Student conferences on physical culture. Conferences external

Speaker speeches:

  • 1. Minaev Alexander Vladimirovich, Head of the Department of Development of Physical Culture, Sport and Healthy Lifestyle Department of Public Policy in the field of education of children and young people of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

Education, healthy lifestyle and set of TRP

  • 2. Yeroshov Vladimir Vitalyevich, Head of the Department of All-Russian Physical and Sports Complex of the GTO Department development of physical culture and mass sports Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation

On the progress of the implementation of the GTU complex in the Russian Federation and on the role of educational organizations in the implementation of the activities of the GTU complex

    3. Once Elena Vladimirovna, Associate Professor of the Department "Theory and Methods of Physical Education and Sports", Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Physical Culture on the scientific work of GOU in the Moscow State Regional University

On the development of the concept of modernization of the educational subject "Physical Culture" in the Russian Federation

  • 4. Denis Vadimovich Klebanov, Head of the Apparatus of the All-Russian Social and State Children's and Youth Organization "Russian Schoolchildren's Movement"

Popularization of a healthy lifestyle, physical culture and a GTO complex among schoolchildren

  • 5. Liquid Tatyana Mikhailovna, Director of College of Physical Culture and Sports, Economics and Technology of FGBOU to St. Petersburg State University

Improving the content of the educational program towards the training of physical culture

  • 6. Eleva Elena Evgenievna, head of the department of theory and techniques of physical culture and sports FGBOU in the Mordovian State Pedagogical Institute. M. E. Evsevieva "

Experience and prospects for training professionals in the field of physical culture and sports in the conditions of implementing VFSK GTO

  • 7. Pankom Natalia Borisovna, Chief Researcher FGBNU "Research Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology", Member of the Expert Council on Health and Physical Education of students in the Committee of the State Duma on Education and Science

GTO complex as an area of \u200b\u200binterdisciplinary interaction for the health of students

  • 8. Chromine Svetlana Ivanovna, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports FGBOU to Tyumen Industrial University

Motivational readiness of students with limited functionality (FEV) to the delivery of the regulations of the GTO complex

  • 9. Uvarov Vladimir Autonomovich, Head of the research laboratory of problems of physical education of student youth of the Department of Physical Education and Sports of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov

Longitudinal study of the physical fitness of students

  • 10. Sorokin Alexey Vladimirovich, DirectorGBU FSC "Extreme"

On the experience of implementing VFSK GTO in the city of Moscow

  • 11. Safin Aleksey Alekseevich, head of the project office for the introduction of the All-Russian physical culture and sports complex "Ready for Work and Defense" (GTO) GAU DPO "Institute for Development of Education of the Republic of Tatarstan"

Implementation of the activities of the GTU complex in general education organizations of the Republic of Tatarstan

  • 12. Novikova Irina Vladimirovna, Head of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Culture, Technology and Obzh GAU DPO "Saratov Regional Institute for Education Development"

The experience of the Tutor's escort of the GTO Complex in the Saratov region

  • 13. Voronekov Alexander Vladimirovich, Head of the Department of Sports Disciplines FGAOU VO "Belgorod State National Research University"

Experience in the introduction of a GTO complex in the NEU "BelGU"

  • 14. Popovich Alexey Petrovich, Head of the Department of Physical Education and Sports FSBEU in Ural State Forestry University

GTO - Return to the past and the need for the day of today's

  • 15. Fursov Aleksey Valerievich, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education Bu Surguty State Pedagogical University

Experience in the use of interactive online service based and training of schoolchildren to the fulfillment of regulations of the GTU complex

Dear Students! The Organizing Committee invites you to participate in the work of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Physical Culture, Health and Education" dedicated to the memory of V.S.Pyroshsky. The opening of the conference will take place on November 15, 2018 at 10:00 in the conference hall of the TSU Scientific Library (Lenin Ave., 34a). Registration of participants from 9.30 to 10.00 in the conference hall of the TSU Scientific Library. More information is in the attached file.

Conference FISU World Universiade

HXI Traditional International Symposium "East-Russia-West. Physical culture, consumption and healthy lifestyle in the XXI century "

Dear Colleagues!

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "The Formation of Physical Development and Sports Movement of the Population of Tsarist Russia from 1909 to 1917", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of V.N. Waikova "

Dear Colleagues!
We invite you to participate in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "The formation of physical development and sports movement of the population of Tsarist Russia from 1909 to 1917", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of V.N. Waikova "
Deadline August 15, 2018

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific and Methodical Support for Physical Education and Sports Training of University Students"

Dear Colleagues!
We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Scientific and Methodological Support of Physical Education and Sports Training of University Students"
Dedine June 30, 2018

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Strategy for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population by means of physical culture and sports: trends, traditions and innovations"

Dear Colleagues!
We invite you to take part in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Strategy for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of the population by means of physical culture and sports: trends, traditions and innovations"
Deadline September 15, 2018

From September 10, 2019 to October 13, 2019 (inclusive).XLVII "SPBU Science Week" - Annual National scientific and practical conference With international participation for students, graduate students and young researchers from Russia, neighboring countries and far abroad. St. Petersburg Polytechnic University named after Peter Great. Information mail.
The official website of the conference -

November 22, 2019III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Problems and Prospects for Physical Education, Sports Training and Adaptive Physical Culture", dedicated to the 45th anniversary of the Volga State Academy of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. Kazan. FGBOU to "Volga Gafxit". Information mail.

November 29-30 2019. IX All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Resources of competitiveness of athletes: theory and practice of implementation." Kuban State University of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism. Information mail

September 13, 2019V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Science Yoga 2019."Russian State University of Physical Culture, Sports, Youth and Tourism (Hzolifk) (RSUFKSMIT). Information mail.

