The new Satana virus encrypts user files and MBR. Delete SatanAcRipt and file recovery [Email Protected]... it will not be possible to decipher

The attackers are developing a new virus-extortionist for Windows, which encrypts user files and the main boot record (MBR), as a result of which the operating system cannot boot.

Satana's virus, according to the MalwareBytes Security Department researchers, is at the development stage, but it is already capable of harm.

SATANA is a second threat affecting the MBR, after a program called Petya, which appeared in March.

MBR code is preserved in the first sectors hard disk. It contains information about the railway partitions and starts the bootloader. operating system. Without a good MBR, the computer cannot run OS.

Principle of operation

There are significant differences between Satana and Petya. For example, Petya replaces the MBR to start its bootloader, and then encrypts the main file table (MFT) - a special file in NTFS sections in which information about the content of the disk is stored.

Satana does not encrypt MFT. It simply replaces the MBR with his code and saves the encrypted version of the original boot record. It also makes the computer unloaded, but to eliminate the problem will be much easier than in the case of encrypted MFT. If the victim pays money, the original MBR will recover and the OS will be able to boot.

In May, Petya was combined with another extortionist program - mischa. MISCha shows a more traditional behavior of extortion viruses: it simply encrypts user files if the administrator rights cannot receive the MBR and MFT encryption.

Satana virus uses standard schema Work. First, it encrypts users' files by adding their extensions, and then patiently waiting for a reboot to replace the MBR. Then the user sees the screen with a report about the redemption in the amount of 0.5 Bitcoin (about $ 340)

Will not decipher

"Unfortunately, no way there is no way to decipher encrypted seats for free," said Lawrence Abrams, founder of the BleepingComputer support department in his blog.

Another extortionist virus was named a fictional character from Marvel comic. This time, Satan chose as a villain will be an honor: half demon, daughter of Satan, well-groomed evil and cause chaos. Satan Virus can make any computer obey it. He chose to surprise security researchers with two encryption key. Because this virus provides certain contact ([Email Protected]), This virus may be located somewhere in Bosnia.

OUR Recommended Software:

Spyhunter4 Anti-Malware Plumbytes Anti-Malware

Satan Virus is considered to be formed according to other two threats: Peter and Misha. After the extortionists of Satan use some accurate methods for entering computer systems, it will focus on another most important task: personal files are on their radar. As we mentioned, Satan virus uses powerful and as terrible combination of RSA and AES ciphers. The AES algorithm will be assigned to encrypt the selected data and create a decryption key. However, this generated code can be encrypted with RSA cipher. Of course, finding a closed key is extremely laborious work. Hackers for attacks like Satan Virus is not a fool: they know where important data should be placed.

Encrypted files will have some changes. Unlike other extortionists of Trojanov Satan, the virus adds a prefix: [Email Protected] Instead, extensions are usually added. In addition, Satan of extortionists will throw tips for you to finally realize who is free: a letter at the start, pop-up after encryption and a! Satan!. TXT file. The message requires it as follows:

"You Had Bad Luck. There Was Crypting of All Your Files in a FS Bootkit Virus Satana! To Decrypt You Need Send On This E-Mail: [Email Protected] Your Private Code: (Unique Identification of the Victim Here) And Pay On a Bitcoin Wallet: Xju81vkjn4kexpbe2R92TCA3ZXVDBFUX6T Total 0,5 BTC After That During 1 - 2 Days The Software Will Be Sent to You - Decryptor - and The Necessary Instructions. All Changes in Hardware Configurations of Your Computer Can Make The Decryption of Your Files Absolutely Impossible! Decryption of Your Files Is Possible Only ON Your PC! Recovery Is Possible During 7 Days, After Which The Program - Decryptor - CAN NOT Ask for the Necessary Signature from A Public Certificate Server. Please Contact Via E-Mail, Which You Can Find As Yet In The Fonder with Encrypted Files In AS in the Name of All Encrypted Files.if You do Not Appreciate Your Files We Recommend You Format All Your DISKS AND REINSTALL THE SYSTEM. Read Carefully This Warning AS IT IS No Longer Able to See At Startup of the Computer. WE REMIND ONCE AGAIN- IT IS ALL Serious! Do Not Touch The Configuration of Your Computer! E-mail: [Email Protected] - This Is Our Mail Code: (Unique Identification Code of the Victim Here) This is code; You must Send BTC: XJU81VKJN4KEXPBE2R92TCA3ZXVDBFUX6T Here Need to Pay 0.5 Bitcoins How to Pay On the Bitcoin Wallet You Can Easily Find on the Internet. ENTER YOUR UNLOCK CODE, OBTAINED by E-Mail Here and Press "Enter" to Continue The Normal Download on Your Computer. GOOD LUCK! May God Help You! Satana! "

