How to improve traffic on Beeline. Internet "Beeline": modem optimization and an increase in the velocity of the Internet

The speed of the Internet connection depends on many factors. They must be taken into account before drawing conclusions about the present rate of reception and return data. After all, only when the correct value is obtained, it will be possible to judge at what level the quality of the Internet is.

What is the speed of the Internet

Under the term "Internet speed" implies the number of bits transmitted per unit of time from a person to a server or from the server to a person. Studying this indicator for its connection, you should pay attention to two parameters:

In the mobile networks of the 3G standard, the maximum speed (in practically ideal conditions) is about 5 Mbps on loading information and 1 Mbps for its departure.

Consider, the Internet speed is accepted in bits per second, and the file size is in bytes.If the operator promises you a speed of 40 Mbps, do not think that the file, 40 MB is running in one second. Since 1 byte \u003d 8 bits, 5 MB of data will be made in one second, and the entire file is downloaded in 8 seconds.

From which the speed depends

When you entered into an agreement with any operator, they could see the promised speed. But when you start using the Internet, then notice that the actual speed is lower than the promised. This is due to the fact that the operator declares the speed that can be achieved in ideal conditions in special places. Since you are most likely to be in a specially equipped location, then the following factors will affect the speed of your connection:

Internet preparation to check speed

Before measuring the speed of the Internet, it is worth checking the execution of several conditions. If this is not done, the test results will be biased:

  1. Pay attention to all items from the section "From what the speed depends". Make sure that the weather is good for your facilities, and the device connected to the Internet is not closed with impermeable to the barriers.
  2. Disconnect all devices (except for one from which the test will be performed) from the network, as well as stop all downloads: Close the sites, programs that require the Internet, and also stop downloading all files. On mobile devices it is worth checking if there is no applying applications. The computer before starting the check is better to restart to close all unused programs.

Rules check

In order to get the most correct result, you should first perform all the steps to prepare for testing, and then check any of the following methods several times, preferably at different times. If you repeat the test, for example, every hour, then you can find out what time the Internet works worse, and what is better.

Speed \u200b\u200bmeasurement

There are several ways to check the speed. We will use the easiest and most accurate - analysis through special Internet resources. Some sites provide the ability and measure the rate of return and download, and get additional information about the operation of the Internet.

The following resources provide their services for free. They can be used both on the computer and on mobile device.

Using the SpeedTest website

The most famous resource for checking the quality of the Internet connection is Speedtest. It is very easy for them, if you wish, you can manually select the server at different points in the world, as well as save the results in your account to compare them with the previous ones.

On the computer

On mobile device

From the phone or tablet, you can also use the desktop version of the site, as described in the "On Computer" paragraph. But the Speedtest resource has a special application for mobile devices that simplifies the process of analyzing the speed of the Internet. To use it, follow these steps:

When the procedure is completed, you will receive the same three values: Ping (server response speed), receiving speed and return.

Using the site

The resource is provided by Yandex. It gives extensive information about the Internet, and the browser used, and the connection protocol.

This site has no mobile application, therefore, from the phone, and from the tablet, and from the computer it is worth using the desktop version:

Video: Checking the connection speed

Analysis of the results

After receiving information about the speed of the Internet, you can analyze it. If it is very different from the one that was declared the operator, it is worth undertaking some measures. Otherwise, if the speed is close to the promised, but it lacks it for your needs, you will have to change the tariff, or choose another operator.

What a devotance is normal, and what is excessive, it is impossible to say exactly. This is to be solved on your own, focusing on your compound quality requests.

It is worth noting that on all sites of the operators it is written: "Speed \u200b\u200bbefore ... Mbit / s", that is, the operators are installed only the upper limit. They do not say and do not guarantee that you will always have the highest possible speed. After all, it depends on many factors described in the "Speed" depends on the section.

What to do if the speed is much lower promised

If you have noticed that for several days, the speed is very lower than the one that has been promised when the tariff is connected, it is worth contacting the operator. You can do this one of the numbers - 8 800 700 8378 and +7 495 7972727 or in any BEELINE salon. Find the nearest salon of the company using the company's cabin cards.

