How to create manually earlier recovery point. Windows recovery points

It is used to cancel our erroneous actions when working on a computer that led to its unstable work. To our maintenance service, come for help people who use the Windows operating system 7 for many years and only one of ten knows about recovery points and one of the fifty pro previous versions Files, but do not know how to use them correctly. With the apparent ease of application of recovery points, this feature has many features that you need to know. This article outlines information based on personal experience The author, for example, we will learn why, when the system is turned on, the recovery points disappear or are not created at all. How to use the recovery point in the absence windows startup 7 And much more, I hope we will help you avoid many mistakes.

Windows 7 recovery point

When choosing and applying a recovery point, you need to know that the changes usually concern only systemic and software settings Windows 7. All programs installed by us after creating the recovery point selected by us will be deleted.

  • For example, if you have created a recovery point on January 8, and on January 12, you want to roll back to the state of January 8, then, accordingly, select the recovery point on January 8. All programs installed by you in the period of time from January 8 until January 12 will be deleted.

As for your personal data, no changes should happen to them. On this virginity, you can see that the protection of the system and the creation of recovery points is enabled by default only for a disk C: \\. Check for Start-\u003e Control Panel-\u003e System and Security-\u003e System-\u003e System Protection.

You also need to know that the point windows restoration 7 will not help recover previously deleted files, but in this case you can use the function Previous file version only if for of this disk The system protection was turned on and in Settings for recovery parameters Paragraph is marked Restore system parameters and previous file versions. In this case, Windows 7 protection archives personal user data with shadow copies. Also you see that if you click on the configure button, (upper illustration) window protection windows, for local disk (C :), A window will appear in which it can be seen that for the disk recovery points (C :) 10% of the disk space is allocated. Know what is better to highlight 15%. The larger the place on the hard disk for the recovery points, the longer they are stored. If Windows 7 needs to create a new recovery point, and the place to create it is not enough, the old point will be returned and the new one will be created instead.

Note: If the System Protection is enabled for any volume in the Windows 7 operating system, then user data is archived by creating shadow copies and become available in previous versions of files. Shadow copies, do not exist forever, the space is allocated for storage on the hard disk, which is adjusted in the system protection settings, as soon as it ends, with the consciousness of new copies the old are removed.

For example, we have the protection of the system for the disk C: \\, respectively, we can use the previous version of files with you, click on the C: \\ Program Files folder with the right mouse button and choose Restore the former version,

a dialog box opens Previous versionswhere all available versions of previous files will be listed. Files can be restored or simply copied by saving the previous and current version.

Read the article fully previous versions of files.

When setting up the system protection for volumes stored only your files, you need to choose in Recovery parameters paragraph Restore only previous file versionsSince no system parameters are not on them.

If you are worried about saving only personal data, then you better take advantage of the function Archiving computer data, This is a separate serious topic, just read it separately.

Windows 7 recovery point It is planned and created once a week, after the same time interval, such points are also called control.

Also, the recovery points of Windows 7 creates before installing any programs, well, and finally you yourself can create a point of restoration by hand before installing some application in the system protection dialog box.
Let's first consider a simple example of creating and applying the recovery point, and then we will analyze the examples more comprehensive.

Created Windows 7 recovery point Thus,\u003e Start-\u003e Control Panel-\u003e System and Security-\u003e System-\u003e System Protection. This dialog box is configured and creating recovery points. For example, we want to independently install a serious program, but we are experiencing, suddenly we will do something wrong, let's reinsure and create a manual recovery point for a disk from: \\, to which we will install our program.
Start-\u003e Control Panel-\u003e System and Security-\u003e System-\u003e System Protection-\u003e Create, then give the name of our point, for example 13.

Next, set any program, but something went wrong, for example, the application does not start and we decided to roll back with the recovery point at the time when the problem program has not yet been established on our computer. We go to the protection of the system and choose not to create, but restoration, further

the restoration of system files is launched, click further and select our recovery point 13, pay attention to the item Show other recovery pointsIf there is a tick, you will open other earlier recovery points.

Warning that the recovery process will not be possible to interrupt before its end, agree, then reboot.

The computer is loaded and the program we installed, as it did not happen. This is how the recovery points work.

