Learn to comments on the message. Plugin for subscriptions for new comments WordPress

Those who comment on me will immediately understand what I am writing. After you receive an answer to your comment, you will receive an alert on the mail (comes?), They say so, and so, on the site a response was received and all that, unless of course left their real email.

About how it is implemented below.

For example, I have a frequent guest on many blogs and actively communicate on them in the comments. And keep all the threads conversations, remembering which blogs and in what topics the correspondence was carried out unreal. Therefore, if I suddenly met someone, you answered me, and I, in turn, did not respond, I apologize, but you yourself were to blame - it was necessary to take care of automatic alert by mail, and at the same time enhancing the commenting of your articles.

And in this case, so everyone's favorite plugin Subscribe to comments far away the best waybecause it allows you to subscribe to all new comments on the article. I don't know how you, but personally it strains to rake out the dodge in the mail ( a day and so for several hundred letters to sort out), when it is so signatured on my head on some commentated blog) Therefore, we almost never use this feature, although I have this plugin itself.

UPD. I was delicately divided in the comments, reminding that this plugin also has the ability to enable the choice of a subscription option - to all messages or only answers. However, I forgot about it not enough, the fact is that once I have already tested this opportunity and thus the alerts on the mail did not reach me at all. I do not know what the problem was but I considered that this function does not work normally. By the way, almost no one includes or not even guesses the existence of such an opportunity, so in most cases on blogs there is only a subscription on all comments on the article.

And this is still half of the trouble - you can say, subscribed, it means to blame himself, I knew what you had, put a check mark - Razbay Now ( or did not remove if the default is marked) 🙂

But there are such chitrust blogs, including among my acquaintances ( i will not show your fingers 🙂) Where the site owners put the default settings noted by the default, and then simply remove it from the page.

Those. Thus, leaving your comment on this site, you automatically become the happy owner of the subscription to all comments on the article. (which most up to the light bulb, are primarily interested in their own person.) and part-time, silent in the mail \u003d)

Well, well, well Nonono! It's not good to do so and forcibly push people such a subscription - the sudden ruins are confident in the mail. For example, I immediately unsubscribe from such a newsletter immediately, and he will continue to think about several times, and whether to keep comments on such a blog at all in order not to bother with excess soap cleaning.

Freedom of choice It should be, at least on the Internet, who wants - he will sign, if I want to read someone else's comments, I will come and read them on the blog himself. I understand that this is also a marketing technique, to increase the attendance of the resource, attracting users to discussions, etc. However, it seems to me that the reception is quite dubious and can give the opposite result.

I hope my call will be heard - return the checkbox, the one forcedilovka! 🙂

Alert plugin on the comment by Comment Reply Notification.

Here he is, this little scoundrel, which, for some reason, few people know, or knows, but does not use. But this is a great way to remind a commentator about my blog, and make it return to the shortest possible time, thereby supporting the thread of the conversation and improving behavioral factors.

I was suggested by my companion on arms and just a good blogger Evgeny Fishkalife. All the same, I will not resist and sleep - before he also stood a forced subscription to the comments that I was terribly shown 🙂 But then he put this useful plugin, and it was much more pleasant to comment on his blog, the more there is something to be remembered \u003d)

The meaning of his work is simple - as soon as you receive an answer to your comment, then you receive a letter with a notice on the mail, and only when the answer personally is in your message - you can feel the difference with buggy Subscribe to Comments 🙂 as a result and in the mail mail, and the mission is completed - The visitor is pleased that they talk to him and still politely remind of it that it would not even once again keep everything in memory.

In detail to sign the settings of the plugin, I will not, no longer think, they are elementary there - chose in what cases to inform about the response, configured the text of the letter of the notification ( it is desirable to do everything in Russian of course) And on that all, enjoy the increased commentarity of the blog) If someone else has problems - write in the comments.

UPD: It didn't work out) on numerous requests for a brief I will write as a plugin to translate a line with a checkbox with a subscription to the answer.