How to decrypt files encrypted extortionists Satan?

Survived redemption for your files - 0.5 BTC. In the following seven days after receiving this note, users must pay the required amount of money. If not, all the data encrypted will disappear. We never recommended to continue in fact this task, given the hackers for their victims. The data suggests that sometimes after the transfer of the required amount, users have not received the decryption key. In some cases, the provided code does not function. Our best advice - to extract information from backup storageSince there are no specific tool recovery released yet. Until then, the victims can try to use other file recovery tools: PhotoRec, R-Studio or one of the tools from Kaspersky.

How is it, distributed extortioners of Satan?

Malicious JavaScript scenarios, loader loaders can be penetrated on the seemingly innocent attachments that can be found in accounts Email. These letters spam to encourage people to download the app, it provides. Do not even pay attention to messages that are departed from unknown sources. Clean from your email accounts regularly and make sure that you do not fall on any tricks. In addition, it sometimes, investments can bring users an infected source that will transmit malicious codes in computer systems Through to operate Kit. If, after reading this article, you feel exposed to the Virus Satan, do not worry, because we are here to recommend you some of the most effective antivirus tools. Spyhunter, Reimage or hired killer will act as the guardian of the angels and the elimination of Satan of extortioners without delay. We also provide you with a manual removal guide. However, this is not safe as our first sentence. Manual removal of viruses, cyber wiseness is complex, and only experienced users May try to fix computers on their own.

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There Are Not Many Good Anti-Malware Software "S with High Detection Ratio. Our Malware Research Team Recommend to Run Sevel Applications, Not Just One. These Antimalware Software" S Which Listed Below Will Help You to Remove All PC Threats Like.

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Windows of Windows affected by Satana Ransomware Virus

  • Windows 10. 30%
  • Windows 8. 42%
  • Windows 7. 25%
  • Windows Vista. 3%
  • Windows XP. 0%

A warning! Multiple anti-virus scanners simply found the possibility of malicious programs associated with SATANA Ransomware Virus.

Anti-Virus SoftwareVersion.Detection.
Kingsoft Antivirus.2013.4.9.267
K7 Antivirus.9.179.12403 Unwanted-Program (Satana Ransomware Virus)
Dr.Web. Adware.Satana Ransomware Virus.
Malwarebytes. Pup.Optional.Satana Ransomware Virus.
Baidu-International3.5.1.41473 Pup.win32.satana Ransomware Virus.
Qihoo-360. Win32 / Virus.risktool.Satana Ransomware Virus
Tencent1.0.0.1 Win32.Satana Ransomware Virus
Vipre Antivirus.22224 Satana Ransomware Virus.Genric
McAfee5.600.0.1067 Win32.application.Satana Ransomware Virus
Vipre Antivirus.22702
Nano Antivirus. Trojan.win32.Searcher.Satana Ransomware Virus.

SATANA RANSOMWARE VIRUS Global country trends

OUR Recommended Software:

There Are Not Many Good Anti-Malware Software "S with High Detection Ratio. Our Malware Research Team Recommend to Run Sevel Applications, Not Just One. These Antimalware Software" S Which Listed Below Will Help You to Remove All PC Threats Like.

Spyhunter4 Anti-Malware Plumbytes Anti-Malware

This page is designed to help you remove SATANA / Satan virus. These instructions for removing the Satan virus work for all versions of Windows, and Tom including Windows 10.

