Social media post management. Social media account management tools

List of free programs for promoting and automating work in popular social networks such as Instagram, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook. The list is compiled from those programs with which I personally work. The list is made up of freeware and shareware programs. Usually in the free version the functionality is simply curtailed, but you can and should use it.

So, let's begin!

- a free program for promoting on Instagram using mass following, massliking, etc. The free version has reduced functionality and you can work with only 1 account. Great program if you pay, you can leave tasks in the cloud and quietly log out of the computer. I highly recommend it for those promoting on Instagram.

Allows you to work simultaneously with multiple questionnaires and with several tasks for each.

- Visiting the pages of a given category of people with the ability to rate photos, add to friends and send messages;
- Correspondence manually or using an autoresponder, a trainable bot or a chatbot with;
- Support for JavaScript scripts to implement any bot for correspondence of any complexity;
- Synonymization and templating of sent messages with any nesting level;
- Ability to accept incoming friend requests;
- Support for the work of questionnaires through a proxy, monitoring the performance of a proxy;
- Captcha bypass, service integration;
- Built-in browser for quick view questionnaires with proxy support;
- User-friendly intuitive interface, app auto-update and much more.

Some features are implemented only for some sites. In the near future we have an "invitation to the group".
For more information visit our website.

There have not been any reviews for this program yet.

- from the same series as the previous product, only for promotion in Odnoklassniki. A full license can be purchased for 999 rubles. The payment is one-time, after that you can use the program as much as you like. There is also a free version with reduced functionality, but you can work with it too!
Detailed description of the program's functionality:

Target audience search
We propose a mechanism that allows you to select from the entire available audience only that part that meets the specified criteria (target audience).
We offer flexible program settings

Search by criteria:

Filter by the number of participants / users
Filter by Online / OffOnline

Search for targeted traffic

Online check.
Compilation of a mailing list.
Selective mailing to users
All processes are automated!
You can go about your business while the program is running.
Precise targeting
Save time

Customize the program for yourself
Choose the criteria that suits you
Click the "Get Started" button
Expect results
Safe work

Flexible settings

The program implements a mechanism for imitating the work of a person who will not allow your accounts to be banned
Everything is thought out for the little things
Each function can be customized

Promotion without worries

If you do not have the time or knowledge for safe and effective promotion in classmates, the program will do everything for you!
Nice and clear interface programs
Wide settings different modes

- a program for the promotion and promotion of groups and pages in FaceBook. It is distributed completely free of charge. Functionality of the program: mass mailings, inviting to facebook. Search for target audience in FaceBook. Cheat likes, reposts, subscribers in FaceBook. Automation of group promotion processes.

SoBot- another program for promotion in social networks VKontakte and Odnoklassniki. There is a free version, but even a paid one costs from 1 ruble per day.

Completing assignments.
Search for groups and publish posts and comments in groups.
Publishing comments in the news feed.
Likes of posts in the news feed.
Searching for users and visiting pages.
Friends invitation.
Likes of photos.
Confirmation of incoming friend invitations.
Publishing posts on your wall.
Invitation to the group / community.
Repost posts from a selected group or page.

Selection of user IDs from specified groups.
Group entry with questionnaires into the community.
Group publication of news by questionnaires.
Group invitation by profiles of friends to the community.
Editing questionnaire data.
Group repost of posts, videos or photos.
Group liking a post, video or photo.

Group adding a user to friends.

Additional settings.
Unlimited use of concurrent profiles
Captcha input via antigate service.
Flexible timing settings.
Flexible configuration of proxy use.
Group execution of selected tasks.
Blacklists of users and posts.
Ability to view the account page.
The ability to attach photos and videos to posts and comments.
A collection of published posts.
Randomize text using tags.


BotsApp- a program to promote your profile and services on VKontakte. Promote your page, group or meeting with just a few clicks. There is a free version with limited functionality.

