Excel search hotkeys. Using hotkeys in Excel

Hot keyboard shortcuts- this is almost the first thing to learn when working in a particular program, they will help save time significantly.

Alone, because can be used in various applications, for example, the combination for selecting everything (text in MS Word, data in MS Excel or files in Explorer) "Ctrl + A", finding an application where it will not work is quite problematic, other combinations are as intricate and specific, that memorizing them is meaningless, for example, the window for calling the list of styles in MS Word "Alt + Ctrl + Shift + S" hardly makes sense to remember. However, there are combinations that, on the one hand, are very simple and easy to use, and on the other, oddly enough, are little known.

You can start typing the sum formula, you can use the sum icon on the ribbon, or you can simply press "ALT+=".

Combination of 2 and 3. How to highlight a column or row in Excel.

Everyone knows the keyboard shortcut for selecting the entire sheet in Excel "Ctrl + A", this combination works in many other applications, but in Excel you can select only a column or only a row.

Hot Combination to Select Entire Column "Ctrl+Space", and if you need to quickly select a line, then you should use the combination "Shift+Space". If you select a row, and then immediately, without removing the selection, select a column, you get a kind of analogue of Ctrl + A. You can also select a row or column with the mouse, simply by clicking on the column/column name, but with a hot key combination it is faster.

Combination 4 and 5. How to hide a column or row in MS Excel.

It is unlikely to be a great secret to be able to hide a column using context menu, but if we use the combination Ctrl+0 get faster and Ctrl+9 hides a row from an Excel sheet.

Combination 6. How to delete a row or column in MS Excel.

If you need to not only hide, but delete a row or column, using a combination "Ctrl+-" this will be done as quickly as possible.

Combination 7 and 8. How to add the current date/time to a cell.

Unlike the previous ones, a rather specific hot combination. But the most fast way insert current date into cell "Ctrl+;", and if you add the Shift key to this combination, then the current time is inserted - "Ctrl+Shift+;".

Combination 9. How to show formulas instead of calculations.

In complex calculations, it can be convenient to look not at the result of the calculation of the formula, but at the formula itself. You can also display formulas in calculations through the menu, but with a combination "Ctrl+`"(tilde) it will turn out to be done an order of magnitude faster.

Combination 10. How to start editing data in a MS Excel cell.

You can start editing data in a cell simply by clicking on the cell itself or by placing the cursor in the formula bar, but the key F2 will not be distracted to reach the mouse. At first it may seem that it is absolutely not important which method to use, however, for users who constantly work in Excel, the F2 key should be remembered almost first.

Hotkeys is a function that, by typing a certain key combination on the keyboard, offers quick access to certain features. operating system, or separate program. This tool is also available Microsoft applications Excel. Let's find out what keyboard shortcuts are available in the Excel application and what you can do with them.

First of all, it should be noted that in the list of hotkeys below, a single "+" sign will serve as a character that denotes a keyboard shortcut. If the “++” sign is indicated, this means that on the keyboard you need to press the “+” key along with another key that is indicated. The name of the function keys is indicated as they are called on the keyboard: F1, F2, F3, etc.

Also, it should be said that the service keys must be pressed first. These include Shift, Ctrl and Alt. And after that, while holding these keys, press the function keys, buttons with letters, numbers, and other symbols.

General settings

Microsoft's general management tools include basic capabilities programs: opening, saving, creating a file, etc. The hotkeys that provide access to these functions are as follows:

  • Ctrl+N - create a file;
  • Ctrl + S - save the book;
  • F12 - select the format and location of the book to save;
  • Ctrl+O - open a new book;
  • Ctrl+F4 - close the book;
  • Ctrl+P - print preview;
  • Ctrl+A - select the entire sheet.

Navigation keys

To navigate through a sheet or book, there are also hot keys.

