Yandex voice search - how to install and how to use. How to use Yandex voice search

Relatively recently, it was introduced new development from the largest Russian search engine - Yandex voice search.

This feature allows you to enter search commands using your voice, that is, it has been working similarly for a long time implemented system from google.

How to use this function on the computer, laptop, smartphone or tablet and will be discussed in this article.


Although given function while it does not have many fans and is not too widespread, some users have already appreciated its convenience and functionality. What are the advantages of Yandex voice search?

  • This is a free module that does not require installation for normal operation. Yandex. Browser. Enough extension from Yandex, which can be installed in any browser;
  • This module is distributed free of charge;
  • It is well compatible with any browsers, and works properly even on older computers with low hardware resources;
  • The module exists in several variations - for correct operation on a computer, laptop, modular devices, etc.;
  • The module works quite correctly, voice commands are recognized clearly and correctly (although a lot depends on hardware, for example, on the quality of the microphone);
  • Typing a search query by voice saves a significant amount of time, and is also convenient when your hands are busy (or in the cold).

From the above, we can conclude that this function is suitable for everyone who is used to using the function voice input search query, but prefers to use Yandex rather than Google.


Most significant disadvantage this service- its rather high dependence on the parameters of the microphone. If you pronounce your request too far away from him or the audio quality is low, then the system will not be able to correctly recognize your request (as long as this happens quite often).

In this case, it will replace it with a phrase that is closest in sound to those that are often used from your computer. Or popular among users. After such incorrect recognition, the only way to make a request is to type it manually from the keyboard.


The module discussed above is the Yandex. Line. After installing this extension on your computer, an input field will appear on the bottom panel of the desktop search query in Yandex. It will be present not only during browser work but also when working offline.

Such a string is convenient in itself for users who often use search queries. In addition, Yandex voice search is implemented only with its help.

Yandex. Line

How to install given extension. To do this, follow a simple algorithm:

  • You can download it from official page developer, for this you need to follow the link;
  • Find the yellow Install button on the left side of the page and click on it;

<Рис. 2 Установка>

  • Confirm the download (click the button Save in popup window);

<Рис. 3 Скачивание>

  • Wait for the download to finish and start the installation;
  • Complete the installation by following the line installer instructions;
  • After the installation is completed, it should appear at the bottom of the screen, on the panel with shortcuts and program buttons;
  • If it doesn't, restart your computer.

After you have installed the Yandex.String program, voice search is automatically available to you using this extension. Search, just like string, will work like at open browser , and when working with programs offline.


If you are working on a personal PC, then for the correct operation of the module you need to connect an external microphone. Connect the device and carry out its settings through Device Manager. On laptops, sometimes you also need to make some settings for the microphone and allow it to access external applications.

How to use this application and the line as a whole? First of all, the string can be used as a standard search engine. That is, enter a search query into it from the keyboard.

After pressing the button Enter, the system will automatically open the browser installed by you by default, and in it - the results of the issuance of search query in Yandex. Of course, this requires that the Internet is connected to the computer.

Voice search multifunctional. It allows you to enter not only the usual search queries, but also search for applications, website addresses, etc. In order to set any query, follow the algorithm:

  • Find the button with the microphone icon on the right side, installed on the bottom panel of the Yandex search bar, and click on it;
  • Say the key phrase;
  • The module engine handles voice command, after which it appears in the line (this happens very quickly);
  • Next, press the Enter button and use the results of the issue in the same way as with a normal keyboard query.

Algorithms for searching through a string are no different from standard Yandex algorithms. In the same way, a list of results for a query is built. And all other search parameters are also completely characteristic of the Yandex system.

A handy feature is its own, automatically created, bookmarks bar. It is formed from the most frequently visited sites. You can see it by clicking on the search bar at the bottom of the window.

Also at the bottom of the window you can find your latest search request through the Yandex.String system. It also presents his most popular interpretations received from other users.

<Рис. 4. Закладки>

For basic functionality this application, you need to press the microphone button and say "Listen, Yandex". After that, a window will open that lists the main functionality of this application.

After that, for example, it becomes clear that the string interacts not only with the Internet, but also with the computer. For example, you can restart your computer open Word or another program using this application.

<Рис. 5 Функционал>


The application does not require complex or lengthy settings. To call me settings, place the cursor on the search line and right-click on it. A small menu will open, the first item of which will be "Settings".

  • Here you can set up hotkeys for calling Yandex Lines. The default combination is CTRL +ё, but you can specify a more convenient option. To do this, enter it manually in the field Search string in the Hot Keys section;
  • Chapter Working with files helps determine what exactly the system will do with the file you request via string. If you want the file itself to run, set the marker in the box opposite the inscription Open found file. If it is more convenient to see it in a folder, set a marker opposite another line;
  • In chapter Opening web search results you can choose if you want to see search results in a browser or in a special Yandex window. Strings ;
  • Check mark in the section Search Options it is better not to remove it, as it is needed for the application to work correctly after PC updates or installing new files.

