What to do wi fi. Do I need to pay for the Internet if I have a Wi-Fi router? How to check the condition of the wireless connection

Most of the urban population uses access to the Internet and many tell us Wi-Fi at home, we are not needed to go through it to sites and the Internet connection we do not need. From this we can conclude, such people, unfortunately, do not understand what they say.

In this article, I will tell you in detail what Wi-Fi is and eliminating Bressh in the knowledge of such people.

What is Wi-Fi?

Please welcome you dear reader, in this article we will deal with modern concept - "Internet connection via Wi-Fi." A huge number of users uses such a connection, but do not always understand that it is generally so and the way Wi-Fi works.

Wi-Fi is the ability to transfer data without wires and everything ... Never confuse the Internet and Wi-Fi is completely different processes and different equipment. You can easily distinguish them if you carefully read the article to the end.

Under the concept of the Internet, you can submit to the connection, the ability to exit, access any sites. And if this Internet connection is to skip through special equipment, you can get the so-called Wi-Fi network, which will transmit all the same Internet, but without wires and with the ability to connect several devices to it, for example, at the same time will "deliver" your Internet access to Mobile and laptop.

That is, Wai Fi is a network that distributes Internet access without wires by radio channels. To whom it is interesting, it works on the basis of IEEE 802.11 standards, but the network itself does not provide access to the Internet. Let's deal with how to make it work?

Go to an interesting and very important, understanding how the Wi-Fi networks work, you can competently formulate your thoughts about Internet connections. So, in order for you to appear house Wi-Fi The network must first hold home the Internet.

After, the Internet cable must be connected to special equipment - a router.

The router is a device that receives signals from the Internet, converts them to the so-called Wi-Fi network and transmits them to specific devices (Phone, computer, TV).

How to connect Wi-Fi at home?

As I said earlier, the first thing you need to do is to spend the Internet in the house, apartment, office, the process is not difficult, you need to find out what providers work with your home, call them or visit the office, where they will accept an application for gasket the Internet cable in Your apartment.

As a rule, you will give several dates to you choose, choose the most convenient for yourself when you can stay at home, the master will arrive at the appointed time and will hold the Internet cable to the place you need.

By the way, you do not take money for the cable laying, the company you chose does this at your own expense, you only pay the selected Internet connection tariff, usually from 300 to 1000 rubles per month.

The monthly fee (rate) will depend on the connection speed you choose.
For comfortable access, choose the speed of 30 MB / s, approximately 400-500 rubles / month.

After the cable spent you can already connect it to a computer and use the Internet, but our goal is to create a Wi-Fi network, so we go further. Need to purchase a router (some companies provide their routers), it is to him later connect the Internet cable, after that the router will create active Wi-Fi Network, and you can connect to it without any wires at least from a laptop, even from the phone, and here it is comfortable access to the Internet from anywhere else-point apartment or at home.

Tip 1: When you discuss the conditions for connecting the Internet cable, ask what you better purchase a router, because the choice in stores is large enough. The right advice on acquiring the right router will save your money and time.

Tip 2: The router when connected will need to be configured (once), if you do not have the slightest concept as it is done, I recommend to ask the master who will make the Internet cable. Let him immediately configure you (may require a separate setting fee, about 500 rubles)

Tip 3: In order to take care of a secure connection, install the antivirus to all computers with which the Internet will be logged.

An alternative if your home or apartment for some reason is not serviced by one of the providers' companies, usually there are residents of villages, villages, country parks, well, there is no possibility while the cable is held.

It is necessary to find out which of the telecom operators (MTS, Beeline, MegaFon) normally catches on this territory. After that, visit the office of one of these companies and buy a modem that will provide an Internet access, and separate routers are sold for modems that can convert a signal from a modem to the Wi-Fi network.

By the way, modems are actively developing with the already built-in Wi-Fi module, you may be able to find such - this will simplify the connection conditions several times.

