Move tool. How to move one image to another in Photoshop How to move an image in Photoshop

Good afternoon, dear visitors of my blog. I'm glad you visited my blog. And today there will be another lesson in Photoshop. Finally, we will begin to study. This is oh so important. Let's start with what we can't do without. The move tool in Photoshop will help us move any objects, thereby facilitating various tasks for us.

Why do we need this tool?

  • To drag objects
  • To move selections in a given image or to another image in general

In general, what am I listing everything for you here? Let me show you how it works.

When the desired area is surrounded dotted line, then stand on the Move tool , then move the mouse over the selection and hold left button mice. And now, without releasing your finger from the mouse button, start moving it around and you will see that the selected fragment is also moving. This way you can move it anywhere.

If you want to transfer this selected area to another image, then for starters. Now go back to your document with the selected area, or select another area. It turns out? Fine. And now a deep breath ... again we hold down our selection with the left mouse button and bring it to the tab of the new document, but do not release the mouse.

When ours is revealed to us new document, then you can go down on it and release the button or move it to the right place. That's all. As you can see, nothing complicated.

In addition, we need movement when we work with layers, i.e. when we have one picture superimposed on another. And then we can move each picture separately.

For example, the picture shows a frog sitting on a leaf of a water lily. In fact, there are two images here - a separate frog and a separate water lily. It turns out that the layer with the frog is superimposed on the layer with the water lily. In general, we will talk about layers in more detail in the following lessons, so don’t go into too much, but try to catch the essence.

So, as you can see, this green princess is sitting on the bottom jug. But she says: “I don’t want to sit on the bottom, I want to go up!”. Yes, no problem Kvakushechka. Then I take the move tool again, and holding the left mouse button on the frog, I drag it to the top sheet. Just like that, our princess simply jumped from one leaf to another and now she is waiting for the prince there.

Well, how? Is the essence of the movement tool clear? I'm sure yes. But don't worry if you have any questions, because this lesson is just an introduction to this tool. You will still fill your hand in the following lessons, since we will use the movement all the time. Well, in general, if you have any questions or additions, then ask. Do not be shy.

In general, I would like to recommend you excellent video tutorial adobe photoshop . The course is simply excellent, everything is from scratch and is told in an understandable language. I always try to find something new and useful, and after watching this course, I even learned some new tricks that I did not know about before, and which made my work easier. In general, if you really want to learn Photoshop from scratch with video tutorials, then you simply won’t find the best. Highly recommend.

Well, that's all I have for today. I hope my drag and drop lesson was useful to you and you understood something for yourself. Do not forget to subscribe to my blog update and then you will be the first to know about the latest news and more. In general, I really look forward to seeing you in my next articles, but for today I say goodbye to you! Bye Bye!

Sincerely, Dmitry Kostin.

Tool Move is designed to move various objects in Photoshop: shapes, layers, selected parts of the image. This tool allows you to move a layer with an image from one open document to another open document.

It seems that the tool Move very simple and there is simply nothing to know in it. It really is. The main purpose of the tool is to drag objects, or rather Layers on which these objects are located. But from skillful use of the tool Move, that is, the speed and efficiency of your work depends on fast and efficient switching between layers. Also, the tool has a very useful feature that allows you to align and distribute selected objects.

Tool Move can be activated via the toolbar, or by pressing hot key (V), however, to temporarily switch to this tool in most cases, it is enough to hold down the key ctrl.

Tool Settings Panel

Each tool has its own settings panel. Let's figure out which ones with the tool settings Move.

1 . Automatic layer selection (Auto SeLect Layer). If this option is enabled, then the object and the layer you click on are automatically selected. This function is very useful if you have a lot of layers in your working document and in the palette Layers hard to find the right layer. It is enough to click on the desired object in the working document and it will automatically be selected in the palette Layers. Thus, you can switch between layers and move them with one click. At the same time, it must be remembered that the topmost layer under the cursor is selected.

2 . Auto SeLect Groups. All layers in the palette Layers can be combined into groups, that is, put them in daddies for ease of use. If this option is enabled, then a group of layers is automatically selected, of course, if you have created groups.

