Temporary deletion of instagram. How to permanently delete your Instagram account from your phone

Hello! Continuing the topic of popular instant messengers. Today I want to tell you how to delete your Instagram account. The reasons for deleting an account may be different for different users. Someone is just already tired of taking pictures of themselves and uploading their photos, someone wants to delete the old account and create a new one, with a different name, someone has other reasons this decision... But they all boil down to one thing, so that the Instagram account is deleted or blocked.

Therefore, in today's article, we will consider in detail how to solve the problem in two ways. You just choose the option that suits you. I will also tell you how to completely remove the Instagram application from your computer and phone.

Detailed instructions on how to delete an account on Instagram.

I suggest considering two options for deleting your account.

  • The first option provides for a temporary blocking of the account. IN this case your page will not be available to other users until you unblock it.
  • Second option. Complete deletion of the account, in this case, it is not possible to restore it.

Therefore, we will consider step by step, each of the methods.

We temporarily block the Instagram page.

In order not to miss any little things, we carry out all the actions point by point:

  1. First of all, you need to go to Instagram at the link: Instagram.com through a browser on a PC or mobile device;
  2. Once you are logged in, you need to go to home page click on the "Edit profile" button;
  3. The settings window of your account;
  4. Scroll down the page and click on the link "Temporarily block my account";
  5. The system will ask you why, you want to block your account, choose an answer from the list provided;
  6. Next, you need to enter your password and click on the "Temporarily block your account" button;

After the done settings, your page will be blocked and inaccessible for users to view.

To remove the blocking, it will be enough to log into Instagram through the mobile application using your username and password.

How to delete an Instagram account permanently.

If you do not want to use the data at all and want to completely remove yourself from the system, then proceed to more drastic actions.

Note! It will be impossible to restore the deleted account, after deletion, all your photo and video files will be deleted irrevocably!

Therefore, if nothing stops you, let's move on to the process:

That's it, now you know how to permanently delete your Instagram account. I want to remind you once again that if you are just going to get rid of Instagram, then by all means save all important pictures so that you do not regret losing them in the future.

Remove Instagram app from all devices.

In order that after deletion, nothing reminds you of instagram, then we delete the installed applications on the computer and phone.

Delete Instagram from Android device.

There are two ways to uninstall an app on an Android smartphone.

In the first version, we go to the menu, look for the icon of our program, click on it and hold it until the "Delete" field appears at the top. Drag the shortcut to this field and the program will be uninstalled.

The second option, go to the "Settings" menu, look for the "Application Management" item, in the " Third Party Applications"Find Instagram and click on the" Delete "button. The system will ask you to confirm the actions, press the "Yes" button.
At this point, the application will be removed.

Remove Instagram from iOS device.

If you are the owner of Apple products, then you can remove Instagram from your iPhone as follows:

That's it, the removal process will be completed. Now nothing will remind you of Instagram on your apple device.

We remove instagram from the computer.

Not long ago, I described. In order to remove it now, you need to do the following steps:

  1. Go to the "Start" menu - "Control Panel" - "Programs and Features";
  2. In the opened window with a list installed programs you need to find "Instagram";
  3. Select the program and click on the "Delete" button;

If you installed the application on your computer using the BlueStacks emulator, then launch it, find the application and remove it according to the principle of removing applications on Android devices.

Let's summarize.

In today's article, I told you in as much detail as possible how to delete an account on Instagram. Now, if you decide to get rid of this social network, then using the instructions in this article, you can easily carry out your plan. True, I recommend that you first think, do you need this? It may be enough for you to temporarily block your account, and after a certain time, start using it again. In this case, all correspondence and content will be saved.

An account on the social network Instagram can very often contain information about your whole life, if you use the capabilities of this service for a long time and actively. Some people share daily news from their lives with their subscribers, post dozens of photos in and profile, putting their lives for everyone to see. Some people like it, but some people get bored with it over time.

A person has a desire or even a need to delete his Instagram account. We will explain how to do this in this article.

Instagram - social network, which is a kind of diary of a person's life. An active user of this platform should understand that deletion for him may entail negative consequences in the form of the loss of all photos available for viewing to himself and to others.

Moreover, sometimes Instagram is the only way to keep in touch with loved ones and follow their lives.

Think twice before deleting.

Ways to Delete Instagram Account

There are a lot of ways to delete your account, but there are only two ways. Moreover, we can even say that they are radically different from each other:

  • Delete your account and all data permanently;
  • Carry out a temporary blocking of the account with the preservation of all information on it.

It is not hard to guess that the second method is more suitable for the majority. Although, on the other hand, if you permanently decide to get rid of the habit of regularly reviewing new items from life, follow them - you can safely delete.