Hello everyone. Probably many of you in the apartment have Wi-Fi? Often there were cases when on a laptop or smartphone in one room wi-Fi signal Good, and in another weak, or there is no it, respectively, there will be no Internet there.

In this article, I will write actions that will help you increase the strength of the signal so that it is equally strong anywhere else.

Do not catch Wai Fi on a laptop, what to do?

If the laptop does not catch Wai Fi on the distance from the router, and everything is fine, it means that the Wi Fi coverage zone is too small and it must be expanded.

To begin with, we wonder why the Wi-Fi signal is weak.

Wi-Fi network coverage is approximately 40 meters, but in open areas. In the apartment, on the way at the signal there is an obstacle in the form of walls. And if the wall is reinforced, the signal is even harder to break through it through it. But if after one wall there is still a signal, then in two or more, perhaps nothing will remain from it.

Also a weak signal may be due to a poor-quality router (Wi-Fi access points).

Let's imagine the location of the Wi-Fi router in the apartment. The picture below shows the Wi-Fi coating zone located in the extreme right room.

As you can see in the left lower room, the signal will be very weak, or will not be at all. In this, there is the reason why I can't catch Wai Fi.

The most obvious solution is to locate a Wi-Fi router in the center of the apartment. But what if it is either impossible, because When connecting the Internet provider left too little cable or repairs already made.

To do this, you can purchase a second Wi-Fi router supporting the work as a repeater (required!) And arrange it in the other side of the apartment. The main thing is that the Wi-Fi network of the main router is in the area of \u200b\u200breach.

A plus this method It is that you do not need to lay additional wires, routers are connected to each other by Wi-Fi.

First, make sure you know the password from the current Wi-Fi network. If not, it can be "high in the settings network connections" For this:

Now that you know the key of your Wi-Fi network, you can start configuring the second router.

To configure the router, follow these steps.

Connect the second router to the laptop using the cable to the LAN port. In order not to get confused in connections, turn off the temporarily Wi-Fi receiving on the laptop.

Post installation post local network, in the browser, enter the address (or ). To request a login and password, enter the username - admin, password - admin. This login and password goes from all routers from the plant (look just on the "Bourgeon" of the router). If you have previously changed it, you will have to enter your username and password, or dump the router to the factory settings.

After you entered the system, you need to change the mode of operation of the router. To do this, click on the "Work Mode".

In the operation mode selection window, select Repeater Mode

After select from the list active networks It is your own and click "Connect"

At the network key request, enter the security key of your Wi-Fi network, which we learned earlier.

After connecting to the network.

It should be noted that the IP address of your second router will change, as he will report, as in the figure below.

On this setting is completed. Now both Wi-Fi router distribute Wi-Fi throughout the apartment.

I described the configuration of the repeater mode for the ASUS KE-G32 router. In other routers, the configuration process will be different, but the principle is the same. Also, the Wi Fi coating zone can be expanded by a third or fourth router. It will be useful if you want to distribute Wai Fi neighbors).

Wi-Fi today is the most popular way to connect to the Internet. This became possible thanks to good characteristics This protocol, ease of connection and the availability of a wide range of inexpensive equipment.

However, this interface has and disadvantages. Many users encounter incomprehensible communication breaks, errors or low data transfer rate. In this case, in this case it is immediately called to the Support Service or call the repairmen brigade. With many troubles in the work of the home Wi-Fi network you can handle yourself.

1. Restart the router

Yes, yes, this is exactly what is advised to make when contacting support service. And completely correct.

The modern router is a complex device, in work software Which eventually errors can appear. The easiest I. fast way Get rid of them - restart the equipment. Some routers allow you to do it automatically on schedule, you just need to search for the appropriate option in the settings.

2. Install an alternative firmware

Alternative firmware are written by enthusiasts to eliminate the deficiencies of brand software. The most famous project of this kind is DD-WRT. This firmware supports a wide range of equipment and is distributed completely free.

