Earnings on the arbitration of traffic from scratch: step-by-step instructions, schemes, reviews of real people. What is traffic arbitration? Where to start a newcomer! Earnings on the Arbitration Traffic Step-by-step instruction

Recently is becoming increasingly popular. Being excellent, he attracts a large number of newcomers. Not all of them have sufficient knowledge for a good start, so they often try to find step-by-step instructions that can lead them to the first money. Let us try to form the main stages of working with traffic and specify the newly arrived direction of movement towards success and arrived.

First of all, you should know that traffic is called visitors to the resource, which, seeing advertising, became interested in her and switched to the link. The whole essence of the arbitration is to attract and purchase traffic and its direction to the desired commodity offer. For the completed target action, the arbitral game receives a reward. The difference between traffic costs and received remuneration and is an earnings.

Where to start a newcomer?

The first thing to be made newcomer on the way to its first money in arbitration is to register in. They help to implement the cooperation of arbitrals and advertisers. The network of affiliate programs provide technical support for webmasters, provide promotional materials and statistical tracking tools. You need to approach the choice, you should not pay attention to little-known affiliates before getting time it is important to find reviews and recommendations regarding cooperation with a specific network.

Admitad One of the top affairs, it has long has a reputation as a reliable service. Therefore, your journey to arbitration should be started with registration in this network. It offers a huge offshift catalog for every taste, including exclusive, large selection of tools that allow you to increase conversion, instant payments and full support for webmasters.

Registration to the Admitade takes place in three stages:

  1. The first stage consists of filling the questionnaire in which you should specify: Name; the status in which work will be carried out (a physical or legal person); login and password; as well as contact details.
  2. The next stage implies receipt of information on web master sites and alleged working methods. You can choose any type of site and fill out data about it. The selection of the category offers to specify which one of them is closest to the novice web master and with what work it will be more interesting.
    You should not be afraid if there is not a single work site, the administha is working with different sources of traffic, including contextual and teaser advertising, as well as publications on social networks. Affiliate network staff have developed recommendations for the rapid creation of workplaces and their use.
  3. The third stage of registration, finalizing, and requires confirmation of the registration and activation of the account through the mail.

After the account is activated, you need to confirm the possession of the advertising platform. Confirmation passes quickly and in this situation with the VC group requires only to enter the owner account. On this webmaster registration ends, and it enters the admitade working area.

How to choose offer sv?

After the registration is successfully completed, go to the option of the offper. The offper is called an advertiser's offer, which advertising that the webmaster attracts traffic and receives income. It is believed that the novice is easiest to earn its first money on the commercial, that is, the offices offering to buy a specific product.

In order to get on the list of proposals, you must go to the "Affiliate Programs" tab in the top panel. The review will be presented a complete list, from which you need to choose the appropriate filter using the available filters. The sorting tool is located on the right and sticks the drop-down menu with the criteria.

  1. The rating shows how popular and efficient offer, the higher the rating and number of stars, the more conversion occurs on it.
  2. ESRS - An indicator of the effectiveness of clicking, the cost of one transition. It is averaged, and shows the arbitrage to which income can count on. The higher the ESRS, the better.
  3. Tariff - describes a specific target action for which payment is paid: for a confirmed order. For subscription, for registration and so on.
  4. The size of the partner reward - indicates the payment for the perfect target action.
  5. Cookies' duration has a considerable value. It shows how time the transition link and subsequent purchase or subscription takes place to the current web master. Duration per day means that the target action performed the next day will not be attributed to the arbitrator.
  6. Available traffic - shows what types of traffic are accepted when working with the current proposal. This criterion is very important and must be familiar with him before the start of traffic involvement.

When choosing an offper, it is primarily to evaluate the rating, ESRS and the percentage of order confirmation. All these indicators in the aggregate characterize a good offer.

After the offer selected it must be connected. For this:

  • press the "Read more" button;
  • we put a tick about reading the rules of PP, they should be read so that no misunderstandings arose in the process of work;
  • click "Connect".

After fulfilling all actions, the arbitrator will receive an alert that the application is enjoyable for consideration and should wait for the decision. You can start work only after the offer is activated. After activation, go to the "Advertising Materials" section and select suitable for continuing, as well as to generate an affiliate reference that follows.

How to advertise offer?

The main work of the web master is the creation of various advertising campaigns aimed at demonstrating offer to a greater number of people. There are many ways to advertise the goods in order to deal with more in this matter and see the arbitration on living examples, beginners worth reading the case of arbitralists who have already achieved considerable success.

