May Ji. Google (Google) Mail - Login (Registration)

If you enter Gmail mail through search engines, You can lose access to your mailbox. The user is moving to the sites from the search, the risks to get to phishing (fishing - fishing) sites. These sites are visually indistinguishable from postal services And created with one goal - find out the login and password from the victim account and access its mail.

Going to a similar site, you will see a familiar to you interface and not suspecting the trick to introduce data from the account in the authorization form field (login form). After entering, you will see a notification - "The service is temporarily not available, try again" and redirect to the official website of the, where you will be able to go to your mailbox. Unfortunately, Internet fraudsters have already received your login and password, when you first attempt to enter the Lipov site.

Having access to your Gmail mail, an attacker can use the password recovery features from social networks, cloud storage And even find data of your credit cards.

Registration of the new Google Mail mailbox

Google Mail has a number of advantages compared to other postal services. For owners of the Gmail mailbox, everything becomes available online services And Google's tools, the so-called All-in-One (all in one).

To register in Google, you will need about 5 minutes and the minimum data set: the name, surname, come up with your unique login (name of the mailing drawer of the species [Email Protected]) And the password convenient for you (8 characters: letters, numbers and specials. Symbols). To provide additional security, you will be prompted to snap the phone number and additional mail address.

Entry to email Gmail

Included in your post-mail from Google Mail is best from the starting pages that are in any browser. If you do not have the opportunity to access start page Or you need to enter Gmail on someone else's computer, better decision There will be an incognito mode in the browser (caused by a combination keys Ctrl + SHIFT + N). In this mode, your authorization is not saved and when closing the browser window, access to Google mail will be interrupted.

The second right solution to enter the mail Gmail

To enter your Gmail or Google account, you must enter authorizations that were specified during registration: phone number (if it is specified and confirmed) or login from your postal address.

If when you try to enter Gmail mail (no matter from a computer or mobile device), you have problems or you see the message "Add Gmail to your Google account" and "name is already busy. Try the other, "this article should help you solve this problem.

The reasons for the fact that you can not enter the mail from Google may be different, and therefore possible options I will give decisions somewhat, and I hope to help all those who read this instruction here.

Log in - First Actions

After that, the very first thing to try is to clear your browser (cookie). From the reviews of several users on the Internet, this is what helped them.

If it worked, great if not read on:

  1. Go to the following link: Log in to Gmail
  2. An input form appears in Gmail, where one of your addresses will already be entered. And below will be the link "Log in to another Account" or "Sing In With A Different Account" (If you are in English) - click on it.
  3. After that, all your addresses will be displayed, including the one you need. Select the address, enter the password and log in to your mailbox. If an empty login form appears instead of addresses, then enter the desired address, password and log in.

Also possible and this option is also possible if the window appears when trying to enter the mail Add Gmail to your Google Account And the message "This name is already occupied. Try the other. "

On the same page, where you answer the "name is already busy", there are a circle with a little man in the upper right corner (or with your avatar). Click on it and select Add account.Next, enter your address, password and click Login.

Account information

I think it will not be superfluous to make sure that all data you need to enter the mail you enter correctly. Passwords are very sensitive to the register, so make sure you do not enable the Caps Lock key. Also check on the correctness of the user name i. address emailwho is written down to @

Let me know in the comments, as you succeed.

Mail from Google, better known as Gmail is effective tool For work S. emails. Mail from Google has tremendous popularity among users around the world, and is largely due to this with the company's services, such as YouTube, Android, Google Disc and others. In this article, we will talk about the main issues related to.

Mail - that's required tool For each computer user or smartphone, which, if not needed to maintain electronic correspondence, then at least for. In the process of using Gmail Mail, users at different stages may have questions, the main of which will be covered below.

How to register in Gmail mail?

You will need to fill the personal data (should not be left empty fields).

Is it possible if you do not specify a mobile phone number?

If you are registered, then probably already noticed that one of the graph is "Mobile phone". If some time ago from the instructions of this item could be abandoned, now the number mobile phone It is necessary to fill in the graph.

The fact is that it is a great way to protect bots, as well as using multiple electronic boxes by users. This practice is already successfully applied by many social servicesAnd continues to be implemented by many resources.

How to enter Gmail mail?

The input to Gmail is carried out from Google's main page. If you arrive at the site, you can find a button in the upper right corner "To come in"After clicking which the authorization page opens. Probably, the further progress of the entry in the mail is meaningless.

What if it is impossible to enter the mail?

In 99%, the inability to enter Google Mail arises due to the wrong instructions of the login and password. Check the correctness of the input data several times, make sure that you have the desired keyboard layout, deactivated the CAPS LOCK key, and there are no randomly populated spaces.

Forgotten password can be restored on the authorization page by clicking the button. "Need help?".

Is it possible to enter the mail without knowing the login?

Unlike many mail services, Google added the ability to recover an email address in the event that you simply forgot it. To do this, on the Authorization page you will need to click on the button. "Find Account".

You will need to specify a mobile phone number or a spare email address that is tied to your lost account. After that, the specified source will receive a message with your email address.

