What to do if a wrong number is dialed. "Wrong number dialed" - what does this message mean? Reasons for incorrect dialing

Sometimes when you try to call a well-known number, you suddenly hear the voice of an autoinformer: "Wrong number dialed!"

What does this message mean and why might it appear instead of dialing your friend's number? As you know, the more difficult technical system, the more options for its breakdown - this, unfortunately, also applies to mobile telephone networks. Consider the most likely causes of this message.

Base station congestion

On most networks, a "Wrong number dialed" message can be the equivalent of short beeps for a "busy" signal. This message appears when the base station receiving your call, or the one that should transfer the call to your friend, is overloaded with calls and its communication channels cannot cope with receiving and sending new messages.

As a result, the system generates erroneous message that the number was dialed incorrectly. The described situation is most typical for crowded places - huge shopping centers, football stadiums, concert halls, etc. After waiting a while or moving a couple of blocks to the side, you can easily get through to the desired number.

Redirect error

The reason may be an accidental failure of the base station, which incorrectly forwarded the call to a non-existent number. Such errors occur quite rarely and disappear by themselves when typing again. It is much worse if the wrong forwarding is set in the phone settings of the person with whom you need to talk. It will be almost impossible to get through to him if you do not know any other numbers belonging to him or his family members.

If you still manage to talk to this person, ask him to check the available redirects. Cancellation of all redirects is performed by the request:

  • ##002# (call) or ##002*phone number# (call)- in MTS;
  • ##002# (call)- in Beeline;
  • ##21# (call)- in Megafon;
  • ##002# (call)- in Tele2.

Often, redirection to a non-existent number occurs after a small child has played with the phone. However, some subscribers specifically set it as a kind of ban on incoming calls.

You call a service number or an IP telephony number

If you did not have time to pick up the phone or did not notice incoming call, when you try to call back, you can sometimes hear "Wrong number dialed".

This means that you were called either from a service number belonging to a mobile company, or from an IP telephony number - Skype, Viber, etc. It is impossible to get through to such a number, since it is not intended for receiving calls.

You are blacklisted

If the interlocutor has added your number to the "black list", i.e. in the list of subscribers with whom he does not want to talk, when you dial his number, you hear either short beeps “Busy” or a message about a mistakenly dialed number.

The version of the "Blacklist" is easy to check by calling the same number from another phone, the number of which is unknown to this person.

Number blocked

Sometimes when blocking a number, voluntary or as a sanction from the operator, mobile network generates a message about the wrong number when trying to dial.

Prolonged technical failure

If for a sufficiently long time in response to calls all subscribers hear the message “Invalid number dialed”, the owner of the number needs to contact the support service of his operator:

  • 0890 - MTS;
  • 0611 – Beeline;
  • 0500 - Megaphone;
  • 611 - Tele 2.

Ask the operator's technical service to perform a technological reconnection of your number, after which the consequences of the failure will be completely eliminated.


This is what the robot usually says in response to your call, and it only says that given number blocked for some reason.

This may be the case if the subscriber himself personally asked to block his SIM card and the number that belongs to it.

It often happens that the number is blocked by the mobile operator and this happens due to the fact that the subscriber has not used it for a long time.

It happens that the subscriber is temporarily blocked, but then the phrase to the robot sounds in a different order.

Or the number has already ceased to exist at all given operator cellular communication.

And on this moment this number has already been removed from the database of this mobile operator.

Yulia Muromskaya

  • such a phrase in the handset can be heard if you call a subscriber who has blocked his SIM card with this number. Or it was blocked by the mobile operator, since the number has not been used for a long time.
  • When the subscriber has a temporary block, then the handset says "the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable."


If you hear in response "The number you dialed is not in service", then you can safely delete the number from the phone's memory and forget about it forever. This means that you will no longer hear the subscriber you need at this number. As far as I know, such a phrase sounds if the contract between the subscriber and the mobile operator is terminated for one reason or another. When the phone is temporarily blocked, the answering machine gives a slightly different message.

