What is the backup pin of the ELGI code. How to unlock the phone if you forgot your password, pin-code or graphic key

The blocking of the phone may occur for a variety of reasons, the most banal of them, the elementary forgetfulness of the owner. To independently cope with blocking, some skills will be required, we are their descriptions that we devoted this review of our blog. Action options will depend on the specific brand and device model, this review is devoted to unlocking LG phones.

How to find out the backup pin code to activate the phoneLG.

If the phone requires the user to enter a backup IDU code, it is necessary to search for it in the warranty check. If after buying a check was lost or you deliberately throw it out, it would be impossible to restore such code. The most reliable method of such unlocking will appeal to the masters of the LG service center, however, there are alternative methods available to each person.

If you do not have time or desire to send your smartphone to the workshop, use one of the tips below, but we do not give warranty that they will help restore the operation of the device, while saving all user settings and files.

  • Resetting the settings to the factory;
  • Call from another phone;
  • Reinstalling the operating system;

The most popular and working method that allows you to remove any blocking of the phone, it full reset settings to the factory. The only minus of such a method is that all the files and folders of the owner are deleted, that is, it must be considered, going to implement Hard Reset. On your gadget.

Turn off the phone and turn it on by climbing the volume key simultaneously and the power button. Keep the buttons as long as all active buttons The devices are not illuminated, after which the volume must be released and click on the button with the image of the house. Immediately after that, if of course, everything is done correctly, on the screen you will see the formatting and recovery process, after which your phone will be completely cleaned, including with passwords.

Call to phone

This method will work far from all models of LG phones, but if it works, all your files and any data will remain intact. Just call to your gadget from any other device and in the conversation process, go to the menu. Here you will have the opportunity to disable the lock function at all. Remember that far from all phones get to take the handset.

Installing a new OS.

This method is similar to a full reset of settings, as in the first case you will lose all your data installed and downloaded to your LG phone. If you do not know how and where you download the necessary software And you do not know how to reinstall it, it is best to trust this process to professionals.

Restoring a software license.

I go such situations where the computer on which a registered program license stops working, or the operating system is reinstalled. As a result, it is necessary to restore program license 1C..

So platform "1C Enterprise" Installed on new computerOr to the computer where the operating system is reinstalled. How to do this is described. Run 1C.The system begins to join the license, press the link "Get a license":

Open the PIN set document and looking for PIN - code 1cregistered on the computer with reheasted system. We introduce and press "Next"

If all backup PINs are reading codes, you can request an additional backup IDU code in the licensing center, having formed a letter to the address: [Email Protected] . In the letter, you must specify the name of the organization, the Inn, the registration number of the delivery, as well as the reason for which you need to send an additional PIN.

Important!!! Be sure to mark changes in the kit PIN - 1C codes.

If for some reason the registration data is lost to them in the center of licensing, forming a letter to the address: [Email Protected] . In a letter, you must specify the name of the organization, the INN, the registration number, as well as the reason for which the registration data must be sent.

If the data entered coincides, the system will inform about the successful license.

Reviews (47) ()

    In our pinkode instead of 15 costs 16 digits. How do we be?

    Need to write to the support service [Email Protected] . In a letter to indicate the name of the organization, TIN, registration number software Product 1C, as well as specify the reason, for example, "lost registration data, we ask us to provide them." You will be answered within a few hours.

    Elena replied:
    December 21st, 2015 at 16:28

    How long does the support service restore the registration data?

    schastliviy replied:
    January 14th, 2016 at 15:37

    Good afternoon, from 1 hour to days

    Pretorian replied:
    September 19th, 2017 at 10:32

    No need to fill. For more than a day I am waiting. Last time was one and a half.

    I have a pin code 16 digits, and in the window for inputing only 15 cells, one digit will not start and therefore again request a PIN code. To restore the license. Where to find the answer?