It is currently after installing the plugin, go to the settings and include Commenter Choose to Do SO (Default Checked) in the settings if we want to give the right to choose a visitor, whether he wants to receive an answer to his comment on the mail ( although you can safely choose "if the answer from the author of the recording or administrator" or "always inform")

Under the form of comments, this is the inscription "Notify Me of Follow-Up Comments Via E-mail" which would be advisable to translate. This is done directly in the plug-in file. comment-reply-notification.php.

Just open it in text editorfind through the search phrase Notify Me of Follow-Up Comments Via E-Mai and in 2 places we replace it with the necessary us, for example Notify about the answer to my comment on E-mail. Close, save, everything is ready)

By the way, I myself, this plugin is not separately installed, but the function is built in the other - a plugin of tree comments WordPress Thread Comment - It's like in advertising, 2 in 1, a universal solution for those whose patterns do not support the possibility of tree comments and who wants to configure the alert on the answers to the mail.

By the way, you probably noticed that even with this plugin I give the right to choose a person - whether he wants to receive alerts on the mail.

Although it is not so scary here, if this opportunity to remove, at least the duties in the mail will not be accurate.

And what plug do you use to notify your commentators?

Good (hope) day! Today I will tell you how to easily and simply subscribe to the comments on any post on LIRA (which, of course, you have the right to read). I understand that you probably know about it, but I was asked for two lubricants last week, which, even with a large stretch, cannot be called "beginners".

To begin with, I want to highlight the question from where these questions appeared. Previously (before removing "unnecessary", or rather, duplicate links from the LIRA interface) existed under each message Link "Subscribe to Comments". But now it is not. More precisely, it is, but it can be seen bad. She is under the link "Like". This link looks like a ribbon of friends:

Especially for those who are not satisfied with my design personally, these and all subsequent screenshots are given for standard design.

What, did not find where to be comments on the message? Well, especially for those who did not find, allocate these links:

Now you can tell you how to subscribe to comments to the message.

Method number 1.
Click on the link " Subscribe to Comme Rii"(Red frame in the screenshot above). LIRUE Overload a page and will show you a message:

For those who do not want the page overloaded, I propose Method No. 2.
Press the button " Liked"(Blue frame in the screenshot above). In this case, the Lair will remember that you liked this message and will not overload the page.

How to unsubscribe from comments to the message?
After telling how to subscribe to receive comments to the message, it would be a little ugly not to tell how to unsubscribe from them. In principle, there are 3 or 4 ways to do this. Today I will tell about one of them. And those who suddenly read this message can write in the comments Others 2. At the same time, I will check that, read this message at least someone from those who commented.

Let's start with notes.
Attention! After unsubscribing from all comments to the post you will still receive some comments on it. What kind? Those who are answers to your comments. Unsubscribe from obtaining these comments only for one message cannot be. Unsubscribe from all such comments can be in.

In order to unsubscribe from comments, again click on the link "Like" (see Screenshots at the beginning of the message). There find a link " Unsubscribe"(Red frame in the screenshot below):

Found? Click on it. LIRA will overload the page and informs you with the message:

That's actually all.

Good (hope) day! Today I will tell you how to easily and simply subscribe to the comments on any post on LIRA (which, of course, you have the right to read). I understand that you probably know about it, but I was asked for two lubricants last week, which, even with a large stretch, cannot be called "beginners".

To begin with, I want to highlight the question from where these questions appeared. Previously (before removing "unnecessary", or rather, duplicate links from the LIRA interface) existed under each message Link "Subscribe to Comments". But now it is not. More precisely, it is, but it can be seen bad. She is under the link "Like". This link looks like a ribbon of friends:

Especially for those who are not satisfied with my design personally, these and all subsequent screenshots are given for standard design.

What, did not find where to be comments on the message? Well, especially for those who did not find, allocate these links:

Now you can tell you how to subscribe to comments to the message.

Method number 1.
Click on the link " Subscribe to Comme Rii"(Red frame in the screenshot above). LIRUE Overload a page and will show you a message:

For those who do not want the page overloaded, I propose Method No. 2.
Press the button " Liked"(Blue frame in the screenshot above). In this case, the Lair will remember that you liked this message and will not overload the page.