The most effective and simple advertising methods are contextual advertising and publication on social networks, it is from them that they are advised to begin beginners.

contextual advertising

The contextual is called advertising, which is displayed on the site with the appropriate theme or in searching for relevant requests. It is believed that this type of advertising is the most effective, due to the fact that declarations of ads are made by users initially interested in something like that. Such advertising campaigns give a quick result, do not require extensive costs, have flexible settings, a large set of analytics tools, informativeness and convenient format. Each search engine has a contextual advertising campaign service.

Google AdWords.

  • the system is intuitive and does not cause difficulties in the setup;
  • allows in a very short time to receive the most interested users;
  • provides a resource selection to broadcast ad;
  • small price per click.

To create and configure an advertising campaign, you must create an account in Google, after that create the RC itself in AdWords and start setting up. Performing settings, you should know that the largest flow of the company will give the type of company on the search and media network at the same time. If you need to make targeting setting. Additional settings allow you to limit the display time, as well as monitor and optimize budget consumption.

Yandex. Direct

System of contextual advertising from Yandex (article -). It has a lot of advantages along with his opponent. The creation of an advertising campaign also does not cause difficulties even from newbies. Full access to the office and the implementation of total monitoring results makes it possible to adjust the announcement at any time. Targeting settings, tracking and optimization of budget spending, a huge range of analytics tools and evaluating the effectiveness of the RK.

To configure an advertising campaign, Yandex has developed a setup wizard, which step by step performs the desired settings, suggesting the user the required action. Allows you to create black sheets, that is, a list of sites on which the announcement will not be broadcast. And also asks for plus words, which are key requests for displaying the current ad and will be focused on the entire RC.

These are the main most famous services aimed at working with contextual advertising and do not require professional skills for use. In addition to them, there are still many similar resources. For example, Digly and Aory are also designed for complete beginners in contextual advertising issues.

Advertising in publics

Most often, newcomers ask a question how to start arbitration with a small amount, experienced arbitrals in their cases give direction towards social networks. It is from publications in groups VK, Facebook and advised to start the development of arbitration with minor budgets.

You can do this by contacting the Public Administrators and order advertising. Before choosing a group for publishing, you should carefully examine the statistics of visits and the activity of the group. There are publics with a large number of accessed participants in which the zero, the sense of advertising will not be possible. It is better to choose a small group, but with good activity, husky and discussions. Also, referring directly, the webmaster risks running on the unfair owner who accepts payment will not publish the advertising post.

To avoid such situations, it is worth contacting special services and exchanges aimed at working with advertising on social networks. Each network has its own advertising service, for example, advertising in classmates is created through target.mail.ru, all other popular networks have their own built-in advertising exchanges in groups, as well as tools for creating targeting advertising. These services implemented all the options for setting up and selecting the target audience to display ads. But it should be remembered that currently tightened the requirements for the offpersers that can be advertised, especially for the bidder.

  1. Sociate.ru allows you to create and place an advertisement in social networking groups. He has a large database of public administrators offering their services and is famous for low rates.
  2. Plibber is especially no different in functionality and opportunities from the previous stock exchange.

Working with services is intuitive and will not cause newcomer difficulties.

Summing up the above described, it should be said that all highlights for starting a beginner In the arbitration of traffic and receiving their first money described in detail. Adhering to the recommendations, the result will receive each. But do not forget that the arbitration requires constant improvement, so it is necessary to constantly read new information on the topic, to study the cases of arbitral boots and then you can achieve great success.

It is an earnings on the difference between the cost of traffic and the amount of remuneration from affiliate programs that this traffic merges.

The basic concepts of arbitration

  • Advertiser - Seller of goods, services, online service, in need of customers or new users. For example, online store, dating service or online game publisher;
  • Partner - Webmaster, arbitral player, SMM specialist, who for remuneration finds customers to the advertiser;
  • Offer - Offer advertiser partners in earnings. The program describes a specific product or service, traffic requirements (for example, the geography of potential customers), allowed methods for advertising and commission;
  • CPA network - Mediator between partners and advertisers. The CPA network assumes the technical and organizational side of the work of the affiliate program, ensures the accounting of traffic and financial settlements between partners and advertisers.

What is an affiliate program

As a partner is charged a fee

  • CPA - a model of a partner's one-time remuneration for the user executed action. The advertiser does not pay for site visitors, but only for those who will do what he needs. For example: the application is downloaded, issuing or paying the order will sign on the services, register in social or casino;
  • Revshare - a partner's share model of a partner from a profit-brought by the client. Often used in the gembling-affiliates. For example, once the user in the online casino, the partner will receive a percentage of the institution's profits all the time while this user loses.

