How to enable npapi plugin in google chrome. Enabling npapi in chrome

SSD performance and lifespan are primarily dependent on NAND flash and controller with firmware. They are the main components of the drive's price, and it is logical to pay attention to these components when buying. Today we are going to talk about NAND.

The subtleties of the technological process of the production of flash memory, you can, if desired, find on the sites specializing in SSD reviews... My article is aimed at a wider range of readers and has two goals:

  1. Open the curtain over the vague specifications published on the websites of SSD manufacturers and stores.
  2. Remove questions you may have while studying technical characteristics memory of various drives and reading reviews written for "iron" geeks.

First, I'll illustrate the problem with pictures.

Today in the program

What is indicated in the characteristics of SSD

NAND specifications published on the official websites of manufacturers and in online stores do not always contain detailed information. Moreover, the terminology varies greatly, and I have compiled data on five different drives for you.

Does this picture tell you anything?

Ok, let's say Yandex.Market is not the most reliable source of information. Turning to the manufacturers' websites - has it become easier?

Maybe this will be clearer?

And if so?

Or is it better this way? :)

Meanwhile, all these drives have the same memory! It's hard to believe, especially when looking at the last two pictures, isn't it? After reading the entry to the end, you will not only be convinced of this, but you will also read such characteristics like an open book.

NAND memory manufacturers

There are far fewer flash memory manufacturers than there are companies selling SSDs under their own brands. Most drives now have memory installed from:

  • Intel / Micron
  • Hynix
  • Samsung
  • Toshiba / SanDisk

It's no coincidence that Intel and Micron share one spot on the list. They manufacture NAND using the same technology as part of the IMFT joint venture.

All SSD manufacturers buy NAND from the above companies, so different drives may have virtually the same memory, even if her the brand is different.

It would seem that in this situation with memory, everything should be simple. However, there are several types of NAND, which in turn are classified according to different parameters, causing confusion.

NAND memory types: SLC, MLC, and TLC

It's three different types NAND, the main technological difference between which is the number of bits stored in a memory cell.

SLC is the oldest of the three technologies, and you are unlikely to find a modern SSD with this kind of NAND. Onboard most drives are now MLC, and TLC is a new word in the memory market for solid state drives.

In general, TLC has long been used in USB sticks, where memory endurance is of no practical importance. New technological processes are helping to reduce the cost per GB of TLC NAND for SSDs by providing acceptable speed and service life, which are logically interested in all manufacturers.

Interestingly, while the general public is worried about the limited number of rewriting cycles of an SSD, this parameter is only decreasing as NAND technology advances!

By the way, this drive features a large spare area designed to extend the life of the TLC. The Samsung 840 Pro with 21nm Toggle Mode MLC on board became the king of performance in 2012.

MLC NAND interfaces: ONFi and Toggle Mode

Now the market is dominated by drives with MLC memory, but this memory is also divided into two types according to the interface used.

Both drives have Intel-Micron 25nm MLC NAND memory installed. But the main difference is highlighted in the table: the first drive has this memory synchronous, and the second - asynchronous!

Despite the minimal difference in the passport performance characteristics, the drive with synchronous memory outperforms its colleague in almost all aspects of benchmarks (the name of Force GT is not displayed in the table under the link, but this is it).

As you can see, manufacturers are not flaunting the key differences between the drive lines, however this can be understood from the price. SSDs with asynchronous memory are sold a bit cheaper because they are less expensive than synchronous ones. Marketing positioning on the site can often be used as an indicator (higher-performing drives are higher in the list).

The Vertex 4 series uses Intel Micron 25nm MLC synchronous memory, while the Agility 4 uses asynchronous memory.

MLC NAND memory: 2.x

The letter “x” summarizes the various stages of the second version of the ONFi specifications. In 2012, most drives were shipped with 25nm MLC memory based on ONFi 2.1 specifications.

However, at the end of the year, the Intel 335 with Intel memory 20nm MLC NAND, which already met ONFi 2.3 specifications. The transition to a new technological process does not pay dividends in speed, since throughput the interface is still limited to 200MB / s.

The ONFi 2.3 specification includes support for the EZ-NAND protocol, which is designed to improve error correction (ECC), the level of which increases as the size of memory cells decreases. However, to do this, a separate controller must be built into the NAND. Intel 335 lacks it, so this model can be considered a "transitional" one.