    03 Feb 2016 at 11:42

    When installed base versionTo enter a 16-digit pin I did this:
    First you need to install the 1C enterprise platform in the usual way. There will be no tricks there, just a few times click "Next." Similarly, set the configuration. Distribution of the platform and configurations are on installation disk. When installing the configuration, write the path where it was installed, it will be required later.
    After setting the launch of 1c, the enterprise is started clicking the "Settings" button.
    In the resulting window, click the Plus button in the directory and templates section (section "Catalogs of configuration and update patterns", immediately below +)
    In the viewing window, select a directory with the configuration installed. Return to the settings window and turn off the "Use hardware key" checkbox.
    Return to the main window of the launch and click the "Add" button. Choose the item "Creating information base" Select the "Creating a Base from the Template" item and select our template. We introduce the name of our database. When you first start 1C, the company will inform about the desire to obtain a license from 1C licensing server. The PC should have access to the Internet. If the server responds, you can enter 16 characted code and activate the platform.
    That's all ready, you can start working with the program.

    hello! And if a private person sends a letter, what data should be filling?

    Good dear colleagues.
    The fact is that when updating Windows 7 to 10, I have a window where the window is written, where it is written that the license is not detected.
    Due to the fact that I am not the first employee of this company, I do not have login and pins.
    Could you tell me how to be?

    i made 1C recovery due to windows update From 8 to 10, I used backup IDU code for this. Everything went well, but! 1 with never loads, and instead, the "Licensing" window will fly out and in messages it is written "there is no connection to the licensing server"

    Andrei replied:
    July 10th, 2017 at 08:42

    Good day. Installed 1C to another computer. The last PIN code remained. All introduced, data, and so on. It is written that the license is obtained. At this point, an accountant opened 1c on the old computer. After reboot, asks to get a license again. And on one computer and on the other. It is probably the essence that in the new I activated the new PIN, at that moment 1c under the old pin was opened on the old one. Now, when entering this PIN code, it writes that it is already activated. How to be? Tell me because PIN codes are over.

    and that's what else writes ...... ..
    1C: Enterprise 8. Stopps
    On the server MSI not found requested key
    Error code \u003d 10034 (URL \u003d * LOCAL)

    Good day.
    There are 1C I. soft licenses on her. I want to strengthen into a virtual environment, but I do not know how 1C will behave. Because the virtual environment can be updated + virtual iron + hosts on which this VM will be constantly flying activation in this case?

    Not for the first time I update automatically bursting 2.0 via the configurator (it is a tick to search for an update on the site), everything goes fine. Today, after the update, when you start the enterprise / configurator, requests a license and gives you to enter only a PIN from the professional version. What to do?

    And if the PIN is lost, it is possible to restore the license?

    schastliviy replied:
    July 19th, 2016 at 11:09

    Good afternoon, maybe. But you need to know the logging number. Write on [Email Protected] , registration charge number, organization name, INN, problem description.

    Tatiana replied:
    December 2nd, 2016 at 10:29

    Hello! Please tell me in accounting 2 jobs, on the first program 1C: Accounting state institution 8 It starts using a USB key, on the second it started over the network. Yesterday, when starting on the second computer, the program began to require a license, on the first, where the USB key is working fine. How do we fix the situation?

All mobile devices make it possible to protect user data by the most diverse ways. In the utility of such a function there is no doubt, but there are such cases that the owner of the smartphone simply forgets the unlock code. It is about how to unlock the LG smartphone we will tell you in this instruction.

Actually, the methods of unlocking the screen there are several one of which, no matter how sad will lead to loss of all data located on your device.

When installing the Knock Code, the graphics key or facecontrol is additionally proposed to enter a PIN or password to unlock them. If you remember them, there will be no problems. We strongly recommend not to forget it or simply burn this set of numbers somewhere in a notebook. If you do not remember it, then unlock the LG phone if you forgot the password will already be more difficult, but still this task is done.

Method 1 - Unlock graphic key LG using Google Account

If you do not work correctly enter the blocking code and password, but at the same time you remember the data from the account, then we repeat the input attempts until the "Forgot ..." button appears. Click on this button and the data entry window from Google Account will appear on the screen. You need to enter the address email and password for entry. This method allow you to unlock the screen only if you actively activate Wi-Fi connection or through mobile Internet. If this method did not work, then the most radical method remains about which is written in the next paragraph.

