How to check a photo from the Internet or not. How to find a similar picture, photo, image on the Internet

Search engines and users have special requirements for sites. The portal must have clear interface, interesting design, unique, optimized texts. Some articles may include video, audio, and pictures. The latter, like the text itself, must meet certain criteria. One of these is uniqueness. There are several ways to check a photo for uniqueness online.

If the site uses non-unique images, it will not be blocked. However, photographs not previously posted on the Internet increase the likelihood of being in search engines.

The second point is that some photos are so popular that the user could already see them on another site. The trust in the portal and the satisfaction of the visitor is decreasing.

And third, some articles, for example, instructions, recipes, must necessarily contain pictures. This makes the material more visual and understandable.

How can you check the uniqueness of an image?

The easiest way to check is through search engines. You can do this both from your phone and from your mobile device.

In order to check a photo for uniqueness online in Yandex, open start page yandex .ru and go to the "Pictures" tab. At the top there is a button with a camera. You need to click on it.

When trying to upload a picture high resolution, the search engine gives an error.

When a picture is found on the Internet, search system can do the following:

  1. Suggest an image in a different resolution.
  2. Assume what is in the photo.
  3. Show similar pictures.
  4. Display a list of sites where the image is found.

The second search engine to check for uniqueness is Google. Open the google .ru start page and go to the "Pictures" tab.

On the top right, there is a button with a camera icon "Search by picture". There are also 2 options available: file upload or link. Verification takes a few seconds.

The displayed data for the found image is similar to Yandex. These are the dimensions of the image, similar images, links and the definition of what is located in the photo.

Services for checking the uniqueness of images

TinEye is a foreign search engine that specializes in checking photos on the Internet. Developed in Canada in 2008. To check, you need to go to and insert the image in one of two ways.

The search engine shows the number of matches found and links to sites.

Another service for checking uniqueness is the AntiPlagiat .NET program installed on a computer. Developer - one of the largest rewriting and copywriting exchanges. It allows you not only to find matches in images,

Instructions for checking uniqueness using "Etxt Antiplagiat"

To get started, you need to install the program on your computer. To do this, go to the website .ru or .biz. On home page site, scroll down the page, find the point about anti-plagiarism and click on the "Details" button.

Scroll through the online check box and on the left, find the "Download program" column. At the bottom there will be a Free Download button.

In the window that appears, select the desired suitable operating system and click "Download".

On the top right there is a button "Check pictures". In the window that appears, you must specify a link or download a file by clicking on three dots.

Upload a picture and wait for the verification results. If the image is not unique, information about this, as well as a link to the page, are written below.

In the second version, when the image is unique, the program can find similar images and provide links to them.

How to increase the uniqueness of a photo?

Initially, it is better to use unique images. You can make them yourself or buy them for a small fee. Pictures are sold on specialized sites, photo stocks.

If this is not possible, there are several ways to increase the uniqueness of the picture.

  1. Adding a watermark. This can be done through most graphic editors. The plugin for WordPress "Flexible upload" also copes with this task.
  2. Rotate the image 180 degrees (mirror image).
  3. Changing the general tone, color of large details.
  4. Replacing the background.
  5. Adding new large elements.
  6. Rotation of the entire picture or the largest object on it by several degrees.


Unique photographs help systems. All image verification services work equally efficiently and show correct results. However, when working with Yandex on a computer, it is not always possible to download high-resolution pictures. On the other hand, it is this search engine that functions well on a smartphone, on start page there is a photo search button.

In this article, we will talk about checking images and photographs for uniqueness online. If you use images in your videos, clips, postcards, websites and blogs, you are interested in making them unique.

Moreover, there are two sides to this issue:

1. You are using photos and pictures from the Internet.

I am often asked questions: is it necessary to use unique images, music, videos in your works? It is possible to discuss this topic for a very long time, to give various examples and comparisons, but I want to say the main thing.

If you are making a video or any other product for personal use, you can use any materials. Nobody will check it or make any claims. But if you are planning to post your work on the Internet - this is where you need to be careful.

2. You post your own unique photos and pictures on the Internet (on a website, in social networks, in a video) and want to check if someone is using them.

So, today we are talking about the uniqueness of images - how to check, whether this picture is found on the Internet, how often and on what sites.

TinEye service

TinEye is a convenient service that specializes in checking images for uniqueness and provides information on how many times a given image has been used and on which sites.

The creators of TinEye claim to go constant search on the Internet and regularly updating the image database. Tens of millions of new pictures are added every month.

