Plugins for far. Far Manager - file manager

Far Manager is a free console file manager in Russian and English (has a multilingual interface). In terms of functionality, it is similar to any other file manager, for example, Total Commander. Has a built-in editor for text files like a notepad, but with syntax highlighting. It is possible to change the encoding of files, as well as many other useful functions.
The interface is simple columnar, like the file manager Norton Commander from MS-DOS, the forefather of Windows.

Where to download Far Manager

Far Manager is distributed free of charge, you can download the version of the program on the official website: Below will be described how to change the interface language to Russian.

Installing and configuring Far Manager

It does not need special settings and assemblies. You just download the installer and install Far Manager as a normal program. However, you can always make your own adjustments. For example, by default, the interface has a fairly small print.

List of abbreviations and their meanings:

To increase it, you need to go to the properties of the shortcut on the desktop, find and increase the font (RMB (right-click) on the shortcut - Properties - Font)

  1. Choosing the font Lucida Console
  2. A new scale of font sizes will appear. Choose the size to your liking, for example 20

As a result, the interface will become more user-friendly.

Now you can change the interface language to Russian. To do this, open Far Manager and press F9 - Options - Languages ​​there. In the window that appears, select Russian

In general, at this stage, the initial configuration is completed. Next, we will learn how to use this program, more precisely, read and perceive the interface.

How to use Far Manager

To begin with, about the device interface of this program.
The interface is represented by columns in the central area, a control panel at the bottom and an information panel at the top. The speakers in the center are the two global bays. Each compartment can have one or several columns, two by default.
A bay is the file-level system of a particular disk. To move higher in the level, you need to move the cursor with the arrows on the keyboard or with the mouse to the topmost position on the .. symbol and press Enter. To go to a subdirectory of the current directory, move the cursor to it and press Enter. Also, you can use the mouse, double click on the catalog will take you to it. To change the disk, you need to use the hot keys Alt + F1 or Alt + F2. Now in more detail on the interface and with illustrations:

About the control panel - there are numbers. Each digit means the index of the panel with F1-F12 on the keyboard

  1. F1 - help - Far Manager reference. At least skim through the guide, a lot of questions will disappear by themselves.
  2. F2 - custom menu. An unnecessary option at first
  3. F3 - view the contents of files. Shows their size on catalogs
  4. F4 - edit files. On directories, calls the menu for changing attributes
  5. F5 - copy selected files and folders (directories). Selection is made using the Insert, Ins or RMB (right mouse button). Also, you can copy files by dragging and dropping.
  6. F6 - transfer selected files and folders (directories). Selection is done using the Insert, Ins or RMB button. Also, you can hold down Shift and transfer files with LMB (left mouse button)
  7. F7 - create a directory (folder) in the current directory (folder)
  8. F8 - delete a folder or file. You can delete several files and folders at the same time by first selecting them with Insert or RMB
  9. F9 - mentioned this command. Calls up the options menu at the top. Study it, a lot can come in handy
  10. F10 - Close Far Manager
  11. F11 - calls the list of Far Manager plugins with the possibility of further customization (for example, change the encoding of the file content), as well as some other additional functions.
  12. F12 - built-in screens. Far Manager allows you to use multiple copies of the file viewer and editor. This button allows you to quickly switch between them, displaying a complete list of open screens. Use F1 to learn more about this feature. This option is for advanced users

By the way, it is worth noting that Far Manager has the ability to control the mouse. So, the entire control panel at the bottom is easily controlled by LMB. Personally, I do not use this opportunity, because I find it more convenient and quick to use hotkey combinations, but I admit that it will be more convenient for someone to control the mouse.

Also, if you hold down Alt or Shift, additional buttons will appear in the control panel. Thus, hotkeys are collected, additional commands in Far Manager.

Far Manager Teams

Or, as it would be more correct to say, the keyboard shortcuts that you most often have to use:

  • Ctrl + O - show or hide the panel and console content
  • Tab, Shift + Tab move between left and right compartments
  • Shift + 2 - change the number of columns in the global compartment. instead of 2, you can use any button from 1 to 9. By default, 2
  • Alt + F9 - switch from windowed mode to fullscreen and vice versa
  • Home - move to the beginning of the list of files and subdirectories of the current directory
  • End - move to the end of the list of files and subdirectories of the current directory
  • PageUp - move to the top of the list of files and subdirectories of the current directory
  • PageDown - move to the bottom of the list of files and subdirectories of the current directory
  • Ctrl + PageUp - move to the directory one level higher
  • Ctrl + F1, Ctrl + F2 - move to the directory one level higher in the left (Ctrl + F1) and right (Ctrl + F2) compartments
  • Ctrl + A - shows the properties of a file or folder (directory, directory). You can change and save the changes immediately. So, for example, you can change the file creation date