November 28-29, 2019XVIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Problems of Physical Education, Sports Training, Health and Adaptive Physical Culture." Faculty of Physical Culture and Sports of the National Research Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I.Lobachevsky. Information mail. Regulations on the contest of projects.

December 12-13, 2019.On the basis of the Ural Federal University named after the first president of Russia B.N. Yeltsin Institute of Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy Conds an All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Extrabity as an inclusive culture phenomenon: Formation of inclusive culture in organizations. " Information mail . Transmittal letter.

October 17-18, 2019. All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation " Innovative technologies In the system of sports training, mass physical culture and sports" FSBI SPbniofk, St. Petersburg. Information mail.

8-9 October 2019All-Russian with international participation Scientific and practical conference "Physical Culture, Sports and Health in Modern Society."FGBOU VGIFK, Voronezh. Information mail.

October 10-13, 2019.IX International scientific Conference Students and young scientists"University sport: health and prosperity of the nation." Almaty, Kazakhstan.

« Olympism: origins, traditions and modernity» , November 29, 2019, Voronezh

VIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of physical culture and sports", February 26, 2019, Cheboksary

International Scientific and Practical Conference "University's exit to International Space: Analysis of Experience and Modern Trends",February 14-15, 2019, Ulyanovsk

International Scientific and Practical Conference"Physical Culture and sport. Olympic Education, February 11, 2019,krasnodar city

V-I International Scientific and Practical Conference Actual issues of biomedical support choreography and sports(April 8-10, 2019)

X.V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference"Physical Culture and Youth Health",St. Petersburg, March 28, 2019

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Personnel policy in the field of physical culture and sports: challenges, problems, development prospects", Krasnoyarsk, November 19-20, 2018

I All-Russian with international participation Scientific and practical conference "Modern problems of training sports reserve: prospects and solutions", Volgograd, December 6-7, 2018

All-Russian Employment Scientific Conference with the International Participation "Modern Trends in Psychological and Pedagogical Supported by Physical Culture and Sports", October 25-27, 2018, GP. Malakhovka

II All-Russian Scientific Conference "Physical Culture, Sport, Science and Education"March 30, 2018, Yakutsk.

II All-Russian International Participation Scientific and Practical Conference « Modern trends in the development of theory and techniques of physical culture, sports and tourism » , 17-18 May 2018 G.P. Malakhovka

IX All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "The Role of Local Self-Government in the Development of Physical Culture and Sports", May 17-18, 2018

All-Russian with international participation Scientific and practical conference "Sports and Sports Medicine" April 12-14, 2018, Tchaikovsky district, P. Prikamsky

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports", March 27-28, 2018 in Kemerovo

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference"Youth in the new millennium: problems and solutions", February 13, 2018. On the basis of the Siberian State University of Physical Culture and Sports

International Student Conference "Days of Student Science" May 21, 2018, Kazan

The second international conference of the faculty "Actual problems of humanitarian and natural sciences" on March 12, 2018, Kazan

VIII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference " Perspective directions in the field of physical culture, sports and tourism "March 23-24, 2018

XIV International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference "21st Century: Fundamental Science and Technology" November 14-15, 2017, North Charleston, USA

XXXI International Scientific Conference "Actual scientific research in modern world"(In absentia) November 26-27, 2017

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Science as the basis for the development of the modern state" 10-11 November 2017

VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of physical culture and sports",November 16, 2017, Cheboksary

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference " Modern methods Organization of the training process, evaluating the functional state and restoration of athletes " October 24-25, 2017 on the basis of the Ural State University of Physical Culture

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Medico-Biological and Pedagogical Aspects of Development of Adaptive Physical Culture, Physical and Health Technologies and Sports Medicine" October 19-20, 2017 G. Tchaikovsky

II All-Russian Conference "Problems and Prospects for Tourism Development in the Southern Federal District" from 10 to 14 October 2017

All-Russian Internet Conference "Gymnastics and Modern Fitness - 2017" December 1-12, 2017 G. Moskva

All-Russian with international participation Scientific and practical conference "The current state and prospects for the development of basketball" November 30 - December 1, 2017. Moscow

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Actual Problems of Preparation of Highly qualified Athletes in Command Gaming Sports" November 29-30, 2017 Moscow

V All-Russian (with international participation) Scientific and practical conference "Biomechanics of Motor Action and Biomechanical Control in Sport" November 23-24, 2017 Moscow

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Management in Gaming Sports" November 15, 2017, Moscow

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Trends Development of Athletics in the World: Sport of Higher Achievements and Preparation of Reserve", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Department of Theory and Methods of Athletics named after N.G. Ozolina 7-9 November 2017, Moscow

Round table "History of Hzoliphk: 100 years in the service of Fatherland" October 28, 2017 Moscow

V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Science for Fitness 2017" October 25, 2017 Moscow

III International Scientific and Practical Conference "Sport - Road to the World Between Peoples" on October 17-19, 2017, Moscow

Fifty best innovative ideas for the Republic of Tatarstan in the nominations "Innovations in Education" and "Perspective"

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference in St. Petersburg 09-10 November 2017

II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Olympic Heritage and Mega-Events in Sports: Defining Growth Points", November 20, 2017 in Sochi

All-Russian events in 2017-2018 academic year

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern methods of organizing a training process, assessing the functional state of recovery of athletes" January 24 - 25, 2017, Chelyabinsk

International Scientific Conference "Football Economics", organized jointly with the Russian Economic School (RSH) and Higher School of Economics (HSE), June 23-24, 2017