Engage your followers or members of your groups to meetings by setting up invitations in less than a minute.
Increase the number of friends or page followers by tweaking your people search parameters once - Botsapp does the rest.
Stay in the spotlight by sending “Like” to your audience: for specific parameters or in response to “Like” from your followers
Communicate important things to the right audience. Botsapp will make every message unique
Support public pages ok by scheduling cleaning jobs just once.
BotsApp can run on Windows and Mac OS X even when you are not at your computer.
Schedule tasks and BotsApp will launch them in set time.

- a free program for automating VKontakte actions. This is a harvester with great functionality. Almost everyone will find a use for it. A simplified tool to automate your actions.
The program will be useful:
For group and public administrators
Who wants to become popular in their city
Beginner artists
Who wants a lot of likes and subscribers
Who wants a lot of new clients in their business
For online store owners
Who wants to promote their personal services
Personally, I used it a couple of times, then switched to Quick Sender. Advanced functionality costs money, but there is also a free version with limitations.

- To the group
- To the public
- For a meeting
● Cheat votes (polls)
● Cheat comments (reviews)
- Cheat comments in topics
- Cheat comments on video
- Cheat comments on photos
● Autoliking (automatic promotion of likes for new posts) NEW!

So, what do we end up with downloading the program? Here's what:
- The most powerful tool for promoting VKontakte
- Stylish design
- Fast promotion
- Intuitive interface
- Very impressive functionality

Well, I think this will be enough for you to start promoting yourself using free software. In general, of course, everything is "relatively" free - since you still have to pay for the advanced functionality. But for a start without investment - that's it!

If I helped you, you can do the same!

I accept any of your gratitude! I am saving up for a car for my family. Just think for yourself how pleasant it is to drive a car assembled from gratitude, because each of your gratitude is some part of the car, from a bolt to a whole detail. Thank you in advance!

39 useful services for work in social networks

Services for SMM are needed not only by specialized specialists, but also by all people who in any way promote their project in social media. If you run several pages at once on different sites, and it is important for you to maintain "life" in each of them, then it will be difficult without audience analysis and the possibility of quick and convenient posting. In this collection, we have collected 38 services that can be an excellent assistant when working in social networks. Choose and use.

From the article you will learn:

SMM services working with several sites at once

Buffer. Highly popular service both abroad and here. Covers social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest and LinkedIn.

Price: depending on goals and functions - from free to $ 399 / month.
Main functionality:

Support: online chat, FAQs.

HootSuite. This web application works with over 35 popular social networks (as stated on the official website), including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, LinkedIn, Youtube and others.

Price: 3 social profiles for free, up to 50 profiles - $ 9.99 / mo. Free test for 30 days.
Main functionality:

Support: email, manuals.

JagaJam. JagaJam will allow you to collect and analyze information on communities in social networks VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki, Instagram and Twitter.

Price: from 1100 rubles / month The maximum cost is determined by the number of analyzed communities and other characteristics.
Main functionality:

Support: email.

SMMR. Free posting on Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram for small amount records. Those who have large post volumes will have to pay.

Price: 50 posts per month for free, 190 posts per month - 149 rubles, 370 posts per month - 289 rubles, 700 posts per month - 389 rubles.
Main functionality:

Support: email, skype.

Megapost. A tool for managing communities on Facebook, Twitter, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte.

Price: free (now the service is in open testing mode).
Main functionality:

Support: email, FAQs.

YouScan. A monitoring system that allows you to track mentions of your brand on the network. Works with Twitter, VKontakte, Odnoklassniki, Moi Mir, Instagram, YouTube, Google+. Monitoring of social networks is free for 7 days, if you like it, you can pay and use it further.

Price: from 1990 USD per year up to 19990 USD in year. Free test for 7 days.
Main functionality:

Support: email, skype, phone.

Pepper. Here you can gather an active audience on Odnoklassniki and VKontakte social networks. Also works with Yandex.Metrica.

