How to print documents on the computer. Printout information on a printer from a computer or laptop

In this small lesson, I will tell you how to print text on the computer. Where to find a program for printing and how to work in it.

Open Word program. It is possible on the desktop (on the screen) of your computer there is a special icon that opens it.

If there is no such icon, click on the "Start" button in the lower left corner of the screen.

The list opens. Click on "Programs" (All Programs).

A new list will appear. Find " Microsoft Office.", Click on it and in the small list that appears, click on" Microsoft Word.».

If the inscriptions "Microsoft Office" you will not find, then, most likely, a package of office programs (including microsoft program Word) is not installed on your computer. In this case, you can take advantage standard Program WordPad (Start - All Programs - Standard). Or you can use Writer as Writer from the OpenOffice package.

The following window opens. This is a program for printing Microsoft Word text.

We are interested in the central white part. This is a sheet of A4 format. Here we will print.

Please note: the sheet seems to be cut. In fact, he simply did not fit - because the size of the computer screen is less than the size of the A4 sheet. That part that did not fit, "hiding" below. To see it, you need to twist the wheel on the mouse or drag down the slider with right side programs.

But we will print the text from the beginning of the sheet, so if you fall into its end (down), climb the beginning (upstairs).

In order to start typing text, you need to click the left button on the sheet. Better click somewhere in the center.

In the upper left corner of the program should blink black wand. Thereby, word program "Signs" that you can already print the text.

By the way, he will be printed where the wand flashes. If you want it to be elsewhere, click on the desired place twice the left mouse button.

Now try typing something using the keyboard. But for a start, see what language is installed. At the bottom right shows the alphabet that is selected on the computer. It is shown in two english letters.

Ru - This is Russian alphabet, En - This is an English alphabet.

To change the input language, press these two letters with the left mouse button and select the desired alphabet from the list.

Try tying a small text. If you are difficult to think of it yourself, open any book and type a small piece of it.

To go to another string (for a set below), you need to press the ENTER button on the keyboard. The flashing wand will shift on the line down - there will be printed text.

It is also worth drawing your attention to one very important button in Word. This button is called "Cancel" and looks like this:

It is at the very top of the program and allows you to cancel the last thing you did in the Word program.

For example, you accidentally removed the text or somehow spoiled it (shifted, painted, etc.). By clicking on this remarkable button, the Word program will return your document (text) to the state in which it has just been. That is, this button returns one step back. Accordingly, if you click on it twice, you will return two steps back.

Periodically on the Internet you can meet so valuable articles that I want to print them and read it to the holes. At the same time, not all services provided by the version of the article for printing or our desires print do not coincide with the capabilities provided (I want to leave a picture or change the type of main font). How to print a page without unnecessary elements? In this case, the web service will help.

On the main page PrintWhatyoulike In the middle of the screen, there is a mold for entering the address of the page to be printed. The address was entered, the page is loaded and we see that when choosing any of the interface elements, it will be burned with a red frame. Another press of the left mouse button and opens a list of possible operations. The elements of the interface can be deleted by one or group, expand separately selected within or select one block of text, removing all other. That is, it is possible to remove unnecessary pages unnecessary to print or quickly isolate the necessary from the secondary and print.

On the left side of the screen is present side panel With a number of features for the editable page:

  • saving the editable page in PDF, HTML formats;
  • changing the size of the text, type of font;
  • deleting the rear background or images with one touch of the mouse button.

For the convenience of PRINTWHATYOULIKE, it offers to put a button on the bookmarks panel to edit before printing any, visiting the page. P2zipper option is also provided. It will be convenient when reading those resources where they love to divide one article for five, ten or more pages. You click Next page", Once again the" next page ", and then you understand that there was nothing to read. P2zipper will spread the entire article on the entire page for further editing and printing. If the bookmaker does not want to put, then the plugin is available for Firefox PageZipper 0.6.1.

For registered users, PrintWhatyoulike offers the control panel, which contains information on the number of buttons installed by Printer Friendly buttons, saved and printed sheets of paper, saved money, not constructed trees and not thrown into the atmosphere of ill-coal carbon oxide.

Bloggers can also benefit. The plug-in setting will appear on each page of the Blog convenient button to send articles to print, the ability to save pages in pDF formatthat will save the paper and paint of the printer to readers.