Republican Scientific and Practical Conference "Sustainability of the Institute of Family in the national-regional conditions of Tatarstan: challenges, risks, solutions" June 15, 2017

III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Physical Rehabilitation in Sports, Medicine and Adaptive Physical Culture" on 16- June 17, 2017 in the NSU. PF LESGANFTA, Saint Petersburg

III Summer School "Sports Economics @ Sports Management"

All-Russian Student Competition "Battle of the Umov"

II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Martial Arts and Sports Martial Arts: Science, Practice, Education" June 16-17, 2017

All-Russian youth educational forum "Territory of meanings on Klyazma"

Republican stage of the International Educational Forum "Summer Campus of the Presidential Academy"


Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference of Students "Society, State, Personality: Modernization of the Relationship System in Modern Conditions" April 28, 2017

II International Charitable Festival "Forum-Marathon of the World, People's Diplomacy, Achievements and Creativity" April 28, 2017

International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference "Health Nation - Modern Landmarks in Education and Education of Youth Study" May 9, 2017

XI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists in English "Sports Science in higher education"May 17-18, 2017, Moscow

XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference of Sports Psychologists and Specialists in Physical Culture and Sports "Rudikovsky Readings-2017" May 11-12, 2017, Moscow

IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Trainers on Ski Racing April 25-28, Smolensk

Interregional final scientific and practical conference of undergraduates and graduate students "Young scholars of HColifk" April 12-14, Moscow

I All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Sports and Historical Heritage - Modern Technology of Work with the Population", from March 30 to April 1, 2017, Moscow

Application for participation

I All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Fundamental and Applied Studies of Physical Culture, Sports, Olympizm: Tradition Innovation" May 24-25, 2017, Moscow

III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Theory and Methods of Preparations in Practical Shooting, other Rifle Sports and Rifle Disciplines in Multiple" March 30, 2017, Moscow

V International Scientific and Educational Conference "Actual Problems of Contemporary Pedagogical Science" April 29, 2017, Kazan

Regional Scientific and Practical Conference "Secondary Vocational and Higher Education in Physical Culture and Sports: the current state and development prospects", March 29, Chelyabinsk

II All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation "Science, Fitness, Recreation - 2017", 06-07, 2017, Moscow

International Youth Scientific Forum "Lomonosov - 2017"

XI International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Tourism Industry: Opportunities, Priorities, Problems and Perspectives" April 6, 2017, Moscow

XI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Masters and Postgraduates "Actual problems and prospects for the development of tourism and hospitality - 2017", April 14, 2017, Cyrtenburg

II Regional Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and prospects for the development of educational tourism in the Urals - 2017", EkaterburgApril 05, 2017

All-Russian with international participation Scientific and practical conference "Modern trends in the development of theory and methods of physical culture, sports and tourism", G.P. Malakhovka May 16-17, 2017

Information mail

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Modern Aspects of Preparation and Professional Activities of Sports Manager", April 26 -27, 2017 G.P. Malakhovka

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Formation of civil identity of young people in the conditions of socio-economic realities of Russian society", February 28, 2017

On All-Russian events to identify talented children and young people, maintenance and monitoring of their further development held in 2017

International Scientific Conference - Ninth St. Petersburg Sociological Readings, April 14-15, 2017

IV All-Russian with international participation Scientific and practical conference "Actual problems of the theory and methods of athleticism - arm wrestling, bodybuilding, guy sports, powerlifting and weightlifting", May 19, 2017, Cheboksary

III Regional Scientific Conference of Young Scientists "Modern Problems of Physical Culture and Sports and Youth", S. Churaptcha, February 17, 2017

Information mail

All-Russian Scientific Conference "Physical Culture, Sports, Science and Education", Republic of Sakha, S. Churaptcha, March 31, 2017

Information mail

VI International Scientific and Practical Forum "Efficient Management Systems: Quality, Innovation, Sustainable Development" February 16-18, Kazan

Information mail

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Parties "Integration of Science and Sports Practice in Martial Arts", Moscow, February 16, 2017

Information mail

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Questions of the organization of joint classes in physical culture and sports of persons with disabilities of health and healthy population", Khanty-Mansky, February 22-25, 2017

Information mail

XII All-Russian Competition of Youth Educational and Scientific Organizations on best job "My lawmaking initiative" from May 23 to 26, 2017

Information mail

Scientific and Practical Conference "Information Space of Modern Sports: Sociocultural and Linguistic Aspects" March 1, 2017, Moscow

XI International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists in English "Sports Science in Higher Education" May 17-18, 2017, Moscow

Information mail

XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Rudikovsky Readings - 2017" 11-112, 2017, Moscow

Information mail

VI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Therapeutic Physical Culture: Achievements and Prospects for Development" 1-2 June 2017, Moscow

I International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Trends and Actual Questions of Tourism and Hotel Business Development in Russia" 09-10 March 2017, Moscow

All-Russian Scientific Internet Conference "Actual Problems and Prospects for Development of Individual Gaming Sports" February 6- April 10, 2017, Moscow

Information mail

All-Russian Employment Scientific and Practical Conference "Improvement of the training system in dance sports" February 9, 2017, Moscow

Information mail

Open Competition "Scientist of the Year of the Year HColifk -2016"., February 10 to April 30, 2017, Moscow

Information mail

Interregional final scientific conference of students "Student Science" and undergraduates and graduate students "Young scientists of the HColifk", April 12-14, 2017, Moscow.

II International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Actual Problems of Biochemistry and Bioenergy Sports of the XXI Century" April 26, 2017, Moscow, Rhufksmit.