Windows 7 recovery pointYou can use if your computer is not loaded by resorting to a secure mode, it is impossible to create a recovery point here, but you can roll back to the stable state of the computer. To get into a safe mode, you need to press the F-8 key on the keyboard immediately after the computer is started. The menu opens up Additional options Downloads: Troubleshooting computer, then safe mode. What would be Safe mode Use the Windows recovery point 7 Press Start-\u003e Control Panel-\u003e Recovery, then the system restore and start recovery will be loaded, select your recovery point and forward.

Important information: If you have changed after you create a password recovery point, get ready for the old, create a password recovery disk.

Windows 7 recovery points It is used by default about 10% -15% (as I said above), disk space, adjust the disk volume allocated for recovery points in the Configure window - System Protection. If there is a lot of places on the hard disk for recovery points, they will be stored for a long time. To remove all recovery points, you need to press the Delete button in this window and all recovery points are deleted.

How to remove all recovery points other than the last? Start-\u003e In the search field, enter the disc cleaning, then select the disk to be cleaned, then go to the Advanced tab,\u003e Restore System and Shadow Copy-\u003e Clear.

Why are Windows 7 recovery points are not created?

Windows 7/8/10 recovery point is an entry (cast) of the most important files for system operation, for example, such as the registry. When working at a computer, erroneous and even fatal actions are often performed, after which the system begins to work unstable, or not at all is loaded. We can assist this as we ourselves, establishing various programs and drivers and the actions of viruses.

Despite all the ease of creating recovery points and rollback with their help to earlier working conditionMany or do not know about such an opportunity, or know, but do not use. Recovery control points are created by the system regularly, as well as when installing drivers.

System Protection Parameters

It is important to understand that when creating points, the main system files and system settings (Windows registry), while software installedMusic and movies are not saved. Restore remote files Also it will not work. To do this, you need to use the "Previous File Version" feature. In other words, the recovery point in no way replaces the full backup system.

To work the recovery system, a function must be enabled. To enable or check the function or not, click right-click on the "My Computer" on the working table Windows and choose "Properties", or simply press the hot keys "Win + Pause"

In the window that opens, we need to choose "System Protection". A window will open where we can see the current state: on the disk "C:"where the system is installed, the protection is enabled.

By the "Configure" button, we can change the system security settings for this disk.

Select what information to save at the recovery points:

  • System Parameters and Previous File Version
  • Only previous versions of files
  • Disable system protection

It is better not to change anything and leave the default: saving system parameters and previous versions of files. If you disable the system protection, the "previous file versions" function is also turned off for the selected disk. In Windows 10, you can only enable or disable protection.

Below in this window can be limited maximum volume Used disk space for storing points, which is set as a percentage. Install how much it is not a pity, but it is advisable to put from 15% . If the installed limit is exceeded, the points will be created, but by removing the previous ones.

To cleanse the disk from all recovery points, you can press the button "Delete". There is an alternative opportunity, for example. Previous file versions will also be deleted when the limit is exceeded.

Creating a new system recovery point

To start the master of recovery points, you can simply dial the first words in the search menu bar and the program will be automatically found.

So, we want to install new program or driver, or can change important settings Systems, and to reinforce you to roll back. Click "Create" and using the wizard enter the title of the point. After a short expectation, the recovery point is ready, now we can when necessary.

What to do if the recovery points disappear

This can occur for several reasons:

  1. Points are created, but then the system is cleaned and clean, such as Freespace, CCleaner. Similar utilities are better to configure manually.
  2. On laptops, the recovery control points are not created automatically when nutrition from the battery, in order to save energy.
  3. On sections with FAT and FAT32 file systems, it will also not work. These file Systems Do not support shadow copying and do not store information about changes in files.
  4. If you have two operating systems installed, such as Windows 7 and Windows XP, then with each launch of the younger OS (in this case - WinXP), all points created in Windows 7 will be deleted, consider. You can fix it by making a section inaccessible to Windows XP.

The need to create recovery points is big, because There are often the case of "tuning" of applications, malfunctions in the operation of OS, etc. After installing some specific software or updates. Applications that work with system files can independently create backup files, but the user will not get to them. Let's look at how you can create a recovery point in Windows 7 manually.

What is the restoration point in Windows?

Suppose you turn on the computer, it starts to boot, but soon the download error appears and the bootloader proposes to restore the system. If the recovery points are not, it will not be restored and have to make reinstalling. So that this does not happen, you need to create a point in advance.

