What does the error 905 mean in the play markete. Removal of active account

If you often use Play Market. (Google Play.) To download applications, it is sooner or later you may encounter various errors that occur when working in this program. It is important to know what exactly means each of them and the methods of eliminating these errors.

Play Market Errors

We will consider the most common mistakes that may arise on your Android device when using play MARKET.

Error 498.

This error occurs if the download of the Play Market application was interrupted. Probable cause of error occurrence is a shortage of space in the cache of the device. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the cache to eliminate the problem. Remove unnecessary files and applications on the device. You can do this using special applications or manually.

Click the Clear Cache application button.

If this does not help, another solution can be shutdown, and then turn on Google's service synchronization. For this:

Video: How to fix the error 498 in Play Market

Error 902.

If the error 902 does not allow you to download the app, it is worth checking the following:

  • is the application verified and workers;
  • have you set it earlier. If this application or the older version has been installed on your device earlier, completely remove it from the device and try to boot.

Error 903.

To correct this error can help delete Google Account. To do this, take the following:

Error 905.

This error appeared after one of the updates. software on Android. She arose on all versions android devices And sometimes it did not allow to use Google Play.

If an error message 905 appears, it is worth thinking about updating to new version Play Market.

In new versions, it has already been fixed, but if you have already suffered from this error, the application may not be updated independently before the new version. In this case, do the following:

Video: How to fix the error 905 in Play Market

Error 906.

This error can manifest itself not only when installing, but also when updating applications. To eliminate it, it is often enough just to take another attempt to install the application or its update.

Error 906 in Play Market often occurs when you try to update applications

If this error appears again, the following actions will help:

  1. Try turning off the device and remove the memory card. Then insert it back and turn on the device.
  2. Select the application installed on the memory card, which gives this error, and click "Move".
  3. When the application is transferred to the phone's memory, try to install it.

If this method does not help, cleaning can help google cache Play. For this:

You can also help reset your account, as described above for error 903.

Error 907.

This error often passes by itself and is solved by methods that are already described in this article.

Error 907 in Play Market often occurs on new devices

You can help:

  • removing an SD card or transferring an application to the device's memory;
  • cleaning Google Services Cache;
  • removal and installation again google updates Play Market.

The main difference of this error from the previous ones - most often it occurs on a relatively new android versionsStarting from 4.4 and higher.

Error 911.

This error can also be solved. standard methods, but it can also be caused also unstable compound with the network. It is possible to remove it in the following ways:

  • if you are trying to install the application via Wi-Fi, make sure that it is stable and protected;
  • try installing updates using mobile Internetif your tariff allows you to;
  • check your Internet connection settings and make sure you are authorized in wi-Fi networkyou use.

Error 919.

If this error occurred - your device believes that it is not enough space to install this application. We are talking about internal memory Devices. Even if it is not reality, the easiest way to delete multiple applications from the memory device or transfer them to an SD card.

Error 919 arises due to lack of memory

Error 920.

This version of the error basically occurs on devices with an informal firmware. Methods for its decision no longer mentioned in this article, and any of them can help you. Try the following options:

  • clean Google Cache Services;
  • re-create or change account;
  • check and if necessary, adjust the stability of the Internet connection.

In addition, it is worth trying and something new. Namely:

  • restart your device. This will make sure that no background processes do not interfere with the installation;
  • make a setting through a computer. Thus, you not only avoid connecting problems during installation, but also woe to this or similar errors. You can also install applications through Google Market.By entering the same account that you use on your phone.

Errors 921, 923, 924, 926, 927, 932, 933, 936, 940, 941, 943, 951, 960, 961, 963, 964, 972

These errors may look different, but in fact it also occurs when you try to install or update applications and are solved already mentioned methods:

  • clean Google's cache;
  • delete and re-create a Google account;
  • make sure the Internet connection;
  • reinstall updates for Google services;
  • make sure it is enough space in the device's memory to install applications;
  • if the application you install has been installed earlier, make sure it is completely removed.

Any of the ways described in this article can help you and, if you try them all, the problem will certainly be solved. Different errors can be so similar because they appear on different versions Android devices.

Error 921 is solved by standard methods

Video: Solution of common Google Play errors

If you consider the most common Google Play service errors, it becomes clear that the reasons for their occurrence are quite similar. As a result, you should try all the proposed methods for the greatest probability of a successful solution to the problem. Knowing how to solve at least one of the similar errors, you will probably be able to cope with the other errors that occur when downloading or updating applications.