Information mail

All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation IX St. Petersburg Sociological Readings "Sociology of Physical Culture and Sports: State and Development Trends" April 14-15, 2017

Information mail

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Questions and Prospects for the Development of Regional Sports Reserve Preparation Systems in the Construction of the Sports Industry" 30-31 March 2017

Information mail

Plan of events aimed at the development of intellectual and creative abilities of children and young people, intreses to scientific (research), creative activity, as well as to promote scientific knowledge held in 2017

XVII International Scientific and Practical Conference "New Information Technologies in Education" (innovation in economics and education on the basis of technological solutions 1C) 31.01.-01.02.2017, Moscow

Information mail

FISU Conference "University Sports: Health and Future Society" February 3-4, 2017, Almaty

Information Letter (English option)

VII Republican Youth Forum "Our Tatarstan"

Information mail


XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Physical Culture, Sports and Tourism" March 23-25, 2017, Ufa

Information mail

I All-Russian Scientific and Practical-Conference "Territory of Advanced Socio-Economic Development: Questions of Theory and Practice", 02.03.2017, Naberezhny Chelny

Information mail

International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference "Health of the Nation - Modern Landmarks in Education and Education of Students of Youth" December 8, 2016

International Student Scientific and Prskatic Conference "Studentitvo in Science - Innovative Potential of the Future", April 14, 2017, Naberezhnye Chelny

VII International Scientific and Process Conference on the Internet Forum "Psychological Support of Education: Theory and Practice", 28-30 December 2016

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Physical Culture, Sports and Health: Virtual-28" from October 1 to November 10, 2016

Information mail

International Correspondence Electronic Scientific Methodological Conference "Problems and Prospects for the Implementation of Information and Communication Technologies in Physical Education in the context of the preparation of a competitive competent specialist" November 21-25, 2016

An open international research conference of young studies (high school students and students) "Education. THE SCIENCE. Profession "January 24-27, 2017

Information mail


VII All-Russian congress of young scientists and specialists, November 30 to December 1, Moscow

International Correspondence Electronic Scientific and Methodological Conference "Problems and Prospects for the Implementation of Information and Communication Technologies in Physical Education in the context of the preparation of a competitive competent specialist" November 21-25, 2016

Information mail

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists, graduate students, undergraduates, applicants and students "Problems of improving physical culture, sprotypes and Olympism" December 7-8, 2016.

XXVIII Olympic Scientific Session of Young Scientists and Students Siberia Olympic Movement: History and Modernity, "24-25 November 2016.

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Questions of Functional Preparation in Sports of Higher Achievements", November 17-18, 2016

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation "Strategy for the formation of a healthy lifestyle by means of physical culture and sports. "Sport for all" and the introduction of the All-Russian Physical and Sports Complex of the GTO ", 10-11 November 2016 in Tyumen

XX International Scientific Congress "Olympic Sport and Sport for All", December 6-18, 2016

All-Russian Symposium with international participation "Rhythm of the heart and a type of vegetative regulation in assessing the level of health of the population and the functional training of athletes", 11-12 October 2016

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Innovative Technologies in the System of Training Sportsmen Paralympicians", St. Petersburg, June 29-30, 2016

II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Socio-pedagogical support for persons with disabilities: Theory and Practice", May 19-21, 2016

International Forum "The Role of Local Self-Government in the Development of Physical Culture and Sports" May 19-20, 2016

X International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists in English "Sports Science in Higher Society", May 18-19, 2016

XIV International Fair of Socio-Pedagogical Innovation (Bratsk), from 25 to 28 April 2016

Invitation as authors on the page of magazine "Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism, Musculoskeletal Recreation" and participation from April 22 to 23, 2016 in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Actual problems and prospects for the theory and practices of physical culture, sports, tourism and motor recreation in the modern world "

Invitation April 21, 2016 Take part in the II International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference "Actual Problems of Medico-Biological Support of Physical Culture, Sports and Physical Rehabilitation", Kharkov

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Martial Arts and Sports Martial Arts: Science, Practice, Education", June 16-17, 2016

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Questions modern science and education "Kirov, April 19-22

Invitation from April 14 to 16, 2016 to take part in the VI All-Russian with the international participation of the Motor Control-2016 conference conference (registration on the site - until February 1, 2016)

I International Competition of Pedagogical Skill "I - New Generation Pedagogue"

On participation on March 25, 2016 in the III International Scientific and Educational Conference "Innovative Technologies in Education"

About invitation to take part February 18, 2016 in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems of adaptive physical culture and sports"
Information mail

On the start of the application campaign VI of the Republican youth forum

About 19-20 May 2016 International Forum "The Role of Local Self-Government in the Development of Physical Culture and Sports"

On the invitation to take part on April 22, 2016 in the work of the V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Preparation of Marters: Theory, Methodology and Practice"

On the VI International Scientific Conference of Students and Young Scientists (Malakhovka .. MGAFK. 25-27.04.2016 G.)

About invitation February 12, 2016 Take part in the III Regional Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth in the New Millennium: Problems and Solutions"

About scholarships named after DS Lihachev and scholarships named after A.A. Sobchak

On participation in the III Annual All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Questions of Medico-Biological Support of Choreography and Sports"

On the conduct of the II Student Human Rights Forum and the II National Prize "Student Watch"

On participation in the contest for the award of grants and premiums for young scientists of the Republic of Tajikistan in 2016

On the invitation 9-10 February 2016 on the Eurasian Symposium "Sport. Biology, Medicine. Update Methodology", Chelyabinsk

About held on April 22-23, 2016 of the International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Problems of GTO, Education, Physical Education and Health Saving of Youth", K. K. K. K.