Why do you need two-stage authentication?

Google mail is regularly improving, gaining all new opportunities. Google recently implemented a function of two-stage authentication, which allows you to significantly secure your account, reducing almost to zero risks of the page hacking (and considering that one email can be tied various servicesThe value of the account increases several times).

The essence of two-stage authentication is that by following in the Gmail mail, you first enter the password from your box, after which the message (or call) is received to the tied phone number, which must be entered into a special window.

How to connect two-step authentication?

  1. Go to page Enable two-stage authentication . Go down the page below and click on the button. "Tune".

  2. Log in to Google by entering your credentials.

  3. The authentication enabling agreement will appear on the screen at the end of which you need to select a button. "I accept".

  4. Next you need to specify a password from Google Mail.

  5. If necessary, change the phone number to which the code will be sent, and then select the way you want to receive codes (it can be an SMS message or a phone call).

  6. Your number will receive an SMS confirmation with the code that you want to enter on Google's website to the specified graph.

  7. Complete the activation of authentication by clicking the button "Enable".

How to enter the mail if there is no phone at hand?

Immediately imagine the situation that you do not have a number of phone, which means that SMS or a call with the code you cannot get. In this case, continuing the authentication configuration or by going to the function page and by following the entrance to your account, we find a block « Backup codes» and choose the button "Create".

Google will generate several backup codes. You can choose both one and several. These codes must be recorded in a safe place and save so that they do not get into the hands of attackers and were available exclusively to you. If necessary, in the same window codes can be sent to print.

How to disable two-step authentication?

In the event that the method of dual confirmation of the input to the account is not for you, there is always the ability to disable this feature.

Where to apply if the problems with the entrance were not eliminated?

More than it is likely that your question associated with the entrance to Gmail could not fit the article. In this case, you can ask your questions right in the comments (an article, if necessary, can be supplemented), look at the "Help" page, where answers are the answers to the most popular questions of users or write to Google Support, if your question is very complex.

Entry in mail is very easy. But before entering, you need to have your Google account. In this lesson, I will show how it is right and just enter the mail, and also show how to configure Gmail, how to add and edit contacts, edit postal Settings etc.

If you still do not have google account You need, first of all to start it. To do this, we recommend moving to the lesson after you create an account, return and read this lesson to the end to find out how to enter Gmail mail and set it up.

Update from 14.02.2016. If you can not enter your mail, I wrote about how to solve this problem. Mail - Entrance

Run the input to Gmail mail is very easy. Immediately after creating an account, you will be automatically authorized, that is, enter it. However, you will always need to enter your account and leave it, at the end of work. Exit account is especially important if you use a public computer (for example, in the library or office). This simple action will protect your letters from "Selfish Eyes".

Note: The article is updated on June 13, 2015. There are people who experience some difficulties when entering mail. We did not find detailed and accurate information why they do not work. We also tried to go from different computers with different operating systems - there were no problems, everything is standard. Consequently, we came to the conclusion that those who do not get to enter, do something wrong. You may confuse and services. The first one does not apply to Google, including, these are two different mail services, so do not confuse. Also keep in mind that is a product of Google, so there is nothing terrible if has shifts on google page. We also noticed some small changes, so updated an article with all images. Perform the steps below to enter Google Mail. Must happen without problems. If not, write in the comments, but in detail.

To enter the mail:

To exit mail:

  • In the upper right corner, click on your photo and select Exit.

Mail Settings

The time will come when you want to set up appearance or "behavior" of your mail. For example, you can create a signature, change labels or theme. All this can be done in the settings of Gmail mail.

To go to the settings:

  • Here you can choose the category you want to change.

Adding contacts

Gmail allows you to save contacts in the address book so that you do not have to keep the email address in your head. You can also save additional information About contact: phone numbers, birthdays and addresses.

To add contact:

  1. In the Gmail drop-down menu, select Contacts.

  • The contact page appears. Click New Contact.

  • Enter the name of the person and electronic address mail. You can also enter additional contact information. All changes will be automatically saved.

To change contact:

  1. On the left menu panel, click My Contacts.

  • Click on the contact you want to change.
  • Now you can make any changes to contact information.

By default, when you send a letter to a new email address, Gmail adds this address to contacts. Going into contacts, you can edit this information.

Import mail and contacts

Perhaps you already have a list of contacts in another mailbox, and its manual transfer to new drawer It takes a lot of time. Gmail allows you to import contacts from other Email accounts, moreover, you can even import all your letters. You can import mail and contacts with many postal services such as Yandex, Mail.

To import from another mail:

  1. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner of the page and select Settings.
  2. Navigate to the Account category and click the Check mail button from other accounts (using POP3). Following the instructions on the screen, you can import your mail.

Hello everyone. Today I will tell you what is mail entrance. With unsuccessful authorization on Google Mail, it will not be an attempt to restore the password. For a start, go to the site - (do it preferably from that device from which you are the last successful in the account). The authorization pages offer their users the ability to change the language, select the most comfortable for you and start working!

Then you need to find the link: "Can't get access to your own account?", And, having passed on it, to introduce exactly the email address that entailed problems with authorization. Here it will also be necessary to confirm that you are not a robot by entering the check code.