What is needed for earnings on arbitrage

For earnings you need to register in the affiliate program and get traffic. These are the target users who you will attract various advertising methods and make way go through the affiliate link to the advertiser's website.

  • Target users - people who can be interested in advertised goods or service.
  • Partner link - the URL of the advertiser site, unique for each partner. If the user switched through this link, it is believed that the client brought the partner to which this link was issued.

How defined target audience

Each time the arbitral player studies a product or service and creates a portrait of a potential buyer - gender, age, place of residence, interests and other parameters. The more accurately the target audience is described, the more effective advertising and more profit.

Not always the initial hypothesis about target users is correct. It is necessary to analyze the effectiveness of advertising and adjust it if necessary.

Ways to get traffic without investment

If there is no money to buy traffic on the advertisement exchange, you will have to pay for the target users on your own and time. As a rule, free traffic is reduced to two types of work:

  1. Creating content in large quantities - articles and illustrations for social networks and sites, videos for YouTube or Instagram;
  2. Perform a large number of work on the registration of acurates, posting, correspondence, sending messages.

In some cases, you can use demo version or free trials of programs and services to promote.

Free traffic can be mined from one of the following sources:

  • Own website;
  • Community in the social network;
  • Channel in telegrams;
  • Canal on YouTube;
  • Spam on social networks;
  • E-mail distribution;
  • Direct sales.

Creating your own site to get traffic

Own site is a source of high-quality SEO traffic. You can create a blog on one of the free platforms (for example, blogspot.com) or on a paid hosting. In the second case, minimum costs - a domain name (from 191 rubles for a domain in zone.ru) and hosting (from 96 rubles per month).

Disadvantages of using your own website

  • Need to pay for the domain and hosting;
  • The development of the site will take time before the permanent audience appears;
  • Traffic cannot be filtered, it is necessary to either search for universal offera, or use the scripts of a banner rotator and show different visitors to different advertising.

The advantage of your site

  • The promotion site is almost a free source of high-quality traffic;
  • You know your audience well and its interests;
  • There are no costs for testing creatives and various offers;
  • No moderation and restrictions on the subject of advertising placed. You yourself decide which banners to put and with what properties to work.
  • In addition, the site with a permanent audience itself is value. It can be sold on the stock exchange, for example, Telderi. We recommend our detailed.

How much can you earn on your own website and affiliate

Statistics below shows earnings on affiliates for six months on the site dedicated to the treatment of varicose veins.

Feedback on own sites, as sources of traffic for the arbitration from Wildo

Future for organic traffic, so it is important to invest in the means and forces in our own sites. Sooner or later, top advertisers will push ordinary arbitral boards with ordinary stock exchanges. And then those sites will be especially valuable, where strangers will not be able to publish advertising. For example, your own sites.

An example of earnings on affiliaters and your own website

As sites become not only sources of traffic, but also passive income shows. Webmaster made blogs on copied content. On one domain, up to 1000 pages on LF keys were created. After indexing, no work was performed. With the help of banners and online forms, traffic merged into the Affiliate program BESTEDUDEAL. 60 such sites every month bring a webmaster $ 3,000 - $ 4,500 passive income.

Creating your own public or groups in social

This source has an important advantage - a community on a social network can be created and developed for free. You are provided with a ready engine and infrastructure. It remains to publish interesting content and promote the community with free methods.

The lack of using his own public or group is the high time and strength to create and develop the community.

Advantages of public or groups on social networks

  • A sustainable audience community - a permanent source of free traffic;
  • You can publish promotional posts with graphics, videos large and any text. It is more efficient than spam;
  • You can advertise offers who will not miss the Moderators of the official stock exchange;
  • In the active group, users begin to generate content themselves;
  • Permanent community participants loyally relate to advertising.

How to create a community in a social network for arbitration

So you act in order to earn money, it is important to choose commercially valuable community themes. Main criteria:

  • On this topic, new offera performs regularly, allowing traffic from social operators;
  • You can find or create interesting materials for regular publication;
  • This topic does not violate the Rules of Social.

For example, for automotive advertising, create a community for repairing machines, with autonomy or tuning. If you intend to work with game offices - do a public for fans of the games of a particular genre. And for sales of children's goods it is better to create women's groups.

Recalling earnings on traffic from social networks

Using a channel in telegrams for earnings

The advantage of Telegram from the point of view of arbitration is in the great involvement of the audience. Unlike social networks, the post in the channel will read at least 50% of subscribers. To create a channel in telegrams you do not need finances. The main thing is to publish interesting content. We recommend our, and will help to bypass the blocking of arbitrations from the Russian Federation.