  • Insert, Ins, RMB - select files one by one for mass manipulation (transfer, copy, delete)
  • Shift + PageUp, Shift + PageDown - select files for subsequent mass manipulation (transfer, copy, delete)
  • Alt + F6 - create a symbolic link
  • Shift + F1 - pack the selected files and directories into an archive

  • Shift + F2 - unpack the selected archive into the specified directory

  • Alt + F1, Alt + F2

    A dialog box opens with suggestions for choosing a drive, as well as other options, as a rule, the list is compiled by plug-ins (NetBox, WinSCP, registry editor, folder for temporary files, network access, list of processes)

  • Alt + F7 - search among files in the current directory

    It is better to leave the file mask free *. *, Then the search will take place in all files. If you need to search, for example, only among php files, that is, those with the .php extension (for example, index.php and db.php), use the * .php mask.
    You can change it as you like.
    Also, you can select the Insert button on the keyboard required files and folders (directories), then put the cursor on one of them to search only within them.

  • Alt + Insert - useful if you want to copy text from the console

    While in the console, you simply press the Alt + Insert hotkeys (the cursor will change its shape), then with the mouse or using the arrows and holding Shift, select the desired piece of text and copy it with Enter

Plugins for Far Manager

Plugins can significantly expand the functionality of Far Manager, turning it from a file manager into a multifunctional harvester.
You can find a complete list of plugins in Far Manager PlugRing
First of all, we need it. This plugin allows you to connect to servers on Linux OS: Ubuntu, Debian, Freebsd, Centos via SCP (obsolete), SSH (SFTP), FTP, WebDav protocols.

NetBox - plugin for connecting to a remote server via SSH, FTP, WebDav

NetBox is a plug-in for Far Manager, a continuation of the WinSCP tradition, which implements the client side of the SCP (Secure Copy Protocol, obsolete), SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), FTP (Files Transfer Protocol) and WebDav protocols. Designed to connect to remote server on Linux OS: Ubuntu, Debian, Freebsd, Centos - via FTP or WebDav and managing it: creating, editing, copying, deleting files using the above protocols, transferring them between your computer and servers that support these protocols, in our case, servers hosting sites. With its help, we will interact with file system hosting, where your sites are located: upload and download files,.

How to install NetBox

Far Manager now comes with Netbox preinstalled, but you can Download NetBox from Plugring Far Manager.
We unpack the downloaded file into the folder with plugins
(Start - Run -% ProgramFiles% \ Far Manager \ Plugins)
This completes the installation of NetBox in Far Manager, you just need to restart the latter.

Connecting to a remote server via SSH, FTP, WebDav using NetBox, WinSCP

We press the key combination Alt + F1 or Alt + F2, in the menu that opens, select NetBox, it is under the number 2.

Now we need to create a connection to our server. Let's say you have data for connecting via SSH:
Login: root, password: pass, server IP:, port 22
As suggested to create a new session, press Shift + F4 and enter the data:

We connect to the server. Now we can copy files from the computer to the server and vice versa (using F5, described in more detail above), modify them (F4), and also, if you have your own server, use the console to manage it.

If you need to connect via FTP or WebDav protocol, simply select the one you need from the drop-down list in the Protocol field

FAR Manager: a brief introduction

This Norton-like file manager, created by the famous Russian programmer Yevgeny Roshal, reproduces the interface of the Norton Commander program familiar to many users. FAR is designed to work with files, directories and archives in Windows environment 95/98 / Me and Windows 2000 / NT and can function in both full screen and windowed mode. We will not sing the praises of this program, but, in our opinion, there is no more convenient file manager, at least for a person who at one time had time to work seriously with the Norton Commander program.

What to give preference to?

Of course, there is no need to present the well-known utility Norton Commander. Currently the latest version is Norton 2000, great problem solver 2000, but not of particular interest to the Russian user. There are many reasons for this, let's name only the most important ones: the package is not Russified; the font used does not contain Cyrillic, so Russian names of files and directories cannot be used; internal information base the package does not include any Russian program. In addition, it is of no small importance that the program occupies about 10 MB (version 1.0) on the hard disk, and it is not cheap.

In contrast to the Norton Commander utility, the latest version of the FAR program (FAR 1.70b3) occupies only a little more than 2 MB of disk space, and the previous version (FAR 1.70b2) generally "weighed" twice less. FAR Manager is considered a shareware product. The cost of registering it is $ 25 (without registration, the product works for 40 days), and citizens and organizations of the CIS and Baltic countries can register the program completely free of charge. For its successful registration (this is done by running the FAR program with the –r: “FAR -r” parameter), a user from the former USSR should enter the phrase “xUSSR registration” as a username, and the registration code will be the day of the week when you decided to register the program (for example, the word "Monday" entered in lowercase Russian letters). Server addresses for FAR:, and (although not on all of them have the most recent version appearing at the same time).