Working with the service is very simple: on the main page you will see the following picture:

The image to be checked can be downloaded from a computer by clicking on the button marked with a red arrow, or by entering the URL in the field next to it. Then we press the button Search(magnifying glass icon) - and the search process begins.

Then the result is displayed (for example, I used a regular picture from the Internet):

This image was found 46 times on the Internet, and 17 356 billion images were searched within 0.8 seconds.

Below on the page is a list of sites on which this picture was found, if you wish, you can view them. Of course, such an image cannot be called unique.

For the second example, I took a picture from my site, made by me in Photoshop. The result is like this:

As you can see, the picture is unique according to TinEye. Thus, you can quickly check any images, both on the Internet and on your computer.

`The famous search engine Google has many additional services and functions. It can also be used to check how often a given image is found on the Internet and on which sites.

We go to the well-known address and select Pictures(top right).

A window will open:

Click on the icon Search by image indicated by a red arrow. The following window will appear:

Here we choose where we will upload the image from. By default, the window is active Specify link... If you need to upload an image from your computer, select the tab Upload file pointed to by the red arrow.

After that, the result is given: how many times the image is encountered, links to sites using it, images that are similar in Google's opinion.

I checked the same pictures, and the results differed from the TinEye service: the first picture is found much more often than in the first service, and the second he found 2 times on my website.

Yandex also has a similar service. Everything is similar to Google: select on the main page Pictures, then the icon Search by image... The button appears select a file by clicking on which, you indicate the path to the image.

After that, information appears about the picture, the sites on which it is posted. If the image is unique, you will see the caption No similar images were found.

To my surprise, Yandex found a second picture (which I made myself and considered unique) on two third-party sites, which I was convinced of by clicking on the links.

I say this to the fact that the owner can easily find resources on the Internet that contain his photos or pictures.

So, we looked at three services, the results were slightly different, and if it is important for you to accurately check some image, you can use all of them.

Defining a fake image is similar to fact-checking - the steps are the same, the tools are slightly different. Do not forget to include logic at the very beginning: could this photo, in principle, have been taken at that time and in the place with which it is correlated? If the logic is in order, we move on.

Step 1. Is this photo original or not?

What if someone posted it earlier? We check through Google Image Search or TinEye. Google Image Search finds similar images and lets you sort them by size and date. TinEye makes it possible to compare the found pictures with each other and also shows the file size and the date of its appearance on the Internet.

The better the image size you use, the more likely you are to stumble upon the original sooner.

Perhaps the image you are looking for is a two-piece stacked piece. Divide the image in any graphics editor and look for each part. The image can also be mirrored, so try changing it through a graphics editor in this way and re-search.

Processed image in Foto Forensics. Source:

You can check how much the image has undergone digital processing through the website Foto Forensics... It finds the "finished" areas in the image or inserted into it during editing. After processing, the program generates a photograph, where the edited fragments will stand out against the background of others.

Kazakhstan case

Residents of the East Kazakhstan region, according to the portal "News of Ust-Kamenogorsk and East Kazakhstan", in mid-July began to receive photos of hailstones and sheep killed by them via Whatsapp, with a text stating that it happened in their area.


We include an internal skeptic and check it through Google Image Search.

As we can see, the photo of the hailstones is used in an event that also occurred in July, more precisely on the 18th in Spain, where the hail took place.

Source: Google Image Search

Another photo, with killed sheep, was used even earlier - on the imgur image aggregator, it dates back to 2015. The image quality there also leaves much to be desired and suggests that the file is also not original.

Source: TinEye

In a word, the cataclysm clearly happened far from East Kazakhstan.

Step 2. Who is the author of the photo?

  • What's on his profile picture? The photo or image can be checked again through image search (see step 1).
  • When was the account registered? How active is he?
  • What videos, comments, posts does the user make? Does he mainly fill in his own or someone else's images?
  • Who is the owner of the site or blog (if the blog is on a separate domain)? You can check it through the service

Hello friends! We all know that website promotion primarily depends on unique content. Content should be understood not only as text, but also video and images. Search robots determine the relevance of an article to a particular query by the uploaded images. Therefore, it is important to know how.

You will probably agree that the "hackneyed" images "plague" the eyes of visitors. Novice webmasters mostly download them from other sites, add an entry and think that the picture is unique. Many people simply do not know how to check a picture for uniqueness, unlike services to check a text for uniqueness.

How to check a picture for uniqueness

You can check the picture for uniqueness online services... I use service.