How much can you earn on traffic from Telegraph

The possibilities of this source demonstrates. The arbitral player used free traffic from Telegram and earned 59,550 rubles net profit.

As can be seen from the case, if your own channel is supplemented with a neat spam in chats, you can spend 450 rubles per domain, and earn 60,000.

Feedback on traffic from Telegraph from Artem Prokofiev (owner of the CPA-network "Ordanets")

Compared to Instagram, VC and classmates, the channel telegrams has the highest yield from 1000 advertising impressions. Artem Prokofiev recommends this platform for business.

Using a channel in YouTube as a source of free traffic

YouTube provides video hosting services with a convenient channel creation, download, and a simple video editor. The advantage of this service is:

  • Specialization is easily perceived - video content;
  • The functions of the social network (subscription, huskits, comment) simplify the attraction of the audience with free methods and help the author support a dialogue with subscribers;
  • This is a search engine number 2 after Google. Using the optimization of the page with the video, you can seek high positions in the video search results and receive additional traffic;
  • Video from YouTube is shown in the results of Google and Yandex search results for which the roller page is optimized. What also brings traffic.

Users of this site are looking for not only entertainment, but also lessons, tips, reference information. This allows you to advertise in YouTube commercial offers (for example, video unpacking of goods or testing gadgets) or services.

The main difficulty in the development of the YouTube channel - in content. In order to increase and hold the audience, you need to regularly post new and interesting videos. The author of the channel must be able to maintain a high pace of publications.

The traffic arbitration is a popular, but very competitive way to make money on the network, which is generated by obtaining a positive difference between the cost of traffic itself and exhaust after its purchase and redirection. By "traffic" means a n number of living people, and the whole essence of arbitration comes down to the total profit exceeding the cost of buying traffic.

Simple example:

You bought 1000 transitions on a showcase of an affiliate program for $ 10, 3 people made a purchase, which brought you $ 20. Arbitration was successful, clean earnings - $ 10.

This niche has a lot of features. Allow the most significant:

  • Arbitration and even earn round sums without your own site.
  • To start work, it is not necessary to have big budgets. Of course, the magnitude of earnings depends on investments, but to obtain no less valuable personal experience can be started even with 50 dollars.
  • It is theoretically to engage in arbitration. I would compare it with a poker game - the rules are simple, but the devil lies in the details (daily routine tasks, plums at the start, the ability to properly build a process and the like.).
  • Everything is spinning around the right work with three components: traffic sources, offices (affiliate programs) and analytics.

Speaking more specifically - in the "arbitration", a decisive role is played by personal experience. On the Internet there are a lot of paid courses, manuals, learning lectures and the like. But the fact is that it is better to attempt to earn money by putting $ 100 to the purchase of traffic than for the same money to buy any courses. Basics You will always find interns for free, and someone's "training materials" in 95% of cases will be a compact report of public information and some irrelevant cases.

Where to take traffic?

You can even get a certain amount of traffic. To do this, you need to either have own sites with attendance, or "promoted" profiles on social networks, or professionally engage in spam. In the article earnings on its site, the basic principles of cooperation with partner programs are described in detail, which is relevant for the arbitrals.

The most popular ways to buy traffic are:

  • Team networks - They differ relative cheap, large volumes, but low quality visitors. Most often used for entertainment direction (cosmetics, weight loss, history of the surname, etc.).
  • Social networks - This includes the purchase of advertising posts in groups or the use of automated software spam by communities, discussions or profiles of real people.
  • contextual advertising - allows you to buy thematic, really targeted traffic. The price is not the lowest, however, the platforms in Adsense and are allowed to find a solvent audience in any niche.
  • Rest - Banner networks, Popanders (floating windows), Klikander (new tab after any click), iframe, rich media (Flash rollers with sound) and so on.

It is important to understand that there are no "best" and "worst" traffic sources. On each of them you can make it to merge and merge. Everything is very individual and depends on the mass of factors: offer, advertising campaign settings, the correct choice of target audience, etc.

Where to merge it?

First of all, you must decide on the model on which you will earn. Payment can be carried out for action (30 minutes in the game, application for advice of a lawyer), for sale (then you get your%) or for sending SMS messages. The latter, by the way, has lost its former popularity, because Cellular operators tightened the rules due to the "gray" schemes (SMS spam, Frod, the spread of viruses, input in misconception).

Newbies are best started with affiliate programs, like Admitad or ActionPay. First, it's just - immediately after registration, you will see several hundred offenders, which can be connected directly inside the system (it serves as an intermediary). Secondly, it is effective - similar aggregators have a lot of built-in tools (ready-made landing pages, statistics and analytics functions, integration into other services), allowing to work more efficiently.

