Stress Test Aida 64 How to run. AIDA64 - Diagnostics, Testing, System Information Collection

We also got acquainted with stress tests of the system and other functionality of the popular useful diagnostic utility Aida64.. Since all of the above concerns the three main versions of Sabez, including Engineer and Business, will continue the conversation from the face of the survey heroine. Read further about the individual testings of the hard drive, processor, RAM and the video card of your personal computer (laptop).

Aida64: Test Disk Test

The program has a separate test module to estimate the performance of accumulative devices, including SATA hard drives (ATA) and SCSI interfaces, RAID-Massives, SSD and optical disks, USBBuffers and memory cards.

To start checking the hard drive reading speed in the top panel, open " Service"And stay at the point" Disc test"→ In the" AIDA64 Disk Benchmark "window, select the available storage device and one of the data reading modes in the drop-down lists (" Linear Read "," Random Read "," Buffered Read "," Average Read Access "," Max Read Access ") → Of course, " Start.".

To via the same list "About" to check the hard disk in the data recording modes, on the top panel click on " Options."And activate the option" Write.tests."If you wish, the test results can be saved as screenshots by the button" Save.".

AIDA64: Test Cash Cache and RAM

The utility also offers tests to estimate the bandwidth of reading, recording and copying, as well as the processor cache delay. Cache of the Central Processor is a high-speed SRAM memory, used to store frequently used data from a slower main memory. AIDA64 will check all levels of cache (L1, L2, L3) and, in addition, will issue detailed information on the installed RAM (RAM). All of this you will find in paragraph " Test cache and memory"Menu" Service" → "Start.Benchmark.".

Aida64: T. eats video cards in GPGPU mode

Another module " Test gpgpu."From the menu" Service"Conducts a GPGPU performance test series (using a graphics processor for common computing). Each individual test can be made to a maximum of 16 graphics processors from AMD, Intel and NVIDIA. To start checking the video card in GPGPU mode, click the button. Start.Benchmark.".

Additional processor and memory tests in AIDA64

Memory Performance Tests (see the "Point" menu tab Test") Estimate the maximum bandwidth when performing reading, writing, copying data. Using the test" Memory delay"You can learn a typical delay when reading the data processor from the system memory. And the complete list of additional tests presented for the central processor is:

  • "CPU Queen", "CPU Photooworxx", "CPU ZLIB", "CPU AES" and "CPU HASH".

Dmitriy dmitry_Spb. Evdokimov

Testing RAM can be carried out both in the operating system environment and up to its load. What of these ways to use is to solve you. In addition to specialized software, there are a number of simple measures to identify problems with the RAM, such as the archiving of a large amount of data (more than 2 GB). After completing the archive, you must start unpacking files from the archive and simultaneously run another archive, preferably with the same large volume. What will it give? If the RAM is working in standard mode, then when data, manipulations are checked both reading and records, and if there are no problems, all operations will be successful.

Another good way to check the memory is to install the operational system. If you manage to install Windows without any problems, the RAM can be considered suitable for use.

These methods, of course, do not test the RAM in full, but when there is no Internet access or specialized software disk, then such actions can help find the culprit of the unstable computer.

To test RAM, you can use utilities discussed in chapter and any other program found on the Internet. The main thing is not the quality of programs, but their number. The more you use different programs, the more extensive will be the total system test, which means that the check will be deep and full.

Consider the testing of RAM in more detail on the example of the popular AIDA64 program.

After starting the program, we will see a detailed list of system components.

To identify possible cache and memory problems, refer to the service menu \u003d\u003e Test cache and memory.

A new window will appear, in which you want to click the Start Benchmark button.

If no errors are detected during the test, it means that the RAM is operating in normal mode. As an additional test, a stress test of the entire system can be conducted (service \u003d\u003e System Stability Test).

When working at a computer at one fine moment, it begins to slow down, the programs are started for a few minutes, and sometimes you can detect the system errors. This happens not only on the program part, but also by hardware. Typically, problems are mixed in overheating of the processor, malfunction of RAM modules and other components. Even the simplest, and improve the cooling system can give a noticeable positive effect. In this article, I will describe how to conduct a stress test processor.

