Enable push messages. Push message - what is it? How to enable and disable push notifications? Push notifications and RSS feed

An important factor security is the speed of response to an event. A message about an event or incident that arrived 10 minutes late or did not arrive at all, in most cases, makes all investments in video surveillance, security, access control, smart home. For those without our own security personnel, we always install systems controlled via a smartphone or tablet that allow you to watch videos, control automation, open and close door locks and gates, taps and other devices. And you often hear that the application does not work well, does something, but does not deliver notifications. But it's not always the developer's fault. Often the reason is in the smartphone, more precisely in its operating system. Let's fix push notifications.

Google's push notification delivery service and operating system are responsible for delivering messages to your phone, and then they pass the message to the application for which it was intended. On Apple devices, there are usually no problems, but on Android devices, the delivery of notifications is made in such a way that application developers have a lot of work to make messages come and go on time, and they do not always succeed. Actually, Android itself does not interfere with the delivery of messages, problems arise due to the fact that each manufacturer has a bunch of its own add-ons and "improvements" to the underlying operating system.
Let's figure it out.

What to do if messages are not delivered at all?

Here are some possible reasons:

  • The user has not registered any on the phone active account Google;
  • Legacy version Service Google Play . You need to update it, for this you may need to update the entire smartphone system;
  • Disabled notifications for the application (tick on the application page in the phone settings);
  • Restricted the application to work in the background (the setting is located in the "Data Usage" menu);

In order for your security system application, or for example from WhatsApp, Telegram, Skype, Vider, to receive a message, your phone must contact the server and check if there is a new message for it, pick it up, if any, and transfer desired application to display it already. This means that the phone must always keep an Internet connection, even if it is in your pocket. All this consumes the phone's battery, and many manufacturers, trying to extend the smartphone's battery life on a single charge, prohibit push notifications, or make the check very rare.

So the reasons for the delay Push messages it is worth looking in “energy saving systems” (for example, Stamina on Sony devices), "application optimization", etc. and here every manufacturer of smartphones based on Android invents its own bike, and often remakes it from update to update.

In this article, we will try to collect descriptions for disabling these push message power optimizations for different phones.

It is worth saying that it is the disabling of Push notifications that has a very weak effect on power consumption, in comparison with the consumption of LTE or a voracious application. Enabling or disabling Push message optimizations changes the smartphone's battery life on a single charge by a maximum of a couple of percent.

Samsung Galaxy S6

An application that harms us on samsung galaxy S6, is called . This is a separate application that can be found in the system settings as well.

In the Smart Manager application, you need to press OPTIONS, in the right upper corner. "Setting Notifications". And turn on the "Degraded performance" switch. The name is very strange and confusing, given that it worsens performance in the off position. To receive Push notifications, the switch position must be as in the picture. The "Energy Saving" switch does not produce much effect, but you can turn it on too.

On ASUS devices

  • On device ASUS ZenFone 2 apps may not launch after rebooting the device or unloading the app from random access memory devices. To resolve this issue, please allow automatic start for the application in the settings of the AutoPlay Manager.

On HUAWEI devices

There may be the following problems and ways to solve them:

  • If power saving mode is enabled, pop-up windows may not be displayed. To solve this problem, add the application to the list of Protected Applications in the Battery Manager.
  • The application can be unloaded from the device's RAM by means of the operating system. To solve this problem, pin the application to the device's RAM using the Application Manager and add it to the list of Protected Applications in the Battery Manager.

On Meizu devices

There may be the following problems and ways to solve them:

On Lenovo devices

There may be the following problems and ways to solve them:

On Samsung devices

There may be the following problems and ways to solve them:

  • The application may not start after the device is restarted. To resolve this issue, allow automatic restart for it. For example, use the Smart Manager app. Go to Smart Manager > RAM > App.Autoload. and turn on the switch of it.

On XIAOMI MIUI devices

There may be the following problems and ways to solve them:

On ZTE devices

There may be the following problems and ways to solve them:

How to pin an app to your device's RAM

Open Task Manager. For example, press and hold the middle button until a list of all running applications.
Find an app.
Click the Lock icon next to the app's name.
The Lock icon indicates that the application is pinned to RAM.

In the world information technologies only a small part of all inventions is used. But most things are designed specifically to make our lives easier. That's about one of these improvements and will be discussed in the article. These are push notifications. What are they and where can they be used? Push notifications - what is it? iPhone, Android, feature phones - where are they configured and how to enable/disable them?