The installation of a third-party firmware allows not only to improve the operation of the network, but in some cases to activate the previously inaccessible function of the device. It is however, it is worth considering that the process of flashing and the subsequent setting of equipment will require time from you and the availability of special knowledge.

3. Use Wi-Fi Repeiter

If in any part of the house of the device is constantly losing the connection to the Internet, it means that the router signal is too weak here. You can solve the problem with the help of a special repeater, which are also called repeaters, or repeaters.

The main task of the repeater is to enhance the signal of the existing Wi-Fi network. These compact and inexpensive devices are produced by almost all popular manufacturers of network equipment, as well as dozens of unknown Chinese firms.

4. Describe the signal amplifier

Using a Wi-Fi repeater can help out far in all cases. Sometimes, to enhance the router signal, you have to resort to other, more hustling methods. For example, you can construct a special reflector from or for CDs.

But if you need something truly powerful, then try to assemble an antenna from my friend materials to expand your home zone with a wireless Internet, which we wrote about this.

5. Control application access to the Internet

If someone in your house constantly looks at streaming video, plays online games, pumps the volumetric files, it can significantly slow down the network. Special attention should be paid to torrent clients. Some of them are configured in such a way that they are automatically started at the start of the system and continue the download and distribution of data in the background. Separate pain - computer games that twitch download multi-birthbate updates and additions.

6. Close the access to a stranger

By default, the manufacturer installs on all its routers alone and the same well-known logins and passwords. Each user must independently change them to protect its network from unauthorized access. However, it is, unfortunately, not all.

If you do not want the neighbors to use your wireless network, thereby interfering with you, then you need to make a detailed adjustment of the router. How to do this, you can read in our manual "".

7. Get rid of noise

On the quality of the signal transmitted by the Wi-Fi network, many different factors can affect, including interference from phones, microwave ovens etc. You can get rid of them, only by placing a router and a source of interference at maximum deletion. Certain with this task will help special wiFi application Analyzer, able to display the strength of the signal in real time.

8. Tune in to Free Channel

In modern apartment houses At the same time, there are many wireless access points, occupying all available channels. As a result, some of them have to divide the same channel, which leads to a mutual reduction in the speed and sustainability of communication.

9. Find a new place for the router

The unsuccessful location of the router in the apartment can also affect the quality of the connection. If yours workplace Several concrete walls separate from the point of connection, then you should not be surprised that the Internet constantly slows down.

You can only choose an optimal place for a router only experienced by moving it around the apartment and measuring the signal quality. Make this will help the NetSpot diagnostic utility and our instruction called "".

10. Use modern technologies

One of best ways Make your wireless network as fast as possible, stable and safe - it is to use modern equipment.

Communication standards are constantly developing and improved. New implementations of this protocol provide a higher connection speed, reduce the number of errors and susceptibility to interference.

However, appropriate equipment must be used to use them. Therefore, the most radical and expensive method of improving quality home network - This is the purchase of a modern dual-band router from the well-known manufacturer.

Last winter, Avast experts conducted an experiment on the Mobile World Congress participants. They created three open Wi-Fi dots near the stand for the registration of visitors to the exhibition at the airport and called them the standard names "Starbucks", "MWC Free WiFi" and "airport_free_wifi_aena". For 4 hours, 2000 people joined them.

According to the results of the experiment, a report was made. Experts were able to analyze the traffic of all these people and find out which sites they visited. Also, the study has allowed check your personal information 63% of participants: logins, passwords, addresses email etc. And the victims would never have learned that their data came into hand to someone else if experts from Avast did not disclose their secret

Most of the connected were technically savvy people. After all, they arrived at the international IT exhibition. But for some reason they did not take any measures By self-defense while using public Wi-Fi.

Below you learn what can threaten the connection to free Wi-Fi and how to protect yourself when using it. Let's start with the transfer of the most common dangers.

