WordPress plugin is a social network parser. Free content parser - AftParser

A powerful enough universal parser for WordPress. Allows you to collect content from one or more sources and process it, adjusting it to the required format using all the capabilities of the PHP language. There is a possibility of deferred parsing. The best free wordpress parser of the moment - AftParser is always at your service!

Brief description of the functionality:

The parser consists of 4 pages: Main page, Link parser page, RSS feed parser page and settings page. This is how it will look after installation:

Attention: You can read how to configure AftParser.

Let's start with the home page. It displays a list of currently running parsers.

Explanations are provided in blocks on each page. All documentation comes out of the box, read it carefully enough to make it clear.

Site parser:

The site parser page allows you to parse data from one or several sources. You just need to provide links to materials.

What? Too lazy to dig around the net and manually collect materials? Don't despair - everything is automated.

There are two tools that allow you to fill the list of links automatically.

- a kind of emulation of the search engine. The robot itself will go through the pages of the site transferred to it and collect all internal links from them.

Naturally, the list of links filled with automatic algorithms will be heavily littered with unnecessary data. And then filters come to your aid.

- the easiest and fastest way to filter. You type in the conditions and the filter itself does the processing.

Advanced link filter- link filter that allows you to change their content and do a bunch of different things. For advanced users only. I advise you to learn php before doing anything there.

If you've completed link collection, the next step is to add content boundaries.

With the help of these boundaries, the parser will determine the areas that need to be processed.

Syntax highlighting is implemented by means of javascript editor ACE. All documentation and all available functions are listed on the plugin page. The list is very impressive and I cannot give it here, since this material is already very long. Just install the plugin and read it, you will be impressed, I guarantee it.

The page looks approximately the same. rss feed parser, with the only difference that there is no need to provide lists of links.

Sometimes it doesn't make sense to spend time writing your own text for a WordPress site. This case does not apply to blogs and information sites, since the income on them is generated precisely thanks to the posted posts.

And we are talking about online stores, company websites and news portals that are not designed for organic traffic. For such resources, unique materials are not as important as their constant updating.

To make an autofillable site, you will need to set up a news parser for your project. First, you need to find suitable sites from which you will parse. They must correspond to the topic of your project, otherwise there is no point in duplicating information from them. If so, then you need to proceed to the second part of the solution to the parsing issue - this is how you will clone text from another site. The most primitive and inconvenient way is manual copying. But it is much more reasonable to use one of the plugins given in this article to activate a successful news and content parser.


A very popular WordPress module that allows you to set up a functional parser for news from other sites. The tool is installed in the simplest way: either by downloading directly to a folder on the hosting, or through the "Plugins" tab.

Next, you have to configure the plugin to work if you want to provide content parsing. To do this, just click “Next” four times and at the end “Submit”. Thus, you agree to the terms of use for this WordPress module. In particular, agree that only you are responsible for the theft of other people's materials, content from other sites, etc.

If, in addition to the text component, you are also interested in pictures, then you need to create a directory called Cache in the plugin folder. Set special permissions for this folder. Next, you have to return to the WordPress admin area. Go to the plugin settings and carefully check if there is a check mark next to the Unix cron item. You need to check the Cache Image item in the affirmative so that the news parser will also copy pictures to your resource.

The WP-O-Matic module is good because it works on any page of the site. You can add a separate category if you want the list of news and content provided by the parser to be displayed exactly there. To do this, first create the necessary heading. Then in the WordPress admin, in the WP-O-Matic tool settings, click Add Campaign. In the Categories line, check the box for the custom category you created. And in the Feeds form, write down the RSS feed that you are going to parse. You can write several URLs for feeds at once so that the text parser collects information from three or even four resources at once.

And another huge plus for the WP-O-Matic plugin is the automatic publication of material. You don't have to log into your WordPress admin every hour to change the status of posts to Published. The module will do it on its own. And if you wish, he can uniqueize the text through a special synonymization mechanism. This is the key difference between this tool and its competitor - the FeedWordPress plugin.