Before measuring the speed, you need to minimize the load on the Internet. The test should be spent several times to get a reliable result. If the rate of return or loading is very lower than the promised, you need to access the operator, it must at least partially eliminate this problem.

Many Beeline subscribers have such an unpleasant situation when necessary fast access On the Internet, but the connection speed suddenly fell, it can mean only one thing - the available high-speed traffic was spent. This often happens when the subscriber forgets to control the rest of the Internet. Fortunately, you can quickly fix it quickly and easily - extend traffic to Beeline, spending just a few minutes. This can be done with mobile phone, and from a USB modem anywhere.

What if the traffic ended? The first thing you need to know the residue of the traffic on the number is to make it you can typing the * 102 # call command, or with the help of any other way described in the article :. And after that, you can use one of the additional bilayne services to increase the velocity of the Internet.

Beeline service "Provided the speed"

The Beeline operator took care of his subscribers who need quick Internet without restrictions, and created several options at once to extend traffic, which are characterized by the price and volume of the Internet provided. Choose one of the following options in your needs, allow you to buy traffic:

  • Provided the speed of 1 GB. Dial the short command * 115 * 121 # Call or number 0674093221 from mobile to get an additional 1 GB. The cost of connecting the option will be 250 rubles.
  • Provided the speed of 4 GB. You can connect megabytes for this option using the * 115 * 22 # challenge command or a set of 0674093222. From your account will be written off 500 rubles, and all restrictions will be removed.

Prices for options and numbers for their connection are valid only for Moscow, find prices and rooms for connecting in other cities and regions you can on page :.

Explifting Beeline traffic You can use the Internet at maximum speed, which will depend only on the coverage area of \u200b\u200bwhich network you are. It varies from 236 kbps for 2G networks, up to 73 Mbps for 4G connections. The maximum for 3G fluctuates at 14.4 Mbps.

If you are connected, then pay attention to the fact that the extension of traffic Beeline connected within the options listed above acts exactly until the next connection of the main traction package on your tariff and within the Highway service. The action of the connected package applies only to roaming in Russia, it does not work abroad.

Service "Speed \u200b\u200bAviation"

You can save yourself from the need to independently extend the Beeline traffic by connecting. It will automatically connect packages of 70 MB for 20 rubles * After you are consumed by the main or additional volume of the Internet.

* Traffic volume and cost are indicated for Moscow Beeline subscribers and Moscow Region

You can connect the option * 115 * 23 # Challenge or by calling the number 067471778. If you need to disable additional megabytes, which are provided by the Speed \u200b\u200bAuto Penalty service, type the * 115 * 230 # call command or number 0674717780.

Some Beeline subscribers face such an unpleasant situation as an insufficient traffic rate. In this case, you can not watch a movie, get quick access to the desired sites. If the speed of information transfer in the network fell, this means that the user has exhausted its limit of available high-speed traffic.

The subscriber has the ability to correct this annoying omission. If for some reason he did not control the residue of megabytes on his account, it can extend the Beeline traffic on 1 GB and more. At the same time, the user. mobile network Spends only a few minutes of its time. There are several possible options carrying out such a procedure.

The service "Provided the speed"

To check the balance of traffic on the account, you need to dial a simple combination *102# . If gigabytes provided for the gigabytes provided for by the tariff plan, you can use the Speed \u200b\u200bSpeed \u200b\u200bservice.
Beeline operator has created several possible options at once to resume high speed Traffic on the phone. They are distinguished by cost and amount of additional gigabytes mobile Internet. Depending on the needs, the subscriber will be able to choose the best way for yourself.

Book up additional high-speed traffic The user will be able to the end of the estimated period. The cost of the service depends also from the region. How to extend the Internet traffic on billing, there is a certain procedure.

How to extend the speed of 1 GB

To some subscribers, only a few megabytes of traffic may not be enough to the end of the settlement period. In this case, you can connect the speed of extension by 1 GB. Its value is 100 rubles. When a user is expressed by the user to increase the speed of the Internet and extend the traffic on 1 GB, the means will spike from the personal account after the activation of the service.
To do this, you need to dial the number from your phone. 0674093221 . There is a simpler combination. To connect the submitted options type *115*121# And click the call button.