Meet Push Notifications

What is it? This is the name of brief pop-up notifications that appear on the screens of touch technology (tablets, phones) and inform about important updates and events. If desired, they can be used as a simple form of dialogue between the seller and the buyer, which has led to their widespread use in marketing.

So, if we consider the option with the application, then the main task here is to inform about updates, new content (or just a reminder that it has not been used for a long time). How to make push notifications for an application? To do this, you must use the application programming interface that exists for a particular phone (in fact, for the operating system used).

The reason for the emergence of this technology was the desire of specialists to support the circle of users of their developments. Setting up push notifications is not difficult. At the end of the article contains information about the features of their inclusion / deactivation on different operating systems Oh.

Use Cases for Push Notifications

Where can this technology be used? Let's dwell on the statistics that push notifications can boast of. What this will give us, we will consider later. So:

  1. Most of all (41%) they are used to notify about the release of new applications or updates to existing ones.
  2. Then (24%) there is a newsletter about special offers.
  3. To inform about new content that has appeared in the program, it is used in 14% of cases.
  4. The least purposeful (12%) are used to send advertising and / or referral links.
  5. The remaining 9% fall on other types of informing.

If Push notifications do not come from those you follow, and nothing has changed in the settings, this does not mean that they will not exist at all. Maybe the cause of the problem was just a broken connection. If you are a developer, then something was not configured correctly in the applications themselves.

New marketing channel

Before looking at how to interact with this technology from a user's point of view, let's take a moment and talk about the concept of push notifications in marketing. When using such a design, care must be taken not to cross the fine line that separates cooperation from intrusiveness. If these lines are read by a marketer or a person receiving an appropriate education, it should be remembered that valuable information should be provided in this way, which will be positively reflected in subsequent interaction.

Push notifications should contain timely and relevant content. So, in an application that is aimed at children, advertising coffee will be very out of place, which, in turn, will surely lead to a loss of popularity.

Usage example

Popular is the use of such technology for a brief notification of the action of friends. Considering this, we can think of "Twitter", which informs its users about changes in the profiles of friends.

Some companies use GPS to determine where their customers are and if they are nearby trade point, they send the appropriate notification. Timely receipt of the message is important. The implementation feature is that push notifications do not need Internet access, because often all the necessary information is stored in the application itself (as a rule).

Features of use

So, if a decision has been made to use push notifications as part of a marketing plan, then it will not be superfluous to make sure that they meet the following conditions:

  1. The content provided must be relevant and relevant.
  2. It should be possible to unsubscribe.
  3. It is desirable to link to social networks so that users have the opportunity to discuss.
  4. It is necessary to correctly select a quantitative policy - no one wants to receive 20 notifications a day.

Now you can move on to the activation of such technology. For ease of understanding, the procedure will be broken down depending on the operating system that is installed on mobile device. So how do you set up push notifications?


This is the most popular operating system that got its status thanks to free distribution and constant improvement. How are push notifications enabled/disabled on it? To disable it, you need to perform a series of actions in the following order:

  1. Go to phone settings.
  2. Go to your account, then to notifications, and there you will see information about Push.
  3. Choose the desired settings, restrictions on receiving - in general, do everything the way you want.

But what if there is a desire to enable/disable Push notifications not for everyone, but only for one application? There is also an algorithm for this case:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Go to an item such as "Notifications".
  3. All installed on touch phone application and you should select your item by clicking on it.
  4. Disable or enable the function of receiving messages from this program.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in performing these actions, and this is not only on the Android operating system. Push notifications are just as easy to enable/disable on other devices.

iPhone and iPad

How to turn it on and the iPad are no different here. Here, operations with this technology will be considered according to the previous principle. So, in order to disable or enable messages received from specific programs, you need to perform the following sequence of actions:

  1. Go to main screen on your device and look for a button that looks like a double circle that contains the prototype of a road that diverges in two directions at an angle of 90 degrees.
  2. Find the "Notifications" button and then the app you're interested in.
  3. Near the "Allow notifications" item, you will see a button placed in the slider. To enable/disable notifications, click on it. If it is white, then this means that receiving messages on this moment forbidden. In the case when the button is green, you are already receiving notifications from this program.

How can I disable these messages completely? To do this, follow the following sequence of actions:

  1. Go to settings.
  2. Go to your account.
  3. Go to notifications.
  4. Go to the Push section.
  5. Customize as you wish.

Here's how to enable push notifications on iPhone. Considering that their settings do not change too noticeably, problems with changing parameters on different versions should not occur.