Moreover, the smaller size of 20nm memory cells has raised doubts about the endurance of NAND produced with this technology!

Intel rates it identical to 25nm NAND - 3,000 rewrite cycles. The warranty period is 3 years, like the Intel 330 with the same 20GB recording capacity per day.

One way or another, since Intel and Micron are moving to 20nm process, it is logical to expect in 2013 the appearance of drives with such memory under various brands.

MLC NAND 2.x memory: 3K vs.5K

I have already touched on this issue earlier, so Additional information you will find the links in this section of the article. The NAND manufacturer may have different estimates of the lifespan of flash memory, even when it is based on the same technology. This is clearly seen in the example of Intel 25nm MLC NAND, which the company divides by the number of rewriting cycles - 3,000 and 5,000.

Accordingly, such memory differs in price, which allows SSD manufacturers to diversify the line of drives. The difference between the Intel 330 SSD and the 520 SSD is only in the NAND resource, and for you it translates into two additional years of warranty and price, of course.

Thus, the warranty period of the drive depends on the endurance of the memory installed in it.

MLC NAND Memory: Toggle Mode 2.0 vs Synchronous ONFi 2.x

Some SSD manufacturers offer different memory interfaces in different product lines. A good example is the same Corsair, but now with the Neutron series (the table shows the performance characteristics declared by the manufacturer).

As you can see, all other things being equal, Toggle Mode memory on paper looks faster than ONFi 2.x in sequential write and random read. In principle, the benchmarks confirmed this, but still look at them yourself (for example, AnandTech 120Gb, 240Gb).

How to determine the specific type of memory in an SSD

Regardless of whether you have purchased a solid state drive or are just planning to buy, after reading this post, you may have a question in the subheading.

No program shows the type of memory. This information can be found in drive reviews, but there is a shorter route, especially when you need to compare multiple purchase candidates.

On specialized sites you can find databases on SSDs, and here's an example.

I found the memory specs of my drives without any problems, with the exception of the SanDisk P4 (mSATA) installed in the tablet.

Which SSDs have the best memory

Let's first go through the main points of the article:

  • NAND manufacturers can be counted on the fingers of one hand
  • in modern solid state drives two types of NAND are used: MLC and TLC, only gaining momentum
  • MLC NAND differs in interfaces: ONFi (Intel, Micron) and Toggle Mode (Samsung, Toshiba)
  • ONFi MLC NAND is divided into asynchronous (cheaper and slower) and synchronous (more expensive and faster)
  • SSD manufacturers use memory of different interfaces and types, creating a variety of the lineup to any wallet
  • official specs rarely contain specific information, but databases SSD data allow you to accurately determine the type of NAND

Of course, in such a zoo there can be no unambiguous answer to the question in the subheading. Regardless of the brand of the drive, NAND meets the declared specifications, otherwise it makes no sense for OEMs to buy it (they give their guarantee on the SSD).

However ... imagine that the summer has pleased you with an unprecedented harvest of strawberries in the country!

They are all juicy and sweet, but you just won't eat that much, so you decided to sell some of the berries you picked.

Will you keep the best strawberries or put them up for sale? :)

It can be assumed that NAND manufacturers install the best memory in their drives. Given the limited number of NAND companies, the list of boxed SSD manufacturers is even shorter:

  • Crucial (a division of Micron)
  • Intel
  • SanDisk (and partly Toshiba)
  • Samsung

Again, this is just an assumption, not supported by reliable facts. But would you have acted differently in the place of these companies? Micron, meanwhile, has flash memory with the marketing name XPERT (eXtended Performance and Enhanced Reliability Technology), while Intel has the so-called High Endurance Technology MLC, which they don't sell to third-party SSD manufacturers.


about the author

Great post as always, Vadim, thanks!
Interestingly, of course, you always manage to put everything on the shelves. I especially liked about the synchronous-asynchronous technology - after all, the declared characteristics are approximately equal, but in real tests everything is completely different.
In fact, SSDs are now the main topic for desktop OS, so you are in your field :)
When I took my SSDs, I focused on power consumption, novelty of the model, volume, and price. Chasing parrots is pointless, often a small (comparative) increase is too expensive. Solid state workers give a head start anyway regular disks at times, especially in laptops.