After registering in an affiliate program (at least directly, at least through an intermediary), you will receive an affiliate link where you need to redirect traffic. Often, promotional materials (banners of different sizes) are attached to the offices - you can use them, or create your own creatives.

Direct arbitration (when traffic goes directly to the affiliate link) is largely inferior to work through landing pages that allow you to study traffic in more detail and work on optimizing its quality. Under the landing page, "Landing" is meant, that is, a one-page site created with the sole purpose - to push a person to a certain action.

Many newcomers begin with entertainment traffic and game offshoes - this is an excellent bunch in order to gain experience, even if not very positive. I advise you not to adhere to such a rule and start with what you personally see the perspective.

First steps in arbitration

As mentioned above, almost all paid courses with "private schemes" are an attempt by their authors to squeeze the latest money on what no longer works or works, but not as good as written in the manual.

At the very beginning of the "arbitral path" simply read all the free information on the Internet. In each article, you can find several really useful facts or tips, your task is to compile the knowledge gained in your head. It will not be superfluous to follow the news of CPA networks to feel the "trends" of the market.

Do not dwell on something one. Try different offera, traffic sources, promotional materials. It is very important to test the testing in order to ultimately know your target audience. For example, by samples and errors, you must come to understand that your product is bought on weekdays from 13:00 to 17:00 Unmarried women 21-23 years old with one child.

And in order to obtain such data, you need to carry out your own experiments and improve the settings of advertising campaigns (targeting, black list of sites, the best promotional materials). Analytics helps to install bots (garbage traffic), to understand the typical behavior of the audience and, as a result, choose only the topics that bring revenues.

The traffic arbitration is the redirection of targeted traffic, purchased, as cheaper as possible, on affiliate programs or various resources for obtaining financial benefits.

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Most modern business projects are built on the principle of resale products or services. They increase the initial price and make a profit. The traffic arbitration can be compared with the market trip. Having bought a bag of potatoes from a wholesale seller, you sell it to retail in the next market. But twice the price all the same attracts many customers. They do not know that somewhere there is it possible to buy goods cheaper. Or we will conduct a parallel with cryptocurrency. You could buy Bitcoin for 1000 dollars in 2013, and after 4 years, gained capital gained 17 times. The goods are the same, the place of sale has not changed, but the price increases with time.

First, you need to learn such definitions as traffic, cr, cpa, roi, etc. Let's start with the standard dictionary of major terms and abbreviations that each arbitrator should know.

  • Traffic - flow of people on the site for a certain period of time.
  • LEAD is an attracted client who responded to the marketing stroke.
  • Offers () - Advertising offers of affiliate networks for which traffic is poured.
  • CPA (COST PER ACTION) - payment for performing a certain action by the attracted client. For example: Registration, order of goods, payment for services, etc.
  • CPC (COST PER Click) - the cost of clicking when organizing an advertising company.
  • CR (Conversion Rate) is a conversion, that is, the ratio of the number of leads to the total number of unique hosts.
  • EPC (Earn Per Click) - Earnings of the Arbitralgeon for Click.
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate) - the ratio of clicks on your ads to the total number of impressions. Illustrates the effectiveness of your creativity.
  • ROI (RETURN OF INVESTMENT) is a percentage that displays income ratios to advertising means.

How to make money on the arbitration

Arbitration is a whole area of \u200b\u200bInternet business, which has its own major players, its laws and rules. Daily thousands of people from all over the world buy huge traffic flows, which they are successful (or not very) redirected. Most new players in this market simply buy advertising everywhere where only you can. Such an approach rarely brings success that it is often possible to observe the thematic forums of arbitrals, where such "Mount-Businessmen" is shouting with might and main that this is all deception and money here not to earn. In fact, they simply did not make enough effort.

Despite the high competition, everyone can earn on arbitration. The main plus of this type of earnings - you work for yourself and does not depend on anyone.

To begin, it is enough to find an affiliate program. Let's go through important details you need to know:

Where can I buy traffic for arbitration

On the Internet there are paid and free ways to get traffic. Receiving free traffic requires a lot of time and effort that does not always pay off. If you do not have starting capital, then you can experience good traffic in the extraction of free traffic. Also conditionally free is the traffic from personal resources: your blog, site, public vk or channel on YouTube.

The main flow of traffic is bought for money. The more investment, the more traffic, but does not mean that more profit. Earnings on the arbitration of traffic occurs due to the difference in advertising and profits.

