To confirm your personal data number 9000. Safe SMS messages

Mobile Bank from Sberbank is a special service that allows customers to track all the actions performed on their map. Information about changing the data on the map enters the attached to it mobile number. In this case, the Sberbank client connected to the SMS service receives a message from 900 number, where the name of the operation, the latest card numbers, amount, time and other data are indicated. The information contained in SMS depends on the operation itself.

However, a message from the 9000 number can be received on the mobile number of clients, in which Sberbank asks to evaluate the quality of service or clarify whether the client is ready to recommend Sberbank to other people. Is it worth answering it? Who owns such a number? It is not surprising that customers are asked such questions, because to become a victim of scammers in modern world quite simple. Reply to all questions in order.

Number 9000: Sberbank or not?

Having received a message from number 9000 on your phone, you should not be afraid and think that these are fraudsters. Sberbank really uses number 9000 to get the information you need from customers.

You can make sure you can independently. To do this go to main page Sberbank's website and at the top of the page, click on the contact number (900 or +79455005550). On the page that opens, you will see a list of all contact phones for communication, as well as number 9000.

In which cases, Sberbank sends messages from 9000 numbers?

Sberbank sends messages from 9000 numbers to two main reasons:

  • Check quality service.
  • Confirm the change in the customer personal data.

Consider every reason in more detail.

Checking the quality of service Sberbank from the number 9000

Sberbank cares about the quality of the services provided, so regularly interested in the opinion of its customers about the work of the Bank's staff and branches. With the help of 9000, Sberbank conducts polls to find out whether the customer is pleased with the quality of the services provided and is it ready to recommend a bank to anyone else. Such surveys are held and after contacting the bank in the department itself. However, to verify opinions more Customers Sberbank conducts similar surveys via SMS. It has about the following content: "Appeal to the Sberbank client by name and patronymic", taking into account the experience of interaction with Sberbank, please appreciate whether you will recommend your friends and acquaintances. " After these words, please appreciate the work of employees on a ten-point scale and send their estimate in the response SMS. Is it worth answering such a request? Only Sberbank Customer Himself can answer this question.

Answer to this message From Sberbank will cost the customer of money. The cost is calculated on the basis of tariff plan of that operator whose number is used by the client. Pay your attention to what to respond to the message follows from that room that it came. Otherwise, your voice will not be taken into account.

Why should Sberbank know the opinion of customers through number 9000 and will it really affect the work of the bank?

Suppose the cost of the response message does not confuse the client. The question arises here. Is the estimated estimate for something affect? Is the voice of one person can change something in the work of the department? Maybe the next time the bank employees will be more polite with you?

In order to answer this question, consider how the quality of service is conducted.

Specialists are measured by two main indicators:

  • NPS (readiness index recommend a bank);
  • CSI (quality satisfaction index of service in a specific channel);

The NPS index in Sberbank is calculated directly from the points received from clients. As a result, experts can accurately say what percentage of customers is pleased with the level of service level, and which is not. Moreover, at the measurement of this index, experts can clarify some other details. For example, the age category or the reason why customers are satisfied with the work of the bank. As a rule, specialists are capable of getting such information when telephone polls. If we are talking about messages from the number 9000, then the percentage of satisfied and dissatisfied customers is calculated. For example, at the end of 2016 it turned out that 58% of the percent of the respondents were satisfied with the work of Sberbank. Not only the percentage themselves, but also the dynamics.

As we see, every year the indicator grows.

The CSI index helps specialists to understand how much the customer liked the service in a particular compartment.

As we can see, this indicator (like NPS) has only increased over time.

Based on NPS and CSI, the experts estimate customer loyalty and make appropriate conclusions, on the basis of which decisions are made to improve the quality of service, optimize any processes, etc.

Thus, on the activities of the Bank or its branch will be able to influence the estimates of only some a certain group of people. If Sberbank's client faced a negative attitude towards himself, violations and other problems, it is advisable to apply with the relevant statement to the Sberbank branch. This can be done on a free contact number.

Number 9000 Sberbank. Confirmation of the change in customer personal data

Receiving a debit or credit card, Sberbank (like other banks) concludes a contract with the client, which indicates its personal data. All this information is stored in a special base of the bank. When you change any client data (registration addresses, surnames, etc.), the Bank asks to notify anything about the change of personal information affordable way. For example, when changing the surname, it is recommended to contact the Bank's Office and write a statement about changing personal data. Immediately after that, the change request is received, and the data is updated. However, another one may be present between these two steps. We are talking about confirming the change in customer personal data. To get this consent, the number 9000 is used. Sberbank's client phone receives a message to confirm its desire.

Pay your attention to the fact that the message must be specified in general and patronymic. The message itself comes only after your application for changing data.

Number 9000 Sberbank. How not to become a victim of fraudsters

Despite this, it would seem simple check Quality of service, nevertheless, some customers can become a victim of fraudsters. The risk zone includes both new customers who only recently began to use the services of Sberbank and did not have time to familiarize themselves with all the intricacies of the work of this bank and regular customers. The latter can get used to checks and not notice the attackers. How to protect yourself from scammers and not to become their victim?

  • Pay attention to the number from which the message has arrived. Are some numbers replaced by letters? Maybe instead of the digit "0" indicated the letter "O" and the number itself has the form "900o"? In the room from Sberbank there are only numbers and original number It should look like this: "9000".
  • Carefully look at the character of the message. As a rule, fraudsters report card lock or money translating. The purpose of such messages is to encourage the client to action (for example, call back and report any card data). Also fraudsters can introduce a bank employee and ask to send Sberbank's customer data, ask him to translate funds to the specified account or online wallet. Also attackers by deception can ask the client to connect a mobile bank to another number, after which the money backs up with the attached card.

Number 9000 Sberbank. The difference between the scams from Sberbank

  • Survey messages are sent from 900 numbers. Contact numbers 88005555550 and +74955005550 for SMS Sberbank does not use. These numbers are intended only for incoming calls.
  • Sberbank does not send forms to fill data. In no case do not communicate and do not send the data on the map. Sberbank already knows all the necessary data on your card and does not ask for its number, secret word or other map information.
  • In the message from Sberbank, references only to the official application or on the Sberbank website. In no case, do not follow the links to unofficial and other applications and sites. So scammers have every chance to get a login and password to enter Personal Area Sberbank online or information about the map.
  • Sberbank appeals to customers by their behalf and patronymic (the latest numbers can also be used from the card number). If the message indicates the "dear client", "client", etc., check if Sberbank really holds this check. Make it you can call on the phone hot line. The operator should store information about such polls.
  • In messages from Sberbank, there may not be requests to list the money on this or that account or wallet. So there are only fraudsters.

Number 9000 Sberbank. What if you become a victim of fraudsters?

  • If you understand that we transferred funds to fraudsters, call the contact center and ask you to immediately block your debit or credit card. Tell the operator that the data was reported fraudsters. You can also apply for blocking a map in the department.
  • In case you know, the phone has been listed on the phone, call the contact number of this operator and inform violation.
  • The fraud statement can also be submitted in the police station. To do this, you need to prevent employees with data confirming the fact of fraud (screenshots of correspondence, recording telephone conversations, etc.).

Number 9000 is assigned to Sberbank. Having received a message from him, do not be surprised. So bank specialists want to know your opinion on the work of the department of department or the entire bank. However, before answering a similar message, make sure the message came exactly from it. To do this, carefully check the contents of the message and the number from which it came. If you have become a victim of fraudsters, report the incident to the employees of Sberbank or Police. If you have listed funds to the scam number, report it to the operator mobile communications.