Probably, you had to face one of the most unpleasant viruses existing ones, Satana. This is a view of a extortioner program that is designed to encode certain files on the victim's computer. The program then makes itself felt through the recording on the user screen, in which it is usually written about the encoding that happens, as well as the amount necessary to translate to the scorelist. This amount is needed in order for the latter to send an unfortunate user code with which it can re-enjoy its files. Unfortunately, this kind of viruses is one of the most common in our day. Moreover, he is so successful that he is gaining huge speed, increasing the number of individual varieties in geometric progression. But we are not trying to scare you by this; Below are instructions to remove this virus that will help you quickly and effectively cope with this problem. However, we do not promise that the instructions for recovering files will be 100% successful. Such a guarantee, alas, no one can give you. Nevertheless, you will not cost anything to try our method. So, first a little about this type of viruses and how you can defend themselves in the future.

How does Satana / Satan virus work and how does it spread?

Let's start with the last. As shown by the latest studies of the leaders in the field of cyber security, the most effective way of distributing extortionable programs is fake or malicious advertising. They are on the form of ordinary advertisements, whether in the form of banners, pop-up windows or boxes on different pages. The only difference is that when you click on them, they download the virus to your PC, the type of Satan. For this reason, we very strongly advise our reader to refrain from interaction with all kinds of online advertisements. It makes no sense to contact them, since no service and no product justify the risk to infected with a similar virus. Another popular propagation technique of such malicious programs - Spam. Spam letters that usually come to email (especially those with attached files) may well contain a Trojan. Trojans, by the way, the widespread type of viruses, which makes up more than 80% of all malicious programs on the Internet. Once you open a document such a letter or attached to it (it may be invisible document Word. Or PDF), Trojan begins to act and automatically downloads Satan to your computer.

Keep in mind that you will not be aware of what is happening, since all this happens almost without visible symptoms. Moreover, it is even one of the collaterals of such an incredible success of both Trojans and extortionate programs. In exceptionally rare cases, if the processor is not from the most powerful and in the system is stored a large number of information, the computer can suddenly start working very slowly. In this case, it should immediately call suspicion of the user, after which it is necessary to immediately open the task manager. Pay attention to the processes that use the most resources. If you have noticed the process among them, which is clearly not a place, or you have a reason to assume that it can be some kind of harmful program - turn off the computer immediately. Contact your specialist for help and in no case do not turn on the PC yourself.

How to protect yourself from Satan in the future?

Of course, it is always preferable to prevent the problem than to rake its consequences. It is following this judgment that we made up the next list of tips, following which you can significantly reduce the likelihood of picking up something unwanted on the immense expanses of its Majesty of the Internet.

  1. In no case don't even connect to the network if you do not have a working antivirus program. This is extremely important and is minimum requirement For safe use of the Internet. Better trust one of the larger companies, with good reputation and time proven.
  2. We highly recommend purchasing against malware. They are usually inexpensive, but they are in order to invest in them. These programs are specifically designed to find and block all type viruses, including such as Satan / Satana virus.
  3. Be carefull. So many problems could be avoided if we only a little more attention paid for what sites we attend. We also advise you to avoid pages with a dubious reputation, especially sharing sites to files, torrent sites and so on. On such pages, just most often can be met with some unwanted program - at best; At worst - with a Trojan or a wizard program. Moreover, be extremely careful with the content that download. Again, with the above-mentioned sites, it is better not to download anything at all, since the files can easily be infected.
  4. Pay attention to the incoming mail, even one that has not been automatically directed to the Spam folder. Keep track of those who are the sender, are attached files and pay attention to the topic of the message. If there is a reason to doubt, it is better to refrain whether to open a message.

Keep in mind that Spyhunter malware detection means is free. To remove infection you need to buy full version.

Remove the Satan virus

Before you can remove the Satan virus from your computer, you will need to get access to it to start. Since the extortioner program will interfere with Windows turn on, at the beginning you will have to spoke the basic boot record (Master Boot Records or MBR).
In order to do this, you will need the original Windows OS disk (or USB drive for more advanced users)
Enter the disc into the drive (or insert a flash drive) of your computer, then turn on the PC and select the operating system booting from DVD / USB. You may need to change priorities windows downloads In the BIOS by clicking the Del button
When Windows boots with DVD / USB, select Windows Repair
Make a team command line And enter the following in it: ENTER: BOOTREC / FIXMBR, BOOTREC / FIXBOOT AND BOOTREC / REBUILDBCD
Your Windows OS can now be started as usual. You can follow the removal of the virus.