Sources of traffic

Partner Networks

Webmasters work upon themselves. Everyone chooses his niche to which traffic directs. There are many offers of different areas and directions: from Affiliate programs Aliexpress and Gearbest to Offers of the volcanic casino.

Many arbitral fibers are engaged in commodity advantages, where they receive a certain percentage of sales. CPA networks in this segment have a huge amount, they have been working steadily and steadily, honestly paying the work of webmasters. For beginners, such networks are perfectly suitable as.

There are also a number of different affiliate networks that offer offers of gambling. These include casinos, slot machines, slots and so on. To climb into such a market novice is not worth it, because A very high entry threshold for which large budgets need. One of these is Welcome Partners, which is no longer the first year on the market.

When choosing affiliate programs, you need to be extremely attentive. You can encounter fraudsters who will not pay you and disappear. Use partner network monitoring sites as FFERATOR (https://offerature.ru/networks/best).

The tools for searching offers in different affiliates there is a huge amount, the most convenient, in our opinion is a search for CPA Daily. The main thing is not to be afraid to try something new, because every day the situation in the market changes. Stable profit and high ROI today can turn into large losses tomorrow.

Let's summarize. To start making money on the arbitration of traffic, you need:

  1. Select CPA networks.
  2. Decide on the offper, based on analytical data provided by the Affiliate Network.
  3. Choose a source of traffic, examine in detail the features of working with it.
  4. Create, order or copy creative.
  5. Wait for transitions and leads.
  6. Get profit.

The traffic arbitration is one of the largest sections of Manyamyaking on a network that does not require special knowledge from the webmaster, large budgets, many years of site and other resources. In this article, we will try to explain in detail exactly what the arbitrage is engaged in what is a CPA affiliate, offers and so on. Go!

How to make money on the arbitration

If you translate the phrase "traffic arbitration" into Russian, then this expression can be designated as "mediation".

- This is a seller who needs to sell the goods, issue a loan, get a new client to his bookmaker and the like.

Arbitrator - It's you: a person who promotes Offer and receives a commission from sales, deposits, registration, etc.

CPA.-net - This is a platform through which all work is carried out, such sites are called affiliate programs. They provide individual links, full statistics of transitions and sales, support and other information.

Earnings are fairly simple:

  1. You register in the CPA network;
  2. Choose offer (loans, sports rates, online games, household appliances, etc.);
  3. Read the terms of the offper and affiliate program;
  4. Choose advertising tools (ready-made lending, links, banners - anything);
  5. Promoting offer;
  6. The client passes by your advertising and buys the goods;
  7. Offer pays you a percentage of the transaction.

As we see, everything is quite transparent. Of course, there are many nuances in this topic. For example, some offera prohibit the use of some kind of promotion method, some put restrictions on targeting (for example, only girls or people from 25), some oblige you to advertise goods in coordination, etc. However, for the most part, the traffic arbitration at the initial stage is a fairly simple scheme for developing.

How much can you earn on the arbitration of traffic

Income in the arbitration of traffic is very difficult to predict, and depends on dozens of factors. Of course, the main thing that affects the size of earnings is the experience! Experienced arbitrals earn tens of thousands of dollars a day, and some hundreds. Yes, there is no mistake here, some arbitral players earn more than $ 100,000 dollars per day! Of course, such units, and this is not a stable income, but only when there is a working bunch of offper and a traffic source, tested and working. Sometimes, to find such a bundle, you have to spend thousands of dollars and months on tests. But on average, everything is not so categorically, in most cases and smaller earnings, and the cost of finding a working bundle and tests are also less.

To understand the level of earnings, you can see Cases:

An example of earnings on the arbitration for 1.5 months. Costs see B.

To better understand understand what is arbitration of traffic, and where the money comes from, let's look at the example.

Take absolutely any offer, let us decide to make money on the sale of hours.

Example of the offer for the sale of goods (hours)

This offer offers us from 0.5% to 8% of the executed transaction. Suppose that with your advertising passed the buyer and bought Skagen Leather watches, the cost of which is 9390 rubles. In this case, the seller offers you a CPS in size 5% .

You get from one sale 469,5 rubles.

Amounts can be different, as they depend on:

  • topics;
  • audience;
  • final offer of Offer;
  • categories of goods, etc.

The main thing is that you have to learn: arbitration is a pretty flexible thing, to master that you need from small sales. Get the first experience, get the first hundred bucks, and then play in large.

And our first task is to choose a suitable CPA network.

Selection of an affiliate program

A rather large CPA network with a large Russian-speaking audience (a group in VK consists of about 100 thousand people). The "affiliate" offers us:

  • more than 800 offers;
  • high deductions (20-100 rubles higher than that of the rest);
  • consultations in VC or Telegram Messenger;
  • promotional materials for any offender and much more.