Note: Before permanently getting rid of your Instagram account, it is strongly recommended that you save all your photos and videos to a removable media or computer.

All this is a precious memory, having lost which you will greatly regret.

How to permanently delete your Instagram account

It is worth noting once again that using this method you automatically agree to completely get rid of everything that was on your account and from itself. It is not possible to recover after this.

  1. Go to the account you want to delete through the browser.
  2. Follow the direct link to delete: https://www.instagram.com/accounts/remove/request/permanent/
  3. You will see a big red button "Permanently delete my account".
  4. After filling in the same fields as when blocking, you must confirm your action.

How to delete an Instagram account from a computer

First of all, this issue becomes relevant when users of this popular service are lost, because they cannot delete the account in standard application on your smartphone. It is not known why the developer did not add this function to the client itself for convenience, but the fact remains: you need to look for other ways.

So, the developers of Instagram decided that it would be best to provide the ability to delete or block an account from the full version of the site on the Internet.

How to delete an Instagram account temporarily

To do this, the user must go to the official website of the service through a browser and log into the account that he wants to block for a while, so that he can then be able to. Once you get to your profile page, find the "Edit Profile" item and follow it. In the lower right corner you will find an item called "Temporarily block my account".

After performing the subsequent manipulations, the site will ask you to confirm the action in the form of a request to enter the password for the account again, and you will also have to indicate the reason for blocking.

After that, your account will become blocked and unavailable for viewing by other users.

However, you can always remove the lock by simply logging into it through the mobile application using your username and password.

How to delete a page on Instagram via iPhone or Android

As noted above, delete an Instagram page via a mobile app on not one of these operating systems will not work.

On the other hand, you can perform operations similar to those indicated above for a computer, because the browser is on all devices:

  1. Launch any available browser on your phone (be it Siri on iPhone, or Google Chrome on Android)
  2. Go to the site instagarm.com
  3. Enter your data (username and password) so you get to your page through the browser and not through installed application in phone.
  4. Then carry out the same operations as when deleting from a PC using the same link (or opening full version site by clicking on the three dots above, then select your profile in the form of an icon with a man - then "edit profile" - then scroll down and see the inscription "temporarily block your account")

Instagram account can be as temporarily remove and completely block both from a computer and from mobile device... We will also tell you how restore page.

Temporarily block your account

If you do not want to delete all your profile data: photos, videos, comments, subscribers and everything else, then we recommend temporarily block your profile.

You can block a profile by going to the instagram website through your browser.

After authorization online, you need to go to the menu editing profile.

At the bottom right, you can see the link “ Temporarily block my account».

You can specify the reason, enter yours again password, then press the red " Temporarily block your account».

Access to your page becomes impossible.

Complete removal

A wipe differs from a temporary block in that the data is already cannot be restored... The system will clear all information about the deleted profile after a while.

If you decide to take such a step, we do the following.

Log in by entering your username and password.

Or we find it through editing profile, as in the case of blocking. We fall into the window deleting.

If desired, indicate the reason from the list or leave this field with the inscription “ Other". Enter the password and press the button irreversible deletion.

Confirm your decision by clicking the button OK.

Recovery after blocking

You can restore your profile after blocking by simply entering your username and password in the login window - your page will be activated.

Restore your Instagram page after complete removal , unfortunately, and maybe fortunately, will not work... Therefore, before this procedure, we recommend that you save all important photos, videos and other information.

You will be able to register on the same mail, however, you will have to come up with a new login. The old nickname, if it is free, can be registered with a new mail.

If your profile was deleted by the site administration for some reason, then you should try to complain about the hacking - it can help, especially if this is really the case.

How to remove Instagram from phone and tablet

As you can see, it is quite simple to leave on Instagram from a computer, it is a little more difficult to do this using a phone or tablet, as in mobile application there is no such possibility.

Required launch mobile browser, go to the website instagram.com.

Introduce Username(username) and Password(password).

Click on the avatar at the top right, select “ Edit profile».

The page for editing your information will open, where you will find the item “ I want to delete my account».

You will be asked why you decided to leave, where choose the reason, and then click " Permanently deactivate my account», Having previously entered your password again.

WITH tablet retire absolutely similar way.

And other social. networks. And soon we want to remove them. And the reason for this can be completely different factors: we changed our minds to show our life, or we are tired of endless annoying advertising, or the marketing profile you created (store, showroom, product, etc.) is no longer relevant and you need to get rid of it. This feature is usually not badly hidden by developers, as they are interested in gaining members, not losing them.

Here's a small but very entertaining Instagram stats:

  • In 2016, the number Instagram profiles jumped over 500 million;
  • The number of users visiting this social network every day. the network has exceeded 300 million;
  • More than 95 million photo and video posts are created daily;
  • 4.3 billion posts are “liked” every day.