  • Ctrl + F6 - move between several books that are open;
  • Tab - move to the next cell;
  • Shift + Tab - move to the previous cell;
  • Page Up - moving up by the size of the monitor;
  • Page Down - move down by the size of the monitor;
  • Ctrl + Page Up - move to the previous sheet;
  • Ctrl + Page Down - move to the next sheet;
  • Ctrl + End - move to the last cell;
  • Ctrl + Home - move to the first cell.

Hot keys for computing activities

Program Microsoft Excel is used not only for simple construction of tables, but also for computational actions in them, by entering formulas. For quick access there are corresponding hotkeys for these actions.

  • Alt+= - autosum activation;
  • Ctrl+~ - display of calculation results in cells;
  • F9 - recalculation of all formulas in the file;
  • Shift + F9 - recalculation of formulas on the active sheet;
  • Shift+F3 - call the Function Wizard.

data editing

Hotkeys for editing data allow you to quickly fill in the table with information.

  • F2 – edit mode of the marked cell;
  • Ctrl++ - add columns or rows;
  • Ctrl + - - delete selected columns or rows on a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet sheet;
  • Ctrl+Delete - delete selected text;
  • Ctrl+H – window "Find/Replace";
  • Ctrl+Z - undo the action performed last;
  • Ctrl+Alt+V - special paste.


One of the important design elements for tables and cell ranges is formatting. In addition, formatting also affects the calculation processes in the Excel application.

  • Ctrl+Shift+% - enable percentage format;
  • Ctrl+Shift+$ — monetary expression format;
  • Ctrl+Shift+# - date format;
  • Ctrl+Shift+! – number format;
  • Ctrl+Shift+~ - general format;
  • Ctrl+1 – activation of the cell formatting window.

Other hotkeys

In addition to the hot keys that were indicated in the above groups, the Excel application has such important keyboard shortcuts for calling functions:

  • Alt + ' - the choice of design style;
  • F11 - create a chart on a new sheet;
  • Shift+F2 - change the comment in the cell;
  • F7 - check text for errors.

Of course, not all options for using hot keys in Microsoft Excel were presented above. However, we paid attention to the most popular, useful, and in-demand of them. Of course, the use of hotkeys can greatly simplify and speed up the work in Microsoft program Excel.

Hotkeys are buttons or their combinations who are responsible for the execution of a particular teams. And it is customary to divide them into 2 categories - general and special.

General keyboard shortcuts that are widely used and allow you to perform the same action in different applications are called. An example such a combination is ctrl + c, which in all programs, with extremely rare exceptions, is responsible for copying the selected data to the clipboard.

Special they are used only in some programs, although, taking into account the number of button combinations, they can be repeated in different ones. Such combinations are responsible for the execution of a single command, often characteristic only this application. For example, the combination of ctrl + p buttons in some programs is not sending a file to print, but, say, rotating an image.

Hotkeys Excel

In order to avoid a certain misunderstanding, we will immediately go through general hotkeys, which have a completely logical effect and in Microsoft Office Excel.

ctrl(Short for Control) + C- copying the selected fragment

ctrl+V– paste copied fragment/text

ctrl+X- cut out. This action removes the fragment from the document, but copies it to the clipboard. Useful when moving part of a document to a new location.

Control+S- saving the document. The specificity of this combination is that when the created document is saved for the first time, a window will appear in which it is proposed choose a seat to save. That is, it is used as a command " Save as". But further uses will be simple overwrite file.

Control+P- sending a document for printing. If you select a fragment, then by default only it will be sent for printing. Otherwise, the entire document will be printed.

ctrl+Z- undo the last action. At the same time, a certain queue and logic for using the combination are stored. For example, when you cancel the action, typing in a selected cell will delete all entered text. Also given function does not work as “undo undo”, that is, by undoing the third action in order and pressing the hot key combination again, we will undo the second action.

AT this case pressing Ctrl+Z remove all text from cell 1:1.

ctrl+Y restore last action. A combination similar to Ctrl+Z, but working in the opposite direction. That is, the action canceled using the previous combination will be restored. This is especially useful if pressing Ctrl+Z canceled the introduction of a huge formula.