Method 2 - Full Reset Settings (Hard Reset)

If you do not remember any data from accounts and passwords, you can remove any blocking by resetting the settings called as Hard Reset. It is worth noting that when used this solution All data from memory will be deleted. mobile device and the system will be shown in stock state (conservation current version operating system). Just in case, remove the SIM card and memory card. The reset procedure is almost the same for all smartphones from LG.

Step by step perform such actions:

  1. Turn off the device.
  2. At the same time, clamp the "Power" button and "volume down" and keep until the company's logo appears after which we release the "Power" key and immediately clamp it back. (Some models require squeeze both buttons and clamp them again)
  3. A confirmation window will appear to reset to factory settings.
  4. Using the volume swings, select the "YES" button and confirm the choice by the "Power" button. If a confirmation request appears on the screen, then we are doing the same.

That's all right. After resetting the settings, you will need to perform the actions that you have done after the acquisition of a smartphone.

Safety of personal data above all. The most reliable ways to protect them on devices with operating system Android is the use of a graphics key or password. However, sometimes it plays with the owner of the phone, the evil joke, and after several unsuccessful unlock attempts have to look for other methods for accessing the smartphone.

Ways to unlock the LG phone if you forgot the password, there are several, therefore it is not worth worrying for the restoration of access to the gadget. The most loyal option requires a device binding to google account. To remove the lock, it will be necessary:

  1. Select the function "Forgot your password?" (In a number of firmware "Restore access") after 4-5 attempts to enter the password.
  2. Enter the email address in the appeared form to which the account is attached.
  3. Enter the password to Google's profile.
  4. Choose new way Locks or remove it at all.

The second option allows you to unlock LG if you forgot the graphic key, but there is an additional pin code entered when creating a pattern. To restore access to the device, you will need:

  1. After several unsuccessful attempts to enter the point " Additional PIN».
  2. Enter the 4-digit code that was created when creating a graphic key.
  3. Select a new way to lock (or remove it).

The third method is implemented using a computer. In this case, the phone must also be tied to account Google. Access recovery occurs as follows:

  1. Open in the browser on the computer google devices search service.
  2. Log in Google Account with email address and password.
  3. Wait until there is a connection to the device and the definition of its location.
  4. Select item " Unlock the device and delete data", After that restore access to the device.

The latter method is the most cardinal and is not recommended for use, if not used three previous waybecause it implies a complete loss of data from internal memory Smartphone. In the case, if the considered options did not help, or simply the device is not tied to Google account, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Turn off the smartphone and wait 20-30 seconds.
  2. At the same time, keep the volume keys to reduce and turn on until the LG logo appears, then clamp only the power button.
  3. The menu that opened will offer to reset all the data. It needs to click " Yes" The result will be rebooted and re-initial device configuration from the greeting screen.

We hope the proposed ways helped you unlock the LG phone and return access to it. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments.

How to unlock phone lg? - There are answers to this question because aid portal mobile subscribers The site offers right now a small article of a review format that will help each subscriber to receive excellent information and knowledge that can solve questions about the removal of the block in a short time in time. The essence is to find out exactly what step will be most convenient, so right now in the article it will be possible to see a full-fledged complex of all what we are talking about. For example, a huge list of codes will be presented, which can be useful for all occasions. If the phone was accidentally blocked, and it does not matter exactly how, it is worth paying attention to the work of the following parameters:

  1. Using data to unlock SIM card
  2. Removing blocking through enter code
  3. Cleaning a graphics key through a full reboot
  4. Work on flashing the phone Replacing the program part is an output.

As you can see, unlock the phone screen - this is not such a simple, especially when the problem concerns a blocked graphics key. Just enter 10 times wrong, after which the phone goes into the block. And it will be necessary to remove it only through the reset of the settings. Get similar things - it's not entirely nice because the rollback before the default can be fraught with loss defined contacts and other data as a whole.