<Рис. 6 Настройки>

The application does not take up much memory and runs even on older computers.

As you may have noticed, Google developers decided not to embed in their own Chrome browser voice search function. But Yandex engineers decided to go from the opposite, and prepared a module with similar functionality for their adherents, laying it out in open access plugin "Yandex.String". This add-on does not require a third-party installation of Yandex.Browser. Moreover, it is distributed on an absolutely free basis, which cannot but please the end user. In today's article we will tell you how to activate Yandex voice search for computer and smartphone how to use it, and what possibilities it is capable of.

So, let's install the Yandex.String module on a PC. To do this, download the extension distribution kit from the official project pages. The installation process itself is no different from a similar procedure performed with any other software products, and we will not dwell on it in detail. Just follow the instructions of the wizard and in just a minute the application will be installed on your hard drive.

When everything is ready, a text line will appear on the taskbar for entering character and voice commands.

As we wrote before, Yandex.String is a completely standalone project, and it does not require the installation of a browser from the same developer for its operation.

How to use Yandex text search for a computer?

Working with the module is as easy as shelling pears: click on the text search bar, and a list of the latest web resources that you visited, as well as those search queries that are in this moment are in trend.

So, that's sorted out. Now let's move on: just start typing the appropriate word or phrase in the search box, and the application will immediately offer you the most popular search queries based on your key.

Moreover, if you enter your own request to the end, or select one of the proposed keys from the list, your default browser will immediately start, in the search line of which the key you specified will be available.

In addition to searching for the most relevant search queries on the Internet, the engine also scans the contents of the drive, as a result of which program names that match the search query appear in the results. As you can see, the Yandex.String module is very omnivorous and has a lot of possibilities.

How does Yandex voice search for a computer work?

To start the voice search function, you need to click on the microphone icon and say the search word or phrase to search. Instead of using the manipulator every time to launch a feature, just say the phrase “Listen, Yandex!” into the microphone, after which the module will also start in automatic mode. If you are sitting in front of a laptop, this is generally incredibly convenient: since most laptops are equipped with a built-in microphone, you don’t even need to connect a headset for this.

If you still decide to use Yandex voice search for a computer, you should definitely know what commands you can and should pronounce for processing by the engine. Requests can be absolutely anything, starting from the words “open”, “find”, “listen”, “restart the computer” (or “turn off”) and concern not only the operations performed by the browser, but also contain words related to work PC as a whole, namely: launching or closing a certain application, stopping the computer itself. For example, by saying the command "Open Word", you can literally open in a second text editor, without resorting to using the mouse or keyboard, and the "restart computer" command will lead to the corresponding derivative action.

Yandex voice search for Android

In the Android OS, the voice search function is not separate from, and in order to use this feature, you will have to first install a branded web navigator from Russian company. When this is done, two icons will appear on Android to launch voice search. The first of them is Yandex.Browser itself. We launch it, and in the center we see an icon in the form of a microphone. We press it, and we pronounce the desired phrase for the search. Similarly, we can use the command "Listen, Yandex!".

The second option is a special module designed exclusively for voice search. It is called “Listen, Yandex!”, And it works completely identical to the feature built into the navigator from Yandex. Separate these two functionality- in our opinion, not such a bad idea, it allows you to highlight this feature on a par with other web browser modules, and even more attracts the user's attention.

How to set up Yandex voice search for a computer?

The authors of the plugin saved up some module settings for us, which we'll talk about now. called context menu parameters by right-clicking on the Yandex search bar. So, let's see what can be configured here?

The first field "Search line" is responsible for the hot key combination for shortcut search strings. By default, the sequence is "Ctrl + Y", but you can change it according to personal preferences.

The next group of parameters involves customizing the work with files on the hard drive. If the file is found, the containing directory will be opened, or the object itself will be opened, as found by the search function.

Another section involves opening web search results in the browser window installed in the OS by default, or directly in the Yandex.Strings window. The first option is set by default.

That's all important settings, which can be installed to work with the search function in Yandex.String. Row additional options available by right-clicking on the search bar, but they are not so important, so we will not dwell on them.

How to remove Yandex voice search?

To remove a module from Windows, just go to the application manager and delete Yandex.String like any other system application. To do this, open the control panel, and select the "Uninstall a program" item in the "Programs" category, and then find in the list installed applications the plugin we need called "Yandex.String" and double-click on it. Then just follow the instructions of the wizard, and soon the program will be removed.