From 9 to 11 December 2015 IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference " Information Technology, computer simulation and technical means of learning and training in the field of physical culture and sports "

On December 11, 2015 of the All-Russian Seminar-Meeting "Actual Issues of Development of Student Sports and Populating a Healthy Lifestyle in a Student Environment" (acceptance of applications until December 3, 2015)

About 10-12 October 2016 VI of the All-Russian Symposium with International Participation "Rhythm of the Heart and Type of Vegetative Regulation in Assessment of the level of health of the population and the functional preparedness of athletes"

About publication in a scientific periodic journal "Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism, Motor Recreation"

On December 1, 2015 International Curveral Scientific and Practical Conference "Health Nation-Modern Landmarks in Education and Education of Youth Students"

On the conduct of the VII All-Russian Cultural Conference"Lihachev readings"

On the invitation to take part on March 17-18, 2016 in the part-time VI of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Perspective Directions in the field of physical culture, sports and tourism"

On publication in the journal "Path of Science"

About participation November 12-13, 2015 in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Physical Culture and Sports in the Education System of Russia: Innovations and Development Prospects" (SANKT-PETERSBURG)

XIV All-Russian with international participation Scientific and practical conference« Improving the system of physical education, sportsTraining, tourism and rehabilitation of various categories of the population»

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation "Strategy for the formation of a healthy lifestyle by means of physical culture and sports. Projects and technologies for the introduction of All-Russian physical and sports complex GTO "which will be held November 12-13, 2015 In Tyumen.

About December 1, 2015 International Curvomous Scientific and Practical Conference "Health of the Nation - Modern Landmarks in Education and Education of Students of Youth"

On invitation to participation in the international conference "IV Autumn Scientific Readings"

On information on the magazine "Innovative Science"

On the invitation to take part in All-Russian and international scientific and practical conferences

On the invitation to take part on November 25, 2015 in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Renaissance of the All-Russian Physical and Sports Complex of the GTO: Problems, Experience, Prospects"

On the direction of the preliminary program of the conference "Modern trends, problems and ways of development of physical culture and sports" (Irkutsk)

On the International Management Conference

On the invitation of September 30, 2015 the personal participation of the rector and the direction of the Academy delegation to participate in the I Youth Economic Forum "Russia and Azerbaijan: Points of Growth"

On holding the All-Russian Forum "Future Intellectual Leaders of Russia"

On invitation to participation November 12-13, 2015 in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual problems and prospects for the development of adaptive physical culture and physical education and health technologies" (submission of materials until October 20, 2015)

On the possible participation on January 26-29, 2016 in the X of the Open International Research Conference of high school students and students "Education. Science. Profession" (acceptance of applications until November 1, 2015)

Invitation to take part November 27, 2015 in the III International Scientific and Educational Conference "Actual Problems of Modern Pedagogical Science"

On the invitation September 24-25, 2015 at the XII International Congress "Rehabilitation and Sanitary Treatment"

On the conduct of November 13-14, 2015 of the IV International Scientific Congress "Problems of Physical Education: Content, Direction, Methodology, Organization" Chelyabinsk

On the invitation to publication in the Kazan Pedagogical Journal

All-Russian Scientific Methodological Conference "Physical Education and Student Sports of Students" 6-8 November 2015

On the publication of the Interuniversity Collection of Scientific Labor "Sport". Olympism. Humanism ", presentation of materials until December 25, 2015

On the invitation to take part from October 22-23, 2015 in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern trends, problems and ways of development of physical culture and sports" (Irkutsk)

On participation in the international correspondence scientific and practical conference "Health nation- Modern guidelines in the education and education of students' students"

The program of the Eurasia Foundation - "Russian-American University Partnership Program"

On the conduct of September 15-17, 2015 of the international specialized exhibition "Import substitution"

On the invitation to take part in the proposed conferences held in September-December 2015 FGBOU VPO RSUFKSMIT

On participation in the work of the Forum "Rosbiotech-2015"

On participation in the correspondence conference "International Research Journal XLI"

On October 19, 2015, the V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Theory and Methodology of Innovative Directions of Physical Education of Children of the Dozocolnogsho Age" will be held.

November 26-27, 2015 at the Institute of Sports, Tourism and Service SUURGU (NiU)international Scientific and Practical Conference will be held
Scientific and methodological support and maintenance of physical education and sports training in the context of the introduction of the GTO complex.

about the All-Russian youth Forum "Territory of meanings on Klyazma"

On the invitation to take part October 12-15, 2015 in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Trends in the Development of Art, Culture and Sports in the Modern World"

On holding from September 25-28, 2015 of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Swimming. Research, training, hydrolyabitization", and a seminar "Famining philosophy: from a beginner to champion"

On participation on June 10-11, 2015 in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Sport - Road to the world between nations"

On the organization of the claim campaign of the All-Russian youth Forum "Territory of meanings on Klyazma"

On June 19, 2015 of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation "Actual problems of training athletes in the Olympic and National Sports at different stages of many years of improvement" (S. Churaptcha (Yakutia)

June 30, 2015 All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Physical Rehabilitation in Sports, Medicine and Adaptive Physical Culture"

Only from 13 to 14 November 2015 IV International Scientific Congress "Problems of Physical Education: Focus, Content, Methodology, Organization"

On participation September 20-25, 2015 in the Scientific and Practical Conference "Educational Tourism and Historical and Cultural Heritage: Museum Practices and Development Prospects"

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Formation of Competitiveness of Human Potential. Theory and Practice modern solutions", the deadline for filing articles until May 12, 2015

On participation in the competition of research work of students in ensuring road safety and promotion of cultural holding on the road

All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Environmental Safety and Environmental Protection in the Regions of Russia: Theory and Practice", October 12-13, 2015