As for the software capabilities of FAR Manager, here too this utility is at its best - both for a wide range of users and for professional professionals. The fact is that in addition to standard features, known since the first versions of Norton Commander, have many nice features. These include determining the size of directories, calling a list of active tasks; file transfer via FTP client. FAR provides ample opportunities when working with archives: archiving and unzipping, viewing, editing and launching files from archives for execution. The program supports most of the known archive formats, including self-extracting and CAB archives. FAR perfectly understands long file names, works correctly with Russian letters, and the built-in editor allows you to switch between DOS and WIN encodings. But we will not delve into further enumeration of the program's features, since a lot has already been written about this.

On the computers of professional specialists, this program has long taken its rightful place, and I would very much like this utility to attract the attention of all the rest of the user fraternity. Having installed it on your computer, you will no longer want to part with it and will forever forget about Norton Commander and the volume of the disk that you once had to share with it.

Plugins for FAR

The FAR Manager program was originally conceived as a shell with a modular structure (the presence of an API makes it possible to increase the shell's capabilities through the so-called plug-in plug-ins). Plugins are modules that are called from FAR and use FAR functions and interface. The inclusion of a wide range of plugins means a significant increase in the functionality of the program. By default, the file manager is supplemented with several useful modules that support both working with archives and ftp servers, with a network and a temporary panel for storing files and directories, and using all kinds of Russian encodings. The number of built-in plug-ins is constantly increasing from version to version, and the number of functions provided by the program is growing accordingly.

In addition, new plugins by various authors appear regularly. Some of them are of greater interest, others less, but their total number is constantly increasing (in currently about 407 different plugins are known), and old versions of plugins are periodically replaced by new ones. In addition, both the author of FAR Manager and the authors of specific plugins listen to the wishes and suggestions of users and in some cases implement their ideas in new versions. The most complete list of plugins with the ability to sort them by various parameters can be found at the address, which is a kind of Internet community of FAR plugins authors.

Several of the most useful plugins, as we have already mentioned, are automatically included in the FAR Manager distribution. Of the most frequently used ones, I would like to name a convenient print manager and the "File register conversion" module, which allows you to unify the change in the spelling of the file names of the selected directory. The "Advanced Comparison" module is also very effective, which, in contrast to the "Comparison of folders" command known from Norton, allows you to specify a number additional parameters comparisons (time, content, size), as well as include or, conversely, exclude certain files and folders when comparing. The well-known "FTP-client" plugin makes the process of transferring files much easier. The latest version of FAR (1.70b3) has added another interesting plugin "Explorer context menu" (Fig. 1), however, most of the features announced in it are not active yet. At the same time, at least some of the functions of this module can be used in practice quite widely (for example, "Send", "Cut", "Copy" and "Paste").

Most often plugins implement various functions, which are not needed by all users. The relevance of using this or that additional module depends on the specific working conditions. Therefore, you need to think carefully before installing all the plugins in a row. And only then, having carefully analyzed your own needs, you should install only the additional modules you really need, thereby reducing the amount of memory and resources used by the program.

Installing any new plugin is very easy. You need to create a Plugins subdirectory in the FAR directory (by default C: \ Program Files \ Far) (in the latest versions of the program it is created automatically), inside it create a special subdirectory for this plugin and copy all the plugin files into it. After these manipulations, you close the program in the usual way, and then restart it, and the plugin starts working. You can call the required plug-in by pressing the F11 key and selecting it from the list that opens. Some plugins are also selected through the Alt + F1 (Alt + F2) combination. To change the parameters of the installed plugins, you will need to use the command F9ФParametersФParameters external modules and make the necessary adjustments (Fig. 2).

Are FAR plugins really necessary?

As noted above, at the time of this writing, 407 different plugins were officially registered at (it’s probably impossible to find another software tool, for which such a number would have been developed). On the one hand, such a wide range of possibilities that plug-ins provide seems to be superfluous, but on the other hand, this is the main advantage of FAR Manager over other programs designed to work with files and directories. After all, the modular structure of FAR allows users to connect and disconnect exactly those plugins that are needed.

As for the variety of FAR plug-ins that exist today, you can find literally everything among them - from Tetris, reverse and mini-calendar, congratulating you on your birthday, and ending with all kinds of clients. The "constellation" of plugins still includes those that are automatically included in the FAR Manager distribution kit or provide features already implemented in the latest versions of the program (these plugins today may be of interest only to users of older versions of the file manager).

A certain part of the plug-in base can be useful to a fairly wide range of users, however, most of the FAR plug-ins still implement quite specific features, the need for which, due to the nature of work on a computer, does not arise for everyone. Therefore, a significant portion of plugins are targeted only at users who face the same problems as the plugin authors themselves.