Chupakhina Tatyana Borisovna

Perhaps the subscriber had the number, but this subscriber did not use the SIM card; it was blocked, i.e. it has ceased to be active, but has not yet been transferred to another subscriber.

I have only such an opinion.

Try to contact the operator by phone or go to the site of the operator of this subscriber and write to the Support Service indicating the number of interest.

They will definitely answer you and clarify the situation.

All the best!


The number is blocked. Blocking can occur automatically when the number is not used for a long time, after its balance, after dialing a negative limit, has not been replenished, or at the request of the owner. In the second case, there may be a permanent blocking (for example, after the loss or theft of the phone) or temporary, with or without specifying the blocking period.


In the absence of more specific data, it is difficult to answer exactly what reason led to the fact that when you dialed any number you heard a similar answer (and there may be several reasons), but what can be said with 100% certainty is that this The answer you heard was because the number is not really serviced by the telephone company.

Bemont epu

Perhaps the number was blocked for some reason?

Call the operator, tell the number and ask to clarify the reason why the subscriber is not served

In theory, you should answer.

If this is a close friend or acquaintance - the task is not so difficult.


If, when you try to call any number, in response you hear: The number you dialed is not in service, it can only mean one thing: this number is blocked.

The most common reason for blocking is not using the number for a certain period of time.


If you called someone and you were given this phrase in response, then most likely the SIM card of the subscriber you called is blocked.

This can happen if a person has not used his SIM card for a long time or asked to block it himself.

Adventurer 2000

It means mobile company stopped serving this phone number, most likely the reason is that the subscriber has not performed any actions with this number for a long time. Or he himself initiated this blocking.

Subscriber service is temporarily suspended - what does it mean?

Chupakhina Tatyana Borisovna

It means on account this subscriber the funds ran out and the system thus notifies those who called him about it.

If you deem it necessary to replenish the balance of this subscriber, then after the receipt of your money to his account, you will be able to get through to him.

If, when calling the subscriber you need, a similar message is heard, then most likely, his account has run out of funds and the balance is negative, in addition, the subscriber himself could temporarily block his phone number by contacting subscriber service cellular communication, it is also possible, at this point in time, that he is outside the reliable reception of the cellular communication of his operator.


Now on most tariff plans incoming calls are available even in cases where the subscriber has no money left. But with a deep minus, the subscriber's service may be temporarily terminated. "Temporarily" means - until the balance is replenished, so you can throw money at him yourself. The only question is how much, because the minus can be very deep ...

Mirra mi

The message "Customer service is temporarily suspended" indicates that the person you are calling on the phone has run out of money. He needs to replenish the account so that the incoming ones begin to be accepted. Most likely he has some certain amount of debt on his account, for non-payment of which the number was blocked.


This means that you have gone into the red, and decently. If I'm not mistaken, then some operators serve even with a balance of minus ten rubles.

And basically, with the slightest debt, you can neither call nor receive calls.


It literally means what they say. That is, the number is not in service. This means that the world does not have enough money even to receive incoming calls. Most likely this is a negative balance, usually this is the reason for the suspension of service. To resume using such a number, you just need to replenish it with the required amount.


The meaning of these words is as follows: there is a very large debt on the account that needs to be paid off before the services of a mobile operator are available. My sister got such a message when she left for another region and changed her phone number, and this number still had a debt. Need to pay off.

Violet a

Subscriber service can be suspended only if the balance is negative, if the subscriber has a zero balance, then the operator still continues to serve him. And if the subscriber has a minus on the account, then the operator stops servicing this number until the account is replenished.


This means that the called subscriber ran out of money on the account and the balance went negative and even incoming calls were closed to him. In this case, the provider blocks the subscriber's number until the balance on the phone is topped up. You can replenish the account of the person you need yourself, then you can call him again.


When the subscriber's balance goes negative, the telecom operator sends such or a similar message. But if you call someone, then you hear such a phrase again, then you are still in the red. If you want to use this SIM card further, then you should put money.