This is a functional grabber that is suitable not only for the WordPress engine. This is not just a parser of the text of the pages of the site - it is a smart application that allows you to filter the copied material. For example, you will only be able to post articles that contain certain keywords. You can duplicate news directly from Yandex. Cloned materials will be exported in one of 15 available formats. The service will collect not only text, but also titles, photos, publication date, links and other important data.

But Datacol is paid for. However, it is much cheaper than if you ordered material on the site through the exchanges. The application costs less than 500 rubles and can be used for almost any engine. There is a demo version.

FDE Grabber

Another paid parser with a lot of functions. This is already from the category of expensive grabbers, since it will cost about $ 90. But it will be possible to use it on 10 servers at once, that is, in theory, different webmasters can chip in $ 9 each, thus making the purchase cheaper.

FDE Grabber is not really a WordPress plugin. Developers call their creation an autonomous system that works regardless of the type of CMS installed on the site. The main features of this parsing system are:

  • downloading full-scale news or individual fragments;
  • you can schedule publications;
  • if you want to uniquely duplicate material, there is a built-in synonymize function;
  • you can work through proxy servers;
  • parsing is able to bypass redirects, which can become a problem for other plugins;
  • you can automatically download all content from the site and move it to your site (if it is not news portals);

You can customize the parsing completely at your own discretion, since the program has the ability to implement firmware to correct the work. For example, this is how you can customize the alignment and layout of the copied material. You can also add parameters noindex and nofollow for all links that will be in the text of the page. The parser even allows you to copy and automatically translate articles from foreign resources. This is a great way to create a constant stream of content on your pages that will start attracting visitors over time!

Parser for WordPress is a Datacol setting designed to collect content (news, articles, reviews, etc.) with further export to the WordPress CMS.

In this example, the resulting content is exported to. The results for each post are saved in a separate file, the name of which is generated based on the name of the post, and the content is based on the parsed information. You can also set up direct export to your WordPress blog. How to do this is shown in the video.

You can check the work of the parser for WordPress for free in the demo version of the program.
The main advantages of the Datacol-based parser for WordPress are:

  • The ability to customize parsing for WordPress specifically for your needs (either by you).
  • The ability to additionally process the collected data using plugins and upload them to.
  • The ability to cycle campaigns. When the results of the first parsing task will be input to the second data collection task. More details.

How is the WordPress parser used?

If you have created a blog, then after some time it becomes clear to you that new unique content is constantly needed to promote it. And it becomes lazy to write articles on your own and fill the site manually. But where do you get the new content? Sooner or later the time comes when you want to resort to autoblogging. Simply put, use a parser that will publish the information we need on its own. A content parser for WordPress will help us to cope with this task.

All sites have ever been created from scratch. But if the purpose of your site is to provide information, it will only become interesting when the amount of information exceeds a certain amount. The WordPress blog parser is a great solution for this task. With its help, you can catch up with competitors in a short time, significantly expanding the site's information catalog. A WordPress parser can be implemented as a WordPress grabber from a specific site.

A WordPress blog parser can help with many tasks, here are some of them:
- initial filling of the resource (a website parser for WordPress will allow you to fill your blog with information from scratch to the required volume in the shortest possible time);
- creation of an autofilled blog (the WordPress parser will be able to provide regular auto-update of the site's content)
- publication of content "on schedule" (you can schedule the time of adding posts to your site)

Bulk posting in WordPress

The WordPress parser featured in Datacol is a good example of how to use a parser for mass posting. It allows you to automatically fetch content and publish it to your blog. The WordPress parsing process can be divided into several stages:

1) The process of collecting content. The parser for WordPress collects the necessary information for each blog post: title, content (uploaded with pictures that are saved to your computer for further uploading via FTP to your server), category, author and link from which the data was collected (URL).

2) Saving the information collected by the parser for WordPress. After parsing, the collected information is saved in TXT files (each post is saved in a separate text file), the names of which are generated in accordance with the name of the post.

