Open Google search engine. Managing the Instant Search Function in Google Chrome browser

Looking for and viewing pages on the Internet. faster Using a function instant search Google Chrome. To receive dynamic search results from the address bar at the top of the browser window. If the required results are not displayed, simply specify your search terms and the results are dynamically updated.

Enable and disable instant search function

These instructions concern use Google Chrome in Windows, Mac, Linux and Chrome.

Using instant search function

  1. Start enter text in the address bar. Enter search terms in the address bar.
  2. Check out the search results in the window. When you enter the menu under the address bar, the web viewing and search history pages are displayed, which correspond to the entered text. If the search prompt service is used for the address bar, popular sites and search queries, similar to the entered text, will also be displayed.

    When an instant search feature is enabled.The browser automatically loads the first coincidence in the window.

    • If this is a search term, displays the results from the default search engine.

    If you are turned off Instant searchThe coincidence is substituted in the address bar with gray text. However, if you turned on Instant search - This coincidence is automatically inserted into the address bar and stand out in blue. If you want to see the results for the text you entered without this coincidence, you can erase the dedicated insert using the Backspace key or select the correct option from the fill list.

Dynamic results are not displayed.

There are several reasons why dynamic results may not be displayed, even if included instant search feature.

  • Common speed: If speed network connection Or Internet connections Mala, dynamic results are not displayed to provide the highest possible web view and search.
  • Certain search queries: Certain types of requests that may be unacceptable will not automatically display results.
  • Anonymous windows: Instant search feature is not available in this mode.

Hello, dear blog readers Website. The most common program used on any computer -. And the most popular of them on this moment - Google Chrome ( download and install Its free from free from the official site).

For a short period of its existence, he literally broke into the hearts of Internet users and was currently installed and used approximately 56% of all computers in the world. Phenomenal result, if you think about. True, not all Google products are so successful, for example, for the same time he never fired.

Thanks to such an onslaught Google Chrome, very strongly fired firefox (only 12%) and (all versions of which are also gaining no more than 12% of the market share). Opera is generally content with one percentage.

At the same time, Google browser is really doomed to success. It is very convenient, functional and stable. It produces a huge number of extensions. Its development is carried out what is called "the whole world" (experimental rabbit stands) and at the moment all the most advanced technologies are concentrated. Today I just will talk about what is hidden under the hood of this sport car from the world of the Internet.

Where to download chrome and how to install

So, I, of course, I understand that most likely this browser is already installed, but nevertheless. Download and install Google Chrome The latest version can and need only from the official site. To pump it from other sites is dangerous, for you can pick up the virus with one choice of probability.

The site itself will determine your operating system and suggests that version of the distribution that is perfect for you. In the dialog box that opens, you will need to click on the "Take Terms and Install" button, but it will be possible to first save the distribution, and install it later.

I can not get around at all novice users PC and Internet. There is a great movie about how to download and install this program, how to make a chrome browser used by default, etc. Everything is very detailed.

Possible installation problems

Typically, the installation passes without complications, except that only may, for example, tritely not enough space on the default selected to install disk with or the installer file refuses to start due to the fact that you do not have administrator rights.

In the first case, you will have to clean the disk from the garbage (temporary files, etc.), for it is impossible to select another disk for installation (such a dialogue does not form, everything passes on a complete machine). Clean the place with the reserve, because the temporary chrome files will also occupy a lot of space.

In the second case, everything is not so difficult. Just run the chrotesetup.exe installer file on behalf of the administrator by right-clicking on it and selecting the appropriate menu item:

Well, it may still not be possible to establish it due to the incorrect removal of the previously installed version of this browser (you have to clean the system from the tails something like a sisclinener). Also, the work of antiviruses can adversely affect (temporarily disable them, only if the distribution was downloaded from PF), or vice versa, the available viruses can block the installation (clean the computer from the virus, or the OS from the image to restore).

On this program, the official site of chromium will be forgotten, because this browser downloads updates independently (Together with him, Google Update will be installed on your computer and will be loaded along with the start of the OS) and ensure that your version has not been outdated. Although, you can always make sure that I watched the current version number of your browser.

Mobile Browser and Update

Although not, you can immediately download Mobile versions of the googol browser , More precisely, go to the pages of their installation on your iPhone, android or ipad (and all of them on a, as if there are no other letters).

If you have chrome already installed, then make sure that you have the most latest version You can, it will be possible in the settings that are all hung on one single button (with the image of three points located vertically), located in the upper right corner of the browser window:

To view current version You will need to choose from the drop-down list. "ABOUT google browser Chrome »:

On the above screenshot, there is a situation where the last actual version browser. Well, otherwise you are. Although now practically does not occur situations when it may be necessary (unless you disable yourself for some reasons for installing updates).