Error 905 in Google Play Store often occurs when you try to update or install the application? Recently, many users report this error and do not know how to fix it. However, there is a solution how to fix the error 905 in the Play Store. Google Playstore has grown over the past few years and offers to choose android users A huge number of interesting things. As a rule, the application works without errors, and when loading or installing applications does not occur. But a few days ago, some users saw the message "Error 905" on their screens. The problem appears on many smartphones - Galaxy S5, S4, HTC One., Sony Xperia. And many others. For this reason, probably the problem is related to play service Store, and not with separate applications.

How to fix the error 905 in Google Play Store

Error 905 The Google Play Store always occurs when you try to update or install the application. Loading games or other applications works without any problems, but when it comes to installing or updated, there is a chance of a problem. We tried various solutions and one of them helped.

  • Open the settings and find the "Application" submenu and "Application Management"
  • Now find the Google Play Store service in applications and open it settings.
  • Select "Delete Updates". It will delete all Play Store updates, and roll back the service to the older version.
  • Open the Play Store and wait until it is automatically updated to the latest version.

After executing the actions described above, the error 905 from the Play Store should disappear.

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Error 905 in Play Market appears when you try to install or update the application. At the same time, a message appears on the screen: "Failed to download the application due to an error 905".

With an error 905 users faced for a long time, so during this time were tested various methods Its solutions that will most likely help you. We suggest you start from the simplest way.

How to get rid of the error 905 in Play Market?

First method: Configuring the device to sleep.

Some users get rid of this error helped to configure the device transition to sleep mode. Sleeping mode is a mode in which the device remains operational, and the display is turned off. Speaking simply, if you do not touch the device display, it turns off and your device will go into sleep mode. Configuring the device transition to sleep mode is to install the period after which the display will turn off if you have not pressed on it. To install this period:

1) go to " Settings"And go to the" Display»;

2) Select "" (may be called " Sleeping") And set the greatest period of screen operation.

Now try setting need app From Play Market. If the first method did not help you go to the next.

The second way: cleaning data and delete Play Market updates.

Clearing data and delete Play Market updates is the most common way that is used to solve all occurring errors. Most likely it will help you. In order to perform data cleaning and delete updates:

1) go to " Settings", Go to" Application Manager"And select the" Everything»;

2) click on " Play Market."And in the section" Memory»Select" Clear data"(At the same time, the application cache should be deleted, if this happens, click on the button" Clear cache»);

3) Exit the section " Memory"And click" Options", and then " Delete updates»;

4) Restart the device.

Over time, Play Market will again be updated to the latest version.

Third way: closing applications working in background.

Error 905 in Play Market can also appear when a shortage of RAM. Lack of RAM may occur when opening large number Applications. Even if you do not use them they continue to work in the background. In order to close all running applications, click on the "button" Last"(The" Latest "button shows running applications), and then " Close everything».

Additionally, you can free rAM Using the application Clean Masterby going to the "Acceleration of the Phone" section.

Fourth way:passociation K. google account.

If not one of the methods described above do not help you try to reconnect to Google account. For this:

1) go to " Settings"And go to the" Accounts»;

3) After removal, add your account by clicking on the " Add an account" Enter your address email and password.

4) Restart the device.

We hope that these ways will help you.

Increasingly, state structures (Roskomnadzor) and content manufacturers are trying to control information on the Internet. Copyright, anti-Russian sanctions of Ukraine and the United States lead to the appearance of an error "Content is not available to your region. Sorry Video Was Deleted. Error "when watching movies and other video content. Today we will tell - how to watch movies, ignoring this blocking.

Causes of the appearance of the error 905

It was the intervention of the state in the affairs of Internet providers leads to the fact that this warning appears on the video: "This video is not available", "Content is not available in your region". The black screen with this inscription appears due to the blocking by the provider or the access site to the downloaded file. However, there are other reasons for the error "Sorry Video Was Deleted Error 905":

  • the author preferred to hide his material from residents of a certain region, countries;
  • there was a temporary crash on the server, or the video is deleted;
  • there is defense against certain groups of people to which you could accidentally add.

How to bypass blocking

According to his own experience, I will say in such a situation optimal option Will find another resource with the necessary video. It is worth noting that the video will be prohibited on those sites that used the video player code from the primary source. I will not talk about a proxy server - still the transfer rate on them will not allow you to watch videos in normal quality.

Separately, you can mention the Tor browser, which in most cases allows you to watch the films "Sorry Video Was Deleted Error" blocked by the error. Everything starts, but with quality there will be problems - optimal values 480p. Installing the browser is the simplest and does not need a description.