Danger number 1. Traffic analysis

The owner of a Wi-Fi point or a person who received access to it can view all traffic, which passes through it. And using the data packet analyzer (for example, Wireshark or Commview) to find out which pages people came from connected devices and that were entered in the molds on sites that use the HTTP protocol. These may be data for the entrance, texts of letters, messages on the forums.

Even using the traffic analyzer, you can steal a cookie file with a session identifier that can be used to log into some sites under the victim account.

In 2017, most sites use safe Protocol HTTPS, according to which the logins and passwords are transmitted in an encrypted form. And they cannot be recognized as described above. But this does not mean that they cannot be stealing with using wi-fi network.

Danger number 2. "Fake" Password Storage Pages

When a person connects to Wi-Fi in a public place, it can be directed to a page to confirm his identity by phone number or authorization through the social network. All data entered on these pages can collect for personal use.

Also, who has access to the router control can be configured, for example, redirecting from Facebook.com to the site facebb00k.com, on which a copy will be posted main page The popular social network created to theft of passwords.

Danger number 3. Malware infection

In the same way, a person can be transferred not only to phishing sites, but also on pages for downloading Trojans and viruses that can kidnap from a computer with a variety of information fraudster (passwords, documents). The result depends on how the victim takes care of the safety of your computer.

And now we'll figure it out, what is the probability of running on problems when using public Wi-Fi.

Are many Wi-Fi dots in Russia that are susceptible to hacking

The site 3wifi.stascorp.com has a base of Russian Wi-Fi points (more than 3 million), which have safety problems. She collects the participants of the Antichat Forum using Routerscan. This program scans the available routers / routers, collects information about them and reveals weakly protected devices.

The full version of the base (with passwords and other useful info) is available only by invitation. But random site visitors can see the map (if your router is there?) And get acquainted with statistics.

Nearly 200 thousand access points do not apply any protection. Still as many of the Outdated WEP encryption protocol. This means that you can easily choose a password for 5-10 minutes.

But even among those who included modern WPA2 encryption on the router (many models of routers do it automatically), there are tens of thousands of people who use Passwords "12345678" or something like that was in default settings.

Many people have WPS - a mechanism for fast settings Router with a PIN code, which is also often a standard combination. And it does possible use Their equipment "left" people.

Password selection to Wi-Fi Point

Even if a person replaced standard password Routher / PIN from WPS to "12345678" or "26031993", then this does not increase the degree of protection against cyber speakers. After all, such combinations can be chosen in a few hours or even faster if the password is completely simple or there is in the list of frequently used.

Creating fake access points

In the autumn of 2015, after the terrorist attacks in Paris, someone created a copy of the MOS_METRO_FREE access point in the Moscow metro. Some metro passengers connected to it instead of the main point and at the place of the standard welcome advertising page saw the site with a logo of a terrorist organization forbidden in Russia.

With the help of free programs available on the Internet (for example, AIRBASE-NG utilities), you can create a copy of any access point. And if the "Fake" signal will be stronger than the original, then all devices that are configured automatic connection To the initial access point, will be connected to "copies". And on them it will be possible to produce all the actions described at the beginning of the article.

Stealing passwords from the access point using its copy

Fake access points can be used not only to deceive users, but also to steal passwords from routers. For example, using the WiFiphisher tool, which appeared a couple of years ago.

When the victim connects to a fake point of access, it is redirected to the same fake "administrator page" on which it is invited to enter a password from the router in order to download the new firmware.

If the owner behaves, then the need for a passage disappears :-)

What technique is needed for "hacking" Wi-Fi?

In the article about the danger of free Wi-Fi, there are often pictures on which a man with black pantyhose on the head, a laptop and a huge antenna hides under the table in a cafe. But in reality, this process is invisidious.

Kali Linux, distribution with pre-installed set of tools for attacks on different systems (And on Wi-Fi network including), you can install on the easiest laptop and even on an Android smartphone. He even has specially adapted for the ruler devices. Google Nexus. Kalinethunter version.

