Could not connect to google voice. Installing the voice search "Okay Google" on a computer or laptop

The function "Okay, Google" today is not new, the developers of leather programs are climb to make the search faster / affordable / functional. But not everyone knows that voice search can also be used on the computer, whether it stationary computer or laptop. All you need for this - the presence of a microphone. On laptops, it is a built-in device, for a stationary PC it will have to be purchased. Of course, your computer must have an internet connection.

In addition to the presence of a microphone, it is necessary to make sure that the browser itself is installed on your PC. Google Chrome." If you go to the Google search bar through, for example, the Opera program, the voice search function will not be available.

IN previous versions "Google Chrome" required to independently connect voice control. On the Internet you will find many information on how to manually set up "Okay, Google" for PC. But these data are already outdated.

"Google Chrome" is constantly improving and now you do not even need to customize anything. A new version The search engine already has built-in voice control.

That is, everything you need to configure "Okay, Google" is to make sure that you have installed on your browser. latest updates. January 2018 is version 63.0.3239.132.

Installation and configuration "OK, Google"

To check the update, press the icon on the top on the right (collapsed in red) and go down to the string " Settings».

In the settings field select the lower line " About browserChrome."(Specifies the arrow).

Clicking on it, you will see the following:

Checking the availability of updates and, if your version is outdated, the program immediately makes the necessary changes.

Then the line appears in the field " Latest versionGoogle Chrome. already installed».

On the start page You will see in the search bar on the right icon of the microphone (indicated by the arrow). This is the function "Okay, Google".

All that is required from you - press the icon Voice search, while the browser requests access to the microphone. To use voice search, you need to confirm permission.

Boldly proceed to testing the function. By left-clicking on the microphone icon, you activate it. It looks like this:

Now tell any request that interests you. The phrase "Okay, Google" is no longer needed. The voice team should be sprinkable, but it's not necessary to talk loudly.

The search engine processes your request and displays the result, the robot sounds the answer found.

To request "how to go to the library", google required permission On the definition of my geolocation. Having determined the location, the program found the nearest library and paved the route. All this took no more than one minute!

If "Google Chrome" will not find a specific answer to your question, it will give the search results by your phrase list of links.

When starting, the browser will offer you to register an account in Google Chrome. This will save you necessary settings: Routes in maps, reminders in the calendar, mail configurations and much more.

Using the OK's voice command, Google can be executed online and manage other functions. Android devices. But, this feature It works only in the Google Now application. In order for this voice command to work in any application, you must make some changes to the settings. Now you will learn how to include Google Okai on Android.

To enable the OK Google voice control function open google app Now. In most cases, this application opens using a swipe from the home button. On the sAMSUNG smartphones for opening Google Now you need to click on the "Home" mechanical button, and then click on google button At the bottom of the screen.

After opening the Google Now application, you must click on the button opening the side menu. It is in the upper left corner of the screen.

In the settings window, you need to go to the "Voice Search" section, and then in the "Goga Recognition" subsection.

After a three-time repetition of the OK command, Google on the screen will appear about the completion of the setting. Now you can use voice control from any application.

What to do if nothing works? If a this instruction You did not work, then you may need to update the application responsible for the function of the voice control OK Google. To do this go to the app store Google Play. And find the application there with the name "Google" (yes, this application is just called Google) and update it by clicking on the "Update" button.

What can I use the voice control of OK Google? Voice control Allows you to perform many typical for mobile device Action without your use. For example, using voice commanders You can create a reminder, find an event in the calendar, open the application, call, send a message, pave the route, and of course you can search the Internet.

Swift Progress modern technologies Allows you to add more opportunities to their use. One of these features is a voice search Yandex and Google. The most popular voice search uses the owners of smartphones, because the voice set is much simpler there. But it is possible to install it and on the computer.

Voice Search Yandex and Google

Everything large quantity People begins to use voice search. This technology allows you to create search query Without the need to use the keyboard. With its convenience, it is that it is absolutely not necessary to install any applications. It is enough just to have a simple smartphone and Internet access. In the same search engines themselves - Yandex and Google - a function has already been built, allowing to recognize human speech. Therefore, opening one of these search engines in the browser, you can already know all the convenience of modern technologies.

Each search engine has its own voice assistantThrough which is the introduction of a speech query. For example, Yandex has a standard module for ordinary voice search. Yandex.strock. Also worth mentioning and voice helper "Alice". Initially, information on the emergence of this technology for the search engine Yandex was made public in May 2017. On October 10 of the same year, the official launch of Alice was already held as a voice assistant for a search engine from Yandex. But the second option is more intelligent assistant, and "Yandex.stock" is perfectly suitable for easy use of voice search.

For the main competitor of the Russian search engine - Google - similar technology is "Google Now". With the same "guy" everything is a bit confusing and more difficult. The fact is that at the time of this technology, it was perfect innovation for a wide range of users. As the official date of integrating "Google Now" in the search system of the browser was made on May 15, 2013. However, the first news about this development appeared in 2011.