Clipboard Copy, Clipboard Copy Alt

These plugins are intended for using the clipboard for copying and moving files and folders as usual in Windows, but previously unavailable in FAR Manager. Copying (moving) both from Windows to FAR and vice versa is allowed. By itself, such a feature greatly facilitates the usual operations of copying and moving, but it cannot be said that it is implemented very conveniently (if in Windows it is enough, as you know, to right-click and select the desired action, then in FAR you have to execute the combination F11Ф Exchange buffer Ф Copy (Move / Cut or Paste). True, you cannot demand the impossible from the authors of plug-ins: this is the path that is assumed based on the very logic of the plug-in. The idea was originally implemented in the Clipboard Copy plug-in, but not completely worked out: when trying to copy some files, the program gives a file system error Much later, a similar in functionality Clipboard Copy Alt plug-in appeared, in which we did not encounter any error situations. . Archives: cl bcopy110.rar (158,296 bytes, author - Alexander Kotelovich) - Clipboard Copy plugin; works since FAR1.60, clipcopy.rar (9361 bytes, author - Andrey Budko) - Clipboard Copy Alt plugin; works since FAR1.65.

File list creator

Designed, as the name suggests, to be created in the current file directories containing a list of the names of the selected files. Although there is, of course, the usual possibility of copying the names of the selected files to the clipboard by pressing Ctrl + Ins and then pasting from the clipboard into text file, this plugin is also quite convenient in some cases. It allows you to copy files with paths (entering long paths for a group of files manually is an extremely dubious entertainment), as well as supplementing the created list of files with new files and processing subfolders (of course, if they are selected). There are situations when it is simply irreplaceable (for example, the author of this article, as a teacher, often needs it when forming independent assignments). Archive: flist22.rar (107,780 bytes, author - Andrey Belousov); works since FAR1.60.

Edit Swap

In fact, this plugin represents two modules: "Paired brackets" and "Rus<->Lat ", intended, of course, to edit the file in the text editor FAR. The first module is responsible for finding and highlighting single and double paired brackets different types... The plugin was written for version FAR1.63, which did not provide such an opportunity. FAR version 1.70b2 already includes a built-in "Brackets" plugin that performs the same functions. As for the module "Rus<->Lat ”, it can still only be connected manually and provides a very useful opportunity recoding the selected block according to the QWERTY rule<->QWERTY, and such a need arises all the time, if you just forgot to switch the alphabet, and you naturally have no special desire to type the text again. Archive: (16 800 bytes, author - Valentin Skirdin). Although the plugin was written for version FAR1.63, it works fine in subsequent versions of the program. True, the function of finding and highlighting parentheses turns out to be duplicated.


The plugin allows you to uninstall programs from the FAR Manager in the same way as is usually done from the control panel (F11FRemove programsFSelect program name). Archive: (8 619 bytes, author - Dmitry Zhemerov); works since FAR1.65.

FAR Navigator (ProxyFtp)

This module allows you to work not only with ftp servers (downloading or deleting files and directories from the server, copying your files to the server), as a standard FTP client plugin, but also with http servers (downloading from the server). If the connection is broken, it is possible to resume the files. As for downloading files to a computer, there are, of course, more convenient opportunities provided by download managers specially designed for this (here and more conveniently organized resume, and work on a schedule, and download at the highest possible speed, etc.) ), so this direction, in general, is not for everybody. And if we talk about the reverse operation, then the plugin's functions should be of interest to a wide audience. To connect to the server, you need to perform a simple sequence of actions: F11ФFAR NavigatorФ Enter the name and other parameters of the server by pressing the Shift + F4 combination. Archive: (161,583 bytes, author - Vasily Moshninov); works since FAR1.65.

Web Editor

This plugin allows you to create and edit html files in the built-in environment text editor FAR by inserting templates of a fairly wide range of HTML tags (Fig. 4), CSS attributes, PHP structures(fig. 5) etc. The process of completely creating Web pages in this way is time-consuming and labor-intensive and not very inspiring, especially when you think about the specially designed for this purpose. software products... However, this module can be very useful in the process of debugging a page, when you need to make minimal changes, save and immediately check the result. In addition, some of the tags (necessary, for example, for the successful promotion of your page) still have to be inserted manually, and the Web Editor helps to significantly speed up the whole process. To insert a tag, use the following sequence of actions: F11ФHTML - EditorFselect the required tag. Archive: (163,749 bytes, author - Alexander Ermolaev); works since FAR1.7.

FAR plugins programming Help Encyclopedia of Developer

It is an encyclopedia in Russian PlugRinG Help for plugin developers. In principle, the FAR Manager distribution also contains a help file, but it is rather short. Therefore, the authors of this plug-in decided to write a real Help-encyclopedia, in which the plug-in development technology in relation to C / C ++ and Pascal (structures, service functions, exported functions, etc.) is discussed in detail, specific recommendations in this area are given and numerous examples. In addition, here are published articles by various authors regarding pitfalls that they had to deal with at various stages of their plugin development. In other words, this encyclopedia is a great help for those who decided to replenish the number of plugin authors. To launch the encyclopedia, just click on the pluginsr.chm file. Archive: help / (394 619 bytes, authors - Valentin Skirdin, Igor Russkikh, Ivan Sinturin, Kirill Kirichenko, Artem Nazarov, Vasily Moshninov and Dmitry Zhemerov) is focused on the FAR1.7b3 version.


