Interesting newspaper articles.

Physics and mathematics are very interesting sciences. This is especially true of physics, because she studies the world around us, which is still full of riddles and secrets. Know these secrets and learn all the new facts about the world around us very entertaining. This section contains various scientific interesting FactsSuppose to make sure that there are special enormality of science, love physics and mathematics, as well as distinguish and disperse during labor-intensive and boring exam preparations. Here, complex scientific theories are presented in a simple language, understandable even to schoolchildren.

  • Myths and reality

Many people do not even suspect that there are many objects and things around us that have amazing properties. In this article we will discuss the hardness of some materials and interesting results, which are based on these properties.

  • Useful facts

As is known, the speed of light is although large, but still the ultimate value. There are quite material objects (for example, photons - particles of which are light), which are moving at the speed of light. How does it "look" the world "eyes" of such fast objects?

  • Useful facts

The efforts of various media as well as artistic and fantastic literature, black holes acquired the image of very dangerous space objects, which allegedly absorb everything in their path and can suddenly absorb the land. Will you figure it out?

A person is capable of a two-dimensional picture to make a very complete concept of distances to depicted objects, their shape and sizes, and thus completely perceive the three-dimensional world in its entire depth. How do we achieve this?

  • Just about the difficult

The material of this article will introduce the reader with the basic concepts of genetics, and with the interesting properties of the human genome. Genetics is the science of the laws of heredity and variability. Depending on the object of the study, it is classified by the genetics of plants, animals, microorganisms, humans, and so on.

  • Myths and reality

Nowadays, you can often meet with the opinion that human brainAllegedly works for only 10% of all its capabilities. Based on this approval, the plot of some popular films is even built. Let's try to figure out whether each of us really can suddenly become a thing of ten times smarter, or is it myth, and if so, where did he come from?

Perhaps you read a lot of interesting things, but probably there is something else that you can surprise you. This article contains 30 interesting and reliable facts from biology, history, geography, physics and other sciences that will definitely not leave you indifferent.

  • Just about the difficult

In this article, some misses will be briefly considered, in the theory of evolution based only on natural selection. By the way, evolution is a natural process of developing wildlife, accompanied by a change in the genetic composition of populations, the formation of adaptations, the speciation and extinction of species, the transformation of ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole.

  • Just about the difficult

This article provides a listing and description of some of the factors that directly or indirectly influenced or continue to influence the emergence and maintenance of life on our planet. These factors are so many that sometimes, all of their aggregate ceases to seem random.

Every day, hundreds of blogs and sites open and close and close, most of which are pursued by educational purposes. But really cognitive and interesting, and most importantly useful resources Only units are becoming.

The site portal offers a selection of the 10 most popular, interesting and meaningful sites in Russia, for which millions of country readers are hooked. For what criteria chose:

  • quality content
  • lack of advertising (or minimized)
  • convenience and simplicity of the site
  • design
  • layout
  • uniqueness

ADME is a site about life, freedom and creativity.

The project has existed for more than 10 years and over the years has acquired crazy popularity. The secret of the success of the project is simple - unique cognitive content every day. Lack of policies, evil news tapes and obsessive advertising, abundance of light humor, useful posts about the life and work of great people, and a lot of things and about everything that makes a person happy, kind, smiling ... in general, created by people and for people.

Lifechaker is an equally successful and useful project than "ADME", with a whole army of fans and fans in Russia. From the popular blog, the distribution tips Lifehaker grew up in a successful project with more than 6 million readers per month.

The secret of success is the relevance of the content. Simply put, for example, the article "How to download Video from YouTube" was published in 2012, and the relevance still did not lose. Monthly more than 70,000 users are wondering on the Internet "How nevertheless download video from Yutiub" and in Yandex and Google search engines this request The article drops the Lifehaker. The result - she since 2012 scored 1.7 million views!

The main directions are articles about health and sports, how to use gadgets, websites and new technologies and much more ... a very useful resource in Russia.

The first association for most users, confident - Fomruk Foma performed by Dmitry Nagiyev. However, the site "Thomas" is a successful Orthodox magazine for doubts. The magazine is entirely devoted to the Orthodox faith and the church.

Many useful material in class format. Convenient layout and simplicity of site navigation, as well as high-quality easily readable material allocates a resource from most other religious portals. It is the opinion that sectoral and highly specialized sites are doomed to failure, but in Orthodox Russia "Thomas" is only gaining its popularity, because the number of believers in Russia in recent years (based on statistical data) has increased.