Image verification can be set in two ways. Upload a file from computer 1 and indicate link 2 to a picture already on the Internet.

In a matter of seconds, the picture will be checked from more than 18 billion! options and the service will give an answer in the form of a list of sites on which the image and the picture itself are located. As you can see completely identical pictures no. They are edited in the editors. But the main thing is that the robots have learned to read the electronic code. And to achieve uniqueness you need to "sweat".

How to check a picture for uniqueness google is not the only verification service. Google and Yandex have even more opportunities. The check here is identical, so I'll show it using google as an example. Go to the service check images on google.

Click on the camera icon. And you can also choose to download a picture from your computer or specify the site address. Google will show even more matches than tineye.

As you can see, you can do it in three clicks.

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Recently, the number of fake pages in various social networks reads off scale all reasonable side-altars. This is especially true for the site "". A fake is a fake or a fake page. Since such profiles are usually created without the expenditure of effort and energy, it is not difficult to calculate them.

When evaluating a page, you should pay attention to the following signs:

  • User wall.
  • Account age.
  • Video files.
  • Subscribers and friends.
  • Photo and avatar.

To create the effect of a live user, Fakes are often specially loaded a large number of avatars and photos in the album, leave a lot of posts on the wall and a large number of all kinds of reposts.

However, it is worth looking not at the total, but at the number. If all the information on the page (even if there is a lot of it) is posted within one or several days, then this is at least suspicious. Live accounts are always filled up gradually.

The next sign is a large number advertising records on the wall. All photo reposts (or some of them) are for advertising purposes. Usually people duplicate such records on their page only in rare cases.

So this is also one of the indicators of a not real account. Although if the wall or the entire page is completely empty, then this also makes you think.

Issue fake account can such moments as:

  • A small number of entries on the wall.
  • Lack of your own notes.
  • There is no: reposts, likes and comments of friends.

Account age

Each VK user is assigned his own ID number during registration. So you can tell when the page was created approximately.

In some cases, the ID number is hidden.

No problem. We go to "Friends" and look at the address there.

If the number is one hundred million, then the page was created around 2010. If 190 million, then in 2012 and so on.
If it was created quite recently, then there is also a possibility that this is a fake.

Popular Videos

There are two possible options: too few videos and too many videos.
Fake users usually don't bother with adding videos, so there aren't many of them. If, on the contrary, there are a lot of them, you should see what exactly this video is.

Sometimes fake users deliberately add popular videos in order to get more clicks on them. Usually these are high-profile events (recent political or simply scandalous incidents), content of an entertaining nature and eroticism.

As for the songs, there are also usually very few of them. At best, one or two dozen.
Subscribers and friends
The next step is to look at friends. For fake accounts, it looks like this.

But there are also fakes who carefully monitor their accounts and delete blocked pages. Here you should already look closely at the friends themselves. If there are a lot of advertising profiles, then this should be alarming.

It is worth looking at the number of subscribers separately.

Not always, if the page has a lot of subscribers, this is a fake. However, there will be little benefit from such communication. Over time, you will find yourself among those pages. These people do this in order for their accounts to rank higher in the search.

The first thing to pay attention to is the photo on the avatar. If this is a male profile, then usually it is an entrepreneur in a solid suit or a sporty handsome man, stripped to the waist. If female, then the girl is likely to be in a swimsuit and express the most positive emotions. Seeing such applications for friends, few people are able to resist and not see who it is.

Entering the page, you should view the number of all photos. Usually fakes are too lazy to fill out the pages in detail, so the photo will certainly not be more than 50, but rather even up to 20. True, this is not yet proof, perhaps the rest of the photos are hidden by the privacy settings. If most of the photos do not show the face and only the chest, back, etc. are shown, then 90% can say that this is a fake.

Usually fakes steal photos from other users or copy photos of stars.

Usually fakes steal photos from other users or copy photos of stars. The most popular are photos of the following type.

How to find out whether or not VKontakte is fake from a photo: the result

This is easy enough to check. You just need to point at the picture and press the right mouse button. Then click Find Picture (Google). All pages on the network where this photo was posted will open. For reliability, you can check several photos. And if there are many coincidences with other Internet resources, then most likely this is a fake.

Usually, it takes about ten minutes to calculate a fake account. If you follow the rules described above, then this skill is developed quite quickly.

P.S. I am attaching screenshots of my earnings in affiliate programs. And I remind you that everyone, even a beginner, can! The main thing is to do it correctly, which means to learn from those who are already earning, that is, from professionals.

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