Control+W close the current document. It could have been a special keyboard shortcut, but it works in all editors of the MS Office package, so it turned out to be in the list of common ones.

ctrl+T create a table. Operates by analogy with the previous one - common to all Office editors. It doesn't make much sense, though, since Excel is a spreadsheet editor in its own right.

Very often the use of this combination ends with the following message.

control + N creating a new document. Opens new document without closing the old one.

Special keyboard shortcuts are also present in Excel. True, they are not so diverse. But on the other hand, the specifics of their application allows you to save a decent amount of mouse clicks.

ctrl+K- inserting a hyperlink. In principle, it is a common button, but in mind, the uniqueness of interaction with others excel books I found myself in special With this button, alas, you can only add the opening of another book from the current one.

ctrl+ F/ctrl+ H– find and replace and just find. A corresponding window appears, which allows you to find the necessary part of the document and edit it manually or replace part of the text with the specified one. I found myself in special, because I was trained to edit formulas.

ctrl+ B/ U/ I– text handlers that allow you to change its appearance to “bold”, “underlined” and “italic” do not perform other functions and work only with text.

These keyboard shortcuts can be used in the spreadsheet editor MS Office Excel.

In principle, each of these combinations is present in all programs of the package. There are not so many unique combinations only for Excel. However, they still meet. Also, special combinations include combinations that activate superstructures programs. For example, Adobe Acrobat plugin that makes it possible to save documents in PDF format, is activated by a custom button and can be exotic, such as Control +F12, which by default works like opening a document.

Microsoft Excel is a very powerful spreadsheet application and is very old - its first version appeared back in 1984. In each new version Excel has been getting more and more keyboard shortcuts, and looking at their full list (over 200!), you might be intimidated. No panic! 20 or 30 keyboard shortcuts for everyday work will be enough. The rest are for very specific tasks such as writing VBA macros, data composition, control pivot tables, recalculation of large workbooks, etc.

The most useful keyboard shortcuts in Excel that no workbook can do without

I know I know! These are basic keyboard shortcuts, and many of you know them very well. However, let me write them down for novice users.

Note for beginners: Sign " + ” means that the keys must be pressed at the same time. Keys ctrl and alt located at the bottom of the main keyboard on the left and right.

Ctrl+N Create a new workbook.
Ctrl+O Open an existing book.
ctrl+s Save active workbook.
F12 Save active workbook with a different name, opens a dialog box Save as(Save as).
ctrl+w Close the active workbook.
ctrl+c Copy the contents of the selected cells to the clipboard.
Ctrl+X Cut the contents of the selected cells to the clipboard.
ctrl+v Paste the contents of the clipboard into the selected cell(s).
ctrl+z Undo the last action taken. Panic button!
ctrl+p Opens a dialog print(Seal).

Data Formatting

Working with formulas

Navigating and viewing data

Ctrl+F1 Show/hide the Excel Ribbon. Hide the Ribbon to display an additional 4 rows of data.
Ctrl+Tab Switch to the next open Excel workbook.
Ctrl+PgDown Switch to the next worksheet. Click Ctrl+PgUp to go to the previous worksheet.
ctrl+g Opens a dialog Go to(Transition). The same happens when you click F5.
ctrl+f Opens a dialog find(To find).
Home Returns to the first cell in the current row on the worksheet.
ctrl+home Returns to the beginning of the worksheet (cell A1).
ctrl+end Jump to the last filled cell of the current worksheet, that is, the bottom row of the rightmost column.

Data input

F2 Edit the selected cell.
Alt+Enter In cell edit mode enter newline(carriage return) inside a cell.
ctrl+; Enters the current date. pressing Ctrl+Shift+; enters the current time.
Ctrl+Enter Fills the selected cells with the contents of the current cell

Example: select multiple cells. Press and hold ctrl, click on any of the highlighted cells and press F2 for editing. After that click Ctrl+Enter, and the contents of the edited cell will be copied to all selected cells.