A very simple system that works on the network for more than 5 years. To begin with - quite a suitable option.



AD1 is: a large number of "commodity" offpers, the lack of payout delays, personal connection to exclusive programs, good technical support and much more.

For the most part, the AD1 is a platform for goods and online games, the rest of the destinations is not so much.

Each offer is checked manually, that is, no one deceives you. Often publish new items and exclusives. Plus, daily statistics are being conducted, due to which you can track the most popular offers and tools for working with clients.

Admitad is the largest network of "affiliates". At first it seems somewhat complicated, due to the multicomponent interface, but over time you understand that it is quite convenient to work here.

Since this network is global and large-scale, you can plunge into the world of traffic arbitration with your head. Every day, you will receive messages about advantageous advantages to you on the post office, the news is updated daily, full statistics are available - in general, a lot of material for familiarization is available.

The advantages of Admitad are that unknown brands can be found here (which are very many in AD1), and popular companies, such as MegaFon, M.Video and others.

Selection of Offer

What is better to start? In principle, all the platforms are pretty similar. If you just want to try, start with simple options. M1-SHOP or AD1 is quite suitable. If you are aimed at long-term work, you want to try out all the tools and see all programs, then immediately go to Admitad.

In general, it is desirable to consider all CPA networks, as they are conditionally divided into "spheres of influence":

  • products;
  • finance;
  • travels;
  • games and programs;
  • services, etc.

That is, if you want to attract people to Forex or binary options, look for an appropriate offer - for example, amarkets. If you want to sell goods, choose one of the top product offers, the list usually is on the main page of the affairs.

Registration in each network is simple and similar: login, password, adding site. Register in each system and determine the most optimal network.

How to choose a traffic source

There are two main ways to produce traffic: 1) for free, but for a long time; 2) quickly, but paid.

In the first caseyou must have a platform with a certain traffic (viewers, site visitors and so on). You can write a post (or record a video), where you say: "I tried this miracle cream, he helped me, buy it!". Your subscriber will go on the link, buy it, and you will fall a percentage of sales.

But it can be started at all from scratch, and create sites specifically for traffic arbitration and certain offers. Create thematic channels on YouTube, not necessarily even with your video. Create websites to visitors from search engines, use various free ways to promote social networks, for example.

Second optionThe most popular is to buy traffic and redirect traffic to the promoter offer.

It happens about the following:

  1. The arbitrator (you) buys advertising;
  2. In the advertisement writes a beautiful title;
  3. People go on advertising and fall, for example, on Landing from Offer;
  4. Make a purchase;
  5. You fall into account percentage of sales.

But everything is not so simple. How to guess which traffic is better to buy? Let's look at all the options from where we can receive paid traffic.

Search traffic

This is a very complex and heavy method for arbitration. Here you will need some kind of resource that we must promote.

Suppose you have an information site for repairing refrigerators. You often add new articles on this topic, you already have an audience, traffic from search engines - in general, the site works.

In this case, we do the following:

  1. We write a post that the refrigerators of the company "X" serve longer.
  2. We put a reference to a specific model (Offers often offer many options).
  3. We promote this post by advertising on other sites.
  4. People move from the search network to your article.
  5. You are waiting for the percentage of the sale.

In this case, you get the purest, high-quality traffic. However, the term "search traffic" falls another connotation associated with contextual advertising.

Here, work with the arbitration of traffic is simplified at times, for:

  • We do not need an authoritative site;
  • We can direct traffic immediately to a promotional page or at all on the offper site.
  1. The user writes a request to the search engine.
  2. The search engine gives him an advertising link on his topic.
  3. The user goes to the site, makes a purchase.

The arbitral player receives money.

What can there be problems?

Firstly, in conditions of far from each offper, this source of traffic is allowed, since many advertisers themselves use it and do not want competition from scratch.

SecondlyWhen you pour traffic through contextual advertising, you can lose big money. Yet such advertising is quite expensive, and the conversion from it is not necessarily high.

However, many arbitral players show creativity, create good funnel sites and get big money from sales. It is impossible to guess here, it all depends on the good luck and your creativity on the sale of goods or services.

Targeted advertising on social networks

Either, also targeted, that is, tuned to show only a specific audience.

Example promo fasting on Facebook

That is, the user of the social network sees those promotional proposals that are fully suitable for its location, age and interests. For example, on the first screenshot we see advertising dresses. It is clear that the announcement is exhibited, based on the following parameters:

  • women's page;
  • age from 18 years;
  • subscribe to thematic publics, etc.

