How to make the speed of download in the stime faster. Low download speed in Steam: causes problems and solutions

This article will consider how to increase the speed of downloading games in the "Stimple". This problem affects most users of this game platform both in Russia and throughout the rest of the world.

The speed of downloading games in Steam may be low, even if you have a very good Internet connection. Any, even a novice computer user can solve this problem.

Third-party programs

The speed of downloading any applications in download managers depends on the set of nuances. For example, a network load can act as a limiting factor speed, as if it is minimal, all the game files will be loaded into the operating system much faster.

In how to increase the speed of downloading in Steam, it can help closing all third-party boot managers or torrents. Download files through browsers will also have to pause. It will be necessary to turn off the whole software that uses your Internet connection. For instance:

  • Skype.
  • Any of antiviruses.
  • Windows Updates Center.
  • game center.

After your applications loading your network have been disabled, you can analyze a positive change in the download speed in the program. Most often this method helps a little, but increase the download speed in the "stimple".

Region of the user

We have increased the download speed with Steam using the load attenuation on your Internet connection, but now go to the next advice, which is also actively used by the game platform users.

Now goes to talk about changing the player's region in Steam settings, since in some countries and areas the application loads is noticeably slower than in others. That is why it is worth changing your region to achieve such a result as an increase in racing speed.

To do this, follow the following method:

  1. Run Steam.
  2. Go to the "Settings - Downloads - Region" menu section.
  3. Change the region on such that it is located as close as possible to your place of residence.
  4. Save the specified value.

How to increase the download speed in the "Steam" for a couple of hundred kilobytes per second? This method will help you with this. When setting up the region of your location in the settings, you can choose absolutely any region.

Problems with the Internet connection

In certain circumstances, users need a game at a specific time of day. But it happens that it is at that time that the so-called Prime Time occurs when the download speed of all applications can simply roll to zero.

The fact is that it is during this period of time that the load on the Steam game platform server will be the maximum and its capacities simply may not be enough for you. Even if you just run the game, it will function with interruptions or errors.

How to increase download speed in "Stimple"? First of all, you need to wait for such a time when there will be such a high activity on the game platform as in the "Prime Time". Most often it occurs in the evening, if you live in the CIS countries. Before and after this time interval, the Stima Server must be less unloaded, and the speed will be restored to the usual level.

The second thing you need to remember the speed of downloads in the "Steam" is your provider and connected Internet tariff. If you need to have a higher jump speed, you should connect a high-paying Internet connection package or change the provider in general. But on such a cardinal action about how to increase the download speed in the "style", it is worth paying attention to the mostst.

Other methods

There are still some ways to increase the download speed in the "stimple". It may often be that the problem with the boot speed of applications occurs only on this game platform, and in other download managers and torrents it is quite good.

For example, you can try the following methods:

  • restarting "Stima";
  • personal computer or laptop;
  • modem;
  • verification of a computer for malicious software.

These were the main ways to increase the download speed in the "stimple". All of the above can help in this matter, it is only necessary to gain very little patience.

Arcade, Flods, shooters and horror, all this is a self-respecting player, but how do they take all on the computer?

It has already been time for a long time when the new game had to stand in a big queue in the store or at a special playing machine to enjoy a new game hit.

Today, all the freshest gaming news can be purchased through Internet services and the most popular is steam. But, many users noted that from time to time the speed of downloading the game on a personal computer leaves much to be desired and this problem may be observed all day.

So, how to increase the download speed in Steam, if you need to urgently download the game.

What is Steam?

Steam itself is a fairly well-known game service for the purchase by players of various games for its personal computers and as a result of the fact that a very large number of players enjoys the service, often the speed of the game is very small.

But, there are several ways that allows you to increase the download speed using the use of third-party Internet conductor.

It is important to know: Now that you are familiar with the main essence of this service, you can move to an emergency solution to the problem.