10 reasons to use chrome as a "default browser"

As I said above, the development of this program is engaged in the mass of people (for the most part of a social basis, i.e. for the soul) and even the name he received from the very earlier development called Chromium.

Chrome is a quick browser that never freezes

The chromium project itself is based on the faster free engine (it works the overwhelming majority of the second echelon browsers -, opera and a number of others), and it was written to it from scratch a very fast JavaScript handler.

Besides high and noticeable even on the eye speed \u200b\u200bof work (Especially noticeable at), Google Chrome is finding favorably from other analogues in the initial focus on ensuring maximum safety when working with it.

I am not a programmer, but immediately after starting it, I noticed that each tab and extension in this browser generates its own separate process, you can see them in the Windows taskbar (I love working with a bunch open tabs):

Thus, the developers of Google Chrome decided to kill two hares at once. First, if the process hangs one of the tabs, it will not affect the performance of the rest. As a result, it turns out very high resistance to freezes and failures. True, he eats a merciless, but this is a disease of almost all observers.

Moreover, tab processes are assigned the smallest of possible priorities - destructive codes in tabs will not be able to read or record some information, providing the highest possible safety of working with the browser. Also, chromium expansion use individual processes that will not allow them to drop the entire program.

Secondly, the selection of a separate process for each tab allows the maximum to use the capabilities of modern multi-core processors. As you know, the parallelization of flows is complex, but individual processes can easily be distributed among different cores of the processor, which makes Google Chrome one of the most fast browsers On the planet (before it was Opera).

By the way, it is in connection with this in this browser there is your own task dispatcher (caused by simultaneous pressing on SHIFT + ESC), which allows you to see the load on the processor and on the network that the tab is created or the expansion of this browser:

In addition, you will have the opportunity complete any dependent processcreated by chrome (or expansion in it running) using the blue button shown in the screenshot.

There is a great video clip "5 secret chromium functions"where you use the built-in task manager of this browser to disable the capacious processes, leaving, for example, only the one that is responsible for playing background music:

Chrome I am now using the main browser, and for surfing (after the opera changed the engine), and to work with sites through the admin, because it has a number of advantages, but the main thing is that it is stability and saving information even when Crash system.

You can save all open tabs in a separate bookmark folder.

To do this, it will be enough to simultaneously click on Ctrl + SHIFT + D On the keyboard, and in the window that opens only come up with a name for this folder (I add a date there to easier to navigate it easier).

It is very convenient, for example, when you switch to one task to another. Save the current session (all open tabs), after which you close them all (for example, clicking on any Right-click tab and selecting "Close other tabs") and start a new session in the clean browser tab.

If necessary return to saved earlier session, Open your bookmarks (button in the upper right corner with two arrows), find the folder with the session (it will be at the bottom, as a rule) and click on it right-click. From the context menu, select one and three items, allow you to open all the saved tabs at once (in the same window, in a new or in incognito mode):

Very convenient functionality that I use and just for reserve copy Open tabs, to a detailed study of which have not yet reached hands.

The leader in the number of available extensions, applications and those

Previously, the king of extensions was Mazil Firefox. It was his chip - the minimum of the functionality in the engine itself to ensure its ease and the maximum of the functional made in additions produced by third-party developers.

But now, I think Chrome significantly surpassed a Mazil by the number extensions and applications offered for him.

In area "Downloads" I asked the browser to always show the save dialog, for it is not always convenient for pumping everything in one folder. By the way, when downloading at the bottom of the Google Chrome window, the download panel will appear with a brief information about its flow and the ability to go to the folder with the right-handed file, which is quite clear and convenient.

Well, in the system settings you can force the brainchild of Google to close everything background processes When closing a browser (save space in random access memoryBut lose in the speed of re-opening the browser), as well as you can turn on the hardware acceleration.

Hidden Settings (Chrome: // Flags /)

In this browser, in addition to accessible through the menu there are also hidden settings. You can enter them by entering the desired combination into the address bar. For example, chrome: // about / Shows you a complete list of such secret combinations for the address bar.

Turning through them you can draw something for myself, but here's only thoughtless something there is not worth changing. The most interesting, in my opinion, is on the page chrome: // Flags /. What exactly can be changed here in this video:

In my opinion, the very necessary settings and if something goes wrong, you can always press the "Reset All to Default" button by canceling all the changes you contributed.

Extensions and applications for Google Chrome

It is clear that the chrome on a par with other Internet strokes supports the installation of extensions, which for this miracle there is already a huge set. Manage extensions You can on a separate tab.