This means that you have put money on the phone for the last time a long time ago. Check your balance! There is definitely a lot of debt.

Also check the expiration date of the SIM card, it may have expired a long time ago.

They called. Didn't have time to take it. I call back in a minute "the number you dialed is temporarily suspended."

no money? how did they call me? SMS didn't arrive either. sent an SMS, instead of the report "waiting for delivery", I think maybe they shoved it into the black list? stupid of course, I don’t know that, I’m calling from another SIM card, sms the same from another SIM card and the result is the same - sms waiting for delivery, the call “the service of the number you dialed is temporarily suspended”.
tele2 operator
what is this? the black list would lie if it would work on my second number. blocked voluntarily? just got a call

Svetlana Ivanova

It is possible that the number is being forwarded to a number that is not currently in service. But you say that SMS is not delivered either, then the forwarding option is no longer available. Since when forwarding SMS still reach. Perhaps this phone is roaming, so there is no money to take the call.

Wrong number dialed - what's the problem?

I have a friend. His number is in my phone book, and I always managed to call him. Recently he went to the village, and there he does not pick up the phone well. Today I tried to call him, but it gives me: "The number is dialed incorrectly .." well, further down the line. This is strange, because earlier, when he left for the village and did not catch his phone, they told me "The subscriber is temporarily unavailable" or "The subscriber's device is turned off ...". A friend has Beeline, I have MTS. What could be the reason? After all, the number is correct!

"Wrong number dialed" - for Beeline, this is the answer that the operator gives if the phone number no longer exists or is not serviced for some reason, for example, your friend changed his number or abandoned it. For example, if you lose a SIM card or phone, Beeline, at your request (so that no one can use it), can suspend number service for a while (10 days) or forever. Wait for a friend to call you himself and tell you why there was no connection with him. For example, for TELE 2 in this case the phrase "Called subscriber number is not in service" is displayed.

Making calls from mobile phone, you can hear in the handset “sorry, the number does not exist” or “the number is dialed incorrectly”, and such a problem may arise for both Beeline and Tele2 subscribers, and MegaFon or MTS. There are many reasons why such a message may sound, and this is not always due to the fact that the number really does not exist, or it is dialed incorrectly. Today we will tell you why, when dialing a number, they say that the number was dialed incorrectly, or it does not exist at all.

Why does a connection error occur

The first thing that any person does, if he calls, and the answering machine tells him that the number has been dialed incorrectly, checks the phone number. However, it is often possible to miss an incoming call from an unfamiliar number, and call back almost immediately, but the number is “unavailable”.

In this situation, the one who tries to call the “wrong” number is not always to blame. However, the first thing to check is the correctness of the set. This is relevant if the number is dialed from notebook or manually.

It may be true, when saving a contact, or dialing a number, an error was made. It is recommended to save and dial numbers from a cell phone in the international format. This will allow you to be sure that dialing will be available in the network of any operator, and not only in Russia.

However, if no errors were made with dialing the number, then the reason for the unavailability of the number may not be on your part, and this is not always a mistake. Therefore, we will tell you in detail what “the phone number is dialed” means incorrectly.


A fairly common mistake, and it may be on the side of the subscriber you are trying to call. So, he can use redirection, and errors were made when activating it. If a person entered a phone number with an error, then the callers will hear a similar message.

Also, when activating call forwarding, it is always important to monitor the activity and availability of the numbers used. If one of them is blocked by the operator, then callers will hear the phrase that the number does not exist or is dialed incorrectly, and even if it free call in the network of MegaFon, MTS, or any other operator.

IP telephony

More and more companies are using Internet telephony to communicate with customers, rather than regular city phone numbers. This allows for more convenient connection with customers, regardless of the location of their employees. Calls are made not only from a fixed office phone, but also when using call forwarding to cell phones.

However, there are certain nuances when using this type of communication. So, certain numbers in the company can be used only for outgoing, and receiving calls to them is not available.

In this case, if a call is missed from such a phone, then when you call it, you will hear the phrase “number does not exist”, or “dialled incorrectly”.

