Department of organic chemistry samgtu student. Restoration (2013) - Department of Organic Chemistry, SamSTU

After the reorganization of the medical institute into the Military Medical Academy (July 1939-1942), the head of the department was Associate Professor Vladimir Alekseevich Solomin, who headed the department until November 1962. He published the textbook "General and Inorganic Chemistry", which was characterized by the originality of the presentation of the problems of chemistry and was popular. From 1963 to 1983, the department was headed by associate professor Victor Ivanovich Batalin, who ensured the transfer of the educational process of the department to the modern level both in educational and methodological and scientific terms, laid the foundations for profiled teaching of chemistry at the newly opened faculties - pediatric, dental and pharmaceutical.

Head of the Department of General, Bioinorganic and Bioorganic Chemistry, Professor N.P. Avvakumova

In accordance with the new curriculum, from September 1, 1982, the department received a new name - the department of bioinorganic and biophysical chemistry. From September 1, 1983 to September 1, 2008, the department was headed by Albert Ivanovich Agapov, a graduate of the Leningrad State University, who was also the organizer and the first dean of the pharmaceutical faculty of SamSMU, now an honorary professor of SamSMU. In the 1985-86 academic year, the department was transferred to the course of organic chemistry, previously taught at the department of biochemistry and the department became known as the department of general, bioinorganic and bioorganic chemistry.

Since September 2008, the department has been headed by a graduate of the first graduate of the Faculty of Pharmacy, an honorary graduate of the university, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Avvakumova Nadezhda Petrovna. In her student years, for 5 years she headed the Komsomol organization of the pharmaceutical faculty, in 1975 she was photographed at the banner of Victory.

A highly qualified teaching and research staff is involved in teaching: 2 professors, 4 associate professors, 4 senior teachers; the degree of degree is 100%, the average age of employees is 52 years.

Academic work of the department

Educational work is aimed at the implementation of the model of personality-oriented and advanced education of specialists, contributes to obtaining professional knowledge, personality development. Chemistry is taught at a high scientific and pedagogical level using both traditional and modern methods training and control of students' knowledge.

The department provides training for students of various faculties of full-time, part-time and part-time forms of education. The following disciplines of basic curricula are assigned to the Department of General, Bioinorganic and Bioorganic Chemistry:

  • Specialty "General Medicine": chemistry;
  • Specialty "Pediatrics": chemistry;
  • Specialty "Medical and Preventive Business": general and bioorganic chemistry;
  • Specialty "Dentistry": chemistry;
  • Specialty "Pharmacy": general and inorganic chemistry;

The educational process is carried out in accordance with the goals and skills assigned by the State Educational Standard of each specialty and areas of training. The goals and skills acquired in specific disciplines assigned to the department are set out in the work programs, curriculum and thematic plans of the relevant disciplines and comply with the requirements of the SES.

A feature of teaching the discipline at the department is its biomedical orientation. The curriculum includes selected sections of general, bioinorganic, bioorganic, physical, colloidal and analytical chemistry, which, organically combined, essentially form the course "Chemical foundations of vital processes of the body" necessary for the formation of natural scientific thinking of medical professionals. This course lays the foundation for understanding the principles of evidence-based medicine. Each section (module) of this course equips medical students with the knowledge they need to understand and assimilate the essence and mechanism of the processes occurring in the body at the molecular level.

The staff of the Department of General, Bioinorganic and Bioorganic Chemistry

The lecture course is delivered using multimedia projectors; all chemical laboratories are equipped with the necessary equipment and reagents.

A great deal of work is carried out by the staff of the department within the framework of the faculty of pre-university training: they provide advice to teachers of chemistry in medical classes, participate in the Olympiad movement of schoolchildren "The Future of Medicine", provide teaching within the framework of preparatory courses of Samara State Medical University.

Scientific work of the department

Currently, it has been possible to form a single scientific direction of the department "Research of the structure, properties and biological activity of specific organic substances of therapeutic mud and preparations based on them", which is currently relevant, patentable and innovative. By this direction two doctoral dissertations were performed (A.I. Agapov, 1999 and Avvakumova N.P., 2003) and 8 candidate dissertations, 13 patents and 4 grants were received, 2 of which are international.

Within the framework of the scientific congress in Tomsk in 2010, the department was recognized as a leading center Russian Federation on the study of the biological activity of humic substances.

Professor A.I. Agapov was awarded the highest award of the AMTN RF for the development of theory and practice of the use of humic preparations - the A. Chizhevsky Gold Medal.

The department, within the framework of creative cooperation, implements its projects together with many universities of the country: Moscow State University, SamSU, BSU, BSMU (Ufa), KemSMA (Kemerovo). The department conducts experimental research with scientific centers: Research Institute "Institute of Experimental Medicine and Biotechnology" (Samara); Institute of Petrochemistry and Catalysis of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ufa), NPO Khimavtomatika (Moscow).

Throughout the entire existence of the department, its employees have been actively interacting with students within the framework of the student scientific society. Students, together with teachers, successfully carry out scientific and experimental work, the results of which are numerous diplomas, grants and certificates.

The activists of the student scientific circle and young scientists of the department speak at various international, all-Russian and regional conferences.

Educational work

The Department of General, Bioinorganic and Bioorganic Chemistry supervises students of the pediatric and pharmaceutical faculties. Teachers supervise educational, research, cultural and educational work, participate in the organization of various exhibitions and concerts. Joint visits to theaters are carried out and discussions are held on modern topical issues... The brightest events of student life are reflected in the wall newspaper "Our supervised sponsored stream". According to the results of the winter session, which is the first in the student life of freshmen, parents of students who received an "excellent" grade are sent Thanksgiving letters... The activities carried out contribute to the general cultural and moral education of students.

Samara State Technical University Department of Organic Chemistry REPORT on practical training Place of training: LLC PKF "Vershina" Head of practice from the enterprise: V.A.Kondratyev Student III-хт-6 Anashkin Yuri

Purpose: Consolidation of theoretical and practical knowledge gained in the study of general professional disciplines; Tasks: Acquaintance with the organization of work at industrial enterprises Mastering the specialty of a spectral analysis laboratory assistant Studying regulatory and information literature and documentation (GOST, TU, etc.) Obtaining modern ideas about the integrated use of raw materials, waste processing

Products - Production of aluminum alloys according to the requirements of GOST 1583 -93 or according to the Customer's TU, including - Castings of various complexity groups weighing up to 20 kg. - Forgings of various complexity groups obtained in open dies on hot stamping presses

LLC PKF "Vershina" produces and sells aluminum alloys of grades AK 12, AK 9 h, AK 7 h, AK 5 M 2, AK 9 M 2, AK 12 MMg. N, AK 12 M 2 Mg. N and many other brands.

Laboratory Spectral laboratory of LLC PKF "Vershina" is equipped with a modernized complex for spectral analysis of metals and alloys, corresponding to the DFS-500 spectrophotometer. The chemical analysis time is 5-15 minutes. The stability of the process and the accuracy of the analysis are ensured by the use of high-frequency argon and high-quality GSO samples in the installation.

Atomic emission spectroscopy The principle of operation of an optical emission spectrometer is based on the fact that the atoms of each element can emit light of certain wavelengths - spectral lines. In order for the atoms to start emitting light, they must be excited - by heating, electric discharge, laser, or in some other way. The more atoms of this element present in the analyzed sample (sample), the brighter the radiation of the corresponding wavelength will be.