Note: in older versions of Photoshop (I have CS2), the positions Layers (Layer) and Groups (Group) are in the drop-down menu (figure below).

3 . Show Transform Controls. Shows a transformation box around the selected object. In this case, the frame has markers for changing the shape of the object. In case of dragging any marker, the mode is turned on. Free Transform A that allows you to change the size and aspect ratio of the current object. Essentially, this option simply calls the command Free Transform. Simply click on the desired object, and immediately begin to change the shape. Therefore, if you often need to change the size of objects or rotate them, then it is better to enable this option.

4 . Now let's move on to the bunch of icons on the right. In fact, they are easy to understand and very useful. If you have several layers with different objects and need to align them or make them in between same distance, then these buttons are just what you need.

Let's consider these functions in more detail. They are divided into two types: Alignment And Distribution. Align can be on the edge of something, and distribute among themselves. That is, all these functions work only if several layers are selected (hold down the key Shift to select multiple layers in the palette Layers). In turn, you can align and distribute horizontally or vertically.

one . The first three buttons are responsible for the horizontal alignment of objects. You can align top (A ), center (B ) and bottom (C ).

2. The second three buttons are responsible for the vertical alignment of objects to the left (D), center (E) and right (F).

3 . The third group of buttons is responsible for aligning the distance between vertically placed objects relative to the top line (G ), center (H ) or bottom line (I ) of the objects.

4 . And the last group of three buttons is responsible for aligning the distance between horizontal objects relative to the left edge (J), center (K) or right edge (L) of objects.

Moving an image

The easiest and most common way to drag and drop an image from one document to another using the tool Move.

With the tool active, click on the photo you want to move. Then, using the mouse, while holding down the left button, drag the image into the document window of another photo. When you release the mouse button, the image will be set in another document. In this case, the image will be installed in the place where you release the mouse button. To move the image exactly to the center of another document, hold down the key while dragging Shift(very important to release the key Shift after the mouse button).

That's all. I hope you found this review helpful.

In the process of working in Photoshop, you constantly need to move objects along. For these purposes, it is used tool Move. In this article, you'll learn everything you can do with Move and what other useful features it has.

There are two possible scenarios in this action:

1. Just move the fragment. In this case, the tool will work as a command Cut, that is, after moving to this place there will be a void.


Let's say you want to select a word in an image (which is part of the image) and move it somewhere else:

Let me remind you that to create such a selection, as a rule, use .

2. Move the contents of the selected area, automatically creating a copy of it. To do this, you need to hold down the Alt key on the keyboard while moving.


The same case when you need to move the text, but the task is to automatically create a copy of it:

When moving the contents of a layer or selection, make sure that the correct layer is selected in the layers palette. If this is the content of the selected area, then first select the layer that contains this fragment.

If you have selected an empty layer, or the selected selection does not include a single pixel, then Photoshop will show you .

If you need a fragment that was created by overlaying two or more layers, then first these ones to get one layer, to which you will apply the movement of the selected area fragment.

3. Move objects from one tab to another

In Photoshop, there are many ways to add an image to an image. One such way is to use the Move tool.

To do this, you need to place tabs with pictures () on the workspace so that you can see them all. Then take the tool, hold down the contents of one tab with the left mouse button and, without releasing the mouse button, move to another tab.


4. Align objects to the center and edges

The options panel contains commands that allow you to automatically align objects with respect to the entire image or its individual fragment.

On the options bar, most of the functionality is taken away by the alignment buttons. But besides them there are other settings.


Checking this box will change how you select an object to move. If in normal mode(without a checkmark) first you need to select a layer on the palette, and then move it, then with activated mode Autoselect, Photoshop will move the layer you hover over in the image itself.

This is useful when the image has many layers with small details that have to be constantly moved. Moving the hand to the layers palette and back, and still need to find the thumbnail of the desired layer, takes a lot of time. This mode will significantly speed up the performance. The main thing is to clearly understand which objects are on separate layers and clearly aim with the mouse pointer to their pixels.

Here I would also add another similar tool option for selecting layers to move - right click on the image brings up the layers menu. That is, this menu shows the names of all layers that have their pixels at this point, and the top one in the list will be the one whose pixels are above the rest.