The Internet today is the most accessible and at the same time the most extensive source of information on different topics. The texts mined with it can not only be viewed on the computer screen, but also print on a printer in the form of ordinary paper copies, if there is a need. Do it easy - modern software offers a choice of several ways.


The easiest option is to print the text directly from the browser, which is open containing its webpage. This feature is provided in any version of the programs of this kind used today. The same combination of "hot keys" - Ctrl + P. Downloads for the call of the call dialogue in Internet browsers of all manufacturers - Ctrl + P. Load junk page and click this combination of buttons.

Select one of the printers installed in the system - their badges are placed in the topmost field of the seal dialog. If none of the print devices are installed, then only the "Installing Printer" icon will be here - use it and make all the necessary manipulations under the installation wizard.

Click the Settings button if you want to set any specific print options. With it, the printer control panel is launched, which is connected to the driver of this device. To send the print queue, click the "Print" button.

The method described is printed full page, including all elements posted in it - images, flash objects, menus, etc. It is not always convenient and some of the browsers provide the ability to print only the desired page fragment. To do this, highlight the text of the text you are interested in, and then click All the same combination keys Ctrl + P. In the dialog running dialog, pay attention to the "Range Range" section - the "Selection" field should be present in it. If it is, the mark is actively and opposite it, then everything is in order - your browser supports the function of the selective printing of the text fragment, you can click the "Print" button. Otherwise, you are not lucky, try using another browser or other way to print a selected fragment.

Alternative way Output to the printer part of the page text can be seal using a text editor. To use it to run such a program (for example, Microsoft Word). In the browser, select and copy (Ctrl + C) the desired fragment, then switch to text editor And insert (Ctrl + v) text into an empty page of the new document. Press the Ctrl + P combination - it also causes a seal dialog. Further act just as described above, starting from the second step.

SENDPULSE is a marketing tool for creating a subscription base and transferring random visitors to your site in the category of permanent. SENDPULSE combines the most important functions on the same platform to attract and hold customers:
● E-mail mailing,
● Web-Push,
SMS mailing,
● Mailing in Viber,
● Sending messages to Facebook Messenger.

Email newsletters

You can use the various tariffs for making an e-mail distribution, including free. A free tariff has limitations: a subscription base is not more than 2500.
The first thing to start, when working with the E-mail service, sent OK, is to create your own address book. Specify the title and download the list of e-mail addresses.

SENDPULSE is convenient to create form subscription In the form of a pop-up window, built-in forms, floating and fixed in a specific part of the screen. With the help of subscription forms, you will collect subscribers from scratch or add new addresses your base.
In the forms constructor, you can create exactly the form of a subscription that most fully meets your needs, and the service prompts will help you cope with this task. It is also possible to use one of the available finished forms.

When creating subscription forms, it is necessary to use an e-mail with a corporate domain. Read how.
Message templates Help beautifully make up your letters to subscribers. You can create your own letters template in a special designer.

AutoLinks. Content managers actively use automatic newsletter. It helps to automate the process of working with customers. You can create a crash in several ways:
Consistent series of letters. This is the easiest option when, regardless of conditions, several letters are written, which will be sent to recipients in a certain order. There may be your own options. series message (Simple chain of messages), special date (letters are confined to certain dates), trigger letter - The letter is sent depending on the actions of the subscriber (opening of the message, etc.).
Automation360. - mailing with defined filters and conditions, as well as taking into account conversions.
Ready chains By template. You can create a series of letters on a given template or modify the template and adjust it to your needs.
A / B Testing will help carry out an experiment on various options for sending a series of letters and determine best option on discoveries or transitions.

Sending push notifications

Push-mailing is a subscription in the browser window, this is a kind of replacement of RSS subscriptions. Web-push technologies rapidly entered our lives, and it is already difficult to find a website that does not use to attract and hold clients of Push-mailing. A request script on, you can send letters, both manually and create authors, creating a series of letters or collecting data from RSS. The second option implies that after the appearance of a new article on your site, a notification will automatically be sent to your subscribers with a brief announcement.