Thanks for the post, interesting.
Regarding the purchase of an SSD,
took OSZ Vertex3 simply because the name was heard, often met in articles, conversations, etc. I ignored new, expensive SSDs for a simple reason - the difference in price is significant, but I simply will not notice a real difference in performance, especially when switching from HDD.

Andrew Zaslavskiy

Vadim, I just want to thank you for the extensive series of articles about SSD (and not only SSD :)). When buying my first and so far the only SSD drive, I read several reviews and user reviews on these devices and decided to buy an Intel 330 120GB 2.5 ″ SATAIII MLC. I was guided by the criteria: user reviews and the brand-name of the manufacturer. I did not delve deeply into the characteristics. Thanks again for the articles.


I am always glad to receive your articles. People need to know a lot!


Useful information... Thanks.


Have you considered NAND specs before purchasing a drive?

more focused on various tests and reviews of people on the forums

In general, what criteria did you pay attention to?

first of all for a 5-year guarantee and from what was with such a guarantee plextor m5p took. first ssd)

PS: I haven't learned anything new for myself, but I refreshed my knowledge. everything is collected in one place, clearly and conveniently.


Thanks for the article, they explained everything clearly. Now the question of solid state drives is relevant, and I expect new secrets from you about SSDs. (something that I will not see and understand myself). Thank you for "spreading out" the types of memory for us, consultants in stores will not say this). It was interesting for me and I am getting closer and closer to buying an SSD. Yes, I still do not have a solid-state screw, there are two reasons, at this period of my life it is a little expensive for me and it is difficult for me to choose which screw to take. All the best to you!

Sergey Stasenko

Thank you very much Vadim! Since I'm just going to ask the price of an SSD, this article helped a lot and, most importantly, for me personally, is timely.
And another question at once?
How to configure and why, every time you load IE 10 W8, you need to give permission to enable this or that add-on, although they are all installed and enabled in the browser properties (configure add-ons). Or is it so conceived from birth. Thanks.

P.S. Sorry Vadim for breaking the rules of discussion, wanted to rewrite the above, but could not. If you deem it necessary, disregard the issue.


  • freeman440

    The recording was not only interesting, but also very informative and useful.
    This article can be used as a small reference.
    I look forward to continuing :)


    Thanks for the articles help a lot, while I still choose ssd


    Vadim, I'm glad you didn't postpone the article about SSD in long box... But I could not imagine that you will get a whole cycle. Super!
    At the same time, this is not just another article to order, but akin to a whole confession. Moreover, from my own experience. Which is doubly valuable.
    I am already silent about all sorts of technical trifles, which you can hardly read about in other articles. In general, sensible articles come out of your pen. We look forward to continuing!

    were you interested in this entry

    Naturally. Even more. Since the question of buying an SSD is on the agenda

    did she help you with anything

    Let's just say, expanded the horizons of my knowledge of SSD

    what exactly new have you learned

    The fact that there are only 4 NAND manufacturers in the world, about SLC, MLC and TLC, about synchronous and asynchronous memory, an interesting reference for checking data, and a lot of other little things.
    In general, for me the article turned out to be very informational.
    We look forward to continuing!
    P.S. And about "General overviews of SSD components have nothing to do with this." quit it. What are Windows and other software installed on? That's right - on disks. SSD including. So, everything is closely interconnected here.



    Thank you Vadim.
    The choice was made according to the reviews of colleagues in the forum, the article confirmed that he had made the right choice.
    Moreover, there is room for improvement - the board supports SATA ||
    At the time of purchase, criteria price / availability + recommendations.
    I don't understand hardware, but I'm interested.
    New - synchronous / asynchronous + good example about strawberries.

    Victor: P.S. And about "General overviews of SSD components have nothing to do with this" you throw it. What are Windows and other software installed on? That's right - on disks. SSD including. So, everything is closely interconnected here.
    And if you expand the thematic framework of your blog a little, I think there will be nothing wrong with that.

    I subscribe.


    Thank you Vadim. I am faced with the choice of buying an SSD so your article came in handy.


    I know that it is an OEM, but the manufacturer (a Chinese company on S ... forgot the name) is one of the largest OEM suppliers. Plus a guarantee that from Plekstor, that from the seller - 5 years. this bribed))

    something my answer left down. replied to this comment:


    Andrey: I know that it is an OEM, but the manufacturer (a Chinese company on S ... forgot the name) is one of the largest OEM suppliers.