(Use these instructions if you do not know how to do it) .

This is the first preparation.

To Remove. parasite ON YOUR OWN, YOU MAY HAVE TO MEDDLE WITH SYSTEM FILES AND REGISTRIES. If You Were To Do This, You Need to Be Extremely Careful, Because You May Damage Your System.

Enter msconfig In the search box and click eNTER. The window will appear:

Startup -\u003e Remove the mark With records, which under the manufacturer is "unknown".

  • Keep in mind that Ransomware can use the fake manufacturer's name. Make sure that each process here is real.

Click simultaneously Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC. Click the tab Processes. Try to determine which of them are dangerous. Thug them or ask us in the comments.

CAUTION! Read carefully before continuing!

Right-click on for each of the problem processes individually and select Open file storage location . Complete the process after you open the folder , then remove directory to which you sent.

Enter the Windows Search field and click Enter. . Inside, press simultaneously buttons Ctrl and F. and enter namevirus.

Look for ransomware. In registers I. removeentries. Be very careful, that you can damage your system if you delete recordings that are not related to Ransomware.

Enter each and next in the Windows search engine:

  1. % APPDATA%
  2. % Localappdata%
  3. % ProgramData%
  4. % Windir%
  5. % Temp%

Delete everything in TEMP. Otherwise, just check for anything that has been added recently. Do not forget to leave a comment if you face difficulty!

How to decrypt files infected with SATANA / SATANA virus

There is only one way to remove the virus encoding, which can work (no warranty): Return the files to the previous state.

Go to the official website Recuva and download free version. Most likely you need all files. Next, select the location of the save. Surely you want to recupet all the places.

Click on the window to activate Deep Scan (deep scanning). The program will start working and, perhaps, takes quite a long time until the end of the work, so take patience and take a break if necessary.

You will get a large list with files. Select all relevant files that you need and click Recover (restore).

Satanacript. ([Email Protected], , Satanacrypt.) - Pretty "fresh" encryptionman, which appeared in early August and attacked PC users in Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine and Belarus mainly. The signals about attacks in some European countries are also received, but the activity of this virus is rather weak.

This malware enters the system standard for its family methods - using OS Windows vulnerabilities, but more often the user personally opens and activates it from investments in e-mail. After full encryption of more than 40 types of files (documents, databases, presentations, videos, photos, e-books ...) The virus changes the file expansion on [Email Protected],.satanacript or other (depending on the version of malware).

This encrypter, after full information encryption, places the folder tXT file "How to decrypt files" in each folder with encrypted data. Here are the contents of this file, you should consider that the code is unique for each encrypted computer.

You were unlucky. All your files encrypted the virus

For decryption, send by mail: [Email Protected] Your code: 14B4030A8A7F8B8D7B1101720567C27E
File decryption is possible only on your PC! Recovery is possible within 7 days, after which the program is a decompression - will not be able to get a signed certificate from the server.

Contact us by email [Email Protected]
If you do not appreciate your files, we recommend formatting all the discs and reinstall the system.
Carefully read this warning, because It will not be on the next PC launch. We remind you - it's all serious! Do not change the configuration of your PC!

E-mail: [Email Protected] - This is our post
Code: 14B4030A8A7F8B8D7B1101720567C27E This code you must send.
Good luck! May God help you!

Remove SatanAcript encryptions using an automatic cartooner

An exceptionally effective method of working with malicious software in general and extortionable programs in particular. The use of the proven protective complex ensures carefulness of the detection of any viral components, their full removal One click. Please note we are talking about two different processes: uninstalling infection and restore files on your PC. However, the threat is definitely to be deleted, since there is information about the introduction of other computer trojans with its help.

  1. . After starting the software, click START COMPUTER SCAN. (Start scan). .
  2. The established software will provide a report on threats found during scanning. To delete all found threats, select the option. Fix Threats. (Eliminate threats). The evil-free software under consideration will be completely removed.

Restore access to encrypted files

As noted, the NO_MORE_RANSOM, the extortion program blocks the files using a persistent encryption algorithm, so that the encrypted data cannot be resumes the magic wand - if you do not take into account the payment of the unheard of the ransom amount. But some methods can really become a chopstick, which will help restore important data. Below you can familiarize yourself with them.