3) Export WordPress. It is also possible to directly export parsed information to your WordPress blog. This makes the filling process very fast and eliminates the possibility of human error. The ability to export to WordPress is provided in the basic functionality of the program. You need to specify the parameters for connecting to your blog in the program settings and specify the data for export (title, content, category, etc.)

4) Information processing. If desired, the information collected during the WordPress parsing process can be processed (for example, subjected to automatic translation or synonymization). These features are implemented using plugins.

How to parse a site on WordPress?

You can not only publish parsed information in WordPress, but you can also parse from it. The problem of using someone else's WordPress blogs as a source of content for your own blogs is quite common. A parser for WordPress sites will help you to solve it. The work algorithm of the WordPress site parser is similar to the one described above.

Advantages of a WordPress site parser

You are probably already convinced that the WordPress blog parser will help you not to spend a lot of time and effort manually filling your blog. Thanks to it, you can not only automate your work, but also increase its efficiency. You can download a parser for WordPress implemented within Datacol by

Testing the blog parser

To test the blog parser:

Step 2. The campaign tree contains the content-parsers / kolchaka-net.par campaign. Select it and click the Play button. Before starting, you can edit the Input data. So you can set a link to a blog or blog pages from which you will parse content.

Step 3. Wait for the results of the blog parser to appear. After the results appear, you can forcibly stop the parsing (by clicking the Stop button).

click on the image to enlarge

Step 4. After the end / forced stop of the parser in the My Documents folder, you can find text files (each post is saved in a separate file), the names of which are generated based on the post names:

click on the image to enlarge

There are quite a few areas of activity where the parser can be used, but mainly it is the collection of various information. You can quickly collect pictures and links only programmatically. Using a parser to find information allows you to automate this process, significantly saving time. If you have a wordpress site, you can easily make it auto-complete using the AftParser parser.

Is a free, universal WordPress parser. allows you to collect content from one or different sources, processing it for the desired format in PHP. The parser is made as a WordPress plugin. After the usual installation of the plugin, the parser menu will appear in the wordpress console, as in the picture.

The parser implements two main tools: a parser for wordpress sites and an rss parser for wordpress.

A parser for WordPress can:

1.Parsing data for links

You just need to provide links to the source. If there are no links, they can be collected with a parser. Specify the path to the sitemap and the grabber will collect all links. Or you can collect links from any html page. Links can be filtered according to the desired criteria. There are two link filters with which you can change the parsing conditions. Experienced users can compose parsing macros themselves, which makes the parser very flexible to fit their needs.

2.Parsing data from RSS feeds

Everything is simple here, enter the desired feed URL and click start parsing.
One of the possible uses of a parser for wordpress is filling news columns on your site, using sources of information such as blogs, rss feeds, VKontakte pages, etc. Competitors - WP-O-Matic, FeedWordPress, CyberSyn.

I present to you universal WordPress grabber WP UniParser... This plugin is universal custom parser... When creating posts, the plugin can translate content through the Google Translate service using any language pairs.

Customer Reviews

The topic on the heart, where there were about 6-7 reviews, was deleted by the moderators (they say the product does not meet the rules of the forum). Nevertheless, one review can be found on the mulenet and armada forum. There are also reviews from bloggers: here and there. Quite recently, I stumbled upon a review by accident.

Basic functionality

The WP UniParser plugin I created can do the following:
pull content from sites on any engines(the parser is configured using regular expressions and constraint strings, the configuration is very simple, I will explain and show everything, besides, there is one for it);
cut scripts, comments, links, forms, pictures, spans, objects, as well as any fragments you specify from the content.
schedule publication posts;
put parsed materials in a category you have defined (or randomly distribute them into categories);
realize automatic translation(either way) in any languages ​​supported by Google Translate.

The set of functions of the plugin can be found in more detail on the screenshot of its admin panel:

Also for a complete understanding of the work of the universal grabber is worth.