The plugin is designed to work with the plugins database - PlugRing (Fig. 6). For a general user, it may be of interest to organize a targeted viewing of plugins by category. The advantage of this plugin is that you do not need to study the entire plugin base for a long time and persistently, if you need to find out, for example, what plugins exist for working with the Internet or with a printer. However, the functionality of PlugRinGviewer is much wider: it includes downloading plugins from the database, and updating, and adding new plugins. But this feature is mainly aimed at plugin authors. To connect to the database, you first need to configure the plug-in to your proxy server (F9FParametersFParameters of external modulesFBase of plugins in a standard way via F11F PlugRing plugin base). Archive: (394 619 bytes, author - Vasily Moshninov), works from version FAR1.65.

For more information, we advise you to contact the address http: //www.uic., where more than 400 plugins are waiting for you for free, as they say, for every taste.

ComputerPress 2 "2002

) and have never seen him, nevertheless, you probably still understand who he is and what he is eaten with. For those who have not read the last article, but for some reason decided to read this one, I will say that FAR manager is an analogue of Norton Commander (programs for managing files), working in the console (text mode), but using all the power of Windows. The statement about the analogue of Norton is a little controversial, we will assume that this is my subjective opinion, of which there will be many more in the future. Liked it - then download it from and run it. By the way, the third beta has been released since the last article was written. I'll tell you about registration right away - it is free for residents of the former USSR.

So you downloaded it. What didn't you like? Things are good? Then read on.

Who is this article for? Rather, for those who have been using FAR for a long time, but have no idea how wide its capabilities are. Nevertheless, it will not be superfluous for those who have not yet chosen a file manager to their liking. I must admit that I had no idea at first how powerful the FAR thing was, until I found a site with plugins on the Internet :)

Plugins. Who are they?

Plugin (from English Plug-in - plug-in) are external plug-ins (plugins) that are used to extend the capabilities of programs. Plugins are not specific to FAR. With their help, for example, the capabilities of ICQ are expanded, Adobe photoshop or Winamp. They are also found in other file managers, for example, in Windows Commander. But, in comparison with other file managers, only in FAR plug-ins are provided with truly fantastic opportunities: plug-ins work anywhere - in panels, in the editor, in the viewer; they can be run directly from the command line. Sometimes you just don't know who exactly will execute the next command - far.exe itself or plugins, the shell merged so closely with its helpers. The very ideology of plugins allows you to customize the shell for yourself, adding the necessary and throwing out the unnecessary. This is the main advantage of plugin systems over monolithic programs.

And now the fun part

Since there are a huge number of plugins (at the day of this writing there were 288 of them), I will try to describe the most useful ones (in my opinion). And I will mainly use the author's comments and my subjective opinion.

So, according to the rating, FarNavigator (formerly ProxyFtp) is in the first place. Just recently, he bypassed a plugin that will be described below - colorer. The author is Vasily Moshninov. FAR includes a standard ftp client, but it has only basic functions. And thanks to this plugin, FAR becomes an excellent FTP client, since it can be used to work with any type of proxy server. In the latest version, it also works with http servers.

Colorer is a plugin for syntax highlighting of programming languages ​​(for example, setting colors in any software environment) in the FAR editor. It is very convenient if you need to quickly edit the source code, and you are too lazy to launch the shell. The author is Igor Russkikh. Contains a huge number of ready-made scripts for coloring different languages. A few words about installation: this plugin consists of two parts - the syntax highlighting library and the plugin itself.

Search and replace (s_and_r). Author - Ivan Sintyurin. The plugin, which allows you to replace in a large number of files, expands the search capabilities in the standard editor, and also provides the ability to search and replace using regular expressions. As the author said, this is a plugin for the smart, and for those who know what regular expressions are, this is an irreplaceable thing ...

7-zip. A plugin that makes working with archives transparent, that is, it does not require the archivers themselves on the machine. Initially, it is designed for zip, so it can only archive in zip, but unzip - from most archives.

In addition to these plugins, there are many others. For example, to control WinAmp from FAR, to support various languages ​​and encodings, for all kinds of mass file processing. In fact, everyone can write the desired plugin for their specific task, which makes the modular architecture convenient.

Now let's take a look at the standard delivery plugins.

Advanced Compare is a plugin that enhances directory comparison capabilities. Why describe it - just look at the dialogue it gives out.

Editor \ Align - plugin for formatting blocks in the built-in editor. I recommend using Format Block instead.

Editor \ AutoWrap - plugin for auto-wrap lines as you type.

Editor \ Brackets - plugin for auto-transition between brackets in the editor. It is stated that it is not needed if you have a colorer, as it can do all this.

Editor \ DrawLine - plugin for drawing lines in the editor. Dedicated to Dos Nafigator lovers.