How to unsubscribe from comments to the message?
After telling how to subscribe to receive comments to the message, it would be a little ugly not to tell how to unsubscribe from them. In principle, there are 3 or 4 ways to do this. Today I will tell about one of them. And those who suddenly read this message can write in the comments Others 2. At the same time, I will check that, read this message at least someone from those who commented.

Let's start with notes.
Attention! After unsubscribing from all comments to the post you will still receive some comments on it. What kind? Those who are answers to your comments. Unsubscribe from obtaining these comments only for one message cannot be. Unsubscribe from all such comments can be in.

In order to unsubscribe from comments, again click on the link "Like" (see Screenshots at the beginning of the message). There find a link " Unsubscribe"(Red frame in the screenshot below):

Found? Click on it. LIRA will overload the page and informs you with the message:

That's actually all.

Good (hope) day! Today I will tell you how to easily and simply subscribe to the comments on any post on LIRA (which, of course, you have the right to read). I understand that you probably know about it, but I was asked for two lubricants last week, which, even with a large stretch, cannot be called "beginners".

To begin with, I want to highlight the question from where these questions appeared. Previously (before removing "unnecessary", or rather, duplicate links from the LIRA interface) existed under each message Link "Subscribe to Comments". But now it is not. More precisely, it is, but it can be seen bad. She is under the link "Like". This link looks like a ribbon of friends:

Especially for those who are not satisfied with my design personally, these and all subsequent screenshots are given for standard design.

What, did not find where to be comments on the message? Well, especially for those who did not find, allocate these links:

Now you can tell you how to subscribe to comments to the message.

Method number 1.
Click on the link " Subscribe to Comme Rii"(Red frame in the screenshot above). LIRUE Overload a page and will show you a message:

For those who do not want the page overloaded, I propose Method No. 2.
Press the button " Liked"(Blue frame in the screenshot above). In this case, the Lair will remember that you liked this message and will not overload the page.

How to unsubscribe from comments to the message?
After telling how to subscribe to receive comments to the message, it would be a little ugly not to tell how to unsubscribe from them. In principle, there are 3 or 4 ways to do this. Today I will tell about one of them. And those who suddenly read this message can write in the comments Others 2. At the same time, I will check that, read this message at least someone from those who commented.

Let's start with notes.
Attention! After unsubscribing from all comments to the post you will still receive some comments on it. What kind? Those who are answers to your comments. Unsubscribe from obtaining these comments only for one message cannot be. Unsubscribe from all such comments can be in.

In order to unsubscribe from comments, again click on the link "Like" (see Screenshots at the beginning of the message). There find a link " Unsubscribe"(Red frame in the screenshot below):

Found? Click on it. LIRA will overload the page and informs you with the message:

That's actually all.

Write a comment on the site - it means to express your opinion on the material set out on the site, and send it to everyone's review.

A published comment can read any person who gets to the site - adult, teenager, child. Thus, comments are written not only for the author (authors) of articles (blog, video, audio, etc.), but also absolutely, which will read or view (listen) published material.

As written in Wikipedia, comment (from Latin Commentarius - notes, notes; interpretation) - explanations to the text, reasoning, comments about anything or comments - to the post (post).

The word "comment" sometimes reduce - "comments" with an emphasis on the first syllable (comment) or "comment" with an emphasis on the second syllable (comment), so the word becomes like a pronunciation similar to the English word "Comment", meaning the same. And the word "comment" is reduced to "comment" or "comment" - due to the peculiarities and opportunities of the grammar of the Russian language. The youth slang belongs to the words "Cament", "Kamely".

Correctly write in the texts "Comment" and "Comment". However, permissible to reduce the "comments", "comment".

Options with "Koment", "Camp" and "comment", "Kamely" is another world, the world of slang, with its language and communication rules. I think that the use of such slang does not cancel the need. And the latter always pleases.