    Discs for Plextor are made by almost Taiwanese Lite-On. But yes, the factories are most likely located in China.

    a) the article was not very interesting (why see point b);
    b) it didn’t help, because I had already decided on the choice;
    c) a site with a base on SSD.

    I will answer questions 1 and 2 after purchase.


    Vadim Sterkin: Well, yes, about Windows 8, in your opinion, I write articles to order (apparently from Microsoft). It's surprising that it didn't occur to you that this article was ordered by Intel, Samsung, Crucial, OCZ and, of course, Corsair.

    Eh, Vadim, you misunderstood me, I wrote about something completely different. About the fact that on other sites, many order articles on freelance. And they write to them in general terms, without deeply understanding the essence. Right there, in your article, everything is laid out on the shelves. The beauty!
    This is how it happens, you compliment a person, and you can be misinterpreted.
    By the way, the expression

    It doesn't matter what you said. More important is how you are heard.

    found in this case, another confirmation.

    Vadim Sterkin: Tellingly, there is not a drop in this material personal experience product use

    Well, it turns out I was wrong. Although you chose the SSD, bought it, use it now. This is not an experience, is it?


  • Serge

    And yet, NOT as an example of a combination of obsolescence of materials and poorly placed accents, but more of opposition.

    Since the advice is "HARMFUL", what kind of "combination" can we talk about. THIS IS THE CONTRAST.

    Well, or as an option, you can explain yourself unambiguously and without equivocation (so God forbid not to offend your colleagues). “- THIS is, in my opinion, true. And This is NO. "


    Vadim, don't try to stop the series about SSD drives :)
    I am planning to buy a 512 GB SSD this year.
    Thank you for your helpful work that you bring me with every new blog post!


    After my ssd vertex 2 burned out and they showed me a whole cabinet of killed ssd from ocz in the service center, my trust in them was finally undermined. Most likely, in the new series, all the shortcomings were fixed, but I will no longer buy ssd from ocz.
    I chose intel 320 series. it has been working for half a year and no problems.


    Hello Vadim. I decided to opt for OCZ Vertex 4 2.5 VTX4-25SAT3-256G... I am interested in your opinion on this drive.

    Andrey K.

    Thank you very much for the "exposing" article. Your stories about Windows help me and your point of view: to manage by means of the Windows OS itself, is close to me and I share it. With your help, I learned to overcome the "inconveniences of maintenance" of the system itself and am more and more convinced of it reliability, your judgments are authoritative for me. Thank you!

    Alexander Gorlov

    Actually, I will give the best strawberries to those I love. Probably Toshiba is doing this with its NAND?

    And thank you very much!

    Pavel Nagaev

    Pleased with this:

    At a flagship plant in the US state of Utah, the same memory is produced under the brands of the two companies in almost equal proportions. From the assembly line of the factory in Singapore, which is now controlled by Micron, the memory can also go under the brand name of its subsidiary SpecTek.

    Vadim, is that where it could be dug up?

    Fasting is beautiful and gorgeous; it is useful as a broadening of one's horizons.

    Vadim, anyway, this is good material, so write and disappear, you are doing a good deed.


    Vadim Sterkin, thanks. This is quite enough to "cool down" a little.


    Thank you, it turned out to be a very useful text. After reading it, I just realized that when buying a "body accumulator" there is nothing to worry about. Companies (brands) that sell themselves have sorted the products into the desired price category. The only thing I realized is that it is better to buy brands of those that themselves crystallize this memory. those. samsung and intel.


    Vadim Sterkin: Vladimir, why do you need a 512 GB SSD? This is a serious investment, it must have some kind of justification.

    Going to use it like system disk+ I want to transfer caches of many programs to it: browser, picture viewer (Fast Stone), swap file operating system and the Windows indexing database, as well as the cache of some programs from Adobe (Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere, Audition).
    Plus, I need high speed The read capacity of a 512GB SSD will be higher than that of smaller drives. So far, it seems so.

    What if you come across the phrase Chrome Flags Enable Npapi? Similar unknown words often lead us to a dead end. We are trying to deal with them, but in vain. Of course, if you are a programmer, then you already know what will be discussed. But if you happen to find out that you need to somehow include these four English words, do not worry, everything is not as difficult as it seems.