Editor \ EditCase - plugin for changing the case of typed words. Knows how to do everything - "all lowercase", "Start with uppercase", "ALL Uppercase", "CHANGE REGISTER", "Cyclic change".

FARCmds is a very powerful and feature rich plugin. Since it comes standard, I recommend reading the "Help". An example of use is to make the same directory on the adjacent panel as on the current one.

FileCase is a plugin similar to EditCase, but does the same with filenames. In the next version s_and_r (1.6) will do the same, but for the sake of simplicity, I would still recommend using this plugin.

FTP is a standard FTP client. For infrequent work with FTP is quite sufficient. If you work with FTP constantly, then I recommend installing the proxyftp described above, and removing this one.

HlfViewer is a plugin for plugin developers. Serves to view an arbitrary hlf-file - help file for FAR`a.

MultiArc is a powerful plugin for working with archives.

Network - plugin for working with the Network. Very comfortable. Perhaps in this version it will be slightly changed for the better. Those who have already used it know that the old Network browser did not know how to leave resources on the Web, while the new one can, however, so far only for the Microsoft Network. Novell NetWare owners will have to wait a bit.

PrintMan - new plugin... Replaces standard printing functions in FAR, starting from version 1.70 beta1. Prints on almost all types of printers. Knows how to remove jobs from the print queue.

ProcList - list of processes. Nice plugin for shooting processes and viewing quite detailed information about them. In addition, he knows how to change the priorities of running processes. By the way, here - to get a list and switch tasks, you can use the ctrl-w combination in FAR, and to remove them in the menu that appears, use the DEL key. At the same time, they are removed immediately and without question, unlike what Windows does (by CTRL-ALT-DEL).

TmpPanel is a temporary panel. The main purpose is to add files found during the search.

EMenu - plugin for getting contextual windows menu... Able to display text or graphic menus.

As I noted above, many standard plugins are add-ons for users, they do not provide all the needs, and in many cases their functionality is overridden by more advanced plugins, which means they can be removed if not used. The main point of standard plugins is examples for those who want to start writing plugins themselves, since they all come with source code.

Where to get them and how to install them?

All FAR plugins are stored in separate folders located in the "Plugins" folder (which, in turn, is located in the same folder as Far.exe). Upon detecting a new module, FAR saves information about it and subsequently loads it only when necessary, so that inactive modules do not require additional memory. However, if you are sure that you do not need any modules, you can remove them to save disk space. Also, be sure to read all text files like readme.txt, whatsnew.txt, file_id. diz. Specific features for installing this plugin can be described there. Also check sometimes the plugin authors' home pages, which should be listed in these files.

Now let's see how to install them. So, you need to go to the folder where FAR is installed (usually it is c: \ program files \ far \), into the plugins subdirectory, there create a subdirectory with a name corresponding to the name of the plugin (in principle, it does not matter, it is useful only for orientation), and copy the entire contents of the downloaded archive into it. Next, restart FAR. Removing the plugin is a little more difficult. My way is to go into the plugins directory, click. (period) and shift-enter, exit FAR, delete the directory with the plugin (del) and start FAR again. If you want to install new version plugin, you must first uninstall it and then install it. Sometimes, if the plugin is not loaded into memory, you can do without exiting FAR.

You can get plugins from PlugRing, a community site for plugin writers. By the way, in the last article I wrote that PlugRinG ( is an unofficial site. So, now it has become official, but has not changed its direction: there is the main (and, in principle, the only) collection of plugins for FAR. There are shorter and quicker-to-remember addresses for it - and Also, to keep abreast of all the latest plugins, I recommend subscribing to the forum - [email protected].

And in conclusion, I would like to express my gratitude to those who helped me write this article - especially Ivan Sinturin, as well as the developers of FAR, plugins for him.

June 9, 2001

Primus inter pares
(First among equals)

In this note we will talk about programs (surprised?). If be
accurate, then we will talk about one program called Far.

Far is "File and Archive Manager", which translates as "I
I can handle your files and archives better than anyone. " At the beginning a little
stories. The author of this program is Evgeny Roshal, the one who
which was written by the Rar archiver. But unlike Rar, Far didn't get
full recognition in the West, but the fact that our programmer
Nobody believes our programmers are able to pay the money.
Especially our programmers 🙂 In order not to engage in self-deception,
for ex-USSR Far was free. As a result, Zhenya made a program
almost for thanks until I got tired of it, after which I gave
sources for the Far Team group, collected from the best and most active
plugin writers. Now they are the ones who introduce new features, fix
old bugs, and Zhenya plays the role of uh ... producer? 🙂

Oh, by the way, about plugins. Far's main charm is that he is in
extensible to some extent with plugins. Plugins are written in
languages ​​C, C ++, Delphi, Virtual Pascal, and so on, so on ... Now
the number of plugins is huge and a lot of what you need is already

In principle, plugins are taken from the home pages of their authors. But
there is an open secret - all plugins can be found in one place -
Far PlugRinG.
Everything is very conveniently categorized, there is
search and the ability to find out which plugins appeared for
the last month or two. Their total number is so great (> 350 according to my estimates),
that I decided to describe those of them that may be useful not only to me,
but also to anyone else.