Some rules for writing text comments

Comments It is advisable to write without mistakes, observing the syntax, spelling, semantics and other aspects of the Russian language. Slang, abbreviation, defaults, and so on - difficult to be perceived by the readers of the site, who are interested in comments. "Jokes" better leave for other places where like-minded people are gathering, who understand each other with a half-clow or semi-roll.

Comments written by a bad language, without points and commas, capital letters and so on - give out the author's illiteracy of the comment, even if he had to write a comment on the gadget, where it is difficult to comply with all the rules of the Russian language. Accordingly, the ratio of readers to the published minor comment will be perceived through the prism of illiteracy. Many do not read similar "emps" at all, because it happens that even to read it is difficult. The time when it was "fashionable" to write incorrectly, gradually goes into the past.

Those of the authors of comments who do not have Russian keyboard layouts, in Russian-speaking sites often write a commentary by translite, using Russian words, but printing them with Latin letters. Such comments are also often not read - it is difficult, since we read with the words and phrases, and do not deal with the text according to the letters, the human brain is so arranged. Here you can advise to transfer Latin to Cyrillic with special programswhich in excess is on the Internet. And only after the latice conversion in Cyrillic comment makes sense to post on sites, blogs, video blogs. This is the key to success: the comment will read.

Comments You need to write in the sense of published article, video, audio, etc. Written should refer to an article or some part of it. There is no particular sense to write your comment at all about other problems that may be worried by the author comment. It is unlikely that such a promise will be heard anyone.

If the comment topic still does not apply to the topic of the commented article, then the author comments need to be explained at least at the beginning of its text, why and why he publishes his message here, which will otherwise be perceived by readers and author of the article, as a comment " "

There is no particular sense to "spam" - this is when in the comments to the article give some kind of advertising of your product, services or intrusive to offer some kind of comments, which the author of the comment considers much more important than the rest.

Typically, comments are in one degree or another check, moderation from the site administration (this is written below), and will not be missed, will not be published. What is the point of spending time to receive a negative result? Of course, spam comments are more often sent automatically, without the participation of a person, it makes a robot program. But we will not consider the automatic distribution of comments here, it is a separate topic.

What is the main difference comment from an email

The letter usually write to one person or several people, so read an email can be strictly limited, a predetermined narrow circle of people.

Comment on the site (on a blog, on a blog, under the post in social networks, etc.) can read any visitor site - and this may be a child, a pensioner, teenager, adult, a man or a woman, and each of the readers comments There are principles, beliefs, rules, habits, views, restrictions. The number of people who read a comment may not be limited.

In relation to you can use such concepts as privacy, limited access To read the contents. Nearby comments are applicable to completely different terms - publicity, tribune, unlimited access to message viewing.

It turns out that the comments of the width of the coverage of the audience is incomparably more than that email. On the Internet, the number of people who can read the comment is practically unlimited by anything but time (the longer a comment is stored, the more people can read it) and attendance of that resource where comment is left (there are resources on the Internet for more than a million people per day) .

Where you can post comments

Not on all sites can be comments. The place where already written comments are located, and where you can write (leave) your comment, at the end of the text article, below the video or audio window, in general, below the text or window, where the information of the author of the site, blog, video blog and t .P.

To understand whether there is an opportunity to write a comment on the site, you need to open any publication. Then scroll it to the end and see if there is a form for commenting. For example, the comment form may look like shown in Fig. one:

Fig. 1. Form for commenting on the site

How to fill in the field when writing a comment

Figure 1 in Fig. one - Field for entering a comment. It is advisable to express your opinion strictly according to the materials of the published article and in restrained form, even if the article or its author does not like the reader something, even if the materials presented are disagree with the author's opinion of the comment.

It is categorically impossible to write insults, obscene expressions, inappropriate appeals and other things, especially prohibited by law. It is also not worth writing the arguments not on the topic, that is, who do not have anything common with the publication of the author of the material - there will be no particular sense to carry this comment, because the comments will read only those who are interested in the article, and not the thoughts of the author comments that are not related to Considered issues.

