Where to enable push notifications on iphone. Push message - what is it? How to enable and disable push notifications? What are Push-up notifications

On the site, for the ability to make an e-mail newsletter to subscribers. Time is advancing, technologies are improving. Not so long ago, a new marketing channel of communication with website visitors appeared - this is push notifications. Push notifications how to enable on the site is the topic of this post.

For those who are not yet familiar with push notification technology, see the previous one.

To be able to use all the advantages of push notifications, either an independent implementation on the site is required, or the use of third-party specialized services. Personally, I am for the use of ready-made solutions and opted for the service.

It is a user-friendly marketing automation service. Provides services by e-mail, push, sms, viber mailing. Moreover, using the push notification service is completely free.

How to make push notifications on the site

So let's move on to setting up. It takes about 15 minutes to connect push notifications to the site. Follow these steps, and everything on your site will have the function of collecting subscribers.

  1. Register with the service. Registration is standard, via e-mail. I advise you to use Gmail mail... Subsequently, you will be able to log in with your Google account.
  2. In your account, go to the PUSH section and add a site. Choose a protocol: https or http. If you have the http protocol, then the mailing will take place through the subdomain of the service itself. It's OK. Choose a site image. Specify at what moment the visitor will be shown a request to subscribe to push notifications.
    When you enter the site when you click on the page or in the right corner, a "bell" will be displayed. Only when you click on it will the subscription form appear. There are plenty of options. In the following windows you can edit the text of the message, the color of the button and icon. Logo " Submitted by Sendpulse»Is possible only on a paid plan. This entry does not bother me at all 🙂. Next step.
  3. At the next stage, you need to insert the code provided by the service into the site root before the closing tag.
  4. Who has the site created on the engine open the section Appearance⇒ Editor... Look for the header.php file and before the tag paste the provided code.
    Remember to save your changes.
  5. Return to the service. You press Check settings... If you have completed everything correctly, you will receive a notification. Code added correctly.

From now on, the script will collect subscribers to your database. It is also easy to send push notifications.

When visiting new sites in the left upper corner browser sometimes a small window appears in which permission is requested to deliver certain notifications to you.

If the user has approved the receipt of such notifications once, later in the computer task pane, or mobile device he will periodically observe the appearance of small windows with the message that new publications have appeared on these sites.

These are the so-called push notifications, they are also web push - a modern tool for internet marketers. And the most convenient means of informing users who want to keep their finger on the pulse of the events of interest to them.

What are push notifications?

Push notifications are short pop-up notifications that appear on the screen ordinary computer or mobile phone and communicate important events and updates.

When a user clicks on a push notification, the site's news immediately opens in a window, and users can be among the first to get acquainted with the information just posted to the network. And sometimes it is important - to be among the first users with useful information.

Rice. 1. What Push Notifications Look Like

Push notifications on sites are enabled by site owners, and users can manage push notifications through their browser settings. If the webmaster has not enabled push on the site, then the user does not have the opportunity (or need) to use, configure, etc.

What are the advantages of push notifications compared to other methods of delivering fresh information? How to manage such a communication tool on the desktop Google browsers Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or similar? Let's consider these questions below.

Benefits of push notifications

The benefits of implementing push notifications on websites for their owners, that is, for webmasters, are obvious. The fact is that few communication tools can provide 90% delivery of messages to the user and almost 50%.

But what benefit does the reader of this or that site get?

For some users, push notifications may be more convenient than subscribing to site updates by e-mail. Messages coming from different sites do not accumulate in mailbox and do not complicate access to personal correspondence.

If in this moment the user does not have time to read the news, then by clicking on the push notification, he can open the page in the browser window and leave it until a convenient moment. Or send it to a deferred reading service like Pocket or Readability.

One of the disadvantages of subscribing to news sites by E-mail is the accumulation of letters about new articles in the user's mailbox. There will be no overflow in the mail with a push notification.

With insufficient protection of the site from hacking, it may happen that the database of site subscribers falls into the hands of scammers who first of all organize using this database (the so-called spam attack). Then every owner Email receives such fraudulent spam emails from this database. It is believed that with push notifications in this regard, users are more reliably protected: no one else, except the creators of the sites of interest, will be able to bother users, no matter who hacked on such sites.

Push notifications and rss feed

In terms of spam protection, web-push is similar to another means of delivering fresh information published on a particular site - an RSS feed. The latter even wins in that it stores the history of messages about the publications of the sites to which the RSS subscribed. Whereas pop-up notifications disappear forever after a few seconds.

But the use of RSS feeds for delivering news requires independent actions from the user: he himself needs to find the subscription button on each site (and she does not have standard layout) and enter the feed address into the RSS reader. If the user does not have such a reader in the browser, it still needs to be organized separately, for example, by installing an extension, choosing a web service, or resorting to using the appropriate program.

Push notifications themselves pop up and offer to subscribe, and their implementation is provided by the standard functionality of almost any modern browser.