Show controls

If you check this option, then all objects that you select for moving will be displayed immediately with a frame with markers. With its help, you can immediately change the size of objects, their angle of inclination and call .

Noticed an error in the text - select it and press Ctrl + Enter . Thanks!

Probably everyone has already appreciated function deleting objects, which appeared in Photoshop CS5 and was successfully improved in the next version.

described several times different programs to remove unwanted objects in photos, but if we use Photoshop, then why install other programs to perform actions that he does very well on his own?

See also the post “Graphic editor Teorex Inpaint 4.2. Removing unwanted objects in images.

I will briefly describe two similar functions that are very convenient and easy to use to remove or move objects in images based on content. "Content Aware" means that the smart program analyzes the areas near the object, determines the "important" and "unimportant" pixels, and only then changes the content of the document. The picture above shows examples of how the alpine yak first disappeared from the picture, and then moved to another place.

Please note that these methods work best when the background has a uniform structure. With complex geometric patterns, the program may delete or move objects not very correctly and accurately. What can you do, car...

For example, I took against the backdrop of a high-altitude snowy landscape on the site

Please note (look on the right in the layers palette) that the image layer should not be a changeable layer, but a background. Otherwise, the object is simply deleted.

In the toolbar, select the Lasso tool (letter L on the keyboard). In principle, you can take any tool familiar to you for selection.

See also the post: "An easy way to select a complex object in Photoshop CS5".

We select (circle) with the help of this tool the “extra” object.

Press the Delete key on the keyboard. In the "Fill" box, "Use: Content-Aware" should be selected. Press the OK button.

Now the picture looks like this:

To remove the dotted selection, you need to press the key combination Ctrl and D or select in the top menu: "Select" - "Deselect".

The result of deleting an object, taking into account the content in Photoshop CS6:

This operation is essentially similar to the previous one, but the selected area is not deleted, but its position on the image is changed. Just like with deletion, not every picture will be automatically processed neatly.

If you want to correct the composition of the shot by moving the subject in the frame, open the original shot (I'll torment the "snow bull" a little more).

On the toolbar, find the "Patch" button.

Note that another button may be visible instead. For example, Spot Healing Brush. In any case, these tools correspond to the J button on the keyboard.

See also posts: «


Open the images you want to work with in Photoshop. To do this, use the command Open (“Open”) from the menu File (“File”) or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + O. In the explorer window, select the desired ones by clicking on them with the left mouse button while pressing Ctrl key. Click the "Open" button.

Insert one picture on top of another. To do this, left-click on the window with the file that you are going to insert over another image. Select the image using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + A or the All command from the Select menu.
Copy the selected image using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C. You can use the Copy command from the Edit menu.

Navigate to the image you want to use as the background by left-clicking on the window with that image.
Paste the copied image using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V. The same can be done using the Past command from the Edit menu.

Resize the inserted image if necessary. To do this, in the Layers palette, left-click on the layer with the inserted image and apply the Transform command, Scale item from the Edit menu. Reduce or increase the size of the picture by dragging the corner of the frame that appears around the image. Apply the transformation by pressing the Enter key.

Hide unnecessary details of the image superimposed on the background, or change the transparency of its individual sections using a layer mask. To do this, left-click on the button Add Layer Mask ("Add layer mask"), which is located at the bottom of the "Layers" palette. In the "Tools" palette, which is located on the left side of the program window, select the tool Brush tool ("Brush"). Left click on the layer mask icon. Paint over with black color those fragments of the inserted picture that you want to hide. They will become transparent. To receive you need to smooth transition from the inserted image to the background, reduce the Hardness parameter of the Brush tool. You can adjust the brush settings in the Brush panel (“Brush”), which is located under the main menu.

Adjust the colors of the top layer by adjusting the color balance. This can be done through the Image menu, Adjustment item, Color Balance sub item. By moving the sliders, achieve a harmonious combination of the lower and upper layers.

Save the result using the Save command on the File menu. To be able to go back to editing layers in this file, save it as a PSD file.