New From Send.Pulse - Now you can monetize the site using push notifications, embedding in them advertising announcements. Upon reaching $ 10 every Monday, payments are made to one of the payment systems - Visa / Mastercard, Paypal or WebMoney.
Push is absolutely free. Payment is taken only for White Label - mailing without mentioning the SENDPULSE service, but if you do not interfere with the service logo, then you can use the fasteners for free without restrictions.


The SMTP feature protects your newsletter from hitting a blacklist through the use of white IP addresses. Cryptographic signature technology DKIM and SPF, which are used in sendpulse making facilities, increase confidence in sending letters, thanks to which your letters will be less likely to fall into spam or blacklist.

Bots facebook messenger

Facebook Chat Bot is on the beta test. You can connect it to your page and send messages to subscribers.

Sending SMS.

Through the SEndPulse service it is easy to send-mailing through the database phone numbers. First you need to create a targeted book with a list of phone numbers. To do this, select the Address Book section, create a new address book, download phone numbers. Now you can create an SMS newsletter for this database. The price of SMS sending varies depending on the recipient communication operators and constitute an average of 1.26 rubles to 2.55 rubles per 1 sent SMS.

affiliate program

Sendpulse implements affiliate programIn which the registered user according to your link, which paid the tariff will bring you 4000 rubles. The invited user receives a discount of 4000 rubles for the first 5 months of use of the service.

Modern users store documents, photographs in the electronic version on their computers and laptops, but sometimes there is a need to print information. Now there are many photo studies or departments of retail space, where you will provide such a service. But when the need for a printout of documents or images arises constantly, it is better to get a private printer. The variety of species and models is incontended great, but they all fulfill the main action - withdraw information from the computer on paper.

Before printing on the printer from a computer, you need to make sure that the device is determined by the system. When the printer is first connected, the driver is installed to synchronize the device with a computer or laptop. You must also set the parameters for correct operation.

Regardless of the model of the connected printer and its set of functions, the connection principle will be the same for wired devices.

Installation of drivers

When connecting new equipment to a PC or laptop, the system starts scanning and search for the necessary drivers. Most likely, Windows will find suitable software for your printer, but still it will be better to install drivers intended for specific model. They go to the disk in the configuration along with the device, as well as they can be found and downloaded on the manufacturer's website. Consider installing drivers from the disk:

Setting up printer for printing

Immediately before printing, you can specify the necessary parameters that can be specified in the program that opens the document. But in the properties of the printer there are features such as improved print quality, which will increase the clarity of text or image, if the paint is no longer the first freshness, shades of gray, color, selection of operation mode, performing checking the printing nozzles, cleaning.

Printing document

The Microsoft Office package has a program that suggests the presence of a print function. The most popular to work with the text microsoft Editor Office with a wide range of tools. Consider on its example, how to print on a printer from a computer. You can proceed to print with the file button, from the printer icon at the top on the toolbar or by pressing the Ctrl + P hotkeys (in such a way, printing will begin without additional settings).

When you go to the print settings menu, you can set the necessary parameters. Determine which pages to print, if necessary, change the position of the text relative to the paper format and so on. Available preview Print on the screen.

How to print from two sides of the sheet

Not every printer supports the function of automatic printing from two sides, but in some models this service is available. If your device has such an opportunity, then simply install the box in front of the two-sided print option.

In the case when the printer does not imply seal from two sides, you have to turn the sheets with your hands. It is important not to make a mistake and correctly position the paper so as not to apply the text on top of the side where it is already available.

If you need to print a large number of Pages on both sides, turn over each sheet will be problematic. Then use the print settings where you first select the printing of odd pages, then turn the stack of sheets and print it. It is better to first check by printing a couple of pages, whether you insert the paper correctly, because it will notice that the printer starts not to print from both sides, but to impose text on top of the previous one. On the monitor screen, you will see an instruction that the position of the paper will be correct.

Printing image

In any graphic editor, there is the ability to print photos or pictures. It is necessary to act on the same principle as when printing text. Setup involves editing the size, the ability to multiply the image to the desired amount or seal of several different pictures on one sheet.

In the same way, you can print the Microsoft Excel tables, the text of the website. The browser file menu also assumes the presence of a print service.

As you can see, nothing complicated in working with the printer. The most important thing is to configure everything correctly for correct work and on time to maintain the device.