Also, using Internet telephony, it is not always possible to assign a permanent number. This is especially true for companies that use this type of communication only to make calls to their customers.

In this case, the call comes from a random number provided by the system, and it is impossible to call back. Such telephone numbers are used only for outgoing calls, and incoming calls are not provided for them.

Blocking individual calls

The "black lists" service is provided by all mobile operators and allows you to restrict calls from unwanted numbers. Depending on the mobile operator, users have the opportunity not only to add certain numbers to the list of restrictions, but also to select a message that sounds when they call.

Despite the fact that usually the default is simply to simulate a temporary lack of communication with the subscriber, an alert about incorrect dialing can be set.

However, anyone can easily check if he or she is blacklisted. To do this, just dial the number from another phone, and if the call is successful, it means that the person does not want to receive calls from your main number.

In this case, you should not worry that when you call a familiar number, a phrase about unavailability or incorrect dialing sounds. The best thing you can do is determine why the person decided to limit contact with you, and try to restore the relationship if this is important to you.

Network error and blocking

An error when dialing a number, although quite rare, may be due to a problem on the operator's side. Sometimes the network may simply be overloaded, or a failure has occurred in a certain section of it. In these cases, you can also hear an error message, but more often you just can't make a call at all.

The problem could be blocking. telephone number the person you are trying to call. The reasons for blocking can be very different: from independent, to restrictions on the provision of services by the operator.

So, if the cell number is not used for a long time, then the operator has the right to block it. The term depends not only on the communication provider, but may also be different for individual tariff packages.

The mobile operator can block communication services, and if the subscriber has a debt on the balance sheet. However, it should be borne in mind that usually only the Internet, sending messages, and outgoing messages are blocked. voice calls. Incoming blocking is only valid for long-term blocking for financial issues, or if the number is used abroad in roaming.


As you can see, there are many reasons why you can hear an alert about a wrong dialing number, or that it does not exist. If you are sure that the dialing is correct, then this may be due to the fault of the called person, or it may be due to technical features using a phone number. Modern technologies although they allow you to get additional benefits when using cellular communications, they also have certain features. So, if the call forwarding is set incorrectly, you can skip all calls to your number.

The phrase "The number does not exist or is dialed incorrectly" can often be heard both when calling unknown numbers and to subscribers with whom you communicate regularly. It is easy to make a mistake when entering a number, but if it is included in the contacts list on your mobile device, then the possibility of incorrect entry is completely excluded. What could be the reason for such situations, how to check the phone number that cannot be reached - we will consider these issues in this article.

Possible reasons for not calling

In this article, we will analyze in detail all the situations that may result in an autoinformer message when dialing, that the number was dialed incorrectly or does not exist at all, and we will give recommendations on how best to proceed in such a case. The main reasons for callbacks can be:

  • error when entering a number;
  • forwarding to a non-working number;
  • inability to receive incoming calls;
  • high load on the base station, which registers mobile device the caller or the person to whom the call is being made;
  • adding the number to the list of "blocked users";
  • number blocking (voluntary or at the initiative of the mobile operator).

What is meant by these reasons?

Dialing error

Unfortunately, it is impossible to completely exclude the fact of incorrect number entry. After all, we are all human and can make mistakes, especially if the number is unfamiliar. It is possible that you simply memorized it incorrectly or wrote it down. In this case, it is recommended to check the phone number of the person you need to call, or check with those people who may know him.

Availability of activated service "Forwarding"

So, you are trying to get through to someone and hear in the receiver: "The number dialed is incorrect." What does it mean? It must be borne in mind that call forwarding can be activated on the subscriber's number. That is, when receiving calls to the subscriber's number, they are automatically forwarded (if a certain condition is met, for example, the number is busy or disconnected) to another number. With the correct organization of forwarding and the active state of the number to which it is installed, you will not hear messages about incorrect dialing when dialing. However, if errors were made when connecting and setting up this service or the number was blocked, then such a situation cannot be avoided.