    Let's start in order. We will talk about some of the tools that used to work in Chrome browser... It is a fairly well-known web browser from Google, which now occupies a leading position among all its "colleagues", a program based on the free Chromium browser paired with the Blink engine.

    This is a young app that came out in 2008. It has already been updated many times and is now using version 59. At the same time, the browser is not without drawbacks, but it is still considered convenient, fast and safe.


    Next, let's move on to Chrome Flags. Like any program, the browser has prepared some hidden opportunities... They will be especially useful for programmers. There are many hidden options here that are not found in the settings menu. But this does not mean that some of the functions will not be needed by an ordinary user. There are those that can make surfing the Internet more comfortable.

    So, to get there, you need the chrome: // flags command. This line must be entered into the browser and press Enter. You will see a page with a large set of commands and options. There is no point in studying them all. In addition, despite the presence of descriptions, it is not so easy to understand their capabilities for an ordinary reader. But there are those that can make your work with the browser simple and fix some bugs.

    Basic commands

    Rewrite all features found in the chrome: // flags menu. it makes no sense. You can consider the main ones that can really come in handy. For example, here you can change the translation bar to an icon. It usually appears on foreign websites. You can ignore the autocomplete prohibition. It happens that this function is enabled for you, but directly separate pages prohibit its use. To do this, you can try using this option.

    There is an option to enable automatic error correction. So, if you enter text somewhere, the browser will help you "become more literate." The app can predict your desires. One of the options loads the page faster because it knows the final position of your finger on the touch device.

    If there is no Internet, you can use the function that fetches pages from the cache and allows them to be viewed.

    There are a number of commands in the chrome: // flags menu that are responsible for performance. You can check for compatibility, enable Direct 3D to speed up your work, or quickly close tabs and windows.


    Since it is clear from our set of words that Enable is responsible for enabling the function, and, accordingly, Disable for disabling, then let's move on to the incomprehensible word NPAPI. This, as you might guess, is an abbreviation. Translated into Russian, we get the "Netscape plug-in programming interface".

    In simple terms, this is some kind of architecture, thanks to which plugins can appear. Most likely, the question will arise, what are the software modules that can be connected to the program. At the same time, plugins will complement the application and expand its capabilities. These modules look like a library for users.

    NPAPI appeared a long time ago, along with one of the first Netscape browsers, hence the name of the architecture. Later, this architecture, which developed plugins, was adopted by all existing web browsers. But that was a long time ago. Already a couple of years ago, popular browsers began to abandon it, and plugins began to lose their functionality.


    Since we are talking about the chrome: // flags / # enable-npapi command, we will further consider the history of the relationship of this architecture with the Google Chrome browser. Since this web browser was introduced in 2008, it is from this point that support for plugins with the Netscape Plug-in API began. But already in January 2014, the developers decided to abandon them and stopped supporting them.

    In general, things have been going towards refusal for a long time. Firstly, this is due to the fact that the architecture itself is from the nineties, and really it would be time to change it to a newer one. After it was locked by Windows in Metro mode, there were suspicions about the dangers of the interface.

    In order not to leave plugins unattended, it was decided to develop PPAPI on our own. He, according to programmers, is safer. After that, all plugins were transferred to it. And to have an alternative Flash Player which worked with the Netscape Plug-in API, the Pepper Flash Player was launched.


    Before you enable NPAPI in Chrome Flags, you need to think about security. It's not for nothing that almost all browsers have abandoned this architecture. When I disabled it, all plugins by default stopped working. But the most popular ones still functioned for a while. Among them were Silverlight, Unity, Google Earth, etc.

    Already the 42nd version of the browser came out with the Netscape Plug-in interface disabled. Although some workarounds did exist. With the 45th version, this has ceased to be possible. NPAPI features have been disabled and removed from the web browser.

    Turning on

    Many immediately rushed to look for ways to turn it on. Chrome Flags Enable Npapi has finally come in handy for many. This command made it possible to use the interface. This was necessary for those who often visited sites with the Netscape Plug-in. And until the moment when Google Chrome finally cut off all the paths to the interface, it was still possible to get to it.