20 May 2015 International Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference "Health of the Nation - Modern Landmarks in Education and Education of Students of Youth"

May 21-22, 2015 V All-Russian Congress with international participation "Medicine for sports - 2015"

On participation in conferences held by the Ministry of Transport of Russia, in accordance with the plan of scientific congresses and conferences

Information mail

Invitation to participation April 29, 2015 in the work of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Theory and Practice of Adaptive Physical Culture - Twenty-year-old way", St. Petersburg

On participation from 1 to 5 June 2015 in the XVI International Forum "The formation of a modern information society - problems, prospects, innovative approaches"

V International Scientific and Practical Conference "Physical Education and Health: Youth Science and Innovation"


On participation from April 21 to 24, 2015 in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference of Trainers for Ski Racing and Biathlon on the basis of SGAFXIP, Smolensk

On the participation of academy students in the All-Russian competition of student business projects in housing and communal services

About participation April 7-10, 2015 in the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern approaches to improving technical preparedness in rifle sports", Great Luki

On March 20, 2015 of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Quality of Education: Theory and Evaluation Practice" Glazov

On the invitation to take part on July 01, 2015 in the X Annual International Student Tourist Forum "70 years of the Great Victory - Memory Generations"

On participation April 3, 2015 in the International Scientific and Practical Conference: "Military Historical Heritage as an important component and factor in the increase in attractiveness of the Regional and National Tourist Product", Moscow

On participation in the events of the Faculty of Tourism and the hotel service FGBOU VPO "UGPU"

On the invitation to international conferences

About participation October 15 - 16, 2015 in the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Problems of Theory and Practice of Physical Culture and Sports", Bishkek

On participation on March 27, 2015 in the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Technologies in Education"

About holding 9 April 2015 IX International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Tourism Industry: Opportunities, Priorities, Problems and Perspectives", Moscow

About 10 April 2015 IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Medical and Pedagogical Basics of Adaptation, Sports Activities and Healthy Lifestyle", Voronezh

About the exhibition "Ideas 2020. Journey to the world of the future"

Information about the Science Festival in the Southern Federal University

On the All-Russian Competition of the Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth "NTTM-2015"

On April 29, 2015, the IV All-Russian Correspondence Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation will be held in the Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture
"Medico-biological and pedagogical foundations of adaptation, sports activities and a healthy lifestyle" dedicated to the International Day intellectual property

from March 3 to March 4, 2015, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference on Basketball "Actual Problems and Prospects for the Development and Improvement of Children and Youth Basketball" and the direction of the head of the Department of Theory and methods of sports games to participate

III International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Studentials in Science - Innovative Potential of the Future"

3 April 2015 All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Sports-oriented Physical Education and Olympic Education - New Pedagogical Technologies of the XXI century"

IV Correspondence Electronic International Student Scientific Conference "Physical Culture and Sport - Basis of Health Nation"

March 20-21, 2015 will take place internally-correspondence V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Perspective Directions in the field of physical culture, sports and tourism"

V Republican Youth Forum (april 2015)

March 3-4, 2015 will be held by the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems and Prospects for the Development and Improvement of Children and Youth Basketball"

March 2-3, 2015 The III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Safety in Extreme Situations: Medico-Biological, Psychological and Pedagogical and Social Aspects"

May 14-15, 2015 will be held an IX International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists in English "Sports Science in Higher Education"

May 27-28, 2015 will be held by the IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Therapeutic Physical Culture: Achievements and Prospects for Development"

On June 2-4, the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "Rudikovsky Readings - 2015" will be held

May 12-13, 2015 will be held by the All-Russian Conference with International Participation "Science, Fitness, Recreation - 2015"

April 6-8, 2015 In the city ofomsk, the II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Ways of Optimization will be held independent work Students in the context of modernization of vocational education "

About publication in the journal "Vestnik NCBJD"

International Youth Scientific Conference "Youth in Science: New Arguments" (Taking Materials before January 14, 2015)

Intermarine Conference "Research Journal of International Studies" (until January 31, 2015)

March 18-20, 2015 in the All-Russian Conference "New Approaches to the Preparation of Sports Reserve in Regions", St. Petersburg

4-5 December 2014 Eurasian Scientific Forum "Tourism in the Eurasian Space: Reality and New Trends"

December 18, 2014 International Scientific and Educational Conference dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the KFU "Actual problems of modern pedagogical science"

November 20-21, 2014 Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Football: Status and Prospects. Current issues of coordination of preparation for the World Cup 2018 »

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Development of internal and Entry Tourism in the Russian Federation" (2011-2018)

Republican stage of the XI All-Russian action "Sport alternative to the detrimental habits"

November 21-22, 2014 International Scientific and Practical Conference "The Role of Tourism in the Sustainable Development of the Russian North"

All-Russian Cultural Workers Forum "Youth and Culture: Education, Technique, Innovation"

Interregional Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Issues of Art, Culture and Sports"

II All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "International Tourism and Sport"

October 30, 2014 in Kazan II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Polycultural Educational Space Volga: Integration of Regional and International Experience"

On November 27-28, 2014, the All-Russian International Participation of Employment Scientific Conference "Current issues of training athletes of high qualifications and sports reserves in swimming and other types of water sports will be held in Volgograd.