Very often, solving the problem is simple password recovery. How to do it, read in the next article.

The result page offers a list of various options to restore access. If you have another email address in the settings, or the phone number, the recovery procedure is greatly simplified.

Check whether cookies are enabled for this site

Cookies are files that help the Web browser to remember the client's client settings on a specific resource, while retaining its configuration, collect statistics. Now actually all sites require the availability of these files. For this reason, to check their availability for Google Mail, you need to open the browser settings and include them. We invite you to consider the process of including their inclusion in three popular browsers, such as: IE, Firefox, Google Chrome.

  • Enable cookies in Internet Explorer. First you need to go to the "Control Panel", to find the "Observer Properties". Click on the "Privacy" tab, after that - "Optional". In the resulting window, you will need to put a check mark on "override the Cookie File Recruitment", and install "Take" markers, both on the main and third-party files.

  • Enabling cookie in Mozilla Firefox. First of all, open the browser, go to the settings. Like the "Privacy" tab. Find a block with a history where it will be necessary to click on the last item from the drop-down list "will apply settings to save history". In addition to all, check the checkbox "Accept Cookie from Sites". Close the window with the settings by pressing the "OK" button.
  • Turn on cookies in Google Chrome. Open the browser, then follow the "Settings" (in the upper right corner there is an icon with three stripes, after clicking on it, a window appears in which you can find the very settings).

The bottom of this window is located subsection " Additional settings", We go to them and click on" Personal Data ", and after -" Content Setup ". In the resulting window, set the checkbox under the "Allow Saving Local Data" item. At the end, confirm the configuration by pressing the "OK" button.

Upon completion of cleaning Cookie files You can also clear the history and cache of the browser. As a rule, the history of visits acquires such dimensions that the performance decreases significantly, and certain functions And at all cease to work. We offer you detail to consider the removal of history in popular browsers.

Clean the history of visits in IE.

First you need to go to the "service", after which it is to press the "ALT" button. As a result, the menu will appear, select "Delete the browser log" in the list of proposed items. In the resulting window, you will need to mention those items that you need to delete. It remains only to confirm your actions by pressing the corresponding button. Made!

Clean the history of visits to Mozilla Firefox.

With this browser will be somewhat simpler: you only need to hold the CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE keys, in the resulting window, select the items you want to delete. It is important to systematically clean the cache and the history of the browser. By the way, at the end of the removal procedure, you will need to go back to your profiles on sites.

Clean the history of visits to Google Chrome.

The removal process is similar as with other browsers, however there is one nuance: upon completion of this procedure on one of the devices, the history is removed absolutely on all devices from which authorization is made to the Chrome account. So, open the menu of the Web Browser, go to the Tools tab. On the resulting page, select "Clear Data Views". In the window that appears, select those items that you need to delete.

Along with this, it will not be superfluous to see which extensions are installed in the browser. If you found unfamiliar and unnecessary extensions, better remove them, because they (to some extent) reduce the productivity of the browser.

Following our advice, you can easily solve the problem with authorization on any site. mail entrance to mail

If you have not been registered in Gmail - you can fix it on the site - On the right side, click the "Create Account" button.

Your own profile in this system can be created for 3 actions.

The first stage involves filling the questionnaire.

  1. Write the name and surname. Electronic draweris usually created on long term. Moreover, with the help of it are activated mobile devices governed by operating system Android. If you need an additional email address, it is better to use the services of
  2. Choose a username. This stage is not the easiest, since the choice of name takes away from users a lot of time. For example, such names as Artem, Andrey, etc. already available in the database. It is good that the system is fully automated, which is why you only need to substitute your version, and it will say, you can use it or not.
  3. . Its length should not be less than eight characters. Try to be different from those that you installed on other portals.
  4. Confirm the password. Site need to make sure that you really remember set password. Important: The password must include Latin characters. Due to the incorrect keyboard layout, errors often occur, so be careful.
  5. Specify the date of birth.
  6. Select Paul.
  7. You can write your own telephone number For the purpose of protection account. If it is stored an important confidential message history on it, you can put two-stage authorization by entering an SMS message. Along with this, if you forget the password, you can easily restore it using a mobile phone.
  8. The reliability of the protection system will increase significantly if. Suppose your main mailbox is hacked up and make their wicked affairs, and appropriate notifications are sent to auxiliary email address.
  9. You can install a tick under the item "Make Google My main pageye ", if you want, this search engine is displayed when opening a browser on the main page.
  10. After that you need to check the check that distinguishes SPAM robots from real users. This is an absolutely simple task, and it goes quickly.
  11. Item "Country": Choose a place of stay.
  12. Install a tick as a sign of the agreement with the rules for using this system.
  13. If in the future you intend to actively use Google+, it will not be superfluous to put a tick under item "I want to see what is recommended ...". " Thanks to this, you can look at what you recommend friends.

This is all that is necessary for the survey. Click on the "Next" button and follow the subsequent registration stage.

At the second stage, if you wish, you can choose an avatar.

I have everything on this!