2 in fig. one - The field for entering your name. Usually you can specify your name or any other, for example, (some kind of sonorous, invented name), invented alias and so on. On some sites there is no field input.

3 in fig. one - Field in order to enter. If you are interested in receiving an answer to your comment, you should specify your real e-mail, and without errors.

If you do not need an answer to your message, then you can specify an arbitrary, non-existent address email, eg, [Email Protected] Do not specify the email address at all, otherwise the comment will not be posted on the site.

When writing, even the non-existent email address, you need to follow the rules for naming addresses. For example, in the address [Email Protected] There is a name (321), the mandatory "@" icon, again the name (Mail), the point ".", and the reduction of "RU" or "COM", "NET", etc.

Figure 4 in fig. one - If you click on a small black triangle, a menu will appear with a selection (Fig. 2):

Fig. 2. Selection of options for receiving answers to comment

By default, if you change anything, option will be used: "Answers to my comments" (Fig. 2). In this case, it is important to specify the correct e-mail to receive a response.

However, you can choose the option "Do not subscribe" (Fig. 2). Then you will not receive an answer to your message (if it is). The choice of "All" option means that you will get all comments from all readers left to this article.

On different sites there may be other options for subscriptions to the answers, or they may generally be absent. Then browing the answers to your comments and read comments from other Internet users can only be released on the site and anew luxury item to which the comment was left to the place where comments were placed.

On some sites before sending a comment you need enter kapcha To prevent spam, which spread bots - automatic programs.

The word captcha comes from cutting CAPTCHA - English. Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart. Translated this "Fully automated public test of the Turing to distinguish computers and people" - a computer test used to determine who is a system user: a person or computer.

Automatic programs It is not able to correctly enter the proposed capping values, for this program would have to have intelligence comparable to the human intelligence. Fortunately, there is no such thing yet, otherwise the robots would accurately defeat the Internet ...

Capper can be different - you need to put a tick, or enter numbers, letters from the picture and the like. If you make a mistake and incorrectly enter the comment will not be sent to the site, it will simply disappear without the possibility of its recovery.

Therefore, so as not to lose the comment text in case of failure at the time of sending it, if you have a long, great important comment, it is recommended pre-it, for example, in a notebook or Word. Then you have a copy of the comment on your hand, and it will be possible to send it to the site again, correcting the captcha.

After the button is pressed, the comment will either

  • immediately published on the site - the most pleasant moment for the author comments,
  • either he will be sent to moderation - the comment author will have to wait until the site administration checks the comment and will allow its publication,
  • he can somehow get into spam on the site - here already, as lucky, the comment may eventually be published, and may not be published, but removed along with the mass of other spam comments.

What does "Your comment is sent to moderation"

Suppose that you have filled on the site all fields (Fig. 1) and wrote a comment, click on the "Send" button (the button name may be different). And in response, the message pops up that your comment is sent to moderation. At the same time, you see that the comment somewhere disappeared, as if it was not.

Commentary commentary means that the site administrator wants to check your message to make a decision to publish it. He checks when he has the opportunity. It can be either instantly or long. Exact time limits for moderation does not exist. Also, there are no legislative deadlines, the required timing of the comment check before they are published.

As a result of moderation, your comment may be published, or deleted without explaining the reasons. Posted comment You can see on the site after some time. If the comment will be deleted, then it will not appear on the site, and you will not receive any notifications.

It would seem - unfair, like this without notice to delete, not publish comments. However, almost every site has its own policy - a set of rules, including commenting rules. If the user has violated the rules, then its comment is not allowed to publish.

Rules can be published openly, you can read them then on the site. Rules may not be published, alas. Again there are no unambiguous requirements or rules, publish site policies openly or not publish. Everything is given to the discretion of the site administration. Because they, the administration of sites, are owners of their resource, and have the right to allow or prohibit comments on their discretion, as well as change the rules over time.

Why sometimes it is impossible to write a comment on the site

On some sites, the ability to leave comments are closed. And it may be that on the site it is impossible to comment on the site, so there is no comment and there is no form to write your message.