Instructions for increasing loading speed

  1. Perhaps the most common way to increase the download is considered to use additional servers with gaming content, which, through a special processing algorithm, are able to accept a larger flow of information. Similar servers are an exact copy of the main Steam server created by other software developers. It is stored and accessible to download all games that are currently available in Steam. The server data has gained great popularity due to the strong workload of the original site, and it is easy to use enough and conveniently.
  2. If, there is a slow load. That with the help of a special function in Steam itself you can choose the nearest server, which, for example, is in your country, and not outside the ocean. Thus, the download speed will increase due to the faster data transmission channel. To implement this feature, you need to go to the settings of your account: Settings - Downloads and Cloud - Loading Region - At this stage, you need to select the nearest mirror server - approx. After rebooting the Client Steam, the changes will take effect, and you will see how the speed of downloading files will increase.
  3. The solution for the problem of slow loading speed lies almost on the surface. Often other programs that require permanent Internet connection and having a property updated in standby mode consume the necessary computing power for high-speed loading. Therefore, the user needs to simply close them and problems with the pumping speed should not occur.

It is important to know: the emergency solutions have been listed above, which should help in most cases, because according to specialized forums, it is these problems that most often lie through the vast majority of account owners in Steam.

But what to do if there are no specified problems, and the download speed of the file with the game is negligible? Do not interrupt because the long-awaited download of the new version of GTA? The problem can be hidden more deeply in the system itself and there are several ways to solve it, which will be discussed below.

How to increase download speed in Steam

The Steam platform itself presents a large system for implementing (selling) digital versions of the video game that the user can purchase online and install on its personal computer as offline.

All actions within the system are carried out directly through a special individual account and if, the user has encountered a global lack of Internet traffic and server overload for downloading a newfound game, then you can solve this problem as follows:

  1. The article has already written about a third-party Internet server, containing all the STEAM Server data. Steam itself is initially configured in such a way that the content and the server from which it will be available for download is selected directly depending on the installed region of the user account. But, there are cases when the automation is wrong and the user is provided with overloaded Internet server because of what the speed of downloads suffers. For example, the Russian Steam servers, as a rule, please users with good optimization and uniform load separation, which ensures consistently good content loading speed. Therefore, it is recommended to choose in the settings of Russia or Ukraine in the settings, if the download is important for you.
  2. Experienced users choose a specific content server on the degree of its workload (you can view this information directly on the information page of the server itself). It is best to choose the nearest less loaded server. Thus, you are guaranteed to provide yourself with the optimal download speed. Switching occurs in the standard way (settings - download + cloud - the required server - OK).

It is important to know: Recently, Steam has entered new standard filtered servers. They are characterized by a faster loading speed and the correct distribution of the flow of information.

Useful information about Steam

Also, the user itself can adjust the required content loading speed in the Internet Connection Speed \u200b\u200btab. As you understood, this parameter increases or reduces the speed of downloading files.


Problems or overloaded by the server greatly affects Steam loading rates. But it is possible to avoid or solve this problems for yourself in several computer mouse clicks.

Probably everyone knows that Steam is a digital distribution system of playing content with millions of users, allowing you to download purchased games from content servers to any computer on which the entry is made to the account. However, due to the huge number of users, even having a 100 megabit channel, you need to wait long when downloading large games and especially in the days of world releases.

In this HOWTO, I will tell you how to increase the download speed and to complete the possibilities of thick Internet channels.

1. Content servers.

A bit of theory. Content servers are the Mirrors of the basic Valve server, on which all games available to the Steam network are stored in encrypted form. Content servers are available in almost all regions of the globe. By default, with its installation, Steam pings all available mirrors and chooses that which will be the smallest ping, but low ping does not mean that the server is not loaded now and will give the content without cutting the speed. For residents of Russia, for example, 3 Content Servers are available: in Moscow ( Russia - Central; It is hosted on, in Yekaterinburg ( Russia - Urals.; Host Rostelecom) and in Novosibirsk ( RUSSIA - Siberia.). One of these servers is chosen by default in all who connect to Steam from Russia, so it is not surprising that the speed of them does not exceed 100-300 Kb / s, and on the days of large releases and 60-70 kb / s. The solution for the owners of thick canals is - to change the content server. How to do it, I will tell below.