Setting up push notifications in Google Chrome

Implementing toast notifications in Google chrome and browsers built on the basis of the same Blink engine (for example), offers the user a completely open format a subscription that does not require him to make any choice.

The push request in Google Chrome contains two function buttons:

  1. "Allow" to approve message delivery (1 in Figure 2) and
  2. “Block” to add a site to the list of blocked ones (2 in Fig. 2).

In the latter case, the next time you visit such a site, requests will no longer appear.

There is a third option: clicking on the cross in the request window allows you to postpone the decision (3 in Fig. 3). The site will not be blocked, and after a while, such a request in the upper left corner of the Chrome window will appear again.

Rice. 2. What a push notification request looks like in Google Chrome

Configuring push notifications in Mozilla

In Mozilla Firefox (and other browsers based on the same Gecko engine), the web-push request form is arranged more cleverly than in Google Chrome, or rather, with the user's inclination to a specific choice.

  1. The button "Allow notifications" (1 in Fig. 3) is accentuated by color indication,
  2. and as an alternative, it is opposed to the button of the postponed decision "Not now" (2 in Fig. 3).

The button for blocking notifications "Never allow" (4 in Fig. 3) is shallower and hidden inside the button "Not now" (3 in Fig. 3).

Rice. 3. What a push notification request looks like in Mozille Firefox

Allowed and blocked push notifications do not sync with browser profiles. After installing a new operating system, when switching to another computer, and even after reinstalling the browser itself and cleaning up its remnants during uninstallation, you need to start everything over again - again respond to site requests, form a database of permissions and blocks for push notifications from scratch.

Unsubscribing and blocking web-push

Over time, an excessive number of pop-up messages can become annoying to the user. In addition, our interests may change.

How in such cases can you unsubscribe from irrelevant sites or completely disable the delivery of push notifications by the browser? And, conversely, how to unblock sites that were mistakenly blocked when prompted?

Hello dear readers!

This technical article is dedicated to all of you in the first place. To keep up with the times, in October 2016, I screwed up the ability to send push-up notifications to my website for Chrome browsers and Firefox. To do this, I switched to a secure https connection, but Google and Yandex will reward me with traffic.

What are Push-up notifications

Push-up notifications are brief toast notifications that appear on the screen personal computer or a smartphone that informs about updates on the website and other important events. For example, with their help, you can congratulate readers (subscribers), but not write a "congratulatory" article.

Initially, Push notifications emerged as a way to interact mobile applications with users of smartphones and tablets. Recently, however, the technology of browser push notifications or web push has become very popular.

How to subscribe to web push site site

Entering my site immediately or after a while, such a notification will appear on the screen of your browser. Click ALLOW

Or such a notification (on a darkened screen)

You will immediately receive a confirmation of your subscription.

Now you will receive such notifications as soon as a new article appears on my blog. Sometimes I post announcements of popular old articles - perhaps they will interest you too.

Three easy ways to turn off push notifications

For example, you became uninteresting to receive news from my site and you decided to unsubscribe.

Two mouse clicks

It's that simple! To do this, you can right-click on the next received notification and click DISABLE NOTIFICATIONS

Two mouse clicks elsewhere

Site setup

If you do not want to wait for the next message, then at any time you can unsubscribe in the browser settings of the site. To do this, click on the lock in the address bar and go to the site settings

Then scroll through the settings to NOTIFICATIONS and click "Configure Exceptions"

Then REMOVE my site from the alert exceptions

Thus, you will prevent the receipt of push notifications.

Push notifications on your smartphone

To unsubscribe from push notifications on your smartphone, click on the lock in the address bar of your mobile browser. Next, click SITE SETTINGS



And the second option is click CLEAR & RESET

If you want to be the first to know about new articles, subscribe to PUSH notifications about updates to my blog. If you suddenly get tired of receiving messages from me, then at any time you can unsubscribe.

Repost the pinned post to my VK page and get it.

Also here you can leave a review about my mailing list, what you liked and what did not.

Push notifications have been an integral part of the iOS operating system since its fifth version. They use always-on IP communications to deliver information from server to client. With their help, iPhone and iPad owners receive data on the arrival of new emails, incoming messages in instant messengers, mentions in social networks and many other actions concerning them promptly and without unnecessary problems. In addition to the necessary information, through Push, useless data from games and programs that have imposed such notifications on him can also get to the user, which distracts from business and reduces time autonomous work iPhone and iPad (you can read the instructions on how to increase the battery life of devices).
So how do you set up push notifications on iPhone and iPad? 1. ;
2. .

Configuring Push Notifications

2. Go to the "Notification Center" section:

3. Configure action center settings:

Here you can change the options for displaying information on the screens of the notification center, enable / disable certain widgets and make some other adjustments.

4. Select the application whose notifications you want to configure:

5. Define the style of notifications:

It is possible to receive them in the form of small banners that will appear at the top of the screen and quickly disappear, as well as in the form of reminders displayed in the center of the screen (you can remove them only by pressing the corresponding button).