Multifunction phone

It should be noted that in this case, you can work with Push notifications only on certain models, and the wide practice of using given function did not purchase here. But if you are the owner of such a piece of equipment, then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with how to enable / disable such a phone add-on. Please note that the path may vary depending on the model, so if you do not find what you need thanks to the instructions in the article, then you should look elsewhere:

  1. From the main screen, tap on Menu.
  2. Select "Settings" and look for "Push Notifications". They can be placed in a separate submenu or located in the “Phone or Communication Settings”.
  3. Customize this technology to your taste.


So we looked at Push notifications, what they are, why they are needed. Finally, let's remember the previously missed moments. Push notifications are quite valuable from a marketing point of view and, when used wisely, can bring significant benefits to a business and make life easier for consumers. But in everything you should adhere to the golden mean.

Push notifications are also valuable because if some application does not require constant distribution of information on its own behalf, then this can be used for advertising purposes, providing an opportunity for other developers or enterprises (companies) to inform users about new events. But it is important to take into account in this case the thematic nature of the information provided.

I am sure that this article will be in much greater demand among readers than the previous one ( about how to subscribe to these messages). Today I will tell how to turn off browser push notifications in the most popular Internet browsers.

The fact is that ad blockers have not yet learned how to effectively deal with such pop-up messages. In this battle between good and evil, the user plays a decisive role - only he can turn off browser push notifications in his browser settings with his own hands.

I won’t stretch it out for a long time, because you came for specific information - here you get it ...

How to disable push notifications in Mozilla Firefox

Snooze push notifications (enable Do Not Disturb mode) or turn them off from a specific site in Mozilla Firefox You can from the messages themselves - this is the fastest and easiest way. As soon as the window appears - we poke on a small gear in the corner ...

Globally and in one fell swoop, you can deal with push notifications in Mozilla Firefox (and in all its clones) in the browser settings. You can immediately get to the notification settings by clicking on the bottom menu bar from the gear (screen above) or go the long way…

In the “Content” settings section, find “Notifications” and click the “Select” button ...

Here, too, everything should be clear - delete one site at a time or completely everything, with one click. Thus, you "unsubscribe" from push notifications to which you have already been "subscribed". Don't forget to click on "Save Changes".

If you notice, there is a site with the value "Block" in the list. Now I will never be bothered with him (until I remove him from this list). How is it implemented? It’s just that when you are asked about permission to send push notifications, there is no need to rush…

By the way, in Mozilla Firefox, you can quickly and easily remove permission for push notifications directly from the site page ...

Even in the browser settings, you can turn on the temporary (until the browser is restarted) Do Not Disturb mode ...

… but it's a sad half-measure. I feel how many users trembled, anticipating the sweet…

How to disable push notifications in Mozilla Firefox completely

Let's turn off the ability to receive (display) any push notifications in Mozilla Firefox fully. To do this, we drive in the address bar ...


It remains to double-click on the found result ...

…should become…

Now you know how to disable push notifications in Mozilla Firefox completely.

I draw your attention - after the next browser update, this procedure will need to be repeated.

How to disable push notifications in Google Chrome

Disable push notifications in Google Chrome(and in all its clones) is also very simple - go to the settings ...

... there we go down to the very bottom (with the mouse wheel) and poke on "Show advanced settings" ...

In the "Personal data" section, click on the "Content settings ..." button ...

... and going down again, finding the "Alerts" section - rearrange the dot to "Do not show alerts on sites." As I understand it, this is a global order (it works even after restarting Google Chrome) and you don’t need to go into the browser configuration, like the colleague above. Check it out for yourself and write in the comments about the result (this is like homework for you) ...

Every day, our smartphone receives various notifications about new messages by email, in various messengers and in social networks, notifies us of new SMS messages and missed calls, sends alerts from installed applications etc. All this information can be displayed on the screen even of a locked smartphone. This method of notification is convenient and allows you to see in time important information. At the same time, some messages and alerts are not desirable to be displayed on the lock screen, as they may contain confidential information, or other data undesirable to outsiders.

To avoid unpleasant situations, you need to configure the device in such a way that either all notifications, or only from the ones you select individual applications, were not displayed on the lock screen of the phone. In this article, we will focus on several ways that will tell you how to disable pop-up notifications on android devices. A similar problem occurs for those who actively use their smartphone and work with large quantity applications. At the same time, it is worth remembering that many applications can also annoy the user with all sorts of advertising alerts, or others system notifications which are not informative. Messages of such a plan can also be turned off so as not to be distracted by them at the most inopportune moment.