But the application is quite new - it was created only in 2010. Instagram started gaining popularity very quickly. After only a year and a half, the world famous Facebook network, and already in 2012, a deal was made to transfer all rights of ownership of Instagram to the global giant for 1 billion US dollars.

How to delete an Instagram account?

It should be clarified right away that the process of deleting an Instagram account is quite laborious and will take some time, and your patience.

– 1 –

Primarily click on the Instagram icon(Instagram) on your phone.

Please note that when you uninstall the Instagram application itself, your profile is not deleted. Only the application itself is removed from your phone.

– 2 –

Log in to your profile. If the login is not performed automatically, enter your Instagram username and password. If you do not remember your username and password, follow the link “Forgot your login information? Help with Login ”, which is located in the middle of the same page under the word“ LOG IN ”. Then go back to our instructions.

You can also create an Insta account using your existing Facebook profile. This will save you time when entering.

– 3 –

Go to your personal page your profile, by clicking on the icon with a tiny profile photo, which is located in the very bottom right corner. This is the page where all the photos you've uploaded and the posts you've created are located.

– 4 –

Enter settings by clicking the icon with three dots on the right upper corner.

For IOS gadgets, this icon is indicated by the sun and is located in the same place.

– 5 –

Scroll down a little to the Support section and select “Instagram Help Center”... This will take you to the Instagram support web page.

– 6 –

Select "Account Management". This action will open a page with your profile settings, including deleting it.

– 7 –

Select the section “How do I delete my account?” if you are sure you want it. Here you are offered an excellent alternative, in the form temporary "freeze" of the account, what we be sure to describe below , after describing the process of deleting an account permanently.

– 8 –

Next, you will be offered instructions on how to delete your account. Follow the link in the first paragraph “account deletion”.

– 9 –

On this page, you will again be asked not to delete your account at all, but only to temporarily block it. If you are determined to permanently delete your profile, the next step is indicate the reason for deletion account. Choose from the options offered.

– 10 –

Keep in mind that after completing the 10th point, absolutely all your data will be permanently deleted and cannot be restored. So before deleting your account, take the trouble to check if there are photos or videos that are important to you on another medium.

If you later want to create a different Instagram account, you cannot use the same username (login) again.

How to temporarily block your Instagram account?

If you block your account, at the same time you will block all posts (photos and videos), all the comments you have ever left, all your likes that you have ever put. To unblock your account, you just need to re-enter it, that is, enter the username and password for this account. You cannot block an account in the Instagram application itself.

To temporarily block your account:

  1. Login to instagram.com(This can be done both in the browser of a mobile device and from a PC.), Go to your profile by clicking on the little man icon (sun on IOS).
  2. Then select "Edit Profile", at the top of the screen, just below your username.

gained more and more popularity among its users, the fact that he is one of best servers in publishing and photo editing. Various tools, filters, collages are made from regular photos small photo masterpieces. But at the same time, people often wonder how to block or how to delete an Instagram account permanently .

How to leave Instagram?

There are two options for how to delete an account on Instagram . To implement your idea, you will have to remember your username and password to enter the application. If you have forgotten your password, it is very important to recover it first, using the "forgot password" function (you can learn more about recovering your password from Instagram). Otherwise, in the end you will not be able to log into your account to delete it. And follow the instructions below.

Option 1

  • First, go through link through a browser on your phone, tablet, or computer device;
  • Enter your login and password data, you find yourself on own page on Instagram. The main thing at this moment is not to change your mind and again not to start flipping through your favorite tape;
  • In the upper right corner, click on the man sign. The main page will open;
  • Immediately in the upper right corner, click "Edit Profile";
  • Click on the question mark, so you go to help center instagram;

  • Next, go to the "Manage your account" tab;
  • Click on "Account Deletion";
  • Next, you need to choose one of the methods you need, like "block your account" or "delete your account";

  • Go to the "Account deletion page";

  • Further a prerequisite is to indicate the reason for your decision. There is no need to come up with anything here, you can just choose one of the proposed options;
  • You will be asked to enter your password again;
  • Here you will need to produce last action... Click on the red plate at the very bottom of the screen with the inscription "permanently delete my account."

Option 2

This method allows you to permanently delete your Instagram page in the least number of steps.

  • You need to go to the browser by link
  • Next, enter your username and password, go directly to the tab of the reason for deletion from Instagram;
  • Click on the "permanently delete my account" button.

This method is basically the same as the first one, it just takes you directly to the deletion page using a link.

Why does it take so many steps to delete an account on Instagram? Just so that at every stage of action you once again think well about the decision you made. As a last resort, you can simply ignore your page and rarely make visits.