Price: only on VKontakte - 490 rubles. per month, all functionality - 1490 rubles. per month. Two days for the test cost 190 rubles.
Main functionality:

Support: email, phone.

SmmBox. This service will help you find and publish good content for your communities on social networks Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Facebook, Twitter.

Price: 399 rubles per month. When paying for several months at once, there is a discount.
Main functionality:

  • search for content by specified parameters;
  • postponed posting;
  • creation of watermarks;
  • analytics of likes, reposts, comments, best time to post.

Support: email.

Wobot. Social media analytics and monitoring tool.

Price: 6000-42000 rubles / month Free test for 7 days.
Main functionality:

  • statistics on the reach and engagement of your audience in social networks4
  • monitoring comments and reviews;
  • monitoring of popular authors on the web;
  • monitoring official news from brands;
  • analysis of performance indicators advertising campaigns, SMM actions, etc.

Support: email, phone.

BrandSpotter. Service for monitoring and analyzing social resources. Detailed analytical reports can also be ordered.

Price: RUB 29830-49560 / month Free test for 7 days.
Main functionality:

Support: email, FAQs.

Babkee. A service for monitoring mentions of your company, brand or product in social media.

Price: is free.
Main functionality:

Support: online chat, email, phone.

Yomapic. This service searches for all photos taken at a specific point in the world (as indicated by geolocation) and published on Instagram or Vkontakte. It can be useful for those companies whose marketing campaigns are in some way related to geolocations.

Price: is free.
Main functionality:

Support: email.

IQBuzz. This is where you can track the social media you are interested in. Works with all popular social networks, video portals, online media, forums.

Price: 7,900 rubles - 54,900 rubles per month. The test period is 7 days.
Main functionality:

Support: email, phone.

PublBox. Multifunctional service for SMM specialists. Deferred posting to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, VKontakte, Youtube, Odnoklassniki, LinkedIn, Pinterest.

Price:$ 5.4 - $ 21.75 per month. There is free tariff for 2 users and 5 pages of social networks.

Main functionality:

  • publication calendar;
  • design editor;
  • examples of posts suitable for you;
  • educational courses on SMM.

Support: chat, email.

Services for working with Vkontakte

Allsocial. The service is useful for those who actively work with the VKontakte audience. You can choose a topic that interests you, and see the most visited communities. They can become a platform for your advertising campaigns and simply sources of your target audience.

Price: is free
Main functionality:

  • community analytics by subscribers, reach, visitors, growth;
  • statistics on communities that have changed their name;
  • information about community administrators.

Support: no.

Media-vk. Service for working with Vkontakte communities. Good for studying your audience and competitors.

Price: depending on the number of analyzed users, 100 people - 6.5 rubles, 5000 people - 325 rubles, 30,000 people - 1950 rubles.
Main functionality:

  • analysis of communities and determination of the characteristics of its members - gender, age, geolocation, marital status;
  • identification of other communities in which members of the analyzed community are members.

Support: email, phone.

VCMeter. Service for obtaining extended statistics of your VKontakte communities.

Price: up to 100 thousand subscribers - 98 rubles / month, more than 100 thousand subscribers - 198 rubles / month.
Main functionality:

  • statistics on reach, likes, reposts, etc.
  • forecast indicators for the near future;
  • comparison of indicators for selected dates.

Support: via VKontakte messages.

SocialStats. A statistical service for analyzing your pages (both personal and corporate) on Vkontakte.

Price: is free
Main functionality:

  • community wall statistics;
  • analysis of content in the community: photos, videos;
  • collection of other communities in which the participants are members;
  • statistics of popular publics;
  • geography of subscribers.

Support: no.

VKbarkov. This tool will appeal to those who are actively involved in targeted advertising on the Vkontakte network. VKbarkov knows how to collect the audience you need according to the specified criteria.

Price: is free.
Main functionality:

  • gathering an audience at intersections in communities;
  • search for communities by a given word in the name;
  • gathering an active audience in a given community.