After you turn off notifications, we recommend that you do not stop there and continue fine-tuning your smartphone. For example, .

If you need to exclude messages from individual applications, then the question "how to turn off notifications on android" is solved in the simplest way. notifications for each separate program or services can be disabled through the smartphone settings.

Depending on the firmware version of the operating system, you can turn off notifications from a specific application either through the "Notifications" menu or through the "Applications" item. In the first case (option for smartphones with the most new version Android) you will see a list of applications, notifications from which you can either turn on or turn off.

If the Android firmware is older, you need to go to the "Applications" menu and go to the "All" tab. In this list we find desired programs and go to service menu each application. Now it is also possible to enable or disable notifications for each app we select.

The Android operating system, starting from the version of KitKat, can display pop-up notifications from applications that will appear on top of the window in any running smartphone mode. Sometimes this is useful, but in some cases push notifications interfere with work and annoy the user. Starting from subsequent versions (from OC Android 5.0 and higher), this option was made standard. As a result, a number of users became interested in the possibility of disabling such notifications.

If you are interested in simple and affordable way, we will tell you how to disable push notifications on android devices using free application. To use this recommendation, you do not need root rights, which is critical for users who do not want to take risks official guarantee on the new smartphone. By installing the HeadsOff application, pop-up notifications can be disabled on any Android device running operating system version 5.0 and higher.

The advantage of using HeadsOff is that it can be used to turn off notifications for the entire system at once, as well as for some applications that you specify in the settings (this option is only available in the PRO version). In this case, instead of informative text, you will receive a notification with the logo of the application in which the new message appeared.

How to choose a powerful inexpensive smartphone

Users who work with a large number of applications make the most of the functionality modern gadgets. If you're buying a phone just for calling and texting, then you're unlikely to feel the inconvenience of pop-up messages. But if the device is needed for work or active communication on the Internet, obtaining new information, etc., then various applications will be installed in it. And the problem with pop-up notifications will become relevant.

What should you pay attention to when buying a smartphone for enhanced use? It is important to choose a model with a powerful productive processor, sufficient memory, both operational and built-in. In addition, we advise you to pay attention to the hardware implementation modern technologies and a quality camera. Often, when choosing a new smartphone, a user considers only those models that have an attractive design. And, of course, an important selection criterion is the price.

If you doubt what can be found on the market today with a powerful processor and excellent technical specifications at an affordable price, we recommend paying attention to the lineup Wileyfox company.

Why Wileyfox

The British company first entered the market with its products in October 2015. To capture the attention of the consumer, each Wileyfox family smartphone has received the most requested features and functions. All models of the company have the following advantages: stylish modern design, work with two SIM cards, support for 4G LTE data networks, powerful hardware and a stable operating system. In addition, it should be noted that in comparison with smartphones with the same capabilities and characteristics from other manufacturers, Wileyfox devices are more affordable.

Do you want to buy inexpensive stylish and powerful smartphone with excellent technical characteristics? Pay attention to .

Considering the Wileyfox Swift 2 model, I immediately want to note its original modern design and pronounced style. But when you get acquainted with the technical characteristics, you are surprised - how did you manage to implement this in a budget device? However, judge for yourself.

The smartphone runs on a productive powerful 8-core Snapdragon 430 MSM8937 processor, which, with 2 GB of RAM, guarantees stable operation of several simultaneously running applications. With 16 GB of internal memory and support for microSDXC cards up to 64 GB, you won't have to worry about resources to download and install the new application you need.

Note that the device can work with two SIM cards, and any slot can be used to connect to 4G Internet. For users who actively work with various applications, the opportunity to choose the optimal tariff for the Internet and calls is probably important. And support for two SIM cards - The best way realize all these options in one smartphone.

Using a large number of applications, you have probably noticed that the battery of the smartphone is quickly discharged. With Wileyfox Swift 2, this is no longer a problem - the model is equipped with a capacitive lithium polymer battery at 2700 mAh, which guarantees operation even at the heaviest loads for 9 hours. In addition, Quick Charge technology is supported, allowing you to fully charge the battery in less than 2 hours, and it takes only 10 minutes to get 25% capacity.

The device is equipped with a high-quality modern 5-inch IPS HD screen with slightly curved 2.5D edges. The smartphone has a fingerprint scanner, navigation modules and an NFC module. Of course, it is worth noting the presence of a high-quality 13-megapixel camera module, with which you can expand your personal collection of wonderful photos and videos.

Today you can order Wileyfox Swift 2 on the official website for only 9,490 rubles.


