How to boost BL in Webmoney and what is it? Excellent program for cheating BL in WebMoney What indicators consider with increasing BL.

feb 2012.

Everyone who uses Webmoney program at least once, but it dreamed that he had a high bl.
BL is a business level of the user, the higher BL, the more it is its activity in the system, and also increases confidence in it. BL can be enhanced if you send a 0.1 center for different WebMoney wallets and so that they do the same. But so it's not very convenient, long and not everyone wants ...

Principle of operation:
1) Starting the program
2) Enter WMID and wallet in the settings (any)
3) Running

After launch, the program will start collecting money from free hand, so you are also money Little earn.
There will be a total of 60+ connections in the program, which means that it will only have to enter 60+ pictures.

After the run, you will get an increase in BL 6+
If you drive every day, you will get a good result.
100% warrantythat the wallet will not be blocked.

Download an excellent program for cheat BL in WebMoney for free:

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How to boost BL in WebMoney

Hello, dear reader! In contact Evgeny Nazarov.

Anyone Webmoney's electronic wallet user paid attention to the numbers located at the top of the cake window. This article is spent about one of these values, namely what is BL in WebMoney and How to boost BL in WebMoney.

BL. (Deciphered as Business Level) - An indicator of activity and confidence in the WebMoney system.

This indicator may take values \u200b\u200branging from 0 to 10,000, and it can, how to increase and change in the opposite direction, if BL is zero, it means that, or this WMID has not yet been active in the system, or indicates that that this WMID was blocked for any reason.

BL is needed by the system so that users can decide whether to deal with the owner of this WMID. The higher the BL, the more confidence calls WMID.

The exact formula of the BL calculation is kept secret to web memories to avoid the cheating of this indicator.

What are the indicators to consider with increasing BL

But, we also know that BL is formed on the basis of the following data:

The time during which WMID is registered and is active in the WebMoney system.
The number of transactions is also more prioritized transactions with different users.
Transaction volume.
The presence of positive and (or) negative reviews to this WMID.

With the first three items, everything is clear than older than WMID, the more correspondents and the larger the translated amounts, the better.

About the fourth item It is worth saying that the presence of claims in the Black list of other users of the system does not affect BL.

The presence of claims in arbitration service is also not involved in the level of activity, except when the WMID service was suspended by the decision of the arbitral service. (In this case, BL becomes zero to resume service).

Thus, the level of activity is influenced by the set of factors.

If WMID works with one correspondent, forwarding to him about the same amounts, BL will not rise, and in the absence of other activity it may decrease. The type of certificate does not affect BL.

How to raise BL in WebMoney

Attempts to screw the BL are not encouraged by the system, and when such attempts are detected, WMID can be blocked.

Basically, the cheating lies in sending money between wallets in a circle, and you need to send three-digit amounts or more.

Previously, it was possible to turn the BL, collecting bonuses on various sites, now such minor amounts do not affect the value of BL.

One of the safest, however, rather expensive ways to turn BL, are exchangers.
Washed simple - to exchange one currency to another in different exchanges.

The only minus of this method is high cost.
For the transfer of money, the system takes his commission (0.8%) , and the exchanger charges fee for its services.

In this case, it is recommended to use the most well-known and trusted monitoring of Bestchange electronic currency exchange points, it will significantly save your time and money with the exchanger with a favorable exchange rate at this time, if you do not know how to use the video below.

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On this I will finish the post.
If he was useful, share it in social. Networks.

Always with you,
Evgeny Nazarov.

I here in previous posts rushed a little .. life showed ....
This Sunday reinstalled Windows once again. Recently, I do it very often, with each release of the new Windows Seven Build. In the end, I installed the last release and calmed down. Began to install, as arising from the need for software. It came to Webmoney Keeper. Installed .. and ....
Both on! I look at my BL is zero .... Here, here I immediately remembered my post in this topic, about how I do not care what is equal to the number of "business level" ... it turned out that I became very unpleasant ...
I suffered a day ... (Little glitch) did not suffer ... I am writing a letter to support: so they say, and so ... I reinstalled Windows, flew BL, please explain to me the reason ...
I get an answer, quoting correspondence:

Yesterday, after reinstalling the operating system, I was surprised to find that my BL is now zero ... (Earlier the level was equal to 28). I doubt that I did something wrong, since I reinstall the operating system and WebMoney Keeper once every 1-2 months is temporarily.
Please explain to me the reason for BL reset
With respect

Attempts to pursuage control over your WMID Trojan program, so your WMID is blocked.

List of necessary actions:

1. Apply the keys, the password from the kiper (this is done in the kiper menu) and the mailbox. If you have problems when performing these operations, refer to technical support.

2. Be sure to block the IP locked. Remember that if you have a dynamic IP or several entry points, this is not an obstacle,
If you have problems with setting the IP lock, you should contact technical support. Remember that the E-Mail specified when blocking should not match the registration.

3. Examine the journal of connections to your WMID to identify suspicious IP addresses.

4. Spend the full scan of your computer with an antivirus program and look for viruses. If it does not work, use another antivirus or think about the complete reinstall OS, then write to us. Also to find a virus-trojan on your computer

5. Review your attitude to the security of your system and carefully examine the section dedicated to the safe use of the kiper


Hello again!
It seems that you did not read my message.
The fact is that I applied for help and with a question about the reset of my BL. I did not lose control over WM.
There were no Trojan programs on my computer (I myself am a system administrator and an idea of \u200b\u200bthe protection of a computer I have something)
I do not need blocking by IP address, as it will lead to the mass of inconvenience because of various locations of the connection and authorization WM-KEEPER.
On the third point of your recommendations, no suspicious IP addresses have been identified, all of them belong to my workplace with a dynamic IP.
On the fourth point!
I said that problems began after reinstalling the OS. WM-Keeper was installed on a clean computer.
All key files and wallets are stored on me on a carrier separately from 2003, but no one has access to this information and can not have access to this information.
I don't need a personal certificate.
Please deal with my request.
Yours faithfully

Change the key file, put the IP file.

From all of what I said, it turns out:
1) I have no choice, put or not to install IP blocking
2) I have no choice to have or not have a personal certificate if they need it, they will force.
3) I have no choice, think about your safety and security of my funds or not take care of it, they are forced.
So excuse me, it turns out this violation of my rights as a consumer .. Safety, in theory, my personal business. If, for example, I'm tagging and throwing where my bank card came with a sticker with a PIN-code, then these are my personal headaches ... And the bank for it will not deprive me of the right to use this card ... In the worst case, they will say: "It was necessary to think my head and not ..."
In order not to get out of the name of this topic and my post did not register as a flood, ask a question ...
For the cheating of BL, the same punishment methods follow from WebMoney service, or do they have other methods of working with violators?