So we figured out what Yandex voice search is capable of for a computer, as well as for a smartphone. This feature is incredibly convenient and in demand. Having dealt with it once, you can use your favorite search engine (Google, Yandex, Bing or any other) much faster and more productively, and this, in turn, will save you a lot of time and effort.

Hello everyone, in today's article, we'll talk about voice search for the Yandex Term computer, and to be more precise, I'll show you where to download, how to enable, configure, delete and use voice search from Yandex.

What is Yandex Voice Search for Computer

Most recently, Yandex introduced its new product Yandex Line. With the help of which, you can control the computer using your voice.

Where to download the program Yandex string voice search for Windows 7, 8, 10

Absolutely all programs and applications, including Yandex Line, are best downloaded from the official website. To do this, follow this link

On the page that opens, click on the "Install" button.

How to enable Yandex voice search

After installation, the Yandex string program will automatically be added to the Windows taskbar and will be ready to work, you only need a microphone on your computer or laptop.

How to use Yandex string

In order to start using the Yandex line, you need to say the command "Listen, Yandex" into the microphone. Or click on the microphone icon in the taskbar.

After that, it will open new tab in the browser, with your request.

Also, using the Yandex line, you can run programs installed on your computer by pronouncing their name. For example, I said the word “Avast” into the microphone, after which this antivirus program opened.

Or open any sites by saying "Vkontakte", my VK page opened.

Even in the functionality of the Yandex line, computer management is laid down, namely: shutdown, reboot and sleep mode. It is enough just to command "Turn off the computer", after that, the shutdown will occur.

Yandex line settings

For more convenient use of the Yandex string, settings are provided. In order to enter them, you need to move the mouse cursor over the microphone icon, then right-click, select "Settings" in the window that opens.

In the Yandex settings of the line, we can specify in which browser to open the results with a request. Also change other settings.

How to remove Yandex line from a computer Windows 7, 8, 10

If for some reason you decide to remove the Yandex line from your computer, you must do the following.

2. In the program section, select the "Uninstall a program" item.

3. In the list of programs, we find Yandex.String, and double-click on it.

4. In the window that opens, click the "Yes" button.

Listen, Alice.

This is not the whole list of her abilities, she is constantly learning new skills and improving herself.

If you are bored or sad, she will joke, tell a joke or play with you. Would you like to watch a movie? Easy - movie posters, tickets and prices in an instant. Alice can turn on a fairy tale for children. Her answers will always be varied, the creators of the program worked for a long time and were able to invest in voice assistant modern living speech, which will be understood by many.

Russian actress Tatyana Shitova participated in the creation of the voice. She previously voiced American actress Scarlett Johansson. Coincidence or not, but voiced by the voice of Tatyana Shilova in the science fiction film She spoke to the virtual assistant Samantha. Thanks to this scoring, Alice turned out to be very lively. Sadness, joy and even impudence can be traced in her intonations.

The creators explained why they decided to focus on the virtual assistant. First, the movement of the industry in the direction voice messages, as the current generation of users prefer voice search over typed typing. Secondly, the construction of algorithms on meaningful dialogues. That is, the virtual assistant understands that subsequent phrases may be related. This is what the dialogue is based on. The Yandex voice assistant Alice is now also in Yandex Browser, built-in by default, with it the browser has become much more convenient.

How to install Alice Yandex

1. Download the Alice application from the link below.
2. Install the application.
2. Allow the application to determine the geolocation.
3. For full-fledged work, allow recording sound.
4. For ease of use, you can put on main screen widget or label.

Browser screenshots

How to use the voice assistant Alice

You can turn on Alice and talk to her by clicking on the purple icon or say one of the phrases: Hello Alice, Listen to Alice or Listen to Yandex. After waiting for the activation sound, you can ask a question or command.

To get an idea about basic capabilities assistant, you can ask: What can you do, Alice? . Voice responses are duplicated text messages in chat.

If you just want to chat, you can say: Hello Alice, let's chat. She will support the dialogue, joke or tell an anecdote. With simple communication, it will not always be able to perform the search mode. Therefore, you can exit and start the search function again or give a command with the word Enough.

Conclusion about Alice

The Yandex company was able to create handy application for Android smartphones with which you can have fun and get fast access to information through voice communication.

Relatively recently, a new development was introduced from the largest Russian search engine - Yandex voice search.

This feature allows you to enter search commands using your voice, that is, it works similarly to the long-implemented system from Google.

How to use such a function, or and will be described in this material.



Although this feature does not yet have many fans and is not very widespread, some users have already appreciated its convenience and functionality.