Now you know how to turn off push notifications on your android smartphone. Depending on what result you want to get, you can use one of the methods described by us. But most importantly, you now know what parameters and criteria you need to pay attention to when choosing a smartphone if you plan to use it with maximum efficiency.

Push notifications allow a web resource to go beyond the browser and are an incredibly powerful way to interact with the user. They can do simple things like alert the user to an important event, display an icon and a small piece of text that the user can then click to open the site. There is also an option to integrate action buttons in the notification so that the user can interact with your site or application without returning to their web page.

On a mobile device, push messages look like SMS text messages or mobile alerts, but they are only available to users who have installed the app required to display them. Each iOS and Android mobile platform has its own support for push notifications.

Why are they used?

Push notifications provide convenience and value to web application users. For example, users can receive:

    sports forecasts and news;

    useful messages such as traffic reports, weather reports;

    check, change and flight information.

For publishers, push notifications are a way to communicate directly with the user. They do not end up in spam in the mail and are not forgotten in the Inbox folder. The click rate can be twice as fast as it gives Email. Such messages can remind you to use the application, whether it is open or not. They can also be used to control actions such as:

    promotion of products or offers to increase sales;

    improving the quality of customer service;

    converting users of an unknown application into loyal customers;

    sending transaction receipts and more.

The main thing is that the web resource is correctly added and activated.

Adding to the application

The app publisher registers with the OS push notification service.

The OS service provides an Application Programming Interface (API). An API is a way in which an application can interact with a service.

The web resource publisher adds the SDK to the application. The SDK is a code library specific to the OS push notification service.

The publisher of the site uploads the application to the appropriate store for a particular OS.

User activation

The user visits the OS app store, downloads and then installs it.

The user opens the application. Unique identifiers for both the app and the device are registered with the OS push notification service.

They are passed back to the application from the OS push notification service. They are also sent to the app publisher.

The resource owner receives and stores these registration data, including unique identifiers.


The application publisher composes a manual message via user interface. Or the owner of the web resource configures automatic sending messages via API. The publisher determines the audience to which the push message will be sent and decides whether to send the message immediately or on a schedule.

Push notifications can be targeted to segments of your user base and even personalized to specific app users. This is the main advantage over text SMS messages. However, they also require user identity management. And they need some kind of interface to write messages, target them, and send them. Publishers can build this infrastructure themselves, or they can hire a provider such as Urban Airship or another service to take advantage of the related services. Increasingly, app publishers are paying for these services so they can focus on building a great app and maintaining a cross-platform push notification service that requires significant resources and ongoing maintenance.

Platform providers also provide features such as:

    Reporting and planning.

    Mobile marketing automation.

    Collection and segmentation of custom attributes.

    Data management.


    Cross-platform support.

The main thing is that the user can read the sent push message in time and correctly.

How are notifications displayed on users' devices?

Mostly, users see the notification as a banner or pop-up alert as they use their phone. This warning is displayed regardless of what the user does. Most mobile operating systems also show push notifications together in the same view. In iOS, Apple has a Notification Center. Access to this service is organized chronologically, and users access the notification center by looking at the top of the screen. On the Android devices unread messages are displayed on the lock screen.

iOS allows users to customize push notifications on an app-by-app basis. Users can turn sounds on or off and choose the style that iOS uses to display the notification. Users can also control the red "badge" showing the number of unread notifications on the app's desktop icon. Android uses a default banner view that users cannot change at the OS level.

How to turn on push notifications on iPhone?

To enable push notifications on an iOS mobile device:

    Tap Settings.

    Find and tap the site you're looking for in the application list.

    Click Notifications.

    Turn on the "Allow Notifications" option.

Now, whenever you receive alerts from a web resource, an icon will be displayed on the application icon indicating that you have new unread information.

How to enable push notifications on Android?

To set up receiving push notifications on this OS, you need to:

    Open device settings.

    Click "Notifications".

    Find and highlight the desired site in the list of applications.

    Click to connect "Allow turning on notifications" (other switches can be configured according to your preferences).

    Open the selected web resource.

    Activate the "Settings Notifications" sliding menu icon.

    Enable permission to alert and update mailing lists.

    Touch the Done icon.

If you don't see the selected web app in your phone's notification settings, you may not have given permission to send notifications on first boot. To fix this, uninstall the app and then download it again.


Push notifications are a direct way to communicate with users. Site owners should understand the value of such communication. If they do not, push notifications will be ignored or disabled, which will negatively affect the ranking of the resource.