One of the most popular sites in Russia, the main topic of which is psychology in all its manifestations.

Like most glossy psychologies glossy magazines go online and over for several years turns into the largest project of international level. Right from France, the project is very quickly gaining popularity in Europe and already in 2005 begins to be printed in Russia. Online site audience is calculated by millions. Feelings, interests, desires and thoughts, relationships with them and other people, the experience of contemporaries and the expert opinion of the best psychologists and psychotherapists; New sources of joy and energy, the ability to realize themselves and change for the better, ways to take care of their health and beauty - all these are themes

Non-commercial educational project dedicated to humanitarian knowledge over time converts to online university, with real courses and lectures. A distinctive feature from all other projects - all courses and lectures are absolutely free. The main topics of the site is history, literature, art, anthropology, philosophy. Arzamas consists entirely of courses, each of which is dedicated to a certain topic. Once in two weeks on Thursdays is published a new course. Each course consists of several 15-minute video decks (episodes), as well as a variety of materials - articles, photo gallery, cards, dictionaries, tests, games, etc. Due to the successful site layout, Cool Content and the absence of obsessive advertising, Arzamas magazine very quickly entered In the rating of the most popular cognitive resources in Russia.

It is noteworthy that Arzamas, as a literary society, was first opened in 1815, and the members of Arzamas were such well-known people as V. A. Zhukovsky, P. A. Vyazemsky, A. A. Plescheev, A. . Pushkin ...

Naked Science (in Per with English. "From the point of view of science") - the Russian scientific and popular magazine, published since 2013 in Russian. Main topics: Science, aviation, new technologies, technology of the future, space, cars, photography, psychology. The main task of the popular science Internet portal is the popularization of science.

Thanks to a successful layout and design, the site very quickly bypassed all its competitors. Yes, and the approach in the supply of materials is "Available, simply and understandable to tell about complex things." It became an unlawful motto of the project. Be sure to visit the video section of the site - well, very much informative video materials. - Magazine about internet business, startups, innovations and online marketing. Today is the largest playground in the runet for entrepreneurs. The site will make every day business news, expresses the opinions of specialists, publishes reviews and analytics ...

Like all previous portals, differs from most of their competitors with a comfortable layout and an uncomplicated design, which makes the resource very attractive against the background of everyone else. In my opinion, one of the most "strong" and powerful cognitive resources for entrepreneurs and start-ups.

The Village got into this list is not just like that. Useful and informative portal with awesomely cool design and high-quality content as an example for all - "How to do successful projects." The portal is dedicated to the lives of Megacities of Russia, talks about cultural and public life, entertainment, services, food and people in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other megalopolis. On The Village pages, the interviews with officials are harmoniously adjacent to the reviews of cafes or bars. The project also has "two younger brothers" - a magazine for young, energetic and freedomsides Wonderzine women and the Furfur youth magazine. Definitely, these are those sites that you should visit.

Another interesting resource on which I hang out periodically. NewTonew - Education Education Journal. It is useful and interesting will be to schoolchildren and students, teachers, parents and all those who love and want to engage in self-education. The project, as an educational resource, suspiciously many advantages - high-quality and interesting material, comfortable layout and cool design, lack of advertising and "imposed opinions dictated from above." The combination of all of the above, I as a little meticulous person suggests - at the expense of which the project lives and flourishes where the source of financing is. I want to believe that the project is independent. From the amenities of the site section - "Thematic selections" - very convenient. Again, I repeat, a vivid example of the fact that the project is made by people and for people. Solid pyaterochka authors of the project!

- Everything about sports and a healthy lifestyle -

Today, the healthy lifestyle and sports speak everywhere. One of the most powerful sources of encyclopedic knowledge on the network is to all the well-known Sportswiki knowledge laboratory. Thousands of interesting, useful materials are gathered here. About the design of the site is not to have to have to have, but the exclusiveness of the sports encyclopedia in another ...

Men's Health - before reading regularly, now - less often, but as a cognitive magazine with a set and arsenal "utility" I can not recommend it. Men's Health is more male portal. Main topics: male health and physical form; Training, fitness exercises and encyclopedia; sex and psychology relationships; Proper nutrition and prevention of diseases; Food and recipes ... Great layout and design, thousands of useful materials.