November 25, 2014 international Conference "Modern problems of trade and hotel service technologies"

Intermarine Conference "Research Journal of International Studies"

XIX International Scientific Conference "Actual Issues of Modern Psychology and Pedagogy" - until September 26

Information mail

November 26-27, 2014, the XI International Scientific and Practical Conference "The current state and the potential for the development of tourism in Russia" will be held with the publication of a collection of articles

Information mail

November 25-27, 2014 in Dagestan state University International Scientific and Practical Conference will be held « Social work in preventing drug abuse and rehabilitation drug addicts: problems, solutions, prospects "

Information mail

November 20-22, 2014. In the city of Komsk, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with the International Participation "Actual problems of many years of training of highly qualified wrestlers of the Greco-Roman style", as part of the Open Sibrug Championship on the Greco-Roman wrestling, dedicated to the memory of the Honored Coach of Russia - Yuri Alexandrovich Krikukhi

Information mail

November 7, 2014 In St. Petersburg, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Education System: Innovations and Development Prospects" will be held

Information mail

On November 6-7, 2014, the II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Physical Culture and Sports in Globalization of Education will be held in Tita

Information mail

Scientific and practical forum with international participation "Improvement of the nation with means of physical culture and sports", November 6, 2014, Samara

Information mail

October 30-31, 2014 in Volgograd of the All-Russian Scientific Conference "Problems and Prospects for the Development of Athletics in Russia"

Information mail

On October 30, 2014, the annual All-Russian Employment and Practical Conference "Physical Culture, Sports and Health in Modern Society" will take place in Voronezh

Information mail

On October 8, 2014, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Regulation of the Russian Tourist Market" will be held in St. Petersburg,

Information mail

Intermarine Conference Research Journal of Internatiolan Studies XXXI (Applications are served in in electronic format until 09/30/2014

Information mail

September 25-26, 2014 In Sochi, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Cooperation and the formation of an agreed policy in the development of tourism in the SIS space. Professional tourist education: new challenges and opportunities"

Information mail

On August 1, 2014, the international correspondence scientific and practical conference "Science, Education, Society: Trends and Prospects" will be held in Moscow

Information mail


Registration card

Competitions held by the "National System Development of Scientific, Creative and Innovative Youth Activities of Russia" Integration "in 2014

Information mail

October 16-17, 2014. In Omsk, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Problems of Development of Gewal Sports in Russia and Abroad" is sucking

Information mail

October 21-22, 2014, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference will be held in Comsk " Questions of functional training in higher achievements "

Information mail

October 23-25, 2014 In the city of Kirov, the All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation, held within the framework of the Year of Russian Culture "Sport as a phenomenon of modern culture in the space of interdisciplinary research"

Information mail

July 18-28, 2014, the Youth Forum of the Volga Federal District "IVOLA-2014" will be held in the Samara region

Information mail

On May 26-27, 2014, the International Conference will be held in Volgograd "Theoretical and methodological foundations for the formation of the readiness of students of universities of physical culture for creative solving the situation of professional orientation"

Information mail

May 22-23, 2014 In Kazan, the IV All-Russian Congress with International Participation "Medicine for Sports - 2014" will be held

Information mail

May 20-22, 2014, the International Scientific Conference "Tourism as a Factor of Regional Development" will be held in Petrozavodsk

Information mail

On April 23, 2014, the V Regional Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Intellectual Potential of the XXIV) will be held in Kazan" Intellectual Potential:

Information mail

April 17-18, 2014, the All-Russian Conference for Masters "Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism: Science, Education, Technology" will take place in Chelyabinsk

Information mail

On April 15, 2014 in Chelyabinsk there will be a correspondence conference "The quality management system in the university: education, competitiveness, health"

Information mail

from September 21 to 23, 2014, an international symposium "Gasomediators: Physiology and Pathophysiology" will be held in Kazan

Information mail


May 28-29, 2014 In Moscow, the Interregional Scientific and Practical Conference of Students and Young Scientists in English "Sports Science in Higher Education" will be held

May 15-16, 2014, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with International Participation "Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism, Scientific and Methodical Support" will be held in Perm.

Information letter conference

On May 15-16, 2014, an international scientific and practical conference "Inclusive education of persons with disabilities: Learn and live together" will be held in Kazan

Information letter conference

May 14-16, 2014 in Moscow, the 4th Scientific and Practical Conference "Innovative Technologies in Physical Education and Sports of the Education Generation" will be held

Information letter conference

April 28-29, 2014 in Tomsk will be held the XVII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Actual Issues of Physical Culture and Sports"

Information letter conference

April 25, 2014 In the city of Tchaikovsky, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference will be held "Preparation of the Marters: Theory, Methodology and Practice"

Information letter conference

On April 24, 2014, the Interuniversity Scientific and Practical Conference "Prospects for Student Sports" will be held in Voronezh

Information letter conference

April 21-22, 2014 in Kazan a student scientific forum will be held "Diversity of Cultures: Practices, Identity, Discourse"

Information letter conference

On April 4, 2014, IX All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Sports-orientized Physical Education - New Pedagogical Technology of the XXI century will take place in Tchaikovsky

Information letter conference

April 3, 2014 VI All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Public Relations in Sports: Education, Trends, International Experience will be held in Krasnodar

March 20-21, 2014 G.V. Moscow will take place a round table on the topic "The phenomenon of sports culture in the aspect of the philosovsky, historical and socio-pedagogical analysis"

Information mail

March 18-20, 2014, the XIV International Symposium "Energy Energy and Energy Saving - 2014" will take place in Kazan

Information letter conference

March 14-15, 2014 in Voronezh will be the VII All-Russian (with international participation) Scientific and practical conference "Actual problems and modern technologies Teaching foreign language languages \u200b\u200bin non-special universities "

Information letter conference

March 13, 2014 In the city of Nizhny Novgorod, a conference of the Council of Rectors of the Universities of the Volga Federal District "The Strategy of Education in Modernization Strategy"

Information letter conference

March 4-6 in Moscow will be the II All-Russian sectoral scientific Internet conference of teachers of sports universities "Traditions and innovations in the system of training athletes"

Information letter conference

February 28, 2014 IV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference will be held in Yoshkar-Ola "Psychological knowledge in the context of modernity: theory and practice"

Information letter conference

On February 27-28, 2014 in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny will be held by the II All-Russian (with international participation) Scientific and practical conference "Modern problems and prospects for the development of physical culture, sports, tourism and socio-cultural service"

Information letter conference

On February 25, 2014, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Prospects for the Development of the Service, Trade and Food and Catering Industry in Modern Russia will be held in Kazan.