If you buy an external Wi-Fi adapter to the smartphone, then with it, you can easily perform all the steps described above. And do it so that none of those surrounding this.

Even for Android there are different applications for amateur "Wi-Fi hacking". For example, DROIDSHEEP (on the second screen), DroidSniff, Faceniff, etc. They know how to view the network traffic to which the phone is connected and steal cookies of identifiers of sessions of poorly protected sites. 5-6 years ago with them could even be included in a foreign account VK (now the level of security social networks greatly rose).

Or WPSConnect to check is not worth it at the point one of the standard WPS PINs.

From what distance can I "hack" Wi-Fi?

Even Wi-Fi dot It is used in a closed room, in which there is only access to its access, then this does not mean that you can not think about its safety.

The term Warraming (Wardriving) appeared in the USA 15 years ago. Roughly speaking, it is riding in the city by car, inside which laptop with specialsfold and powerful Wi-Fi antenna.

The purpose of this classes is to look for potentially vulnerable access points in your city and "hack" them. The radius of the zone of exposure can reach several hundred meters. The exact value depends on the power of the equipment of fraudsters and the density of the construction of the area.

There is another way to get to difficult Wi-Fi points.

Three years ago, explorer Jin Bronsfield introduced Warkitteh (microcontroller (sparkcore) + WiFi module + battery + GPS module, see picture 2). This device can be attached to the cat and dog and run the animal to walk to the territory on which you need to access Wi-Fi points.

Also described cases of wobraving with drones.

How popular is the topic of hacking Wi-Fi

As you already understood from the name of the publication, that in it we will consider the device and the principle wi-Fi works And WiMAX. It would seem that today everyone knows about this technology and makes no sense to write such material on this topic. But by analyzing how often people are looking for an answer to a similar question, I came to the conclusion that it is not fully revealed and relevant to this day. As a rule, this question is interested in curious and beginner users or people who are interested in digital technologies in general. So, the first thing we will look at what Wi-Fi is?

Wi-Fi - This is an abbreviation that occurred from the English phrase Wireless Fidelity, which means "Wireless data transmission" or "Wireless accuracy". This is a short-acting system that covers dozens of meters and which uses not licensed frequency bands to provide access to the network. This is a protocol and standard for broadband radio communications equipment intended for organizing local wireless networks.

In other words, Wi-Fi is a modern and promising wireless technologywhich uses radio channels for data transmission. This technology assumes the availability of access / router Wi-Fi (standards 802.11a / b / g / n), which provides stable access to the network from some region with a radius of up to 45 meters indoors and 90 meters in the open space (the range depends on many Conditions and in your case can change).

Basic Wi-Fi Standards:

IEEE 802.11 - determines the set of protocols for the most low speeds Data transfer and is the basic WLAN standard.

IEEE 802.11a - the protocol is not compatible with 802.11b and carries more high speeds transmissions than 11b. Uses frequency Channels In the 5GHz spectrum. Maximum bandwidth up to 54 MBIT / C.

IEEE 802.11b - standard uses more quick speeds Transfer and introduces more technological restrictions. Uses frequency channels in the 2.4GHz spectrum. Maximum bandwidth to 11 MBIT / C.

IEEE 802.11g - standard uses data rates Equivalent 11A. Frequency channels are used in the 2.4GHz spectrum. The protocol is compatible with 11b. Maximum bandwidth up to 54 MBIT / C.

IEEE 802.11n - on this moment This is the most advanced commercial Wi-Fi Standardwhich uses frequency channels in the 2.4GHz and 5GHz spectra. Compatible with 11B / 11A / 11G. Maximum bandwidth up to 300 Mbps.

For a more detailed view, we bring a comparative table of standards wireless communicationwhich contains detailed information on such technologies as: Wi-Fi, WiMAX, Bluetooth V 1.1, Bluetooth V 2.0, Bluetooth V 3.0, UWB, Zigbee, infrared port.