What ways are there? What you should pay attention to?

Unlock the locked LG phone you need 5 steps. All of them will help make the necessary actions in a full amount, since only they exist to solve the problem of deactivating blocking. In general, today many subscribers have long known how to deal with a blocked screen on mobile phoneTherefore, it will be enough to listen to a small material on this account and decide the question immediately.

  1. In general, the features of LG phones are no different from other cellular devices. So, for example, the same Samsung or Nokia can be rolled back to initial settings Absolutely in the same way as it happens in the case of the Chinese manufacturer No. 2 in the country. Will need to click on certain keysIn order to run Save mod on time, which, in fact, will bring the user on the necessary parameters, though rolled back.
  2. In order to understand how to unlock the LG phone, you need to read and use all techniques for work. However, in any case, it will help in any case, and others will need to remember: it is not necessary, suddenly in the future they will be useful?
  3. In order to unlock the graphical key on the phone, you must use or reset the settings via the phone entry into mode safe workor through service center, or through the flashing of the mobile phone.
  4. It is worth understanding that unlock password if forgot, not so simple: this is a fairly reliable protection system that can only be removed by software.

Important: All readers of the portal help mobile subscribers are offered a quality material for what exactly should be done to solve problems in the area of \u200b\u200blocks. You can get them in several ways, so our debt describe everything right moments By solving complex issues. Since the relevance is high articles, it will be possible to use it for a long time.

Remove the lock together: SIM card, graphic key, other blocked situations

Remove the lock on LG - it means right now to continue to use the mobile phone fully. To date, there are many steps that should be held in order to solve problems for removing the block. And now we will tell them the most detailed.

  1. The first option is to use the release of the graphics key. It is worth pressing the "On + Volume of the Upper Register" key on the disabled mobile. After the phone is launched in the system software, It is necessary to select Save Mode with the volume keys and click. The phone will roll back to initial settings. After it is completed, it will be possible to continue working, but with the original parameters inside.
  2. If you need to remove the block from the SIM card, you must enter a PUK code that can be found, for example, on the box with documents that were obtained in the mobile office at the conclusion of the contract. The second option is to dig in these most documents, because the PUK code can be found on the SIM card packaging.

Now it is worth mentioning about codes that can be useful for our readers.

  • "* # 06 #" - show imei

Entry codes in the service menu

  • "* 789 # + Send - LG - 200"
  • "2945 # * - (Hold) LG - 500"
  • "2945 # * # - LG - 510"
  • "2945 # * 1 # - (second service menu) lg - 510"
  • "2945 # * - (Hold) LG - 600"
  • "# And incl together, then 6 6 8 LG - B1200"
  • "* 6861 # initialization after loading LG - B1200"
  • "* 8375 # - LG - B1200"
  • "2945 # * # - LG - 5200"
  • "SERVICE MENU - 2945 # * #"
  • "2945 # * # - Service Menu (Code Reset) (W3000 G5300 C1200 G7100 ...)"
  • "2945 # (*) - Hold (LG 500,600)"
  • "B1200 * + PWR, 6,6,8 SERVICE MENU"
  • "B1300 * + PWR, 1,5,9 Service Menu"

Codes for LG3G 8110,8120 ....

"Phone Service Menu Code"

  • "8110 277634 # * #"
  • "8120 277634 # * #"
  • "8130 47328545454 #"
  • "8138 47328545454 #"
  • "8180 V10A 49857465454 #"
  • "8180 V11A 492662464663 #"
  • "8330 637664 # * #"
  • "8360 * 6 * 41 * 12 ##"
  • "8380 525252 # * #"

Phone Unlock Menu Code

  • Older Phones 2945 # * 88110 # »
  • unlocking
  • LG-200 - ## 1001 #
  • LG (except B1300) -2945 # * # (choose Factory Reset)

Important: The above codes can be useful for all those who are interested in various software codes for their LG mobile apparatus. We hope that they will help each person to configure the desired work parameters with their phone.