2. Select the content server.

Select the content server is best right before the upcoming load of some kind of large game based on the statistics of their workload. Statistics are updated in real time and is transmitted to the Valve head server, from where it is available to simple users: (opens in a new window).

You need to choose the most closely located uploaded content server. If the server specifies zero loading, then it is currently unavailable.

If the name of the server in square brackets is indicated It means that it is available only to a limited number of users, for example, only subscribers of this provider.

3. Switch to the selected content server.

So, you have chosen the best content server for you and want to switch to it right now. This can be done in the settings of the Steam client. Select in the menu SteamSettings (Settings), go to the page Downloads + Cloud. (Downloads + cloud) and specify in the field Region of downloads (Download Region.) You have selected content server. Click OK. And allow the restart of the Steam client. After restarting the selected server will be used.

Do not forget in the field Internet connection speed (APPROXIMATE SPEED OF YOUR INTERNET CONNECTION) Select the desired value close to reality.

Today we will try to understand how to increase the download speed in Steam. This question arises from users of the service worldwide, and in particular in Russia. How to deal with the mentioned problem? And why does the data load speed sometimes fall? To understand all these topics will be able to even a novice PC user.


The speed of downloading games in download managers on computers depends on many factors. For example, from the load on the network. What it is less, the faster the files will be downloaded to the operating system.

  • Skype;
  • antivirus;
  • windows Update Center;
  • game center @mail.

As soon as nothing remains, except "Stima", you can look at the result. Most likely, the proposed reception will really help.


The following advice, how to increase the download speed in Steam, works almost always. It is actively applied by users.

We are talking about changing the region in the settings of the game manager. In some locals, downloading documents is faster, somewhere slower. Therefore, the change of the region really helps.

So, in Steamatim method:

  1. Open the relevant program.
  2. Go to the "Steam" menu - "Settings" - "Downloads" - "Region".
  3. Change the region. If there is already a third-party area there, it is recommended to put your area of \u200b\u200bliving or a terrain close to it.
  4. Save changes.

Preferably to reboot in "Steam". You can look at the result. When adjusting the download region of documents, any terrain is allowed. Especially if initially in the program settings was the real place of residence of the user.

Internet problems

In some cases, people are thinking about how to increase the speed of downloading documents in Steam at a specific time. Unfortunately, in no way. There is a so-called "Prime Time". In these periods, the download of games can fall to zero. The thing is that Prime Time is something like a period when the load on the gaming manager is maximum. At these moments, problems are possible not only with downloading, but also with the work of the application as a whole.

How to increase download speed? First, wait for Prime Time. Most often it is evening. After unloading the server, the download speed will be restored. Secondly, you can change the Internet provider or the tariff plan of the Internet. Slow connection to the network - slow paper loading. But for such a step it is better to agree to the very last.

Now it is clear how to increase the speed of the STEAM boot. Sometimes it happens that the problem with download is observed only in the application mentioned. There are many techniques that are able to help solve the task.

For example, you can try:

  1. Restart "Steam".
  2. Reload the computer or turn it off for a while and turn on again.
  3. Restart the router or modem. To do this, there is a special RESET button on the hardware.
  4. Check the computer for viruses. When making malicious files, clean the OS.
  5. Find and move the document called Hosts to the desktop. It is located in C / Windows / System32 / Drivers / etc.
  6. Roll back the operating system a few days ago. The corresponding menu is in "Start" - "All Programs" - "Standard" - "Service" - "System Recovery Tool".
  7. Reinstall drivers on your computer. It is advisable to immediately take the reinstalling the operating system.
  8. Check for malicious software in the browser. If it is, you will have to get rid of such extensions.
  9. Refuse the use of firewall and antivirus. In Windows, the first service is turned off in the control panel, in the section "System and Security".