And sometimes it happens that there are old comments on the site that you can read, but new comments can no longer write. This means that the author of the site does not want to check the comments more, that is, to carry out their moderation. For this reason, the site administrator closed the ability to leave messages on its resource.

Usually closed the ability to write a comment major news portals, which have a huge reader audience. As you know, many users wish to express their opinion on a particular topical question.

Accordingly, the command of such a portal appears the need for a constant, round-the-clock check of comments and delete invalid messages. This is a difficult, unpleasant job. To do not deal with it, many sites-portals closed or closer the opportunity to write a comment over time.

For example, on the site Lenta.ru you can see the message: "Comments on the material are closed in connection with the expiration of its relevance." In the rules of this portal there is an explanation: "To protect against spam and attempts to disseminate the materials prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, comments on all news notes are automatically disconnected after the day after the note is noted."

Social network - alternative to comments on the site?

It is believed that now it is necessary to communicate and write comments on social networks, because they are. By the way, almost all sites have their own pages in social networks, where it is just possible to write your opinion.

As for the portal of the ribbon Ribbon mentioned above, where the ability to comment on materials is closed, then it has its own page VKontakte, where you can quickly write comments. Of course, comments on social networks are also checked by moderators, so it should not be thought that in social networks you can absolutely all.

To appear the opportunity to express your opinion in social network And leave messages there, in a network of this or that network. In other words, you need to be a registered user on the social network, because there can not be written comments as an anonymous user.

The user's anonymity is one of the reasons why close comment on sites. Although the myth of anonymity on the Internet is greatly exaggerated. There are many ways to identify the author of any post or comment on the Internet, but this is a separate and completely different topic.

In order to combat anonymity, there are sites that are not social networks, but there you can leave a comment only if the user is authorized in any social network. For example, you need to be an authorized user of VKontakte or Facebook. Only then there appears the opportunity to send your comment on such a website.

On some sites, messages from social networks are automatically published. What does this mean? The social network publishes the announcement of the material (articles, post) published on the site. Announcement can be published in the group or on the personal page of the author's article. Users write to this material comments that are automatically duplicated on the author's website. Therefore, the user is mistaken if he thinks that, for example, messages in classmates, written in the article of any author, then this social network will not leave anywhere.

How to copy text from Word and insert it in the comment

It would seem why you need a text editor Microsoft Word. For writing a comment. However, there are different failures

  • on the site - it seems everything is in order, the comment is written, all the rules are observed, and the comment gave it completely and was not published,
  • with the introduction of Capps when sending a comment - a person, of course, is not a robot, and can correctly enter the captcha, but no one is insured from errors,
  • with the Internet connection - right at the time of sending a comment, as a result it will disappear without the possibility of recovery,
  • with electricity
  • and so on - as you know, everything that does not deteriorate - it flies too, and therefore anything happens, God forbid.

Therefore, if the comment is volumetric, then it is better to first dial it in a text editor, then copy and paste in the field to enter a comment on the site. Then this comment will not be scary, malfunctions, problems and errors, because you will have a copy of the message in a text editor, moreover, stored on a disk in a text editor, which is an additional protection, for example, in case of power off. Accordingly, when all problems are eliminated, it will be possible to repeat the procedure for sending a comment.

How to copy text text in a text editor, for example, in Word?

  1. First, the text must be highlighted (in other words, to stand).
  2. Then simultaneously Ctrl + C (key with an English letter "C").
  3. Open the field for entering a comment on the site, be sure to put the mouse cursor in this field.
  4. Press the two keys at the same time Ctrl + V (letter "V" English).

About comments for money

You can write comments not only from the soul, but for money. But it will already be working with all the ensuing consequences.

There are special exchange comments on which customers place tasks for writing comments. And the performers perform such orders, which means that messages are written on sites in accordance with the requirements of the customer. He, in turn, checks the work, pre-checks the written texts of comments, or accepts work and pays for it in advance agreed rates, or rejects without payment.

In addition, there is a content exchange with similar work for those who want to write a comments for money.

In details possible options Commenting work for money is given here.