Cerebro Target. A popular tool among SMM specialists specializing in Vkontakte. If you do not have enough VKbarkov, go to Cerebro Target.

Price: RUB 700 per month
Main functionality:

  • search for popular communities in your topic;
  • search for an active audience;
  • audience search by profile friends.

Support: Vkontakte community.

SmmMedia. Works with statistics and analysis of the audience of the social network Vkontakte.

Price: one request - 0-3 rubles, depending on the purpose.
Main functionality:

Support: FAQs, email.

Pagemodo. This service will appeal to those who like to conduct contests on their Facebook pages and wants to make them attractive without even being a designer.

Price:$ 6.25- $ 33.25 per month.
Main functionality:

Support: email, FAQs.

Social media is a huge niche with a lot of moneymakers. They create accounts and communities, promote them, make money from advertising or start their own business.

To effectively manage multiple pages at the same time, need a special tool, there are options.

How to maintain multiple accounts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram? Some simply load different browsers, log in with their pages.

But there can be many profiles, and switching between browsers is inconvenient. Better to use special services and extensions.

The best service for maintaining accounts in social. networks - Hootsuite

The Hootsuite project has been in all TOPs for many years. It is foreign, but there is a translation into Russian (partial).

It is not difficult to use it, and the basic steps will be presented in our instructions below. Here you can add as many profiles as you want from well-known social networks:

The system is used by real professionals, because it has a wide functionality. In addition to the fact that you can view account feeds in one window and immediately post messages to all social networks, marketing tools are available.

This is site analytics and the ability to take (add) tasks for organizations. Plus, the developers offer a convenient browser extension:

When you click on the extension icon, a form opens where you can enter a message and select accounts for quick publication.

Also proposed mobile app for Android and IOS, the functionality is wider there. All the same tools are available (deferred posting, statistics, posting, etc.).

How to add and maintain multiple social media accounts networks at the same time?

The service is paid, registration on it is somewhat complicated. The first 30 days are given free of charge, there is also a Free tariff, which is enough to manage 2-3 Instagram accounts (other social networks).

When you register, choose payment via PayPal, you will be sent to the page payment system, from there return to Hootsuite and go to the control panel. It's easier to understand the helper interface:

It is available in the lower right corner. In turn, you will be prompted to perform the basic steps. It all starts with adding accounts. Click on your profile icon, select Managesocialnetwork from the menu and the PrivateNetwork button appears at the bottom.

Now you can view feeds from all profiles at the same time. Go to the "Ribbons" section, where tabs are created (as in browsers):

When creating a new tab, you need to select an account. You can connect home pages, retweets, create lists, watch likes, get reader data, and so on.

If necessary, combine the feeds, then all the information you need for all accounts will be displayed on one page:

Now the service is actively used to manage many Instagram accounts. However, to add more than 3 pages, you will need to pay.

Post messages to all accounts at once

Now we will show the most important thing - how to post to all social networks. This is useful not only for posting posts, but also for advertising.

In the control panel, you need to move the cursor to the top line. A form will open where accounts are selected and there is a field for entering a message (plus a line for a link):

One of the useful features is deferred publications. When you click on the calendar icon, the function for choosing the time of posting opens:

The deferred entries go to a separate section "Scheduler". At any time you can go there, delete or edit posts:

How much is it?

Now the most important thing is the cost of this functionality. The first 30 days you will receive for free after registration, you will be able to evaluate the Professional or Team tariffs. Tariff prices start at $ 19:

For those who want to maintain two Instagram accounts or a couple of Twitter profiles, the Free plan is available. When using it, you get:

  • the ability to connect up to 3 profiles;
  • placement of up to 30 scheduled recordings;
  • baseline analytics;
  • full support;
  • connection up to 2x RSS feeds;
  • access to other useful applications.

Serious entrepreneurs and famous people use the Hootsuite service because even on the road it helps to check changes, receive notifications and quickly share a post on all social networks at once.