Program automatic recovery Files (Decifranger)

It is known very extraordinary circumstance. This infection is erased by source files in a non-encrypted form. The encryption process for the purpose of extortion is thus aimed at their copies. This provides the opportunity to software How to restore erased objects, even if the reliability of their elimination is guaranteed. It is strongly recommended to resort to the file recovery procedure, its effectiveness is no doubt.

Shadow copies of Tomov

At the basis of the approach provided by Windows Procedure reserve copy Files that repeats at each recovery point. Important condition this method: The "System Restore" function must be activated until the moment of infection. Moreover, any changes to the file made after the recovery point are not displayed in the recovered version of the file.


This is the best among all non-redeemed methods. If the data backup procedure to the external server was used until the attack of the extortion program to your computer, you will simply be needed to restore encrypted files to enter the appropriate interface, select the necessary files and start the data recovery mechanism from the reserve. Before performing the operation, you must make sure that the extortionable software is completely removed.

Check the possible availability of residual components of the extortionator SATANACRIPT

Cleaning B. manual mode The omission of separate fragments of extortionable software that can avoid deletion in the form of secretive operating system objects or registry elements. To eliminate the risk of partial preservation of individual malicious elements, scan your computer using a reliable protective software packagespecializing in malicious software.

Computer terrorists [ The latest technology In the service of the criminal world] Revyako Tatyana Ivanovna

Satan Bug polymorphic virus attacks US government computers

Anti-virus software vendors are treated to update their products to fight the encrypted polymorphic virus Satan Bug, which attacks government computer systems in the United States.

Satan Bug virus, which has become the subject of a group of monitoring of viruses (CIAC) from the Ministry of Energy (DOE), is characterized as "hard-to-believe" due to the applied encryption algorithm. Satan Bug is able to damage files, change the dates of their creation and disable users from the LAN by damageing network drivers.

The CIAC advisory service stated that the virus was discovered in many places. Sources from the Ministry of Energy reported that several divisions are trying to fight it using virus detection programs.

CIAC as one of the members of the Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams government bonds issues information bulletins when the DOE receives reports of serious virus-related issues.

The CIAC newsletter notifies that encrypted viruses, similar to the SATAN BUG virus, is especially difficult to remove from infected files as they join computer Program, cutting out a small piece from it and replacing it with its own code. After that, the virus encrypts itself and "hitting" a piece of the program.

"To restore an infected program, anti-virus software should be able to decrypt the encoded virus to detect the disappeared part of the file and return it to the place, it states the bulletin. - Satan Bug has up to nine encryption levels, and in each case this level is unpredictable. "

Encryption makes a virus invisible for anti-virus scanner programs dated previously August 1993 "These programs must open a file to scan, and if the virus is in memory, the file of the file opening will lead to infection, the bulletin warns. - If you run an infected anti-virus scanner, then almost each executable file on the disk will be infected. "

As David Stang told David Stang (David Stang), President of the Norman Data Defense Systems company (Falllecherch, Virginia), the Satan Bug virus was first revealed in February last year, when it was found by the user named Hacker 4Life posted on several electronic board.

Stanga suggested, based on the degree of complexity of the virus and his experience with the programs of this class, that Satan Bug is the fruit of the activities of the twentieth American guy, and not a malicious fourteen teenager.

Norman Data Defense Systems manufactured anti-virus software that removes the virus, leaving the files intact. Stang said that this program called Armour, besides the contamination prevents.

Roger Thompson (Roger Thompson), President of Leprechan Software (Marietta, Georgia), said that his staff held all the weekend for updating their anti-virus package to combat the Satan Bug virus after a call from the government agency.

"Satan Bug is a complex virus, and it is difficult to detect it," he explained. - It contains a cycle of encryption / decryption, and decrypts itself with a key with a length of 40 to 2000 bits. The newest trends in the viral community make these programs difficult to refrigerate. "

Another supplier, McAfee Associates, also announced the creation of software to combat Satan Bug.

Satan Bug is a polymorphic or coded virus, which makes its variability practically unlimited.

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