The advantage of the voice search before the usual input of the query from the keyboard is the speed of its set, the ability to not be distracted from performing various cases, and also do it with dirty hands ... As Alice says: "Joke." In reality, this innovation turned the usual perception of search engines and significantly expanded the horizon of their capabilities. The voice assistants of the two largest search engines on the expathers of Russian Internet space recognize various voice timbres, its volume, clarity and diction. This allows you to convert speech to the correct voice query option and quickly issue the necessary search results.

How to enable and configure Voice Search Yandex

On the computer

Click on the icon and if you do this for the first time, Yandex will ask you to have permission to access the microphone. You must click "Allow".

In the future, when you click on it, a pop-up window appears, which offers you to say a word or phrase, which will become a search query.

In this case, it is convenient that this feature Already stored in the search string on the Yandex page. In addition, the use of technology does not imply binding to Yandex.Brazer - it can be used and, by going to the Yandex page from any other browser. In this case, you can see the minimum settings directly on the page. To do this, click on the protected connection icon on the right side of the address bar and select the microphone use mode.

As a rule, it is enabled by default. Otherwise, it will need to be included with a simple click in the corresponding field. When you open the settings, you will have a graph in which it will be offered to select a microphone to record a speech message and some permissions for its use.

As such, difficulties with the setting of the microphone use in Yandex. The listed settings are relevant as for personal computersand for laptops.

On the phone

A little different things are the use of this function on the smartphone. Everything is much easier here. So go to main page Yandex and in the search bar click on the microphone icon.

Also pops up a window reporting that you can talk.

For site access settings search engine To phone recording devices, click on the protected connection icon. Here you can prohibit access, allow you to always or allow only on request.

How to enable and configure voice search Google

A similar situation awaits us when using voice search in Google - separation between computers with laptops and phones.

On a computer or laptop

Also, as in the first case, when using voice search in Google from a computer, you can find a microphone icon on the right side of the search bar, which, however, will be a little different - the Google has multicolored.

After that, you can say what you want to find.

If you want to ban Google access to the microphone on your laptop or computer, click the Protected Connection icon and set the desired settings.

To date, Google also has a built-in function (although rather, on the contrary, Yandex "also has", because Google was the first in this matter), which will not require the installation of the application. In this case, it is enough to go from any browser into this search engine.

Function quick search From Google, it was supposed to transfer us to a new search engine era. In turn, quite a few users note that the function only makes them repeat the phrase "Okay Google" again and again without a specific result.

If you have any problems with this feature, try some of the following steps.

1. Check the language settings

If the "Google Now" feature does not respond to your appeal, you may be spoken in another language. It is worth checking the settings in the "Voice" section and change the language if necessary. There you will see dozens of languages, each of them with the corresponding flag, so you can set primary and secondary languages \u200b\u200bif necessary. Google will automatically determine in which language you specify the query and switches between them automatically.

Updates of the language pack can also solve the problem. Go to Voice Settings -\u003e Search for Language Settings -\u003e Offline Speech Record -\u003e Language -\u003e Update Available

2. Check the microphone on the device

Google Now uses continuous access to your smartphone microphone. When you open the Google application, the microphone icon in right side The search bar must appear in bold, with solid lines. If dotted lines, you may have problems with the microphone.

Sometimes it is caused by trash in the microphone hole. Try to carefully clean it with a pin or similar item. If it does not work, check the microphone settings in the Google application.

It often happens that functions do not work due to elementary problems. Therefore, we recommend checking the connection to the Internet because Google Now needs it. And also check whether this function is enabled at all. And of course, try to reboot the smartphone, sometimes something magical occurs during this.

Keywords: Correction of problems in Okay Google, Okay, Google does not work, correct the problems, why Okay Google, OK, Google

While Samsung Galaxy Note. 8 and S8 received their own recently created Bixby assistant, they also have Google Assistantwhich is installed on all Android devices running Android OS in version 6.0 and newer.

For some reason, we are sure that you will use Bixby (with the instructions for its disconnection you can read) much less frequently compared to Google Assistant. If only because Google Assistant is more powerful than BIXBY, and this is obvious. And here may have one unpleasant problem: "Hot" phrase google assistant "O" Kay, Google "ceases to workWhen SAMSUNG energy saving mode is valid. The failure occurs due to the fact that the power saving mode is trying to limit the work of background programs on your device and, including sometimes restricts work this application Google. As a result, it turns out that the right moment Google's voice assistant on your or does not work.

How to fix about Google Kay on Galaxy Note 8 or Galaxy S8?

Method 1:

If you have enabled battery saving mode in Galaxy Note 8 or S8, Google OK will not work properly. All you need to do to correct the situation is exclude Google Application From the list of programs, the work of which in the background is controlled by the device. That is, allow the background mode for Google Assistant without restrictions, even when the device is in power saving mode. How to do it:
  • Open "Settings" -\u003e "Batteria";
  • Find "applications in sleep mode", and then select "Constant Sleeping Applications";
  • Click "Exception List" and add the Google Assistant application to it.
Method 2:

Another way to correctly run the Google Assistant is completely disable power saving on it. To disable power saving mode, follow these steps:
  • Go to the settings and select "Battery";
  • Click "Disable" for moderate power saving mode.
Here, perhaps, all that can be offered today in order to run Google Assistant with "OK Google" on Samsung Galaxy Note 8 or Galaxy S8.