You can get there:

  1. If in the browser settings considered above, click on the "Settings" button located on the left, then at the bottom of the opening menu you will find the Extension item.
  2. You can in the drop-down menu icons with three dots (in the upper right corner of the browser), select "Advanced Tools" - "Extensions".
  3. You can insert into the address string Chrome: // Extensions / and press the enter on the keyboard.

On the page that opens you will see everything already installed in your expansion browser. Here you can remove unnecessary extensions, or to temporarily turn off the slider.

If it is necessary to establish new extensions, then in the left drop-down menu in its bottom you will find a link to online store chromium . There is everything and even more.

Personally, I use not only SEO expansion, but also applications for all occasions. I have already written about some of them in the article, and most likely I will complement this article with some new things.

As I wrote above, extensions, as a rule, add your icon to the area located immediately at the address building (applications, as well as regular programs, are displayed on your OS taskbar):

Most of the extensions can tune. To do this, you will need to click on its icon right mouse button and select item "Parameters" In the drop-down menu (there will be it possible to remove this extension).

What exactly will this be for the settings depends on the expansion. Some of them are at all no settings and the "Parameters" item is not active.

If you click on the extension icon with the left mouse button, then, as a rule, some will be displayed. extra options. For example, my favorite RDS bar will tell the whole truth about the page open in the browser, and the user-agent Switcher for Chrome will allow you to select an operating system to check in it to display this page:

What kind of extensions do you put? Well, there are no advisers. Just when there is some kind of need to google on the topic and, for sure, something will advise you. Do not forget that all these additions will hang in the operational memory of your computer, and therefore those extensions that are not used constantly can be temporarily disabled in the settings (how to do it higher).

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

You may be interested

Visual bookmarks Yandex for Mozilla Firefox., Google Chrome - how to install and configure tabs in popular browsers
RDS Bar and Page Promoter Bar to help Webmaster
Yandex Browser - Extensions and Topics Suitable from Chrome, and the functionality is even superior

Quite often, I have to deal with such a problem when after downloading any program, the extension changes in Google Chrome is loaded search engine, executive default.

Most often, she changed to the search engine from, about the registration in which I wrote recently and which I am not very familiar, I am more accustomed to search engines from Google and Yandex.

If you also had to deal with such a problem, here you can learn how to configure search engines that run by default in Google Chrome.

Run the browser, open the menu and select "Settings", find the "Search" item and click on the "Configure Search Systems" button.

Here, hover the mouse over the search engine you need and click "Use Default". If suddenly the search engine you need in this list, then do not be discouraged, you can add it.
To do this, in the field from the "Other Search Systems" section, which are slightly lower, specify the search data data you want to add.

  1. In the first field, enter the name of the search engine, for example: Google;
  2. In the second, specify how the search name should be displayed, Example:;
  3. And in the third, enter URL of the search enginewhich you need, another example:;

And then you can click the "Finish" button.

On this procedure search engine settings can be considered finished. Now in your browser, the default search engine will be the one that you have added. In addition to finding from Google, you can add many more others, such as: Yandex, Bing or Rambler.

Also in the settings you can, in order for any links to open in your chosen browser. And finally, I hope you will be interested to read about that by pressing.

I think you can finish this article if you like it, then subscribe to my channel so as not to miss upgrade. And I have everything, good luck.

Hello, friends! Today, let's try to reveal the topic of effective search in the Google system. Today, practically, everyone starts their activity on the Internet from entering a search query in the browser string. Also, many know that in the search string you can enter a bunch of different operators to raise this very efficiency of the search. Many know, but not many use. So I was lazy to deal with the nuances. But, the search on the Internet is what we use every day. It is almost impossible to replace it. This is what you need to know and what you need to use. For this I am writing a post - how to search in Google.

Before diving in the search you need to talk a little about search engines. The latter consist of robots that go through sites and index them. All indexed information enters the database (index). There, it is sorted by various parameters that you can specify in the search query or set in an extended search.

At the time of clicking on the Search button, the search engine brings through your database and selects options suitable for your request. That is, Google, as well as Yandex, is not looking around the Internet, but makes a sample from its database.

It follows that if we cannot find something, then: either we enter the wrong search query, or the search engine has not yet indexed the page you need, or there is no one at all. In any case, if it is impossible to find information in one search engine try another. Perhaps the page you need got into the index there.

This probably occurs when adding a directory on the hard disk to the operating room index windows systems Also for quick search.