A plus, very often advertising coincides with search queries that the user has entered not so long ago. For example, if you searched for a distance education on the network, then entering your favorite VK, you will receive a suitable ad in the block on the left.

Minuses The same: high price and low conversion, so show ingenuity in writing ads. However, on social networks there are other tools for placing advertising for arbitration.

Advertising in public vkontakte and other social networks

If you are a rather frequent user of social networks, then you probably saw similar posts in your tape. They are placed by the administrators of public and groups for money. What is relevant for arbitral boards, administrators give a discount for the wholesale purchase of posts.

What is her plus? In the fact that here you can bind an advertisement to the subject or name of the public, which will increase the conversion. In this case, the work scheme looks like this:

  1. You find the thematic public (humor, fashion, car, etc.).
  2. Contract with the owner of advertising.
  3. Independently make an advertising post, based on the preferences of the audience Public.
  4. Get the transitions by reference.
  5. Expect a percentage of sales.

The problem is that newcomers cannot competently compile interesting ads. Very often we see advertising, absolutely inappropriate under the subject of public and its audience.

As a result, in the community, where every post is gaining 3000-5000 likes, the advertisement collects only 100-150.

Team Traffic

The advantages are that this advertisement is very cheap, compared with previous options. In addition, she really attracts attention. The minuses are that people categorically do not trust such advertising: even after the visitor goes to the advertising page, he is unlikely to make a purchase there.

To begin with, you can try to experiment with teaser networks: Create a couple of ads and see how the case goes.

Team networks for arbitration:

  • Marketgid.com.
  • Kadam.ru.
  • VisitWeb.com.
  • Directadvert.ru.
  • Oblivki.biz
  • Teasernet.com.
  • Pay-click.ru.
  • Ladycash.ru.
  • Bodyclick.net.

We can place a banner on a suitable resource. For example, to agree with the owner of the site about sports put a banner with an advertisement online sports nutrition.

Secondly, you can create a really high-quality advertising proposal that will be shown to the audience.

Cons, as we understand, are a continuation of the advantages. First of all, we must create a high-quality banner, and for this you need to be able to draw or have to hire a freelancer.

Banners are poorly suitable for arbitration, because this is a tool aimed at the brand awareness, and not only to attract traffic. In addition, the placement of a banner on large platforms is quite expensive:

As an example, Rotaban.ru stock exchange

Outcome by advertising

The perfect advertising tool does not exist, it all depends on the arbitral boiler. A professional will be able to receive millions of rubles per month with the help of teaser networks, and the incompetent webmaster will even leave with a high-quality source in minus. So do not hope for a "miracle." The arbitration of traffic is the complex sphere of Maimage, which you need to study, and with your experience you will definitely get it to achieve a sane result.

Running and analyzing an advertising company

The launch of any company, regardless of the advertising platform, occurs according to the following algorithm:

  1. Definition of target audience. After registering in the CPA network and the choice of offer, you must clearly define the target audience on which you will be focused on the compilation of an advertisement.
  2. Determine the active part of the audience. For example, adults and children play online games. Your task is to identify that part of the audioity that will really make purchases in this game. As you understand, adults are more likely buying virtual things, so we make advertising for them.
  3. We make a beautiful advertising text. If you have problems with this - contact the copywriting exchange or the Freelance Exchange. There are a lot of specialists who will make a beautiful announcement: make a bright header, add description, etc.
  4. Run advertising. We make consecutive steps. If you have 50,000 rubles of the advertising budget, do not waste all the money for one announcement. Gradually skip "soil" and find the most successful options.

Track advertising. In order not to pull the entire advertising budget into the pipe, you need to constantly track the results. Make 5-10 ads and see which of them give the most effective result. Multiple options immediately drain, create new ones.

  • Arbitration of traffic is not a passive income, you need to constantly work with this trafficking;
  • Will not be successful in the first days of work;
  • Try to work out as many options as possible (this also applies to offer offers, and advertising instruments);
  • Always make unique ads that will differ from the ads of competitors;
  • Track "live" projects with a loyal audience - these are the main advertising platforms for you;
  • Choose offers who are interested in topics on topics (so you will better understand what people want).


At first you might think that there is nothing complicated in the traffic arbitration. However, now you understand that this is a whole universe in online earnings, which requires a detailed study. If you do not want to spend all the money on empty traffic, then immerse yourself in this topic with your head. Start with small actions: Place an advertisement on your page in VC, make a blog on Tumblr, sell goods through YouTube - all this will help you understand how best to realize the sale through partner networks. And only then you can go to the "industrial" volume and buy traffic for its subsequent monetization.