I'm sure that many people use some kind of file manager, and most probably use one of the most popular - Total commander... For those who do not know what a file manager is, I will tell you in a nutshell. The file manager is a program that provides a convenient and multifunctional interface for working with the entire file system and the files themselves, respectively. Basically, file managers are created in order to speed up work with the following frequently performed actions: create, edit, delete, search for files, rename, copy, move, open / play / view, change attributes and properties, assign rights, etc. Others in words, file managers are not only convenient in daily work, but also significantly save the cost of unnecessary mouse clicks. There are file managers with built-in a large number of additional functions, which are not always needed by every user. Therefore, I was looking for myself so that by default there was the very minimum of functionality, but at the same time I needed the ability to add additional modules (plugins) with which you can increase functionality... And the most basic search criterion was a simple and minimal interface that would not distract from work, but contained all the essentials and frequently used ones. Of course, almost all file managers met similar criteria, and most of them contain a number of settings, with which you can customize both the interface and functionality. There are both paid and free, the choice is still quite large. I chose for myself Far Manager, which, in fact, will be discussed today.

Far Manager Is a free console file manager for Windows.

Have Far Manager there is a fairly large abundance of plugins, using which you can firstly increase the capabilities of the program, and secondly, make this file manager more convenient for yourself.

As I said just above, there are a large number of file managers with quite different interfaces. But the most convenient in my opinion is the file manager made in the form of two columns, which makes it much faster to carry out various operations with files. Accordingly chosen by me Far Manager contains two columns in its interface.

Of course team Windows string weak enough compared to UNIX systems, but still there. And the file manager Far Manager supports work with the command line, which allows you not to switch between two windows, but to interact with files and with the command line. I mainly use the command line on Windows when developing some kind of software and I had to use very often Far not only as a file manager, but also as a convenient tool for working with the command line. But now I have found for myself, in which there is a very handy tool to work with the command line, and Far Manager now I use it exclusively in working with directories, files and archives.

V Far there is quite good support for working with FTP... But for some reason I got so accustomed to my work that the support FTP in Far Manager I practically do not use it, although everything is done quite conveniently and simply.

You can endlessly describe the capabilities of the FAR file manager, since there are a number of plugins that significantly increase the capabilities of the program. I just talked about some of the program functions that I often use, everything else can be added as needed, and the fact that it comes by default with the basic functions of the file manager is a big plus, since each user will collect from Far Manager such as he needs.

Installing FAR Manager

In order to install the file manager, you need to download it from the official website, where several versions are available for download. Far Manager, namely:

  • for x86 versions v2.0 and v1.75 - archive (not installation file), msi (installation file)
  • for x64 versions v2.0 and v1.75 - archive (not installation file), msi (installation file)

In my case, I will download the version v2.0 for x86 installer msi file ... In order to download exactly the version that you need, you need to go to the following link - I downloaded Far Manager from the following link -
Now I need to run the downloaded file, I have the file name
After launch installation file a welcome window will appear, in which you need to click the button Next to continue.

The next window prompts you to read the license text, in which you need to check the box I accept the terms in the License Agreement(I accept the terms license agreement) if you agree with all the terms of the license. Then you need to press Next to continue.

The next window offers installation for both the current user and all users of the system:

  • Install just for you (Admin)(Install for current user only)
    Far Manager 2 will be installed in a per-user folder and be available just for your user account. You do not need local Administrator privileges. (Far Manager 2 will be installed in the current user folder and will be available only for account this user. You do not need to have administrator rights.) - In this case, the program is installed in the directory Documents and Settings, namely in the user's folder.
  • Install for all users of this machine(Install for all users of this computer)
    Far Manager 2 will be installed in a per-machine folder by default and be available for all users. You can change the default installation folder. You must have local Administrator privileges. (Far Manager 2 will be installed for all users of the system. You can change the default installation folder. You must have administrator privileges.) - In this case, the program is installed in the directory Program Files.

Then you need to press Next to continue.

In the next window, you can change the installation location of the program Far Manager... Then you need to press Next to continue.

In the next window, you can select various add-ons and settings that will be installed along with Far Manager. If you have marked some additions and then want to return all the default values, then you need to click the button Reset... I decided to select all the items for testing.

Available for each item extra menu, in which you can select as each element separately ( Will be installed on locale hard drive - Will be installed on HDD) and a whole group ( Entire feature? Will be installed on locale hard drive- The whole component will be installed on the hard drive), and the third item ( Entire feature? Will be unavailable- The component will not be installed on the hard drive).

Then you need to press Next to continue. And the next window will appear where you can choose Install for installation or Back to go back.