The created recovery point will contain system settings, files, information from the registry. If you deleted a custom type file (video, audio), it will not be restored, pay attention to it. Moves to the algorithm for creating a system recovery point.

How to create a recovery point on the example of Windows 7?

We recommend that you regularly create backups so that you should not restore the system from the distribution. Note that any system recovery will not affect custom files, synchronization, etc. Now you know how quickly you can create a recovery point in Windows 7.

There are cases when after installing some program or other actions: operating windows system It works uncorrect; programs that worked - do not work; Working earlier games do not start. In this case, we will help us a very wonderful function from Microsoft, assystem Restore (rollback to the recovery point). Also, this poundation can help us if your computer infected the "Extortile Banner". In this article, we will tell you: how it is done that it is necessary that it worked.

1. If the system is operational.

On the desktop, click the right mouse button on the "Computer" or "My Computer" icon and choose properties

z.atham in the right part chose protection of the system.

Attention! Here we can see: whether this component is enabled and

how it is configured.

If it is not written in front of the specified disk switched on, We will not be able to restore the system, but we can enable this feature by clicking on any disk and press the button customize, Z.atem put a tick opposite restore system parameters and previous file versions, Select a specific slider space that will be used for recovery files. The more places allocated, the greater the recovery points the system will create. So if your component is turned on, press the button restoration

E.if you suits you recommended recovery(the date of the computer corresponds to the time when everything worked with you), click further,if not, then you need a tab select another recovery pointand further.

In this window you need to put a tick show other recovery pointsand choose the most desired point. Selected click further.

Press readyand we are waiting for the end of the process (if you have a laptop or netbook, make sure that you have a good battery charge, if the charge is a little connected to the power source)

2. If the system does not turn on or when it turns on the "banner extortion"

When loading the operating system, press the key F8further

troubleshooting computer and ENTER.

choose the desired language

Windows recovery points are called saved system operating system system files, which, in case of malfunctions, can be used to resume the correct operation of the OS. With the help of recovery points, any user will be able to quickly "roll back" operating system to a functioning state, and not to engage in a sufficiently long process of reinstalling. In this article, we will tell you in detail how to create and work with recovery points, how to delete them and restore the operating system using built-in and third-party software.

Creating Windows Recovery Points

Windows creates recovery points in automatic mode. This happens important updates Systems, installations of drivers, as well as installing various applications that may affect the performance of the system. In addition, in Windows Any. The user can create manual recovery points. To do this, follow these steps:

Step 1. We are looking for the "Start" menu icon in the lower left corner and click on it the right mouse button. In the list that opens, select the item "Control Panel".

Step 2. Select the item " system and safety", After which go to point "Security and Service Center" And already there find the "Restore" menu.

Also this menu You can quickly find by typing on the control panel word "recovery".

Step 3. In the window that opens, select the item "Setting up recovery".

Step 4. In the window that opens, go to the section "System Protection" And choose paragraph "Create".

Step 5. In the window that opens, it is enough to write the name of the recovery point, click on the "Create" button and wait until the creation is completed.

After completing the creation, the recovery point will be ready for use.

How to use Windows Recovery Points?

To restore the system using points, the user must be followed by the following steps:

Step 1. Open Control Panel And choose item "Restoration", in the window that opens, you must find item "Running recovery" and press Further.

Step 2. Find the required recovery point and press the button "Further"

Step 3. Confirm the button "Ready" Restoring the system from the selected Windows recovery point.

The system recovery will be required for a while, after which Windows will automatically reboot and return to its original position.

How to remove unnecessary recovery points?

To remove unnecessary recovery points, you must follow the following steps:

Step 1. Open Control Panelgo to the section "Restoration", After which we find item "Setting up system recovery".

Step 2. In the next menu, you must select item "Tune":

Step 3. In the menu that opens, select the item "Delete".

Important : this method Deletes all recovery points on your computer!

After pressing the button "Apply" Windows recovery points will be deleted.

Using the data recovery program

Windows recovery points are designed to restore the system status, so after rollback of the system on the user's computer there will no longer be programs that have been set after creating a recovery point.

In addition, the recovery points will not recover deleted or formatted files, documents, videos and photos.

For these purposes, use special software To restore lost RS PARTITION Recovery data, which will help restore all the information.