Everything works as follows. Customer-clients are connected to the access point: tablet, smart TV, computers, laptops, PDAs, smartphones and others mobile deviceshaving Wi-Fi adapters (receivers). And just a few seconds a connection is established with the worldwide web or local network.

The method of supplying the Internet to the access point is not included. The accumulation of access is divided into public and private. The first provide internet access for free or for money an unlimited number of users. The second, in principle, are used only for the needs of the owners. However, it can also be connected if the network is not password protected.

Public hotspots (Hot Spot - Wireless Connection Point wLAN networksAnd if literally, the "hot place", the "hot spot") is often found in public areas: airports, train stations, hotels, restaurants, cafes, shops, libraries. You can connect to such networks freely on site or not far from it. Some require authorization, while the login and password will be issued to you after you pay the services of this institution.

Some cities in the world are almost completely covered by Wi-Fi Network: it is enough to pay for access to it in an inexpensive subscription. Consumers are presented not only commercial services. Private faces, communities, municipalities are actively building free Wi-Fi network. Small networks providing wireless Internet residential buildings, public institutions (libraries, educational establishments), gradually enlarge, using a common peerging agreement for free interaction with each other and existing on the basis of donations, voluntary assistance and other sources.

City authorities often support similar projects. In Paris, for example, Ozonparis gives free and unlimited Internet access to everyone who provides the roof of their home for the installation of Wi-Fi network. In Jerusalem, the UNWIRE Jerusalem project is running, within which the free access points are established in large shopping centers of cities. Many Western universities provide Internet access for their students, workers and visitors. In the CIS countries, the situation is worse, nevertheless the number of hot spots is constantly growing.

Benefits Wi-Fi:

Down with the wire. Due to the lack of wires saves time and means on their gasket and wiring. The network can be expanded almost indefinitely, increasing the number of consumers and the geometry of the network installation of additional access points. Unlike the laying of wired networks, it is not necessary to perseve the walls, ceilings and the floor by cables, strobs the walls and drill through holes. Sometimes a wired network cannot be built purely physically.

Global compatibility. Wi-Fi is a family of global standards (despite some restrictions that exist in different countries) Therefore, in theory, the device produced in the United States should work perfectly in the CIS countries. And vice versa.

Disadvantages Wi-Fi:

Legal aspect. In different countries, in different ways are suitable for using the frequency range and parameters of transmitters / receivers of the IEEE 802.11 standards. In some countries, for example, you need to register all Wi-Fi networksworking outdoors. In others, restrictions on the frequencies used or the transmitter power are imposed.

In the CIS countries, the use of Wi-Fi without permission to use frequencies from the State Commission on Radio Frequate (GCRC) is possible to organize a network inside buildings, closed warehouses and industrial areas. If you want to associate two neighboring houses with a radio channel, it is recommended to apply to the aforementioned supervisory authority.

Stability of communication. Standard home Wi-Fi routers Common standards 802.11, or 802.11g have a range of about 40-50 meters indoors and up to 90 meters outside. Some electronic devices (Microwave), Weather phenomena (rain) Weaken the signal level. Also, the distance depends on the operating frequency and other factors. To learn more about the factors that affect Wi-Fi wireless communication you can.

Cross interference. With a large density of access points, there may be problems with access to an open access point if there is a hotspot running on the same or adjacent channel and using encryption.

Production factors. Unfortunately, manufacturers do not always clearly adhere to standards, so some devices can work unstable or at lower speeds.

Energy consumption. Highly high energy consumption, which reduces battery life and increases the temperature of the device.

Safety. The WEP encryption standard remains one of the popular and relatively easily cracked, and the more perfect WPA protocol, unfortunately, do not support many old access points. The WPA2 protocol is considered more reliable and perfect today.

Limited functionality. When transferring small data packets to them joins a large number of Official information, which worsens the quality of communication. Therefore, Wi-Fi is not recommended to be used to work in IP telephony using the RTP protocol: communication quality is not guaranteed.