Similar projects for maintaining accounts in different social. networks simultaneously

The niche of social networks is wide, many users have multiple profiles. Therefore, there are enough services to work in this vein. However, some of them cannot be trusted at all, while others have few functions. Let's highlight the most interesting options:

  1. Buffer is similar to Hootsuite, but even better in some ways. The social network Vkontakte is not supported. But you can find interesting content on the network and add it to auto-posting (pictures, videos, articles). If filling is more important to you, then it is better to give preference to Buffer. Plus, here you will get data on when is the best time to publish posts (based on statistics). The official blog posts a lot useful information. Cost $ 102 per year.
  2. SocialBakers - the functionality of this service is the widest, therefore it is also the most expensive. Suitable for maintaining accounts on Vkontakte and many other social networks. Users can simultaneously publish posts on their pages, respond to comments, receive analytics, and follow competitors. An indispensable tool for a professional SMM manager. One of the tricks is to create a portrait of potential customers. Data is collected on key subscribers. The cost is high, the rates start from $ 250 per month.
  3. Addvocate is an unusual solution, useful for those who want to run a business account on Instagram and other social networks. Fans of a certain brand (company employees) install a special extension in their browsers, where posts from the official pages are published. Thus, they will always be aware of the latest developments and can quickly repost.
  4. Onlypult is a domestic development, which is in many ways better than its competitors. saves a lot of time. This system allows you to upload photos for posting on Instagram, even from your phone, even from your computer. Simultaneous management of multiple accounts, setting up collective management, analytics, setting up feeds. The cost starts from 600 rubles per month

Each of these services has advantages, but they are all paid, Free tariffs are not provided. You may also be interested in, we talked about this in another article.

Most foreign services do not support work with the most popular Russian social media. network.

How can Vkontakte maintain multiple accounts?

For users who not only lead, but also promote Vkontakte accounts, the Viking Botovod program is useful. It has many useful features, from posting messages to automatically inviting friends.

After installation, in the left upper corner you will find a button for connecting pages:

Different functionality is offered here for account development. You can share likes, group entries, video views, and more.

To prevent the pages from being frozen for using the program, special protection is installed.

The program costs almost 3,000 rubles, the developers continue to add new functions, updates are available to all customers for free. The project also has a free version, but it has much fewer features.

The easiest way to maintain 2 or more Instagram accounts

According to statistics, the question - how to maintain multiple accounts on Instagram is the most popular. No other social network has so many requests related to maintaining multiple profiles.

To connect pages and manage them directly from your phone, just use the built-in function official app:

In the account settings there is an item "Add profile". After clicking on it, it opens standard form authorization.

Avatar and profile name at the top helps to determine from which page in this moment you are logged in. And when you click on this field, a drop-down list appears to select an account:

As you can see, a button appears here to add other accounts. If you need to disable any of the profiles, return to the settings, there will be a corresponding item to end the session.

Find out, because programs only make managing pages more convenient, the rest is in your hands.

How to manage multiple accounts on social networks at the same time, decide for yourself. You need to proceed from goals and opportunities. If the pages do not bring profit, then it is better to search free options.

If you are in a serious business and constantly have to work with many different profiles, it makes sense to pay for powerful tools.

You will also be interested in:

If you have a huge number of social media accounts, you probably already noticed that it is impossible to keep track of them 24 hours a day. This is why some developers come to create parallel control applications on social networks. These add-ons easily create Personal Area, where you can watch the work of all accounts from one location.

But the next problem arises, many original applications are paid, and this can become a controversial issue with a tight budget.

And few programs can help with content creation, provide no way to keep track of when your audience is most active and what keywords are currently relevant.

Fortunately, there is abundance free apps that expand the possibilities of accounts on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social networks.

Free app that helps keep track of specific keywords... You can follow the comments both in several social networks, and in each separately. A feature of this add-on is that you can view certain periods time and for them get a list that clearly demonstrates the number of posted posts per day, and the total number of posts over 30 days.