After pressing the button Install the following window will appear, where the installation process will take place Far Manager and all selected components. Installation will take no more than two minutes.

In the last window, you can check the box Launch Far Manager 2 new(Run Far Manager 2). Then you need to press the button Finish to complete the installation.

This is the setting Far Manager finished, after pressing the button Finish the main menu of the program will appear.

Registering an earlier version of Far Manager

Earlier Far Manager it was necessary to register in order for all the functionality of the program to be available. And if you have installed old version Far Manager, then the following instructions are just for you:
I will quote item 2 the contents of the file “ License.xUSSR.txt«:

2. Citizens of the countries of the former USSR have the right to use this version FAR for non-commercial purposes for free.

I will say that this file manager is absolutely free, reading the same file it becomes clear how to register FAR, namely, point 3:

3. To unlock the functions of the registered version of the specified
categories of persons when registering after starting ‘far -r’ must be entered in
as username:
xUSSR registration
in this case, the registration code must be entered in small
in Russian letters the current day of the week.

And so what and from this we should do:
launch FAR we write - far -r, after which the window will be checked out, and as shown in the lower screenshot, enter:

Registration name - xUSSR registration
Registration code - Tuesday(here we write the current day of the week)
Well, that's all the registration of the file manager is over, successful use!
If you have downloaded one of the latest versions file manager Far, then you do not need to register it.

Russification Far Manager

By default, the program will speak to us in English. Everything is much simpler here than with the Russification of most programs. If you did everything according to the above instructions, then the Russian language is already installed in the Far Manager program, you just need to enable it, and for this you need to do the following:

  • v open window programs press the button F9(start the main menu Far)
  • go to the menu Options
  • click on the menu sub-item Languages

After that, a window will open in which you can select a language for the Menu, and there is a choice of several languages, namely:

  • Chez (Czech)
  • English (English)
  • German (German)
  • Hugarion (Hungarian)
  • Polish
  • Russian (Russian)
  • Spanish (Spanish)

We choose the one that you need, in my case it is Russian (Russian).

After selecting the Menu language, the following window will appear in which you need to select the Help language, there are a little fewer languages ​​here, namely:

  • English (English)
  • Hugarion (Hungarian)
  • Russian (Russian)

But the one that I need is still on the list - Russian (Russian).

After all these steps, you must have a file manager installed on your computer. Far Manager speaking Russian.

Using FAR Manager

By default, the program window contains two panels in which you can open different directories and files. In each of the panels, you can use both the keyboard and the mouse, but file managers, in my opinion, are created in order to speed up the process of working with directories and files from the keyboard. Of course, here not only the work process is accelerated, but also the convenience increases significantly.
In order to sort files in any of the panels, you need to hold down the key Ctrl on the keyboard, after which a menu will be displayed at the bottom in which each item corresponds to the keys F1 to F10 to F12 in full screen mode:

  • F1- show / hide the left panel
  • F2- show / hide right panel
  • F3- sort by file name
  • F4- sort by extension
  • F5- sort by recording time
  • F6- sort by size
  • F7- do not sort
  • F8- sort by creation time
  • F9- sort by access time
  • F10- sort by description
  • F11- sort by file owner
  • F12- start sorting menu

Alt, which is mainly intended for working with files and directories, namely:

  • F1- open the current disk in the left pane
  • F2- open the current disk in the right pane
  • F3- here you can open the file for viewing as in external program and in the file manager itself
  • F4- here you can open a file for editing both in an external program and in the file manager itself
  • F5- printing files
  • F6- here you can create a link (shortcut) to a file or folder
  • F7- file search
  • F8- display command history
  • F9- resizing the program window
  • F10- folder search
  • F11- display browsing and editing history
  • F12- display folder history

You can also open an additional menu by holding down the button Shift, which is mainly intended for working with files and archives, namely:

  • F1- add files to archive
  • F2- extract files from archive
  • F3- execute archive management commands
  • F4- edit new file
  • F5- copy the file under the cursor
  • F6- rename or move the file under the cursor
  • F7- absent
  • F8- delete the file under the cursor
  • F9- save configuration
  • F10- select the last executed menu item
  • F11- use sorting about groups
  • F12- show marked files first

The next menu is launched by pressing the key F9 on keyboard. It contains the following items:

  • Left- basic operations that refer to the left panel
  • Files- basic file operations
  • Commands- various teams
  • Options- here are the basic settings for the program
  • Right- basic operations that relate to the right panel

I tried to reveal some of the small features of the program, but the most important assistant in the study of this file manager is one of the items in the bottom menu, namely - Help, which can be started by pressing the key F1 on keyboard.
As I said earlier, a large number of additional plugins are available in Far Manager, but on this moment I use only one plugin - Noisy player... I recently wrote about this useful and interesting plugin, namely: which allows you to play music files on your computer.
All other plugins can be downloaded from the official website of the program.


  • - the official website of the program
  • - plugins directory

Happy use!