Information letter conference

On February 14, 2014, the III Regional Scientific and Practical Conference "Formation and Development of the Intellectual Property Market in the Region" will be held in Kazan

Information letter conference

On February 13-14, 2014, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "State and Prospects for Technical Supplies of Sports Activities" will be held in Minsk

Information letter conference

On February 5-9, 2014, the VI All-Russian Youth Educational Forum "Young Intellectuals of Russia" will be held in St. Petersburg

Information mail

February 7-8, 2014. In Moscow, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "State and Prospects for Boxing Development in Russia" will be held

Information letter conference

February 6-8, 2014 in Moscow, the XIV All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference will be held « Improving the training system in dance sports, chir sports and cheerleading »

Information letter conference

until December 31, 2013 In Cheboksary, send materials to the correspondence X All-Russian (international) scientific and practical conference "Physical Culture, Sports and Health: Problems and Ways of their Development."

Information letter conference

December 18, 2013 In Yakutsk, the Regional Scientific and Practical Conference will be held "Conditions, ascertained and prospects for the development of the physical cultural movement of Yakuity, dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the physical culture movement in the Russian Federation."

Information letter conference

December 6-7, 2013 A scientific and poster conference with international participation "Physical Culture and Sports in the Education System of Russia: Innovations and Development Prospects" will be held in St. Petersburg.

Information letter conference

until November 31, 2013 International Research Journal, ISSN 2227 - 6017 invites students, graduate students and researchers to take part in the correspondence conference "Research Journal of International Studies".

Information Letter Conference Sample Registration

until November 30, 2013 Invites students, graduate students and researchers to participate in the correspondence conference "Research Journal of International Studies"

Information letter conference

November 29, 2013 In Izhevsk, the correspondence of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems and Ways of Implementation" of the Strategy for the Development of Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 "

Information letter conference

November 27, 2013 Interregional scientific and practical conference "Northern Tourist Destinations as the basis for the development of tourism of the North-West Region" will be held in Petrozavodsk

Information letter conference

November 21-22, 2013 In Krasnoyarsk, a scientific and practical conference will be held "Student sports movement: state, problems and development prospects"

Information letter conference

November 21-22, 2013 In the city of Chita, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Physical Culture and Sports in the Context of Globalization of Education"

September 23 - October 22 International Fair of Student Projects and Students "In World Research"

Information letter conference

September 10-22 November 2013 Exhibition of Photography "Young Science of the Republic of Tatarstan"

Information letter conference

November 14-15, 2013 In Moscow, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with the International Participation of Extreme Activity of Man

Information letter conference

On November 14-15, 2013, the VII All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Physical Culture, Health and Education" will be held in Tomsk, dedicated to the memory of V.S. Pyros

Information letter conference

November 12, 2013 All-Russian Scientific and Practical Virtual Conference with International Participation "Sports and Health"

Information letter conference

November 7-9, 2013 In Moscow, the International Employment Scientific and Practical Conference "Ergonomic Problems of Contemporary Sport" will be held

Information letter conference

October 25-26, 2013 In the city of Taldykorgan, an international scientific and practical conference will be held « Education - Science - Society: problems and prospects for interaction »

Information letter conference

On October 24-25, 2013 in Vologda, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Preparation of a sports reserve in regions: realities and prospect"

Information letter conference

October 21-23, 2013 In Moscow, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Biomechanics of Sports Movement Action and Modern Instrumental Methods of their Control will be held"

Information letter conference

October 16-19, 2013 In the city of Kazan, the III International Scientific and Practical Forum "Efficient Management Systems - Success Strategies" will be held

Information letter conference

October 16-18, 2013 On-Line All-Russian sectoral scientific Internet conference of teachers of sports universities "Tradition and innovation of training athletes and sports personnel"

Information letter conference

October 3-4, 2013 In the city of Dubna, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Principles and Mechanisms of Formation of the National Innovation System in the Russian Federation" is held

Information letter conference

October 2-5, 2013 In Sochi, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Education, Physical Culture, Sports, Tourism, Recreation and Health"

Information letter conference

On September 27-30, 2013, the 7th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Swimming was held in St. Petersburg. Studies, training, hydrolyabitation "and a seminar for coaches" Filing philosophy: from newbie to champion "

Information Letter of the Conference Requirements for Writing Articles

September 25-27, 2013 In Moscow, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Problems of Modern Morphology of Man", dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation, Corresponding Member of the RAMS, Professor B.A. Nikityuk

Information letter conference

September 26-27, 2013 In Rostov-on-Don, the International Scientific and Practical Conference "World Trends in the Development of the Hospitality Industry in the XXI century" will be held

An informational letter of the conference

September 10-12, 2013 In St. Petersburg, a scientific and practical conference "Sports biology and sports medicine of the XXI century" took place

Information letter conference

On August 21- On 22 August 2013, the correspondence scientific and practical conference "Innovative Science and Modern Society" took place in Ufa

Information letter conference

Portal autonomous non-commercial organization of promoting the development of modern domestic science Publishing House "Scientific Review"

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