6. Enable / disable the need to display the number of unviewed notifications in the form of a sticker icon on the application shortcut:

7. Enable / disable the need to accompany the notification with a sound signal:

8. Enable / disable the need to save messages in the notification center, using the appropriate menu, determine the required number of such objects:

9. Enable / disable the ability to display app notifications on the locked screen of the device:

10. Return to the previous menu with the "Back" button, select the "Change" option and configure the order of the messages in the notification center:

Error "Connect to iTunes to use Push Notifications" or "Connect to iTunes to use Push Notifications"

1. Go to the "Settings" application:

2. Go to the "iTunes Store, App Store" section:

3. Go to the menu for working with Apple ID:

4. Sign out of your Apple ID account:

5. Restart the device in the usual way - turn it off and on again:

6. Go to the "Settings" application:

7. Go to the "iTunes Store, App Store" section:

8. Enter the login and password of the Apple ID account and confirm the entry with the "Login" button:

9. If the error persists, perform a full reset of the device settings according to.

Thus, by configuring in detail the ability to receive notifications from different sources of each specific application, their type and number, you can get rid of annoying imposed information, always stay up to date, and also increase the battery life of the device. In addition, any errors related to push notifications can be easily resolved with a short sequence of steps.

Push notifications are pop-ups that are displayed on the screen of a smartphone or tablet. They show incoming information from various sources, which can be messengers, applications or the system of the device itself. Push notifications are available on absolutely all modern devices: be it apple gadgets or Google tablets. That is, there are iOS, Android Push notifications as well.

Configuring push notifications on devices running iOS, Android and Windows Phone operating systems

Recently, the introduction of this function into the operating system of a computer has become especially popular. The first was Apple with its OS X axis for macs. This is connected, of course, with the high efficiency and usability of push notifications, which have established themselves as the first source of information coming to a smartphone or tablet. Indeed, it would be foolish to refute such a comfortable way of notification: push notifications save RAM devices, since they do not require constant operation of the program or application. Hence, there will be internet traffic as well.

But besides that much user care and timely alerts, push notifications can be annoying. Why do you need a periodic reminder from or from the Twitter service that a certain user wrote: “I ate an omelet today. Was it delicious "? Agree that this message does not carry any useful informational load for you. It turns out that not all alerts are very useful. Of course, if you indiscriminately open access and agree to send you notifications to programs and applications, then you will have millions of them. It is not entirely pleasant to delete them later, because on some systems you cannot delete everything at once. In this regard, there is a need to know how to configure and disable push notifications. Therefore, let's deal with correct installation this way of presenting information.

The volume buttons allow you to do much more than just increase or decrease the volume of your device sound. Completely new options and capabilities have been added to this menu, which will undoubtedly be useful to any user. They allow you to switch between alert modes:

  1. "Do not disturb" - all incoming reminders and messages will be received without sound;
  2. "Important" - you will receive only important messages from the list of programs, which can be adjusted. When you turn it on, you will see a tab with settings. In it, you can change the operating time of the mode. Moreover, there is a special tab that allows you to more flexibly configure this mode;
  3. "Everything" - standard work device.

It's worth noting that push notifications configured this way will be much more useful. The "Important" mode is especially convenient, where you can easily manage the list of applications for accessing alerts.

To fine-tune the information windows, just go to the section specially designated for this. It's in the Settings menu of your device. In it you can, for example, remove notifications on the lock screen, open the notification option for individual programs, change the list of blocked applications. Also a very interesting feature is that in the menu separate application you can choose at will:

  1. Do not show from this application, thereby completely get rid of the program's news;
  2. Or show them at the top of the list, including when only important notifications are allowed.

You can enable or disable push notifications on iOS using the settings menu located on the home screen. You won't have to search for the necessary submenu for a long time, because in operating system it's called “Notifications”. After you have switched to it, on the right you will see a list installed programs on the device. Some will say "include", while others will say "do not include". This means that in the first case, notifications and push notifications are allowed, and in the second, respectively, they are not. Consider detailed example settings.

So, we are included in the first list. Click there and go to the notification settings page of this program:

  1. The very first one we have is the permission for notifications with the corresponding slider. If you move it, then you turn them off. Accordingly, Skype will not notify you about anything;
  2. The next item we have is "In the notification center". It allows you to manage the number of recent events displayed in the notification bar (that is, in the notification center);
  3. Sounds. With this slider, you adjust the presence of a soundtrack for the notification;
  4. Sticker on the badge. Here you can adjust the presence of a sticker with the number of incoming events on the application icon located on the main screen;
  5. The penultimate setting in this menu is on the locked screen. She is responsible for displaying an alert when the screen of a tablet or smartphone is locked;
  6. Well, and the last one is the warning style on the unlocked screen. The first one with such a categorical word "No" removes all visual notifications. Banners are a line at the top of the screen. Well, and "Warnings", which are highlighted by a rectangle in the center of the screen with answer options. Actually, they are all clearly shown on the notification settings page.