Ctrl+D Copies the contents and format of the first cell in the selected range to the cells below it. If the selected range contains more than one column, then the contents of the top cell are copied down in each column.
Ctrl+Shift+V Opens a dialog Paste Special(Paste Special) when the clipboard is not empty.
ctrl+y Repeats the last action if possible.

Data selection

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Hotkeys Excel contribute to more efficient work with the program.

Excel spreadsheet processor combines a lot of features and capabilities to work with even the most complex spreadsheets and documents.

The presence of hot keys facilitates the work of users. They don't have to be distracted by pressing a button on the toolbar.

Unfortunately, a small amount of users are aware of all the features of the program, in particular, and with the most popular keyboard shortcuts.


Whether you are creating a complex report or a simple table in a program, the calculation functions are equally necessary in both cases.

Using hot functions, you can perform all calculations several times faster and more efficiently.

Having registered any formula, the user independently determines the order of actions that will be performed on the cell.

Operators are symbolic or conventions actions to be performed in the cell.

List of hotkeys and operators they call:

Combination Description Excel 2003 and older Excel 2007 and 2010
SHIF+F3 This combination invokes the function wizard mode.Insert → FunctionFormulas → Insert Function
F4 Switch between document links
CTRL+~ Displays the data in a cell and the result of their calculationsTools → Formula Dependencies → Formula Check ModeFormulas → Show formulas
ALT+= Calls the auto sum functionInsert → Function → SUMFormulas → AutoSum
F9 Perform formula recalculationTools → Options → Calculations → CalculateFormulas → Recalculation
SHIFT+F9 Run formula recalculation only on the included worksheetTools → Options → Calculations → Sheet recalculationFormulas → Make calculations


Using editing hotkeys, you can easily fill in the table with data. You can fill in the range and edit the cell without stopping working with the keyboard:

Combination Description Excel 2003 and older Excel 2007 and 2010
F2 Calling the editor of the selected cellExcel 2007 and 2010 F2 Edit active cell Left double click on cell
SHIFT+F2 Calling a cell noteRight click on a cell → Edit note
CTRL+Delete Deletes the selected text
CTRL+ALT+ V Special insertRight click on Range → Paste Special
CTRL++ Adding Specified Rows and ColumnsInsert → Rows / ColumnsHome → Insert → Rows / Columns
CTRL+- Removing specified rows and columnsRight click on selected rows/columns → DeleteHome → Delete → Rows / Columns
CTRL+D Filling a range (downwards) with data from a cell that has been selectedEdit → Fill → DownHome → Fill → Down
CTRL+R Filling a range (to the right) with data from the cell that was selectedEdit → Fill → RightHome → Fill → Right
CTRL+H Calling the "Find-Replace" dialog boxEdit → ReplaceHome → Find & Select → Replace
SHIFT+F11 Create a new blank sheet in a workbookInsert → SheetHome → Insert → Insert Sheet
CTRL+Z Undoing the last action in the programEdit → Undo
CTRL+Y Repeat the last action in the programEdit → Redo
ALT+SHIFT+ Grouping selected data and elementsData → Group and Structure → GroupData → Group
ALT+SHIFT+ Ungrouping selected data and elementsData → Group and Structure → UngroupData → Ungroup


Formatting data using hotkeys allows without calling additional menu adjust the format of each cell for further calculations.

Combination Description Excel 2003 and older Excel 2007 and 2010
CTRL+1Calling the Edit Cell Format Dialog BoxFormat → CellsRight click on range → Format Cells
CTRL+SHIFT+~Setting a general format for elementsRight click on cells → Cell Format → Number
CTRL+SHIFT+$Hot key for putting down the currency format
CTRL+SHIFT+%Hotkey for putting down the percentage format
CTRL+SHIFT+#Hotkey for putting down the "Date" format
CTRL+SHIFT [email protected] Hotkey for setting the time
CTRL+SHIFT+!Setting the numeric data format
CTRL+BBold font settingRight click on cells → Cell Format → Font
CTRL+IFont setting "Italic"
CTRL+UUnderlines text
CTRL+5Entering strikethrough text
CTRL+SHIFT+&Turn on the outer borders of the selected CellRight Click on Cells → Format Cell → Border
CTRL+SHIFT+_Turn off any cell faces

Data input

Quick keyboard shortcuts for data entry will save time, because there is no need to constantly switch between cells manually and select text.