Working with search results

Let's start understanding the search from the end. That is, from the results of the search results. Once we asked your Google's question and pressed the search, we will see about the following picture

The first page shows the default 10 results. Each has a header, which is with a huge probability contains our request. There is also a link to the site on which we will be if we click on the header and a multiple description, the announcement or snippet of the page. On this description, we may not turn to the page to estimate what awaits us.

Saved copy - opens a copy of the site page saved on google servers (in the database). The function will be by the way if this site is temporarily not available for any reason.

Related - Google will find as close as possible, according to content with this page. The function helps when the result you almost suits and need similar pages or documents.

At the bottom of the search for issuing there is a section along with (your search query) are often searched for. These are links to search for issues close to your request. It is also worth paying attention to it. Perhaps there will be more accurately formulated inquiry


In the Google search engine as in Yandex, the search is carried out at once in several sections. The main search on text documents (articles on the similarity of this), pictures, video, etc.

To view the results on a specific partition, you must go to the appropriate tab. They are below the search query input row. By default, we are on the Search tab. We are also available pictures, maps and the button by clicking on which we get access to additional tabs to sort information

That is, if we need for example, forums on which they are discussing salads from cucumbers, it makes sense to choose the discussion tab.

Google search tools

Next to the button there is still a search tool button The opening panel below with additional features sorting. And for various search queries There will be different additional menus. For a request "Salad of cucumbers" there are only three of them, and for the "CPU selection" request, they are significantly more

Use simply. Open the menu you want and install a check mark for filtering results for a specific parameter. For example, you need the reviews of motherboards with H87 chipset indexed no later than the month. Choose this filter in the search tools.

If you need information for a certain period of time, you choose for the period ... and in the window that opens, choose the required time interval

One more out useful features Or sorting is accurate match. It is useful when it is important to withstand this particular word form in the documents found

Thus, using search tools, you can significantly reduce the amount of time required for finding necessary information online.


These are terrible symbols that can greatly improve search efficiency in Google. In this section, consider some of them.

Exception of words from search results. To do this, use a minus "-" without a gap from law. For example. If we need to find the reviews of motherboards excluding Biostar models, the request can be formulated so

overview motherboards -Biostar

Search by accurate phrase. This uses the quotation operator "". Helps if you need to find a quote, a certain song or book.

"I love the storm in early May"

If the quote is not accurate, the search will be the same.

Search for forgotten words. In that case, if you do not remember the quote, the operator "*" can help completely help.

"I love a thunderstorm at the beginning *"

Search by one site or domain. An excellent option when there is no search on the site or it does not work properly.

Search for similar pages or documents. The operator "Related:" is used. With it, you can find similar to sites. They will also be associated with electronics or technique.


Search by part of the address. Recalls if you remember part of the site address.

inurl: You * .ru

The search includes any of the listed words.. For this purpose, the OR operator is used

selection of the Circuit Corps

According to the above query, page will be found where the case selection or the selection of the video card will be found. This operator tried to write and small letters, the result seems the same.

Search links. This request, probably more than all use optimizers. Used LINK operator: With which there will be all links to a specific site

link: Site

Search by range of numeric values. As it does not want to look for the range.

computer Price 5000..7000 UAH

You can also search with a limitation of a range from one of the sides.

computer Price 7000 .. UAH

Search for word meanings. To do this, use the operator Define:. In most cases, Google right at the top of the search results will show the definition of the requested word. for example

Search by type file. If you need to find documents in certain formats, then the FileType operator: it will help you. For example, in pdf or zip

Here are the most common from the operators that can be used. You can also read about them at\u003dru&rd\u003d1

Advanced Google Search

In this article we looked far from all functions google search. Missed voice search and search for pictures. To whom it becomes interesting to google a little.

Google Chrome is included in the leading three programs that use people worldwide for a comfortable trip by virtual network. Popularity This browser acquired due to high speed Work, as well as security when working with the Internet. Google Chrome Search Engine is characterized by a convenient and intuitive interface.

Unlike other browsers, he every open page It highlights as an independent software process, which is its main feature. This browser has an integrated task dispatcher, which is as close as possible to Windows. Thanks to him, you can analyze running processes, manage them and change, if necessary, fully adjusted to the memory limits and OS resources.

Search string Google Chrome (working)

Google Chrome Search Engine is a high-speed browser that has a minimum number of plug-ins and extensions, which is felt while working with it. The Internet browser has similar speed at the expense of a concise interface with a clear architecture. Having in stock DOM core, the browser will open the faster webpage that you visit most often. The script processing rate was also increased, it became possible when using JavaScript V8 engine.