How to conduct a stress test processor or other components

Why makes this procedure in general? It helps to understand how much the correction of the problem with overheating helped (replacement of the thermal paste of the processor, installing a new cooler). That is, we raise the temperature or other component and look at how the computer behaves with such a load. The increase in the load on the CPU is carried out to a critical moment, and after the process stops.

Stress tests are conducted with all the components of the computer system. Especially during the pillars, because the supplier can sell a device that does not work stably on average temperatures and even above average.

Improving the load on the processor implements the load showing the process that would occur in real time when using heavy programs. The process would show how effectively it can work with such tasks.

For stress testing, you can use various means, most often this software. In this article we will use Aida64 Extreme. Usually, the program shows information about the system and configuration of the computer, but, as can be seen from the title, there is a function of conducting stress tests.

We learn the maximum temperature value.

Before starting the operation, you must make sure that the temperature of your processor is maximized at which it can fail. The main thing is to remember that at a temperature of 80-90 degrees it happens exactly. Therefore, do not bring the CPU to such a state under no circumstances.

Usually, the average values \u200b\u200bof normal, medium and critical temperatures are the following indicators:

  • 35-45 degrees are the usual processor temperature when easy to work or work in the background;
  • Before 60-65 degrees while working with complex tasks;
  • Above 70 Degree - Critical temperature at which the processor can burn.

This is useful:

In modern processors there is a function of automatically shutting down the processor and computer at a critical temperature mark. To find out the necessary information about the processor, we use AIDA64.

Go to the utility and go to the section "Motherboard", reveal the tab "CP" And on the right, click on the link where it is written "Product Information".

The official website of the processor developer will open with all necessary information. Find there Penalty TCASE. or TJUNCTIONtalking about the maximum permissible temperature.

We carry out the system stability test in AIDA64

Run the program, go to the tab "Service" and click by parameter "System Stability Test".

In the window that appears, the checked areas are visible - CPU and Oz. There are also GPU items (to check the graphics adapter) and Local Disks (checking hard drives). Choose these parameters if desired. You can start testing using the button "Start". For a more convenient temperature display of the processor, disconnect the Motherboard and SPCC Solid State Disk checkbox.

The process of changing the temperature in real time, of course, is convenient, but almost always more accurate information will be on the tab "Statistics". There shows the temperature of each nucleus, and also indicates:

  • Current temperature - Current
  • Minimum temperature - Minimum
  • Maximum temperature - Maximum
  • Average temperature - Average.

Most of all here is the item "maximum" value. Watch him very carefully.

It is worth noting that the processor stress test should not be held long. Maximum hour. And you need to constantly be near the PC so that when crossing the critical mark, stop the test by pressing the button "STOP". Stop it is better to produce yourself and on time, because the protection against overheating does not always work.

If you have noticed that in a short time, the temperature at stress test is growing greatly and fits critical, stop testing and draw conclusions. Most likely the processor has already outlived its own, or it is necessary to carry out simple prevention: the replacement of the thermal paste, purification from dust.

Other interesting articles:

AIDA64 is a multifunctional program to determine the characteristics of the computer, conducting various tests that can show how much the system is steadily, it is possible to disperse the processor, etc. It is an excellent solution for testing the stability of low-performance systems.

The test for the stability of the system involves the load on each element (CPU, RAM, discs, etc.). With it, you can detect a malfunction of this or that component and in time to apply measures.

If you have a weak computer, then before conducting the test you need to see if the processor does not overheat under normal load. The normal temperature for the processor cores in the usual load is 40-45 degrees. If the temperature is higher, it is recommended to either refuse to test, or to conduct it with caution.

These restrictions are due to the fact that during the test, the processor is experiencing increased loads, which is why (provided that the CPU is overheated even in normal operation) temperatures can reach critical values \u200b\u200bof 90 or more degrees, which is already dangerous for the integrity of the processor itself , motherboard and components located nearby.

System Testing

In order to start a stability test in AIDA64, in the top menu, find item "Service" (located on the left side). Click on it and in the dropping menu find "System Stability Test".

A separate window will open, where two graphics will be, several points to choose and certain buttons on the bottom panel. Pay attention to the items that are located on top. Consider each of them Read more:

You can mark them all, but in this case there is a risk of overcurrent system, if it is very weak. Overload can entail a PC emergency reboot, and it is only at best. When several items at once, several parameters will be displayed at once on schedules, which makes it difficult to work with them quite difficult, as the schedule will be clogged by information.