  • This is a free module that does not require installation of . Enough extension from Yandex, which can be installed in any browser;
  • This module is distributed free of charge;
  • It is well compatible with any browsers, and works properly even on older computers with low hardware resources;
  • The module exists in several variations - for correct operation on a computer, modular devices, etc.;
  • The module works quite correctly, voice commands are recognized clearly and correctly (although a lot depends on the hardware, for example, on the quality of the microphone);
  • Typing a search query by voice saves a significant amount of time, and is also convenient when your hands are busy (or in the cold).

From the above, we can conclude that this function is suitable for everyone who is used to using the search query function, but prefers to use Yandex rather than Google.


The most significant drawback of this service is its rather high dependence on the parameters of the microphone.

If you pronounce your request too far away from him or the audio quality is low, then the system will not be able to correctly recognize your request (as long as this happens quite often).

In this case, it will replace it with a phrase that is closest in sound to those that are often used from your computer. Or popular among users.

After such incorrect recognition, the only way to make a request is to type it manually from the keyboard.


The module discussed above is the Yandex. Line. After installing this extension on your computer, an input field will appear on the bottom panel of the desktop.

It will be present not only during, but also when working offline.

Such a string is convenient in itself for users who often use search queries. In addition, Yandex voice search is implemented only with its help.

Yandex. Line

How to install this extension. To do this, follow a simple algorithm:

  • You can download it from the developer's official page, for this you need to follow the link;
  • Find the yellow Install button on the left side of the page and click on it;

<Рис. 2 Установка>

  • Confirm the download (click the button Save in popup window);

<Рис. 3 Скачивание>

  • Wait for the download to finish and start the installation;
  • Complete the installation by following the line installer instructions;
  • After the installation is completed, it should appear at the bottom of the screen, on the panel with shortcuts and program buttons;
  • If it doesn't, restart your computer.

After you have installed the Yandex.String program, voice search is automatically available to you using this extension.

The search, as well as the string, will work both when working with programs offline.

As mentioned above, for the normal operation of the line, you do not need Yandex.Browser. This module is not a browser extension and works completely isolated from it.


If you are working on a personal PC, then for the correct operation of the module you need to connect an external microphone.

Connect the device and carry out its settings through Device Manager.

On laptops, sometimes you also need to make some settings for the microphone and allow it to access external applications.

How to use this application and the line as a whole? First of all, the string can be used as a standard search engine.

That is, enter a search query into it from the keyboard.

After pressing the Enter button, the system will automatically open your default browser, and in it - the results of the search query in Yandex.

Of course, this requires that the Internet is connected to the computer.

In order to set any request, proceed according to the algorithm:

  • Find the button with the microphone icon on the right side, installed on the bottom panel of the Yandex search bar, and click on it;
  • Say the key phrase;
  • The module engine processes the voice command, after which it appears in the line (this happens very quickly);
  • Next, press the Enter button and use the results of the issue in the same way as with a normal keyboard query.

Algorithms for searching through a string are no different from standard Yandex algorithms. In the same way, a list of results for a query is built.

And all other search parameters are also completely characteristic of the Yandex system.

A handy feature is its own, automatically created, bookmarks bar. It is formed from the most frequently visited sites.

You can see it by clicking on the search bar at the bottom of the window.

Also at the bottom of the window you can find your latest search request through the Yandex.String system. It also presents his most popular interpretations received from other users.

<Рис. 4. Закладки>

In order to get acquainted with the main functionality of this application, you need to press the microphone button and say "Listen, Yandex."

After that, a window will open that lists the main functionality of this application.

After that, for example, it becomes clear that the string interacts not only with the Internet, but also with the computer.

For example, you can restart your computer or other program using this application.

<Рис. 5 Функционал>


The application does not require complex or lengthy settings. To call me settings, place the cursor on the search line and right-click on it.

A small menu will open, the first item of which will be "Settings".

  • Here you can set up hotkeys for calling Yandex Lines. The default combination is CTRL +ё, but you can specify a more convenient option. To do this, enter it manually in the field Search string in the Hot Keys section;
  • Chapter Working with files helps determine what exactly the system will do with the file you request via string. If you want the file itself to run, set the marker in the box opposite the inscription Open found file. If it is more convenient to see it in a folder, set a marker opposite another line;
  • In chapter Opening web search results You can choose whether you want to see the search results in the browser or in a special Yandex window. Strings ;
  • Check mark in the section Search Options it is better not to remove it, as it is needed for the application to work correctly after or installing new files.

<Рис. 6 Настройки>

The application does not take up much memory and runs even on older computers.

Yandex.String - voice search from Yandex

Yandex.String - smart search string from the developers of Yandex for Windows, which will help you find the information you need on the Internet and directly on your computer.