I also want to highlight some of the most useful informative video blogs. All of them are tested by time, the authors of which do not bear nonsense, are perfectly understood in the anatomical processes of the body, nutrition, exchange of substances ...

Unfortunately today in Yutube there are many stock footage on sports topics, where more harm than good. Sometimes it is scary to listen to the nonsense of their creators, because, these people distribute advice with might and main, teach and urge to follow their methods. And we are talking about the human body, about the body, which can be very easily injured thanks to the advice of certain pseudo certified coeches. People can be reasoned on this delicate and scrupulous theme. People specializing in various sports fields. Such as I found out over the years, very little.

So, the video blogs dedicated to the sport and a healthy lifestyle that I would recommend without a shadow of doubt.

Russian TV presenter, author of sports bestsellers "Fitness is easy!" and "fitness. Guide in life »Denis Semenihin - Guru in the world of fitness and a healthy lifestyle. The most visited sports video blog in Russia, and most importantly - one of the most informative.

Video Blog Sergey Badyuk - no less informative. Very reputable and wise uncle. Reasoning Head, says convincingly and in the case. Interview with Badyuk is always interesting and informative. Area of \u200b\u200bInterest - Hand-to-hand Sport, Boxing, Iron, Yoga, Powerlifting, Vorkut, qigong ...

One of the most informative channels about martial arts, martial arts, self-defense ... Edition formats - acute interviews with masters of various martial arts, useful and fun video lessons ... a lot of cognitive material. Releases come out twice a week.

More than a million subscribers, informative video content, but before the channel I liked more. Nevertheless, much useful material is also recommended.

One of the most informative and interesting channels on boxing in Russia. The sense of humor in combination with professional advice and master classes from Bigayeva Alik, made a canal bright and rich, and most importantly - useful. Channel chip in the duration of videos. All of them are short and informative. Material supply is easy and affordable. This is not just a video clip online - this is a small show. A special character on the canal - Alexander Yuryevich is another channel of the canal. I recommend to everyone.

Yoga Journal - a leading site about yoga and a healthy lifestyle. The portal provides readers access to thousands of articles about yoga, philosophy, health and nutrition, yoga complexes, meditations, video tutorials, interviews with famous masters ... A news from which you can learn all the most relevant from the world of yoga are published.

From video channels by yoga, I can highlight: Unagrande YogaClub. and - Professionally, high quality, accessible and very informative.

The Internet gave us the opportunity to always be aware of all news. He also gave us access to a huge variety of interesting and useful materials. But, unfortunately, such materials have become so much that now the problem is in the other - in the absence of time.

In order to read all interesting articles and news, you will need too much time. Therefore, we offer you five resources that choose the most useful and interesting materials based on your preferences and their popularity.


Let's start with the most famous Russian-speaking aggregator of interesting articles, news and photographs. Not so long ago there was a scandal, in connection with which many resources refused to cooperate with the service. But in Surfingbird, you can still find a lot of useful materials.

Based on unique (as always), the surfingbird algorithms learns and shows the content based on your preferences. Therefore, the more likes and dysletes you put, the more interesting for you the following materials will be.

Pocket Hits.

You use Pocket, right? If not, then immediately run it. This is one of those applications that should be on each device.

Pocket Hits are the best, according to Pocket readers, articles that the work makers send every week. Pocket Hits exists in the form of twitter account, as well as an e-mail distribution on which you can subscribe in the settings of your account.

As I said, an e-mail distribution comes once a week, and it contains the coolest materials from all resources. If such frequency does not suit you, subscribe to their account on Twitter, which publishes several excellent articles every day.


As in the case of Pocket, the Flipboard edition regularly selects the best articles on different topics and lay out them in the form of separate selections. Perhaps, on this moment This is the most functional and popular magazine in your device.


Longreads - just a storehouse of wonderful, deployed and long articles. The only minus it is the lack of Russian. However, if you are free to read English, you can find a huge variety of interesting and exciting material.

Medium top Stories.

MEDIUM is a platform on which everyone can publish their articles. Is this due to the fact that its creator is a co-founder twitter, or the reason for something else, but Medium has become insanely popular, and the amount of high-quality material in it rolls.

As in the case of Pocket, Medium makes a weekly mailing list of the top 10 of the best materials, and believe me, each of them deserves your attention. If these materials are not enough for you, Medium has an account on Twitter, which publishes several of the most interesting articles every day.