    To do this, you had to open a browser and enter chrome: // flags / # enable-npapi in the address bar. It was easy to enable the interface in the line of the same name with a highlighted inscription. Below appeared the "Restart" button. By the way, next to the inclusion there was information that this method is suitable for those who work with browser versions from 42nd to 45th. This feature will be disabled later.


    This is how we got acquainted with a difficult concept that was relevant back in 2014. Now this command is unlikely to work, because for Google Chrome the story with NPAPI is over, as, in general, for many other browsers. Now those who work with plugins of this interface can use special applications the Mozilla project, Safari, Konqueror and a couple of other web browsers.

    The chrome: // flags command also remains. You can enable many options with its help. But you won't be able to activate NPAPI plugins. Google offers to work with newer standards, including HTML5 and NaCL.

    After updating the browser, many users faced the problem of launching plugins for Java, Unity and the like. The fact is that most of the browser developers have decided to abandon the NPAPI technology required for add-ons to work. But in some cases plugins may be required. How to enable Chrome Flags Enable NPAPI in Yandex Browser, Mozilla, Chrome, read on.

    What is NPAPI

    NPAPI is the technology needed to keep plugins running in the browser. It was first used in 1995 and is now considered obsolete. Therefore, the browser developers decided to stop supporting it. Instead of NPAPI, more up-to-date and secure PPAPI, HTML5 and Native Client technologies will be used.

    So far only Mozilla Firefox continues to support NPAPI, but with the release of version 52, it will also ditch the legacy technology. The only plugin that will have support by default is Flash Player.

    But not all application providers managed to update their products, including those required to run games and multimedia content on sites: Silverlight, Java, Unity.

    How to enable flags enable NPAPI in Yandex, Google Chrome and Opera browsers

    Yandex Browser, Google Chrome and Opera have stopped supporting NPAPI and it is not possible to enable support for this technology. What can be done:

    • Use a browser that supports the technology: Mozilla (up to version 52), IE (supports some popular plugins, including Java) Safari (on Mac OS X);
    • try to rollback the browser version.

    How to downgrade your browser

    A safe method to revert to a previous version of the browser is to roll back the system. But this method also has its drawbacks: there is not always a suitable restore point, and when you roll back, all programs and settings made after the date the restore point was created will disappear.

    To restore previous version browser using system rollback, the browser of the required version must have been installed on the computer at one time. For example, if you recently installed a new browser, then the old versions of it were never in the system.

    To start System Restore:

    • open the Control Panel;
    • in the search, write "Recovery";
    • open "System Restore";
    • select a restore point;
    • to check, click "Search for affected programs";
    • if your browser is listed, you can start recovery;
    • after clicking the "Finish" button, the recovery will begin.

    Disconnect the internet to prevent the browser from updating and disable automatic update.

    For Google Chrome, Opera and Yandex browser:

    Chrome and Opera will stop installing new versions after deleting the file, but to disable Yandex browser updates, you need to delete a few more files:

    In addition to rolling back the system, you can try to find an old version of your favorite browser that supports NPAPI on the Internet. But this is a very dangerous method, as such files may contain viruses.

    Internet Explorer

    NPAPI in IE is not supported with the release of version 5 of the browser. The ability to install NPAPI plugins remains, but in case of problems, technical support Microsoft won't be able to solve them.

    ActiveX must be enabled to use NPAPI. This technology keeps the browser secure and downloads applications when needed.

    To enable ActiveX:

    After installing the necessary plugins, you may need to enable them manually:

    Mozilla Firefox

    In March 2017, an updated Mozilla browser which will not support NPAPI. For 64-bit users Windows Firefox already disabled this technology.

    To continue using your usual plugins, you can turn off automatic browser updates and use old version... But, this can lead to instability of the browser. How to do it:

    If you have Mozilla versions 51 or lower for 32-bit Windows versions, but NPAPI is not working, so it is disabled. To enable it:

    You can also download Mozilla Firefox ESR. This browser is intended for corporate use, but ordinary users can also work in it. It is also distributed free of charge. NPAPI support in Mozilla Firefox ESR is planned until 2018.

