fakes. In order to avoid tricks from fraudsters, you just need to see the page data and think logically, "could this user could create a fake page?"
The first thing to pay attention to - avatar. The main photo of the profile should be natural. Fakes as a rule download photos of beauties or handsome workers worked on Photoshop. Showing a bright form of fraudsters just just trying to attract your attention.
In addition, you need to pay time for the study of other photos. Real people contain real photos on their page (family, study, work, hobbies). Fakes in most cases looped in the photo
One topic that needs to be promoted. From this we can conclude that all photos loaded several days earlier and the absence of long-term records already indicates a fake.
Also worth paying attention to subscribers and friends. When cheating are often used dogs (deleted users). Finding a large number of "Empty" accounts should be alerted.
So, having encountered a stunning beauty in the network, always remember that the predatory man can hide from that side of the monitor.

We often receive offers spamming character: to spend an unforgettable evening or quickly earn a huge amount of money sitting on the sofa. Usually sending messages from fake accounts. Such addressees need to be able to identify and neutralize, as they take away a lot of time, which is always small.

Why define and delete fake subscribers

Finding fake among subscribers is necessary for several reasons:

  1. They will never buy anything. "Friend" with them there is no reason.
  2. The bots reduce the performance of the software campaign. After all, they do not put "husky", do not repass and do not participate in hot disputes when publishing provocative entries.
  3. In addition to reducing the final results, the fakes make it difficult to calculate indicators. After all, the presence in the group of 3,000 people does not say at all about the fact that they are all real people.

It should be noted that not all the fakes are equally dangerous:

  • Really threaten the information and finance spammers capable of "throwing" an advertisement place for publications. They can lay out indecent posts. There are many fraudsters among them that earn at infection of users with viruses.
  • The bots created to increase the authority can offer friendship or join the group, but nothing else to do. They are sufficiently harmless, but they interfere with obtaining the correct result of statistical data.

Below, you will learn how to distinguish the "live" subscribers, from bots. Usually they are similar to low-active or "sleeping" users.

How to determine bots on social networks yourself

So that the fakes do not flood the account and did not interfere with the full admin work Groups, it is advisable to identify and block them at the stage of adding to friends.

To determine the fake account, you must pay attention to the following signs:

  • Photo of celebrities, abstract image, indecent pictures as an avatar.
  • Thousands of friends and subscribers, among which most of which are also not real people.
  • On the page there are no photos from recreation, events, photos with family.
Little personally written content content - either the mines, or nothing at all, although this situation is possible and in the case when the account belongs to the real user.

How to determine fake accounts among friends in social. Networks

Automatic bots search tools allow you to quickly sort the list of friends in each of the social list. networks in which moderator

Quickly find bots in help the following services:

Quickly find fake followers in Instagram will help the iGexorcist service, computing fake accounts when interacting with other users. To work the service must have account Without visibility limit, the account must contain a photo in an amount of at least 10 pieces.

The application generates a report in which the number of unreal accounts is indicated after analysis.

Find blocked subscribers in Help antiDogs - service checking the number of users blocked by the system. The service works very simply, to obtain information, you must enter the URL group to the proposed field.

The service will show not only constantly, but also temporarily blocked users. TO paid service Removes from a group of all "violators". You can defile only temporary or permanent users only.

Check fake accounts will help the VKFAKE service. To do this, the Account URL is entered into the desired field similar to the fake, and one of the check options is selected. Soon, developers promise to enter communities check.

Cleaning the community from users blocked by the system will help to produce the VKBOT service.

The search for bots in such networks as, Google+ and "", it is better to manually, because applications are practically absent here.

You can, for example, search for photos from Avatar to Google by clicking the right button in the photo and selecting the desired option. According to the results, it will be possible to draw conclusions.

FakeOff is presented from automatic methods that form the lists of friends. Then the service proposes to check each separately, for which it is necessary to click on the Activation button for each account.

Additional questions service is set to obtain clarifying information, after which pressing the Submit and Get Basic Results button will result in the issuance of final results.

What to do with fake accounts on social networks

Fake accounts need to be removed in maximum quantity, leaving only active bots that form a custom and participating in all discussions. These bots are usually managed by operators, therefore, in fact, they can be equal to full accounts.

Fakes are better to determine and not allow their page at the stage of the friendship suggestion, the registration of the user in the group.

Using automatic software By cleaning the group, it will not be superfluous to double-check the results manually. The services listed above are far impaired, so in order to save all real subscribers and friends, it is better to view the selected accounts by the accounts again.

Sincerely, Nastya Chekhov