How to get out of it? Try to contact the subscriber after a while or by another number, if, of course, you have one. It is possible that he does not even realize that they cannot contact him.

Calls to service numbers or IP telephony numbers

Hear the phrase "Wrong number dialed" ("MTS", "Beeline" and from others mobile operators) you can when you try to call the service. For example, you find a missed call on your phone and try to call back the specified number. It is possible that the call was made by employees of the telecom operator company in order to inform about promotions, services, etc. As a rule, such numbers are not designed to receive incoming calls. How to be in this case? Wait for a second call - company employees usually duplicate the call if it was not possible to contact the subscriber earlier.

Base station workload

If there is a heavy load on the subscribers who are within the registration radius, then you can also hear the message “Invalid number dialed”. What does it mean? Similar situations often occur on New Year's holidays, on the days of major citywide or regional events.

Base stations providing communication to subscribers mobile operators, designed to serve a certain number of devices. If there is a mass connection to them, then the loading of stations cannot be avoided. And this means that some subscribers may even be left without communication. In this case, both the caller and the person they are trying to reach can hear a message about an incorrect number entry. How to act in such a situation? Try calling later or using a different mobile operator or landline number.

Finding the caller's number in the black list

Almost all subscribers of mobile operators know about the Black List service. This is one of the popular and common options. It will save the subscriber from calls from unwanted numbers. Some cellular companies also block incoming messages from a blacklisted subscriber.

If you are sure that you could not get into such a “blocking” list and are wondering why they say: “The number is dialed incorrectly”, then we recommend that you make a test call from any other number. If you hear beeps in response, this will mean that the subscriber does not want to receive calls from your number.

Number blocking

A mobile operator can block a number both at the initiative of the subscriber, for example, by setting a voluntary block for a certain period, and in case of loss of a SIM card. To perform such actions, the user must contact the company's office or through the contact center. If the subscriber did not perform such actions, but when calling the number, the message is played: “The number is dialed incorrectly”. What does it mean?

In the absence of the above conditions, this may indicate that the number is blocked by the mobile operator. According to the terms of the contract, if within certain period no action is taken from the number paid actions, then in unilaterally it can be terminated. For some mobile operators, this period is 3 months (for example, Megafon), for others - 4 months (for example, Tele2).

Wrong number dialed - what does it mean? So, it is impossible to unequivocally answer this question, since there are many options for situations that could lead to this. If you are sure that none of the reasons takes place in your case, then you need to contact the customer support service and clarify why the message sounds: “Invalid number dialed”, what does this mean? Please note that only the owner of the number in question will be able to receive an answer to the question.

When dialing a number, many subscribers hear an unpleasant phrase - the number does not exist or is dialed incorrectly. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out.

Sometimes when dialing a Megafon number, we can hear that the number does not exist or is dialed incorrectly. Most often, the problem lies in the fact that the subscriber simply made a mistake and dialed the wrong number.

Therefore, to begin with, it is worth checking the correct dialing of the number. If the number is correct, then the problem lies elsewhere. Let's take a look at why they say the number on the Megaphone is dialed incorrectly.

Reasons for incorrect dialing

Here the situation is a little more complicated and there may be several reasons:
Problems with the station giving the connection.

In this case, wait a bit and try calling again. Or restart your phone. You can also try dialing the number until the problems are over and the connection is normal

Why they say that the Megafon number is dialed incorrectly

  • Another issue could be redirection. If the number is valid, and the forwarding is done incorrectly, then in this case you will be told that the number does not exist. But this happens very rarely, or it can be done intentionally.
  • If a person has special application to a phone that blocks incoming calls, it may be turned on
  • If, when you call the right person, you hear - the number does not exist or is dialed incorrectly, then you may have been blacklisted. To verify this, dial the number again from another phone. If everything goes well, then you are blacklisted.
  • Perhaps a scammer called you and so that you do not call him again, he turned on the blocking of incoming calls

There are a lot of reasons why they say that the number is dialed incorrectly, but usually a second call solves a lot.