    Possible mistakes

    Problems that may arise:

    1. Installed a browser with NPAPI support, but the plugins still don't work. There can be two reasons: NPAPI is disabled or a specific application is disabled, for example, Unity. The point is that they are considered vulnerable and can be disabled by default. Go to the browser settings and in the add-ons section manually enable the required plugins.
    2. The second problem is computer security. NPAPI was dropped mainly due to a vulnerability. Also, if you did not want to install a second browser, but downloaded an outdated version of the browser from the Internet, you are putting your computer at risk. Developers distribute only the latest versions of their products, and by downloading the installer from questionable sources, you can introduce a virus into the system.

    NPAPI is disabled on many browsers, but to use plugins, you can install a second browser that supports this technology. Although not very convenient, it is still a safer and more acceptable way.

    Google has long publicized its intention to end support for NPAPI (Netscape Plug-in Programming Interface). And so, starting with the 42nd version of the Chrome web browser, released in April 2015, this function disabled by default. All applications are actively moving from outdated technologies to more current HTML5 and Native Client. However, there are still sites that use this interface, and many users are interested in the question of how to enable NPAPI support in Google browser Chrome v42 and older.

    Until Google stopped supporting NPAPI, it can still be enabled:

    but this way is relevant only until the release of the 45th version, which will be released in September 2015. From then on, the Netscape interface will be completely removed from the Chrome code, and it will be impossible to enable it.

    Reasons and stages of blocking

    NPAPI was developed by Netscape back in the nineties for the needs of that time. Internet technologies have undergone significant changes since then. Today this feature creates many vulnerabilities in the system. personal computer and consumes a significant amount of resources and quickly drains the batteries of devices. Outdated architecture causes intermittent crashes and freezes, requires writing a large number extra code and time to debug.

    Because there is a huge audience that uses Java or Silverlight on a daily basis, the company took the slow and smooth path of shutdown, divided into several stages.

    Since 2013, Google employees have warned users about their plans to end support for the interface and block all plugins that use it. The first measures were taken in early 2014, when the work of extensions and sites with NPAPI was interrupted, and in order to continue it, it was necessary to confirm their intention to use these functions.

    Version 42 brought with it the following change - this interface by default, it is simply disabled. Plugins that require NPAPI have been disabled and are gradually being removed from the navigator.plugins lists. However, there are still ways to enable these plugins when needed.

    In Google Chrome v45, which is scheduled for release in September 2015, this feature will no longer be available. All NPAPI functions will be removed from the browser code. From then on, users who need to work with this API will have to use other web browsers for this purpose.

    Consequences of disconnection

    The April update affects all plugins and plugins based on the Netscape interface. The most popular ones are Java, Unity and Silverlight. Attempts to launch the Java applet will receive a mismatch message explaining that starting from the 42nd Google versions Chrome does not support this technology.

    A popular search query is how to enable unsupported plugins in Chrome and why they are no longer used.

    Before pointing out the reasons for abandoning such a system and mentioning new features, it should be said that NPAPI in Google is recognized as an outdated architectural platform for the operation of sites.

    The module of their work is no longer able to withstand modern ways data processing, and the use of old systems is at great risk from viruses and the fraudsters themselves in the form of hackers, who, thanks to the vulnerability, are able to download information from the system media and in different ways affect the performance of Windows and its programs.

    Disconnected plugins and alternative

    Give it credit - this system was used by the system from the very beginning and has already exhausted its functionality to the end. Precisely because of the reason for its unnecessary and outdated technology, Chrome is disabled by default starting from the 42nd version (it was released in the fall of 2015).

    With the abandonment of use, the following programs that were previously working by default stopped working: Silverlight, Java, Unity.

    As for the question of how to work with sites without the preinstalled above programs, the answer is simple - all sites soon implemented all their functions, they are now connecting independently. List of settings in latest versions looks like the picture below.

    Google developers recommend opening and using sites requiring the installation of the above products in other Internet browsers in order to avoid conflict new system, with old installations that you manually run at your own risk.

    How to enable them in Google Chrome anyway

    The installation of plugins is not limited and the user can independently return them to his Google Chrome browser. On this moment there are applications on the Internet that require installed plugin Java or Unity, so there are several ways to install on the NIPP platform.

    The easiest way is to download other software that still uses NPAPI (for example, Mozilla Firefox) and use its capabilities.

    But if the desire to work exceeds the ability to change the browser to another, we recommend rolling back to a version in which nothing has been deleted or disabled yet (up to the 45th version). To rollback do the following.