Perhaps it's all. From now on, it is clear how to increase the download speed in Steam. All listed tips can help. The main thing is to gain patience and act decisively. Sometimes fixing the position is able to update Steam or reinstalling it.

In addition, some users do nothing to increase the speed of downloading games in the "style". They just have enough to wait. As practice shows, it is after PRIME TIME who returns the Internet comes. If the listed tips did not help, then as we said, it is worth thinking about changing the tariff plan for the Internet. The speed of download will surely increase after that!

Have you ever noticed how slow can be built in Steam browser? Did you suffer from slow download games? Or did your steam be braked in general? If so, this article will help speed it up. Steam is not a game by itself, so there is no graphics settings that will help increase its performance. But there are still some things that can help a little accelerate him.

Specify the steam browser

The built-in Steam browser is used both for the game store and for an overlay, which will allow you to quickly go to the browser right during the gameplay. However, sometimes this browser can be extremely slow. Even if you are fine with speed in browsers, like Chrome, Firefox or even Internet Explorer, the STEAM browser still can sometimes experience some complications during their work.

When you click on some link or open a new page, a noticeable delay occurs before the completion of the action that is definitely not observed in classical browsers. You can already be completed with the fact that the built-in Steam browser is just a bad piece of code. However, there are several tricks that can eliminate this delay on many systems and make a more or less working thing from Steam browser.

A stipulated problem similar to that occurs due to incompatibility with the option "Automatic parameter definition", which is already automatically activated by the Windows operating system by default. This option is actually an extremely small number of users, so it is completely safe to deactivate it.

Click on the keyboard Windows + R. Enter in the string inetcpl.cpl And press ENTER. You must appear the "Properties: Internet" window. Next, go to the "Connections" tab and click on the "Network Setup" button, which will be in the "Settings of the LAN settings" section. Another window will open, in which you will need to remove a tick with the already mentioned option "Automatic definition of parameters". Removing a tick, save the changes made and close the "Properties: Internet" window.

If you are lucky, you will get a significant increase in the speed of loading the open-up page in the built-in Steam browser. We also repeat once again that the disconnection of the above option will not affect the stability or the speed of your Internet connection.

Acceleration of Steam Games Download

Steam is attempting to automatically set the download server area by your location. However, it does not always make the most successful choice. It will also be reasonable to change its download region on any other, less loaded during large seasonal sales.

Open your Steam client and click on the same button in the upper left corner of the window. Select Settings and go to the "Downloads" tab. You will need to see the "Region to Download" dropping menu. Open it and choose the closest region for you.

While you are in the Load Settings tab, also make sure that you do not have a limit on the download speed. Save the changes in the STEAM client settings, and then restart it.

The note: In some cases, the server closest to you to download may not be the fastest. Sometimes, the server in a different country may turn out to be faster what is next to you. In general, here you most likely have to experiment a little.

Previously, Steam provided information about the load on the server, which literally allowed you to choose the most downloaded server at the moment, but now such information is more unavailable. Steam still provides information on the activity of downloads in various regions, including statistics about the difference in load speeds in the regions, but this information is not closely useful.

Acceleration Steam and Your Games

One of the ways to speed up your games, as well as Steam himself, is the acquisition of SSD and transferring the entire one specified on it. You can easily transfer the STEAM folder, which is located in the default directory C: \\ Program Files (x86) \\ Steam, On another disk. Just transfer it like any other folder, and then run steam.exe.

In addition, Steam also allows you to create several folders for games. This means that you can place the STEAM library folder on SSD or on one of the large HDDs. Install your most frequently launched and demanding SSD games to increase productivity, and all others on HDD.

To create an optional folder, pass by "Steam → Settings → Downloads", and then click on the "Steam Library folders" button. In the Steam Library folder window, click on the "Add to Library folder" button and create a new game folder on another disk. The next time you install which game in Steam, it will be installed in this folder.

With a disabled proxy compatibility option, a properly selected region for loading and installed Steam on SSD, most of the Steam functions must accelerate significantly. Even more to speed up it will help, probably only improves your computer configuration.

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