The Internet will become much faster immediately after a set of code or call at the specified phone number.

How to extend the speed of 3 and 4 GB

Depending on the subscriber's residence region, you can extend the traffic speed by 3 or 4 GB. In the first case, the cost of the service will be 200 rubles, and in the second - 500 rubles. Extend the speed of up to 3 or 4 GB before the estimated date on the "All!" Tariff plan Or the "Highway" option. The duration of the provision of traffic can not be more than 1 month.

To connect the presented option, you will need to dial short query *115*122# from your mobile phone. In this case, the speed will immediately increase. You can also call the number 0674093222 . In this case, watch movies, you can simply go to sites, the transfer of information will be carried out quickly.

Additional traffic speed

If the subscriber connects the option of additional traffic, regardless of the size of the gigabyte provided, the speed will depend on the type of network in the region. For Internet 2G, this indicator will be 236 kbps, and for 4G - 73 Mbps. If a network coverage of type 3G prevails in the region, the user gets the maximum speed of 14.4 Mbps. Also, this indicator depends on the type of the selected modem, which operates the user.

The service does not apply to the numbers that are in roaming. Therefore, a subscriber who wants to use the submitted option must be in Russia.

Other ways to connect service

The subscriber can connect additional gigabytes for their mobile Internet one of several convenient ways. In addition to the methods presented above, you can order 1, 3 or 4 GB in Personal Cabinet. To do this, go to the official website of Beeline and in the appropriate tab to apply.
Also, the user can contact the operator. To do this, it can call the number 0611. In the telephone mode, the company's representative will perform the necessary actions by providing the user with an additional online high speed.

Another way to connect additional gigabytes, is a trip to service center. Come to the nearest office Beeline, the subscriber can connect the required option. Everyone can choose optimal option for yourself.

Speed \u200b\u200bcar port service

If the subscriber uses the "Hyway" option, he does not need to extend traffic to manual mode. To do this, there is the "Auto-speed" service. If the traffic that was provided to the Subscriber for a month is spent, the user will be transferred additionally 70 MB for 20 rubles. In this case, such an option is already enabled by default.

If earlier the subscriber disabled it, you can enable the extension service again. To do this, you need to dial a short command. *115*123# . You can also call the number 067471778 .
Provided additional services Significantly increase the comfort of using the mobile Internet for the Beeline network subscribers.


If you spend a certain traffic limit that you are provided by Beeline, the connection speed will immediately decrease immediately. In this case, you are best easy to request an additional traffic package. Some subscribers simply do not know that such a service generally exists.

The Internet extension service is provided to all Internet users. You can send a request from your mobile device or from a computer connected to the Internet via a USB modem. This is a very convenient service for active Internet users.

Ways to extend the use of Internet traffic from Beeline

You can always check if you need to additionally connect traffic packets. To do this, just send a USSD request. *102# . You can learn more detailed information regarding how you use the Internet and how much traffic remains you have, in any center of subscriber service of the company or simply by calling technical support.

If it seems to you that the remaining Internet traffic will not be enough for a long time, then you should use one of the options offered by all users.

The option "Provided the speed" Beeline

The difference between different offers and variations of packages consists in the amount of services provided and their cost. You can always use the Internet at the maximum possible speed according to technical characteristics local network.

All subscribers are available different purchase options. additional packages Internet traffic.

"Provided the speed - 1GB." To connect this serviceYou can use the USSD command *115*121# Or just contact a specialist by number 0674093221. This service is paid and costs 250 rubles. It will be connected instantly after writing off the means from the balance.

"Provided the speed - 4GB." This service is connected when sending a USSD request *115*22# Or by calling by number 0674093222. This service is worth 500 rublesThe funds must be available on the balance sheet to pay the package connection. Additional Internet Traffic becomes affordable immediately after writing off funds.

Attention! These tariffs and recommendations for activation are valid for Moscow. To manage these packages in other regions, contact the Beeline Clients Regional Customer Support Center or simply go to the company's official website.