Navigation and selection

Navigation hotkeys will help you quickly navigate the position of all elements on the sheet and more efficiently access each of them.

Combination Description Excel 2003 and older Excel 2007 and 2010
CTRL+BackspaceReturn to previous cell
CTRL+PgUp /PgDownNavigating the sheets of a book
CTRL+TabBook navigationWindow -> desired fileView → Switch to another window
CTRL + spaceColumn selection
SHIFT + spaceLine selection
ALT+; F5 → Select → Only visible cellsHome → Find & Select → Cell Group Selection → Visible Cells Only
CTRL+ASelect cells that are in the visible range of a worksheet
CTRL+EndMove to the most recent cell
CTRL+SHIFT+EndSelect the most recent cell
CTRL+arrowsTransition along the edges of a column

Working with files

With just a few key combinations, you can open, save, or create a file.

Use hotkey saving periodically so as not to lose document data in case of a program crash.

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These hotkey combinations allow you to create additional modes of working with tables and other functions necessary for quick work in the program.

Combination Description Excel 2003 and older Excel 2007 and 2010
CTRL+LSmart table creation modeData → List → Create ListData → Format as table
CTRL+F2Keyboard Shortcut to Enable PreviewFile → PreviewOffice (File) button → Print → Preview
F4Redo last action
CTRL+KInserting a hyperlinkInsert → HyperlinkInsert → Hyperlink
CTRL+F3Name manager callInsert → Name → AssignFormulas → Name Manager
ALT+F8Open macro dialogService → Macro → MacrosDeveloper → Macros

Also, spreadsheet users can use hotkeys for the search function. Search in Excel is stylized as a special key on the main toolbar.

The search window with the subsequent replacement will help to reduce the time for editing the document.

You can call the search menu using the hot key combination CTRL + F, as in other programs of the MS Office package. Thus, only the keyboard is used.

To find or replace elements, follow the instructions:

  • Press CTRL +F or the search menu on the toolbar;
  • In the opened window, go to the search tab if you just need to find an object or to the "find-replace" tab if you need to search in the document and then replace the found data;

  • Via additional features you can specify specific search options, such as cell format, location, and search area;
  • After the cell with the original data has been found, click on the replace button.

12 ways to speed up work in Microsoft Excell

No. 1. Copying elements

In order not to manually copy the same formula into each cell of one column, simply move the pointer to the first cell and double-click on the black cross, as shown in the figure.

No. 2. Automatic determination of the required width of each column

To set the correct column width, double-click on the border of one of them.

No. 3. Quickly create a dropdown list in one of the cells

To quickly create such a list, follow the instructions:

  1. Select an area of ​​cells or a single cell;
  2. On the toolbar, select the Data tab and in the validation field, select "Data Type" and then create a list;
  3. In the dialog box, specify the coordinate of the cell in which the list will be located.

No. 4. Copy elements while maintaining formatting

Advice! In order not to adjust the formatting after each copy, in the fill options, select an item that fills only the value that appears with formatting, as shown in the figure.

No. 5. Instant transition to a new sheet of the document

You can quickly move between sheets by right-clicking on the table of contents of the book (lower left corner of the working window).

No. 6. Create a smart table

An ordinary list in a table can be turned into a smart table using the keyboard shortcut CTRL +L .

This will connect the filter and auto tuning all incoming data in the table (justified by size).

No. 7. Instantly add information to a chart

In order not to enter cell coordinates into the chart over and over again, you can do the following: select all the necessary cells and drag them onto the chart.