The developers integrated the search form in the address bar, which became a distinctive feature of the browser. The choice of the desired search engine is made in the browser settings, which led to a decrease in the size of the toolbar. Thus, it became the most minimalistic among all browsers.

The main characteristics of Google Chrome of the search engine:

  • One line for all - you can use the address string when you go to another site or to enter a search query.
  • Quick access to the most visited sites. When you open a new tab, you will see pictures of sites that most often come in.
  • Labels for web applications. You can go to your favorite sites directly on the labels placed on the desktop, without the need to pre-open the browser.
  • Privacy - travel history over the Internet is not saved when using the incognito mode.
  • Dynamic tabs - drag the tabs inside one window or between browser windows, exposing them in the desired order for you.
  • Control of failures. All browser tabs are separate processes. Therefore, the failure in one of them will not affect the rest.
  • Safe navigation. Google Chrome EN Search Engine warns its users about unsafe pages.
  • Instant bookmarks. When you click on the "Star" to the left, you will save the site on which you are in the bookmarks and you can have quick access to it.
  • Import settings. After installing the program, you can easily import bookmarks and passwords from other browsers.
  • Loading files. This browser abandoned the annoying load manager.

Benefits of the chrome search engine

  • A high degree of security - achieved through the use of an innovative approach regarding the distribution of computer resources;
  • Fast speed of operation - it became possible when installing a program without loading extensions;
  • Integration with Google Account;
  • Work with many languages;
  • Voice control function.

Disadvantages of Gogle Chrome Search Engine

  • Difficulties when turning off the Google account;
  • Transfer of integrated data modules to company servers. Some users are leaning towards espionage;
  • There is no possibility of viewing and preserving in Google Chrome of the search engine of Russia Web archives MHT;
  • Insufficient print settings.

Download free search engine chrome

In principle, any browser can be downloaded completely free from official sites. In all other cases, when you are asked to pay a certain amount, you fell on scammers. Besides free programwhich the developers are divided into you for money, so also a bunch of viruses in the installation. So I advise you to download the source file to install exclusively from official sites completely free.

Some may wonder why someone spends time on developing a good program and distribute it for free, and Altruists still exist in the world. Although! The fact is that the developers of the observers themselves are interested in handing out their product for free and how often updates and useful chipsSo that people installed their browsers.

What for? Google Google is distributed by Google, and Yandex browser, a clear case, a search engine of Yandex, which is the largest system in Runet, do not forget about the exploitor that works for the benefit. Also, they supplement the distributors of their programs, where the search for the default is the one or another system, which allows them to earn considerable money on advertising, collect information about your worstations over the Internet, your interests and hobbies.

Other developers, such as Firefox, Opera or Safari laid contracts with search engines for fabulous amounts for ensuring that in their browsers, the default one or another search engine, as well as for information about user behavior on sites. This information helps search engines to distribute places in search resultsSo, as you can see, expensive webmasters, our favorite browsers help us how to rise in the search results, and fall.

Google Chrome Search Engine can be downloaded from an official site or by following the entrance to the Google chrome of the search engine.

Install the google chrome search system

The difference between the Internet installer, which you download from the official site, from the usual is that it does not contain the browser itself. You downloaded the online installer to get acquainted with your settings and operating systemMoreover, when it starts it, it connects to the server, passing the data to specifically under your computer to get installed files that will start installing the program to the computer in automatic mode. Thus, when trying to start the online installer Gugol Chrom search engine on a computer without internet or other computer or laptop, the installation will not happen. From here it follows that the installation can be made only on that machine where the installer was rumored and active access to the Internet.

So, launch the downloaded installer from the search google systems Chrome, carefully responding to all OS issues, and wait until the installation process is not completed.

When the installation is completed, Google Chrome Search Engine will start automatically and, first of all, will be offered to enter your Google Account. In principle, this step is not mandatory and you can skip it by simply by clicking on the appropriate button.

That's all, the installation is completed and you can start working with a browser, which, undoubtedly, you like.

Management of search engines in Chrome

The Google browser address line uses the search from the Google system by default to output the search results, although no one prohibits using another search engine.

How to change the search engine in Google Chrome

  1. Click in the upper right corner of the browser button (it is in the form of three parallel rice);
  2. Go to the settings;
  3. Find the "Search" section and click on the "Configure Search Systems" button;
  4. In the window that appears, you will see a list of available systems to select another PS than the one that costs now, you need to bring the arrow of the mouse and click on the "Use By Default" button.

A situation is possible when there is no desired search engine in the proposed list, then you should add a search engine in Chrome.

Add search engine in Chrome

You should run the three first items described slightly above, and in the window that opens, pay attention to the subsection of other search engines where you need to enter the necessary data.