The connection speed will always correspond to the maximum possible. Depending on the technical restrictions of the local network, the speed will vary in the range from 236 block / s to 75 Mbps. An approximate connection speed can be defined by the icon on your mobile device. Now in some areas of the capital, a connection in 4G mode is available, in most regions of Russia, 3G can be used.

You can also connect the Highway Traffic Package. This package is provided monthly. You should select the most optimal package of traffic and be ready to pay it every month.

Attention! This package can only be used in the territory Russian Federation. Abroad use high speed \u200b\u200bInternet It becomes impossible.

Option "Automatic Speed \u200b\u200bExtension"

If connecting to the Internet is for you an important part mobile services, We recommend that you connect the service "Auto-speed" service to avoid unexpected failures in speed.

The cost of 70MB Internet traffic is 20 rublesAnd the packet itself is connected automatically if the main traffic package is exhausted. To connect this service, you need to send USSD code *115*23# or just call on 067471778 - These services management methods are available only to the subscribers of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Every ticket of Beeline, which is an active user of the World Wide Web, has repeatedly encountered the problem of exhausting the traffic package on his phone. In this unpleasant situation, even those who are available to large volumes of megabytes within tariff plan Or options - they all have a property to end at the most inopportune moment. Thereafter mobile operator Limits the speed of the Internet to such an extent that it becomes impossible to use it. How to increase the speed of the Internet on biline and always stay online?

The service "Provided the speed"

Extend the speed of the mobile Internet on the bill can be activated by a special service. The "Provided Speed" option allows you to purchase a high-speed Internet package and use it until the end of the estimated period. Mobile operator Provides various denominations of such Internet packages.

To extend the speed to 1 GB, the company's client needs to dial the USSD command * 115 * 121 #, on 4GB - * 115 * 122 #. The cost of such a high-speed Internet on biline may vary in different regions of Russia, in Moscow, for example, it is 250 and 500 rubles per month, respectively.

Subscribers of the post-postal calculation system can increase traffic per 1 or 3 GB. To activate the first volume, you must call the service number 0674131, the second - 0674133. The price of the service for each country's own region.

After connecting the Options, the operator increases speed to the maximum possible. If the user has ended with the added traffic, access to the worldwide network will be possible only at minimal speed.

Before you increase the speed of the Internet, it is recommended to study your tariff plan. The fact is that such an acceleration is not available for some tariffs - their list can be viewed on the official website of the cellular company.

It should also be remembered that you can accelerate the Internet only when in the native (home) zone, as well as travels in Russia when registering the SIM card in home network. Outside of Russia, the service will not work.

Before extending Internet traffic on biline with the help of the "Provided Speed" service, it is important to take into account its following features:

  1. It is possible to simultaneously activate several packets regardless of their nominal.
  2. The option will act 30 days, or until the subscriber is given traffic on the "All" tariff plan or for the Highway service.

Automatic speed extension

In order to suddenly ending traffic did not become an unpleasant surprise and did not fail to share ways to extend the Internet, you can use the Speed \u200b\u200bAuto Penalty service. If the service is active, the subscriber does not have to manually buy megabytes - a package of 50 to 100 MB (depending on the region) will be purchased automatically.

The service is activated for free, but for each connected package charges 50 rubles (for Moscow and the Moscow region). To enable "Autonomy", you need to make a short USSD request * 115 * 23 # or make a call to the toll-free 067471778.

To prolong high-speed network access in this way, subscribers can be prepaid for both postpost calculation systems that have an Internet traffic package provided within the tariff plan, or one of the Internet options is active, for example, "Highway".

The terms of use of the acquired megabytes directly depend on the parameters of the main Internet package on the tariff - if it acts solely in the home area, then the acquired traffic will also be available only in its region. If the main package works in intranet roamingThe purchased megabytes can be used in traveling in Russia. IN international Roaming Raise the speed of the mobile Internet on the Beeline number and add megabytes using automatic extension is impossible.

Additional Information

When using the mobile Internet, the owner of the smartphone needs to closely monitor its device. Some phone models can update mobile applications and programs in the background, and, accordingly, spending traffic. If you stop the download and update in time, you can avoid additional spending - the user will enact the main package and do not have to look paid waysHow to increase the speed of the Internet.

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