It is desirable to initially choose the first three points and spend the test on them and then according to the last two. In this case, there will be less load on the system and graphics will be more understandable. However, if a full-fledged system test is required, then you will have to mark all items.

Below are two graphics. The first shows the temperature of the processor. With the help of special items, you can view the average temperature throughout the processor or by a separate kernel, you can also display all the data per graph. The second schedule shows the percentage of the load on the processor - CPU usage. Still there is such an item like CPU Throttling. With the normal operation of the system, the indicators of this item should not exceed 0%. If there is an excess, it means that you need to stop testing and look for the problem in the processor. If the value comes up to 100%, the program itself will complete the work, but most likely the computer will be rebooted by this time.

The graphs have a special menu, with which you can view other graphs, for example, voltage and processor frequency. In chapter Statistics You can see a brief summary of each component.

To start the test, mark the items that need to be tested at the top of the screen. Then click on "Start" In the bottom left side of the window. It is advisable to highlight about 30 minutes.

During the test in the window, located opposite the items to select options, you can see the detected errors and the time of their detection. While the test will go, look at the graphics. With raising temperature and / or with an increasing percentage CPU Throttling Surrently stop testing.

To complete, click on the button. "STOP". You can save results with "SAVE". If more than 5 errors have been detected, it means that the computer is not all right and they must be corrected immediately. Each detected error is assigned the name of that test, during which it was detected, for example, Stress CPU..

Very often we meet with the problems of component PCs, their incorrect work, failures, etc. The ordinary user is very difficult to diagnose malfunction. And here it comes to help us, replacing the famous Everest. In general, it is not so different from his fellow, however, Everest constantly changed the data, issued inaccurate results, etc. AIDA64 is devoid of almost all these flaws. So, look at the program interface.

Here we see a lot of tabs, a variety of icons, buttons, etc. Almost all of them are intended to ensure that the user can learn about the characteristics of the component of its computer. For example, by clicking the "button" Motherboard»We will see such a window:

Here you can see information about the CPU (central processor), RAM, know the version of Biosa, etc. In principle, it is not particularly necessary for us, but if you are interested, you can well explore all this on your own. To speak exactly about the diagnosis, first, with the help of this program, you can check the temperatures of the video card, CPU, bridges, etc. To do this, you need to open the tab on the left menu. A computer", And in the window that appears, click the" Sensors "button.

After that, we will see something like this:

In principle, the temperatures that you see in the screenshot are almost perfect, but yours can be very different from these values. So, the temperature of the motherboard (motherboard) in a simple should not exceed 35 degrees, the temperature CPU - 50, MCP (south bridge) - 70, the screw (hard disk) - 35. If the temperatures are normal, then you can leave everything as it is, And if promoted, it is necessary to think about the new cooling system. But for starters, check whether the current is properly built. A total of two coolers (fan) are needed on the housing, one in front of the cold air, the second from behind on blowing hot. If only one cooler is installed in the system, then it should stand behind blowing out.
So, temperatures are normal and we can find out the average performance of the system. To do this, you must open the tab " Test»In the left menu.

Here are summaries and information on the performance of different equipment, among which are looking for your own. Perhaps to achieve the best performance will have to replace something. The main thing is not to chase for the best, in principle enough medium devices. Well, in the end, we will test the system, see, to which temperature our components are heated in the load. To do this, click on the button " Service»In the upper menu, and choose" System Stability Test».

Before us will appear this window:

We put all the checkboxes as in the screenshot, as it is necessary for complete checks of the components. After that, press the button " Start.».

You must leave a computer for 5 minutes, and then click the " Stop." Next, go to the tab " Statistics»

It is here that we see the maximum, minimum, as well as the average components. If the maximum temperature is several times more minimal, then this is a reason for concern. And if the computer turned off when conducting the test, then it is 100% overheating. In this case, we run the test again, and follow the temperatures before turning off. The processor is forcibly turning off the computer at 75-90 degrees, it all depends on the crystal architecture. In general, if the temperatures at load are very much spoke from temperatures in a simple (several times), then this is a clear sign of overheating, which means it is necessary to change the cooling system.
There are many more features from the AIDA64 program, which you can learn about yourself.