The most optimal still becomes VPN services to change IP. This is due to their reliability, as well as more high speeds within their network. When connected paid service You can freely view the video, make a video call, etc. We describe several VPNs using the most popular among the inhabitants of the CIS.


This service is integrated with all browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Yandex). It is installed as an expansion. On mobile it officially can be downloaded from App Store. And Google Play. This eliminates the probability of establishing programs affected by the virus, so all the data sent via Browsec is fully protected. There is also no limit for free traffic. However, when buying a premium account, the speed will be increased.


This utility needs to be downloaded to install in your OS. A distinctive feature of WINDSCRIBE is the blocking of all traffic emanating from PC. Thanks to the Firewall when you turn on VPN all applications, and the browser starts work only through Windscribe channels. Ideal for lovers attend prohibited resources. Initially, only 5 GB is given for free. If you have a simple registration, another 5 GB is calculated additionally. Your film you look at exactly.

SecurityKiss Tunnel.

Also installed directly in the OS. Although only three countries are available with free use, but there are 10 servers at the same time. When the speed is reduced on one of them, you can quickly switch to alternative option. For every 24 hours, 300 MB is available, which is a record holder to provide free traffic. The VPN program leads its personal countdown, which is available for familiarizing in the utility.


The only completely paid program in our list. Study time limited to one month. When buying a subscription to services, about 100 mill opens. Such capabilities are phenomenal, if you make an analogy with the nearest analogues. Suitable for people in need of circumpassment of locks on work (office workers), which will allow you to recoup the monthly costs for the VPN service.


Naturally, the list of VPN programs and extensions for browsers is quite wide (Hideguard, Hotspot Shield, TunnelBear, Hola, etc.). But, by and large, to obtain sufficient data speed in free versions difficult, and some are good only in mobile versions. Finally, you will mention about the built-in "Enable VPN" option in the opera browser. It goes by default and activated in the settings. With it, the optimal quality will also be 480p. A moment is possible that the error "Sorry Video Was Deleted. Error 905 "will still appear and you will need to restart the browser.

Being the happy owner of the Android device, you could encounter a 905 error in Play Market. The problem itself is quite rare and meets only about the top ten devices ... and even if you have no idea what it is for an error, what it is called and how it can be fixed, then this guide will definitely help you!

What is it, what is the reason?

The most first cases of the appearance of 905 errors when downloading applications from Play Market was recorded on Samsung and HTC phones In the year 2011-2012, part of the methods listed below was invented at the same time. Not a smartphone is not to blame for such a situation, but the market itself. Developers, when issuing a new version of the popular store, did not take into account a couple of moments, which ultimately led to such conflicts (in other words, updating crookedly rose to your device). Users, without knowing that they do, began to invent various options for fixing an unpleasant bug, these solutions and there are fruits of their works.

Method 1

This is a very common and most faithful way to delivering Androyd from 905 errors in. It helps in 95% of cases, so act!

To start, look at SettingsDeviceApplications.

In the tab " Everything»Lay the market.

Now the most important thing: Click on " Erase the data«, « Clear cache"And" Delete updates". These actions can be performed in an arbitrary order.

So we will refund the Play Market to the original state, which means the buggy update will be deleted.

Reboot your smartphone and try to look into the store. The factory version will open and will only wait until the market itself is updated. After log in, download any applications!

Method 2

In the event that the first method did not help you, it will take a little experiment with " Sleeping regime»Smartphone.

From the settings, go to the section " Screen«.

Look for the item " Sleeping«.

Try to set the most maximum waiting time or place a tick in front of " Do not include sleep"(There is not on all devices).

When you do these simple steps again, put the game on download / update, if it did not work, go to the next decision.

Method 3.

Perhaps your Android just lacks RAM? At budget and old models, up to 500 MB are usually installed, which only enough for a couple of voracious applications (for example, run VKontakte, Twitter and Google browser will never succeed at the same time). You can try to fix it manually or put the so-called Task Killer (or any utility running with the RAM).

To independently release the RAM - look in SettingsApplicationsWorking / active. Click on less important to you.

Stay it!

It is worth considering that many applications are automatically launched after such operations, so that the use of this action is small, but many utilities are struggling with this dramatically.

For example: Download Clean Master (not from the shoulders, but from the network space) and remove unnecessary applications from autoloading, restart, after cleanse the memory.

Nothing helped?

If these ways did not help you, then the correct decision will simply wait, the developers with time themselves will correct the position. They regularly expand and update the store, eliminating old bugs and new new, so do not worry!

True, there is still a pair of options, but you only make them on your own risk:

  • Reflash the device - download the factory or modified firmware and according to the instructions, place on your device;
  • Rollback to the factory settings.