The add-on allows you to follow major social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and pair them with other services, for example, Google analytics and PayPal. Thus, you can work with 42 different services and keep track of all updates in one valid window.

Imagine what it would be like if you had access to customer or visitor profiles, where you could understand what sites and devices they use, what they like and what they don't. This is pretty important factor especially for marketers. You know, you can use Google Analytics to get data about user activity on your site and find out how often visitors are sharing content on your site.

If you are marketing on Facebook, then the Facebook Insights tool can help you understand the actions of your visitors. For example, you create a schedule, it can be a specific day of the week when your visitors are most active on Facebook. Another feature allows you to count likes, post reach and follow the participants in the discussion.

Perfectly adapted Twitter app. You can follow the publication of tweets and notifications, latest updates as well as follow hashtags, events, topics and user opinions on Twitter and Facebook.

Allows you to view social profiles in your internal inbox Gmail... You have access to location, official status, and images. You can also see the latest tweets or Facebook statuses. This tool allows you to improve your networking experience by finding people with the same interests or occupation.

Looking for an easy and creative way to create content that people would like to share on social media? Then the Qzzr app will help you create vibrant quizzes and provide an opportunity to keep in touch with the audience.

Infographics are a proven way to gain credibility and increase website traffic. This is a unique way, but it can cost you a pretty penny on a tight budget. That's why exists, an app that lets you create solid infographics effortlessly. All you have to do is select one of the free images and start uploading your data. It's no surprise that many students and bloggers enjoy using this free app.

What original and striking additions do you use? Be sure to share in the comments :)

Trying to rule each account that you have can become difficult, time consuming, and even daunting process. For example, while you are busy updating your Facebook status, you may have forgotten about Twitter.

Fortunately, we live in a time when developers can easily fix this problem! Nowadays there are many tools with which you can update and also keep track of all your accounts from one place. The only downside is that several excellent tools have either been locked down or purchased for their own use by the world's leading brands.

However, this does not mean that there is no more good programs allowing you to still manage all your social media accounts.

We would like to present a few of them in order to make your life easier.

it useful application which allows you to publish any updates and posts on all major social networks from one place at the same time. You can just write a message, add videos or photos, hashtags and then post to Google+, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Facebook or e-mail... Another interesting feature is the reduction of Twitter messages. The program will automatically truncate tweets so that they are less than 140 characters. There may be some glitches in the application that would be worth fixing, but the main thing is that the program is free and useful.

It is an exceptional tool for anyone looking to measure and measure data from Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube, how to determine how many people your content has reached and whether your target audience is engaging with it. All data is presented in clearly formatted graphs. In addition to carefully designed analytical tools, there are other useful functions such as a calendar that informs you about the optimal time to tweet.

It is one of the most famous social media sharing and scheduling tools. With just one click, you can share content and schedule posts on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and LinkedIn. Basically, the app allows you to schedule content posts for the whole day so that social media channels have consistent updates so that you can schedule them until the time that suits you.

Alas, this tool only offers a short period of free use, after which you have to pay $ 10 a month to be able to schedule posts, use up to twelve social media accounts, and two groups for each profile.

The tool offers the ability to schedule your tweets for the whole day, and automatically keep track of all your new followers. Alternatively, you can use the dashboard to combine Plurk, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and your blog in one place to schedule posts and track social media activity.

The app has free version, but there is also a paid “professional” alternative that has many useful tools to improve the effectiveness of social media.

In case you are looking for the best tool, this is most likely what you need. One of the most famous programs for managing accounts in social networks. In addition to being able to run campaigns on multiple social networks from one online dashboard, the app can manage social media, measure campaign results, and track discussions. In addition, HootSuite provides a custom analytics system and the ability to schedule your posts across all platforms.

The application has a free, Pro and Enterprise version to meet the needs of small businesses, individuals and large organizations.