What Wi-Fi Module to choose a laptop?

If your laptop for any reason is missing a wireless communication module, three options are possible:
1. Minipci. This adapter is installed inside the laptop to the MiniPCI port, which is present in all laptops released after 2004. During the work, it does not need to be connected and disconnected. But the installation of this adapter is recommended to be performed only in service centers.

2. USB adapters. In size - the usual "flash drive". There are different adapters, the following parameters: Reception range, transfer rate, supported standard. Minus - the adapter protrudes for the dimensions of the laptop, so you can hurt it with a lacaround when carrying and damageing the USB port. Not suitable for those who have little free USB ports. But this adapter can be installed in any device having a USB port. For example, in stationary computer.

3. PCMCIA. Installed in a widespread PCMCIA laptop slot. This operation can be done by any user. At the same time, the adapter only acts about the dimensions of the laptop. We have a free USB port and busy - PCMCIA.

By losing the line it can be said that in terms of all types Wi-Fi adapters differ not much. What to choose for yourself to decide for yourself. Keep in mind that in order operating system I identified your device, you need to either install the driver from the disc supplied with the disk adapter, or hope that your OS will find the driver in its depths. The newer OS, the more chances are. And now let's consider the principle of work WiMAX technology.

How WiMAX works.

There is another wireless standard that develops at least rapid rates than Wi-Fi. However, it differs in many ways. Let's look at its main features.

WiMAX - E. the abbreviation is decrypted as WORLDWIDE INTERPERABILITY FOR MICROWAVE ACCESS, which is literally translated means "international interaction for microwave access". It is worth saying that WiMAX is not more dangerous to health than the usual cellular. Technology uses a high degree of protection for data transmission, which is ideal for doing business. WiMAX uses triple data encryption using the DES 3 algorithm.

WiMAX is based on the IEEE 802.16 standard (not to be confused with IEEE 802.11). The network on the basis of this technology is based on basic and subscriber stations and equipment connecting the base stations, with the Internet provider and other services. Used operating range from 1.5 to 11 GHz. The speed theoretically can reach 70 Mbps. It does not require direct visibility between the base and the receiver.

For communication between databases, frequencies from 10 to 66 GHz are used. Speed \u200b\u200bcan reach 120 Mbps. Direct visibility between databases and at least one database connected to the Internet using wired technologies is necessary. Radius of action - 6-10 km for "static" subscribers and 1-5 km - mobile "mobile" moving at speeds up to 120 km / h.

Features Wi-Fi and WiMAX.

Authentication is supported as part of the mutual level of digital certificates X.509 (RK1). WiMAX devices have unique certificates, one for this type Devices, one for this manufacturer. In fact, protection of data flows, which deserves complete trust is achieved. For this reason, on the basis of WiMAX, virtual private, confidential networks (VPN) appear. They make it possible to form secure corridors that serve to transfer information to both remote users and employees of the company.

In the conditions of the city and the private sector, in despite the construction, trees and even weather, WiMAX is capable of transmitting the necessary data across the radio channel. The provider by setting WiMAX transmitters in different parts of the city opens a huge opportunity to connect to the Internet in an affordable network coverage area.

In addition, WiMAX can be used for high quality voice and video communication. As you understand, WiMAX is designed to solve three basic requirements for network connections, high throughput, reliability and mobility. WiMAX technology is because it makes it possible to perform work on projects anywhere and opens access to all your business applications.

In conclusion of this post, I will say that the Wi-Fi technology was first created for corporate users to get rid of the hectare of wires, but now it becomes popular and in the private sector. Wi-Fi and WiMAX technologies Though both counterparts, but are designed to solve a completely different range of tasks.

Increasingly, additional network devices appear in the family: tablet, Smart TV, laptop, mobile devices and game consoles with Wi-Fi support. And everyone needs access to the Internet. And desirable, no wires so that you can freely move around the apartment. In this case wireless Internet will be a good choice.